Beyond the Stars - Chapter Eight

Story by banditfromtheeast on SoFurry

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#8 of Beyond the Stars (Likely Finished)

A young adult wolf, imprisoned in a small pod all alone for 60 days. This is his story of how and why he found himself in this peculiar situation.

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story progresses, NSFW aspects may come into play at some point in the future and if it does I will note it as such. From what I can tell, there are quite a few well written steamy hot sex stories currently available on this site. If that is what you are looking for in this tale, I'm sorry but at the moment you will have to look elsewhere.

This is one of my first stories I have ever posted or shared publicly and as a result I'm sure it will be riddled with errors and incongruities. I ask that you please let me know if I have made any such glaring or obvious errors (preferably in a respectable manner) and I will do my best to remedy them in the future.

As with many stories on this website this tale is meant for people over 18/21 and may contain elements that some readers find offensive, including but not limited to the following:


-Homosexual Relationships

-Heterosexual Relationships

-Gore (Both blood and Presidential Candidates)

-Sex (Of any kind)

-Abuse (Verbal, Physical and Emotional)

-The Color Blue (Whether it is Indigo, Teal or even Navy)

If you find any or all of the above list to your disliking I would ask that you not scroll down or read any further. To the remainder of the folks, please enjoy and I would love to know what you think.

All characters are fictional and any names or they may share with persons, both fictional and non-fictional are purely coincidental.

All characters and fictional locations are the intellectual property of banditfromtheeast © 2017

All Rights Reserved

Beyond the Stars

Chapter Eight

When Caillyn awoke he was disorientated and in pain. He could barely breathe without his chest sending sharp signals to his brain. His right arm lay nearly useless at his side. The previous few hours slowly came back to him. It was still early morning so he knew couldn't have been out for that long.

"Get up" came a voice through his headset

"Great, now I'm hallucinating" he muttered to himself in a half daze. The wolf was more than perfectly content remaining on his back under the tree.

"Get up now, they are coming"

"Who are you?" asked the wolf, yawning lazily and taking a deep breathe of the cool morning air. The chest pain was more than worth the scent of the fresh air.

"I'm MAC, Sampson made me, now get up they're almost here"

"Well good morning Mac, but I don't really feel like getting up though. I think I'll take a raincheck please." The groggy wolf closed his eyes and snuggled himself back into his suit, trying to fall back asleep.

"Alright, enough's enough" the voice said. The wolf felt a pinch at the back of his neck, he winced but was quickly overtaken by a surge of energy throughout his body.

"What the fuck was that!" he cried, jumping to his feet, his body began to shake all over.

"Adrenaline, now shut up and listen, then run"

The wolf wanted to come back with a snappy retort but he heard the noise. Footsteps, branches breaking and what may or may not be voices. He froze in place trying to plan out his next move

"Run now!" cried the voice and the wolf obeyed

Despite the surge of power passing through his body, he was in no shape to be moving. His large and bulky suit made it difficult to coordinate his steps and his chest protested every motion he made. The pain was dulled, but no where near forgotten.

He ran further away from the lake and towards the ever thickening forest. Branches and fallen trees made for tricky obstacles and his balance was uneven. Within two minutes of the start of his flight the adrenaline was wearing off. His movements became slower and sloppier.

"Keep going, we can get away" commented Mac

"I...don't even...know...what...we're running...from" panted the wolf hopelessly in pain and out of breathe.

Mid-stride his right boot caught on a stray branch on a fallen log. He face-planted hard on the bristly underbrush, digging several rocks and stray pine needles into the end of his muzzle. He had instinctively tried to catch himself, unfortunately this was with his with his right arm. If his injured forearm was was not fractured before, it most certainly was now.

He howled aloud in pain, echos ringing out into the forest while he writhed on the ground cradling his broken limb.

"Shut up, they'll hear you" said Mac

Caillyn reached up and quickly shut his face plate, muffling his cries. His vision started to go fuzzy, as he lay on the forest floor. He coughed a few times while trying to regain his breathe and he sprayed the inside of his faceplate with blood.

"Get up"

"I..I can't" muttered Caillyn

"They will find us, and I don't know what they'll do when they do"

The wolf tried in vain to push himself up with his good arm to no avail. He fell back down on his chest with a painful thud.


The wolf managed to paw his way a few feet to the closest tree, where he was able to push himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the trunk for support

"Good, let's keep going" insisted Mac

"I..can't see" huffed the weary wolf. His vision was fading away and much of his faceplate was covered in blood. Sunlight streamed in making the exterior setting nearly impossible to discern.

"We need to keep moving"

"I'm...done. I...just...want" he wheezed out the last few words. His body would take no more and it would ensure that the mind paid dearly if it tried to push it onward.

"Caillyn, you need to move, now"

"Shut up Mac ... let me sleep"

The wolf lay against the tree gazing up through his suit into the sunny beams beyond. He had made it this far, and felt that it was good enough.

After a few minutes he began to hear footsteps once more, he made no attempt to move any further from his somewhat comfy spot. A figure passed between him and the sun blocking out the light, he heard a cry and the figure stepped away from him. Moments passed before two additional shapes joined the third. The wolf slowly moved his head trying to make out any features of the shadows. All seemed to be around the same height, but nothing else was readily evident. One of the three stepped closer towards him, making noise as he leaned in to Caillyn's body. It gingerly picked up his right arm and Caillyn responded by trying to push it away with his left. The figure quickly dropped it and jumped back. The wolf cried out in pain as his broken arm smack against the ground. The muffled noise appeared to startle the figures who stepped away, but only for a moment.

Two of them now approached, continuously making noise and began to try and examine his helmet. He once again raised his left arm to push them back, this time though one of the figures grabbed it firmly and held it tight.

The wolf growled but the figures ignored him

The second figure felt around his neck, trying to find something, probably the disconnect to pull his helmet off. Caillyn continued to growl, although it became quieter and quieter as time passed. His vision was now nearly completely black but he tried to move his head around in protest. The third figure approached and held him firm as well. It wasn't long before he heard the click, meaning the figures had manged to get his helmet off.

As they pulled it away his remaining vision was flooded with bright sunlight, lasting just a moment before the wolf lost consciousness.

He awoke alone in a strange room, natural light poured in large windows on his right side. Everything hurt, but he was still alive. The wolf slowly looked at his surroundings, various pieces of what appeared to be crude medical equipment lay casually on the counters. A few chairs were placed in the corner and he was laying on a steel table. A variety of four legged creatures adorned posters on the walls and a single door lay a few feet down from him. It appeared to be the only entrance to this room and remained shut for the moment. He slowly worked his way up to a sitting position, much easier now that his chest portion of his suit was off. Why was his suit off? He looked around briefly by didn't see any sign of it. His tight fitting undershirt was still on him along with the bottom half of his suit. A million questions raced through his head, none of which could be properly answered due to his foggy state of mind.

"Listen, they're right outside. We need to go, Now!"

Caillyn jerked his head around trying to find the source of the voice, before finally seeing his helmet down on the floor.

He dropped as stealthily as he could to the floor and knelt down to pick up the helmet, trying to keep his chest as immobile as possible. He flipped it over and began to remove the headset.

"Hurry, they'll be back any second" Mac whispered

He clasped the headpiece around the back of his head and started to look around. The noises coming from the outside of the room indicated that several creatures were communicating with each other. It was probably safe to assume the conversation regarded him and he didn't exactly want to be around when they finished making up their minds with whatever decision they were debating.

"Window" whispered Mac. Caillyn obliged and started examining the frame. He managed to find the locking mechanism and unlatched it. He pulled with what strength he had left in his good arm but the pane sat firmly in place.

"Shit" Caillyn whispered, "I can't get it"

"I have one shot left, we'll make it work, tell me when" replied Mac

Caillyn's eyes darted around the room, trying to find anything he could use to help him. A few larger steel pieces of equipment caught his eye and he moved them over to the frame. He also took a moment to wedge the chairs between the inward opening door and steel table. It would give him a few more seconds at least.

He stood in front of the window and did his best to limber up his arm and catch his breathe.


He felt a sharp pinch in his rear, not the place he was expecting. His head began to surge and his strength returned. He grabbed the window and pulled it up as hard as he could, it caught a few inches from being fully opened and he began to climb out. As he was getting his second leg up, he struck a small metal container of tools and writing instruments. The container fell to the ground in a large clang and the noise on the other side of the door stopped. He hesitated and looked back as he heard an attempt at opening the door.

"Go" forced Mac and Caillyn quickly jumped to the ground. Sharp pains shot through his chest but were small enough that they could be ignored. He ran across the yard and out towards the forest beyond. He looked back and locked eyes with several figures in the windows of the adjacent room. They turned and ran, likely in pursuit.

He jumped clear over the low wooden fence separating the yard from the forest proper and continued hauling off into the woods. He looked back but saw no pursuers.

Caillyn managed to keep up several minutes of clear running before he felt the adrenaline wearing off. He slowed his pace but kept moving forward. He stopped at a small stream to briefly catch his breathe.

"Which way" he asked looking around at his surroundings.

"Go for the high ground" responded Mac

The wolf complied and ran up the side of a small hill. As he crested it his heart sank, two of the pursuers had just come up from the opposite side. They both cried out loud in an indistinguishable garble, surprised to see their captive.

"You know what they're saying?" whispered Caillyn

"Not a clue, none of their languages make any sense, I need more time to figure it out" was the quiet response.

The two figures raised their open hands towards him and made a variety of noises. The wolf leaned forward with his left paw ready to strike and growled. They slowly walked a circle around each other and Caillyn was now just about on the opposite side of the hill as where he started.

He heard the snap of a twig behind him and whipped around to face the new threat.

A third figure had approached, now no more than a few feet away and had his arms up in front of him. Caillyn needed an exit and took his opportunity now.

He jolted forwards, rapidly striking the figure once in the lower stomach and once in the diaphragm before swooping his left leg behind the figure's legs and pushed him backwards. The stranger immediately fell to the ground and held his chest as he slowly tumbled down the hill.

The wolf briefly turned around and snarled loudly at the other two, before running down the embankment past his wounded foe.

"Nice shots" complimented Mac

The wolf continued through the forest trying to make up ground. His two other captors did not seem to pursue him instead deciding to aid their companion.

After a few minutes more the wolf slowed to walking pace. He couldn't keep up the run in his current condition. He spit out a huge wad of bloody saliva as he worked his way up into the steeper hillside. He briefly paused after he found another stream where he took a quick drink and relieved himself on a neighboring tree.

As he crested the next steep embankment he was struck head on by another figure in a low tackle. The two intertwined bodies toppled back down the hill, with Caillyn taking the brunt of the impact. As the two came to a rest the wolf clutched his chest and blood poured from his muzzle. He rolled onto his hand and knees trying to clear his airway. The aggressor got to his feet and let the wolf have his moment. The remaining figures gathered around, forming a loose ring around him. As he caught his breathe he began to growl and tried to get to feet, he felt a large sharp object hit him in the neck and turned to see a dart implanted in his his skin. He turned to approach and strike the figure who attacked him but the aggressor, anticipating the response, simply moved back and out of his range. The wolf took a few more steps towards him, trying to re-engage but the attacker simply moved further away. Caillyn turned around deciding to try a different opponent and started towards the others.

Another dart hit him in the back and the wolf began to feel his thoughts becoming more and more cloudy. As he approached his new opponent his balance started to go. He stumbled to within a few steps of the stranger before he fell to the ground. He coughed up a bit more blood as the figures closed in around him and began communicating with each other. The one that tackled him leaned down to look him straight in the eyes and whispered something to him. Unsure of what the figure said and in a situation where he could do nothing more, Caillyn surrendered to his heavy eyelids and passed out.

End of Chapter Eight

Thank you for taking the time to read this, or scroll to the bottom of the page. Either way I would like to personally thank you for it. I would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism on the work and if you have have any ideas for plot that you would like to see in the upcoming segments, please let me know.

Beyond the Stars - Chapter Nine

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story...

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Beyond the Stars - Chapter Seven

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story...

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Beyond the Stars - Chapter Six

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story...

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