[Commission] The Abduction

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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Adhara and her roommate Marie return from a longer than expected shopping trip, ready to relax and get some rest in a quiet evening at home. But then Adhara hears something, and on investigation discovers they aren't alone--and that someone has intruded with sinister intentions! Caught off guard, can the unlucky pair manage to resist and escape before it's too late?

This story is a commission written for GameGod210! Interested in a story of your own? Check out the Commission Info tab on my Furaffinity Profile.

"I'd never known the jeans situation for you scaled anthros was so dire." Marie shook her head as she turned the car onto their home street, ears pinned back in annoyance. "I can pick out pants at any store in the mall, and you can only shop at one?"

"Just the one," Adhara said, her thick muscular tail thumping against the floorboards of the second row of seats. "Our bigger tails make the butt a challenge that a lot of designers don't even bother with. I guess I can say I'm lucky enough not to have wings too; I hear winged dragons have to get almost all their tops custom made, and their bras are terrible."

"Yeah--oops!" She swung around a sedan parked right next to their driveway, giving the offending car a little glare as she pulled up to the garage door and clicked the opener. "But you still have that challenging butt, hun," she said, and then whinnied in amusement from the phrasing the dragoness had chosen.

Adhara gave the bay mare a playful swat on the arm as they waited for the door to roll up out of the way. "You're just jealous of my tail."

Marie pulled the car into the garage and closed the door again behind it, giggling. "Maybe a little bit. Still--glad that's over!" She reached into the back seat to snatch her bag of purchases, while Adhara got out and retrieved her own via the back door.

"And I'm glad I got my jeans." She peeked into the bag as they went inside, the end of her tail wagging slowly. "I can't wait to get to wear them, they were so comfy when I tried them on..."

Adhara put her bag down and headed for the kitchen while Marie went right to the stairs, scaling them with a groan. "I hear you sweetie. You looked good in them too! Maybe tomorrow though, I'm tuckered out," Marie said. "I'm gonna have a shower, then we can figure out dinner all right?"

"Okay! I'll just grab a little bite to tide me over," Adhara called up after her, and took a peek into the pantry. It was pretty well stocked, but she just stared into it for a little while, thinking: the dragoness was getting hungry, but none of the lighter fare inside seemed to be speaking to her at the moment--especially considering a good portion of it suited her roommate's palate better than her own! Eventually she snagged a couple small strips of jerky and brought them into the next room with her, settling down on the sofa to turn on the TV and gnaw her way through the snack.

The screen brightened to display one of the local stations: currently showing the news, which was all politics. The green-scaled dragoness huffed in annoyance and flipped through the channels, through an ad, news, ad, sports, old sitcom, newer comedy... She hesitated on the comedy and was rewarded with some witty banter--actually witty, not just an insulting one-liner!--so she left it there and began to chew her jerky. Mmm, that was hitting the spot, and the show was actually pretty funny; she might have to find more of it to watch sometime! She got out her phone to glance at a few reviews of the series when it went to commercial.

A high-pitched whinny sounded from upstairs, audible over the TV, followed by a series of heavy thumps! She stood up at once, looking up at the ceiling uncertainly: that had come from Marie's room. Was she okay? A few more thumps drummed through the floor above, and when they stopped she raised her voice and said, "Marie? ...Marie, are you okay up there?"

She waited a few seconds, but there was no response: no further thuds, no shouts or even a calmer reply. "Marie?" she said again, then a second time-- Wait, was that another little thump-- Was that a groan? Her tail twitched, her jaw fins tucked in a little in worry. The first sounds had been so loud, and she couldn't think of any reason for the horse to have made such noise without having fallen over or hurt herself, or something worse! So up the stairs she went, taking them two at a time, and at the top she turned left to find Marie's closed door there. Of course--she'd said she was going to shower. But she'd never heard the water start running, and it wasn't running now!

Adhara knocked on the bedroom door. "Marie?" When she didn't hear anything, she knocked again and spoke a little more loudly, in case she was in her bathroom or something. "Marie? Are you all right? Can I come in?" She listened carefully, she thought she might have heard a soft high-pitched sound, almost like a whine! That settled it, and when another few seconds passed without her roommate's reassurances, without either assent or denial, she opened the door.

She found Marie lying there on the floor--with a massive male lion crouched over her, her eyes wide with anxiety and a ball gag in her mouth! She whimpered when she saw Adhara standing there, but when one of her attacker's hands came down on her shoulder she went quiet, shivering. "What the-- Get away from her!" Adhara snarled, taking a step into the room, fins flaring out around her jaws in anger. This was no like-minded friend, someone must have broken in, and she needed to stop him!

"Ah-ah," said the lion, lifting his head to look at her, and he brought a knife to Marie's neck; Adhara stopped in her tracks, eyes on the threatening knife. She couldn't let him hurt her--she couldn't risk testing him! "No sudden moves now, or pokey is going to have to get acquainted with your friend, and that would be a shame... She's cute."

Marie keened in fright, too worried about the big sharp blade in his hand to fight back. No--it wasn't fear, she realized, the mare had been tied up! The gag had been easy to spot, but now she saw her hands were tied behind her, and her ankles knotted together; she'd been stripped to her underwear too, exposing nearly all of her short-cropped brown fur, probably getting ready for her shower when the intruder jumped her. Adhara's hands clenched into fists, but she didn't dare come any closer with the weapon at Marie's neck. Growling, she demanded, "what do you want?" to try to stall for time, sizing him up: he was colossal even crouched down, easily outweighing either of them, and likely a good deal taller as well, tank top showing a chest and arms heavy with muscle. An eye patch covered his left eye--maybe if she could get into his blind spot, but no, with Marie already tied up, how could she make him look away?

A grin crossed the scarred face, his tufted tail flicking behind him. "I want you! And I suggest you do as you're told, or the horse will pay the price." He made a little sliding motion with the knife, and Marie whimpered again, too petrified to even try to twist her neck away.

Adhara flinched, fins contracting. "--me? What do you mean you want me?" she said, anxiety settling in her belly. Why would he want her, what did he want her for, why her?

"I mean I want you to follow orders, not play 20 Questions." He looked her up and down and snorted. "Now strip."

"What?" She nearly snarled in fury, but for the sharp knife in his hand, feeling heat rise in her cheeks and fins. No, no, she couldn't just do as she was told, but she couldn't let him hurt Marie either--

"Did I stutter? Clothes off, dragoness," he snapped, giving Marie's collarbone a slap with the flat of the knife. "I don't want to see anything but scale."

It was all she could do to suppress an anxious, embarrassed whine of her own, and though Marie's ears twitched and she gave her head a tiny shake, she didn't dare push the big lion! Quivering with building worry, she did as he'd demanded and pulled her shirt over her head, pulled her pants down off of her legs and her tail, her blush deepening as the feline grinned and openly admired her body. When she hesitated he motioned towards her with a hand, and after another moment she obeyed, taking off her bra, followed by her panties, leaving her exposed before him; his grin only widened when he took in the sight of her breasts and the bright yellow scales that ran down her front from chin to groin, and she lifted her arms to cover her chest, tail curling to protect her cleft, his intent one-eyed gaze making her feel so vulnerable with nothing hiding her scales!

The protective gesture made him chuckle, and he reached for another coil of rope he'd laid out nearby. "Don't bother... In a minute I'll be able to look as much as I want, so what's the point in hiding the goods?" He stood up and made a circling motion with the point of the knife in the air. "Turn around now, hands behind your back."

A minute ago she might have lunged at him the instant he moved the sharp edge away from its threatening position against Marie's throat, but now that she was nude, exposed, feeling so humiliated by the order and how much he clearly enjoyed the sight of her bare form, she just couldn't find the will to fight back as her more submissive impulses took over. "Just-- Just don't hurt her," she stammered, blue eyes wide with anxiety, and then she obeyed, turning her striped back to him and bringing her hands together against the base of her tail.

He stepped over Marie as he uncoiled the rope. "No need to hurt her, since you're being so well behaved." Then he started to wind the rope around her, the feeling of the coils sliding over her scales making her shiver: he bound her wrists tightly together, then ran a few coils around her arms just above her elbows, the coil so strict they were forced to touch behind her back! She tried to flex against them, but her arms couldn't budge, and when she squirmed he gave her a swat on the rump, making her butt sting for a moment.

"I have a client," the lion said, as he tied another knot between her elbows, then ran one loop of rope around her shoulders. "Big, strong dragon. Tough guy, and rich, too. That's big for you dragons, right? You love strength and you love wealth, so you'll probably love him for having them. Anyway, you caught his attention." He grunted as he pulled another knot tight, and with her wondering what exactly that meant he turned away from her for a moment, but now that he had finally stopped paying such close attention to her she was in no position to fight him, not with her hands tied so strictly behind her back! "So he says to me Sharpfury, I need you to do what you do best and invite her over for me. And who am I to say no, especially on such a generous contract?"

Adhara whined, testing the ropes again and clenching fingers into fists, but the cords were far too strong and too tight for her to slip out! He was--he was abducting her? For money? For some dragon who wanted her specifically? "Nn-- What? What for? No, let me-- mmmmnnn!" she started to protest, but when her jaws parted in complaint he filled them with a ball gag, yanking it roughly behind her teeth and buckling it down tight, pinning it deep in her jaws and pinning her fangs shut around it! "Mmmmf!"

"Enough with the questions, I told you that already!" He leaned forward and reached around to take her tits in his thick-fingered hands and gave them both a rough squeeze. She couldn't keep herself from moaning as he kneaded the sensitive mounds, her voice now muffled by her gag, and she squirmed and huffed and even whined at him when he kept on groping her, but he didn't stop and she couldn't push him away! "At least that gag shuts you up nicely," he said, and after pinching her nipples until she yelped in pain he at last let go of her. Adhara sagged forward with a groan, panting and already beginning to drool from how deep he'd buckled the ball in her jaws, only to yelp when he pushed her roughly to the floor!

Sharpfury rolled her onto her stomach and grabbed another rope. This one he coiled around her thighs, then her knees, then her ankles, the dragoness twisting her head to try to see, try to test her bonds--she couldn't let herself be kidnapped, she had to do something to stop him!--but the restraints were so tight, wrists and elbows pinned together behind her back, and she couldn't find the knots! She could only share a helpless, frightened look with Marie, the blue eyes of the dragoness meeting the brown eyes of the mare, each of their muzzles filled by a big stifling ball gag that just let them unintelligibly moan at each other as the lion bound Adhara's wrists to her ankles so tightly her back was forced to arch a little by the rope!

She bit down around her gag and groaned from the strain, but he knotted the rope to keep her in that hogtie and no amount of tugging would give her any more slack! After binding her tail to her legs to keep her from swinging the heavy limb around he returned to the horse, getting his knife back out and saying, "now your turn to get tied up properly... And to get you down to bare fur too, since we were so rudely interrupted before you could finish undressing." With her wrists and ankles bound already, Sharpfury had to cut off her underwear, and when he exposed the ample bust the mare's stocky build had granted her he chuckled appreciatively, groping her breasts a little more gently than he had Adhara's, the dragoness only able to watch and Marie only able to squirm as he molested her. "Mmmm. With tits like these you could go into porn. In fact, maybe that's what I'll do with you."

With her now nude as well and moaning her futile protests, he rolled her onto her stomach to give her the same treatment he'd given her roommate, starting by binding her thighs together. "My contract is only for the dragoness, of course. But witnesses are a problem, so I can't just take her and leave you here to struggle your way out, as fun as that might be." He finished with her thighs and knees and moved to her elbows, which he tied up just as securely as Adhara's to really immobilize her arms, continuing to speak over the muffled protests of his captives that grew more worried and indignant with every phrase! "I could just kill you, but that'd be a waste, so I may as well bring you along. I'm sure I can find a buyer for a body like yours, and we can have our own fun until then." He tied her hands to her hooves to complete the hogtie.

Adhara twisted and yanked on her bonds, groaning, watching helplessly as Sharpfury stood back up. He only seemed more massive from her perspective tied down to the floor, and she tried to struggle more urgently, tried to figure out how to pull something loose, but the ropes were just so tight and he'd trapped all of her limbs, even her tail, she couldn't slip loose or find any knots! "Mmmnh, mmmf... Mmmmgh! Rrmg!" she grunted up at him, Marie's own struggles on the carpet next to her proving just as futile, and their efforts only made the lion laugh.

"I know my knots, so I'd tell you not to bother trying to escape, but I wouldn't want you to stop struggling. That's the best part after all!" And worse still for the two girls, he wasn't even done: fishing into his pockets, he pulled out two broad bands of thick black cloth. Marie kicked and thrashed and moaned but was unable to keep from being blindfolded, and though Adhara tried her best to fight her bondage the second blindfold soon descended over her own eyes, wrapping a few times around her head behind her horns and trapping her in utter darkness, her moans and protests ignored, her struggling getting her nowhere.

"There, that ought to hold you ladies. Can't be too careful though," he snorted, and she had to listen now as he tread heavily across the room and back, dropping something between them. Again she tried to twist her arms free, but with wrists and elbows so tightly tied she couldn't even move them, let alone get them out of the unyielding coils of rope! "You took forever to get home, so I was going through your things--not like either of you will need them anymore, so may as well take a few valuables, you know how it goes. Anyway, what should I find but both of you have some fun little toys stashed away! I just love it when the victims I tie up are into it."

He laughed again, and Adhara moaned, blushing again and squirming on the floor, trying to think, trying to find a way out--oh no, he wasn't going to use those things on them was he? Not now, not when they needed to focus on getting out! "Mmmgh! Mm-mmnf, mmm, rrmmg!" she grunted, her and Marie's protests both smothered beyond recognition by their gags, and she quivered when their captor rolled her effortlessly onto her side.

"Now I figure with so much rope between the two of you, you're probably pretty good with it yourselves, so this kills two birds with one stone." One of his big hands squeezed a boob and Adhara groaned and shuddered from the firm handling--only for her voice to jump to a whine of discomfort, arms twitching and toes curling, when she felt the pinch of a clamp pinching down on either side of a nipple! "First, it'll help distract you from finding some way out that I didn't think of, and second, it'll make you extra squirmy!" She kicked and struggled and shook her head, moaning, but couldn't stop him from clamping her other nipple too, and when they squeezed even tighter she writhed and whimpered in pain: he'd given her Marie's clover clamps, and was pulling on the little chain between them to torment her!

She arched her back, gasped and panted and tried to struggle, but she couldn't make him stop, couldn't get away, couldn't do anything as they pinched, alternately letting up a little and gripping tighter still. "Mmmmgh! Mmmf, mmmmmf, mmmmmnh! Lllmmmmf!" At last the intense squeeze relented to a duller but still ever-present ache and she slumped back to the floor, groaning in mingled relief and worry, trembling as she tried to ignore the heat blossoming in her chest from the tweaking he'd given her sensitive nipples. No, now wasn't the time, she couldn't be turned on, not when she'd been tied up and abused by this kidnapper! But the rope was as tight as she could have ever desired in her fantasies, the clamps teased and encouraged her libido, and even her fear of what might happen next if she didn't get free seemed to excite her rather than the reverse! Wriggling in the darkness she heard a few muffled neighs from Marie: she must have received clamps of her own, and possibly more than that, from how long it took and how she moaned in distress.

Adhara's head lolled back against the carpet, hands twisting and beginning to tingle as she strained to find some knot within their reach. There had to be a way out... there had to be... this couldn't be happening! But all she could feel was coil after coil of rope that trapped her in its unyielding grip, nothing that felt like a knot or an end to follow, and with the hogtie already forcing her to arch a little there was barely any further slack to gain by trying to reach back even farther. Her shoulder was starting to ache from leaning on it, but before she could try to roll over onto her stomach Sharpfury returned his attention to her. She could feel him fumbling with the coils that pinned her thighs together, something cool and plastic slipping between them, and after a little more fiddling with the object he rotated it, pushing a smooth rounded shape nto place so it rested firmly against her cleft.

Oh Gods. Adhara shuddered in realization. He'd just put Marie's biggest vibrator between her legs!

"Mmmm! Mm-mmmnf! Rrmm, mmm, llmm mmmmf mmmm-- Mmmmmmmmmhhf!" She objected at once, thrashing and struggling, but the ball gag stifled her cries, the bondage kept her under his control, and her voice rose to a muted howl when he switched the vibrator on and it began to buzz powerfully between her legs. A second later a second hum joined the first and Marie groaned as she was subjected to her own tease, but Adhara was only distantly aware: the big buzzing head of the vibrator pressed right against her pussy and her clit, its stimulation intense and impossible to ignore and at once sending bolts of pleasure through her. She felt herself growing hot and wet with desire despite the situation, her hips rolling against the vibrator of their own accord while Sharpfury pushed her back onto her stomach, the clamps pinching down a little harder when caught beneath her and just adding to her torment.

"That'll keep you two entertained while I get the car ready. Don't go anywhere!" he taunted them, then she heard his heavy boots thump away and down the stairs, leaving them alone with their ropes and toys.

"Mmmmgh! Mmmnnnh! Mmm mmghf!" Adhara shuddered, squirmed, groaning and clamping her jaws on her gag as she bucked in her bondage, barely even realizing that if not for the gag she'd be asking for him to come back to turn the vibrator off--thus ruining their time without his supervision, their best chance to get free! Frantic, desperate, gasping from the heavy sensations coursing through her, she threw herself madly against the ropes, trying to yank her arms apart, pull her hands and feet out of the hogtie, something-- She had to do something, but the ropes denied her every move! The bound dragoness had no plan, no patience to find a knot and slowly pick at it or try to saw through the ropes with a claw, and in her panic and the building haze of pleasure and arousal she couldn't make herself think! Her hips ground into the floor, rolling her clit across the head of the vibrator and drawing another howl of pleasure from her jaws; it felt so good, far better than it should in such a predicament and far too much for her to resist but no-- No! She couldn't just lie there and enjoy herself when she needed to escape!

She could hear more thumps and groans and whirring vibrators as Marie struggled next to her on the floor, equally helpless and equally teased, but the powerful stimulation had dulled even her longing to keep her friend safe--if that was even still possible anymore. The dragoness moaned and tried to thrash, but she had so little wiggle room that she could barely move, even when she applied her considerable strength to the ropes: they were almost cruelly tight, keeping her legs folded and her arms and hands behind her back, unable to reach any of the knots, unable to even see what she might be trying to reach for! And all the while the big buzzing bulb between her legs encouraged her to give in, to stop struggling and accept the sensations it gave her... She moaned, she could feel how horny it was making her as wave after wave of pleasure radiated from her cleft, but she couldn't give up, she couldn't give in... she couldn't make it stop...! "Mmmmmmhhf!" An extra-intense shock of pleasure made her whole body twitch, and she moaned more loudly still, drooling, as she realized she could feel a climax beginning to build within her.

Her struggles grew still more desperate; it would be so humiliating to cum at a time like this, the endorphins that accompanied an orgasm would relax and weaken her, and she couldn't let herself be so distracted-- There had to be a way out, if only she could think of one! Writhing and grinding her pussy into the vibrator, she managed with great effort to get herself onto her side, her chest heaving from lust and exertion. Maybe, maybe, if she could just get enough slack in the hogtie she might be able to find the knot that secured her wrists and get her hands free... But the tie was so tight that there was only so much slack she could get! Maybe if she struggled over to Marie they could untie each other? Though she couldn't see her she could hear her, and probably squirm over to her with some effort, but how would they manage to share the idea or even locate each other's knots when neither of them could see or speak and they were both so securely tied--and so strongly teased? Gasping in ecstasy, whole body shivering, she arched her back farther, groaning from the pain of her clamped tits and the unrelenting pleasure assaulting her cleft, straining to find some slack, to find a knot, hands reaching one way and then the other but finding only the base of her tail and her bound ankles, nothing she could pull loose! No, no, she had to, she had to, she had to get out!

Her fingers felt over the coils she could reach, blindly fumbling and tugging at them but finding nothing she could get to loosen up; she couldn't even find the knot binding her ankles, as little good as that would do. She bucked and howled again as the sensations surged higher still, trying to rein in her arousal and focus on escaping, but she was losing that battle nearly as thoroughly as she was losing to the ropes that bound her! Her muscles quivered and spasmed and her hips rolled nearly beyond her control across the vibrator, every second devoted to trying to find the will to stop humping and master her desire a second she wasn't trying to find a way out of the ultra-strict hogtie. Even the dull pinches of those heavy clamps on her nipples fueled her lust, the constant unshakeable pain mingling with the flood of pleasure and sending her spiraling closer and closer to orgasm. "Mmmmnnf, mmmmg, mmmmmmnnn!" she moaned, muffled voice thick with pleasure, and again she thrashed, straining against the tight cords, the knots, desperate to pull them apart somehow and get free before their captor returned, to make this stop--

Then she just couldn't take it anymore. A high-pitched squeal escaped her as the climax ripped through her bound body, only feeling more intense from her brief and futile attempts to suppress it. "Mmmmmmf! Mmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmngh, mmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmf!" Her limbs jerked and twitched against her restraints, fingers and toes curled and spasms running through her tail as she came, howling in ecstasy, her tightly bound form writhing and hips rolling firmly back and forth against her vibrator as she gave in and eagerly drank up the satisfaction and indescribable pleasure that consumed her. Her sex seized and trembled and clenched, spilling her wetness onto the vibrator and her thighs, the sensations dragging on and on as the bound, gagged, helpless dragoness endured the incredible release; then at last it was over and she sagged back down, gasping, all her muscles quivering and spent.

"My, my... Was that an orgasm I saw?"

Adhara yelped and shuddered in shock and humiliation--and from the vibrator still thrumming against her soaked pussy, that sent a couple of aftershocks through her as Sharpfury approached them. Not only had he made her cum, he'd come back in time to watch it, and arrived quietly enough for her not to notice! "Mmmmmmf! Mmmmnh, mmmmf... Mmmmmf," she moaned, trembling and powerless on the floor. It was too late... They hadn't escaped, and he was going to abduct them now, the continuing sensations only rubbing in her sense of defeat.

"Kinky dragoness... You must be really enjoying yourself. My client is just going to love that." He gave her nipple clamps a tug and she yowled, even more sensitive after her climax, bucking and twitching and forced to suffer the tight pinches and yanks! At last he stopped, to her relief, but then it was Marie she heard moaning as he evidently gave her some attention of her own, somewhere in the inky blackness around her. "Looks like your friend hasn't made it there yet, though, and it wouldn't be fair for us to hit the road without giving her a chance to get off too!"

Adhara moaned, her back arching again to try to find a way out, but with the lion returned to watch over them, escape was even more impossible than before! Exhausted and drained from all her futile efforts--and that heavy orgasm--the dragoness could only weakly struggle, panting and groaning as Sharpfury sat himself down between them. One of his hands explored her as she squirmed, squeezing one of her tits, rubbing over her abs and near the still-buzzing vibrator, giving her ass a grope and a spank and coaxing a few more whimpers and moans past her gag, but most of his attention was on Marie now. She could hear the thumps of the mare's limbs as she wriggled; she heard groans, muted whinnies of pleasure and distress, and their tormentor's chuckling as he teased her and helped her along, and though she still longed to help her, to rescue her, she just couldn't summon the will to resist. She'd been defeated by the ropes, defeated by that big vibrator, how could she hope to... Oh, mmmmhhhf," Sharpfury had never turned it off and it was still running on high and she was starting to really feel it again! She shivered, hips grinding on the vibe, limbs straining against the ropes but she knew their strength by now, knew they weren't going to release her; she couldn't get free, couldn't stop their kidnapper from groping her and pulling on the nipple clamps, she couldn't even stop the pleasure wracking her body!

By the time a series of gasps and high muffled neighs signaled Marie's own strong but reluctant orgasm, Adhara was well on her way to a second, hips gyrating to press herself against the unrelenting vibrator, arms and legs and tail jerking pointlessly in her hogtie, chest heaving as she panted and moaned in pleasure and shame. "That's it, good girl," Sharpfury rumbled to the horse, and did something to make her roommate moan loudly, her limbs pounding a few more times against the floor while she squirmed.

Adhara got both her boobs squeezed next, her arms jerking on their bonds as she whined in despair and lust, trying and failing to make him stop molesting her, the vibrator's pitch modulating back and forth as her hips rolled against it. "You two are so much fun!" he said, chuckling and playing with her tits for a few seconds before letting go, but any relief she might have felt was forgotten beneath the building pleasure in her loins. "I'd love to keep playing a while longer, see how many times I can make you two cum, maybe get in on the fun myself, but you know. I'm on the clock, and business before pleasure." He paused, and added, "my pleasure, anyway. You two feel free to keep on enjoying yourselves, it's so much fun to watch you struggle."

Then she felt a big muscular arm wrap around her torso, and yelped when he slung her up over his shoulder! The clamps swung around and started to pull her boobs towards her neck instead of her waist and she grunted from the pain as she dangled against him, only momentarily distracted from her vibrator before he got her secured against shoulder and neck and it settled back into place, buzzing so enticingly away on her clit. "Mmmmn! Mmmf, mmmrn, rrrrmmm mmmmm!" she tried to say, half protest and half unbearably horny moan, hope of getting free rapidly slipping away while the insistent stimulation kept her too distracted to struggle--against ropes that she probably couldn't get out of anyway! Another soft moan and a bump of fur against her shoulder told her Sharpfury had just tossed Marie over his other shoulder, and she whimpered at her friend, head leaning over to nose at her soft cheek, as if it was possible for either of them to reassure or help the other like this...

The world swayed around her as the massive lion stood, grunting from the weight of his captives, and off to the garage they went. Marie moaned next to her, swinging a little against his back, and though Adhara did her best to fight the ropes she just couldn't find her strength, not with arms and legs bound so strictly behind her, not with all the stimulation seeming to encourage her to just give in and enjoy herself! She gasped and twitched and humped her toy as they descended the stairs and scraped through a couple of doorways--painfully, in one case!--before they reached their destination.

Adhara heard the sound of a latch, then the rattling of a heavy spring, and she trembled and moaned in realization a second before he set her down against a rough fabric surface. He'd put her in the trunk of his car! The dragoness gasped and writhed and rolled her hips, making one last desperate attempt to yank something free, but her efforts were just as futile as before, and after a moment he pushed her onto her side, her hands and feet up against one of the sides of the trunk. She felt a couple of tethers wrap around her arms to stop her from rolling, then Marie came down next to her. "Mmmn! Mmmmf...! Mmmmmm!" she moaned, growing horribly close to her second orgasm even as he loaded them into the trunk, but even if she'd managed to say something recognizable doubtless he would have ignored it; instead he pushed the two of them together, furred breasts against scaly ones, draconic hips and thighs against equine. The close quarters let each of them feel every squirm the other made, every twitch of the horse's shoulders, every wiggle of her legs, and every panting breath and horny rock of Adhara's hips. She could feel Marie humping on her vibe too, and once when their hips rolled in sync the motions pressed them together firmly enough that for a moment they almost seemed to share vibrators, the sensations drawing louder groans from them both and nearly setting Adhara off again then and there! Both of them struggled, their clamped tits squished together against the other's, gagged and blindfolded snouts so close they bumped together as they struggled almost as if nuzzling or kissing.

"What lovely cargo you two make," Sharpfury said, reaching down into the trunk to give Adhara's butt a firm grope, and Marie shuddered and yelped when he smacked hers. "Enjoy the ride."

Then the lid of the trunk slammed shut above them.

"Hhmmmmf! Mmmngh-- Mmmmf-- Mmmmmmmmmmhhf!" Adhara's first howl was one of helpless despair, and after a couple of short gasps of ramping desire she howled a second time in ecstasy as the vibrator forced her to cum again. Confined by the ropes, the wall behind her and Marie's bulk ahead of her, she could only writhe and pull on the unyielding coils as she climaxed, pressing boobs and hips and thighs against the equally trussed-up mare in turn as she bucked and thrashed in place. The waves of bliss made her moan, and moan, humping the vibrator and her poor helpless friend as she lost herself to the intense orgasm, the satisfaction briefly washing away her fear from the abduction and her shame from how aroused she had become despite it. Only when she felt the car start to move did she recall herself, groaning and shuddering from the aftershocks of her release, her chest heaving, quivering from nose to tailtip but still bound as tight as ever.

Marie gasped out a few lust-addled moans of her own, squirming and humping right back against the dragoness, her movements catching the nipple clamps against each other and making both of them whimper in pain. "Mmmmh! Mmmngh... Mmmf, llllmmm, mmmrrrnf," Adhara groaned, pressing her nose to Marie's, and the mare whimpered back, trembling against her as she slowly but surely lost the battle against her own whirring vibrator. The two of them could moan blindly through matching ball gags, and they could struggle against ropes so tight that they could barely move, but there was no escaping the heavy tease of their vibrators, the pinching nipple clamps, even the excitingly thorough bondage itself! Trapped in their bonds, trapped in the trunk, they were only able to moan blindly at each other, squirm against each other, and keep cumming, as Sharpfury drove them away.


The synthetic drew eyes from all around the hotel bar. A dragon was rare enough, though not so rare that one would receive such a level of attention; but being both draconic _and_ a synthetic creature, that assured she would attract the gaze of...

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Aches & Pains

Aleria could always tell when Aryk was plotting something. The smirk that twisted his muzzle, the way the tip of his tail twitched, how his eyes widened in excitement, all of them told her the silver dragon was up to something; so it was little...

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The guards never told Brask anything. Not when they fed him, not when they walked by on their rounds, and not now either, when they barged into his cell at who knew what hour of the morning snapping orders, waving their clubs threateningly as they...

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