The Sleepover

Story by Buffy the lion on SoFurry

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#2 of Family Matters

Friday night, the night when teenagers celebrate the fact that they are free from the bounds of school for the next two days. It's a small town, mostly farmers, but there are people living in town.

Ben and Dan walk home from school, "Damn I can't wait to get out of this stupid school uniform" Ben says. Ben is your average 18 year old lion, he doesn't care about much, he's a happy go lucky kind of guy. His body isn't even well built, he's athletic from playing casual tennis in sport periods but that's about it. Actually, the only reason he plays tennis in the first place, is to get Mr. Alex off his back about not doing any sports.

"Same here.", Dan replies "These clothes feel so damn constraining, not to mention they're dark gray. It must be the most depressing school uniform I've ever worn." the 18-year old human continues complaining, tugging at his shirt. Dan is a little more athletic than Ben, he's in the Tennis "B" team, he found he liked the sport ever since Mr. Alex cornered him about "being lazy" too.

They're almost half-way there, over the train bridge, through town and then a couple of blocks to Ben's home.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" Dan asks, he almost never sleeps over at Ben's since he believes that boys don't "Sleep Over", but it was Ben's birthday on Monday and they decided to go hiking on a farm nearby.

"Well, since we go hiking quite early tomorrow, I thought we could watch a movie or two and then go to sleep?" Ben replies, hoping it doesn't bore Dan too much.

"That's cool with me, I'd hate to go hiking when I'm tired." Dan says.

It's dinner time, Pizza! Ben's mom is away on a fancy cooking course and his dad isn't in much of a mood to cook, in fact he looks a bit grumpy, but he's trying not to show it.

"So, what are you boys going to do tonight?" The Lion asks. Lifting his pizza to his mouth and taking a huge bite. A little bit of cheese slips off from the top landing on his T-shirt he put on after he got home from work. "Aw crap, hold that thought." he says as he stands up to go wipe the stains off that might show up. Mr. Kevin doesn't really care much for attire when he's at home, wearing boxers and a T-shirt cools you off a lot when the African sun gets hot. Mr. K is also quite the Male, anyone can see he gyms every second day since he's got a lot of muscles of a fifty-year old.

He comes back from the bathroom, a big wet spot resides on his T-shirt where he wiped the cheese off with a wet cloth. "So, what are you boys doing tonight?" he asks again.

"We're just going to watch a movie or two and then go to sleep. We don't want to be too tired tomorrow." Ben replies, taking a bite out of his pizza.

"Good idea, I hear Mr. Duffy's going to take you quite far, better rest up." he warns.

The second movie's credits roll, "Dude, it's 22:40. We'd better go to sleep." Ben says, "You heard what my dad said, Mr. Duffey's going to take us far"

"Yeah, I agree." Dan says as he pushes himself off the couch. Ben turns off the TV. They go to the kitchen one last time to take a drink and search for some left over Pizza.

"Well, I'm off to bed." Ben says as he exits the kitchen. Dan follows and shuts off the light.

They wish each other a good night's rest and go to their seperate rooms.

Dan wakes up, "What time is it? I'm thirsty." he thinks to himself as he takes a look at his bedside clock. "02:30". With a moan he gets up and walks down the hall towards the kitchen. He gulps down a glass of water and returns down the hall. In the TV room's doorway he sees a faint light glowing. "Didn't Ben shut the tv off?" he thinks to himself. He decides to check it out, if Ben's dad found they didn't shut off the TV, Ben would be in big trouble.

As Dan enters the TV room, he sees a silhouette on the couch. It's Ben's dad. Dan hears a quiet moaning from the TV. "Is that Porn he's watching?", Dan lifts his head a bit higher to see what's going on. "Holy crap, he's jacking off!" Dan thinks to himself.

Kevin notices something out of the corner of his eye and looks behind him. Dan ducks behind the wall. "Damn, did he see me?" He thinks to himself.

"You can come in Dan, I saw you" Kevin calls out to him obviously stopping with the deed and pulling his boxers back up.

Dan enters the room, standing right in front of Kevin, who's wearing nothing but his boxers. "I'm sorry mr. K, I just got up to drink some water and saw the TV was on. So I came to check if we hadn't forgotten it on." He says, dropping his head in shame while blushing.

"You're a naughty boy for watching older lions jack off" Kevin said. "But don't worry, you're here now so you just might as well enjoy it with me."

"Excuse me Mr. K?" Dan asks in confusement.

"Come on, we're both males, right? Surely we can watch porn and jack off together, nothing wrong with it. Or would you rather do something else to this old lion?" he teases

Dan blushed even more, a hot rush fills his body as he finds him staring at Mr. K's bulge in his boxers. He'd never seen another male's penis before, nevermind an older male.

"What, you like cocks?" Kevin teases again.

"N-no, I was just..." he says, but Kevin interrupts him.

"Staring at my bulge like you wanted to suck it?" he says, a bit more serious. "Well, you're more than welcome to suck it if you want, I don't mind at all. I'll even give your's a go when you're done.

Dan's body freezes, he's being offered sex. Well, maybe not by a female, but sex nonetheless. "Uhm..." he starts to stutter.

"It's okay, I won't tell. Come on, don't be shy." Kevin says as he invites Dan to his legs. "Just get down on your knees, the rest will come naturally."

Dan walks to Kevin's legs, which are spread out wide, and gets on his knees. "Hold on, I forgot to take my boxers off, close your eyes, I don't want to ruin the surprise." he says as he gets up. Dan closes his eyes, he hears Kevin take off his boxers and gets back on the couch.

"Uhm, Mr. K, I don't..." Dan starts, still keeping his eyes closed.

"Shhh." Kevin interrupts, "And don't call me "Mr. K" while we're busy here, call me "Kevin".

Dan nods as his eyes opens. He glances upon Kevin's big, fat hairy cock, hard as a rock in front of him. His cockhead is a bright-ish pink, his shaft his big in length and girth, covered with caramel colored hair from where the head and the shaft meet, all the way down to his two big round balls greeting his face. Instinctively he raises his hands and starts playing with Kevin's balls. "Ooh yeah, that's it" Kevin starts to moan. "Yeah, play with my balls" he continues.

Dan moves closer. While playing with Kevin's balls in his one hand, he takes his shaft in his other hand, stroking it so the pre comes out. He opens his mouth and slides it over Kevin's pulsating meat. "O-o-o-o-h yeah, that's the stuff." Kevin moans yet again as the salty pre starts flowing into Dan's mouth. Dan removes his mouth and gives Kevin's cock another few pumps with his hand. "Oh yeah, you're a natural. You never done this before?" Kevin asks.

"No, never" Dan replies as he licks three of the fingers that just played with Kevin's balls. He lines them up with Kevin's ass and slowly he pushes them in.

"Hey, what are you doing down there." Kevin asks alarmingly, but the alarm going off in his head fades away as he feels the pleasure the three fingers bring as they move in and out of his ass while Dan still jacks him off. "Stop, wait." Kevin says, and Dan obliges by taking his fingers out of Kevin's ass and his hand off his cock.

"I want to taste your cum, I want to see it spurt all over my chest. Come here." he invites Dan onto his sitting body. "Here, stand like this." He says, positioning Dan above him, and his penis right in front of his maw.

He takes off Dan's clothes and puts Dan's member in his maw, tasting the delicious pre that flows out of the love muscle. "Mmm, tastes good" he says, and forgetting that Dan has never had sex, he licks Dan's cock from his balls to the tip, sending Dan into spasmic extacy. Dan sends his cum all over the Kevin's face, Kevin quickly lowers Dan a bit so his cum lands on his chest as well and he rubs it into his bodyhair, knowing he's going to regret it when he showers again.

"Wow, that felt..." Dan says, unable to complete the sentence.

"Good?" Kevin's completes it for him and Dan nods. "Would you mind riding me?" Kevin asked.

"Uhm, okay... I guess." Dan says, not knowing what's about to hit him. He lowers his body to the pre-lubricated lion-meat and lets Kevin slowly push it into him. At first it hurts, but after his hole stretches a bit, he gets acustomed to it. Slowly he starts to move his body upwards, feeling the lion cock inside him rub against his inner walls. He lowers his body, feeling the lion cock push inside him yet again. As he gets used to it, he starts moving faster, making the huge beast beneath him moan even more.

He looks down, his own meat is starting to rise again. Faster and faster he moves up and down, the pain is getting unbearable, but the pleasure is so much more. He moves up and when at the top, he drops down on the lion while holding his own balls in his hand. He lands with a thud, shoving the lion into the couch and slinging the beasts balls straight into his ass. "Hoh, yeah... Do it again." Kevin says.

Continually Dan does this, over and over, harder and harder, slamming the lions balls into his ass every time he lands hard on the feline's body. Then, as he slams again, Kevin holds him down, "Oh crap, yes. Yes, yes, yes" Kevin says quietly as his cock pulsates one last time before it sends a flood of Lion cum up Dan's ass. The pulse and the cum flowing up his ass sends Dan over the edge a second time as his cock hardens one last time, shooting his cum all over Kevin's stomach.

Dan gets off of Kevin and they sit there for a while, catching their breath. "Well, that was good." Kevin said, panting.

"Yeah, sure was." Dan replied. He looked over at the clock. "Damn, it's 3:00. I gotta get back to bed!" Dan said, grabbing his clothes in a rush.

Kevin stand up from the couch and puts on his boxers. "Yeah, you'd better get to bed. And we're back on Mr. K now." he said, teasing.

Dan smiles as he exits the room and returns to his bed, knowing he will always remember the time he slept over at Ben's house.

The end.