The Devils Workshop

Story by Primalspores on SoFurry

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Wow three weeks since my last upload, Don't grab the torches and pitchforks just yet. I've been working on a story this whole time but I decided to check on here and saw that it had been a while since I had uploaded anything so I took a much needed break from the other story and got this wrote for you guys so here ya go! Enjoy!

The more I looked at the photo the more I wanted to curl up in a dark hole and disappear. It showed my now ex-boyfriend on top of my best friend both naked and asleep. I felt my blood boil and I threw my phone which thankfully landed on my bed. I could feel my floodgates break as hot tears stream down my face. "The mother fucker!" I scream and leap into my bed and bury my face into my pillow. We had been dating for almost a year... I guess not wanting sex ran him off... To that bitch Hannah when I see her monday i'm going to fucking break her face. I hear my door open and my mother walk in, I don't turn but I do raise my crest of feathers so she knows i'm listening. "Hey Cora, Your brother told me about what happened, I know it hurts but don't let this keep you down ok? Boys only think with their dicks..." From the hallway I hear my older brother yell ."Hey I don't!" I can hear her facepalm and I smile slightly still face full of pillow. "Whatever you say honey! I've seen your browser history!... What was I saying? Oh! Boys are dumb and you should forget about him there are plenty of fish in the sea. You're eighteen now I know a good club we could go to. It used to be a roller skate rink but now it's a club, it was where me and your dad met." I turn over and look at her. "Thanks, and gross I don't want to go to a old person club!" I stick my tongue out and smile. she shakes her head and smiles. I feel her arms around me as she hugs me. "Come get some dinner, I made dinner lasagna."

It was the next day around lunch time. I had on a white tank top and blue leggings. I waited for my mother to come home from the store, she had the keys to the car. I wanted to go to the mall and do some shopping. Hear the door open I cheered. "Woo! Your back!" She smiles at me as she carries a few bags to the kitchen, I run out to the SUV and grabs the rest, using my free hand I pull the trunk closed. running back inside I set them down in the floor and begin to help her put them up. "Hey mom, can I borrow the car? I wanna go to the mall." She nods and tosses me her keys. "Sure thing sweetie, just be careful they are calling for heavy rain soon and I don't like you driving in that kind of weather." I catch the keys and smile. "Thank you Mama! I'll see you later tonight." She smiles and waves and I grab my purse from the hat rack and walk out the door.

Note to self, beaks are bad at holding cups while driving down the road. Thankfully I was parking but now my nice clothes were soaked through... the one day I don't wear a bra, I look down and can see my chest through my shirt. Reaching back to the back seat I spot an jacket in the back, it's a grayish blue color that goes well with the white and blue of my clothes and the green of my feathers. Stepping from the car I zip it up enough to cover my chest and the hook my purse onto my shoulder. A short jog later and i'm inside the mall. So many stores so many things to buy! shopping was my favorite stress reliever. I needed to get out of this wet top, best way to do that is buy a new one, I walk to one of the escalators and ride it up. walking around I look for the shop I normally buy my clothes, walking in front of the shop that used to be for clothes I blush, looking up I whisper the name out loud. "The devil's workshop" the o's in workshop were the male and female symbols and the t had devil horns. Looking into the glass display i could see a mannequin wearing leather straps and many other things. I shake my head and then look into the store. a girl is manning the till, that made me feel less embarrassed as i walked in.

"Good afternoon, Welcome to the Devil's workshop where we build your dirtiest fantasies. Looking for anything specific?" I jump at her eagerness to help me, steeling myself I turn and smile at her. "Oh no not really... Uhm got anything that makes up for a boyfriend?" she nods and giggles. "Oh we have plenty of things for that, Just break up?" I nod and she walks around the counter. "Well if you don't mind me asking what happened?" She walks past me and I take this to follow her, her feline tail swishing behind her as she walks, my eyes follow it up to her ass and then locks there, until she stops and turns on her heels, I jerk my head up and look back at her. "Oh uh sorry was uhm... thinking to myself yeah I don't mind he is dead to me." my face burned up, there was no way she hadn't caught me checking her ass out, I had never done that before, never thought about another girl like that. "Ok have at then I can help you make a purchase... I have an idea already" She smirks and winks at me and it makes my legs weak. "O-ok so yesterday the cheerleader had a party and I decided against going to it but my boyfriend and my best friend went. from what another friend said they got hammered and ended up in the host's parents room naked..." She nods and whistles. "Yep sounds like it's gonna be scorched earth come monday." I nod and she turns her attention the the various dildos and vibrators around us. "There is so much to choose from, money isn't really an issue so what do you reccomend, you said you had an idea." she smiles and nods. she reaches for my hand and I take it. she walks me a bit further back and I become surrounded in leather of all kinds and shapes. she picks something up and holds it out looking at it to me then it. It looked like a pair of panties but leather and different, I was about to ask a question. "What size pants do you wear?" taken aback I raise an eyebrow. "Uhm i'm a size 6 why d... woah!" she tosses the leather to me, forcing me to very unathletic catch it. She giggles and walks off. "Going to want that now, keep following please."

I keep close behind her looking at the tag of the leather I read. "Strap-on"... wait I've heard of these before! girls... use them to act like they have a dick. I look up and we have walked up on a wall of dildos. "Go on a pick your cock, I can tell by that face you already know my plan." I blush even deeper as she puts one finger in her shirt and pulls it down just enough to tease her tits, giving me a glimpse of her nipples. "D-don't you think we should exchange names?" I say and then quickly look away and to the wall of silicon cocks. "Well my name is Julie, but most people call me Jazz." I nod eyeing a nice sized dildo. "My names Cora nice to meet you Jazz" she laughs and waits on me so I grab the one I had been looking at. "Oooh so you like em big eh? let's see nine inches long and an inch wide... I like the way you think, let's get you rung up and if you want to you can join me in the back room. I look her over again and nod. "Perfect I haven't had a sub in a while." Confused but i don't question I follow her to the till and ring them up, the slides a vibe bullet inside the bag as well. "Its complimentary with your first purchase." she answer before I even ask. she doesn't hand it to me instead she walks back and opened a black door that lead into their storage area. I quickly follow her in, I feel my sex become wet with anticipation as I watch her lean over a box and wiggle her ass at me.

I close the door behind me and timidly walk up to her at the box. "S-so how are we going to do this I uhm I'm a virgin so i've never done this, much less with another girl... sorry" she sits up and takes a step to me and grabs me and brings me to sit on the box. "hey look it's ok if you don't want to do this... I know i'm a bit pushy but we can go your speed if you'd like" I nod and thank her. "Yeah uhm... but you take control because... yeah..." She smiles and pats my head and it makes me feel small but the small kiss to my cheek makes me smile as well. "Well for starters how about we strip, Here i'll strip you down and treat cha nice just sit back and enjoy." I close my eyes and nod. slowly she unzips my jacket and I help her take it off me. She looks at me and raises an eyebrow at my still see through shirt. "Spilled my sparkling water on myself while i was parking, s'why i had the jacket, i'm pretty sure it was my mom's." she goes ah and the with one swift movement her ass is in my lap and she pushing me down against the box, her face level with mine she holds my hands down. in the back of my head i'm panicking beyond belief but I can tell by the look in her eyes that she's going to treat me right. I look into her eyes and she smirks, bringing her lips down to my beak we kiss, it weirdly works better than I had imagined it to have. She deepened the kiss by flicking her tongue out and catching mine, we sat there i don't know how long kissing I only noticed time when she started playing with my hardened nipples, I hadn't even felt her put her hand in my shirt. "ahh ooh that feels good... mpfh!" she kisses me again and brings her other hand up my shirt and massages my other breast.

Jazz sits up and wipes saliva from her mouth and smiles and I look up at her looking like a fool as my chest radiates pleasure still. "You're so cute!" I blush and giggle. she grabs my shirt and pulls it over my head without the need of help from me next I feel her wrap her fingers around the rim on my pants, slowly she pulls down and my breath hitches a bit as my sex and ass are exposed to the open air. Looking down I see her looking me over smirking. trying to act not shy I speak up "L-Like what you see?" she nods and then kneels down before I can look to see what she's doing I can feel her breath on my pussy making me shiver as it turned me on further. she gave me a slow and wonderful lick making me moan in surprise. "W-woah that feels amazing!" she looks up and speaks quickly before going back down licking me from the bottom to my clit where she nibbles and sucks on. "Just wait it can feel even better!" she buries her face into my crotch digger her tongue into my pussy making me moan and squeal with pleasure. I had never been the one to touch myself and had never got touched by "Him" this was the most pleasure I had ever felt and i felt like my entire body was on fire as she ate me out. I moaned and humped into her face. she reaches up and holds me still and the presses her tongue against and then into my inner hole making me convulse and coat her maw with my fem-cum. i moan her name and she keeps her oral attack up for another few seconds before she lets my legs go and sits up panting. "Damn, i've never ate a bird out before, definitely an interesting taste, one that I like very much... what do you think?" Before my brain can even catch up with her words I feel her laying across me once more and her lips locked with mine and I can taste my nectar it was sweet and strange tasting something I definitely liked. I held a thumb up as we kept kissing.

Standing I look up and watch as she expertly does a strip tease, first goes her shirt as she does a little dance in place and then her bra letting her heavy chest fall down and they keep my attention until she lowers her pants and that little slit of flesh shows it self soaking with her own arousal. "You about ready to mount up cutie? I want a good pounding." I blush and nod standing and she walks over to the bag pulling the leather out then the cock, setting it on the ground she struts to me with the strap-on in hand. Once next to me I become nervous but her hand on my hip makes me forget it. she holds it up and I step through the straps and she pulls it up and then takes the straps and tightens it against my crotch. "You ready girly?" I nod and she smiles and takes the cock from its packaging and the fiddles with my crotch attaching it to the strap-on. She stands and then reaches behind a metal shelf that's in the middle of the room next to our boxy bed pulls something out. She looks at me and smiles holding a leash. "I'm a power bottom, could uhm i put this on you?" I raise an eyebrow but she hasn't lead me astray this entire time, i lift my head up exposing my neck better and she thanks me and smiles. it fits snugly around my neck and i don't know but it feels natural. the uses the leash to lead me to the box and she leans over it.

"Take your time but don't feel the need to hold back, give it to me hard." I nod and she lightly pulls the leash and so I reach down and position the didlo aginst her slit and she moans as I rub it along her folds. holding it still I press forwards and its pops inside her with a wet squelch. she shivers and humps back into me moaning all the way. "Fuuuck you know how to pick a good cock Cora!" I blush and slowly start pressing in but a rough tug of the leash makes me jump and fall slightly hilting myself inside her making her groan with pleasure. "aaaah fuck yeah just like that!" I get the idea and just start thrusting at a good pace and with every stroke she grips the leash pulling me back into her tight folds, I get so worked up that i start to moan myself. "Spank me, get rough come on girl fuck away the pain!" I had gotten into it and didn't have to think twice, I have her nice round ass a firm swat and I start rocking my hips harder and faster. she moans and grips the box and I watch as her body shakes and I feel wetter with each trust but she has me held tight so I keep pounding "Atta girl fuck your master." I blush as she pulls tighter until i'm leaning over her our faces next to one another. she takes my beak into her maw kissing me deeply and she jerks the leash making me stumble and slam into her and she howls with pleasure shaking again and coating my crotch with her juices.

She lets the leash go panting and I manage to get the cock free of her fold and she rolls a bit on the box letting me lay against it with her both of us panting like a bunch of dogs. "That was amazing." I breath and she nods. Sideways i look at the wall and notice a clock and see the time. I jolt up and realize we had been at this an hour! "Oh my gosh! my mom wanted me to not get caught in the rain! i'm so sorry I have to go!" Jazz looks a bit upset but then smiles "That's alright, here let me see your phone you have mine and we can swap numbers." I nod and reach into my pants and toss her my phone, next I pull the strap on off my body and think how i'm going to transport it home discreetly. "I can keep ahold of that for you if you want I can see that panic on ya face." I smile and thank her. redressing I zip my jacket up even though my shirt is dry now. I was about to say bye but she starts tapping her chin and looking up. "Hmm I have yet another amazing idea, what if I can with you and we could hang out ya know get to know one another... I do kinda like from what I can tell about you." I nod and blush and consider the idea. "But what about the store? you're the only one working right now right?" She nods as she buttons her polo up. "I own the shop I can close when I want to. So i take that as a yes, then lead the way my lady." I smirk at her and roll my eyes. "I thought you were the master?" she blushes and follows me out the door.

I can feel little rain drops hit my feathers as we made our way through the parking lot. unlocking my doors quickly we hop into the SUV. cranking the car I turn on the heat. as I do such the sky seems to break open and an ocean stars falling from the sky. "Good god its raining like hell now... Want me to drive? i've drove in weather like this before." I shake my head and start pulling back. with the lights on high i could still barely see so I kept my eyes to the road. pulling up to a stop I look both ways and I can see the glow of taco bell across the way. using it as a guide I pull out into the intersection but as I do so my vision is filled with white and then black, the last sound I hear is the scream of Jazz.