The Demonstration

Story by dark end on SoFurry

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#27 of Hypnosis

Wow. I really wanted to put a general sleaze warning on this one, because dang that jackal is sleazy.

Another story inspired by another source. This time it was a hypno-manip:

A heavy metal door clanged as it swung open. "My apologies for keeping you all waiting," the jackal said as he walked into the room, flicking his sunglasses off and stowing them in his shirt pocket.

The board of directors did not look happy to see him. "You're late, Mr. Dakine," a cheetah at the end of the table said, rather unnecessarily. "We have been sitting here for fifteen minutes."

Marvin Dakine -- Marv to his friends and only to his friends -- flashed her his best cover-of-Time-magazine smile, pearly fangs gleaming. As the CEO and original founder of Flashpoint Technologies, he often found himself tussling with the board. No more. After this, he was sure they would trust in his leadership. "I had to make sure everything was set up for our demonstration, my dear," the jackal said, his voice as smooth as his manicured claws. "What I am about to show you is the future of advertising itself." He didn't elaborate. He knew how to work a crowd.

The board of directors murmured amongst themselves as Mr. Dakine, smoothing the crease of his collar, walked to the head of the table, picked up a remote there, and used it lower a gigantic screen behind him. Automatically, the windows darkened and the projector in the center of the room whirred to life. After a few moments of adjusting their eyes, the board of directors watched as the screen showed the room of some vixen, likely college-aged from the rented biology books stacked on her nightstand.

"What is this?" An elderly bear asked from the middle of the table.

"As I said, a demonstration." Mr. Dakine swung his arms wide and gestured up to the screen above him. "Some days, ladies and gentlemen, we would be happy if one in every 500 views of an advertisement resulted in any kind of action. But what if we could bring ourselves closer to one view causing one action. And what if that action wasn't just a trip to the store or a browse through a catalog, but a sale."

"Impossible," one of the board muttered under his breath.

"What you're talking about would change the very nature of marketing," said another, louder.

"Indeed it would," the jackal said. He tried not to let his tail wag, but really it was so hard under the circumstances. "But that is what this demonstration is out to prove." Mr. Dakine gestured to the screen above him. "We will employ our brand new techniques on this unsuspecting and randomly chosen woman. At the end of the hour, she will buy a brand new speaker set. I guarantee it. Now, let me set the stage. We have installed various cameras in the young woman's apartment--"

"Legally?" It was the cheetah who interjected again.

Mr. Dakine flashed her a good-humored look. She was young for the board, headstrong and wanting to prove herself. He'd butted heads with her more than anyone else. "Yes, legally. She failed to read the fine print when she signed off on her latest computer repairs. I can provide you a copy of the contract if you doubt me."

The cheetah pursed her lips but nodded.

"Back to setting the stage. I said we selected this woman at random. Not entirely true. We were looking for a few key characteristics. In particular, this young woman is an avid listener of music. She listens all the time and rarely leaves the house without earbuds in place. In our initial observations, we noted that she wakes up with a pot of coffee and the latest jams, as the kids like to say." Polite chuckles met that comment. "So we sent her a little package. A brand new MP3 player of our own design, asking her to assist us in testing it, with an additional offer that if she listens to a specific radio station from eight to nine this morning she has a chance to win a prize."

Around the room, a half-dozen board members checked their watches. It was almost 10. The vixen must have been on the other side of the country.

"Now, let's watch." The jackal jumped back into his chair, pulled his sunglasses back on despite the darkness of the room, and swiveled in his seat to watch the screen with the rest of them. Everyone, as he had hoped, was enraptured and wanted to see what would happen.

It took a few minutes -- Mr. Dakine was a patient man -- but eventually the vixen's alarm went off. She was under what seemed to be five layers of sheets and had to fight them off to reach out and swat the alarm into quietness again. The red-furred arm was about to slide back under the mess of sheets, when the vixen gave a start. She swung her legs out of bed and reached out, picking up the new MP3 player, tuning to the satellite radio station she had been told to, and sliding the large headphones over her head.

"The headphones are a special model," Mr. Dakine said over his shoulder. "Our first attempt at this new advertising strategy. They aren't strictly necessary for this demonstration, but I felt they would help illustrate our progress."

The vixen smiled and sprawled back in bed. The music began to play in her ears. In the lower left corner of the screen, a pulsing visualizer came up, throbbing in time with the vixen's finger, which was tapping a steady beat on the sheets. They still couldn't see much of her besides her arm, head, and a bit of her shoulder, covered in a loose-fitting shirt. A minute went by, then the vixen's ears perked and her eyes flew open.

"We just repeated the encouragement to listen for the next hour straight through. She is being told the prize is an all-expenses-paid trip to London for five days." He gestured to a few posters on her walls, all of which were of the latest BBC TV crazes. "All she has to do is listen for the code and then call at the end of the hour. This special offer is only available to twenty people. So her odds are good."

The bear from before scoffed a little. "You're offering a trip that expensive for this demonstration?"

"Not at all. It's just a ruse to make her listen."

The vixen reached out for a notebook and pen, holding them close to her chest as she stared dreamily up at the ceiling. Her gaze fell onto the posters, one showing Big Ben prominently, and she shivered. She propped her hand up on the poster by her index and middle finger, walking them along the edge of the poster as if she herself were walking along the Thames.

"Don't feel too bad for her, ladies and gentleman," the jackal announced. "She is still getting a 'second-place prize,' a signed copy of the as yet unreleased next CD of Black Dice, her favorite band, with a personalized letter from the lead singer. I think the sentimental value of that will be significant, and as we already have an advertising contract with them, it costs us nothing." He swiveled back to face the board, although they kept watching the woman on-screen. "Now it is time to begin the experiment proper. The headphones, as I said, were our first attempt. Using tiny magnetic impulses we can stimulate certain clusters of neurons in the brain. We could for instance induce sleepiness."

With a flourish, he dragged a slider bar down the tablet. A similar slider appeared on screen, showing the action to the watching board.

The vixen's eyes blinked dully and then the back of her hand went up to cover her mouth as a yawn rippled through her. The notebook, forgotten, slid off into the mess of sheets. The slider bar went down further still, and the vixen's eyelids followed suit. She blinked heavily once, twice, barely opening after the third time. Then, with another flourish, Mr. Dakine pushed the slider in the opposite direction and she sprang awake, eyes wide, realizing how close she had come to falling asleep and missing her shot at London. She immediately grabbed for her notebook and clutched it close to her chest, as if not wanting to risk losing it again.

"We found that we could induce other emotions. Anxiety." After another slider was moved, the vixen started to bite her lip, looking nervously around the room. He slowly lowered the slider again, not wanting to jerk her emotions around too quickly. "Happiness." The fidgeting vanished and instead the vixen laid back in bed with a warm smile on her lips. "And my personal favorite, arousal." The vixen gave a soft gasp and bit her lip. Her eyes half-lidded and one hand snaked its way under the covers where it could be seen moving slowly in the vicinity of her breasts.

"Is this really necessary?" It was that damned cheetah again, but although she protested, her eyes were glued to the screen.

Mr. Dakine sighed and lowered the sunglasses a bit on his muzzle to look her directly in the eye. "I would encourage you all to set your ethical concerns aside for the moment. This is all above board, as I indicated before, and there is a scientific reason for this. Sexual activity is extremely personalized and thus makes an excellent test of our abilities. If we can change her standard sexual choices, why could we not change her purchasing choices?"

The jackal stood, pushed the glasses back into place, and paced back and forth as the vixen gave soft moans and squirmed on the bed on the screen behind him. "However, this technology is extremely limited. It can only influence very basic things, such as emotions, and requires these specialized and rather bulky headphones. Flashpoint Technologies needed an easier and more effective solution. So we turned our attention from the headphones to the very sounds themselves."

At the touch of the button, the waveform in the corner enlarged and split apart, showing all the various tracks, the thumping of the bass drum, the thrumming of the guitar, and the more erratic vocals. Another track appeared, but it was flat and silent.

"We discovered that with the proper sounds, sounds that are on the fringe of our hearing, we could achieve a similar effect. We could activate neurons responsible for a given concept, idea, even just a word, by playing the right sound, and we could do this without the target ever being aware of it. In our experiments, from the target's perspective, it was as if a thought just sprang to mind." He sat down, hunched over the tablet, and wrote out the phrase "The sheets are too hot." The words appeared on screen. A moment later the previously still waveform jumped and jagged until it was repeating something in a steady loop.

The vixen's mouth opened. Her tongue lolled out and panted. She started to writhe under the sheets and retracted her arms in to punch and kick at them until they started to separate and then she could throw them all off of her.

Around the table, mouths fell open. "But this is--"

"The greatest motherlode any of us have ever seen. Think of the profits, ladies and gentlemen. Think of it. By this time next year, we will be the richest advertising company in the world. We will live like kings."

That shut them up.

Up above, the vixen, freed of her imprisoning sheets, returned to idly caressing her breasts. One claw teased around a nipple through the loose, oversized shirt she wore. She had on a pair of panties and apparently nothing else. Her long bushy tail curled over one leg. Her foot tapped in time with the unheard rhythm of the music.

The board of directors watched in wide-eyed, slack-jawed silence as Mr. Dakine, tail wagging, tapped in the next suggestion: "The clothes feel itchy. It would feel better to just relax in fur."

The vixen groaned and wriggled. Within seconds she was peeling the shirt off and the panties down. Both were tossed with the discarded sheets in the corner of the room. Now nude, she relaxed back atop the bed and reached over her head to activate a fan, which blew soft furrows into the exposed white of her belly fur. With nothing in the way, her hand cupped a breast, one finger idly swirling around the areola. The MP3 player was laying at her side and the notebook was once more pulled tight to her chest, nestled between the two white-furred orbs.

The music that was playing for her faded out, another track starting. "One of Black Dice's top hits," he explained. "That will make the next few suggestions easier."

The next suggestion he typed out was "Fantasize about the singer."

That turned out to be extremely easy for her. She rolled onto one side and looked at the far wall of her bedroom. There was a poster of the band with the singer (a black fox wearing nothing but an extremely tight pair of jeans) standing out in front in a stern and aloof pose, as if he were the lead in some b-grade action flick. All he was missing was a gun in one hand and a buxom twenty-something draped over his shoulder. The vixen rolled a tongue over her fangs. The touch at her breast got more insistent. She clearly wanted to be draped over him right that moment.

The jackal sat back in his chair, grinning at his spellbound audience. "So far everything we have asked her to do has been fairly normal, things she could reasonably have thought to do for herself. Now we are going to push her towards something she would likely never have done on her own. She has a small selection of toys she has purchased and based on those purchases we have a fairly good idea of what she does and doesn't find sexually normal. So this test should be conclusive."

Mr. Dakine pushed the arousal slider up higher and typed in a new command: "Fantasize about stroking him. Use a toy."

It took even less time for the vixen to follow through. She leaned over and pulled out a small box hidden beneath her bed. Inside was a fox-based dildo, short but girthy with a thick knot. She took it out and held it in her lap, caressing it from base to tip. Her eyes kept glancing between the dildo in her hands and the image on the far wall (and then, once a minute, her eyes darted to the notebook, making sure it was still close).

The jackal's eyebrows knitted together in careful concentration. He upped her arousal higher and gave a rapid-fire series of suggestions.

"You know he is a bad boy. You like that about him."

She gave the dildo a squeeze.

"If you were with him, he'd take you to places you've never been before."

Her eyes flicked back to the poster of Big Ben.

"He'd ask you for things that no one else ever asked for."

A shiver ran through her body. The fur on her tail stood on end in excitation. She stroked the toy a little faster.

"After all, bad boys want to be with bad girls."

The vixen on screen gave a fang-filled grin and licked over her lips.

"If you want to be with him, you need to be a bad girl."

The vixen reached up and ruffled the fur over her neck. It stood out in straight clumps, giving her a punkish look. Her entire demeanor started to shift. Her soft eyes now had a hard glint to them. Her stroking became less of a caress and more of a jerk.

"Bad girls get on their knees and suck cock."

The vixen started. That thought seemed to throw her for a loop. She lifted the dildo and inspected it, then looked up at the poster again.

Mr. Dakine sat back in his chair. "I hadn't expected this to be the trouble point. Let's see what happens. The suggestion is set on auto-repeat. So she'll keep having that thought." Sure enough, the waveform for the suggestion kept looping.

Slowly things began to happen. A pillow was pulled off the bed and placed down on the ground, not far from the poster. Then another. The vixen knelt on the padded surfaces and lifted the dildo level with her face. She had clearly done nothing like this before. She awkwardly pushed the dildo forward and it bumped her front teeth. Then she tried holding the dildo still and moving just her head. Her tongue didn't know what to do with itself. Her eyes were trying to watch the dildo's progress which was completely impossible with the angle. She seemed to recoil once at the taste of the toy, but then ignored it, steeled herself, and slid it slowly in.

"Excellent, excellent," Mr. Dakine said as he typed in the next suggestion: "This feels good."

The speakers in the room filled with a quiet but contented sigh from the vixen.

"This feels right. You know he would love to have you do this to him."

Her eyes opened and fixed on the image of the singer as she slid the dildo in and out of her mouth. From the position they were both in, it was as if he was looking down at her.

The jackal slid the arousal meter to maximum and wrote another suggestion: "Bad girls get so turned on by sucking a guy that they finger themselves."

The vixen's quiet sigh turned into a louder moan of pleasure as her hand dropped between her thighs and ran over her sex. The camera view changed and showed her from the front, the fingers in full view now. Her index finger stayed behind to circle her clit while others pressed back and forth over the swelling lips. Then, a moment later, two of them ducked inside.

"This feels so much better than you expected. You must really be a bad girl." On top of that, he added a repeating "thrust" command that was timed to the beat of the music.

The vixen's contented sounds filled the whole room now. Her fingers were working deeper with each thrust and her mouth had gone on autopilot fellating the dildo. Each of the actions produced a wet slurping sound that seemed to be magnified in the echoing boardroom.

"This feels so good, but you don't want to cum just yet."

The fingers stilled for a moment and then started making shallower thrusts, still in time with the beat of the music.

"Fantasize about him climaxing."

The dildo was shoved in deep into her muzzle and the vixen made a swallowing motion around it before pulling the shaft out and licking along its length devotedly.

"He would compliment you for that."

The vixen grinned up at the poster as her finger swirled over her clit.

The jackal spread his arms open wide, and spoke aloud again. "Now we come to the point where the real test of our technology begins."

He began typing quickly, his audience in rapt attention as the only sounds were his keys clicking away and the vixen's contented sexual sounds.

"He would want to know if you would do anything for him."

The vixen grinned at her internal fantasy and leaned in to kiss the knot of the dildo, speaking aloud for the first time. "I'd do anything for you." It was barely a whisper.

"He would want to know if you would be his bad girl."

The vixen kept lavishing attention onto the knot. "I'll be your bad girl," she whispered again, eyes closed in enjoyment. Her thighs were shuddering as she kept herself teased close to the edge.

"A bad boy like him is probably into a lot of different things. He would want you to try anal."

The vixen on screen gave a start, even her finger stopping entirely until the pull of the command to thrust to the beat started it up again. The jackal smiled: their study had been right. She wasn't interested in that.

"You want him. You want him badly," the commands read.

The vixen looked wide-eyed up at the poster and bit her lip. Her fingers continued their assault deep into her sex.

"If you want him, you'll have to be willing to try all the things he wants you to try."

That did it. The vixen set the dildo down, kept one hand at her sex, and reached back into the box. Out came a bottle of lube that she slathered over the dildo quickly and then set it behind her. She was unsure of just how to do it.

"He would be encouraging. He'd call you his bad girl again. He tells you it will hurt just a little to start, but then it will feel good."

A shiver ran up her tail and spine visibly on screen. She pressed the lubed tip against her rear entrance. Her fingers had not stopped their musically induced thrusting.

"That feels good. You can imagine his hot shaft twitching with precum as he feels all over your body."

The vixen tried to press down against the dildo, but nothing happened.

"He would tell you to relax."

The vixen's ears tried to cock forward against her headphones as if she could hear him talking to her. She tried to relax and pressed down again. This time the head of the dildo slipped into her and she gasped sharply in pain.

"He tells you you're doing well. Give it a moment. It will start to feel good."

She bit her lip harder now, thumb strumming along her clit as she wriggled her hips from side to side. Her shoulders were hunched against the unusual pain, but slowly they started to relax.

"And it is feeling good. So good."

The mouth fell open. She started to pant. Her breasts were heaving and bouncing toward the camera.

"This feels better than you ever imagined. Take it deeper."

The vixen whined in pure lust and pushed herself down harder over the dildo until all of it was inside her besides the knot.

"He would be complimenting you, telling you you're the most beautiful girl he's ever fucked."

She smiled blissfully.

"It's too good. You can't stop yourself. You're going to cum. This will be the strongest orgasm you ever had."

The fingers slipped deeper and harder into the vixen's wet sex until with a groan muffled by her own hand holding her muzzle shut, she came with thighs quaking and chest heaving.

The jackal smirked and ran another program. "It's about time we gave her that code don't you think?"

The vixen's eyes flew open wide. She spun on the spot, fingers still buried inside herself and orgasm still rippling her body, as she searched for the notebook. She found it and pounced on it, scribbling the code and the number to call. In the rush, the dildo had slipped clean out of her and, when she had caught her breath, she stared at it, a giggle trying to slip past her lips.

The jackal leaned back in his chair, fingers laced, addressing the board of directors. "You see, we have been able to change a fundamental desire in this woman. All we need to do is apply this appropriately to advertising, like so..." He began typing in once again: "This music has been really great."

The vixen started to tap her foot in time to the beat as she tidied up a little. She held one hand to the headphone, pressing it in closer.

"You feel amazing."

The vixen stood straight and stretched, looking just as he had told her to feel.

"You deserve a treat."

She ended the stretch and looked around the room as if for something to treat herself with.

"You have been meaning to toss out those old speakers. You want a new pair from the company who made these awesome headphones."

For the first time since she had awoken, the vixen took off the headphones, noted the name on the side, and took a seat at the computer. It took a few moments to boot, and then she was on Amazon, searching the company. In minutes she had purchased a new set of speakers, just as he had suggested she do.

At that, the image stilled. "There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. A successful test run. This was in fact our fifth such run, the first demonstrated to you. We are currently working on doing the same with visual stimuli as with audio, which was the reason for calling this meeting." The jackal smiled and turned to look at the screen, taking his sunglasses off to glance at it. Without the polarized lenses there, the hidden subliminal messages were easy to see: commands to listen, watch, pay attention, relax, do whatever Mr. Dakine said to do.

His gaze only lingered long enough to confirm it was working. He slid the glasses back on and turn to face the board. They were all staring dumbly at the still image on the screen. "Excellent. You are all listening close, I hope? Nod if you are."

Nods all around the table.

"Excellent. From now on, you will agree to any suggestions I have regarding the direction of the company. You know that I know best. Nod if you understand."

Nods again.

"You will not interfere in any of my plans."


"You will not think there was anything unusual about what you witnessed during this demonstration."


"You will not remember me giving these suggestions, but you will follow them completely."


The jackal sat back in his chair, tail still as he pondered if there was anything else he needed to do. Probably not at the moment. But there was one thing...

He turned to the cheetah who sat closed to him. He lowered his voice to talk to her and only her. "You enjoyed this demonstration," he said.

She nodded, eyes fixed on the screen.

"It made you aroused."

Her lips parted. A moan tried to slide its way out.

"It made you question your own desires."

Another nod, shakier.

"You are wondering what it would be like to be a bad girl."

A nod.

"You want to be a bad girl."

A nod.

"After this meeting is over, you will find some private time and masturbate to the thought of being a bad girl."

A nod. Her face was flushed.

"And then, you will come find me. You know that I can teach you about being a bad girl, and that's what you most want."

Another nod.

"You'll let me do whatever I want with you, you bad girl you."

One last nod.

He reached for the remote and clicked the screen off, tossing the remote with a clatter onto the table. "Well, I think that's all the business to take care of this morning," he said as the board started to blink and awaken. "A lovely time talking with you all, as always. Ta-ta." And with that, he walked out of the room, ignoring the needy gaze of the cheetah who followed every sway of his ass as he walked.


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