Dragon Storm: Chapter 26: Bonds!

Story by DS-Rio on SoFurry

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#26 of Dragon Storm

Author's Note:

Hey again! ^_^ I have met some very interesting others here on this site. They are really cool! Just to let you guys know, you are about more then half way done with this story. It saddens me.... But all good things must come to an end. Anyway, please enjoy! XD


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I do not take credit for the above artwork.


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"It's... no... use... you are... trapped inside... of there... until... you run out.... of Air and... die!" cross Wing said in between breaths.

" But how? I saw you get impaled by the broadsword just now!" Rio said, although still muffled.

"True... however... if I... hadn't... used my... crystal G.O.N.... to...create an...extra layer...of...membrane... right when... the sword... hit me...I... most likely... would have died!" Cross Wing explained.

"You mean like how you are going to die now!!?" Yun said and performed a windmill strum and sent a sound wave flying toward Cross Wing.

"NO! I won't let you! ALL MY QUINTESSENCE WILL GO INTO THIS NEXT ATTAC- huh? What's going on? WHY CAN"T I USE MY CRYSTAL G.O.N.?" Cross Wing shouted.

Suddenly, the red crystal around Rio shattered and disappeared. Rio was now free and began gasping for air. Yun saved Rio just in the nick of time, before Rio had ran out of oxygen.

"Heh! It's useless! I have decided to finally use my G.O.N. Cross Wing. You see I have complete control over any and all sound waves! My sound manipulation G.O.N. can be enhanced when I strum my Classic Fender Electric guitar! The more powerful the strum; the more powerful the sound wave I can manipulate! Also, since Rio acted as my decoy giving me just enough time to collect my remaining Quintessence and then mold it into one concentrated spot and then finally unleashing it all at once, I have completely stopped your crystal G.O.N.!" Yun explained.

"What? But... b-but... how... did... you... stop... me... with... sound?" Cross Wing asked as she felt sick and fell to the ground feeling light headed.

Suddenly, all of Cross Wing's remaining crystals that littered the snowy battled field began to glow a neon pink for all the pink crystals, a neon purple for the purple crystals, and a neon blue and red for all of the red and blue crystals. They glowed as bright as they could and shone on everything with a mixture of neon lit colors that somewhat matched the colorful snowy terrain. Suddenly however, all the crystals shattered all together at the same time including the massive barrier that Cross Wing set up that trapped them all inside to begin with, leaving behind nothing but a neon rainbow assortment of colors of light.

" It's simple. You see... crystals are formed when identical polyhedrons are aligned in a uniform pattern. I can stop the crystals from forming by vibrating the air with the ultrasonic waves in the sound wave." Yun explained.

"Why didn't you do that from the beginning?" Rio asked.

"I am actually still adjusting to this power. I had only discovered it not to long ago. I guess it just finally hit me." Yun said.

"Oh well... at least another member of BLACKFANG is down now..." Rio said.

The air still littered with purple and pink glitters of the crystals that once glimmered. As they both looked at each other and then the messy battlefield they caught their breath and dusted themselves off. Picking up any weapon that they dropped and reequipping them. Rio was just happy that this long and drawn out battle was finally over. He smiled to himself as the bad thunderstorm began to rain all over him wetting him up all over again just like before.


_ _

Sha la la I know that someday

I will find what I'm chasing after

I pray that light will shine into your heart

And set your empty soul ablaze

_ _

My desire to see you just once more

Is so strong I cry till my heart's torn

Fireflies have flown into summer

And they will never come back again

_ _

You left me with a kiss on my lips

And told me that you had to go

And although I was sad

I just nodded my head

And then you walked away and left me

I trembled and cried with grief

** Sha la la I know that someday**

I will find what I'm chasing after

I pray that light will shine into your heart

And set your empty soul ablaze

_ _

Sha la la my dear beloved

I can still see your precious smile

The dazzling light shining from the moon

Illuminates tomorrow's way

_ _

Let it shine; let it shine, to brighten your way!

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I do not own Hotaru no Hikari .

** Dragon Storm**

CHAPTER 26: Bonds!

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"Come.... again?!" Lazz asked in shock.

"Look at you! You're a mess.... You will stand no chance." Necro said.

Suddenly, both Necro and Lazz sensed a rather large amount of Quintessence and looked up. Even through all the Lori lime metal fibers, they could still feel it, although faintly. There was a long moment of silence before Necro decided to talk.

" Did you feel that Lazz?" Necro asked.

"......yes." Lazz answered.

"Rio is out there in that right now..." Necro said.

"I can't ... afford to... talk to... you right now... Necro..." Lazz said as he walked away.

"Your right. We will go find Rio and let him decide what your punishment will be." Necro said firmly.

"What... are you.... talking about?" Lazz asked confusedly.

Necro let out a sigh and then finally answered Lazz's question.

"I suppose I should inform you." Necro stated.

"Thanks... I hate being kept in the dark." Lazz replied.

"You see... I have had many friends before in my time... I saw something in Rio that reminds me of a few of them." Necro explained.

"And what would that be?" Lazz asked while the both of them walked into the elevator.

"Determination. I can tell that he is a dragon that will never go back on his word." Necro stated.

"Yeah... I know what you mean..." Lazz said as he thought about it.

(Flashback: An earlier event.)

"I will protect War Wolf because he is my friend!!" Rio said.

" Give me a break Rio! You don't even know anything about War Wolf! He is just using you to kill me. Last I checked friends don't use one another! They support one another! So what would you know about any of that?! Granted, I have never really had any friends of my own, but that is not the point here." Lazz said.

"Protecting my friends is what I fight for! It is my dream! And if you should try to stop it from becoming reality, then I will kill you Lazz!" Rio said.

"Yeah... Well fighting for a better republic is my dream! And if it should mean I would have to kill you... then so be it! Let's see whose dream is stronger... for a better tomorrow!!" Lazz said.

"Rio... what I'm I going to say to Quicksilver... when I tell him I had to kill his son for the mission, for the sake of the world!!" Lazz shouted.

"You won't have to... because I am going to kill you! I won't let you hurt BLACKFANG any more. Especially War Wolf!" Rio shouted back.

"Rio... I wish I could save you, but-" Lazz said, but was then interrupted.

"It was not my desire to join BLACKFANG. It's painful. I don't won't to kill you, but if you advance, then I will have no choice. Then I will kill the kindness in my own heart and fully embrace BLACKFANG's way. And there will be no mercy, no turning back. This room will be the battlefield where our dreams collide. Now I must fight for my dream, just as you fight for yours. And for the sake of that dream, if I must, I will act as a BLACKFANG member and take your life Lazz!" Rio said and got into his fighting stance.

"Rio? Is that you?" Lazz asked.

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Suddenly, Rio smacked the cigarette right out of Lazz's mouth and then stepped on it.

"Smoking is bad for you! If you're going to honor the fallen...then find another way!" Rio said.

"There is no other way! This isn't some child's dream where you can just magically find another way-" Lazz said but was interrupted.

"No!! Your wrong! Your mission... our mission, was to rescue DARPA Chief Kazuki Takahashi and the president of Dragon tech, Takeshi Obata. Well, we failed in doing that, but our mission as a whole is not a failure! YOU FOUND ANOTHER WAY TO DESTROY THE CHIEMRA DIDN'T YOU?!" Rio yelled and held out Lazz's pack of cigarettes and set them all ablaze.

" Hey! When did you... you sneaky little. Hmph...well, we just got lucky that's all. Good luck doesn't last forever." Lazz said.

"This is not good luck Lazz...this is fate! So please find another way to honor the fallen." Rio said firmly.

"Yeah, keep dreaming..." Lazz said.

"Here we go again! My dream is to protect my friends! So stop smoking and move on already!!" Rio said.

" ..........So you're just trying to protect me by you stopping me from smoking huh? Interesting to say the least. Anyway, let's get going Rio... we still have a mission to do and don't forget that sword." Lazz said.

"I won't! Don't forget to find another way Lazz!" Rio said.

"........................" Lazz remained silent.

(Flash forward: Griffin stronghold)

"Even when his mind was taken over by War Wolf he still enforced his dream through his will power." Lazz said.

Necro looked at the pitch-black sword that Rio gave him in exchange for May's sniper rifle. He then returned his gaze upon Lazz and folded his arms while leaning on the wall of the elevator.

"So it is true. You guys really did defeat War Wolf, and from the looks of things... I think that Rio was able to hold his own against Cross Wing. I can't feel her Quintessence anymore." Necro said firmly.

"Yeah... I also personally took care of Thunder Pegasus as well. So that is half of the BLACKFANG team down now." Lazz said.

"Anyway, Rio will do anything in his power to make sure that his friends are safe. That means that the more he befriends others, the more dangerous his life will become. There is no way that he can protect so many." Necro explained.

"So you think that by killing me... you can save Rio from killing himself via him going out of his way for the sake of others?" Lazz asked.

"Yes. However, it will only be you. You are; but one of his friends. I am sure that he has befriended more by now. Also... it goes deeper than that." Necro said.

"What do you mean?" Lazz asked.

"Well... did you know that Rio tried to make it back to save you Lazz?" Necro asked.

"He... what?" Lazz asked.

"Yeah... he was trying to protect you by obtaining a sniper rifle in time to duke it out with Cross Wing just to save you before you would die. She must have beat him up really bad, but you know what? I bet you he didn't give up." Necro said.

"He... came back for me...." Lazz said in shock.

"Yes. Also... although he may have whispered it.... He told me while taking the sniper and upon entering the this very elevator, That he would do this for you no matter what, no matter how many times and no matter if he was half dead, he told me that he would always be there for you. Rio knew just by looking at me that I was a shunned. With a mixture of Corsac fox and dragon DNA, he must have known that my ears would have picked it up... because he told me not to tell you because he didn't want to worry you." Necro explained.

"Rio...." Lazz whispered.

"All he wanted from you was for you to have some faith in him, but you treated him like shit." Necro said.

"..................." Lazz was lost for words.

" I think that he wanted you to give him a chance even if it's useless." Necro said.

"You sound as if you were there." Lazz said.

"I can assure I was not. I have been in my cell the whole time. I told you already, this has happened to my friends and myself too many times before." Necro explained.

"I see..." Lazz said.

"I only became Rio's friend recently, so I don't know what's going on, I don't really understand it fully yet either..............." Necro said and then thought to himself.

(Flashback: An earlier event)

"WHAT!? That impossible!! He is one of the members of BLACKFANG! There is no way you can do something that no one else has ever been able to do?!" Necro said.

"And yet you hold the very blade in your hand in awe!" Rio said.

"How.... Why?" Necro asked.

"Look, I don't know! I just want you to hold on to it ok? I have to go. I promise you I will come back to save you." Rio said and walked away.

"Wait!" Necro said.

"What is it?" Rio asked.

"There is something about you. I feel as though you will hold true to what you say. This sword is proof of that. I can't sense War Wolf's Quintessence anymore. I feel that you will come back. Here take this sniper rifle with you and promise me you'll bring it back quickly." Necro said.

" You mean it? Will it be okay with your friend?" Rio asked.

"I think she will be ok with it." Necro said.

"She" don't tell me it's May!" Rio said.

"How did you know?" Necro said.

"I know her myself! We are good friends! She even saved my life once! Besides she is the only one I can see being friendly here." Rio said and took the sniper rifle.

"Very well. Please come back to return it." Necro said.

"No!" Rio said.

"I knew I should not-" Necro started but was interrupted.

"I will come back to free you as well as return it! After all that's my dream!" Rio said.

"To protect your friends." Necro said.

"That's right! Don't worry I will be right back." Rio said.

"I will put my trust in you.... you weird dragon. "Necro said.

(Flash forward: Griffin stronghold)

".......and I don't know what promises he's made you or anyone else......but even I can tell........ THAT HE REALLY LOVES YOU!!" Necro yelled firmly to get the point across.

"..................!?" Lazz was lost for words again.

" Think about it Lazz!" Necro said.

"............Rio..........." Lazz whispered.

(Flashback: An earlier event)

Just then May blew her whistle and almost instantly a giant group of Griffin soldiers cluttered at the door. General Andal got back up and watched as Rio began walking toward him. He tried to punch him, but Rio suddenly disappeared then a few second later reappeared by Lazz.

"Why you! You will pay for making me look weak!!" General Andal said.

" Let's go Lazz! " Rio said as he held out one hand to try and help Lazz up.

"After the last time we fought Rio he should not even be able to move. Just what is going on here? I didn't heal him because I got knocked out and just woke up myself. Furthermore, how did he find Lazz and escape from everyone effortlessly? Something fishy is going on here..." May thought.

Lazz reached for Rio's hand and got up.

"Don't worry Lazz! This time I will protect you!" Rio said and stood in front of Lazz to protect him from all the griffins.

(Flash forward: Griffin Stronghold)

"............R-Rio...." Lazz said as he rubbed a tear from his face.

"Rio makes promises and then forces himself to keep them. That could get him killed one of these days. When I looked at how concerned and serious Rio's face was when we first met, I could tell that Rio's been shouldering that promise for a long time.... I think he means to shoulder it for the rest of his life." Necro said as the elevator came to a sudden stop and the doors opened.

"..........This is why I didn't want to get involved with other's lives." Lazz said in between sniffs and took War Wolf's pitch-black sword from Necro with his only hand and stepped outside the elevator, his back still turned to Necro.

"I don't know what kind of things you have said to him... but it's just like what's been done to me. IT FEELS LIKE A CURSE!!! This mission may cause Rio much pain, but I think you do to!" Necro stated.

" ..............." Lazz, now watery in the eyes, looked up and saw the still-dead War Wolf lying on the ground right where he had died.

(Flashback: An earlier event)

"I've seen true evil. You Lazz... your just like Rock Lizard. No. Your worse! Compared to you I'm not so bad! I read your mind to...Rio." War wolf said.

"Huh?" Rio said.

" I saw you their Lazz." War wolf said.

"Huh?" Lazz said.

Just then Rio looked away and tightened his fist.

" You have a large place in his heart Lazz." War wolf said.

"A large place?" Lazz asked.

"Yes. A large place... but I do not know if your futures lie together." War wolf said.

Lazz looked at Rio and Rio looked back at Lazz and blushed and then shrugged.

(Flash forward: Griffin Stronghold)

".................Damn it!" Lazz muttered.

"Now do you see why I loathe you so much? I wanted to kill you, but it seems that Rio needs you right now. Also, you have realized your mistakes. Now go! Don't lose him... he is someone who you will want to keep around you." Necro stated and then the doors to the elevator closed and descended taking Necro with it.

"........I'm coming Rio......" Lazz whispered and limbed his way to the communications tower, still missing an arm, and still watery in the eyes.


"We... we... did it..." Rio said in between breaths.

"Yeah... it took awhile, but... we did it. Or should I say "I" did it!" Yun said firmly.

"HEY! Don't you start with me you giant OREO!!" Rio yelled.

"What did you just call me?" Yun asked.

Just as Rio was going to respond to what Yun had asked, Cross Wing began to talk. Both Rio and Yun looked over at the downed Cross Wing and gave her their attention.

" I... I... have been waiting for this moment... never moving a muscle... concentrating..." Cross Wing said in between breaths as she coughed up vomit.

"Huh?" Rio asked.

"It useless! When I used my G.O.N. to send out that very powerful sound wave just now... I can direct my sonic blasts at specific parts of the body, such as the inner ear labyrinth, which can cause nausea and imbalance to my opponents. These sound waves that I can emit and manipulate are capable of blasting my opponents, stunning or even killing them. Especially if the sound waves are concentrated." Yun explained.

"Then how come I was not affected?" Rio asked.

"That's an easy one. I can control the potency of my sound waves. I simply adjusted it so that you could not hear it Rio, thus it did not harm you." Yun explained.

"Being capable of producing infrasounds in your sound waves with a frequency too low for the Dragon ear. How cool is that!?" Rio said.

"Yeah... I must admit... I kind of like my power." Yun said.

"Unagh......ungh....ahhgh..... This arrow... you shot.... me with.... Rio. I... am .... Lung-shot... I cannot live.... Just finish this quickly...." Cross Wing struggled to say.

"Cross Wing, when I look at you now... I feel disgusted. I can't believe I just killed you. Now I will be looked at as a murderer." Rio said.

"You may have killed her, but I stopped her from fighting back its not all your fault. Besides, It's kill or be killed." Yun stated.

"As a phoenix... I have... always dreamed.... of a peaceful place... like this... I.... Was born on... the... battlefield. Raised... on the... battlefield. Gunfire...sirens... and... screams...they... are my... lullabies. Hunted... like dogs... day after day... driven from ... our ragged... shelters...that... was... my life. Each morning I'd... wake up...and find... a few more... of my family... and friends... dead beside me. I'd stare... off into... the... morning sun... and prey to... make it through the...day." Cross Wing gasped for air just to speak.

"Cross Wing..." Rio said.

"................" Yun remained silent.

" The...P.M.C.s... and the... D.E.O. and the... rest of the... governments of the world...turned... a... blind eye... to our... misery. But then... he appeared...Rock Lizard. He... took me away... from all of that. I became... a sniper...hidden... watching... everything through... the scope of... my rifle. Now... I could see war... not from... the inside...but from... the outside... as an observer... I watched... the brutality... the stupidity of anthrokind through the... scope... of... my... rifle. I joined... this group... of revolutionaries... to take...my revenge...on the world. But... now.... I have.... Shamed... my kind...I am... no longer... the phoenix... I was born to be... In the... name of vengeance... I sold... my body and my soul...Now... I am... nothing." Cross Wing said out of breath.

"Your wrong! Phoenixes are noble creatures! However... in my time of being here... I can see that we are all for sale for one price or another. But... you are different Cross Wing... you are untamed! You are solitary! You're no shame! You're a phoenix!" Rio said with passion.

" Rio...just who are you?" Cross Wing asked.

"Cross. You spared Lazz's life. You could have easily landed a headshot." Rio said, changing the subject.

"He was never... my real target. I ... don't... kill... for... sport..." Cross Wing said.

" Gee... thanks!" Rio said. -_-

" Rest easy. You'll die as the proud phoenix you are." Yun said.

" I... finally... understand...I wasn't... waiting.... To kill... others... I was... waiting... for... someone.... To ...kill me. A... dragon... like you... you're a hero...Rio." Cross Wing said.

"How so?" Rio asked.

"Because you killed her... you set her free....Rio." Yun explained.

"..........." Rio remained silent.

"Why!? WHY!? I loved you!" May said, her eyes full of tears.

" Huh?" Yun said.

"May?!" Rio said with relief.

"I LOVED YOU!!! YOU ARE MY AUNT! I have always dreamed of becoming a sniper just like you!" May yelled.

"I'm so sorry... May... I tried to... be there... for... you. My gun.... Give it to me!" Cross Wing said.

Even though May was cold and had been beaten. May still respected her aunt and retrieved her PSG-1 sniper rifle and handed it to her.

" Now... everyone... is here..." Cross Wing whispered.

"Wait! So... May? You are related to her.... Does that mean..." Rio said.

"Yes. She is my father's sister. What's more, that makes me a shunned. I am mixed with parts from griffin and phoenix." May said and then rolled up her arm sleeves to show Rio her arms had phoenix traits although the rest of her looked like a griffin.

"I see... I'm sorry." Rio said and looked away.

"Why do you think Necro and I are such good friends? We understand each other." May said while crying.

"Okay... hero... set me free." Cross Wing said out of breath.

".....I'm so sorry....." Rio said and pulled out his handgun and took aim at Cross Wings head. He began to shed some tears of his own.

"............Goodbye." May said and turned around, her back facing what Rio was about to do.

"I know what you are thinking Rio, just shot her. You already killed her with the arrow so the only thing she is doing now is suffering." Yun said.

"..........." Rio remained silent and sniffed once.

Suddenly, Rio found the strength to press the trigger and fire the handgun. He was hoping that Yun's device would go off to warn them of a gun jam, but it didn't go off. The bullet shot right between Cross Wing's eyes and blood spurted everywhere. Rio was emotionally upset and had mixed feeling about what he did. He had never had to do anything like this before. Suddenly, the storm lifted, and sunbeams shone through the jet-black thunderclouds.

"May... you are not the only one who has lost someone who means allot to you..." Rio said while shedding more tears.

(Flashback: An earlier event)

Rio starred at the wolf and the wolf whined and glared at him back. Rio got on one knee and unlocked its cage. The wolf was a female Hokkaido wolf. The Hokkaido Wolf became extinct during the Meiji restoration period. The wolf was deemed a threat to ranching (which the Meiji government promoted at the time) and targeted via a bounty system and a direct chemical extermination campaign. Hokkaido experienced significant development during this period and the Hokkaido Wolf also suffered from resulting environmental disruption.

Rio wondered why this wolf was here and how this wolf was here. It was said to be completely extinct. Yet clearly it stood on all fours in front of him. The wolf began to lick Rio on the face as he pondered and then laughed. Just then, Wild Horn finally made it into the room and shot at Rio. Rio seen the bullet head right for the wolf. Rio quickly placed his left shoulder in the path of the bullet and took the shot. Rio began to bleed heavily from his left shoulder, which not even his chain mail protected him from.

"Aaargrgrgggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Rio screamed

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Rio was lying dead still on the floor bleeding like no tomorrow. Rio woke up in slight pain because he was being licked in the face. It was the female Hokkaido wolf. It licked Rio's face a few times with its slimy tongue then barked a few times. Rio wondered why it was still here. Just then Rio noticed that his wounds were not as bad. Rio was confused; he thought he was not going to make it. He could have sworn he had lost too much blood.

"What are you still doing here?" Rio asked.

"Woof!" the wolf barked and tackled Rio as he was getting up to lick him in the face again.

"Alright, alright! You can stay with me I guess!" Rio said in between laughing.

After saying that Rio stood up again and unlocked the rest of the animals from their cages. They all rush at him.

"Not again!" Rio said.

They all dog piled Rio to thank Rio for freeing them from their cages and with that they all ran into the next room to escape this place. However the Hokkaido wolf did not move. She instead sat on the ground next to Rio.

"Why me?" Rio asked.

The wolf looked at him and rolled its eyes. Rio got up off the floor again and looked at the wolf. He took the time to notice its features. It had a nice snow-white coat of fur and it was a little shaggy. Her nails were also white. Her nose was black, cold, and wet. Her eyes were two different colors. Her left eye was green and her right eye was blue. Her white tail was fluffy and had a patch of black fur on the end of its tail. Her ears stood up and had black fur around the rim. On her front left leg she had a ring and a tag for ID. Rio looked at her ID tag as it read: Subject 0061082.

"What are they doing to you guys?" Rio asked.

The wolf picked up one paw and pointed with her nose toward the open door leading into the next room.

"You need a name.....how about Amy! Come on Amy!!" Rio yelled as he ran toward the door.

He looked back to see Amy following right behind him. Rio smiled. He had never been this happy before. It was the first time he had ever had this much fun with an animal. Rio could not explain where this sudden burst of happiness was coming from. The two of them ran down the hallway that had many flights of stair leading downward. They ran beside each other with trust and not looking back.

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This caused Rio to skid across the floor with great velocity and slam into the wall. Rio eyesight was a little blurred. Then it returned to normal. He felt warmth and wet on his side. When he looked down to see what it was he got sick to his stomach and gagged. He was covered in his own dark red blood. It almost soaked up half of the griffin uniform he was wearing. He was bleeding due to being smacked so hard and by a spiky tail no less.

"Amy? Did you just save me? No. However you did prevent me from taking more damage then I would have if it had hit my front side. Thank you..." Rio thought to himself.

Amy looked at Rio and whined as it was also bleeding on its side. Rio didn't know what to do. However there was no time to even think, just then the giant beast let out a roar and shot a giant fireball blast from its mouth.

"HEY!! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY YOU IDIOT!!!!!" Yun yelled as loud as he could, then got restrain by one of the griffins and tackled by a creature.

"Damn it! That hidden resolve would be nice right about now!" Rio thought.

Rio got up and stood in front of Amy to try and protect her. He inhaled and exhaled a small red fireball. It headed right toward the giant fireball and collided with each other. The large fireball, however absorbed the small fireball and crashed into Rio and Amy and completely destroyed the wall on impact. Rio and Amy were sent flying through the wall and started to fall toward the ground almost twenty stories high. The giant beast let out another roar and jumped out the destroyed wall after Rio.

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As Rio slowly raised the handgun up to his head he took a moment to look around the room in it's destroyed state. There was debri everywhere and red and black flames cover the ground, making everything have a dark red glow to it. There was still smoke that hovered above the room. Everything that was in the room was just about destroyed, nothing was left unharmed. Rio also noticed that everyone's cloths were damaged. Rio's was ripped to shreds, exposing parts of his red skin. War Wolf's armor was cracked at some parts and destroyed at others. Lazz was not wearing anything at the moment. Rio quickly gazed back over to the handgun pointed at his head and closed his eyes as he thought it was going to shoot.

"Nooo....." Rio said.

"Rio." Lazz said.

"Just...a little...more...almost there..." War Wolf said out of breath.

Just out of nowhere something snatched the handgun out of Rio's hand and landed on all fours in the smoke. Everyone gasped for air in shock. Rio and Lazz were relieved and gazed into the smoke to see what it was. War Wolf yelled and also looked into the smoke. When the smoke cleared up they saw what had saved Rio. Everyone was amazed that it found them when it did. If it had been even one second later it would have been too late.

" Oh...what the hell?! Whose dog?" War wolf asked.

"AMY!!" Rio shouted.

" It's a wolf...not a dog!" Lazz said.

"bark!" Amy howled.

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"I got you!" Cross Wing said.

"AARRGHHNNNN!!!!!!!" Rio screamed.

"RIO!" May shouted.

"I found your weakness Rio; you can't use your G.O.N. if your legs are unusable." Cross Wing said.

May and Rio looked at each other in pain and grunted in unison. They were both breathing heavy and struggling to get up. Rio tried to reach for his black and red sword when all of a sudden Amy grabbed it with her mouth.

"A-Amy?!" Rio asked.

" What is she..." May asked.

Suddenly, Cross Wing shot at Rio again, this time aiming for his head, however Amy tilted her head sideways and blocked the bullet using Rio's black and red sword.

"Huh!?" Cross Wing said.

"Amy..." Rio whispered.

Amy used her hind foot to splash some water due to the rain onto Rio to snap him out of the state of shock he was in.

"Uh? Right! May hurry! Amy is going to buy us some time! In the meantime you can heal us!" Rio said.

"Oh...Ok?!" May said and began to heal them both within a aqua colored bubble.

"Damn it. After this one... I only have enough Quintessence to use my G.O.N. one more time." May thought.

"I sure hope you know what your doing Amy... I am counting on you!" Rio thought.

(Flash forward: Griffin Stronghold Courtyard)

" Amy..." May said while still crying.

"................................." Rio remained silent and rubbed the tears from his eyes.

" Rio... I can tell just from looking at you that you know how deep of a scar this will leave." May said.

"Yeah." Rio said and ripped part of his arm sleeve off and placed it over Cross Wing's face.

"Why did you stop crying? Aren't you sad?" May asked.

"I have no more tears to shed." Rio said firmly.

"What?" May asked.

"At one time I believed that love could blossom even on the battlefield.... But now.... I see that it only makes life harder. However... maybe there is still a chance..." Rio said.

"Oh?" May said.

"I'm going to the underground base. We are running out of time. We might not meet again." Rio said.

".............. only if you can't make it in time will this place be blown to hell, but you are a hero and my friend... also... you have the power of speed on your side." May said.

"Thanks." Rio said.

"I want to keep helping." May said.

"Why? You can leave at anytime. Get away from here while you still can!" Rio said.

"What was Cross Wing fighting for? What am I fighting for? Rio? What are you fighting for!?" May asked in panic.

"I fight to protect my friends! That's my dream! I don't know what would motivate me to advance in life without it!" Rio said firmly.

" Well then, I will fight to protect my friends too!" May said.

Rio smiled; he didn't know that he would influence May to build her own dream just like his own. Rio knew that everyone had their own dream to pursue, and sometimes he didn't understand some of them, but he knew what his was, and saw to it that he follow that dream forever. Rio was looking at May when all of a sudden she was shot with a dart.

"Ouch!" May said and plucked it out of her neck.

"A tranquilizer!" Rio shouted.

May passed out just then and before Rio could react to the slowly falling May, her father General Andal swooped her up from the air.

"MAY!!!!!" Rio yelled.

It was no use. General Andal had sped off into the air carrying the passed out May. Looking back once to see a tear fall from his eye and then a slight nod.

"Huh? A tear?" Rio questioned.

"Great! Another shattered promise..." Rio thought to himself.

"Umm... Rio! We have bigger problems!" Yun said as his device went off more then ever and even displayed a zero percent sign for victory.

"Huh? What the hell!?" Rio said in shock and then dropped to his knees.

Now both Yun and Rio were on the ground and felt as though they were being pressed into the ground. Rio was scared and he didn't know what was going on. This was the seemingly biggest amount of Quintessence he had ever felt before. However... when Rio looked up, to his surprise it was not Rock Lizard or anyone from BLACKFANG for that matter. The only thing this hooded cloaked figure revealed was it's red tail with black stripes. Rio knew it was a dragon, but other then that Rio couldn't make out who it was that had such an extremely powerful amount of Quintessence. So much that it took everything Rio and Yun had just to stand up and face the cloaked figure as it just walked toward them slowly.

"What is this massive amount of Life energy!?" Yun asked in panic.

"Who are you?!" Rio asked.

To be continued...........

Author's comment:

Who or what is this powerful being? And what does he want?

Why was General Andal seen crying as he carried May off? And could he have known about this cloaked figure?

Will Rio and Yun be able to stand up to such a powerful being right after giving it their all in their last battle?

Will Lazz be able to make it in time? And if so... how will he deal with the matter at hand with only one arm?

Stay tuned.


Dragon Storm: Chapter 27: Successor of the Forbidden Clan! Naraku vs. Rio!

Author's Note: Hey again! ^\_^ I was really excited to write this chapter! I am proud to introduce Naraku! He is the one who means allot to me. He is the one...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 25: Back to Back, A Fight to the Death!

Author's Note: Hi again! I am going to try my whole ACSII artwork idea again. Now that Sofurry can take things right off of Microsoft word maybe it will work now,...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 24: Yun vs. Cross Wing!

Author's Note: Hey there. Here I am at the end of the day. I have been moving my stuff all day and finally have the time to relax. As I sit here pondering about Dragon...

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