strife (12/4/17) fighters for freedom, stand in front of their homes, eager to greet them, government army of drones, they stand in a line, a few cowards will run, lives redefined, it is time for the fun, glass bottles will
The damned
With the accused and you must abide you are to forever in your life; fail and reenact the losses never again shall you speak live with you misfortune for their is no rest at the peak walk and walk the miles in distortion accumulation of sorrow and strife
Song Lyrics: A Dark Starfall
I met you with darkness in your heart... I was worried, from afar... He didn't ever treat you right... So I stayed up, and made you smile every night. I said I'd love you, 'till the end... I saw you, I'd fix and mend... Stay with him, he'll hurt...
Double Weakness 2
strife says, stuttered, as he looks at iggy with a blush. iggy snickers, strife trying not to giggle. scy blinks to strife's speech. "is something wrong?" he asks. iggy pulls away from strife. "no. i'm good." the chu says.
A Friendship Cumulates
Scy blinks, and smiles as strife samples his seed.
Chapter 16: Strife, The Dark Angel
Maz gets up and tries to run only to find himself instantly teleporting to behind strife. strife and raz were as shocked about this as he was, but strife soon recovered and tried to dish out an attack.
Collab - Chad and His Foxy Friend (Strife Crossover Fanfiction)
strife moaned as chad continued thrusting, this time hard enough for strife to orgasm on his own face, due to his erection's curved angle that faced him. "ahhh," moaned strife.
Chapter 14: The Trial of Strife
strife had failed to conquer the dragons in his first several attempts. this was something a dark angel was never allowed to do, but it happened to strife.
The Heart's Cure
strife moans out.
The Fight for Tomorrow (Part 2)
Twilight's eyes glistened as strife talked without missing a beat. she knew how to spot a liar... but strife wasn't lying. "that's not true. he's coming to rescue us, and defeat you. _you're_ the imposter here!" again, strife laughed.
The Fight for Tomorrow (Part 1)
"stop wasting time, strife!" celestia called, speaking for the first time in the man's presence. "what do you want?" "you know god-damn well what i want!" strife suddenly screamed.
Strife of the Party (Commission)
"You're hurting my arm." Thaine flexed his biceps against Zander's squeezing fingers to separate them, and Zander let go. "Sorry," he muttered without really meaning it. The twin wolves across the room held sway over his attention more than his own...