Steamy Evenings with Mom

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Fyr and Hiss are doing the deed behind their father's back, but a little bit of privacy doesn't go amiss from time to time. So why not some steamy fun in the remote hot springs? Nothing but the best for a mother and her son on a hot escape!

A pleasure to write! I love working with characters that I "know" more and more and get to know over time. And hey - loud sex! <3

Characters (c) respective owners

Story (c) Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Steamy Evenings with Mom

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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Hiss groaned, head rolling back. Sitting on the edge of the bed in his parents' bedroom, the young adult cougar panted heavily, the two tentacles sprouting from between his shoulder blades undulating gently in time with his pants. They didn't seem to know what to do with themselves, flicking this way and that way, as he scanned his eyes around the room, gaze sweeping over family photos and a minimalist, rustic room that simply screamed of Fyr's homemaker charm.

After all, his father would never have thought to design a room so comfortable. He struggled to keep his thoughts from what was happening, not because he didn't want to acknowledge it and enjoy every wonderful second of it, but because he wanted it to last just a little bit longer. It could all be over so soon if he gave himself over to instinct and just...

The cougar yowled, tucking his chin down to his orange-brown chest, just barely touching the scoop of chocolate-cream that trailed down his front to where his thighs joined with his torso. Fyr had always said how his colour was stronger than the slick brown of his father's coat, but there was no denying the relationship between them, not when one was looking at the set of their jaws and the more obvious tentacles sprouting from between their shoulder blades. He laid his ears back and mewled pitifully, pleadingly, as he looked down at his mother, the dragoness with her tongue wrapped oh-so-wonderfully around his uncut cock.

Slurping happily on his shaft, Fyr shot him a smirk, eyes glinting with mischief. He shuddered. She had him exactly where she wanted him and was more than happy to keep him there too. The crimson dragoness purred around his length as she took him deep into her muzzle, twirling her long, flexible tongue around his full length. Stars exploded behind his lowered eyelids and he gasped loudly, squirming in place, though entirely unwilling to move from the pleasure that was very nearly too much for him to bear.

"We shouldn't be doing this..."

He should have known better than to think that such a feeble protest would have done him any good. His utterance trailed off as if he had not quite finished what he'd meant to say, words cumulating in a breathy moan that almost sounded more feminine than masculine. But he was a strong, young cougar through and through and there was no doubting that when his cock was buried deep inside his mother's muzzle, the tip of his shaft tickling the back of her throat. Tail flicking, he clenched his jaw and arched his hips up from the edge of the bed, claws tearing through the sheets.

Damn it, he thought through a daze of pleasure, loathe to leave the world she'd taken him to. They'd have to sort those out later, or else his father would wonder just what his wife had been getting up to when he'd been out of the house. Not that he was one to talk.

"Fuck, mom..."

Hiss gnawed the inside of his cheek, giving up on imagining anything else but exactly what was happening to him. Along well and truly for the ride, the cougar howled and bucked, tail lashing as he thrust up from the bed and leaned heavily back on his palms for leverage. He could have stood, but that would have put him at too great a height for Fyr's hot muzzle and so he ground and thrust erratically between her soft lips until orgasm crept upon him.

Like every other with his mother, he wondered if it would be stronger than the last and he was, yet again, not disappointed. In the instant before he ejaculated, Fyr leapt to her paws and tackled him to the bed with a feral yet playful growl, draconian tail thumping heavily into the bed. He grunted, winded but far from lacking arousal, need coursing through his veins, and the dragoness purred softly as she straddled his hips, taking him deep into her needy pussy, already dripping with her own arousal. Hiss trembled, paws caressing her scales as he lingered on the very edge of ecstasy, the moment full of promise of the pleasure to come. Was there anything that didn't get his mother horny? Even sucking him off had her eager for more, always more.

Not that he minded. Fyr exhaled heavily, jaws clicking together as she rested her paws on his chest, lightly digging into his fur as she rolled her hips sensually.

"Yes," she moaned, twisting her head to the side as she rode him, hind paws planted firmly into the bedspread. "This is how you're cumming tonight, kitten."

He shuddered at the nickname - he'd otherwise not heard it since he'd been a much, much younger feline - but said nothing, claws lightly pricking into her hips. Thrusting up into her tight, soaked cunt, Hiss gave a true cougar yowl, tentacles squeezing Fyr's breasts, and filled her with his cream, body thrumming with indescribable pleasure. His tentacles contracted, flicking over the dragoness' nipples and she whimpered, head lolling back as her tongue hung limply from the corner of her mouth.

Spurt after spurt of thick cum flooded her passage and Fyr cried out softly, arching into the touch of the tentacles around her breasts even though she was not yet near a climax of her own. The cougar hissed through his teeth and gripped her hips almost painfully hard, forgetting himself in the moment as claws pressed into scales. Fyr bore it, however, breath harsh in her muzzle as she rode out his explosive climax with every drop of lust she had left to give.

Exhaustion and drowsiness hit swiftly and Hiss groaned as he slumped back on the bed, eyelids already lowering as his cock softened and slipped from Fyr's pussy. Her sex clung onto him, tight around his girth, as he drew away and his breath caught in his throat, squirming from as sensation attacked his mind, a little too much when sensitivity was heightened. He made no complaint, however, and purred as Fyr lay down beside him, scooting in close to his side with a self-satisfied smirk on her muzzle. Hiss chuckled breathlessly and she tucked her head beneath his chin, nose against his shoulder. He'd never seen a lady so pleased with himself, though Fyr had always been one to go after what she wanted and take no prisoners.

He was lucky that, this time, it was her son that she'd desired.

Downstairs, the front door opened and closed, a dull creak announcing the entrance of another of their household. The duo froze, wrapped up in each other's illicit embrace, hearts hammering - could they spring apart in time? - until a familiar voice drifted up the stairs.

"It's meeeeee! I'm home!"

Hiss relaxed. His sister. Well, Helena wouldn't come disturb them in the master bedroom, that was for sure. She didn't want anything to do with their parents these days, too interested in young males with strapping bodies. There was no way she'd interrupt them.

If it had been Ropes... He took a deep breath, holding it for longer than strictly necessary. If it had been his father, the interruption would have been a very different tale indeed.

His sister gave a muffled curse, a low thump emanating up the stairs. Exchanging a look with Fyr, Hiss rolled his eyes. Did that dragon get any less clumsy?

"Going out again, so just letting you know I'm here!"

The dragoness' voice grew fainter as she moved deeper into the house, maybe the kitchen, and away from the stairs, continuing her monologue as if to let them know exactly where she was at any given time. It was not unwelcome as the dragon and the cougar slowly but surely relaxed in each other's arms, guilty looks exchanged and heart rates blessedly returning to something resembling normal.

"Hello?" Helena shouted again, voice echoing oddly as if she was cupping her paws to her muzzle. "Anyone up there? Mom? Hiss? Someone? I'm gonna be out with friends in town, so I don't want any of you saying that I didn't tell you I was going out or something! I'm telling you now, you hear me? Can you hear me?"

She paused.

"Dad? You here?"

Hiss groaned and pressed his paw to his face, covering his eyes. Shaking her head, Fyr lifted her muzzle from Hiss' chest and sat up, propped up on the palms of her paws.

"Yes, dear!" The older dragon called back, lips pulling up in a smile. "You have fun now! And call us if you're gonna be too late, alright honey?"


Hiss chuckled. He could almost see Helena's scowl as she no doubt muttered to herself about how she was a full grown dragon and didn't need to call her parents anymore. And that may have been true, but it was still polite to let their parents know. At least that was what Fyr said and he was hardly in a position to voice any disagreement with his mother, not anymore.

Sighing, he ran his fingers down her arm lightly, drawing her attention back to him. Arm around her, he lay back down and pulled her with him, insisting that she relax even as the tip of her tail flicked like that of a pet cat. The front door bumped into the frame again as Helena departed as quickly as she'd arrived.

"How are we going to work this?" He said at last, sprawled across the bed with his arm almost too casually looped behind his mother's shoulders, pretending nonchalance. "If we keep doing...well..." He blushed. "You know what I mean. If we keep doing it here, we're just going to get caught at some point."

He paused, looking at his mother seriously for what seemed to be the first time that evening. Perhaps he should have paused to consider things more closely earlier on, but it was too late for second thoughts in a drawling, sweetening afterglow.

"That's not something you need to worry about," Fyr said after a pause that had seemed to stretch out while thoughts flickered by one another. "This is between you and me and you and me only. Our little secret."

The dragoness giggled, tail curling up over his. He shivered, but pressed on, unwilling to let it go now that he'd begun. They had to be careful - more careful than they were being.

"But what if dad..."

"Shush now."

He sighed. The conversation was going nowhere, but it wasn't a conversation he wanted to have anyway. Yet sometimes he wondered if the thrill of risking discovery was what Fyr enjoyed even more.

Fyr pressed her fingers to his lips, eyes suddenly serious. Unconsciously, he straightened his back, standing to attention like he had when he'd been just a kitten. Old habits died hard.

"You let me worry about that and you just keep doing what you do now, honey," she murmured, kissing his nose. "We'll get by all right, don't you worry about it."

Sighing again, Hiss nodded and looked down at his chest, ears drooping to the sides of his head. She was right, of course. It wasn't worth worrying about. It was all going well so far and, well, who would he be to give up such amazing sex with a smoking hot dragoness? It wasn't in the nature of any young male.

His breath slowed as he relaxed back into the bed, but Fyr had other ideas.

"Ah-ah, none of that. We're not getting ourselves into trouble here, but, for now, sugar..."

Hiss gulped, his mother turning a suddenly predatory gaze on him. She wriggled away, using her tail to roll herself over onto her side, pussy tucked in close between her thighs. Giggling, she crooked a finger in a 'come hither' motion, eyelashes lowered and eyes smouldering. Taking a deep breath, the young cougar bit his lip, cock already stirring back to life and hardness once more. It didn't take him long to recover when she was there egging him on.

"You owe me. Come show me why you're the young stud that all the girls are talking about these days."

The cougar's tail flicked, a sliver of anxiety churning snakes into his stomach. And then one of his tentacles bopped him on the nose as if to ask him what on earth he could be so worried about - after all, he had a hot dragoness stretched out in front of him just begging for attention.

He grinned suddenly, teeth showing in a flash of white. Purring, Hiss butted his head softly into his mother's thigh and nuzzled up her leg to the sweet flower of her sex, drooling his seed and her arousal: the most luscious cocktail imaginable. Still purring, he played his tongue over the swollen nub of her clit and shivered with pride to hear her moan, two fingers and then a third sliding easily into her wetness.

Sneaking a look up the length of her body, he teased his tentacles over her breasts and shot her a wink that would have struck dumb a lesser female. But not his mother. She was better than all the other females he'd been with and taught him far more by a long shot.

So why shouldn't he give her all she deserved and more too?

"It'd be my pleasure, mom."


Hiss took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of the mountainside, layered with evergreen trees. Fyr hopped out of the truck, splattered with mud from a several hour drive, and cooed at the sight, clapping her paws to her best. Before them stood a pristine log cabin, complete with front porch, which perched on the side of the mountain as if it had sprouted its logs from the fertile soil itself. Hiss' ears flicked, catching the sound of a babbling creek - from where though? - and birds flitting from branch to branch, singing a song that only they knew the tune too. No traffic and absolutely no anthro life, besides themselves, disrupted the peace of the scene and, even standing there for such a short while, Hiss murmured softly as just a little of the tension slipped from his shoulders.

Some places were still, as yet, untouched.

"How'd you find out about this spot?" He asked, eyeing the log cabin with an appreciative flick of his tail. "It's so secluded out here... I don't think anyone would be able to find us, like, ever if we didn't want to be found."

He helped his mother heave her suitcase from the truck and set it down as she contemplated her answer, gaze sliding away. He smiled. His mother always did that when she was thinking.

"That would be the idea," she answered at last, evading his question neatly. "No one is to find us up here."

She paused, looking him up and down.

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

Hiss chuckled and brushed his fingertips across her bare upper arm. In a strapless dress - daring, for her - she could not have looked any more stunning. Hiss shivered. Who needed those silly girls at school when he had a hot dragoness wanting him? He knew enough to know exactly when he was a damn lucky cougar and, regardless of everything else, wasn't about to let that go in a hurry.

The dragoness neatly balanced a smaller holdall bag on top of her suitcase - males always seemed to pack ever so lightly for time away - and leaned into her son, one arm slinking around his waist.

"Hey," she murmured, eyes grazing the skyline as she looked past him. "We've got some time left tonight, wouldn't want to waste it just sitting around, would we?"

Hiss hesitated.

"I thought we could get comfortable in the cabin?" His whiskers twitched. "Don't you?"

He'd thought it was obvious why they were in such an isolated spot, but clearly Fyr had other ideas. Spinning away from him, she spread her arms wide as if to take in the whole mountainside in one fell swoop. The hem of her dress floated around her knees and she laughed giddily like a schoolgirl, bouncing up from the balls of her hind paws, which were only clad in sensible flats. Hiss would have been disappointed if he'd not had eyes for all other parts of her firm, scaled body.

Fyr turned a wicked look on him, tail curling about her legs with a sudden mind of its own as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

"Don't you want to explore?"

Fyr grinned, though Hiss could not have said that he believed her desire for exploration was anything but sexual. Hiss sighed and brushed his fingers back through the fur on top of his head.

"Well, yeah," he said with a shrug, a yawn tugging at the back of his throat. "But y'know I don't want to be tired for the track meet on Monday." That and other things. "Got to keep my strength up and all that."

Fyr smirked, a teasing look crossing his mother's face.

"Oh, I am sure we can keep your strength up," she purred, tapping the side of her muzzle. "If you don't want to come out exploring with me, maybe you should be practicing for the meet?"

She tilted her head and cupped her chin thoughtfully as if contemplating something that had only just crossed her mind.

"If you want to be lazy here, sonny-boy, you got another think coming."

Fyr drew herself up tall, lips pressed together with laughter sealed behind, although her eyes were nothing but serious. Hiss gulped and covered the reflex by scratching his throat.

"I'm sure your coach would be ever so impressed if you kept up your fitness just before the meet by running up and down the mountain," she continued, smirk growing by the second. "Sure, you'll recover from cardio in time and, heck, it damn sure shows dedication, doesn't it? Better than sitting on your tail like all those other jumped up school jocks chowing down on cheeseburgers and that garbage!"

Hiss folded his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

Fyr chuckled, eyes glinting. The trees rustled behind her, ripe with spring leaves.

"You may be an adult cougar now, but I'm the one who keeps a roof over your head and your dirty socks off the floor. So, the least you can do is keep your dear ol' mom company out in the wilderness, surely?"

The cougar shook his head; it wasn't really a question he needed to answer, nor a question that she expected an answer to. There was certainly only one right answer to the question.

"Sure." He tried to hide his sigh, painting a cheery (if fake) smile on his muzzle. "I'll just get myself out of these jeans and into something more...hike worthy and I'll be ready. Okay?"

Fyr raised an eyebrow, the tip of her tail curling back and forth as if she simply could not possibly keep it still.

"Out of your clothes? You'll be giving a dragoness ideas if you keep on talking like that, sugar."

Hiss' cheeks tingled with warmth beneath his fur.

"I..." The blush crept into his ears. "Um..."

Fyr giggled as Hiss looked down at his hind paws, shuffling his weight from one to the other and crossing an ankle behind as if he was a kitten caught with his mother's cream all over again.

Fyr blew him a kiss and ushered the cougar to the cabin with a flap of her paws.

"Come on now - off with you! Get ready and I'll meet you out here."

Used to following his mother's instructions like a, mostly, obedient kitten, Hiss trotted into the cabin and moseyed about, hunting down what could be a bedroom. All doors looked the same and he ducked into the living room and the kitchen before finally locating a room containing a massive, queen-sized bed with an oak frame, all freshly made up with clean sheets. He shot it a knowing look as he changed out his clothes, an element of his cocky nature returning as his tongue became untied. He was sure he'd be very well acquainted with that bed before the end of their little vacation.

Fyr was already out at the front of the cabin tapping her paw on the ground and checking her petite wristwatch when he finally arrived.

"At last!" She grinned and threw her paws up in the air, feigning exasperation. "You take longer than a lady getting changed, heavens!"

Hiss half-shrugged, hiding his smile, although it warmed his eyes nonetheless.

Leaves dried in the sheltered nooks of the cabin's front yard crunched underfoot as they shouldered their backpacks - light enough and just with a little food and water to keep them going - and made their way out and up the mountain trail. A narrow, winding track gave them a solid, stable surface in which to place their hind paws and, regardless of how remote the cabin was, it was clear that the track itself had been used over and over again by furs and animals alike.

Words were not needed as they trekked up the mountain, enjoying each other's quiet company. Fyr walked a little more slowly than Hiss and the young cougar considerately kept to her pace, ears twitching as he tried to make it seem like it was just the right pace for him. Taller than Fyr, his stride proved longer and he paused from time to time, pretending to take in the view down the rolling mountainside as evergreen trees layered their path between them with dried needles.

It was very okay with him to be walking behind his mother, however. Watching the sway and clench of her arse would never be a pastime that he would grow bored of and he fixed her hungrily with his gaze, heart rate increasing from a reason other than mild physical exertion. Her buttocks curved through her hiking trousers, the shape easily discernible from all her work on the home farm - she was not an inactive dragon-mom by any means. Her scales shone with good health in the flattering evening light, golden rays of sun filtering through the trees as she led them higher and higher.

Hiss shook his head and tripped over his own hind paws. How could he concentrate on something as simple as walking when she was ahead of him? He gnawed the inside of his cheek, a deep growl building in the back of his throat.

Stopping dead, he sucked in a breath, his small nostrils flaring as if he could take in her scent. Her natural aroma, however, was overpowered by the scent of crushed pine needles, luscious grass in the peak of the season and something mustier, earthier that could only be the land itself. It was an intoxicating mixture, yet not quite the tincture he yearned to slip down his throat, cock hardening in his pants.

Hiss groaned, subtly re-adjusting himself. Why had they had to go out? He would have much rather had fun with his mother in the privacy of their cabin. He wrinkled his nose, muzzle creasing. What had she even brought him out to the cabin for, anyway, if not to, what they did best at that moment?

"Hey, what are you waiting for?"

Fyr pulled him back to reality, standing on the crest of the slope ahead with a relaxed smile pushing up into her cheeks. Her long jaw hung ever so slightly open, completely at ease, and she called him on with a flick of her tail.

"We're almost there, slowcoach."

Hiss pricked up his ears, the distraction from the tightness in his pants more than welcome. Almost where?

Picking up a jog, he caught up, realising that there was abruptly more to his surroundings than he had given them credit for. So focused had he been - for due reason - on Fyr's body that he hadn't even noticed the burble of water growing louder and louder. Near enough bounding to the top of the slope, Hiss skidded to a stop at his mother's side and gasped audibly, unable to swallow the sound quite in time.

A steaming hot spring stretched out before them, the lick of warm air tantalising on his fur. Trees stood back respectfully from the water's edge, stark slabs of rock surrounding the water as if to denote it as a natural swimming pool. Fyr clapped her paws together and bobbed on the balls of her hind paws, a low, appreciative croon rolling from her lips. Hiss groaned and spread his paws out, wriggling them in the tempting warmth, a bare promise of what the spring surely had to offer.

"Wow..." Hiss couldn't take his eyes off the rise of steam curling softly from the surface of the water. "How'd you even know this was here? It's amazing! No wonder there was a track. I would've thought more tourist types would have taken advantage of a spot like this too."

He paused, tail flicking.

"Are you sure the cabin is isolated enough for us if there's a draw like this up here?"

Fyr inhaled deeply, shrugging her backpack from her shoulders and dropping it neatly at her feet. She took her time in replying, stretching her arms above her head. Wearing just the thin-strapped top and hiking, cargo-style pants, there wasn't much on her to hide her form and Hiss drank her in hungrily. His tongue snaked out to lick along the edge of his lips as Fyr pushed her shoulder blades back, working out every kink and sore muscle from their long drive. There was no wondering why he'd had to have her the first time she'd come on to him - not with a body like that.

Shooting him a look back over her shoulder, the dragoness smirked and winked wickedly.

"I was rather fancying going for a dip..." She fluttered her eyelashes. "It'll be nice and warm... Won't you join me?"

Hiss started, whiskers quivering.

"What, in the spring?"

Fyr giggled and tilted her head to the side.

"Yes, that's right. What did you think I meant?"

Hiss shook his head, paw suddenly trembling and mouth dry - too dry. He tugged at the neck of his T-shirt, sweat patches darkening beneath his arms, although the evening was pleasantly cool and invigorating.

"Nothing... Just..." He swallowed. "What if someone sees us? I don't have any swim trunks or anything, not with me. You should have told me you were planning to bring us up here."

He shot her an accusatory look as the dragoness dragged her shirt off over her head, dropping it in a crumpled heat to the smooth, warm stones. Hiss' jaw dropped.

"What...are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing here, honey?"

Fyr grinned and winked, wasting no time in shimmying out of her trousers and, too quickly for him to appreciate the gesture, her underwear, leaving her standing out in the open with just her scales to cover her.

Before Hiss could even think of replying, the dragoness slipped into the water and exhaled softly, the rise of her breasts sinking beneath the surface. She paddled out a bit, hind paws bumping the bottom of the pool as she stood comfortably with her nipples only just poking out over the lap of the water.

Hiss swallowed and tugged at the neck of his T-shirt. Fyr cooed encouragement and, heart hammering, he undressed as if in daze, watching the scene of himself stripping as if taking the place of a voyeur in the bushes. He should have stopped and gone back to the cabin, but she had a hold over him that simply could not be broken. Hiss mewed softly to himself, tail lashing the air. It wasn't as if he didn't want her. Oh, he wanted her more than anything, just all to himself and all day and all night long too.

His hard shaft sprung out into the open and the dragoness sucked in a breath, eyes wide. Suddenly self-conscious - what would she think of him being so hard and forward when she hadn't even really started anything with him that day? - Hiss swiftly jumped into the pool, splashing her as he soaked his fur down to the skin. Defining muscle, he couldn't have said that it didn't make him look any less hot than he already was, showing off with a flex of his biceps, despite the shiver of nerves bundled up in his stomach.

Shaking the water from his ears, Hiss smiled sheepishly, standing with his chest out of the water a short distance from his mother. She wasn't having any of that, however, and scooted up to him, sending a small wave of water splashing up to his neck where the lighter cream-brown of his front met the base of his neck.

"Seems you have something for me there," Fyr giggled, one eyebrow raised. "Have you been staring at me the whole way up here?"

Hiss mumbled something about walking behind her as the dragoness swept all fears of discovery from his mind with her paw wrapped around his shaft. She pressed her body up to his, tail winding around his leg so that he could not have pulled away even if he'd wanted to. And, for once, the cougar was all too happy to surrender control. She already had him eating out of the palm of her paw, so who was he to even think of complaining?

"No one knows this is here, sugar," she breathed, breath tickling the damp fur on his throat. "Don't you worry yourself about that. This time here is just for you and me and no one else."

Fyr pumped his shaft slowly, taking her time as she drew him closer, sitting back on a natural ledge of rock beneath the surface of the water.

"You relax now. Let Momma take care of you."

Hiss groaned and nodded, unable to do anything but exactly what she told him to do at that moment. Wrapping her legs around his waist, the dragoness let her head roll back and pulled her hips up to him, lips parted as she rubbed the tip of his shaft against her pussy lips, her deeper passage already slick and ready with her own arousal. Without thinking, Hiss cried out softly and arched his back, rocking his hips forward and sending his cock slipping too easily into his mother's needy cunny.

The dragoness tensed her neck as he pushed in, the penetration a little rougher than she would have liked without her natural lubrication right at the entrance to her tight sex, but that couldn't be helped in such a location. Her breathing grew laboured and she let Hiss bear his weight over her, pinning her back into the rocks as the spring sloshed noisily around them. His eyes locked onto hers and he growled softly, claiming her lips with his own, although he was sure she would feel the slight tremble behind the passionate kiss.

How could he ever have been so lucky to have such a hot dragoness as a lover and a mother? His head swam, paws scooting around her hips to rock her up to him with each and every lustful thrust. And had there ever been such a delectable combination of a fur? Nothing could have been as erotic to him as her and nothing could certainly compare to the scorching heat of her body.

The cougar growled quietly, ears laid back as he drove into her, the wet slap of their bodies only muted by the splashing water. If anyone was to walk up, they would see them in all their naked glory, Fyr's breasts glistening with droplets of warm water. Hiss groaned and tucked his head down to his chest, shoulders shuddering as he drove in over and over again, tail flicking sluggishly underwater. Fyr's eyes didn't leave his as she pushed up and away from the safety of the rock shelf, demonstrating surprising strength as the rising weight of her body pushed her down on his shaft to the absolute hilt.

Hiss yowled.

"Harder," Fyr gasped out, winding her arms around her neck to pull her torso up to his, legs still around his waist. "I want you to take me - give me everything you can't at home, everything you've wanted to do, but couldn't because you thought we'd be caught, we'd be discovered."

Fyr nipped his throat sharply, eyes burning with a fire the young cougar had never seen before.

"I want every bit of you!" She demanded, claws digging lightly into his shoulders. "And you're going to give it to your mom right here and right now. Take me harder than you ever have before, Hiss! I want you in me - deep and hard now!"

The words may not have been eloquent, yet they stirred her own fires as much as they brought a fresh flood of blood to Hiss' achingly hard cock. What more could either of them have wanted for?

Arching her back at a shocking angle for a dragoness of her age, she used the leverage she had on his body to grind and rock herself on his shaft, her voice diverging to breathy moans as her clit and surely her g-spot were rubbed and stroked so wonderfully. But a cougar, even one caught up in his own lust, wouldn't let her go needy for too long, oh no.

Taking a firmer hold on her backside, Hiss took a deep breath and locked his lips with Fyr's, rocking back on his heels as he slammed up into his mother. It wouldn't take long for him to give her what she wanted, the dragon writhing and twisting against him with such vigour that he panted heavily into her muzzle, struggling to hold onto her slippery scales. The dragoness humped back at him - there were no other words to describe the frantic movement of her body - and Hiss battled with her tongue, each trying to take the upper hand that they couldn't claim.

Fyr shuddered up against him all of a sudden and slapped her tail into the water, sending up a shimmering spray into the steam, as she climaxed. Rocking up to her son, the dragoness moaned lustfully into their deep kiss, tongue wrapping around Hiss', and relaxed in his arms, suddenly going weak as all tension left her body in one great release. Body out of her control, she twitched and jerked against him, breaking the kiss to tuck her muzzle into the crook of his neck as her juices made the passage of his still thrusting cock deliciously slick, arousal mingling with the water.

Hiss panted.

He was close, very close.

Too close.

He yowled like a feral cougar as he hit his orgasm quickly after Fyr's, her passage slick and hot around his uncut shaft. Hiss panted heavily, breath escaping him far too swiftly to even consider making more noise as he filled his mother to the brim, balls tugging up closer to his body as he emptied every drop he had to give. The dragoness murred softly, breasts pressed warmly to his chest as she relied on the hold of her arms around his neck to keep herself in place, a hot shaft spreading her out as she'd craved. Hiss shivered, yet didn't take much note of how cool his torso was out of the water, grunting quietly as he thrust and ground through the final remnants of his powerful climax. His eyes rolled back into his skull, pleasure mingling with overwhelming physical sensation. Just what did Fyr do to him?

There was only so much a young cougar had to give, however - at least for the first round.

Exhausted, Hiss' legs gave out and they sank into the warm, steamy water with mutual giggles, still wrapped up in each other's arms as they came down from their respective highs. The cougar paddled frantically, limbs all moving in the wrong directions as he held Fyr firmly to his chest with one arm while he got his paws back beneath him again. The dragoness laughed breathlessly and clung to him, guiding the both of them to the side of the pool where they could at least sink into the steam and lean back against the wall, relaxing in the afterglow. There would, however, be much more fun for the both of them that evening and the fact was no secret to either of them.

Hiss smiled, nuzzling into Fyr's neck with a low, deep purr.

"As fun as this is, perhaps we should go back down to the cabin now?"

He pulled back his head just enough for her to see him wink, heart pounding just a little bit harder beneath the paw he had pressed over her breast. The spring steamed around them, curling them into a reassuring, erotic heat.

"I have so much more I'd love to do with you."