My name is Tiffany

Story by EMUSS on SoFurry

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#1 of My name is Tiffany

the next story from my scrapbook ready to share,

''Trisha!'' My father's booming voice called to me in an angered growl, I sat on the hard wood floor beside my bed wishing I was not there and that I would vanish. ''Trisha!'' he snarled again, I did not move and held my plushy close to my chest the only comfort in the world, his heavy footsteps approached while a soft whimper escaped my mouth as I heard him draw closer to my bedroom door, a tear ran down my face when the door crashed open, knocking into the dresser sending many items to scatter on the floor.

''You come when I call! You little whore!'' a whimper escaped as he grabbed a paw full of my hair and lifted me off the ground with his strong arm, more tears would fall when I looked at him and saw nothing but red in his eyes, and the smell filling my nose could only tell he'd been drinking allot tonight which he still had the bottle with him. Things would be much worse, he looked at me in a drunken daze and smiled rubbing his nose to mine.

*''you're playing hard to get aren't you.'' I shook my head slightly then soon realized the mistake I had made. He yanked my higher off the floor by my hair and stared menacingly into my eyes ''Yes you are!'' he growled, I made no attempt to resist having learned the hard way, He threw me by the hair onto my bed. I looked up at him as he started to unbuckle his belt and take it out of the loops of his pants, I lay still watching him closely while he stood grinning at me, I was afraid of what he was thinking, never could you guess at what he's going to do even when sober. He began to loop the leather around his paw ''take off your dress.'' He ordered with lust in his voice, which gave me fearful chills. I did as I was told, not wanting the punishment I was about to endure to be any more cruel then what he was already planning. *

Sitting up a quickly slipped the light garment up and off my young body under the watchful eye of my drunken father, I wore no panties due to his more frequent nightly visits I knew he would only rip them off me in his pursuit to have his way with me. He gazed at my naked body soaking up his fill of my small form; I made no move to cover my modesty having lost it some time ago. My fur was a solid brown color which covered most of my body, I had light tan stripes which streaked horizontally down my back curving around to my ribs, one solid vertical line down the center of my back that stopped before my tail bone, I also had tan down my muzzle, chest, belly and curving from my privates to my under tail, With some stripes along my thighs. However my father had my fur permanently dyed pink and my stripes dyed white, I guess he has a think for pink.

My dad looked until her grew bored, ''turn around, and look at the wall'' I obeyed; he will either have his way with me or prolong his twisted fun. Presenting my bare back to him he moved closer, I could hear him take a drink out of his bottle, I trembled waiting for whatever was to come only to hear the rattling of his belt. I cried out in sharp pain, feeling the metal of his belt buckle strike my back dead center, the pain was crisp and to the point, tears ran down my face as I could not hold them in as another struck my back the buckle pin pierced my softer hide, my fear was acknowledged when the strikes kept coming with no end. I cried, I tried so hard to keep it in but I could feel his delighted smile in hearing my cry's, I could feel the growing bulge in his pants with every bloodying impact.

I knew him so well, but I knew nothing at all. The crack of the belt range through my room, 'Whack!' And again 'whack!' 'whack whack whack whack!' no end my crys became mute I had no more breath for them, losing count of how many I had gotten, my body buckled and fell limp onto my bed, that did not stop him, I lay still on my bed, the sheets dotted with little droplets of my own blood, I could make out chuckles of glee in-between the cracks of his belt, he gave me several more before he thought I had enough or grew bored, I was in too much pain to know which. 'Why is my daddy so mean to me,....what did I do..' I thought that many many times before until I realized, I had done nothing to deserve this.

I felt my bed shake feeling him loom over me ready for his prize, he grabbed my tail and hoisted my rear high, I had no strength left I couldn't fight back even if I wanted to, he'd kill me just like.

My jaw dropped to scream as I felt his huge cock drill into my unready privates, no sound would be produced; just a single dry tear would fall before he assaulted me. My father was a large black timber wolf, much larger than other males. To him taking whatever he wanted was easy, he was fast and aggressive in claiming my body for his own he didn't care that I was hurting or that I was his own daughter, I could tell I was just another female for him to play with until I had no use left. His muscles where strong and powerful, I could feel it every time he took me. How easy it would be for him to snap an arm or leg, or my neck, I was so much smaller and powerless to defy him, I was constantly reminded while the bed cluncked and creaked with strain from his aggressive thrusts, my sex had gone numb, I couldn't feel him anymore, a small blessing among a horrendous curse.

''mmmm you like that? I know what you like, can't get enough of it can you.'' He drool over me, I said nothing. My silence did not please him but I had no voice, he yanked my hair again and pulled me into a very uncomfortable and dangerous position twisting my neck around my back strained to keep its orientation, if he wanted to just a little further and I could be broken. '' can't talk cuz it's so good right?'' he spoke angrily, my tears returned enough to moisten my dry eyes, he grabbed his bottle again while pounding away into me, I did my hardest to speak. 'y...yes..' I whispered out just enough he could hear me, my father smiled and thrust happily.

I wanted it to all be over until suddenly I blacked out, he was more aggressive tonight and I couldn't handle it everything went dark, I'm not sure how much time past but by the time I had woken up my dad was gone, my fur upon inspection was covered in his cum, my blood and little shards of glass. My bed was in the same shape as I was, my head hurt horribly and I felt a lump on the side of my head, he must had broke the bottle over my head, I looked around the house was silent I felt a pain whell up inside my chest and I broke down in tears of anguish, I cried laying curled up in my room, used and beaten. Waiting till he came home again to have his way with her another time.