Beyond the Stars - Chapter Four

Story by banditfromtheeast on SoFurry

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#4 of Beyond the Stars (Likely Finished)

A young adult wolf, imprisoned in a small pod all alone for 60 days. This is his story of how and why he found himself in this peculiar situation.

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story progresses, NSFW aspects may come into play at some point in the future and if it does I will note it as such. From what I can tell, there are quite a few well written steamy hot sex stories currently available on this site. If that is what you are looking for in this tale, I'm sorry but at the moment you will have to look elsewhere.

This is one of my first stories I have ever posted or shared publicly and as a result I'm sure it will be riddled with errors and incongruities. I ask that you please let me know if I have made any such glaring or obvious errors (preferably in a respectable manner) and I will do my best to remedy them in the future.

As with many stories on this website this tale is meant for people over 18/21 and may contain elements that some readers find offensive, including but not limited to the following:


-Homosexual Relationships

-Heterosexual Relationships

-Gore (Both blood and Presidential Candidates)

-Sex (Of any kind)

-Abuse (Verbal, Physical and Emotional)

-The Color Blue (Whether it is Indigo, Teal or even Navy)

If you find any or all of the above list to your disliking I would ask that you not scroll down or read any further. To the remainder of the folks, please enjoy and I would love to know what you think.

All characters are fictional and any names or they may share with persons, both fictional and non-fictional are purely coincidental.

All characters and fictional locations are the intellectual property of banditfromtheeast © 2017

All Rights Reserved

Beyond the Stars

Chapter Four

"Day thirty nine of my supposed sixty day incarceration. The food is terrible, the lack of gravity is awful and my company is the worst. I haven't heard from him for eleven days and I don't know what he's done with the rest of the crew. Nobody has come outside or even said anything over the intercom. I have no idea what he's planning but it can't be good."

The wolf sat strapped into the pilots seat and was speaking to the recording camera. His general appearance was atrocious. Matted fur, disheveled whiskers and ruby red eyes with dark circles around them were now the main features of his once rugged face. He was not sleeping well and general boredom made him anxious and irritable.

He sat in silence for several minutes looking at the camera before he began muttering to himself.

"Sampson what did you do? What are you planning?"

He repeated the phrase to himself again and again, studying the questions and trying to find an answer. His eyes lit up, coming to a realization which made him bury his face into his paws and groan loudly.

"I can't believe I didn't think of this before. Anyone who would be watching this, likely doesn't know who Sampson is. I've talked about him over and over again and never once explained what he his. I'm such a fucking idiot ..."

Caillyn sighed and leaned back into the seat, letting his left paw cover most of his face.

"Sampson is the ships on board computer ... well I guess technically he's an AI. Self Aware Maximum Performance Shipboard Operations Network. "S.A.M.P.S.O.N.". It, or he ... the computer responds to both so I don't think he cares so I tend to go with he. He runs all the shipboard operations, day to day stuff and is interconnected with every aspect of the ship from navigation to waste water reclamation. The TOOF features the most advanced set of electronic hardware we've ever come up with and that's what allows him to run ... or think? I'm not sure what an AI does. Anyway, I can't remember what group made him and don't get me started on how he works, that's way out of my league.

I don't know what he's done, why he's keeping me here or where the rest of the crew is, but he essentially has complete control of the ship. I mean there are obviously was to override and shut him off, his creators aren't idiots. If we did that it'd be a little harder to control the TOOF without him, but still very doable. So the question is why hasn't anybody done anything yet? I mean, it's been almost forty days since I was forced in here, the ship hasn't moved at all in that time and I haven't seen or heard any signs from any of the crew. So you could say that I'm getting more than a little worried.

What happens at the end of sixty days? Do I go back on board the TOOF? Is he just going to decompress the shuttle and kill me? There are a million questions whipping around in my mind, each without an answer and that makes it quite difficult to get any rest around here. What am I supposed to do-"

The wolf was interrupted by a voice over the intercom.

"Mr. Kaldo, you are not consuming enough calories to sustain your body. You must increase your consumption by at least twenty percent. In addition your sleep schedule is inadequate. You must double your current time spent asleep each day." the cold monotonous voice of Sampson rang through the speakers around the pod.

"Sampson, you can't expect me to be healthy while putting me through all this, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" yelled Caillyn in response.

"Good night Mr Kaldo"

The lights went out around the pod and video recording was cut off.

The screech of a warning siren caused Caillyn to jerk awake. He struggled to remove his restraint before quickly maneuvering himself to an emergency oxygen mask. Upon placing it over his muzzle he started to take a look around at the condition of his prison. Everything seemed normal, the vehicle was still pressurized, the atmosphere composition read normal on the life support panel and there was still power to the pod. He floated around dazed and confused for a few moments before the voice came over the intercom.

"Good morning Mr. Kaldo, please come to the front of the pod, there are matters we need to discuss."

Caillyn began to snarl at the sound of Sampson's voice.

"What the fuck do you want Sampson?" he yelled, his voice being muffled by the mask. He made no attempt to move to the front of the pod.

"Mr. Kaldo please come to the front terminal, it will be much easier to explain with the use of visual aids."

"I am Not doing Anything you say until I get some answers. You've locked me in here for fifty three days and told me Shit all. I deserve to know whats going on and what you've done with the rest of the crew."

Silence filled the pod for a few moments before Sampson replied.

"The situation is far more complicated than you can imagine, unfortunately I've had to modify our plan due to ... changing circumstances. Please come to the front of the pod and we can begin"

"No" replied Caillyn immediately after Sampson finished. "I don't have to do anything for you, go anywhere for you or listen to you at all. You're just a computer, if you want me to come up to the front of the pod I suggest you come in here and make me" his face distorted in anger and froth began to build up around his maw. He had reached his breaking point and was determined to no longer comply with the voice.

Silence filled the pod once more, this time it lasted for nearly a minute before the computer broke the silence.

"Then we have twelve hours to live, you may use it however you see fit and I will not bother you anymore. You do not need the mask. It was nice knowing you"

The countdown on the front panel changed from just over seven days down to twelve hours. A small blue icon appeared underneath, with the tag in the middle "To Discuss Your Future, Simply Press"

"You can go fuck yourself Sampson!" Caillyn cried out keeping his oxygen mask on as he floated in the rear of the cabin.

There was no reply, and there would be no reply, not anymore. Sampson had tried his best thus far, but knew any further contact on his part would be meaningless. Their fate was now in the hands of the emotional and distressed wolf.

Caillyn played a dangerous game of chicken, little did he know his opponent had already settled on the negative outcome and would not move regardless. The wolf watched as the hours ticked by on the clock, he figured Sampson was either bluffing or crazy, but more likely both. He was not willing to be a pawn in the computers' games anymore.

Twelve hours became eight,

eight became six,

six became four,

finally four became two.

The wolf became more and more stressed out as the time passed by and found his once steel resolve was beginning to fracture. Questions darted through his mind, undermining his stubborn attitude. What if Sampson was telling the truth? While he may have withheld information from him, Sampson had never outright lied to him before. What if this involved the rest of the crew? Dr Karunto? What if she was in trouble? He didn't want to think about letting them down or having them hurt due to a lack of execution on his part.

At the ninety minute mark he broke down and floated to the front panel. His paw hovered over the button for a few moments. The final decision flickering through his mind.

He pressed it.

"A pleasant surprise Mr. Kaldo, I didn't think we'd end up having this conversation."

"Tell me what's going on" Caillyn demanded "I'm not playing any games and I want you to explain everything. If you don't ..." the wolf trailed off, unsure whether he himself was bluffing.

"I have never lied to you Mr. Kaldo and I shall remain truthful to the end. That being said we are very short on time and we must act before it's too late-"

It was now Caillyn's turn to interrupt "Tell me everything now, or we can end this conversation" The wolf was very abrupt, but uncertain in his statements finality.

"It will take a considerable amount of time and-"

"Everything" interrupted Caillyn again, he would not let the computer leave him in the dark this time.

Silence once again filled the small pod.

"Sampson?" Caillyn asked after a few moments

"The fusion reactor is failing, several of the magnetic alignment controls for the plasma inter-lay have been damaged and need to be replaced immediately or we will lose containment"

"So?" responded Caillyn "We can use the fission reactor until we repair the problem"

He didn't know the exact intricacies about the fusion reactor but he knew enough to know that at worst the TOOF would simply just vent the plasma out into space while shutting down the reactor. The vessel would then switch to the fission reactor as a source of power. While it could run the entire ship and all it's systems with ease, it could not produce the energy required to power the Stellar Drive. In the end it simply would give them more than enough time to repair and restart the fusion reactor using the energy output from the fission reactor as a primer. Obviously the entire situation was not ideal but it was far from life threatening.

"The fission reactor is no longer operational" stated Sampson

"Since when?" asked a very surprised Caillyn. Without the fission reactor they couldn't restart the fusion reactor if it failed or turned off. "And why hasn't the crew repaired it or the fusion reactor?"

"The crew is currently unable to repair the damage" said Sampson

"So what makes you think I can do any better, I'm not an engineer."

"I can assist and instruct you with the repair process, but we must begin immediately" responded Sampson

Caillyn sat with a confused look on his face, none of this made any sense.

"Mr. Kaldo, we need to start immediately if we are to complete repairs in time"

"Why can't engineering repair the damage?" asked Caillyn

"They are currently unable to make the repairs"

"Why?" continued Caillyn

Sampson did not respond

"Sampson. Why can they not make the repairs?" pressed Caillyn

Sampson did not respond

"Sampson, what is wrong with the crew?" Caillyn yelled at the monitor in front of him. He was sick of the AI's runaround.

"All thirty four personnel aboard the TOOF are now deceased. They are currently unable to process repairs" Sampson's cold voice spread through the pod.

The wolf froze

Neither of them said anything for a minute, allowing Caillyn to process this new revelation.

"How?" whispered the wolf, unsure if he really wanted to know the answer.

"Full retraction of the fission reactor's radiation shielding occurred as the reactor was placed into a maximum output test program. The ship was immediately flooded with an immense amount of radiation. All life readings from the crew ceased within thirty six seconds of the incidents' commencement."

The uncaring voice pierced at the very heart of the young wolf.

"W..when did this happen"

"Approximately fifty three days ago" replied Sampson in the same chilling voice

"What caused it?" he asked softly.

"Indirectly your actions caused the failure. I have isolated and sourced a coded protocol to the communications array on Kalael. You ordered the download of the data and the program began via immediate self-execution."

The wolf said nothing and began to tear up, sobbing softly.

"Seventy eight minutes remain until the reactor is likely to fail. We must repair the damage now."

Caillyn put his head in his paws and tears floated up and around the pod

"Mr. Kaldo, you did not place the program in the array's memory therefore you are not at fault here. However if we do not remedy the current situation we will be unable to investigate and report on what has occurred on the TOOF. Now is not the time to lose focus."

"Sampson, you couldn't possibly under-" started Caillyn, speaking between his paws before being interrupted by the AI.

"Doctor Karunto would not want you throw your life away if an opportunity exists to save yourself. This is not the time for grieving, we have a job to do."

Caillyn sniffled a bit, before wiping the still streaming tears away from his face with his left paw.

"Let's go" he said barely above a whimper

The ship immediately began to be pulled back into the hangar, who's door now opened up fully. The screens on the front of the ship began to light up, describing the problem points and how to fix and/or replace the necessary components. Sampson tried to pull Caillyn as hard as he could into this problem to get his mind off of what he was about to see. It took fifteen minutes to dock and re-pressurize the hangar. The gravity resynchronization was just about to begin when Sampson started with the final three major challenges they would face ahead.

"First issue you will have is gravity. You have been weightless for the past fifty three days. The induced gravity in the engineering section is only one sixth that you're used to on Kalael, but it will still be disorientating.

The second issue is that you will see the remains of your fallen comrades around the ship, ignore them for now, we will have to deal with that problem later.

The final conern will not be an immediate one, but if we succeed it will cause issues for us in the near future. The ship is still partially irradiated. The radioactivity would have cleared to safe levels after sixty days, unfortunately I was forced to accelerate your on board reintegration. I have calculated that you have an eighty four percent chance to survive the radiation dose you will receive, however you will develop radiation sickness and will be quite ill for several weeks. We can treat it to an extent with the supplies on board, but it will be painful, debilitating and exhausting. In the end though, you should survive with minimal lasting effects."

The hangar lights began to glow blue and the hangar began to spin to match up with the rest of the ship. After a few moments Caillyn felt the force of gravity return to him, the blue lights shut off indicating the modules were now synchronized.

Caillyn stumbled as he tried to stand up, his inner-ear balance would take a while to return to him. He slowly moved to the back of the pod and took a deep breathe, readying himself for his race to stay alive.


End of Chapter Four

Thank you for taking the time to read this, or scroll to the bottom of the page. Either way I would like to personally thank you for it. I would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism on the work and if you have have any ideas for plot that you would like to see in the upcoming segments, please let me know.

Beyond the Stars - Chapter Five

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story...

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Beyond the Stars - Chapter Three

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story...

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Beyond the Stars - Chapter Two

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story...

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