the problem

Story by foxxy37 on SoFurry

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#3 of a new direction

"Now it's your turn"

Ryan's heart began to beat faster as Stephen began to kiss his neck, slowly making his way downwards. He kissed Ryan's nipples lightly, then began to lick and suck on them, gently at first but growing more forceful as he went on. Ryan experienced feelings he'd never imagined, every lick of his nipple was like an electric shock, and every time Stephen sucked his nipplesit was like a flower of pleasure opening, spreading from the point of contact and round his body. While still sucking on Ryan's nipples Stephen started no massage his side as well. Ryan was in heaven. Stepehn slowly worked his hands down to Ryan's throbbing member. The instant Stephen touched it shot precum over his paw. He used one paw to rub Ryan's shaft up and down while the other reached down to gently fondle and roll his balls.Ryan's breathing grew even more intense as Stephen pawed him off, he began thrusting into Stephen's paw. He could feel every movement of Stephen's paws on his cock and balls. His thrusting grew faster and faster until he was lost in a whirlwind of passion. His orgasm came almost without warning, he gave one last desperate thrust into Stephen's paw and blasted his cum over Stephen and himslef. Left exuasted from the experience Stephen colapsed on the bed, panting. Stephen began to lick the cum from Ryan's chest while Ryan lay breathing heavily on the bed.

"Stephen...that was...amazing" Ryan managed to whisper. "but there is one more thing I would like you to do for me, if you think you're ready".

"What would that be my sexy little fox?" Stephen smiled warmly.

Turning round on all fours to expose his tailhole to Stephen Ryan said "mount me!".

Stephen's warm smile spread slowly upwards, becoming a broad, exited grin. "I was really hoping you might say that!"

Stephen moved to Ryan until his chest and stomach were resting on Ryan's back. As it was thier first time niether of them

knew that lube was required, Stephen was, however, intelligent enough to realise that there might be pain involved, and therefore resolved to enter Ryan slowly.

"Are you ready?" Stephen asked gently.

"I'm ready" Ryan said seriously.

"And you're sure this is what you want?"


"Ok then, brace yourself"

He moved forward over Ryan's back, until the head of his member was just prodding Ryan's tight entrance. Ryan could feel the pressure building up, his virgin tailhole attempting to reject the invading tool. Stephen applied more pressure and the head of his cock slid gently into Ryan. Ryan gasped, the pain was so alien to him, it tore through him like a knife yet he couldn't ask Stephen to stop if he wanted to as the pleasure more than matched the pain. He pushed back against Stephen, a signal for him to continue. Stephen definatly did not need to be told twice. He edged forward until half of his cock was buried into Ryan. The pleasure was indescribable. For Ryan the initial pain had completely dissapeared and all he felt was immense pleasure and a sense of overwhelming, what can only be described as right. It felt as though that was where Stephen's cock belonged. Now fully buried in Ryan, Stephen decided to turn things up a little, he began thrusting in and out of Ryan, pulling his shaft out until only the head was still inside then sliding back in. They moaned together as they felt pleasure and emotions they had never even dreamed of. Stephen began to thrust harder and faster into Ryan, increasing the pleasure for both of them. This, in turn, caused Stephen to lose more of his control and thrust yet faster and harder, soon he lost all control and began slamming into Ryan, thier testicles slapping together, introducing more sensations to both of them. he felt his orgasm coming, his semen flowed through him and burst into ryan's hole. Ryan opened his eyes wide as he felt his insides being flooded by his lover's release. Stephen continued to shoot into Ryan until eventually his orgasm subsided. he collapsed on Ryan who, barely able to keep his own weight up, collapsed on the bed. Stephen began to pull his cock out of Ryan.

"No" Ryan exclaimed "heep it in, I want it there!"

"Sounds good to me" Stephen panted.

After a few short minutes of lying with his lover buried in him, Ryan fell into the best sleep he had ever had, soon followed by Stephen.Ryan woke feeling empty, he looked round and saw that stephen was no longer inside him, for a brief moment he wondered where Stephen had gone, then he smelled bacon frying downstairs. He put on a pair of boxers and made his way down to Stephen's kitchen, as he got closer he could hear the sizzling of the bacon. Stephen noticed him as he walked into the kitchen.

"Well good morning sleepyhead, breakfast anyone?" stephen smiled his beautiful warm smile.

"yes please!" Ryan exclaimed eagerly, Stephen's cooking was always the best.

"Sit down, then, it'll be ready in a minute"

Ryan walked over to where Stephen was standing and gave him a light kiss on the muzzle. This wasn't good enough for Stephen, however, he pulled Ryan close and pressed his muzzle against Ryan's, opening his mouth. Ryan followed suit and they toyed with each other's tongues for a few seconds. Ryan took a seat while Stephen brought over the bacon.

"Stephen" Ryan started "last night was amazing, you could never know how much I love you"

Stephen sat down and they each started on thier bacon.

"I love you too Ryan, i never realised how much until now" stephen said softly.

They leaned over and shared another kiss.

Ryan sighed sadly and said to stephen "I want to continue this relationship and stay with you, but first, what do I do about nema? you know how depressed she gets, the last time i saw her I saw she had cuts on her arm, when I asked her about them she claimed she had fallen but I tell you no fall makes cuts like that"

Stephen looked at Ryan "i know you don't like the idea of causing her pain but it is not fair to keep her in a loveless relationship, the longer you put it off the more difficulkt it will be.".

"i know," ryan sighed, feeling tears make thier way towards his eyes once more "but i don't know what to tell her. how can I break it to her gently?"

"Well Ryan, there is no way to do this without upsetting her, but i suggest that you make it less of a blow for her by doing it gradually, distance yourself from her, then start to kiss her less, make exuses to go home when you're with her, then, finally tell her you don't think your relationship will work. If you use that exact phrasing it will not place blame or say that you don't love her, it's the best way."

Ryan sighed once again "If that's what you think is best i will do it.".

"good" Stephen smiled compassionatly "but first, breakfast!"

They continued breakfast on lighter converstions until it was time for Ryan to return home.

"Remember what i said" Stephen smiled.

"I will" Ryan said gratefully "I will"

As Ryan walked home he considered the events of the past night. It hit him, he had confessed to stephen, he had pleasured him, and then, the cherry on the cake, he had mated with him. They were one. One body and soul. "I can't believe it!" he thought to himself "he loves me, he actually loves me, I must be the luckiest fox in the whole damn world!". he continued on this thought until sudenly he was standing outside his door. he started to unlock his door but rememberd that his parents were home, the door was already unlocked! hit put his key back into his pocket and entered his house. "I've got to concentrate, my parents may suspect something!"

"hey mum, i'm home" he called.

"Hi sweetie!" his mum's voice came to him from goodness knows which direction. "I'm in here!"

"real helpful" Ryan thought to himself. After a bit of searching he found his mother in the living room, reading one of her fantasy books.

"Hello honey, what did you and Stephen get up to then? anything good?"

"Oh, he has some great games" ryan tried not to laugh and the irony of her question, "I had a lot of fun".

"Good, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, by the way, nema phoned, she wants to meet you outside the cinema"

"Ok mum, thanks"

"Well" Ryan thought to himself "i suppose this my first chance to put Stephen's plan into action.".

He made his way to the cinema, leaving his overnight stuff in his room. he spent the journey thinking about what he was going to do. how much was he supposed to distance himself at first? how fast was he meant to progress? when was he finally supposed to tell her he wanted to break up with her? now that he was thinking about it more carefully he realised he didn't really know what he was doing.

"O well" he thought to himself "I suppose I'll just have to see how it goes"

Nema was waiting for him when he arrived outside the cinema, i wasn't that they were going to see a movie, they just always met outside the cinema. She was a red vixen with white tipped ears and a dangerous, playful smile. Ryan rarely saw this smile anymore, her face was almost constantly a grimace of despair. Today was no exeption. Her face brightened a little from seeing Ryan, and she moved to hug him. Ryan decided not to get too distant too fast so he returned the hug and kissed her lightly on the cheek. She attempted to kiss him on the muzzle but he moved away.

"Whats wrong? why don't you wan't to kiss me?" Nema looked downcast.

"O, it's nothing, i just don't feel like it at the moment." Ryan lied.

"Ok, umm, so what do you wan't to do? we could could walk round the Abbey Gardens." Nema was doing a bad job of hiding her dissapointment. the Abbey Gardens was all that remained of an abbey that was destroyed many years ago. They walked under the Abbey Gate, niether of them saying much. That suited Ryan fine, it meant he did't have to talk and it made him seem uncaring. In the silence Ryan noticed Nema seemed to be in some discomfort, her right arm, the one closest to Ryan was hanging uselessly by Nema's side.

"Nema what's wrong with your arm?"

Nema looked tense and answered, her voice shaking, "Nothing, i fell against a bush.".

this being a pathetic excuse even for Nema RYan took her arm and rolled up the sleeve...

to be continued...

once again- tell me what you liked, what you didn't etc etc. thanx (hugs) (sorry about the shortness again- I always end up making things too short!)

The Confession

Ryan stood at the door of his oldest friends house. Was he ready? He had only just masturbated to Stephen, now he was going to be spending the night with him! "Well, I've got to go in sometime, here goes" he said to himself. He rang the doorbell...

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a new perspective

ryan stared at the mirror, his depressed mood reflected on his red face. ryan is a 16 year old red fox, a fairly unremarkable one at that. his fur is reddish brown everywhere exept his belly and chest and the tip of his tail, he is not particularly...

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