Dive and Grow (Commission for Giza)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#20 of Commissions


But it's a classic story: girl has strange chemical dumped on her, chemical turns her into a rampaging monster. I will not add any other jokes.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Stormy (c) their player

Cimmaron(s) and story (c) me!

EDIT: The story is being turned into a comic by the talented FA: Brushfire ! Check it out here on FA.

Want a Commission? Details here!

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Dive and Grow

By Cimmaron Spirit

Commission for Giza

**WARNING: This story contains macro growth, monster/kaiju transformation, female nudity, mature themes and wetsuits. If none of this interests you, then you better turn around now! Otherwise, enjoy!

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The blaring police sirens, flashing red and blue lights, the squeal of tires, the roar of car engines... it was all like a big Hollywood action movie, the masked fox idly thought as their getaway vehicle dodged between traffic on the busy street, running through red lights and making ordinary civilians dodge out of the way.

"God damnit, why did we have to do this in rush hour?" the getaway driver, a always grumpy, thin weasel shouted as he turned the wheel hard and the vehicle careened onto a side street. The fox quickly reached out and grabbed the small box that was the prize of their recent escapade. She didn't actually know what was inside, but she knew it was valuable, especially if their customer was offering such big bucks.

"Because it was the only way we could have gotten into the facility, during the shift change," another masked conspirator, a thick, heavyset bear that was a lot faster and more nimble than his body made him look said, a thick Eastern European accent slipping out. "And you were part of that discussion, so you should know this."

The vixen looked out the back to see some police cars still following, and shook her head. "We need to split up, and at least try to keep the prize back out of the hands of the cops," she said.

"And how do you plan to do that?" The bear asked.

The fox took the box, and slipped it into her jacket, then grabbed the door handle. "You'll see."

"What are you..." the bear started, when the weasel suddenly turned down into a alley.

The fox swung the door open, and launched herself out of the car, and using her innate abilities and reflexes, rolled away behind a dumpster and pile of garbage, careful to make sure the box wouldn't be damaged. But the sudden landing sure didn't do her any favors, but she took a deep breath of trash and rotten food, and willed himself to stay still.

Not even seconds later, three police cars, lights and sirens blaring, raced down the alley, following the getaway car. None of them stopped, so it was clear they hadn't noticed her jump out, just as the fox hoped. She lay as still and silently as she could, until the police sirens blended into the background fabric of city life. So her partner's might be caught. She personally hoped they would be; take the heat off of her just long enough to get rid of the package. After she got the payment, she could bust them out. Maybe.

The fox stood up, and stretched, feeling at the box in her jacket. She had no idea what was inside the box, nor did she really care. All she knew was that she was being paid handsomely for whatever was inside the box, and now she just had to get to the drop-off point, and no one would be the wiser.

"Now, where is the drop off point?" the fox said, as she tried to get her bearings. The weasel driver had taken so many twists and turns that she had no idea where he was. There was a door nearby, with "NO ENTRY" labeled above it.

Of course, the vixen took that as a suggestion. And she wasn't very good at listening to suggestions. The door wasn't even locked when she tried it and slipped in.

The clock on the wall said it was now nearly seven o'clock, and she could hear a bunch of kids screaming and yelling, as well as the ever-present smell of chlorine. She was at a swimming pool.

"Perfect," she thought. Just snatch some clothes here; change into something else, ditch the black garb she was already wearing and walk out, and none would be the wiser, right?

Of course, finding said clothes was harder than she expected, since almost everyone had locked them into lockers. But just enough people hadn't that she was able to find a shirt, pants and a jacket (from different lockers, just to be sure) and slipped them on, before tossing her old clothes into another locker. She then meandered through a nearby door, whistling to himself as she walked out, just like she had come out of the pool and was ready to go home for the day.

Yes, I did it! She thought to himself smiling. Big money, here I-

She stopped, and felt at her chest. Where was the box?

She left the box in her old jacket.

The fox groaned, and turned around. SheHe quickly raced back to the pool, past the teenage attendant and blabbered something forgetting something, and dashed into the change room. She had just thrown her old clothes into a random locker, and had no idea which one it was. A few other people were in the locker room, getting changed and ready for a few hours of swimming. She tried to retrace her steps, until she was pretty sure she found the right one. But when she opened it (after finagling with the lock with a hairpin) she opened it to see that someone else's clothes were inside it.

She looked around, and saw the clothes sitting next to a garbage can. The fox quickly looked through it, to see that the box wasn't only opened, but the vial inside had broken. And there wasn't any fluid of anything now.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck! I'm dead.

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Stormy hummed to herself as she slipped on her wetsuit. She thought it was odd that the locker she got had clothes already inside of it, especially with a box. When she opened the box, she saw a broken glass vial, along with some fluid that almost looked like water. She carefully set it down, unknowingly setting it right on top of her neoprene wetsuit as she undressed and redressed. She looked back at the black clothes and box, and set them off to the side near the garbage can. Someone would come looking for it, she was sure.

The grey wolf with the small blue swoosh under her eye took a moment to admire herself in the wetsuit. She enjoyed how slender and slick she felt wearing the rubbery outfit, a gift from a friend of hers. She usually used it when she went diving off the coast, but since the weather was too cold yet to do so, she decided that practicing at the pool would be good enough for today.

"Should be a good day," she said to herself as she finally turned around and walked out to the pool. Since it was nearly suppertime, most of the families were packing up and heading home, while the lifeguards were beginning to change shifts for the evening crowd, more adults that wanted to stay in shape by practicing swimming and aqua sports and other activities.

Stormy found a corner of the pool that was fairly open, and slipped on the mask to cover her eyes. She couldn't wear an air tank at the pool, but endurance (and getting used to the wetsuit again after a few months not wearing it) was the goal for today.

She took a deep breath and dived into the deep end of the pool, gracefully slipping through the chlorinated water like she was a knife through butter, before pushing her way up to the surface toward the middle of the pool. She broke the surface and took a deep breath of air.

It was then that something felt wrong. A weird tingle and burning feeling started on her stomach, making her itch and grunt. She rubbed at the neoprene that covered almost her entire body, careful to not scratch at it with her claws, to see if that would make the discomfort go away. If anything, it just made it worse, and spread more and more over her body, the burning feeling getting worse.

Stormy paddled her way over to the side of the pool, panting heavily. By now the tingling was turning into small stabs of pain, like something was trying to push out of her body.

"Are you okay there?" A tiger lifeguard asked as he walked by, just a teenager that was only doing this to get a few bucks in his pocket.

"I'm... fine," Stormy said. "Just... been a while since I was... in the pool."

The lifeguard nodded, and walked off to the tall chair.

Stormy, however, was feeling even worse the longer she was in the water, clinging to the side. The wetsuit felt more constrictive, more painful the longer she wore it, as if it was shrinking on her as she stood there.

Wait, stood? Stormy looked at the mark on the wall to say it was seven feet deep where she was. How could her paws be touching the bottom of the pool now?

She pushed off the wall, and into the middle of the pool. Her head was just barely above water, but she wasn't treading water, she was just... standing in the middle of the pool.

"What is going on?" Stormy asked herself between sharp pricks and pokes that covered her body. It was like her legs had fallen asleep, but it was all over her body now.

She grunted, her arms wrapping around her stomach, her claws digging into the synthetic rubber material that encased her, and with a grunt, tore the suit apart with her claws. She also threw off the mask that covered her eyes, the strap and plastic too much for her.

The pressure was relieved now over her stomach, though the tingling and jabs were still there, along with the tightness over her chest, hips, thighs and legs. She was panting heavily now, looking around in panic. Now her head was well clear of the water, and her chest, the round bumps of her breasts breaking through the surface of the pool like an island rising from the depths, while her feet was still firmly planted on the bottom of the pool.

Stormy looked around. No one had really noticed that something was wrong with the grey wolf yet, though she did notice that the water level in the pool was starting to drop below the normal level. And as she could feel the wetsuit begin to rip more around the edges she had made earlier, with more of her grey fur being released from the rubber prison that held it, she realized the impossible was happening.

She was growing! Somehow, something was happening to make her grow!

The wolf took a couple steps into the deep end, and was once again up to her head in water when she was at the 12-foot mark, though the water now was nearly a foot lower than what it should have been.

All these facts began to click together. Her body seemed to be absorbing water, and making her bigger. And the more exposed she was, the more she would absorb, and the more she would grow.

This can't be happening, Stormy told herself. This is impossible!

Yet, she could feel her body grow bigger. With another rip from right between her breasts to the collar band at the top, followed by another as her arms suddenly flexed and bulged, she was naked from the waist up, exposing more of her body to the water. She pushed herself right to the edge of the deep end, just as she heard some commotion as people began to realize that the water level was going down.

This... is... crazy, she told herself, a claw reaching out to the edge of the pool, and grabbing hold of the concrete edge with her now massive paws and steak knife sized claws. She hoped no one would noticed the wolf that had nearly tripled in size since she got here...

A moment later, the rest of the wetsuit gave way, leaving her naked except for a few strands of rubber clinging to her body. People were starting to clamor out of the pool, and the tiger lifeguard then noticed Stormy, and saw that she was naked, and a lot larger than before. He seemed frozen in place as she tried to hide herself in the quickly shrinking pool as she grew even larger and larger... And something blue began to push out of her back.

For Stormy, the shock of growing giant sized, as well as the enforced nudity as she outgrew the one thing that covered her body, as well as the ever present heat and tingle and agony that rocked her body. The final straw was the sharp pain on her back, on her arms, her legs, her stomach, her breasts... she looked down, to see blue crystal like formations slowly pushing out of her skin, almost like scales, slowly growing to consume more of her body. She growled and roared as her skin and fur broke, letting more of the crystals push out, encapsulating her into a hard, protective cocoon that continued to grow as she did. If anything, the crystals allowed her to grow faster

"I'm turning into a giant!" she gasped, her voice making people all around pause for a moment, before running and screaming away. Her voice was deeper, a rumbling roar even when she tried to talk normally. The fact that she was now sitting up right at the deep end, with barely enough water to cover her legs, and her butt stretching from side to side, and her head nearly to the roof didn't help convincing her otherwise.

Why... why do I not want this? The thought suddenly crossed her mind. Why don't I want to be this big and powerful?

Stormy had seen more than her fair share of monster movies. All the Japanese kaijus, the American giant robots, the aliens and the were-creatures. They had touched something in her that she didn't know when she was younger, and something she didn't think much about when she got older and continued to watch the movies, read the books...

She wanted to be the monster, the one that kept growing, destroying cities, impervious to everything...

The tiger from before caught her gaze. The young lifeguard, most likely not much older than 18, was still standing there, gawking at the massive naked girl in the now empty pool. She could even see the tent that the young feline was barely able to hide in his trunks.

The wolf's face turned into a wicked grin, bending down to the little tiger. The sudden movement toward him made him yelp, snapping him out of his daydream long enough to try to run. But a massive hand that was as wide as he was tall slammed into the concrete right in front of him, making him slide to a stop.

"So, what's your name?" Stormy asked the tiger that she had trapped, politely as if she hadn't just filled an entire pool with her gargantuan body.

"R-Ryan," he whimpered.

"Nice to meet you Ryan," she said, carefully picking up the young tiger in her palm, and bringing him up to her eyes. "And I think you deserve something... a date perhaps?"

Ryan gulped. "A-a date?"

"Well, why not?" she said, with a grin.

"But... but... y-your..."

Stormy looked at him, her eyes blazing a tantalizing blue that matched the crystal like scales that had grown over her body. "I'm... what?"

"You... you're a monster now!" The tiger squeaked.

Stormy glared at him for a moment, making the tiger cower in her palm, until she began to laugh."

"Well, maybe I am! But I like it! And I think you do too."

The little tiger whimpered, abashedly trying to hide the erection in his pants. Stormy only chortled, before getting onto her knees, the scales and ridges on her back digging into and starting to buckle the ceiling of the pool. The tiger whimpered as the giantess' hands closed around him.

"I think you'd like a date with a monster like me, now wouldn't you?" Stormy said. "But first, let's blow this popsicle stand."

From outside, near the police perimeter around the indoor swimming pool, patrons and staff were still running out in all matter of dress and undress, while curious crowds gathered a distance away, and a TV truck was there, with the reporter prepping to cover whatever may happen live.

There was suddenly a rumble, followed by an ear shattering crash and explosion, as the roof of the facility suddenly was ripped apart, sending clouds of dust and debris flying in all directions. When the grey and black dust cleared so those around could see what happened, a hundred foot tall creature standing in the ruins of the facility. The monster was very much a wolf: grey fur covering most of her body and darker grey over her torso and chest. But the massive size and the patchwork of shimmering blue crystals that covered her hide in patchy spots, forming spikes and plates on her back like a dinosaur, along with longer, more vicious claws that could tear through concrete and steel, marked her out as much more than a prehistoric creature, more like a monster from a movie.

She inhaled, and let out a massive roar that popped the eardrums of the people watching nearby, shattering windows on buildings and cars. It was a train, a dinosaur roar and a dozen other cacophonic noises blended in with a wolf howl that would cause nightmares and panic attacks for anyone in the city for years to come.

There was a brief moment of silence without birds, without a breath or a word, until the small people all around suddenly began to scream in terror, racing in whatever direction they thought they could get away. A few police officers also ran away, but one pulled out his pistol and fired it at the monster. But all the bullets simply ricocheted off. Stormy heard the gunshots, and spun around to see the police officer, who dropped his empty gun and ran

Stormy opened her paw, at the little tiger still in her grasp. Ryan carefully opened on eye, to see that he was still alive and in one piece. "I hope you are enjoying our date so far, with your new goddess," she said with a smirk, making the tiger cower and whimper, before taking her first step out of the ruins of the pool, and into the parking lot. A half dozen cars were either totally or partially smashed, flattened and imprinted into the ground instantly, turning the steel, engines, fiberglass and aluminum frames, chassis and bodies into flatter and more compact pancakes than any specially designed compactor could do. She scrunched her heel into the broken pavement, leaving a massive crater, before letting her claws drag through the asphalt, leaving long scratches that made a loud screeching sound like claws on a chalkboard, but felt so good to her.

She let out a low, rumbling laugh. "See how your puny vehicles are no match for me? I'm above everything, and you all know it, don't you?" She stepped on SUV's and compacts, turning them all into scrap under her massive paws, taking an almost childish delight in jumping and flattening the cars and vehicles, each one popping and crackling like a massive, metallic sheet of bubble wrap.

Helicopters were buzzing around her as she stormed through the parking lot, just out of reach, but close enough to get video footage for the news stations of the city and around the nation. Of course, how they would talk about a massive, naked female wolf who had just burst of a swimming pool would provide a lot of complaints by certain easily offended groups and panicked parents who wouldn't want their young exposed to such vulgar displays, and eye candy for less scrupulous men (and women) who would be interested in such a display.

Stormy may have thought of that as she began to walk out of the ruins of the long since drained pool, and the parking lot where every vehicle had been turned into scrap metal and onto the street toward downtown. She gave a flirtatious grin to a nearby helicopter, putting some emphasis into swinging her hips as she walked, giving a show to the cameras in the air and the people on the ground, most hurriedly running away, but she could still see some stopping and gawking, other's taking pictures. Social media must be having a field day with her.

She looked at Ryan, still in her hand, who was now carefully looking over her fingers down at the city below, gawking at how small everything from buses to stores and ordinary people seemed from up here. The city wasn't big, perhaps only 40,000 people in total. And Stormy was clearly the largest thing in the city, with most of the apartments only coming up to her knees, and very few buildings reaching her stomach. It felt weird to the tiger to be so high up in the air, but in a hand that could crush him if the kaiju suddenly had the urge.

The lifeguard watched as the massive paws pulverized the wide avenue Stormy was casually strolling along, making people run away in panic and terror, or cower in stores and nearby buildings and hope she doesn't step on them. Her paws always seemed to land just a few feet behind the slowest person in the pack of feeling refugees, making them scramble and run as fast as they could. But Ryan could feel that she wasn't taking a full stride, as if she was doing it on purpose.

"Like the view from up here?" Stormy asked. Ryan turned around, to see Stormy grinning.

"Y-yes," the tiger half croaked. Stormy's ears swiveled to catch the meek response.

"Well, how about this?" the monster wolfess said, walking over to the tallest building in the city, which only came up to her chest. Stormy carefully set the tiger down on the roof, and she sashayed her way further into the downtown core.

Now is the chance, Ryan thought, as Stormy began to vanish from view after setting him down. He could run away, get out of this disaster, and flee to safety from the monster.

Then again, Stormy had all the chance in the world to crush him, to end his life before. So, why hadn't she? The monster that had blazed a trail of destruction through the city seemed to like him, for some reason. He had no idea why.

And, as he heard the cries and screams of people running away, of police and fire truck sirens blaring as they rushed to the devastation, to the ever loud and deep thump of her paws, Ryan couldn't help but actually enjoy what was happening.

What? Are you crazy? Ryan thought to himself. You like what is happening? All the chaos and destruction?

Ryan stood up, and got a glimpse of her bending over, showing herself off to him. She looked behind her, at the building, at Ryan, and gave a wink, before standing up, twirling around, and sensually massaging her chest, which, to Ryan, looked a lot bigger than what she had before when he remembered seeing her in her wetsuit at the pool, before then standing next to a building that only came to her hips, and giving it a little hipcheck.

When her hips hit the steel and glass building, it made the entire structure groan and creak, glass and bent steel from where she hit the the building falling to the street below. But the building remained standing, and Ryan could see some folks were running out of the building, evacuating in whatever direction they thought safest. But his attention soon went back to her, the sexy monster that was toying with the steadily crumbling building.

Stormy continued to bump and grind against the building, like a rather short stripdancing pole, until after one bump too many, the entire building began to tip over, and, after a long, slow descent, crashed into the ground.

Stormy grinned, before walking back to Ryan, stepping in the middle of several blocks of stores and houses, until she bent down and was eyelevel with the young tiger.

"Enjoyed the show, did we?"

Ryan gave a quick nod, before he was swept up into Stormy's hand again. This time the tiger let the titanic wolf grab him, before she swung around and used her tail, thicker and with sharp, vicious looking blue crystal spikes sticking out of it, to demolish the building he had been standing on.

"Well, how about we make this date... bigger?" She grinned, holding the tiger in her palm.

Ryan looked up in confusion as Stormy began to walk again. Ryan scrambled up to look over or through the finger prison that was holding him from falling a hundred feet to the ground. He saw the city park ahead, where the giantess was casually making her way to, stepping on cars, busses, stores, warehouses and everything else in her way.

"What are you talking about?" Ryan asked as soon as the sound of crumbling concrete and twisting metal was replaced by softer thuds of foot compression ground and the snap of massive trees like they were toothpicks.

Stormy only gave a monstrous grin, continuing to walk forward. Ryan looked ahead, to see a massive lake in the middle of the park. It was maybe about three or four times the size of the pool, and at one point was most likely where folks would have come to swim years before the pools were built. Now it was landscaped and manicured to look pretty and let some ducks and geese swim around in it, providing a simple and quiet spot in the middle of the big city.

But now with a 150 foot tall monster wolf woman standing right beside it, any semblance of peace and quiet was long since gone. People were running away or cowering in fear in the path of Stormy: old ladies with walkers, young men in jogging suits, little kids being herded away by their parents. The cries of terror and panic made chills of fear run down Ryan's back, but Stormy was clearly enjoying it, occasionally giving a loud roar to make the screams grow an octave higher.

"If a swimming pool got me this big," Stormy rumbled, glancing down to the tiger in her hand, before stopping and setting him down, "Then what happens if I get some more water?" The grin grew bigger, making Ryan cower and huddle even more, terrified of what will happen next.

"And you might want to hold on to something little guy," she smirked.

Stormy stopped right in front of the lake, her last footfall on the edge of the water being forceful enough to cause a large ripple to shake through the large pond. She backpeddled a bit, smashing more trees and paved sidewalks under her feet, before taking a running leap at the lake, curling up into a ball when she was in the air.

Ryan could only give out a little meep when the wolf monster impacted the water. The cannonball tidal wave soared above the trees that were still standing, before coming crashing down all around the lake, drenching Ryan, the people that were still nearby, and everything else in muddy water.

Ryan was thrown off his feet and landed almost two-dozen feet away from where he was before. He sputtered and coughed, having involuntarily swallowed some of the water, before he tried to stand up.

Once he got up onto his knees, and looked over to see the lake, he gasped.

Stormy was now clearly growing even bigger. Her height seemed to have doubled since he last saw her, and still growing fast. The water that hadn't been splashed out of the lake was rapidly dropping, which only made the wolf grow even faster.

More blue crystal scales were forming over her body, the shimmering blue growing and seemingly swallowing up her wet, mattered grey fur as it continued to expand. Her arms and legs grew even thicker, with muscles bulging with raw power continued to expand and grow. Her breasts also seemed to be growing proportionally faster than the rest of her.

Stormy climbed up onto her hands and knees, grunting and growling as her body continued to shift and change. She was panting heavily, her massive claws, now the size of the SUV's that she was happily stomping just a while before, digging into the muddy growing of the quickly shrinking lake. She was trembling, the heat and stiffness and pressure from her first growth spurt back in even more force. She closed her eyes, and let out a massive howl as two more blue crystals began pushing out of the top of her head, curling into vicious, sharp pointed horns. Her teeth also grew longer and with a blue tinge to them. The grey fur that remained, mostly on her chest, head and stomach, and in patches on her arms, back, legs and neck, also had a more blue shading to them.

Ryan covered his ears, but even that wasn't enough to protect him, as his ringing ears and popped eardrums made it impossible for him to hear anything for what felt like forever. But he stood transfixed on the massive wolf, the wolf that was now more monster than anything remotely normal.

Her growth petered out at about five hundred feet, leaving Stormy panting, shaking, and twitching. But after getting her breath back, she stood up again. This time, it was more feral, more like a dinosaur: her paws were much, much bigger; her shimmering blue eyes seemed to have lost the intelligence that they had before, and she instinctively began to use her hind legs to scratch at her side, a behavior that most anthros never did. She was now hunched over, growling, snarling, and ferocious. She was truly a monster.

Sirens and rumbling engines surrounded Ryan, and he looked to see a battalion of tanks, armored personnel carriers and soldiers racing into the park, and taking positions around Stormy.

One soldier raced up to the still dazed Ryan. "Hey! You better get out of here! This is a warzone now!"

The lifeguard, still shaken, merely nodded before he ran away. Though not in the direction of the fleeing crowds and to supposed safety but to get another good vantage point of Stormy.

Stormy tried to say something, but it only came back in a series of grunts and growls. When Ryan finally stopped, the massive monster wolfess jutting up into the sky, he recognized, amongst the wolf-monster sounds was one simple mantra: "More."

A tank suddenly barked, and an explosive shell struck Stormy. Stormy barely flinched, but she quickly turned around, snarling.

"More!" she roared, before her claws slashed through five tanks, sending the massive, multi-ton fighting vehicles flying as if they were toys. Soldiers also began to open fire, as well as the other tanks. Rockets soared up at the monster, but the bullets and artillery and rockets did nothing to her. Officer's began to shout to pull back as Stormy continued attacking and destroying the tanks, the decimated regiment retreating in terror that their weapons were totally ineffective.

Stormy didn't chase after the tanks, instead giving out a loud roar of victory at having defeated some pathetic and wimpy tanks.

"More," Stormy said as she looked around, before catching sight of the harbor that lead to the sea.

"More!" she exclaimed, before taking her first big step since this massive growth spurt. While before her paw was capable of destroying a mid-sized house in one step, now she was able to flatten entire blocks.

"More!" she cried out as she got closer to the docks. Cargo ships were still sailing in and out of the harbor, but now most of those that weren't tied up where trying to head to sea as fast as they could. Destroyers and frigates of the navy where opening fire on her, but it almost seemed like they just exploded without causing any damage. Fighter planes also began launching missiles, but again didn't cause a scratch on her. She even managed to swat one of the planes out of the air, but the other's were too fast for her to reach, so she ignored them.

"MORE!" the wolfess roared, before diving into the harbor, causing a mini tsunami that quickly flooded the docks and several blocks beyond. Her claws, arms, and tail did short work to the ships in the harbor, as she continued to grow again...

<>_ <> <>_

Cimmaron was not happy as he walked through the glowing portal. The stallion grumbled as he sat in the chair at the head of the conference table. "What the hell has happened now? I was busy dealing with the Fall of the American Empire in TL-98-EY7 when I got the alarm. What happened?"

In fact, none of the Cimmarons assembled in the bunker where happy right now. Some were angry, some were scared, others were just exhausted. The different versions of the equine time traveler that also just so happened to be the main board of CIMIndustries was just simply not happy as a collective

A badger in a security uniform snarled. "We had a break in at a top secret lab, and it took us way too long to find out what was missing, because somebody," the badger said, glaring at the goat in the lab coat sitting across from him," refused to tell the security team what they would be up against.

"It was in the most secure location in the facility! Twenty-three layers of protection and security! Hell, we even got a mind reader to scan the minds of everyone that came in to see if they knew about it, and if they were after it! The formula was as safe as we could have made it!"

"Apparently not," Cimmaron said, sighing. "So what was the formula?"

The goat adjusted his glasses, before reading from the folder in front of him. "We called it the KAIJU formula. I don't know what the acronym stands for. But, basically, it would turn whoever took the formula into a monster. We were still developing it."

"Wait, kaiju? Like... Godzilla?" Cimmaron asked.

"Yes. That was one of the failed experiments," the scientist admitted. "As well as King Kong and fifty different outbreaks of giant rampaging incidents through the multiverse."

Cimmaron growled. "I thought I said no more macro creating technology!"

The goat barely paused before pulling out another piece of paper and handing it over to Cimmaron. "But you ordered this."

The horse snatched the paper from the goat's hands, and looked it over. It was dated for 1999, but that didn't mean anything.

"So did I order it in the future? Or is this another AltCim that did this?"

An anteater in a suit from the legal department took the paper, and put it through a scanner, before looking at the readings. "According to this, it was a future version of you, about five years in the future."

Cimmaron sighed. "God damned time travel. Even I can't keep it straight in my head." He shook his head. "So, what are you doing about this outbreak?"

A cyborg horse version of Cim raised his hand. "We've already located the creature, and have isolated her into a parallel dimension," he said, with a robotic sounding voice. "The growth had been stabilized at about 2000 feet, but the creature, formerly a wolf, is little more than a destructive, rampaging monster now. We cannot reverse the process. We will be keeping her in said dimension until she may be required."

A female version of Cimmaron then sat up. "And we've already begun reconstruction and rehabilitation. It's proven very difficult, because we've had to put the entire timeline into stasis while we do so due to the scale of the disaster, while at the same time trying to erase the memories of 45,000 people that were involved more or less directly in the city, and then 4.5 billion people that heard about it on the news."

Cimmaron sighed. "So... why did you call me if you already sorted it out?"

The anteater Cim, after using his long tongue to grab a snack from a container he had with him, pulled out a folder. "Well, we still have no idea who wanted the formula stolen in the first place. And since you have a functioning Chronodevice..."

The stallion opened up the golden pocketwatch that allowed him to travel through time. "Eh, I guess I can let Emperor Trump have a few more months on the throne." He snapped the Chronodevice closed. "But please, for the love of god, don't let this happen again." He spun around in his chair, opening a portal with his Chronodevice. "Because I will replace all of you if it happens again, got it!"

The anteater stood up. "But... we have experience at this!"

Cimmaron turned around. "There are billions of you alternate versions of me through the multiverse. I'm sure I can find someone with your skills." And with that, he stepped through the portal back into the multiverse. Preferably without any giant monsters for a little while.