A Special Lesson

Story by Seros Nym on SoFurry

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A little something about a scholar and his scribe. Enjoy! Let me know what you think!

An armful of priceless books, papers, and scrolls clatter to the floor. Leather-bound tomes thump and bump, sheaves of paper crinkle and tear, the entire collection spilling into a messy, scattered pile. Kurre, alarmed, turns towards the sound to find his young scribe Tuto kneeling amongst the fallen valuables, a few items still clutched in his arms as he looks forlorn at the damage done to his master's things and at the trouble he knew he was going to be in.

"Tuto!" Kurre snaps, the gryphon rising from his seat to cross the room in a few quick strides. He glares downwards at the violet-furred dragon that is his fledgling scribe, his stern expression masking his calmer, almost whimsical inner thoughts.

Tuto winces and stares at the floor. "M-my apologies, sir. I-I'll fix it right away."

Kurre paws through some of the scattered books and scrolls, surveying the carnage. Some are damaged, but not much more than they already were. It was an old stack of collector's books, valuable to someone... but not to me. The scrolls are mostly records, we'll have to transcribe any that are too damaged... hmm..._Hebends down and scoops up a scrap of paper. _This appears to be a grocery list.

The gryphon tosses the paper aside and peers down at his scribe once again. If Tuto had not been too ashamed to look up, he might have seen the glimmer of mischief in his master's eyes.

"You've done it now, Tuto. Look at this mess!." He lightly shoves a book aside with a clawed foot. "All ruined."

Tuto looks around, seeing the many clearly un-ruined books and papers, but simply defers to his master's judgement. "I-I'm sorry, sir!" His voice quivers and he bows low towards Kurre, "I'll work hard to replace everything... I-I'll do whatever is required of me."

Oh, of that I have no doubt. "Go to your quarters and clean yourself up, you're covered in dust." Kurre 'tsks' and shakes his head with disapproval, "Clumsy dragon."

"Y-yes. Right away." Tuto stands up and bows low again before gingerly stepping over the mess and into the hallway towards his room. As he does so, Kurre can't help but notice that he's trying to hide something under his clothes.

Oh my, that again? Kurre calls out after the retreating dragon, "Meet me in my study in an hour, and we'll... discuss what to do with you."

A soft voice calls out from the hallway. "Yes sir."

Kurre leaves the mess alone for now and paces to the window, peering outside into the sunlit garden. It's still early morning, and bright rays of sunlight shine down from the sky.

Tuto has been with Kurre for nearly a year now, helping tend to his affairs, keep records in order, and also for the companionship. The young dragon is dutiful almost to a fault, and works very hard without any complaints. But... h __e thinks I haven't seen him, noticed the way he adjusts himself, the awkward way he walks sometimes. He can be little clumsy occasionally_ , it's true, but_ this is something else. H __is mind is clearly elsewhere lately. Distracted by something... something in particular.

Kurre strokes his beak thoughtfully, closing his eyes as he muses. Perhaps I have worked him too hard. I must not be giving him enough time to tend to hi __mself. The gryphon scholar smiles, his thoughts coming together into an elegant solution. The year hasn't passed without Kurre picking up some signs, noticing some behaviors, learning some things about his dragon scribe. He thinks he may know Tuto's tastes, something that should sate his need for a while.Perhaps I can help him along. It would certainly be fun for both of us. Hmm...

Tuto stands before Kurre, awaiting his master's judgement.

"That was many ducati worth of records and antique books that you damaged, Tuto."

The dragon scribe casts his gaze downwards in shame, saying nothing.

"Your punishment is going to take place over the rest of the day, starting now and ending when we retire to bed."

Tuto swallows, and nods. "Yes, sir."

"Now... we shall begin." Kurre turns around and fiddles with something out of sight. He turns his head, looking sideways as he continues. "First, you must get down on both knees. Kneel."

Tuto obliges, still ashamed and clearly not looking forward to this punishment, as deserved as it may be. He has had a few punishments before due to his clumsiness - extra cleaning duty and harder chores - but never something like this, a personal meeting in the study.

"Now open your mouth."

Tuto looks mildly confused at the order, but silently obeys, opening his maw to display his rows of teeth and glistening pink tongue.

"Wider, stick your tongue out."

He opens his mouth further, straining with the effort, and he slides his tongue forward to droop out over his jaw.

"Now don't move, no matter what. Alright? And you may want to hold your breath."

Tuto nods in response, mouth hanging open and tongue lolling out. He barely spares a thought to what the purpose of this is, resolving for now to simply follow orders.

Kurre, peering over his shoulder, slowly turns around to face his scribe. Tuto's eyes widen as he sees the gryphon has undone his clothing and left his front bare from head to toe, his feathered chest, furry midriff, and feline legs confidently displayed. The most striking thing, most prominent to Tuto, is the long, shapely red shaft held firmly in a taloned hand, with a pair of fuzzy balls hanging underneath.

The dragon scribe stares transfixed, mouth agape, as Kurre takes a step towards him and points his cock right at Tuto's maw. With a surprisingly gentle motion, he places the hot, swollen flesh on Tuto's tongue, holding it down for a moment before slipping it along the wet appendage and deeper inside the obliging mouth. Slowly and carefully, he buries his meat to the hilt, from slender shaft to bumpy knot, pressing his hips against the dragon's snout. Tuto's nose nuzzles against fur and he squeezes his eyes shut, holding his breath tight.

"Ah..." Kurre can't help but let out a puff of pleasure. The sensation is soft, warm, and wet on his sensitive flesh. The dragon's tongue, twitching and restless, inadvertentlybrusheshim as he presses down on it.Delightful... Tuto's mouth and throat strain against the intruding member, the thick organ cutting off precious air. The little dragon blushes intensely despite his discomfort, hisfur taking on a shade of magenta as his body communicates his intense arousal.

I think he likes it.

Kurre shifts back, pulling his penis, now glistening with saliva, off of Tuto's tongue and out of his gaping maw. Tuto coughs and gasps for a lungful of air before having his mouth filled with hot flesh again as his gryphon master grins and leers down at him. In and out, forwards and backwards, Kurre uses his scribe's mouth for his pleasure... though he can't help but notice something hard and dark tenting the cloth between Tuto's legs.

The gryphon shaft slides around Tuto's tongue, stirring itself inside the dragon's mouth. It brushes softly against teeth, sending little electric zaps of sensation through its owner. Kurre's breath catches in his throat from a particularly strong jolt of pleasure and he pauses, holding his cock tightly as it twitches and oozes out a pearly stream of precum.

Ooh... this won't take long. Not long at all.

With a firm hand, Kurre presses down on Tuto's snout, closing the mouth tightly against his member, surrounding it with hot, slippery dragonmaw. His breathing picks up in pace, coming in short, soft gasps ashe thrusts his hips back and forth, his fuzzy balls bumpingagainst Tuto's chin as he steadily builds up momentum. Tuto shuts his eyes again, forcingout glistening tears that roll down his cheeks. He struggles and chokes, but rather than pull away or protest, he accepts it and soldiers on.

Kurre's breath hisses through his beak, and he slams his cock deep inside Tuto's mouth with a final breath of ecstasy.


The flesh buriedinside throbs and swells up,spittinga thickrope of creamygryphon seed down the dragon's gullet. Pulling back slightly and rocking back and forth against the wriggling pink tongue,theengorged, pulsing member fires glob after glob of thick fluid into the mouth of the little dragon. Kurre's body is wracked with sublime pleasure that he struggles to hide; his body trembles and his claws dig in a little too firmly, leaving scratch marks on Tuto's snout.Tuto, in response, flushes an even brighter red and his nose flares from his rapid, excited breathing.

As quickly as it started, it is over. Kurre sighs with pleasure one last time and catches his breath, his softening member still embedded inside his scribe's maw. Slowly, he pulls himself out, trailing droplets of fluid that dribble down onto the dragon's furry purple chin. Looking down at his mess, his eyes shine with a similar mischief from before.

"Don't swallow or spit."

Tuto looks up, confused, his mouth still full of gryphon cum. "Mmm?"

"That's another part of your punishment. Hold my seed in your mouth until I tell you otherwise. Don't drink or spill a drop! Alright?"

Tuto nods silently, his face still burning red-purple.

Over the course of the evening, Kurre observes his scribe as they both clean up the mess from earlier, stacking the books and papers neatly and putting anything aside that might need repairing or replacement. Tuto quietly sees to his chores afterwards, and Kurre makes sure not to be too far away, occasionally peeking in or hovering nearby. It's hard not to notice the dragon nursing a certain something between his legs, but he manages to stay focused and avoids causing any more trouble. Though Kurre wears a stern, serious expression as he watches his scribe, his inner thoughts are cheerful and amused.

Not a complaint or protest at all! Barely even any hesitation. I do believe he enjoyed that. Especially considering how... riled up he still is. This may have been good for us after all. Not much of a punishment if you think about it, but not all lessons need to be learned harshly._He calls Tuto over and gives a terse request for him to open his mouth. Sure enough, the gryphon's seed is still held inside, nowheavily mixed with saliva. _Ehehe, what a spur of the moment request that was. At least this part resembles an actual punishment, since he doesn't seem to savour my... flavor.

The remainder of the evening passes by without incident; the house is tidy and the chores completed without any more accidents. Satisfied, Kurre calls his scribe over. Instead of the 'yes sir?' that Kurre is used to getting from him, Tuto just nods politely and gives a quizzical grunt.

"You may retire to your quarters for a short while to rest and relax, but report to my study within the hour so we may finish what we began."

Tuto nods obediently.

"You may swallow or spit, if you wish."

Tuto pauses, hesitating for a brief moment before visibly swallowing his master's load. He coughs and winces, giving a little 'bleh' as he clears his mouth and throat of any sticky residue.

"How did it taste?" Kurre asks, clearly amused.

Tuto sticks out his tongue and scrunches up his face, "Bitter."

"It's time."

Kurre faces his scribe, wearing the sternest look he can muster.

Tuto bows his head lightly, not out of shame, but out of an almost eager obedience that he fails to hide. "Yes, sir."

Kurre motions to his desk, the surface suspiciously clear of any papers or clutter. Tuto approaches to stand in front of it while Kurre takes up position behind him.

"Now... disrobe."

Kurre can't see it, but Tuto's expression becomes partly one of surprise, and partly one of excitement. Turning back towards his master, his face is once again one of dutiful compliance.

"Yes, sir." He pauses, and then ventures a question, "Fast, or slow, sir?"

Kurre grins. I think he's figured it out. "Slow. Keep your eyes on me."

Tuto reaches an arm up to his chest, taking a moment to undo one fastening of his clothing, and then with another moment, another fastening. His eyes stay locked on his master's as he lightly shrugs off his coat. Kurre nods with approval.

"Keep going."

With languid motions, the violet dragon searches for every fasten and fold of his clothes, spending extra time letting his hands explore his own body. Minutes of careful, deliberate fiddling pass by, the dragon touching and stroking his exposed fur and slipping his hands under his clothing, pausing once in a while to slip a button free of its hold, all while making sure to never break eye contact with his master. Kurre watches in rapt silence, letting the dragon follow his instincts and go at his own pace. Tuto's undershirt falls to the floor, his fuzzy purple chest now exposed to the world, ruffled from busy hands.

Kurre adjusts himself as his body responds to what is unfolding before his eyes. He feels a stirring inside him already, a pressing need. "Hmm, a little faster perhaps?"

Tuto nods, his hands falling to his waist as he unbuttons his pants and unbuckles his belt. Sliding the leather strap free, he raises his arms and lets his pants drop to the floor; the fabric gets caught on something upward and stiff for a moment before he shifts position and frees it, his clothing falling into an unceremonious pile and leaving him completely bare - much to the delight of Kurre's eyes. The dragon's body is lithe and slender, with strikingly violet fur of varying shades covering him from head to toe. The lighter color on his belly goes from his neck all the way down to the stiff, jet-black member that is currently standing proudly in full view between his legs.

Already excited, are we? Not surprising! "Very good. Now turn around."

Tuto obeys, trying to hide his anticipation. His tail hangs down from his small, visually pleasing rump, the twitching tip betraying his excitement.

"Mmm." Kurre purrs and takes a step forward, gliding a hand across the shapely dragon butt. He appreciates it for a moment, admiring the size and curves of it before giving it a rough grope and a pinch, causing Tuto to squeak. "Now, raise your tail."

Tuto obliges, leaningslightly over the deskto raise his tail high. Just as he does so, he feels something soft, warm and wet slide into his rump. He can't help but giggle and writhe a little at the sensation, but he tries his best to maintain his stony,obedient facade. The wriggling thing slipsaround inside him for a minute beforesliding back out.

Kurre rises up, his tongue having done its duty in the dragon's rear. "Alright, scribe. This will go easier if you stay relaxed, but I won't stop if you tense up either."

"Y-yes sir." The dragon's trembling can be heard in his voice. The thick length of his tail rests, quivering, on Kurre's shoulder.

"You'll need to..." Kurre places a hand on the dragon's back, who lets out a squeak of surprise as he is abruptly pushed down onto the desk and held there. "... bend over."

Having already discarded his clothing, Kurre guides the head of his eager, swollen penis to his scribe's waiting tailhole. He presses it in a little, feeling Tuto squeeze and tighten up in response. With the entrance slick with saliva, the hard flesh has little trouble sliding past the stubborn ring, but Tuto whimpers in pain as he begins to be penetrated.

I did tell him to relax.

Hesitating a moment in order to give Tuto time to adjust, Kurre slides his cock further inside. The pointed head disappears inside, followed by a tapered shaft that buries itself deep before coming to a stop at the big series of bumps that make up the gryphon's knot.

He's going to have to widen up pretty quick, if he's going to take that. The knot, presses hardagainst the entrance, the hole much too tight for it to slip inside.

Tuto stirs and whimpers, "Ooh... s-sir..."

Pulling out all the way to the tip, Kurre waits a moment before sliding back inside. He can hear Tuto let out a shudder of pleasure as the cock slips in, poking at the dragon's sensitive insides and hidden places. Dragon flesh squeezes tightly around Kurre's cock; he grunts and winces at the pressure. The gryphon wiggles his hips a little, trying to loosen up the tailhole he's knot-deep in.

He pulls out once more and without waiting slams back in, pressing the knot hard, but not hard enough to go through. Tuto gasps and his claws grip the desk underneath him. He struggles to rise, but Kurre holds him down firmly with an arm across his back. "Sir... it's... it's too big."

Don't be afraid now, Tuto."This is part of your punishment, remember?"

Tuto whimpers and stops his brief resistance, clearly reluctant but still willing to trust his master.Kurre thrusts into him once more,placinga hand on the dragon's hips tohold them firm while his other arm pinshimto the desk. He thrusts again and again in a steady rhythm while Tuto squeaks and squirms underneath him. Every time the hard, unyielding gryphon cock slides inside... every push of hot flesh into warm dragon rump, the knot presses against the tailhole, enough to cause discomfort but not enough to go in. Kurre notices with every thrust the tight ring of flesh yields a bit little more, and he begins to pick up speed.

Ohh, this was a lovely idea. I hope he's enjoying it as much as I am. Maybe I should make sure._The gryphon reaches around, slipping a hand between the dragon's legs. He doesn't have tospend much time blindly fumbling around before his hand brushes against a rigid, twitching rod of flesh, flopping back and forth with every bump of their hips. He wraps his taloned fingers around it, getting them slick and sticky from the precum pouring in a steady stream from the pointed tip. _Oh, he's definitely enjoying himself.

Atthemaster's touch on his most sensitive place, Tuto tenses up and groans loudly.Kurre feels the shaft throb urgently in his hand, begging for release. With only a couple of generous,slippery strokes, the dragoncock pulses and twitches madly, unleashing a torrent of pleasure through the little dragon, who cries aloud in shock.

"Ah! Ah!! Sir...!"

Hisbody shakesand quiverswildlyas heshoots rope after pearly rope of hishuge, pent-upload onto the side of the desk and the wooden floor below, leaving a spattered, sticky mess underneath him.

With every wave of agonizing pleasure that rolls through Tuto duringhis blissful orgasm, Kurre feels the flesh around his cock squeeze,and the furry tail drapedover his shoulder twitchesand quivers in unison.He resumes his efforts with greater purpose,thrusting rough and hard into Tuto's rear,intent on knotting his scribe and filling the tight little dragon butt with his seed.Hisbreathing becomes heavy and labouredas he continuously slams his hips forward anddriveshis cock deep,the knot pushing a little further, caving and stretching the tailhole with every thrust. He grunts and groans, and Tuto moans aloud, their voices accompanied by the creaking and scraping protests of the desk underneath them.

Ahh. Kurre cranes his neck upwards, his face twisting into a rictus of excruciating pleasure.Nearly there! It's time!

With one big, sudden effort, he slams his hips forward against Tuto's rump. The dragon's tailhole, widened and loosened from the constant pounding, accepts the first part of the knot, the smallest bump, though not without reluctance.

"Ah!" Tuto cries, his body tensing in alarm, "Aah! It's too big!"

Tugging free from the tight ring, Kurre pulls out, the rough sensation causing Tuto to gasp and go limp. Without hesitation, the gryphon thrusts again and again, pressing the knot against the hole every time, feeling it give more and more with every push.

Finally he takes his arm off Tuto's back and pulls at the dragon's hips with both hands, shifts his weight forward, and in one final, mighty thrust, slams his cock in as hard as he can. The first of the knot slips in, and with a little encouragement, the rest follows, stretching Tuto's tailhole to its limit as it is penetrated all the way to Kurre's furry hilt. The spear of hot, swollen gryphon flesh fills up the dragon completely, stealing away his breath and causing his body to tense up as tight as a coil as his face freezes into an expression of outright shock.

The tight pressure on his knot sends Kurre over the edge.

"Rrr! Nnnngh!" Waves of ecstasy roll through him as he roughly tugs back and forth with his knot, dragon flesh pressing in all around, squeezing out his orgasm as a flood of hot gryphon seed spills from his cock to fill Tuto's innermost places. Tuto tries to cry out, overwhelmed by the pressure in his rump from the large, bulbous knot and the growing feeling of sticky warmth spreading from it; breathless, he arches his back and his eyes go wide in an expression of surprise, disbelief, and euphoria.

Kurre rides out his blissful orgasm inside the dragon's rump; his fuzzy brown balls brush against purple fur as they empty themselves completely inside the scribe's sore but all-too-willing tailhole.

With a deep exhale of satisfaction, Kurre flops down onto Tuto. His knot, still swollen, remains firmly lodged inside the dragon. I could yank it out, but it still feels so nic __e... maybe we can just sit here a moment.

Tuto's breath is fast and shallow. He lifts his head, with significant effort. "Sir... is that... all?"

Kurre pats his scribe on the head. "That's the end of your punishment. Did you learn your lesson?"

Tuto's head hits the desk with a small 'thump'. "S-sir... forgive me, please." He sounds like he's in a daze, "I fear I - what lesson was I supposed to learn from this?"

"Take care of your needs. If you don't see to them, you get distracted. I've seen you walking around with this thing-" He reaches down with a finger, diddling Tuto's soft, retreating member and eliciting an 'ah!' out of him, "-at full attention as you do your duties. Your mind is clearly elsewhere at those times, like today. It makes for avoidable accidents."

"Yes. I must tend to... myself more often. Thank you, sir."

"Mhm." Kurre nods knowingly, "Get that out of your system, or else..." He tugs on his knot, pulling it out from Tuto's rump slowly and with some difficulty; the dragon cries out through gritted teeth as his insides are suddenly empty of the invasive member. The glistening flesh is still partially erect, but it droops downwards, having none of the heat and urgency it had a moment ago. Small droplets of milky white fluid seep from it and drip onto the floor, joining the mess from Tuto's earlier orgasm and the seed already leaking from the raw, red tailhole. "Or else -I- have to get it out of your system."

Tuto is quiet for a moment, and then lets out a soft little laugh. He is clearly exhausted from this ordeal, but he raises his head again, his mouth turned up into a little smile. "That might not be so bad... once in a while, sir."

A little cheeky even after all that. Kurre grins back, "Just don't go throwing around priceless materials and making a mess whenever thaturge strikes you, alright?" He gives the dragon's rump a brisk smack, to which Tuto yelps in surprise,"You just have to ask."