Alexei's Seduction: Chapter 1

Story by Arch Fox on SoFurry

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So here's something I haven't written in a while: a story series!

Here's a series that follows a spoiled, upper class teenage wolf as he discovers his sexuality.

If you like my stuff you can support me on Patreon for the chance to get some goodies!

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Thanks for your support everyone, hope you all enjoy my smut!

Alexei admired himself in the vanity which stood in the corner of his room. He ran a brush through his long, white hair and adjusted the suit he was wearing. The young wolf was all ready for the new teacher his parents had hired for him. He brushed some of his hair from his yellow eyes, admiring his snow white fur for a moment before jumping in surprise when he heard someone knocking at his door.

"You ready in there, son? Your teacher will be here any moment!" It was his father.

"I'm ready, Daddy." Alexei called back, "I was just preening a bit."

"Good boy. Be downstairs in five minutes, we don't want you to be late meeting him." Alexei heard the heavy footsteps of his father leading away from his room. Alexei had to admit, he was a bit confused. Usually there was a reason for bringing in a new teacher. Either one of the old ones quit or were fired because Alexei grew tired of them, but this one his parents seemed to hire completely out of nowhere. Well, he was sure he'd find out all about it soon. He checked himself in his vanity one last time before leaving his room and heading downstairs, passing a myriad of paintings, flower pots and ornaments that decorated the mansion he lived in.

"Ah, there you are!" his father greeted him as the young wolf made his way downstairs and into the foyer.

"Good morning, Daddy." Alexei said, "Is the new teacher here yet?"

"Not yet, son." his father replied, "But he'll be here any moment now. Ha, but you do look handsome. I'm glad you remember the proper way to dress oneself for something like this."

"Of course." Alexei replied, "The etiquette teacher you and mummy hired did well at teaching me how to be a decent gentleman."

"That so? Perhaps a pay rise is in order for him then..."

"Um, Daddy? I was wondering; why did you hire this new teacher? I thought all my subjects were covered? Elocution, proper dining technique, socializing with others of the upper class... Did somebody get fired?"

"No, no, nothing like that." his father chucked in reply, the older wolf smiling down at his son, his slightly chubby belly pressing against the tight dress shirt he was wearing. He ran a hand through his beard as he tried to think of how to explain this to his boy, "Well, you see... Your mother and I believe you're old enough to start studying your next subject."

"Another subject?" Alexei asked, surprised that he'd be beginning yet another subject so late into his teens.

"That's right. We both decided that eighteen is a fine age to start learning about, well, sex education, to put it bluntly. When I was young we wouldn't learn about these things until we were well into our twenties, but times are changing it seems and we think you're mature enough to start learning now."

"Sex education...?" Alexei tilted his head slightly, "I've never even thought of anything like that..." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, unsure if he was really ready for this subject. His father noticed his apprehension.

"Something wrong, son?"

"I'm not sure..." Alexei replied, "It seems... uncouth. I hear about how the common folk learn about these things at a very young age and, well, Daddy, I don't want to be like them..."

"Ha! Oh, Alexei, look at you. You're the perfect example of a proud, upper class man. It'll take more than a few sex education classes to turn you into a common lout." Alexei nodded in understanding.

"Yes, Daddy." he said, trusting in his father's words.

"Good man." he gave his boy an encouraging pat on the shoulder and was about to speak up when he heard the doorbell echoing throughout the mansion, "Ah, that must be him now. Benson!" within a second a tiger dressed in an expensive black suit stepped into the foyer.

"I'll answer it, Sir." he said before disappearing through the front door to greet the young wolf's new teacher. His father looked down at him.

"Stand straight. Hands by your sides. Come on, I thought your etiquette teacher was doing a good job?"

"Oh, um, yessir!" Alexei said, his arms snapping to his side as he took the appropriate stance; standing stock still, eyes forward, back straight.

A few moments later the suited up tiger returned, an older lion in tow, dressed in an appropriately formal dress shirt, his mane looking particularly tidy. It was obvious the feline had taken great care in making it look good. He carried a large suitcase with him, full of things he'd no doubt be using to teach the young wolf.

"Master Reuben, Mister Anders is here to teach the young Master Alexei."

"Nice to meet you, Sir." the lion bowed to the two wolves and addressed Alexei's father, "I'm honoured you chose me to be your son's teacher, Mister Reuben."

"I'm glad to have you here. I've heard you do good work. You've worked with Gerard Rouche's son in the past, haven't you? It was he who recommended you."

"Ah, yes!" the lion beamed, "Good boy that one, very willing to learn. I hope your young Alexei will be as much of a pleasure to work with."

"Oh, I'm sure he will!" the older wolf said with a chuckle, gesturing to his son, "Well, here he is. Alexei Rufeo Reuben. Say hello, son."

"Good morning." Alexei said as his teacher stepped up to him.

"Nice to meet you, Alexei." the young wolf scowled at that, "Ah, Master Alexei."

"That's better." Alexei said.

"I assume you'll want to get started straight away." Reuben said, "Benson, escort my boy and Anders here to the classroom."

"Yessir." the tiger butler gave his master a quick half-bow before gesturing for the lion to follow. He lead the lion and young wolf through the mansion, down several overly decorated halls until they eventually reached the room Alexei's parents had designated as his classroom. He opened the door and stepped aside for the two of them.

"Master Alexei's classroom, Sir." he said.

"Thank you, ah, Benson, wasn't it? Here." he fished his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a twenty, holding it out to the tiger who just stared at him, confused. Alexei spoke up with a frown.

"The help don't usually accept tips."

"Oh, there's no harm in it." Anders said.

"Hrmph. I might have to tell Daddy about this."

"Is there a problem with me paying a man for his good service?" the lion asked. There was a tense, awkward silence as the two made eye contact until Alexei just shrugged and entered the classroom. Anders turned his attention back to the butler.

"Well? Take it, will you?"

"Oh, um, thank you!" Benson said, snatching up the note and pocketing it quickly, "Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything else."

"Will do, Benson." the two nodded goodbye to each other and the lion stepped into the classroom, closing the door behind him.

Alexei had already taken his seat. That is to say, the only seat in the classroom, aside from the teacher's desk. Anders looked around the place, examining his workspace. It seemed like a simple enough room. He had his own desk and a whiteboard which had been immaculately cleaned, several different coloured markers lying nearby for any teacher who needed to use it.

"Well then... I guess we better get started, eh?" Anders said as he dropped his suitcase next to his desk and turned to his student who just shrugged.

"Well you weren't hired to give out free money to the help." he said, "So, what are you going to teach me?"

"First of all I'd like to know how much knowledge of the subject you already have." Anders told him, "So... I assume you know the basics? How sex works, what you do?"

"Of course." Alexei said, "I'm not retarded."

"I just wanted to make sure." Anders said, "So, you do know how sex works? Between a man or woman, or a man with another man?"

"Of course I-" Alexei hesitated, "I'm sorry?"

"Hm? What's wrong? You looked confused."

"Sex... Is what men and women do when they want to breed offspring and continue their family line. What are you talking about, sex between a man and another man?" Anders was about to answer when Alexei suddenly continued speaking with an angry, offended tone, "Is this a joke? Are you trying to insult me, you fluff-necked lion ponce? I swear if you think mocking me is funny I'll see you flogged-"

"I am not trying to offend you Ale- er, Master Alexei." Anders cut him short, "Have you never even heard of male on male sex before?"

"N-no!" Alexei was looking increasingly confused, "How does it... How do..." he looked away from his teacher who could practically see the young wolf's brain starting to catch fire as he tried to work this out, "Which one produces the offspring...?" Anders had to stop himself cooing over the clueless lupine. He really was a sheltered young thing. He couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for him.

"Oh, Alexei..." he said. Alexei shot him a look, noting the patronizing tone in his voice.

"Explain it to me then!" he said.

"Alright. Is there anything in particular you'd like to ask?"

"How do they do it?" Alexei asked.

"Ha, well, there are plenty of options." Anders said with a chuckle, "Using one's mouth is always an option." Alexei's scrunched up his face as if the thought of tasting another man's length abhorred him.

"That must taste awful..." he said.

"Not always. Plenty of men taste perfectly fine down there, trust me." Alexei ignored the insinuation there, assuming that his knowledge of taking another man's member into one's mouth came from being a sex education teacher. Anders continued: "Or you could take it from behind."


"Up the arse." he said bluntly. Alexei's ears drooped.

"R-really?" he asked in awe, "That... That sounds painful!"

"Oh, maybe the first time. You get used to it."

"Does... Does it feel good?" Alexei asked.

"Haha, you sound like you're really getting into the lesson, Master Alexei."

"I asked you a question."

"Right, right. Well, lad, yes it does. It feels amazing, like you wouldn't believe."

"I see..." Alexei said, slowly processing this information, "But... Why do they do it? Men can't breed offspring, can they?"

"Is breeding the only reason you'd have sex?" Anders asked.

"That's what I've always believed." Alexei answered.

"Really? Do you not think that people would have sex for fun? Because they enjoy it?"

"Recreational intercourse...?" Alexei asked, "That... That sounds like a poor person thing. The upper class are better than that; we don't engage in these acts just for fun."

"Is that what you think?" Anders couldn't help but laugh, "Oh, I can assure you, every upper class person you've met engages in these acts for fun. Including your father."

"How dare you?!" Alexei's tone changed immediately and he sprang to his feet, slamming his hands down on his desk, "You have the nerve of accusing my Daddy of taking part in these... These uncouth, lower class acts? I swear I'll see you chained and flogged by the end of the day!"

"Sit down." Anders said, his voice deep and demanding. Alexei's expression turned to that of pure, unrestricted anger. He looked as if he could explode at any moment.

"A-are you making demands of me?!" he roared, "Who the _hell_do you think you are?!"

"I am the man your father hired to teach you, and that is exactly what I'm doing. Now sit down, Alexei."


"Sit down!" the lion yelled, his voice echoing around the classroom, his tone suddenly changing to a harsh, almost enraged tone that Alexei certainly wasn't expecting considering his demeanour not only a moment ago. Alexei practically collapsed back into his chair, staring up at his teacher, his fists clenched, his body shaking with rage.

"That's better." Anders said, his voice returning to its previously calm state, "I really don't like yelling at my students, but if you're going to throw temper tantrums then I have no other choice. Now, where were we?"

"You were accusing my father of being a lower class lout." Alexei grumbled.

"Oh, right, sex for fun." Anders ignored the sarcasm in Alexei's voice, "Do you really have such a problem with the thought?"

"It's a poor person thing." Alexei said, "We upper class don't do that kind of thing."

"Why not?" Anders asked.

"We just don't. We're above it." the two made eye contact yet again and Ander's slowly and calmly approached his student.

"There's nothing wrong with it, you know." he said, "Like I said; every single upper class person you've met does it." Alexei remained silent, "You seemed interested in gay sex when I was explaining it..."

"It was interesting." Alexei shrugged, "Not that I'll ever know what it's like. I don't have-"

"You don't have sex for fun, you keep saying." Anders sighed, now standing directly in front of the wolf's desk, staring down at him with calm, friendly eyes, "Can I ask you something, Alexei?"

"If you must." Alexei answered, ignoring the fact Anders had forgotten to add "Master" before his name.

"Do you want to try it?"

"Male on male intercourse?" Alexei asked, "I... I suppose. But like I said, I can't."

"That's the problem here, isn't it?" Anders asked, "You want to try it, but since you can't reproduce with another man you think you can't do it." Alexei remained silent and looked away from his teacher who started circling around him until he was standing directly behind the younger male. He reached down and placed his hands on Alexei's shoulders.

"Mm..." Alexei gave a soft whimper at his touch, shivering slightly, but not stopping him. He felt the lion's hands rubbing and squeezing his shoulders softly, "T...Teacher? I have a question..."

"What is it?"

"Does... Does my father really have sex just for fun?"

"Yes. I can promise you he does." Anders told him. Alexei gulped nervously, sitting back and relaxing in his chair as his teacher continued to massage his shoulders.

"And... The rest of the upper class?"

"They do it too."

"So... I can do it...?" Alexei asked.

"Of course." Anders told him. There was a long silence where Alexei just sat in his seat, melting in Anders' hands, his mind furiously processing everything his teacher had told him.

"I want..." Alexei spoke up, but hesitated, before finally summoning enough courage to keep speaking, "I want to try it. With another man."

"Then do it." Anders said.

"I... I will... I just need somebody who'd want to try it with me. Maybe Rouche's son..."

"Well, there's another option." Anders said, his rubbing at Alexei's shoulders slowly turning into soft caresses, his hands moving down to the wolf's chest. Alexei looked up at him.


"Why not me?" Anders smiled down at him, "I am your teacher after all. Let me teach you how." he saw Alexei's cheeks turn bright pink underneath his white fur.

"S-sex... With my teacher?" he asked, "That's... That's so dirty..."

"Do you dislike the idea?" Anders asked.

"No..." Alexei said, his voice turning breathy and starting to quiver, "N-no... Not at all..."

"Then come here... Stand up." Alexei did as his teacher said and stood up to face the older male. Anders reached up and took Alexei's chin in his hand.

"Don't be nervous. I'll stop when you tell me to." he said. Alexei just nodded. Anders leaned in closer and Alexei soon felt his teacher's breath warming his muzzle. He instinctively opened his mouth as Anders drew in close and he shivered slightly when he felt their lips touch.

"Mm! Mm..." Alexei gave a soft, muffled moan as Anders kissed him, their lips rubbing against each other, the lion's spittle covering his mouth. The young wolf gave a surprised gasp when he felt the lion's warm, wet tongue rubbing up against his own. Nervous as he was, he didn't stop him. He felt so dirty, so naughty. This wasn't something he should be doing... Someone of his position shouldn't be letting someone like his teacher do this to him... And yet, he let him. He went limp, relaxing as the older lion pushed his tongue deeper into his maw. He felt Anders' hand leave his chin as the lion placed both his hands around Alexei's waist, caressing his body and holding him close. Alexei moaned in his hands and couldn't help wrapping his own arms around his teacher, his hands running over the slightly tubby belly that the lion was sporting.

As the kiss continued, Alexei grew bolder. He pushed his tongue inside Anders' mouth and returned his kiss. The lion gave an approving moan, pushing his tongue deeper still inside the younger male's mouth in a show of approval, their kiss intensifying, their hands exploring each other's bodies, their moans filling the room.

"Mm... Unnf... Mm!" Alexei's moans turned into embarrassed whimpering as he felt his loins starting to tingle. He pulled back, breaking the kiss and looking into his teacher's eyes.

"T-teacher, I..."

"What's wrong? Do you want to stop?"

"No!" Alexei said, "I just... I'm... I'm getting..." he blushed deeply, the tent in his dress pants soon becoming obvious. Anders looked down and smiled.

"I see. My, but that is quite the package you have."

"P-pardon?" Alexei asked, looking down at the sizeable bulge he had, "Oh, um... Thank you..."

"You don't have to be so shy. It's not like you're the only one that kiss had an effect on." with a grin, Anders took his student's hand and placed it on his own bulge, his member having hardened while he was making out with the wolf. Alexei gave a soft gasp as he felt his teacher's hardness through his trousers.

"Ohh... You feel big..." Alexei couldn't help but give that bulge a squeeze. Anders let go of his hand, letting him do as he wished. Alexei rubbed up and down the lion's hard package, admiring and staring at it. He gave another gasp when he felt Anders' hand on his own package.

"T-teacher...!" Alexei gasped.

"Mrrrr... You have a nice size yourself... Much bigger than the Rouche boy."

"You... You did this with him too?"

"Oh, yes." Anders said, "I had him enjoying cock in no time." the lion gave a chuckle and Alexei just blushed in response, "Now, why don't we get out of these stuffy clothes?" Alexei gulped nervously before nodding and reaching down to undo his belt. Anders stopped him, "Ah. Let me do that for you." Alexei took his hands away from his belt and let his teacher take over. He unbuckled Alexei's belt, undid his pants button and unzipped them, "Shirt first, before I drop these pants of yours." Alexei nodded and let his teacher tug and pulled at his vest, soon freeing it of his body and placing it on the desk nearby. He started unbuttoning the wolf's dress shirt, the cool air hitting Alexei's body as he exposed his chest and belly. Soon enough, his shirt joined his vest on the table, leaving Alexei naked from the waist up. Anders purred and admired his student's body.

"Damn, boy..." he breathed, placing his hands on Alexei's waist and giving the fur of his body a soft stroking. He had a nice, strong looking body. Not muscular, but he certainly had a stronger looking body than most teenagers his age, "You look amazing." Alexei blushed deeper still as his teacher stroking his body, running his hands through his white fur, his fingers tickling his body slightly. He moved his hands down until his fingers brushed along the waistband of Alexei's pants. The wolf stood there, not stopping him as the older male took his pants and slowly lowered them, letting them drop to the floor and leaving the wolf in nothing but his underwear, his hardness pressing against it, begging to be released.

"Shoes and socks off." he ordered, "I want you to be completely naked while we do this."

"Yes, teacher..." Alexei said, the raw defiance he'd shown earlier dissipating and being replaced by shy submission. He kicked off his shoes and socks as ordered, stepping out of his pants and giving a soft gasp when he felt his teachers hand on his bulge.

"You like that?" Anders asked, giving the package a good squeeze. Alexei shivered.

"Yes... I-it feels so good..." he'd never felt anything like this before. He'd never even played with himself in the past, let alone let another man touch him like this, The whole thing was completely new to him, and he loved how it felt.

"Mrrr..." Anders gave an approving purr, still admiring the size of that bulge between Alexei's legs, "Now... why don't we release this monster you've got down here, eh?" Anders' choice of words confused the sheltered, clueless young wolf, but he soon realized what he meant when he felt Anders hook his fingers into the elastic of Alexei's underwear and pull them down, letting them drop around his ankles and exposing the wolf's hard, throbbing manhood. Anders' purring intensified and Alexei gave a soft gasp.

"I've never let anyone else see me like this..." he said.

"I'm not surprised. You're a shy little wolf, aren't you?" Anders said.

"I suppose..." Alexei shrugged.

"I guess it's because you're not very experienced." he got another gasp from Alexei as he reached down and took his student's length in his hand. He gave a chuckle as he heard Alexei moan in his grasp, "Heh, enjoying that?"

"Y-yes!" Alexei gasped as Anders slowly ran his hand up and down his throbbing, sensitive cock. Alexei was an impressive size. If Anders had to guess, he'd say around seven inches long. He licked his lips as he looked down at his, his hand squeezing and stroking it, making the wolf whimper and moan.

"My, you really are a big boy." he said. Alexei moaned in response, "So big and thick... But you still look so tense, Alexei. Are you nervous?"

"A bit..." Alexei admitted.

"Well... Here. This'll calm you down." Anders knelt down in front of Alexei and it took the lupine a moment to realize what he was about to do. He watched, cock twitching, breath heavy as the older male leaned forward, mouth opening slowly before letting his tongue run across the tip of Alexei's length.

"Ohh..." Alexei whimpered softly. He placed a hand on Anders' head, watching as the lion licked at his cock, sending shivers of pleasure through his body as he covered his aching length with his spit, "T...Teacher..."

"How's it feel?" Anders asked, giving his tip another lick.

"Amazing... So amazing!" Alexei gasped, "More... Please!"

"You want more, boy?" Anders smirked and slowly ran his tongue up from the base of Alexei's cock up to the tip.

"Yes!" the wolf moaned.

"Mm, oh I know what you need." he shuffled closer, bringing his arms around Alexei's waist and gripping his ass firmly before opening his mouth wide and taking Alexei's manhood inside his maw. Alexei cried out in pleasure, his whole body tensing up as he felt his teacher start to suckle and lick at his canine cock, that tongue of his working expertly over his twitching, pre-dripping tip.

"Teacher... Ohh! Oh my...!" Alexei gasped and whimpered, legs wobbling and threatening to give out. His teacher continued sucking on his, taking the base of his cock in his hand and bobbing up and down on it, his other hand reaching down to cup and stroke at Alexei's heavy balls.

"Yeah... You... You like my cock, b-bitch?" Alexei gasped, using what little knowledge of sex he had in an attempt to talk dirty. Anders resisted the urge to chuckle at the downright adorable attempt he made and focused on pleasuring him, still bobbing up and down on his cock and sucking it long and hard. His mouth was soon full of Alexei's pre-cum which he swallowed, savouring and enjoying the taste as he felt the stuff smearing across his tongue. Alexei shivered and gasped. He'd never felt anything like this before and it just felt so amazing. His cock ached and twitched inside his teacher's mouth and filled the older male's maw with his pre.

"Mrrrr..." Anders gave a muffled moan around the thick shaft, savouring the taste of the young wolf's pre-cum. He bobbed his head faster and Alexei couldn't help but hump into Anders' face, working his cock down his throat. Anders had definitely done this plenty of times before. He seemed to be an expert at this. Before long Anders felt Alexei shoving his whole cock down his throat and the lion happily deep-throated it, taking it all inside him, still bobbing his head and sucking it. It didn't take long before the horny, pent-up teenager felt his load building up.

"T-teacher, I... Ohh!" he moaned, whimpering submissively, his body tensing and his sack clenching. He couldn't hold back any longer. He tried to warn Anders of his impending orgasm but all that came out was a loud, high pitched squeak, not that Anders needed a warning. He'd done this enough times to know when a man was going to cum. He readied himself, stroking the base of Alexei's cock furiously as he worked his mouth up and down the shaft until the wolf gave a loud roar of pleasure that echoed around the room. He thrust in deep, burying his whole cock down Anders' throat and blowing his load.

"Mrrph! Mmm!" Anders moaned, happily and eagerly taking his student's cum inside him, the stuff instantly flooding his mouth. He savoured the salty taste as he swallowed it, letting Alexei pump load after load of the warm, thick stuff inside him. Alexei had never experienced anything like this before. He felt the pleasure wash over his body. He never imagined this would feel so good. He'd heard stories about how good sex was, but he didn't think it would be like this. Alexei was in heaven.

His legs shook and buckled, his cock pumping several more loads into Anders' mouth before his orgasm finally subsided after what felt like hours. He whimpered and collapsed back into his chair, gasping and panting.

"That... That was..." Alexei gasped.

"Good?" Anders asked, his mouth covered in Alexei's cum.

"Amazing." the wolf said, "That was the best thing I've ever felt."

"Heh, I knew you'd enjoy it. You taste wonderful, Alexei. Now then..." he stood up, "Care to repay the favour?" Alexei looked at the huge bulge in Anders' pants. He was nervous and unsure, but he gave his teacher a nod nonetheless. He'd just had his cock sucked and now he wanted to see what it was like to do the sucking, to have another male's manhood in his mouth. If nothing else, it would at least be polite of him to suck his cock in return.

"Well then..." Anders said, "Why don't you unzip my pants for me? C'mon, boy, undress me." Alexei gulped nervously and reached up, tentatively bringing his hands over to his teacher's pants and slowly unzipping them, "The button too." Anders instructed, "Don't just get my dick out, get my pants down too."

"O...kay..." Alexei said, the nervousness clear in his voice as he started to lower Anders' pants. He stopped when he got a look at the huge bulge in the lion's boxers.

"Those too." Anders said. Alexei could detect a slight impatience to his voice, but it seemed like he was trying to hide it, as if the teacher wanted to be good and patient with his student. Alexei hesitated but eventually did as he was told and dropped Anders' boxers to his ankles with his pants, releasing the big, thick lion cock that Anders had packed down there. Alexei shrunk back for a moment as the aching length nearly slapped his muzzle.

"Oh... Wow..." he breathed.

"You like it?" Anders chuckled.

"I... I do... May I...?" he reached up nervously.

"Of course. I didn't ask you to get it out for you to just look at." Anders chuckled. Alexei reached over, his fingers tentatively brushing against the lion's dick. He took it in his hand and gave it a good squeeze, running his hand slowly up and down the shaft the same way Anders had been doing to him moments ago. He squeezed it good, copying the way his teacher had stroked him and getting approving grunts from the older male.

"That's good..." Anders sighed with pleasure, "Mrrr... You like touching another man's cock, boy?" Alexei nodded.

"I do... I feel so dirty... But I like it. I... I want to..." Alexei stopped, not saying another word, but continuing to rub at Anders' length.

"You want to what, boy?"

"S-suck it..." Alexei answered quietly. Anders smirked.

"Then do it. I'm not stopping you." he placed a firm hand on Alexei's head, stroking his long white hair comfortingly as the wolf readied himself, slowly moving forward until the cock in front of him was but an inch from his maw. As his teacher did to him before, he started by licking it. He opened his mouth and let his tongue lick slowly over the tip, giving a soft, short gasp as the musky taste touched his tongue. Anders rumbled in approval and let the wolf continue to lick at his cock. The lion's taste had soon filled Alexei's mouth, flooding his senses and making his head swim. It tasted strange, like nothing the sheltered young wolf had ever tasted before, but it wasn't unpleasant. In face, Alexei found himself wanting more. He held the base of Anders' cock and gave it a good stroking as he licked over the shaft and head, enjoying the taste. He licked at it faster, cleaning the tip of the pre-cum which was now dripping from it. He felt as if he'd become addicted to the taste of cock, and it only took a few more seconds of licking before Alexei couldn't hold himself back anymore. He opened wide and took the first inch of Anders' cock inside his maw.

"Mmm... Nghh..." Alexei gave muffled and submissive moans around the shaft. He'd never done this before, but having his own dick sucked by his teacher had given him an idea of what to do. He started bobbing his head up and down on that big, hard cock he had in his mouth, paying special attention to the aching tip as he sucked on it.

"Ohh, fuck yes!" Anders gasped, his grip on Alexei's head tightening. He started humping the wolf's face, grunting and gasping as his student sucked on him. Alexei grew bolder and took more of that hard lion cock down his throat, sucking and licking at it as he went until his gag reflex forced him to stop.

"Mrrrph!" Alexei groaned.

"Don't take more than you can handle." Anders said, giving Alexei's ears a soft stroking, "You're already sucking dick better than most first timers I've had. Just take it easy."

Take it easy... Alexei grunted and rejected the thought. He was a strong, proud wolf; he didn't need to "take it easy". He could handle this. Alexei was flourishing in his other classes, and that's just what this was: a class. A class Alexei planned to pass with flying colours. He gripped the base of Anders' shaft tight with renewed vigour and pushed forward, forcing himself to take more and more of his cock down his throat. He forced back his gag reflex which kept demanding he pull back, get that huge thing from his throat, but he remained defiant of it. He soon found himself battling with his gag reflex, as if it was an opponent he had to put down and put in its place. His body wanted that cock out of his throat, but Alexei didn't care. He wanted all of it inside him, all of his length shoved down his throat. He wanted to deep-throat his teacher the same way he'd done to him, gag reflex be damned. Anders couldn't help but stare at Alexei, impressed at how well he took his sizeable tool. Alexei wasn't giving up and in a few moments had Anders' entire cock down his throat. He gave himself a moment to get used to it, his tongue still running over the shaft, enjoying the taste of it until he felt ready to really get to work. He started moving his head up and down, sucking on it long and hard as the lion instinctively humped into his maw, grunting, gasping and moaning. Anders' placed a second hand on the wolf's head, gripping his hair firmly as he started controlling his thrusts slightly, pushing him away as Alexei pulled back and pulling him forwards as Alexei moved towards him. Moments later they'd gotten into an amazing rhythm and Alexei was sucking away at Anders' cock like he'd been sucking dick his whole life.

"Oh fuck... Ohh, A-Alexei... You natural little cocksucker!" his thrusts intensified and his breathing became heavier. Anyone more experienced in sex would have noticed the tell-tale signs of Anders' approaching orgasm, but not Alexei. He just kept sucking on the huge dick in his mouth, blissfully unaware of Anders' impending climax.

"Unnf! Alexei... Suck it harder... Harder, boy!" Alexei did as he was ordered and went to town on Anders' manhood, pulling back for a moment and giving the lion's sensitive tip a particularly good suck which had Anders shaking with pleasure until he couldn't take it anymore. With a deafening roar he thrust forward, tightening his grip on Alexei's hair as his cock throbbed and twitched inside him, blowing his load down his throat and filling him up with the stuff.

"Mrrrph!!" Alexei cried out around the shaft, his mouth suddenly flooded with the thick, salty stuff. He wasn't expecting Anders to shoot so much and for a moment Alexei nearly pulled back, barely able to take all the stuff inside him, but he stopped himself. Pulling back now would be a sign of defeat; something Alexei certainly wasn't going to accept. Instead, he stayed with his nose buried in Anders' pubic fur, the older lion pumping his stomach full of his seed as he held him close. Alexei closed his eyes and swallowed obediently, like a good little student.

"Nghh! Oh damn... Oh Alexei..." Anders breathed, his cock shooting a few last ropes of hot cum down the wolf's throat as his orgasm slowly stopped.

"Mmm..." Alexei gave a soft moan.

"Oh... Mm, oh my. I haven't had my dick sucked that good in a while. Are you sure this is your first time?" Anders smirked, pulling his dripping cock from Alexei's mouth. The young wolf just blushed and looked away, embarrassed.

"Don't patronize me..." he said.

"Oh, I'm not patronizing you." Anders said, "That was really one of the best dick sucking I've gotten."

"Hm. I suppose I'm a natural." Alexei shrugged, "I do well in all my classes. So, did I pass this class?"

"Heh, well we're not done yet." Anders chuckled.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Alexei looked up, confused, "Is there another lesson?"

"Oh, yes. Stand up for me." Anders said. Alexei hesitated for a moment before doing as he was told. Anders smiled down at the smaller male and slowly traced a finger down his chest.

"W-what are we going to do?" Alexei asked.

"Let me show you..."

Before Alexei could respond, Anders had grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. Alexei gave a sudden, surprised gasp as he was pushed onto his desk, ass sticking out and presented ot the older lion who wasted no time in getting acquainted with it. He knelt down and grabbed it, squeezing the wolf's cheeks tight and spreading them, licking his lips as he got an eyeful of Alexei's tight, virgin ass. Alexei just gasped, his cheeks turning bright pink as his teacher played with him.

"Mm, you're definitely a virgin." Anders smirked. He licked his lips again and Alexei was about to ask what he was doing when he felt the lion's warm, wet tongue running across his taint.

"Ahh! W-what are doing?!" Alexei gasped. Anders didn't reply; he just gave Alexei's hole another few good licks, "O-oh! Teacher! T-that's so dirty...!" Alexei gripped the side of the desk, his hole twitching at the attention, begging to be penetrated. It didn't have to wait long, as a moment later Anders pushed forward and shoved his tongue inside his student's body, forcing out a surprised noise from Alexei; a mix of a whimper and a moan of submission. Alexei couldn't help but push back, letting Anders push more of his tongue inside his passage, covering his hole with his spit and making the young wolf shiver and squirm.

"Mmm..." Anders gave an approving moan as he ate out Alexei's ass, shoving his tongue as deep as he could inside the wolf's body, sucking on his taint and listening to the gasps and moans coming from the young male. He reached between Alexei's legs and started stroking at his cock. Throbbing hard, as Anders had guessed.

He kept giving the wolf's hole a good eating out for a while; exploring his tight passage with his tongue and making Alexei whimper and moan. Alexei gave a soft and slightly disappointed groan as he felt Anders slowly slip his tongue from his ass. He looked over his shoulder at the older feline.

"Teacher...?" he asked. Anders stood up and took up position behind him, "W-what next?"

"Next?" Anders said with a smirk, "Next I'm going to teach you how to take cock like a champ." Alexei was about to ask what he meant when he felt a warm hardness pressing up against his taint.

"Ah! T-teacher, you're really going to...?" Alexei gulped.

"Nervous?" Anders asked. Alexei nodded, "Don't be. I'll go easy on you." Alexei nodded again. He had no doubt that taking Anders' cock in his ass would hurt, but he didn't object. This was something he wanted to do, not only so he could pass this class but because he wanted to know what it was like. He had to admit, as proud and upper class as he was, there was something about doing this with another man that made his cock throb with lust and anticipation. He gripped the desk tight as he felt that big, fat lion cock pressing against his ass. He clenched his teeth, grunting as his hole was slowly stretched around the thick shaft.

"Nghh! O-ow..." Alexei gasped.

"Relax. It'll be easier to take if you relax." Anders said, his hands placed firmly on Alexei's furry rump as he pushed forward. Alexei did as he was told and relaxed himself.

"Ahh!" he gave a sudden cry; the lion's cock slipping inside him much easier now that he'd relaxed a bit. The feel of having Anders' length suddenly penetrating him like that sent a surge of pain through his behind, but he took it all the same. He wasn't about to admit defeat anytime soon.

"Mm! Ohh!" Anders gasped, closing his eyes, loving the feel of the virgin ass clenching down hard around his cock, "You're amazing, Alexei!" he gave out a loud gasp as he shoved another few inches inside the wolf who took it as best he could. Alexei gritted his teeth and grunted, giving out soft, submissive moans every now and again as he felt the big feline cock being pushed deeper and deeper inside his body.

"How's it feel?" Anders asked.

"I-it feels..." Alexei hesitated. It hurt, that was true, but despite how much it hurt, it wasn't unpleasant. In fact, he liked it. "It... feels good..." he gasped.

"Heh, you like having a good cock up your ass, eh?" Anders smirked, thrusting forward and burying the last few inches of his cock inside him. Alexei gasped and cried out.

"Yes!" he gasped, "Oh, yes! That feels so good!" Alexei couldn't believe he was saying these things. Just an hour ago he'd never even consider having sex just for fun, let alone doing it with another male... And yet here he was, taking cock up the ass and moaning out how good it felt. Alexei felt so naughty, so dirty. He was loving it.

"Get ready." Anders said, "I'm going to give this ass of yours a good, hard fucking." Alexei gulped at that. He was nervous, but he still didn't object. He felt the throbbing cock in his ass slowly sliding out of him and braced himself. A moment later, his teacher shoved forward, burying his whole cock inside him with one powerful thrust of his hips.

"Ahh!" Alexei moaned, "Ohh! D-damn!" his eyes started to water as his teacher worked himself steadily in and out of his ass. He slid all but the tip of his length from his body before shoving the whole thing inside him again, and every time he did Alexei would give a loud, high-pitched moan. His whole body shivered with pleasure as his teacher slammed his cock against his prostate which had his cock twitching and dripping pre across the desk he was bent over. He could feel Anders starting to pick up the pace, steadily increasing his speed; fucking him harder and rougher and making the desk shake with his movements. Alexei's ass gripped his shaft like a vice and it took a lot of effort for Anders to stop himself blowing his load right then. He wanted this to last. He didn't want to cum after just a few moments of pounding this hot little wolf's ass.

"T-teacher...!" Alexei gasped, "Mmm! S-so good...!" Alexei had never felt like this before. This felt amazing, to say the least. Alexei needed more. He pushed back, letting Anders shove as much of his cock inside him as he could, filling his once virgin passage with his big, thick member. Alexei could feel his own throbbing dick slapping against his belly as his teacher fucked him hard and rough, pounding away at his ass with increasing speed until he was furiously ramming in and out of him. The room was filled with the grunts and moans of the two males as their rutting continued. Alexei tilted his head back, closing his eyes as the pain in his ass slowly gave way to pleasure he had never felt before in his life. He was in ecstasy and loving every moment of this.

"Oh!" he gasped when his teacher reached around and gripped his throbbing wolf cock tight.

"Heh, look how hard you are." he breathed, still pounding away at his ass, "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Yes! Oh, y-yes! So much!" Alexei whimpered, his legs starting to wobble while Anders stroked his cock.

Alexei lost track of how long he'd been there, bent over his desk, taking his teacher's cock up his ass, but before he knew it he felt Anders' grip on his rump tighten, his thrusting becoming more erratic.

"A-Alexei...!" the lion gasped, "I'm so close!" the fucking continued; his cock being shoved in and out of the wolf's ass, pushing the older man quickly towards his climax until he couldn't hold back anymore. He cried out with pure, unadulterated pleasure as his cock throbbed and shot the first of many ropes of warm feline cum inside the wolf. Alexei gasped out. He could feel the stuff filling him up, coating his passage, splattering across his g-spot. Anders kept stroking his cock as he came inside him and it didn't take long before he too could feel his orgasm approaching. Alexei humped into his teacher's hand and, mere seconds later, blew his thick wolf load across his desk, his cock pulsing with each rope he shot out; the whole time Anders was still pounding away at his ass, pumping him full of his seed.

After what felt like hours, their orgasms slowed to a stop and the two stood there, panting, the wolf feeling exhausted while the more experienced lion soon regained his breath. Anders slipped his cock from Alexei's ass, getting a sudden gasp from the wolf as cum dripped from his stretched hole.

"That was quite the fuck, Alexei." Anders grinned, "I think I have to consider you one of my best students!"

"O-of course." Alexei panted, "I do well in all my classes."

"Heh, well, you certainly did amazingly in this class!" Anders chuckled, pulling his pants back up and tucking his softening cock away, "I'm looking forward to our next class together." Alexei turned to face him, his cheeks blushing pink.

"Me too..." he said, "Um, was I good?"

"Of course." Anders nodded, "Like I said, you were amazing."

"Heh, I'm glad." Alexei said.

"Alright, now pick up your pants and let me clean up here. We made quite a mess." Alexei nodded in reply.

And with that, his first sex education class was over. Although this certainly wasn't going to be the last he was going to see of Anders and his class, and Alexei was certainly looking forward to it. It seemed the young, upper class wolf was going to pass this class with flying colours after all.


Alexei's Seduction: Chapter 2

_Horny fox boy gets fucked up the ass by huge horse cock_. Alexei clicked on the video without a second though, sitting alone in his room at his computer desk, pants around his ankles, erect cock in one hand and his computer mouse in the other. Ever...

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Phil and the Minotaur

"Half a second too slow!" Philoctetes yelled and hopped down from the stump he'd been standing on to keep a better watch over his hero-in-training. He stomped over to Hercules who'd just finished a whole fifty laps around the track Phil had set up, the...

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Starfox: Betrayal and Humiliation

"Here it is." Falco said, blaster in his hand and his comrade and friend Fox McCloud standing by his side. "Our target's in there?" Fox asked, checking his blast and readying himself for battle. "Yeah, according to my sources." Falco said. The two...

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