Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 1

Story by Dsc on SoFurry

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#2 of Equestrian Stories Book 1

Chapter 1 woot! And already things are gonna be crazy x3 sorry if they aren't very long, I'm still trying to get into the swing of things for writing again.

Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 1 Darkness and Nightmares

In Equetria peace and tranquility continued, the battle against the dark phantom was completely forgotten. It was like a dream to the denizens of Equestria, as was the heroic pegeasus who fought to protect them all. Only a select few kept on remembering who saved them all in the darkest hour of their lives. It is night time and all the ponies are sleeping, some dreaming happy dreams, others dreaming questionable dreams. But one pony isnt sleeping, her name is Luna. She cant sleep... she hasnt been able to sleep since after Twilight noticed her memories were altered and helped recitfy the problem. She felt hurt... why didnt he trust me? Did he run away because the relationship was too serious? Was I not worthy of his love? These questions plague the alicorn princesses battered and broken heart as she did not know what to do.

While she was thinking this another event was transpiring within Pinkie Pies mind. Pinkamena... the once evil alter ego who was supposed to dead had returned back to where she belongs, trapped within the pink horses mind. "GOD DAMMIT! Why must i be trapped here.... if that damn alicorn princess and blue pegasus hadnt interfered... id be a god! Id be unstoppable!" She bellows to herself as she stomps around.

"Pink...a..mena..." A voice weakly calls to her "That voice.... Zalgy is that you?" Pinkamena asks as a broken cloaked figure appeared before "Jesus what happened to you Zalgy?! You look like you are about ready to fade to nothingness..." She remarks as she immediately dashes up to him and helps him stand up. "I failed.... an earthling beat me down and i do not have much time in this reality... this body will fade to ash and my chances of controlling the multitude realities will vanish... but before i do that... i must give you this information." He states weakly as he hands her a folder and then hands her the dark star he once wielded. "Use my dark star to impower yourself.... you.. must.... kill.... the... one.. he... l..o..v..e..s.........." And with that final word Zalgos body evaporates and Pinkamena is left alone in the darkness of Pinkie Pies mind. She opens the folder and reads through it "WHAT?! He was in a romantic relationship with HER?! .... .... interesting.... very interesting.... hehe... HAHAHAHAHA! This works out perfectly! With Zalgos dark star i will be unstoppable in this world! And if HE dares to try and interfere....... I can kill him or... better yet...." She says as she begans to cackle insanely "This will be so ironic when it happens, the deliciousness of this devious plan is so delicatable even I am getting chills from it." She laughs as she holds the dark star above her head "Time to make my plans a reality!!"

Meanwhile in the pokemon world.

Alex is sleeping peacefully, dreaming of being beside Selena once more, both of them hugging and kissing as they held each other closesly... then suddenly the dream warps Selena is no where to be found "Selena you silly alicorn mare where are you..... what.... no!!" He was saying as he comes across Selena being hung as her body was torn apart and ripped wide open


A voice bellowed and suddeny he felt his chest get pierced by a blade as blood drips from the blade "Sel..en...a......"

Alex jolts up from the dream, his body sweaty and his pupils dylated... "What.... was... that about?!" He barks as he is in his eevee form, he dashes out of his den and looks up at the moon "Was that just a nightmare.... or... what???" He barks as for a second he sees the moon crack in half then he blinks and the moon is returned to normal. His heart and pulse race as he keeps looking up at the moon "Something is wrong. Selena.. shes in danger. I have to go back.." He speaks to himself. he suddenly feels a paw on his shoulder and turns around to see a silver ringed umbreon looking at him "Go daddy, she obviously needs you now. Me and our family will hold the fort down while you are gone." She speaks to him with a smile "Yes daddy go! If you dont you wont get another chance!" An voice said as an young Zorua appears out from behind the Umbreon.

"Kyra.. Rose.... thank you. I will be back as soon as i can!" His body shines and he reverts back to human form and holds them close "Im so lucky to have such amazing daughters." He says as he puts them down and ruffles their heads "Go daddy! Hurry!" He nods and he takes off, running through the night time forest. He dashes toward a cave and enters it. As he ventures deeply into the cave an crystal clear keyblade with an keychain of a fox tail appears in his hands and he aims it at the wall. The tip of the keyblade shines as a beam of light erupts from the keyblade and enters the wall. The wall begins to disfigure itself until it became an portal.

"I will save you Selena. I will not lose another person I gave my heart to!!"

To Be Continued