The damned

Story by james mikoto on SoFurry

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#17 of poetry

Wrote it on the discord writing chat finished at 7:08

Something Feels amiss

Unable to think

But whatever you do don't reminisce

If done so the future will stink like the past

As if you remembered the name you tried forgetting

Hurdling towards tomorrow like a mast of fire.

It sits down next to you the feeling is unsettling

Like your being launched higher in the sky

Wondering when you'll ever feel the flat impact

A signed contract with the accused and you must abide

You are to forever in your life; fail and reenact the losses

Never again shall you speak

Live with you misfortune

For their is no rest at the peak

Walk and walk the miles in distortion

Accumulation of sorrow and strife

Do you even know where you are

Your in the after life my son

Drenched in sweat blood and black oozing tar.

The damned copyright by James mikoto

I had free time:/


It has been so long since I felt your sweet embrace; We've been separated for so long that our time can't be replaced. I've longed to hear your voice echo in my ears. I will play your favorite song till the summer turns into a bad year. I refused...

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My family...

I don't like to put age(I.e restricting access to what you can't read) into the contents I may or may not post or publish but if you are under ....10 then don't read but you are welcome to do so it's just that I am not responsible this is your decision...

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looking for...

Can't find it high nor low I've been looking and searching for it where did it go? One moment i had it the next moment it's gone. How did something so important to me get lost? It's not here but I scour and i seek never was i prepared to face a...

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