Springtime 3: Humphrey x Garth

Story by Rob_Ballard on SoFurry

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I did a thing! It's been too long since I posted anything on here, but I'm not dead, don't worry! Just a heads-up, you can find all of my Alpha And Omega stories on FanFiction.net under the title 'The Lupine Lemon Anthology". If you want to go over there and give it a review, I'd really appreciate that. After all, an author needs to know if his work is good or not, right?

Garth lay on his back, the rock floor of the cave cool against his back. His eyes were fixed upward, staring directly into Humphrey's, a predatory look in the Omega's gaze. Garth's emotions were mixed; He didn't know whether to be afraid of being at the mercy of another male, ashamed of submitting to an Omega, or turned on due to Humphrey being so damn hot. The lust burning in the Omega's eyes was contagious, intoxicating. Something inside him wanted to do things to that wolf, or maybe... do whatever he told him to do.

_No, Garth! Snap out of it!_He thought, _You can't act like this! You're an Alpha, and an Alpha doesn't let himself be dominated, especially by an Omega!_He struggled with his emotions, flipping back and forth between wanting to give in and and wanting to get out, but he couldn't decide. Humphrey was going to make the decision for him if he didn't make up his mind, and soon.

"So," Humphrey leered, his eyelids lowering, "You ready, big guy?" The Omega's pushed his nose against Garth's, a hint of fear in the red wolf's eyes. "I bet you're a _really_good fuck, huh?" Garth couldn't do anything but stare into Humphrey's enticing gaze, sliding towards the "giving in" side. He knew he was about to cave, and Humphrey knew it too. "You want me." Humphrey stated. It wasn't a question, it was a fact, and a true one. Garth _did_want him. He wanted everything that Omega could give him, every part of his body the smaller male was willing to give. The thoughts in his head were going by too fast to register, but most of them involved that long cock dangling between Humphrey's legs and the Omega's wonderful ass.

He couldn't hold it back. He felt himself slipping, becoming putty is Humphrey's seductive paws. He had to resist, he was not about to submit to an Omega! But then he felt it, the signal that his body was betraying him. His cock was now rock-hard, and leaking pre out onto his velvety fur. Garth tried to hold his thoughts together, but it was getting harder and harder by the second as Humphrey built up the suspense. He's going to try and drag this out, the bastard! He's in control, and he knows it! He thinks I'll do anything to get at him now. He's thinks he's got an Alpha submitting to him on the ground, and he's gonna milk this for everything he can get! C'mon, Garth, fight it!

Humphrey leaned over, his mouth at Garth's ear. He nibbled softly, sending a tingle down Garth's spine. "Your musk smells so good..." The Omega whispered seductively, but with a dominant edge. Garth resisted the urge to moan as Humphrey's voice stimulated his sensitive ears. "Your cock's so hard right now, I can smell it. And it smells great..." Garth let out a small sigh as Humphrey's paw grabbed ahold of his plump knot, squeezing teasingly. "You can't control yourself, can you? You want me. I know you want my cock, you little bitch..." Garth's breathing sped up as Humphrey's paw left his knot, caressing the underside of his rock-hard shaft. Humphrey's paw became coated with pre as he made his way down, back to the knot, before going back up to tease the tip. Pre was pooling on the Alpha's belly, and his musk only grew stronger. "Think you can take it, big boy?"

Humphrey's weight was suddenly bearing down on him as the smaller wolf straddled him, both of their cocks rubbing together. Garth's shaft was being coated by Humphrey's sticky pre as the grey Omega ground up against him. Garth's length may have been more impressive, but Humphrey didn't care. Garth's cock was his now, and it was under his control. Their two shafts slid past each other as Humphrey slowly pumped his hips, smearing them with pre.

"I'm gonna make you scream for me." He whispered lustfully as he ground their knots together, thrusting slow and hard, almost as if he was giving Garth of taste of what was to come. "When I'm done fucking you, you won't be walking for a week. I bet you're really tight, huh? Virgins are always the tightest fucks, aren't they? I'm sure you've fucked plenty of virgin females, you big stud." Garth just nodded; anything to stop the teasing. "But now you're_the one who's gonna get fucked. I'm gonna put this big cock up your ass, and you're gonna love it. By the time I'm done, the whole pack'll hear you shouting my name!" Humphrey chuckled. He almost sounded threatening. _Is this how he always acts when he's horny?! He's freaking me out!

"But first," Humphrey started, his tail tracing the curves of Garth's rump, "I'm gonna need some lubing up. I know how much you want this big cock in your mouth, so open up." Garth stared at Humphrey's leaking tip. Pre covered both of their shafts, and Humphrey just kept leaking, a single drop of pre sliding down the sides of Garth's cock from Humphrey. For some reason he couldn't explain, it was one of the hottest thing he had ever seen, and he drooled at the thought of taking Humphrey's cock, dripping and slathered with pre, into his mouth. This guy doesn't need lube, he's just toying with me! He's got me in his grip and he knows it! A single betraying though skirted the edges of his mind, He_is_pretty hot, though...

Finally, after many attempts at resisting, Garth gave in. His mental walls crumbled under the weight of Humphrey's allure. There was nothing he wanted to do more than just sit back and let Humphrey have his way. Garth had lost, and he knew it. Humphrey knew it, too. From the moment that Humphrey had began his seductive dance, he had won. Damn, Garth cursed, He's better at this than I thought!

Humphrey's cock was definitely shorter than his, but he was too blinded by lust to care about something like size. The seductive grey wolf scooted up, his tip right at the entrance to Garth's mouth. He felt the slick pre on his lips before jutting out his tongue to get a taste. He tickled Humphrey's tip a bit, absorbing the salty taste of the clear liquid and holding back the urge to swallow. He would save that for later.

But then it hit him; If Humphrey's dick was in his face, where were Humphrey's hips? And where was his rump? _Oh Fenrir!_He thought, _He's sitting right on top of my dick!_And he was right. Humphrey's infamously-guarded ass was planted directly over his hard, throbbing, leaking cock; and it was right between the cheeks! He felt Humphrey's taifur tickle of tip as his cock was positioned right between Humphrey wide, full cheeks; both wonderful rumpcheeks encasing his leaking dick like a hotdog held in a bun. He was so close to his tailhole that he could feel the heat radiating from it. His cock was right next to Humphrey's tailhole!_Maybe Humphrey hasn't noticed yet?_He hoped and prayed that he hadn't. He didn't want this to end anytime soon.

But he couldn't make a move just yet, he had a cock to suck. Either I get that dick into my mouth, or he puts it in for_me. Here goes!_ Garth steeled himself, and in one swift motion, slid Humphrey's hot, leaking dick into his mouth, lightly sucking on the tip like a pup on its mother's teat. Humphrey let out a small sigh, and Garth grinned internally. _Finally, something other than a growl! Maybe I can shut him up for a while._He teased the underside with his tongue before pulling Humphrey deeper into his hungry maw. He continued to suck and massage with his tongue as more and more of Humphrey's meat disappeared into his mouth. The salty taste of Humphrey precum filled his mouth as his tongue became coated. Humphrey's sighs were becoming more common, and it was obvious that the Omega was dropping the "dominant stud" act. Or at least he hoped so. Once Garth reached the midpoint, Humphrey slowly ground his hips forward, muscling his way past Garth's gag reflex. Garth tried to hold back a choke, but failed. Humphrey closed his eyes and grinned at the sound of his bitch literally choking on his dick. The thought of dominating this proud Alpha and skull-fucking him into submission forced a spurt of pre out of him, landing on the back of Garth's tongue. The Alpha couldn't get enough of the taste. It was like Humphrey's pre was addicting, and he needed more. He slid his tongue over Humphrey's slit and started collecting ever droplet he could find.

Humphrey pulled back to revv up for another thrust, and when he did, Garth's leaking tip rubbed up against Humphrey's virgin tailhole, smearing a tiny drop of pre on that certain, forbidden place under his tail. It was just a little poke, but Garth immediately knew what had happened, and it sent a shiver up his spine. He was the first wolf_ever_to touch Humphrey there. No one, not even Humphrey closest friends, had ever been allowed to even _see_his hole. But now, by complete accident, Garth's cock had touched Humphrey somewhere where he was never supposed to be touched.

"Oh, you like my ass, do ya?" Humphrey asked as he made his thrust. His shaft slid deeper into Garth's mouth, making talking back impossible. "You can say it. I know I've got a nice, big ass back there." He drew back, letting Garth's tip rest on his hole again. He bounced his hips, letting his wide, feminine cheeks bounce and squeeze on Garth's shaft. A spurt of pre splattered all over Humphrey's hole and tailbase as the grey Omega gave off another dominant, leering look. "I know you love my ass. You love how wide it is, how full my cheeks are, how it bounces when I tell it to..." He reached back and grabbed ahold of his cheeks, pressing down on Garth's tip, feeling it push against his entrance. "You're the only guy who's been able to get back there, ya know? You got pretty lucky." Humphrey pressed his rump down a little bit harder. It felt like Garth's tip was going to slide in any second now. He leaned down and whispered into his ear. "You wanna fuck me. You wanna take that big, long cock of yours, put it between these amazing cheeks back here," Humphrey slapped his ass, a meaty slap echoing throughout the cave, "And _slowly_push it into this tight hole." Garth felt the heat and tightness coming, like a train about to hit. Any second now, he would be inside Humphrey's ass. Any moment now, that tight ring would part and he would slide right into that tight, virgin hole. Humphrey pressed his ass down harder, spreading his cheeks wider and relaxing his hole, letting his ring part as Garth's tip began to slowly push inside him.

The moment was ruined and the suspense suddenly shattered as Humphrey's knot slammed into Garth's lips, the gray Omega's entire ten inches having been shoved into his mouth in a second. His tip was no longer between those huge cheeks; now it lay limp and unsatisfied in the musky air of the cave. He felt Humphrey's tip tickle the back of his throat, and he heard Humphrey let out a chuckle.

"Wow!" Humphrey laughed, "You actually fell for it! I am good!"Garth gave Humphrey the evilest of evil-eyes as the grey Omega above him continued his triumphant laughter, "You actually though I was gonna bottom for you! Either I'm really good at this whole tricking-you thing, or you're just dumb! I guess what they say about Alpha's being dumb jocks is true! Well, now I know!" Humphrey drew back, allowing his hole to make contact with Garth's tip once more. He pressed down again, allowing his ring to part around head of that long cock for a split second before grabbing ahold of his dick and smearing pre all over Garth's muzzle. "You're still my bitch, big boy. I'm tired of all the foreplay, time to get to the main event!" Humphrey rose up on all fours, towering over the abused Garth. "Lift your tail for me, Alpha bitch." He commanded. Garth begrudgingly agreed, turning over onto his stomach and thrusting his firmly-muscled rump in the air. It wasn't a match for Humphrey's monster of an ass, but it was still impressive nonetheless. Any Alpha female would want a male with a rump that, but Humphrey had him beat in sheer size. Garth had to admit he was pretty jealous.

Humphrey hoisted himself up onto Garth's rump, sandwiching his ten inches between Garth's finely-sculpted ass, his tip poking at the base of the Alpha's raised tail. "You've got more muscle back there than me." Humphrey commented, "Nice and big. I like a nice muscle-ass." Humphrey smirked with his comments, narrowing his eyes as he positioned his tip at Garth's entrance, ready to push in at any moment. "Mine's better, though. You can admit I have a better ass if you want, I won't ignore a compliment." He teased, moving his hips side to side, his tail swishing behind him. Garth readied himself, relaxing every muscle in his body as much as possible for Humphrey's initial shove. The felt Humphrey's paws slap his cheeks, which held firm except for a slight ripple. His cheeks were pulled apart as Humphrey made teasing thrusts at his hole, threatening to push in at any second.

C'mon, Humphrey! Garth thought, Hurry it up!

Humphrey must have read his mind, because he had had enough teasing, too. "Alright, big bitch. Time for the main event! I'll try not to make this hurt too much!" He chuckled as he drove his hips forward, his tip pressing slowly past Garth's taut ring and into his insides. Garth grit his teeth and suppressed a moan as Humphrey's thick tip made it's way past his hole, slowly but surely making it's way deeper and deeper with every second. His ass stretched painfully as Humphrey's long shaft split him open. "Humphrey..." Garth groaned, "Slow down... You're gonna tear something... Need some time to adjust... Haven't done this before..." The whole situation was humiliating. He here was, having to tell the scrawny Omega fucking him to slow down. If he wasn't the one in pain, he'd be laughing. However, he _was_the one in pain, and all he could do was hope that Humphrey cared about him enough to cut him some slack.

"Just let me bottom out, then I'll give you a break..." Humphrey said through gritted teeth. Getting into this guy's hole was tough, were_all_Alphas this tight? He hoped so, because this guy could milk his cock for days without even trying. The walls hugged and squeezed his length like a vice, and the heat of Garth's insides was incredible. He had to admit, he didn't know whose ass was better, Mooch's or Garth's. Mooch had an amazing rump that jiggled when he slammed into it, and his walls were nice and tight. But the chubby wolf was used to being pounded, so the novelty, along with a bit of the tightness, had gone down a bit over the years. He was still a great lay, though. Good enough to come back to again and again, that was for sure. Garth, however, had a more pliant, supple rump, and a hole that hadn't been broken in yet. He made a mental note to try them both out back-to-back someday once his current sexcapade was over. The thought was enough to illicit another shot of pre, which splashed against Garth's inner walls, preparing him for the pounding that was to come.

Humphrey's tip brushed over his prostate, sending a shock of pleasure straight up to his brain. He felt his own cock jump, and he heard a small plap a dollop of pre splashed to the ground beneath him. Against his better judgment, let out a whimpering moan as that secret button he didn't know he had was pressed. Please, Humphrey! Garth thought, deciding not to give Humphrey the satisfaction, Do that again! Humphrey continued to sink deeper every second as the smaller Omega came closer to bottoming out. Another second went by, then two seconds, then three, then four. Inch after inch steady filled him up as the seconds crawled by until finally, he felt the raw girth of Humphrey's knot push up against his rump and his groin bump against the underside of his tail. Humphrey's full ten inches was now fully buried inside him, his bulbous knot denting the inside of his rumpcheeks.

Garth breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he had some much-needed rest. Who knew getting fucked by an Omega would be this difficult? But true to his word, Humphrey didn't make a single move until Garth was ready to keep going. He felt Humphrey's tip pump a few shots of lubricating pre inside his tunnel. A blood vessel somewhere, whether it was inside him or on Humphrey's length throbbed, sending a shiver down the crimson wolf's spine. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Humphrey certainly wasn't going to go easy, he did have a bitch to dominate, but maybe Garth would love this more than he thought. He hoped to Fenrir that would be the case. The only thing worse than humiliating sex was bad sex, after all.

He waited a few more moments, allowing his walls to settle, his breathing to level out, and his whole body to relax. The last bit was the most difficult and took the longest, but Humphrey was still hard as a rock inside him, so patience wasn't an issue. After about half a minute more, he was ready to proceed. He turned his head back and gave Humphrey a nod, "Alright, you can have at it. Just..." He trailed off for a moment, looking for the right words, "...Go slow. I still need to get used to the whole bottoming thing." Humphrey growled aggressively in his ear and pulled his hips back, letting his shaft slide slowly back a bit before making his first real thrust, his bulbous knot slapping into the Alpha's rump. Garth couldn't tell which was more intimidating, his length of his shaft or the thickness of his knot, He honestly didn't think he would be able to take it. He couldn't see it, from judging by how it felt, that knot was going to be a tough one to fit. He gasped slightly as Humphrey reared up and made another thrust, this time more powerful and from farther back. He heard that familiar slap of fur on fur and he couldn't help but moan a little as his sweet spot was jabbed at again. Then another thrust came, then another, and yet another one. With each thrust that Humphrey made into him, the pain gradually disappeared, making way from a strange kind of pleasure that he couldn't describe. More and more of that pleasure built up after every thrust, marked by the rhythmic pattern of slaps. In addition to those frankly arousing slaps, Humphrey's dominant growling became louder as the grey wolf above him moved closer to his ear, making it clear that he was the boss now. But Garth had known that from the moment all this had started, it wasn't news to him anymore. All he had to do was lay down, face down and ass up, and enjoy.

Humphrey's thrusts came faster and faster, the force when their hips met ramping up with every slap of fur on fur. "Oh, yeah..." Humphrey cooed, "You like that, don'tcha? The big scary Alpha likes getting fucked now, doesn't he?" He let out a sigh into Garth's ear, sending a chill down his spine, "You're so tight... Leave it to a virgin to have the tightest ass, am I right?" He snickered as he drove his hips forward and back, slamming his knot into Garth's hole, waiting for just the right moment to claim him.

Garth's cock twitched and jumped below him, dripping and leaking precum onto the cave floor. Every movement Humphrey made was heaven, and every inch of his ass was on fire with pleasure as every single nerve was stimulated simultaneously. He couldn't even hope to hold back the moans coming from his mouth. He couldn't form them into words even if he wanted to. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to think properly. Every thought he tried to focus on would quickly disappear into a blurry haze of pleasure, never to be seen again. He had gone past the point of speech, or maybe even coherent thought at this point. He was seeing stars as his mind was wracked and his body ravaged by Humphrey's raw sexuality. He had no idea that an Omega could fuck this hard! Humphrey's knot repeatedly slammed into his hole with fervor. The Omega continued to drive his hips back and forth, jackhammering Garth's insides with everything he had. He growled in his ear, putting extra emphasis on his knot when he drove forward, and gave Garth a slap on the rump to drive it home. "I bet you want that fat knot, don't ya?" Garth nodded enthusiastically, looking back at Humphrey with a blush. "I bet you want me to slam that knot right into your ass, right? You want me to knot you, bitch?" Humphrey drove his hips forward again, pressing his knot right against Garth's clenched hole, threatening to tie them right then and there. "Just say the word, and my knot's going in. You better be ready for it, 'cause I can't hold back much longer!" Humphrey spoke through gritted teeth, trying with all his might to hold back his climax. There was no telling how long Humphrey had before blowing his load, but it wasn't very long. Both wolves felt their climaxes coming, ready to hit them both at the same time like a train.

Garth struggled to speak. His moans were dying down a bit, and his mind was beginning to clear enough to form a coherent thought. He wanted Humphrey to tie him. He wanted it now. He didn't care if it hurt, he just wanted Humphrey to claim him and fill him up with his cum, like a good top should. But was he ready for it? He had never been taken by another male before today, so was he ready to be knotted just yet? He didn't think he could take it, but he wanted it so badly he could already feel it. He found himself in a familiar position: If he didn't make the decision, Humphrey would do it for him. He tried to form a few words, his voice weak from countless loud moans and cries of pleasure.

"Y- Yes..." He stuttered, desperately trying to get his vocal chords to work. "I- I want you to knot me..."

Humphrey craned his neck, pretending not to hear him, "What was that, bitch? I couldn't hear you. You're just a little too quiet!"

Apparently he still has enough time to be a snide little prick! Even when he's about to cum, he's an ass! Garth cursed internally.

At this point, Garth had had enough of Humphrey's games. He was going to tell him what he thought, even if he really had to work at it. "I said yes! I want you to knot me! I want you to put your big knot in me and fill me with your cum, Humphrey! Please, just do it!" He shouted, filling up the cave with the sound of his voice. He didn't care if he sounded desperate, he wanted it now.

Humphrey revved up for another thrust, shaking his hips in anticipation for his hardest shove yet. "Now that's what I wanted to hear! Well, if you want my knot, you can have it! Here goes, get ready!" He slammed his hips forward another time, allowing his press snugly against Garth's stretched hole, before ever-so-slowly pushing inward.

Garth took a deep breath (A thing he was used to doing by now), relaxing every muscle in his body, putting special attention on relaxing his hole to accommodate the huge girth that was about to enter it. Any second now, his hole would be split open, and it was going to hurt. A lot. He prepared himself for the worst, pulling off a difficult balance between psyching his mind up and relaxing his body. Then he felt it. The stretching, building pain as Humphrey's huge, girthy knot began to slowly shove itself into him. It felt like his whole body was going to be ripped in two. It wouldn't have surprised him if his walls were bleeding. But Humphrey kept a measured pace, stopping every few seconds to give him time to adjust. It was just like a taking a cock, only much, _much_more painful. Taking Humphrey's shaft wasn't even close to the pain he was experiencing now as his walls were stretched and pulled to their breaking point. He tried to scream, but it came out as a long, submissive moan.

"Oh, you're liking it that much, eh?" Humphrey chuckled, "Just a little bit longer..." The grey Omega grit his teeth and groaned as he desperately tried to fit his knot into the tight passage. He shut his eyes tight, putting all of his effort into holding back his climax for just a bit longer. "Hold on there, I'll be done any second..."

Humphrey was telling the truth. Judging by the pain he was feeling, Garth could tell that the thickest part of the knot was already almost in. Just a few more seconds, and he would be tied with Humphrey. And he couldn't wait.

"Humphrey...!" Garth groaned, "Knot me!!"

"You want me to tie with you, do you?" Humphrey teased. To think he still had the energy to act like that. "You want this knot in your ass? You want me to fill you with my cum?"

"Yes!!" Garth yelled.

"Do you really want it? "Cause if you don't I can always pull back..." Humphrey smirked that cocky smirk of his.

"YES!" Garth yelled, "DO IT! PLEASE!!"

"Alright," Humphrey said, watching Garth's ring stretch around his knot as he made his final shove. "You want it, you got it. Here it comes!"

With one final flash of pain that had him seeing stars and an audible pop, Garth felt the full width of Humphrey's knot make it's way inside him. Both wolves breathed a sigh of relief that the most difficult part was over. But Garth didn't have time to relax just yet; Both of them till had climaxes to attend to. He felt Humphrey lean down and whisper in his ear, the Omega's hot breath on his fur.

"Cum for me." He ordered, giving the Alpha another slap on the ass. "Let it all out. I wanna hear you scream my name."

Garth didn't even need to be asked. He let out his pent-up orgasm in an instant, screaming Humphrey's name as loud as he could as his cock jumped and throbbed, painting the cave floor beneath him white with his own spent seed. His scream of ecstasy and submission echoed through the cave, and he wouldn't have been surprised if the whole of Jasper could hear it. But Humphrey seemed satisfied, and that was the only thing that mattered to him at that point.

Humphrey made a few extra thrusts for good measure, barely able to contain his orgasm as Garth's walls squeezed and contracted rhythmically around his shaft and knot. Humphrey moaned as his cock was milked for everything it had, every last ounce of seed he could muster. "Oh, Fenrir...!" Humphrey moaned as he released his pent-up climax. "Here it comes! I'm cumming!!" With a single burst of raw sexual energy, Humphrey's cock erupted with white-hot seed, coating Garth's walls white and sending a shiver down both wolves' spines as their each let out their own moans. Humphrey didn't care about anything else other than his own sweet release. Volley after volley, shot after shot spurted into Garth's body, filling both Alpha and Omega with an intense, radiating heat.

A few more spurts of cum and a moan or two later, Humphrey orgasm began to subside, leaving behind the usual euphoric feeling. Garth tried his hardest to stay awake as fatigue set it, and Humphrey was left hunched over his back, panting loudly with the occasional moan into his bitch's ear.

"That... was fun..!" Humphrey said with labored breath. "We should... do it... more often..!"

"I didn't think I'd enjoy that as much as I did." Garth confessed, "Humphrey, thanks."

"No problem..." Humphrey's breath was starting to come back to him. Both him and Garth could already feel his knot deflating. "Don't worry about the knot... It'll go down in an hour or two."

"What should we do until then?" Garth asked, feeling a twinge of pain in his backside.

"Normally I like to wait til morning when I knot someone. So I think I'll do that."

"So we should just fall asleep like this?"

'Sure, why not? After a few guys, you get used to cuddling." Humphrey said with a wink.

"Oh, so we're cuddling now?" Garth chuckled, Laying down on his side, and allowing HUmphrey to lay down beside him. "What would Kate thunk if she saw us like this?"

"She's okay with it. She knows." Humphrey yawned. "I think the humans call this 'spooning'."

"There's a word for this? Didn't know that." Garth yawned as sleep tried to drag him away from Humphrey. Maybe it was just the afterglow talking, but Garth felt a little closer to Humphrey than he had been before.

"Well anyway, see you in the morning, little bitch." Humphrey chuckled. There was a pause as Garth considered a response. "You know I'm just screwing with you, right? It's just the sex talking."

"Yeah, I thought as much." Garth replied amicably. "I'll see you in the morning, big guy."

And with those, both wolves allowed sleep to take them. Their dreams were filled with not only the best parts of the night, but also plenty of ideas for future encounters. From the tamest to most extreme positions, to all new lines of dirty-talk, to things that can't be mentioned just yet. And both of them intended to try every one of them when they woke up.

Springtime 2: Humphrey x Mooch x Garth

**Hey guys. It's been a really long time since I posted something on here, but I recently finished this little story up and said to myself, "Hey, why not put this online for the whole world to see? That sounds like a great idea, and not at all...

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Springtime (Revision)

Mooch sat on the forest floor, back legs spread wide and back against a large tree. His tail was curled upward, concealing his tailhole. His thick, but short cock stood at full mast, exposed to the cool autumn air. Humphrey slowly walked over to him,...

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Springtime (Original & Unedited)

Author's Note: Wow. My writing really sucked two years ago. Although, to be fair, this piece of crap _was_ written when I was horny over the course of a few weeks. Also it didn't see a single keystroke of proofreading or editing. Either way, please...

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