Will's accident.

Story by Will E. Fox on SoFurry

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Story By: Will E. Fox

Copyrighted to Will E. Fox. Please don't distribute edit or change in any way.

If you are under the age of 18 please do not read this as it contains themes that suggest sexual violence between two male furs.

Even if you hate it and can let me know why and what to change thats fine too. ?

Will paddled along the main road that ran through the neighborhood and pondered his destination as the houses flashed by on either side of him. He had been raped and for some strange reason he was paddling back to the scene where it had happened and he was paddling back to the same fur that did it to him, knowingly.

He hurt inside and he felt that acute pain as a lump in his throat which contracted each time he swallowed. He drove himself on down the endless street as thoughts flashed in his mind, thoughts that forced upon him a reality that was so horrible that he couldn't quite comprehend how deepset they were in his mind.

He snatched a sideways glance at the little shopping complex that provided the neighborhood with all its luxuries and necessities, greeting somefur that he recognised. His foxlegs were starting to burn and complain at the frantic pace that he had set himself and to his bittersweet relief he had to pull on the one working brake of the bicycle to stop for a car coming out of the parking lot, thus giving him a chance to catch his breath.

Heading back to the seen of the crime, the scene where his red coloured furry body was pinned down and used, not once, not twice but several times over a period of a few hours by one fur. Will felt trepidation creep into his chest that manifested itself as a constricting force in his chest. He couldn't give up on the offending fur, he'd known his user for most of his life and Will refused to let one bad bad incident despoil their relationship. "He didn't mean to do it, he let me go after all. He trusts me to have let me go, I have to make amends." Will thought.

He watched the car as it drove down the street away from him and once more he set out leaving the parking lot/shopping complex behind him and ignored the bit of oil that had rubbed off on his calves. A single bead of sweat emerged from beneath his wind tussled fur to slither down the front of the thick lock of fur that hanged down the front of his face, threatening to land on his muzzle. He shook his mane quickly to rid himself of the offending moisture.

Another thought popped into his head: What if it happens again? What if he doesn't care about me?

He dismissed the thoughts immediately not even daring to think in their direction. He concentrated on the good times he had had with the older grey wolf and his resolve streghened. Being an aolescent fox meant having alot more confusion as foxes are naturally more arousing because of their musklike yiffy aroma that came as soon as the hormones started stirring. The wolf that was older by a few year in his early 20's was, as far as Will thought, a victim of his foxy attraction and thus it was his fault that what happened happened.

The wind jumped up at Will as he neared his destination. It blew furiously and Will smelled rain in the breeze as he quickened his pace in order to get where he was going without being soaked first, he'd rather smell of damp sweat than of wet fur. He felt something tug at his, then it stung. He looked down to see that some of his fur had caught up in the bicycles chain and was tuggin mercilessly at the unlucky lot of fur. He swung his head back at the road just as something sharp hit him in the eye and and his world filled with stars.

He felt an impact, then the sensation of flying and another impact as his small body hit something and he rolled. The world tumbled as he came to a stop and opened one eye. He was lying on the front lawn of someone's house, his pupil ventured upward and he smiled ironically to himself as he saw that he was at his destination. There was a frantic voice behind him. The commotion caused the frontdoor of the dwelling in his eyesight to open up and the occupant strode forward towards him and the voice approaching from behind. Something sharp was lodged in his side pushing through the soft fur mercilessly. Will moaned as an anguished half sob escaped his thin lips, he tried to roll over but felt a paw holding him in place as the grey wolf finished his trek across the yard.

"Dont worry Sir, I know this fur well. I'll call his parents and get him bandaged up well enough, dont you worry." The paw retreated as did the pawsteps behind his pounding head. Graham knelt down, took hold of something and Will sighed as the sharpness retreated from his aching side. He felt himself being lifted off the ground into strong and very secure, grey fur covered arms. He began murring softly at the smile that was flashed at him.

The murring intensified. "Ha ha, you sound like a little kitty. Lets get you inside shall we?." The voice came out assuringly.

Will closed his eyes just as the glint of menace and lust entered the other's. He was carried inside when the storm's first lightning strikes split the sky in two.

It got serious

Story By: Will E. Fox Copyrighted to Will E. Fox. Please don't distribute edit or change in any way. If your under the age of 18 please do not read this as it contains scenes not suitable for minors. Characters thus far: Will (small fox,...

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