Lycan Jog: Chapter 1 - Moon Runner (Collab with Howler)

Story by KaleShadowWalker on SoFurry

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#1 of Lycan Jog

Lycan Jog: Chapter 1 - Moon Runner (Collab with Howler)

Story and characters are (c) 2010 by Kale ShadowWalker(me) and Howler

A/N: I decided to start off the year with a bang and do a collab with Howler. This is only the first chapter, more to follow soon. I can say that I learned a lot by doing this and expect to get even better with my writings. As always, read, comment, and fav if you like

Warning: This story contains explicit sexual activities between two males, one human and one not. If you are not of ages (18/21) or this isn't your cup of tea, please leave now. Thanks.


The sun had long set since the lone jogger had set out on his night run through the forest near his small apartment, the sounds of the world drowned out by his iPod. He was on autopilot as he jogged, not paying attention to the surroundings or the fact that instead of taking his normal left that lead him out of the woods, he took a right instead. This other path only lead him deeper and deeper into the thick forest. His foot suddenly found a loose root on the ground, getting caught and sending him tumbling and knocking the breath out of him. The boy lay on the ground for a short while before rising to his feet slowly, looking around the boy began to panic. He did not realize where he was despite looking for a foot path he found none, what he did find were huge and most decidedly inhuman. Huge paw prints covered the dirt below his feet, the tracks looked like canine prints but very human sized.

"What the hell?" The boy mumbled.

He felt something wet and sticky along his cheek, the boy reached up to feel a strange goo clinging there. He collected some of the goo on his fingers, bringing it down to look at it, the moonlight that was barely breaking through the tree limbs not enough for him to be able to tell if it had any color to it. He took a sniff at it, his human nose picking up a faint musky smell, the scent reaching deep into his mind and stirring up something deeply hidden in his subconscious, but it wasn't enough for him to realize what it was. Then, as if he couldn't help himself, he gave the thick liquid a lick, almost gagging at the strong, yet slightly familiar, taste. He rubbed it off on his shirt, the boy getting back up onto his feet slowly. It was then that the jogger finally realized that he was utterly and completely lost in the woods. The boy looked down at his short nut hugger running shorts and noticed they had tented, a raging erection straining against his crotch.

"Oh my..." The boy trailed off hearing some shrubs rustle ahead of him a few feet away.

"Hello?" The male asked curiously.

The creature did not answer but the sound continued, a low grunting almost like the kind he made while jacking off at night. The boy moved closer to the brush peering in for a peek, it was too dark to see anything other than a shadow. He slowly pushed his hands into the bush, leaning in more to see if he could get a better view, but all that he could see was a fur covered hand with too long fingernails reach out and grab him by the shirt. The male screamed and tried to pull back, but only succeeded in loosing his footing and falling back onto the ground hard. A loud rip announced the destruction of his shirt, rest of it barely hanging on his body. He rubbed at his rear, trying to get the soreness out, shaking a bit and wondering if he had saw what he thought he did. As he pulled off what was left of the once good shirt, he leaned a hand back to support himself, the palm coming in contact with a puddle of the thick fluid from before, but this time it was warmer than the last.

The boy turned around onto his hands and knees and he leaned over to look at fresher puddle, his nose just inches above it as he heard something rustle in the shrubs again, a snap of a twig accompanying it as well. He froze where he knelt, suddenly feeling like he was being watched by something not quite animal but not quite human as well.

"Who's out there?" He called out, trying to sound brave and not let the arousal that was creeping up in him or the fear he had show in his voice. "Come out now and I might take it easy on you."

The boy felt a firm hand push the back of his head into the warm puddle of goop below his face, he struggled and kicked desperate to get away but with no success. He felt the hand jerk his head back up from the slime leaving him to gasp and swallow more of the fluid down his throat.

"Bleh oh God please let me go what ever you want just name it but please let me go!" The boy pleaded.

"Go!? Why let go such a handsome young specimen boy." A gruff voice literally growled out roughly.

"What!?" The boy yelled sharply.

"No one will hear you boy, this is my domain your in now! Besides you really don't want to leave anyway do you, I can smell it on you!" The voice cooed petting the boys tent firmly.

" stay." The boy groaned out surprised at his own words.

"Thought so." The voice growled wickedly. "Now, why don't you be a good boy and tell me who you are and why you dare to set foot into my domain?"

"I..I'm Zack.." He whimpered out, a relaxing wave of relief washing over him as he obeyed the owner of the voice. "I was jogging...and I..I guess I got lost.."

Zack's tent got a pet in response for the answer, the shorts feeling tight around it. "Good boy.." The voice murmured to him again, giving the back of his ear a light lick with a canine-like tongue. "Isn't things much better when you obey? Now, just hold still like a good boy and you're punishment will be quick."

"Wait..punishment..but.." The jogger tried to move, but found that he couldn't, his body wouldn't do as his mind commanded. He felt something hook under the waist band of jogging shorts and a loud rip echoed through the forest as they were ripped right down the middle on the back. The remaining fabric was pulled away as he heard a lust filled growl.

"Well, well, what do we have here, Zack?" The voice said around a huge grin, "What's a handsome boy like you doing wearing something so skimpy and revealing?"

"I...I like to feel pretty sir." Zack replied meekly.

"Do you now..." The creatures trailed off squeezing Zack's crotch.

"Yes sir." Zack uttered softly.

"Such a pretty boy with such pretty pink undies...mmm!" The creature moaned sniffing through the fabric.

"What do you want with me?" Zack trembled.

"You will see will see soon enough!" The creature snarled. He rubbed the rear before him with his paw, growling in delight at how firm it was from the jogging the male did. He gave it a hard slap and got a sharp cry in return. He grinned and ripped the undies away and gave the bare rear a harder slap, dragging his claws along it and leaving light scratches. He grabbed the cheeks and pulled them apart, reveling the hidden pink pucker between them.

"Wait..what are..." Zack tried to say, but his words were cut off by a gasp as something slick ran between his cheeks and along his pucker. A couple more swipes of the rough appendage made him realize that what ever it was behind him was licking his virgin hole with its tongue. He closed his eyes, shaking his head and trying to convince himself that he'd hit his head when he fell and was just dreaming everything. He could feel it press hard against him and tried to clench down, but his body betrayed him and gave way too easily for his liking, the tongue now pushing past his pucker and into his hole. He also felt his cock still hard and throbbing, trying to will his arousal to go away but he couldn't help but to let out a soft moan as the wiggling of the tongue deeper into him gave him a shiver of pleasure up his spine.

"Oh stop your whining I know your enjoying this Zack, I can smell it on you!" The creatures teased.

"W...why am I so hard, I feel so God damned horny!" Zack groaned sniffing the air around him.

"Beats me love, I'm not a mine reader just an ass one." The voice laughed.

"Oh God I'm leaking all over the ground, what...t...the fuck!?" Zack whined out needfully yet confusingly.

"It's great ain't it, the feeling of being so tremendously aroused. Do you feel it Zack, do you feel the wild calling for you to be free?" The creature cooed into Zack's ear.

"I...I...don't know what I'm feeling s...sir." Zack said sheepishly. "I..I..feel like..."

"Feel like what, boy? Tell your master what you feel." He whispers into the human's ear, licking at it again as he moves his hips forwards, his hard meat pressing lightly against his cheeks.

Zack gasped as he felt something harder press against him, immediately knowing that the creature was male and that it was his cock pressing against him. He started to struggle a little, his mind clearing a bit from the fog it seemed to be under. "Nooo...please...I don't want...but yet..ohh sir...I'm so confused.."

"Easy boy. Relax and let Master Jacob take all your fears away. Surrender your mind and body to you and I'll give you all your deepest desires." Jacob cooed to the boy, rubbing his back slowly to help him relax. He moved his hips once more, the pre slick tip of his tapered shaft pushing right against the cherry pucker.

Zack nodded slowly, letting his mind go back to the wonderful haze he was under. As the tip pressed against him, he relaxed and moaned softly, looking over his shoulder, his eyes going wide as he saw the creature in the moonlight. Above and behind him was a huge half human, half wolf creature, its fur a deep brown and his eyes glowing yellow from the moon. "'re a...werewolf!"

"That's right pup and soon you will be one too. Now hold still and take it like the bitch you are!"

Jacob placed his two powerful paw hands on Zack's shoulder's and ran his claws down the boys toned back, the human wailed out in pain but only briefly before he was overcome by extreme pleasure.

"Ahh...oooohhh!" Zack moaned arching his back feeling his cock become even more rigid.

"That's it Zack take me inside you, let me fill you with lust and longing for more." Jacob smirked down at the human beneath him.

"Yes sir I will obey you, you can have me. Please take me I'm all yours, ripe and ready to be made whole!" Zack cried out.

"Good bitch! Your fur will be comeing in soon except for where I have marked you, your rear and your back will have scars quite visible to all." Jacob beamed proudly.

"T...thank you sir, I will flaunt them to all I meet as proof to whom I belong." Zack moaned quietly. "Please...take me Sir. I want to be your bitch fully."

"As you wish my lovely pet. It'll hurt, but then it'll feel very good." Jacob wraps an arm around around the boy and held in him place, his hips pushing forwards hard, the tip of his doggy dick pushing past the tight ring and sliding a few inches into the hole. He got a loud cry of pain from his new bitch from it, but his could detect pleasure in it as well.

A patch of fur sprouted on Zack's chest, spreading as the werewolf started to thrust, working inch after inch into him slowly. He growls in delight, clawing into the ground as his fingernails grow and become claws. He could feel the pain flowing through him as his cherry was popped, but the pleasure was quickly mixing and flowing through him as well.

"Mmm, such a tight hole you have Zack, you're making master feel very good." Jacob moaned into the shifting ear of the transforming jogger under him. His member was leaking a constant stream of pre into him, causing the fur to spread across him faster. He nibbles and licks along his neck, his hips finally meeting the boys, his cock hilted deep into him. He grinds before pulling out and thrusting in hard once again, grinning as animal like moans start to come from the male.

"Master...yess..I'm feeling it. The animal in me is coming out. Give me all you can." Zack growled out.

Jacob's knot was pushing into Zack quite fiercely ready to invade his rear and deliver to the changing boy the final gift, the moonlight shone down upon two gorgeous creatures one a mere rookie and another a master. Zack's coat was coming in nicely, his scars shone white and fur less amid a thick mat of fuzz that quickly became a pelt of dense fur.

"Very niiice!" Jacob crooned watching the athletic youths body pulse and writhe with the ebbs and flows of the moons changes.

"Tha...nn...k...yorrrr...masterrrr..." Zack growled out feeling his jaw and nose crack and pulse free from his face.

"Very soon now boy you will be free of your human bonds but not me my sweet, you will serve me for many many years to come!" Jacob howled softly thrusting himself into Zack desperate to get his throbbing knot inside his young apprentice.

Human teeth fell to the dirt below in bloody chunks, a long thin tongue panting deeply as his maw grew to fill it. Zack felt his legs crack and shift underneath him but felt no pain as his nerves had begun to numb themselves pleasantly. His feet and hand stretched out into paws, the claws on his feet digging into the ground as well. His canine teeth grew in and his tongue licks over them as he pants. He could feel his master's knot pressing against his ring with each hard thrust. His balls swell under him, growing as a sheath slips up and onto his throbbing cock. His new red lycan cock slips out quickly, hardening and dripping musky pre onto the forest floor in a constant stream.

Jacob slips his paw down to wrap it around and stroke the bigger and thicker doggy meat that his bitch now had, gripping it tightly and squeezing the knot as it forms. He bites hard into the almost fully transformed werewolf's shoulder, giving a hard thrust and forcing him to take his massive knot. His thrusts become short and erratic, his knot keeping them tied together as Zack undergoes his last changes.

"Ooooooo...fill me master...please, I need it so badly.." Zack growls and moans out, his muscles growing larger and more defined under his sleek coat. He couldn't take it any more and let out a howl to the moon, his shaft shooting the last of his free will and humanity onto the ground with his seed.

"Yess...that's a good pup. Time for you to be all mine." Jacob growls around the bite before letting out his own howl, shooting his seed into his bitch, marking the younger werewolf as his. Their howls echoed through the forest, letting all around them know that a new werewolf had been born and was in the service of his master. He released the bite and collapsed onto his bitch, the boy managing to hold them both up as his flow of thick seed slowly comes to a stop.

Breathy growls filled the cool night air, Zack's will had been broken and he had become full loyal to his new master.

"What now my alpha?" Zack asked perking his ears up curiously.

"We shall rest for a short while and then we will go hunting pup." Jacob growled softly petting his young ward gently.

"For what master?" Zack growled hoarsely.

"Human cum my pet, fresh young studs to sire into adult werewolves. I think I've run alone for long enough, it is time I form a pack of obedient young males to do my bidding." Jacob sneered to Zack evilly.

" you wish master Jacob!" Zack moan howled turning back to lick at his alphas muzzle.

"You will only wear your human skin to enslave others into darkness do you understand pup?" Jacob leered.

"Yes master I will obey." Zack replied bowing his large lupine head.

"Good pup. Make sure their as handsome as you are. Can't have my pack with out that." Jacob licked his lips, grinding against his bitch, making him moan in agreement. "Mmm, and if you're good, I might just let you change a couple as well."

"Mmm, thank you Alpha. I will make you very proud of me." Zack wagged his new tail happily, glad to finally belong to someone and have a real purpose.

Jacob nodded and pulled his hips back, his knot not shrunken enough to pull out but he didn't care. A lude plop sounded as he pulled free, a stream of his white cum leaking from the stretched hole. He gabbed Zack's hips, forcing him over onto his back and and moved to straddle his chest, his seed covered cock pressing at his lips.

Zack didn't need any further instruction, leaning up and taking the massive rod into his muzzle and sucking on it. He works his tongue around it, cleaning every drop off, enjoying the taste of his alphas seed. He got an approving growl in response, a paw petting his head. He pulls off once it was clean, kissing the tip and nuzzling at it.

"How soon do we go hunting, Sir? I'm eager to help the pack expand."

"Very soon, pup. But for new, we rest. Tomorrow I'm sending you out to lay bait down for new members." Jacob grinned, stroking the muzzle of his new bitch slowly.