A Dragon's Brother 2

Story by Cecil_88 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Dragon's Brother Series

Alright first off, Thank you guys! The support really helped! Oh and for those with the constructive criticism thank you too, it helped also! Oh, and for those people who asked about my name, Cecil will do just fine. The _88 is for my screen name. Anyway lets move on shall we? Just to tell you, although this is in the M/M section it contains no yiff (sorry, to all those that paw off to these. Tried but it just didn't fit anywhere ^-^; ) It's in here so it is easier to find. You need to have read the last chapter to understand so if you haven't read it yet.... Go find it then come back! Alright? Ok? Swell! Well, for all you fans of the last story this is for you!

Lance woke up the next morning early in his brother's arms, apparently Sypher had been a bit cold too. He smiled a bit at his own thought and snuggled in closer to his big brother, why red dragons gave off such warmth he would never know, but he enjoyed it anyway. He stayed there, in his brother's arms, for a few more moments until he reluctantly got up and stretched, his wing hitting a lamp as he did so. He turned around and looked at his older brother and laughed quietly at his hardy snoring, he smiled once again and walked out of the room.

He stood in the hall for a moment and thought what he might do today. It was a Saturday, he was fifteen, and he had nothing to do....damn he was pathetic. He decided that he would make some breakfast for his brother, after all he did for him it was only right. After a few minutes his brother stumbled out of his room groggy, as always, he walked over to the counter, got a cup of coffee and sat at the table. Although Lance was happy to see his older brother, Sypher had a very stern look on his face, and that worried him.

"So... Sypher, what do you want to do today?" He brought a plate of eggs and bacon over to his brother and sat down with his own. "You don't have to work today, right?" He looked up at his brother, who gave him no response. He waited for a few moments before a sickness in his stomach began to form. "S...Sypher? What's wrong? D...do you not want breakfast?"

Sypher swirled his coffee a few times then looked across the table at his younger brother and sighed. "Lance...."

Lance was beginning to get very frightened, last night his brother had been so loving and kind. What could have changed? "Sypher...what's wrong?"

Sypher looked back again then got up. "Lance, I'm going for a drive.... I'll be back later." He grabbed a jacket and a pair of shorts and walked out the door.

Lance simply sat there, speechless. What was going on? He began to breathe heavily as the sickening feeling in his stomach grew greater. Had he done something wrong? He kept thinking back to last night and of the looks on his brother's face. He should have stopped...he knew he should have. Last night should have never happened. He was barely able to clean the uneaten breakfast, his head was reeling. His brother had said he would be there for him... he began to feel more sick.

He walked into the living room and sat down in front of the T.V. and just simply stared into the black screen. What had he done?........


Lance went through the next few hours in a daze; he played a few video games, watched some T.V. and basically sat there. He felt so bad, it was all his fault, because he couldn't stop he may have lost his only friend and only person he could trust. The worst part of this was that he couldn't talk to anyone about it, Sypher was supposed to be the person he could talk to! What could he do now!? He sat alone in their big empty house waiting for his brother to come home, and finally at about one o'clock Sypher's jeep drove into the driveway. Lance decided it was best not to bring it up, but instead continued to watch T.V. Sypher walked in moments later and simply stood at the door looking at the younger dragon. "Hi, Lance..."

"Hi, Sypher." Lance kept his eyes on the T.V. deciding it would be best if Sypher began the conversation.

"So, Lance, mind if I sit down?"

"Y....yeah, I suppose." Lance scooted over on the couch to give his brother some room. Sypher walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Look, Lance, I'm sorry that I was such an ass earlier." He looked away as if in thought. "It's just last night...."

"Sypher, I shouldn't have asked you to do that.... I was just...."

Sypher chuckled uneasily and wrapped his arm and wing around his brother and pulled him close. "Lance...it wasn't that." He stared down at his younger brother. "Lance, it's just... well, lets put it this way; you're young, you have plenty of time to figure out what you want, and I'll be happy to...well... help you along the way," Lance smiled and continued to listen. "it's just, Lance, I love you, but I wouldn't be able to give you the kind of love you need if you ever needed....more. And I'm worried that someday you may want that from me." Lance looked down at the floor for a moment. He had never thought about it that way, last night had been one of the best nights of his life, and he truly admired and loved his brother but..... did he feel more? Was all the affection and compassion his brother showing him causing something in him to change? Maybe it was just something that would pass, what he was now feeling for the red dragon.... but what if it wasn't.

Sypher saw the look of turmoil on his bother's face and decided it would be best if he broke the mood. "Well, hey, why don't we go get some lunch? Sound good?"

Lance smiled up at his older brother, trying to push the troubling thoughts out of his mind, "Your treat?"

Sypher gave a deep laugh and pushed his little brother off the couch. "Come on you little whelp, go get cleaned up." Lance laughed with his brother and got up to get a shower.


A few moments later Lance was in the shower, warm water running down his blue green scales. He was starving and would have normally finished rather quickly but he had too much in his head to worry about hunger. He watched the water go down the drain as he leaned against the back wall. He knew that he loved doing these kind of things with his brother, now that his brother said it was okay that is, but as much as he was enjoying it he knew that what he was doing was ......well...gay. He let his head fall back, the warm water running down his chest. All he had been taught by his dad... his brother.... everyone! all of it was simply falling apart.

He thought again about how he loved things he was doing. He sighed aloud. But he didn't want to be gay he-, before he could go any further his stomach growled loudly. "Eh, I guess I'll have time to think about this later." He got out of the shower dried off, got dressed and went downstairs.


About half an hour later they were both at the near by restaurant munching down on a few burgers. They were both making small talk, finally getting back to normal, only now they were happy to be together and to share the time that they missed out on the past few years.

"...and dad caught you?!" Lance laughed.

"Shut up!" Sypher couldn't help but laugh along with his brother about his little masturbation adventure. They both were having so much fun, more than either had had in a long time.

"What did you do?" Lance continued to smile. He couldn't help but imagine his big burly brother, fifteen years old, cock in hand, scrambling to hide his hard-on when dad walked in on him.

"Well, I made some excuse, like, I had a bad itch or something pathetic like that." Sypher barely managed to utter this between his laughs. They both simply laughed barely even able to eat. But after about an hour they both had there fill and left with tear stains on their faces from there hysteric laughter. Minutes later they were heading to the mall movie theatre, they had both decided that on a rainy day like today that a movie would be the best thing to do, and since Sypher paid for the lunch Lance reluctantly decided to pay for the movie. Hour or so later they walked out of the movie laughing hysterically for the second time that day. The movie was so fake that they couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow.... that movie was simply great....." Lance said sarcastically.

"Yes.... so believable." Sypher and Lance broke out into another round of laughter as they walked to the car. "So, anything else we should do?"

Lance stood at the car for a moment and rubbed his chin, "Hmm, how bout we rent a mess of old scary movies and have an all night thing?"

"Sounds good to me!" They both smiled, jumped into Sypher's jeep and drove to the nearby blockbuster. They decided to rent the day of the dead trilogy and some other corny old movie. They got back to their house about six o'clock and immediately got some popcorn and sat down to watch the movies. At the end of the first movie Lance got up and walked to the VCR.

"So, which one next?" He waited a moment but heard no response from the older red dragon. "Sypher?" Lance turned around so see his brother sprawled out on the couch, head tilted back, snoring quietly. "Guess the day was to much for him." Lance thought as he laughed a bit. Although he wasn't fond of watching scary movies alone it seemed a shame to let them go to waist. So he put in a movie, walked over and sat down next to his big brother.

Earlier in the night a storm had cooked up, they had barely managed to get inside before it began to rain. And about ten minutes into the second movie the power went out. Now Lance normally could have handled this; however, after watching several hours of zombie footage he was a bit freaked out. So a few minutes after the power went out he scooted as close to his older brother as possible, without being inside of him. "Well, guess it's time for bed." he thought to himself in an attempt to make himself feel better.

He gently pulled his brother's arm around himself and sat quietly in the dark. His mind began to wander and reflect on past events. He had to think about these things sometime, and he had nothing better to do now. He tilted his head back and looked into his big brother's face. The red dragon was his idol, if he accomplished one thing in his life it would be to be like him.... or be with him. He stopped, mentally rewound, and played back the last thing he thought. Oh god....


A few minutes later Lance was sitting on his bed with knees covering his face, his brother still on the couch, and the power still off. He sat there alone, shoulders bouncing from time to time as he cried softly. He kept trying to tell himself that he loved his brother only as that, a brother but each time his thoughts still told him, you want to be with him. He shook his head as he began to cry harder. No! No! No! It wasn't right!!!! Everything he had ever been taught, everything that would happen if he ever tried to talk to anyone about it.

His brother had brought it up, yes, but if he told him it was true..... what would happen to them? Would this newfound relationship shatter? Would the compassion his brother showed him die? He let his head move up and rest on his knees. He looked, teary eyed, to a picture on his bed stand. It was a picture of his fifteenth birthday, his brother and his dad had there arms around the young dragon, all three of them with wide smiles. What would happen to all that? His father would never feel comfortable around him again. And his brother.... he buried his face in his knees again. All of the promises about Lance being able to talk to his brother about anything would collapse and things would become like they used to be, when Sypher's favorite pass time was tormenting Lance. Although he knew that it would never be that bad again, he knew that he would never be able to talk to his brother again. He fell back softly onto his bed and curled into one of his pillows. He laid there and slowly cried himself to sleep.


His brother woke him up early the next morning. "Lance, wake up, it's time for school." Lance woke up and slowly rose to his feet. "Hey, remember Lance, I'll be in the parking lot after school to pick you up, okay?"

"Alright.... thank you."

Sypher gave his brother a rub on his head and walked out of the room, leaving lance to get dressed. Moments later they were on there way to the Black Horn high school. They drove to the school in silence, Sypher thinking only that Lance was tired, when actually Lance was still thinking about the night before. They drove into the school parking lot and Lance hopped out. "Now remember I'll be here to pick you up after school."

"Right..." Lance walked solemnly into the crowd of people and into the two front doors. He sulked throughout the rest of the day with large sad eyes, rarely looking up from his shoes as he walked down the halls, mostly ignoring the normal taunts and cat calls. However, when he would look up at a person he would give them something to remember, the look of sadness he gave them began to get people feeling slightly sorry for him, only now realizing how alone he truly was. However, everything would change at lunch.


Lance finished his lunch quietly at his empty table in the corner like always when the table jolted as it was hit on the other end. Lance made little reaction as he looked up into Jason's face. "So....you had the nerve to show up, eh half-breed?" Lance looked at Jason with an expressionless face showing no sign of disapproval. "What? Did we knock the voice out of you last time?" Snickered Jason.

"Just leave me alone." Lance, still expressionless, got up and began to walk away.

"Don't you walk away from me!" Jason grabbed Lance and forced him against the wall sending his books tumbling to the floor. "Aw, how clumsy of you."

"I guess so."

Jason began to get a bit irritated, what the hell was up with this kid today? "Hmm, Perhaps you need another lesson."

Lance looked at Jason solemnly and for a moment said nothing...then something in him snapped Lance was sick of it. He was sick of being taken advantage of, and he was going to change it. He stopped picking up his books and looked at Jason with a look with such resolve that Jason had to make a double take. "Leave me alone."

Jason hesitated a bit then pressed forward and pushed Lance against the wall. "Listen you little-"


"- You make me sick-"


"- And I'm gonna make sure you don't set foot in this school again!"

"ALONE!!!!!!!" Lance put his feet to the wall and lunged forward wrapping his arms around the lion and bringing the back of the jock's head smashing into one of the large lunch tables causing that side of the room to go into disarray and begin to form a half circle around the two fighters. The lion attempted to rise to his feet but before he could Lance's tail was brought down hard on his forehead sending him to the ground again.

"You little fucker!" The lion cried out as he lunged at the young dragon, but once again Lance was a step ahead and countered the leap with a lower leap of his own driving a fist deep into the lion's gut. Lance backed away panting as the lion collapsed to the floor on his back gasping for breath. The lion opened one eye and looked about him, everyone was staring at him... and why shouldn't they? Here the team captain was getting beaten up by a half-breed! He stumbled to his feet and with the sickening feeling of losing to a half-breed in the pit of his stomach brought a bared paw down on the half-breed's face. The lion gave a smirk at the half-breed but it turned to fear the moment the Lance looked at him, blood gently flowing out of the claw marks and a sinister smile that stretched across his face.

"Play with claws will we?" Lance tilted the bloody side of his face at the lion and pounced driving him to the ground, Lance laughing hysterically. Lance dug his draconian claws into the lion's shoulders causing him to cry out in pain and began to breath heavily.

"That's enough!!!!" The principal pushed through the crowed and wrenched Lance off Jason with his strong bull arms. Jason cried out in pain as the claws were pulled from his shoulders. As Lance got up he turned to Jason with that same sinister smile.

"What's wrong kitty cat?" Jason looked up at Lance with a look of disbelief. "Did I hurt you??" Lance chuckled sadistically. Jason stared up at Lance wide eyed and with a feeling of fear. He then studied the surrounding crowed, they were all whispering to each other as they looked at the injured lion. He had just gotten his ass beaten by a half-breed.


The principal sent Lance home, having to pull his brother out of school to do so, finally as they walked in the door Sypher slammed the door shut.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Sypher stared down at his little brother with a look of pure anger.

"None of your business!" Lance glared up at his older brother in an attempt to feel bigger.

"What?!" Sypher brought a hand down on his brother's face an top of the already injured claw marks. "What if something had happened to you!? If you had been injured or worse?! Do you know how that would effect dad?! Me?! You don't know what assholes like that are capable of!!!!"

Lance continued his charade of being angry and yelled at his brother, "J....Just leave me alone!! He pushed his brother as best he could, ran to his room and locked the door. He slid down the door crying softly.

It had worked...joy. He rested his chin on his knees and looked out his window. The first part of his plan worked, if it was true what he was feeling, he couldn't let it hurt his brother. His brother loved him, yes, but not that way, and he knew that if he told his brother what he was feeling. His brother would do everything in his power to help him feel better, and in turn, ruining his own life. Lance wouldn't let that happen.... so he decided that he would make Sypher hate him, and this was the perfect opportunity. He just had to keep it up...... forever. He frowned knowing the loss that would come of this and began to cry again hoping this would be the last time.

The night continued thusly, Sypher would attempt to get Lance to open the door but would only get a; "Go away!!!" or "Leave me alone!!!" until finally Sypher gave up altogether. At about midnight Lance sat in his bed watching T.V. when a light tap was heard on the door. "Lance?"

"Go away, Sypher!"

"L...Lance, I'm sorry....please open the door." There was a light tap as Sypher let his fore head rest on the other side of the door.

"Sypher can't you take a hint?! I don't want you here!" Lance had to do his best not to cry.

"L...Lance....I..." Lance heard Sypher sniff through the door. Had he been crying? "Lance, please, I'm sorry I hit you....I was just worried.... I was worried what might happen to you....."

"N....no, please go away........"

"Lance please! I....." Lance heard Sypher begin to cry softly behind the door. "I don't want you to be angry.....please....."

Lance looked at the door and slowly began to get up but turned away quickly. He had to do this... he loved his brother too much not to. He shivered, there was that thought again. "NO! Now go away!!" He waited for a response but instead heard a click and the door slowly swing open.

Sypher stood there at the doorway with a paperclip in hand and large watery eyes, "This was my room before the edition remember?" He tried to smile but the fact that he was about to cry was evident.

"Who said you could come in here?!" Lance ran up and did his best to pound on his brother's chest, as he did so he began to cry, "I want you to get out!!" Sypher looked down at his little brother knowing full and well what was going on. He knelt down and pulled Lance into him. "n...no.....please...." Sypher gently scratched Lance's back as his punches became slower and less frantic.

"It's ok Lance...."

"No, go ..... Away!!!" Lance began to cry hard into his brother's chest, "You have no idea what's going on!"

Sypher pulled his brother away from him and looked into his eyes. "Lance, you know how some people talk in there sleep?" Lance's eyes grew wide. "When I woke up and went to go to sleep in my bed I heard you talking. Lance why didn't you tell me?"

Lance took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. "It's because......" He simply let his hands hang at his sides and looked down at his feet. "I wasn't sure what you would think... I mean you had just finished telling me about that kind of thing that morning, and well.... I knew if I told you, even if you didn't want to, you would do your best to make me feel better. No matter what the cost." He looked up at his brother and continued. "Sypher, I don't want you to ruin your life because of me."

"Lance, I told you that you could tell me anything and I meant it. Nothing that could ever happen between us could make me feel any less of you or ruin my life." He held his brother closer to his warm red dragon body. "Lance, I already told you, I love you that will never change."

Lance shook his head and pulled away from his brother. "Sypher.... I love you too, but that's what worries me." He looked at the floor again. "Sypher, I'm not sure how I feel about anything anymore. All I know is that I....I care about you Sypher, and I know that if I asked you to become my mate," Lance shivered at the thought turned and looked at Sypher "I know that you would... even after what you said. And I don't want to do that to you."

Sypher chuckled quietly, "You're right. Lance, if you had asked me. I would have." He stood up and took Lance into a hug. "However, Lance, what could or would have happened should not affect now. I don't want you to ever be angry or sad because of me, I care for you to much to let that happen." Lance smiled and leaned into his brother's embrace feeling his brother's heart beat. "Lance, whatever you want I'd give it to you. I always will. I'd keep you safe and protect you." He rubbed his neck against his little brother's. Sypher rested a soft kiss on his brothers cheek and whispered in his ear again. "I love you Lance, and I'd give you the world if I could."

Lance pulled back for a moment and thought. He had an idea, a surefire way to decide who he was and what he wanted. "Sypher, do you think I could.... just once....." Sypher finished the question for him. He raised Lance's chin and lowered his head resting a soft loving kiss on his brother's lips. There was a tingle in his stomach as he kissed the first guy he ever felt he should.

A surge ran through Lance's body as his brother rested a kiss on his lips. It felt so right. So... good. As they parted he smiled like a child getting a new toy and he wrapped his arms around his older brother in a warm hug. His face hung at his brother's side and slowly rubbed the large dragon's side as he opened his eyes and his heart dropped. His eyes grew wide in fear as he looked at the doorway and the large green figure standing in it. "DAD!?"

Well, now that was fun wasn't it? I just thought I'd leave you with something to think about! Now, I have a question for all of you! Should I continue? Letting your imaginations run wild? Or should I move on? And if so what too? I have some ideas but I would like to see some of yours! This is for all you people and kids who ignore the warning labels (don't lie I know you're out there^_^) Who have ideas but not the nerve to write them. (I was there too so don't worry) Send them and I shall consider! Oh, and some comments would be nice too ^-^