Secret Love Part 4 - Complications

Story by Buffy the lion on SoFurry

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#2 of Secret Love

After one and a half weeks of pure hell, I'm finally home. The place where I belong, on my way to surpise the person with whom I belong. I can't wait to see the look on his face when I walk through that front door. I just hope he wasn't joking when he said he was only visiting his family for a week.

I open the door quietly, slip through and close it. I walk silently to the kitchen and put my keys on the table. Softly I sneak up the stairs, he must still be asleep. Quietly I open up the bedroom door. Is that panting I hear? He must be missing me a lot! I swing the door open as fast and hard as I can, "Surprise!" I shout form the top of my lungs, only to find a shocking scene, it seems the surprise is on me.

James is lying on the bed, screwing Pete right up the ass. Pete's tiger eyes grows in shock, almost as big as James' . "Mark!" he calls my name in surprise, "This isn't what it looks like..." he says, trying to squirm his way out of the fact that he betrayed me.

"Really James? Then what is it? Tell me!" I shout, I don't know how to feel. I feel angry, sad, betrayed, I feel like strangling him and that chubby tiger to death and at the same time I want to cry my eyes out. My body freezes, it doesn't know how to react.

"Please, I can explain." James said, reaching out to me with one of his paws.

I quietly shake my head, "No, no James. There's nothing to explain. I know exactly what..." tears fill my eyes, I can't speak, but I have to say it so I take a deep breath to recollect my thoughts and calm down. "Now I know exactly what you think of me." I turn around and head for the stairs, I need to get out of here, and fast. As I get to the stairs, I look down at the place where he sat with his Christmas outfit, I see a small part of the little table he used to put the home-cooked meal and the candles on the last time we ate together.

I start running down the stairs, tears filling my eyes to the brim, momentarily blocking my view. I take a misstep and I feel how gravity takes its toll as I fall forward, I hit the stairs and lose my breath. The pain is intense, just as intense as the pain I experienced when I opened that bedroom door. I roll all the way down and hit the floor with a thud...

I open my eyes as I wake up with a jolt, my head hurts, everything is dark. I can see the faint glow of the moonlight through a window. As my eyes adjust, I see my old bed, the one in my parents' house. Anxiously I grab my phone in the darkness and check the date. It's the 22nd of December, it was just a dream.

I stand up from the floor, I can't believe I fell off my bed. Using my phone as a flashlight, I walk over to the light switch and flick it. I take a glance at my room, it's mostly the way I left it before I moved in with James. The bed with the blue covers, which now lay on the floor all messed up, the small desk where I used to do my homework and my closets my dad built in for me when we moved in. "I need something to drink" I say to myself.

The kitchen floor is cold, perfect for a hot summer night like this. I walk over to the fridge and grab the milk carton from the top shelf. I take a glass from the cupboard and start pouring in some milk. "Can't sleep either huh?" I hear a voice from the kitchen door. It was Tracey.

"Yeah, had a nightmare and fell off my bed" I said laughing as I rub the back of my head.

Tracey laughs, "I thought I heard something fall". For a while there's an awkward silence between us. "Well... I'm going back to sleep. G'night" she says. She turns around towards her room. We haven't spoken much since I arrived here a few days ago, and a part of me really wants to get to know her better. But what do I do? What do I say?

I glance over to the microwave "04:45".

"Tracey!" I say even before I can think of something decent to say when she turns around.

"Yes Mark?"

"The sun's coming up soon, would you like to watch it come up with me?" I ask, feeling nervous like never before.

She smiles, "Sure, why not."

We go out back silently, the little cement storage house is still there. It was a little store or something, we never really used it, it didn't even have a door. The entire thing is made out of cement, even the roof. "I remember seeing quite a few sunrises here." I say to Tracey as I help her up the ladder.

"It's nice" she said, "I grew up in the city, there wasn't too much to nature to see" she says as she steps from the final step to the roof. We sit down , our legs hanging from the edge.

More awkward silence follows as both of us just look up at the horizon, waiting for the sun to peek its shiny orange-yellow head out. "So, the city hey? Must be boring here." I say, trying to break the silence.

"Are you kidding me?" she says looking over to me. "I love it here, it's so quiet, so peaceful. Not that I want to get used to it, I'm going to Nat Uni in two weeks."

I look at her, "Nat Uni? That's where I go!" I say, "What's your Major?"

"Astronomy." she says, nodding her head while smiling. "It's always been a passion of mine. How about you? How long have you been there? What's your Major?" she asks.

"I've only been there for a year now, I major in Geology" I say, trying to impress her. "Say, how did you end up here?" I ask, I never thought about it, but I don't remember this girl from anywhere.

"Well, your mom met my mom at a cooking conference the other day. Your mom offered to let me stay here while my parents are on holiday. It sucks that I can't go with them, but they won't be back before University starts." she says, a little down.

"Can't let that get you down, this place can be just as fun, I'll show you." I offer.

"That would be nice, I just miss my parents." she says looking at her dangling feet.

"Hey, it'll be okay, you'll see. Look, the sun's coming up. See?" I say, pointing towards the sun finally waking up, casting its rays upon the earth.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." she says looking at me, smiling. The rising sun shines a red tint on her face, she feels irresistable. Our smiles fade away, our eyes narrow, we lean over...

"D-a-a-n! Tra-cey! You two out there?!" my mom calls, shattering the moment into a gazillion pieces. "Your breakfast is getting cold!"

We both look towards the backdoor. "We're on our way mom!" I reply. We look at each other, smiling uncomfortably. "You want to go back inside?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure" he says, smiling a bit more comfortably.

I help her down the ladder and we walk back to the house. The rest of the day we seem to bump into each other at the strangest of times, even a cup of coffee seems to awkward now.

It's afternoon and we both find ourselves sitting in front of the TV. "Listen, Mark. About this morning" she says out of the blue, catching me off gaurd.

"Yeah?" I say, looking back at her a little nervously as she sits down next to me.

"I.. uhm. What I wan... uh... What I wanted to say was... uhm..." she struggles to get her sentences, she either has a boyfriend or she wants to just tell me off as sweetly as she can. Instead, she lunges forward and kisses me. It feels good, but as soon as our lips meet, I know I'm betraying James. I don't stop though, I kiss back. Our lips part, "Uhm, sorry..." she says.

"No don't be, it was good" I say smiling. Good? How can it be good? I'm betraying James here!

My phone rings, "Hold that thought." I say as I pick it up. Oh what wonderful timing, it's James. "Hi there." I say showing Tracey that I need to take this call outside. She nods.

"Are you alone?" James' deep voice beckons on the other side.

"Not entirely, why?" I ask, almost knowing why he asked in the first place.

"Because I am, I'm thinking of you and I'm horny. Very Horny." he says in an even deeper voice. "In fact, I'm stroking my fat lion cock right now." he continues.

I walk outside, far outside to where I can see if anyones watching me. "Well then mister, tell me what you're thinking of." I reply, looking around me to see if there's anyone watching, the kiss I just shared with Tracey still fresh in my mind.

"I'm thinking I want to shove my dick in your mouth, and have you lick it till I cum" he continues. "I want you to stick you dick up my ass and screw me so I can't walk afterwards." He says, panting more and more as he goes along.

"And then?" I ask intrigingly.

"I want you to cum all over my furry balls, and I want you to rub that sweet juice of yours over my stomach and chest, pinching my nip..." he was clearly enjoying himself, and I let him. "Oh yes." he interrupted himself quietly. "Oh go deeper, more, more, I can't take anymore." he says over the phone, panting even more than earlier. "Oh, oh, oh, o-o-oh, fuck yes... A-a-a-h." he moaned as he finished off, probably cumming all over himself.

"Uhm, James. I thought we agreed to keep phonesex to late at night." I said, softly scolding the big cat for being so horny at this time of the day.

"I know dude, I just couldn't stand it anymore. My parents are in town." he says.

"Mine too, but we have another visitor here, so I can't do this during the day." I say,

"A visitor? who?"

"A girl from the city, my mom offered to let her stay here during the holiday. Look, I'll explain later... I need to go." I say with a sigh, remembering the kiss again.

"Everything okay there?" he asks.

"Yeah, it's fine. We'll talk later?"

"Sure, later then."

"Good bye." I say

"Good bye, I lo..."he says, but I removed the phone from my ear and hang up, sitting down to just take in all that just happened over the past 15 minutes.

What the hell is going on? Why am I so confused just because Tracey kissed me once? Is it because I really do want her? Or is it because I want to please my parents by having a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend, a wife instead of a husband, children of the same blood rather than adopted children.

What about what I want? What do I want? It was just a damn kiss! Why am I ranting about it like this?

"Ugh, I've got some stuff to figure out." I think to myself, sighing as I get up from the ground, getting ready to go back into the house.

As I enter the kitchen, I find that my parents are back. Tracey and I look at each other, she smiles at me, she clearly enjoyed that kiss and most likely wants more, I smile back at her as best I can. Seeing how she makes sandwiches, talking and laughing with my mom, maybe I should try this. Maybe I should try a normal life after all, maybe the thing with James is just a phase I'm going through. But on the other hand, James is sweet, he is what I have always been looking for in a partner, I have known him practicaly my whole life. I've only known Tracey for a few days, how do I know she won't just dump me in the first three months of University.

Well, one thing is clear. I'll have to make a choice, either Tracey or James. Even worse is I'll have to make a choice before the end of the holiday, because there won't be enough space for this threesome in University...


This one came out a tad wobbly for me, please let me know what you think of it. Good or bad, I like to know what my readers think of my stories so I can better myself. There also may be a typ or two, I'm quite tired atm but I'll check and correct them in the morning. :)