Death Of The TITAN 2: Meeting The First Five

and heres the next installment of Death Of The TITAN. its been 3 hard months but i finaly finished this chapter. and i hope you all like it as much as i do. special thanks to [the golden malamute] for help with editing. this chapter...

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Unnatural Attraction 1 (rewritten)

ive finnaly found the time to rewrite this as i promised here it is again. and also some tweeks to the characters have been made plz enjoy special thanks to the golden malamute for help with the editing. :) ------------------------ It had been a...

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Death Of The TITAN: glimps

first ever story atemp, i am planing on makeing more chapters of this story is people seem to like it, id verry much apreciate coments and feed back.. also rateings would be nice to. wel this story contains blood, death, violance and other matter that...

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Poem of a broken heart #2

?''for the longest of times, i imagined your smile, your eyes, your love, in my mind and in my heart, i imagined you in my dreams loosing myself, gazeing into your eyes, watching you smile. i imagined your love, your sweet sweet love, from...

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a poem from a broken heart

''three years my heart had been, three years my heart had longed, three years my heart has weeped, three years it has grown, and in three years it has shown. love only grows, never shall it fade or diminish, no time or distance shall keep it at...

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Unnatural Attraction

link is to the rewritten version enjoy []( will be back at a later time. [EMUSS] * * *

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Poem Of A Broken heart #3

The Darkest time has come to pass, For when i'm alone at last, The song my heart so fragile weeps, Will cry out in the months to come, My mate has left my side, she no longer wakes. Her touch I can no longer feel, My heart, this is to...

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My name is Tiffany

**''Trisha!'' My father's booming voice called to me in an angered growl, I sat on the hard wood floor beside my bed wishing I was not there and that I would vanish. ''Trisha!'' he snarled again, I did not move and held my plushy close to my chest the...

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