Scene 3 – See you in court

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#3 of Scenes of Slavery

Much like the others in this series. Slavery, kinky sex, cuteness; all those good things. Bit different with the genders here but we'll see how it goes.

Scene 3 - See you in court

AN: Rakuen is my (gender-shifting) character and Kiri belongs to avatar?user=25419&character=0&clevel=2 Kiralia. Kiri is a magical shape-shifting herm. No, I don't like herms but I'm making an exception for Kiri only.

Also the whole keeping these short plan is not working. They are progressively getting longer... Chapter one was 980 words, then chapter two reached 1250 words and this one is 1470 words!

Since the beginning of time, it has always been the case that rulers and masters have demanded entertainment in their courts. Goddess Kiri was no exception to this rule, although hir tastes for entertainment did not reside in the realm of watching fools perform their comedy but in seeing hir cute and fluffy subjects squirming in pleasure or pain or, for even greater satisfaction, both. To set up hir entertainment for the day, Kiri first fetched hir favourite slave, the growlithe Rakuen. Although Rakuen would not serve as the main focus of the day's activities, she would be a catalyst to enhance her mistress' pleasures.

On that particular day, Kiri had taken the form of an anthropomorphic ninetales; with long, slender legs that melted into hir smooth belly, moving up to hir breasts and thin, delicate arms whose slight appearance belied their magically-enhanced strength. Hir velvet ears flicked from side to side on the top of hir head, catching the slightest sound, while hir piercing amethyst eyes sought out only the cutest inhabitants in her realm on which shi would then exert hir will. Every inch of hir form was coated with a layer of exquisite ivory fur which grew thickest over hir tails. Shi had nine of them, fanning from the base of hir spine, each of which shi could control with much dexterity and strength. Dipping below them, one would find the puckered pink entrance to hir tail hole and, if one could force themselves to continue to travel between hir legs, then one would pass over her delicate spade, crowned by her heated orbs and a hard vulpine shaft.

While grinning down at her property and caressing her soft fur, Kiri used her tails to pin down the growlithe's limbs, hind legs apart. With hir slave now restrained, it was easy to spread the growlithe's cunt with one hand while bringing a needle down with the other and sliding it directly into her clitoris. Shi took a moment to giggle at the yelp and struggles of the helpless pup before injecting a syringe full of heat potion inside, causing her nub to swell up and a familiar warmth to spread through the growlithe. It only took a few minutes to work, leaving Rakuen squirming and moaning as her spade twitched and a constant trickle of lust emanated from her tunnel.

Now panting with the desperate need for sexual release that accompanies a canine's heat, Rakuen was lead into the room where Kiri had chosen to begin hir entertainment. First, shi pushed hir slave inside of a small cage. There was enough space for the growlithe to stand and turn around but not much else. Then, shi slid the cage into its correct position - directly beneath hir throne. The cage filled the base of the throne while Kiri sat on the plush, latex seat. The seat itself had been modified so, while still well-padded and comfortable, there was a wide gap running almost all the way down centre line and a fine steel mesh beneath it. Looking up from inside her cage, Rakuen had a perfect view of her goddess's rump and spade, the latter wet with anticipation. However, the combination of the cage bars, the steel mesh and the thickness of the padding meant that, although the growlithe could get just centimetres away from her mistress, no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to bring her tongue to meet hir.

One by one, each of Kiri's tails twitched, causing a wave of glee to travel along the fan of hir tails as she looked down at hir heated slave; who already had one fore paw rubbing rapidly between her hind legs. Shi shook hir head, gently scolding the slave with a playful, sing-song lilt in hir voice. Hir slave was hirs; it was up to hir when, or even if, hir slave got any pleasure and shi should be obeyed.

Rakuen froze as a strange sensation began to flow over her. She felt strangely disconnected and tired, like there was a cloud moving through her mind. The purple glow emanating from Kiri's eyes immediately confirmed it was due to the ninetales' magic. When it ceased, shi grinned down at hir slave. Rakuen paused briefly but felt fine, the burning between her legs finally overriding her caution and she slipped her paw down once more. This time it didn't connect; no matter how she tried she couldn't get her paw to touch her own muff. After a few moments of frustration, heat building steadily the entire time, she tried to grind against the floor of the cage, only for her spade to remain a short distance above it!

Kiri'sgiggles rung out, echoing through the room and mingling with the growl of frustration from beneath hir. With a click of hir fingers, two new figures entered the room; two nearly identical eevee. They were twins, brother and sister, each wearing a collar and a snug chastity belt which completely covered their more intimate parts. Their eyes widened as they approached and saw the desperately-squirming growlithe beneath their mistress.

As Kiri stretched out hir legs, presenting a paw to each eevee and feeling their small tongues begin lapping over her pads, shi wondered how long until hir slave would understand. It was no effort for a goddess to enter hir subject's mind and completely remove the ability for her to touch herself. There was no magical barrier, no physical barrier, the growlithe simply could not conceive of any movement which would allow her to touch her heated folds. She had no way to relieve her burning need. There was no need for her to either. All she needed to do was to suffer. To grow more and more desperate beneath her owner. To let hir hear hir slave's plaintive begging and, now that shi complete domination of the growlithe, to let that knowledge enhance hir own pleasure.

Kiri next turned hir attention to the twin eevee before hir. Shi sent two tails sliding down to them to release their chastity and then forced each of them to drink a heat potion. Just as with hir puppy, in a few minutes the two were squirming desperately. The fur beneath the female eevee's tail was damp and matted with lust while her brother's shaft was free of its confining sheath; pulsing and dripping with his knot swollen at its base. Unlike with Rakuen, the eevee were not to be denied any longer but actively encouraged to give in to their lusts. The male eevee pounced on his sister, his muzzle finding hers as the two brown fluffs intertwined and rolled around before the queen of cuteness.

This was the state in which Kiri preferred hir court. Hir own arousal was plainly on display as shi watched hir cute fuzzies existing to entertain hir. The desperate moaning of her favourite slave as she attempted to taste Kiri fell like a sweet melody on hir ears. The twin eevees, minds clouded by heat and pheromones, falling all over each other in their scrabble for ever greater pleasure, were as pleasing as a painting. Shi gave hir own moan of delight as shi sank two fingers into her love tunnel, drawing it out to let hir juices drip onto the growlithe below, followed by a giggle as she began lapping at bars to taste what she could. Shi leaned back, breathing a contented sigh in the thick, musky air that now hung throughout the room. There soon came twin howls of pleasure as the male eevee forced his knot inside his sister's cunt, trembling as his balls sent spurt after spurt of his cream into her fertile body. The female was panting heavily as she clenched around him, trying to squeeze every last drop from his shaft, lust leaving her completely uncaring that her twin had just impregnated her; nothing mattering beyond the deepest, primal instincts.

Kiri rose to hir paws, stretching hir lithe body before clipping a leash onto each eevee's collar. Shi poured a second dose of heat potion into their maws - it wasn't yet time for them to rest - and, using a pink towel, gave the twins a quick rub down to remove the majority of cum and fem juice which soiled their fur. A loud whine and the sound of claws on steel drew hir attention back to Rakuen. With a grin on hir muzzle, shi pulled the cage out from beneath hir throne and covered it with the towel. With hir growlithe at the peak of her heat, physically incapable of making a movement that would grant her any stimulation, caged and, now, and surrounded by the scent of the eevee's successful mating, Kiri left for hir bedroom, tugging the eevee along with hir.

-=End Scene=-