Chapter 2: Complications

Story by Nathaniel Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Paul and Jamie's Story

Well, here's the second chapter! This story originally began as a hand-written piece of unrefined scribbles in a purple notebook, just as something to vent my feelings with. And it is. Jamie and Paul seemed to be getting along well, hmm? How's it gonna play out?

Um, so there's supposed to be a disclaimer here? Okay...This story's got gay, furry characters involved in sexual acts. So if you're under 18/21 or opposed to homosexual activity, vamoose. Otherwise, Enjoy!

Chapter Two: Complications by Nathaniel Wolf

"!!!" Jamie screamed.

"Mmm...wha-?" The wolf was immediately wrenched from sleep at the noise. Jamie was struggling, contorted, obviously in some sort of pain. "Jamie, wake up!" Paul gently shook the fox, calling his name. His eyes slowly fluttered open, tear-streamed, and he saw the white, furry face staring down at him. Jamie broke down, sobbing quietly. Paul gently lifted the crying fox into a sitting position and held him, rocking slowly.

"It's okay, Jamie, it was just a dream, it wasn't real..." The white wolf whispered soothingly. Jamie managed to compose himself a bit, looking into Paul's icy blues with his emeralds.

"The same one, Paul...The same dream from before..." He seemed haunted. "But different. Remember what Cole said yesterday?" the larger fur nodded. "Well, these bears were chasing me down, screaming "Kill that fucking faggot!" It was practically the same thing...They all cornered me in a back alleyway, and beat me. They almost...killed me, there was blood everywhere, my blood..." Jamie sniffed. "I...wound up in this endless wasteland of ice, broken and beaten, freezing to death. And I was alone...nobody helped me..." A few more tears dripped onto the bed sheets.

"My god..."

"But this one were in it. The same street, the same dark, rainy night, the same bears. They ran after us, screaming the same thing from before...but..." His eyes locked with Paul's, an absolute sadness and fear swimming in his emerald orbs. "When...when they caught us, they...killed you...I struggled to help you, but you were dead! I held y-your body in my arms...your fur was all red...they killed you..." Jamie cried into Paul's shoulder.

"But I'm okay. It didn't happen, Jamie."

"I-I know, got worse...I kill myself...I was so sad...I was clawing at my wrists, I was so desperate...It hurt so much...I wanted to die..." Jamie felt sick.

"Jamie, look at me." Paul gently lifted Jamie's chin up with a curled finger, making the fox look into his eyes. "I know how you must feel, I've had some horrible dreams myself. But it didn't happen, we're both safe, okay?" The smaller fur nodded.

"I know. Thank you." Jamie leaned into Paul's thick chestfur, his arms encircling the wolf. Immediately, Paul's warm embrace worked its magic; Jamie quite a bit better. Suddenly remembering something from last night, Jamie broke into a giggling fit.

"Wh-what? What's so funny?" He was totally flabbergasted by Jamie's outburst.

Catching his breath, Jamie said, "Last night, you said it was the first time you'd ever given someone else a blowjob." He was still laughing.

Paul's entire face was pink, even his ears, which had gone flat. "Well, um...I'm pretty flexible, and um...I'd always wondered what it'd be like..." Jamie giggled at the wolf's embarassment.

"It's okay, I'm actually really jealous! But then again, considering last night, I don't need to be." He broke into a wide grin. "So, what're we gonna do today? We have the entire weekend before us."

"I dunno...Um, Jamie? I really need to use the bathroom." Jamie bit his lip as he watched the naked wolf sprint from the room. He suddenly felt a small emptiness, one that he didn't know existed before he and Paul had declared their feelings to each other.

'Is it even possible to feel this strongly for somebody so soon?' Jamie wondered.

'I mean, wow! I came out, then he came out, then he sucked me off...' A warm feeling enveloped him at the memory of their coupling. Suddenly, his phone went off in his pants pocket. He reached over the bed to the discarded garment and fished out his cell, checking the new message. It was from Tré.

"Dude R U ok? U wrnt doin good yesterday."

Jamie quickly texted back, "Yeah, now im fine. For reals."

"Could we hang out 2day? We hvnt done much lately."

"Maybe, Pauls over."

He set his phone down as Paul walked in the room. "Message from someone?"

"Yeah, Tré texted me to see how I was. He asked if I wanted to hang out today; I havn't answered yet. You want to?"

"Sure, should we meet him somewhere? How 'bout the mall?"

"Yeah, I'll call him." Jamie dialed Tré's number.

"Dude, how goes it? So, d'you and Paul wanna hang out?"

"Yeah, should we meet at the mall?"

"Sweet. Where, and what time?"

"How 'bout the food court, around...three-ish?"

"Sounds good! Ya know, you sound loads better. What was gettin' you down?"

"Uh, I'll tell you later. See ya!"

Turning to Paul, Jamie said, "Well, I guess we're meeting him in a couple hours." He sniffed at the air. "Um, maybe we should shower..."

"Together? Well, it would conserve water..." They grinned at each other. Paul followed his friend to the bathroom, stopping at the linen closet for towels. Setting them on the sink basin, they stepped into the shower, and Jamie turned on the water. They enveloped each other in a close embrace, rocking gently. The scents of the night before lingered, and their arousals soon became obvious. Their erections were pressed up between their abdomens, against each other. Starting slowly, they grinded, tempo increasing as they got closer to orgasm. Panting, Jamie cried loudly, echoing in the bathroom, as he ejaculated into their fur. His body was pulsing in tandem with his cock, in sheer ecstasy. The fox dropped to his knees, and took Paul's wolfhood into his maw. Imitating Paul, he made a ring with his lips, emulating Paul's actions from the night before, and sucked at the penis, a quiet slurping compared to the spray of the shower.

"Jamie...God...I'm..." Paul howled, his climax overloading his senses. Spurts of warm semen were pumped into Jamie's maw. He tried to swallow, but it had taken him by surprise, and some had dripped onto the floor of the shower. Paul collapsed next to Jamie, his body aglow with pleasure. After a short recuperation, they washed, massaging each other's fur clean with shampoo. The teens rinsed, and got out, drying off with the towels. In Jamie's room, they dressed; Tré would be expecting them in about an hour.

"Jamie? I didn't bring extra clothes, and mine are all grungy."

"Lemme look, I should have some stuff to fit you." He rummaged through his dresser, finding a larger T-shirt with a System of a Down logo on the front. On Paul, it was an athletic fit; form-fitting and very flattering on his larger frame. Jamie also found a pair of shorts that were comfortable on the wolf, and went with the shirt well. Jamie settled for a white T-shirt and jeans.

They walked downstairs, through the living room and outside, to the car. Jamie sat in the driver's seat, Paul next to him. As they made their way across town, they didn't talk, the silence was oddly awkward. Everything that popped into Jamie's head seemed stupid; he wasn't sure of what to say. Paul absentmindedly gazed out the window, catching tiny glimpses into other furs' lives and taking in the scenery. It was a nice town, with a decent population around 20,000 furs. It was situated in an expansive, low valley, but not completely closed off. Juniper Falls, it was called, because of the river and waterfall about five miles west of the city. It was a converging place, of sorts, in regards to the natural landscape. Along the north and west edges of town, roughly, a vast evergreen forest began, stretching for many miles in all directions, reaching the mountain range in the far distance. The forest was thick, and wasn't flat, as it was growing on the foothills to the range. The majestic peaks were visible, on clear days, but seemed faded. However, towards the south, rolling green hills went on for many miles, green and lush. Stands of seasonal trees took root, a lot of them maples. It had a very thrown-together feel, as a town, the pine forest clashing with the grasslands, but it was beautiful.

The day was fairly clear, a gorgeous blue sky complemented by puffy white clouds. Jamie turned the car at an intersection, and they left the residential area, heading downtown. Finally, they reached the mall lot, parking in a space near the main entrance. Jamie locked up, and they made their way inside. The fox loved the atmosphere of the mall, it felt alive and young. Tré waved from the food court, and they walked over.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hi, Tré." Jamie's stomach grumbled. His little "breakfast" hadn't filled him up. "Uh, where should we get food?"

"I don't care, I already ate. But you and Paul can grab something."

They quickly settled on Arby's, getting a couple roast beef sandwiches each. While they ate, Tré started talking, Jamie and Paul contributing when their mouths weren't full.

"Jamie, you seem way better than you were. What happened?" Jamie felt his heart beat faster, his stomach fluttered. He looked at Paul, and they nodded.

"Well, Tré...I came out of the closet to Paul." He tensed, gauging the other fox's reaction.

"Oh...So, you're gay?" Jamie nodded. "Sorry, it's just kinda surprising. But dude, is that what got you so depressed? It's okay, I'm fine with it."

"Yeah, you'd be shocked at how much it hurts to be a closet gay. I felt smothered, I didn't think I could be myself. And...something else happened..." Jamie and Paul smiled. "Paul sorta...found himself, too, and we...kinda hooked up..." They blushed anew at Tré's more-than-surprised stare.

"Wow...You to are going out, then?" More nodding. "No worries, I'm fine with it, like I said."

"One thing, though." Paul spoke up. "Since a lot of people probably wouldn't take too kindly to our relationship, don't go spreading it around, okay?"

"That's the last thing I'd do! I know what you mean, though. There are way too many fuckin' homophobes in this town. I mean, what does it matter if you're gay or straight? You have my promise, my lips are sealed."

Finishing his last sandwich, Jamie said, "Thanks, Tré. So, where to first?"

Looking at each other for a second, they all nodded and answered simultaneously. "Hot Topic." Paul and Jamie dumped their trash, and the small group made their way over to their favorite store. The music was loud and angry, and the clothes were delightfully offbeat. Jamie hardly ever left emptypawed, always finding something he couldn't live without. He and Paul browsed through the T-shirts, and Tré went over to thumb through the CDs. Unknown to the two other furs, he was having some internal turmoil of his own.

'God, I didn't anticipate Paul coming along. I was gonna tell Jamie about me! Damn it...' Tré, too, was a closet gay, very closet, and had been for quite some time. He'd gone out with a few girls, but it had felt shallow and fake. Tré had a secret crush on Jamie since he'd met the fox, but never told him. He had finally worked up the courage to come out to Jamie and admit his feelings, but he was too late. Even though they were gay, he felt afraid of confiding in Paul and Jamie, but didn't know why. He sighed, and looked over at his friends. They weren't holding hands or anything, but they seemed closer, a LOT closer. Tré willed himself not to cry, and walked over; nothing had interested him.

The teens left the store after about an hour of browsing, Jamie one shirt richer and about fifteen bucks poorer. They walked into the central plaza of the mall, then turned down one of the major hallways, making for GameStop. In the store, they looked through the used bin first, scanning for a good deal. Paul searched every shelf in a near-obsession, blowing away about another 45 minutes, but he didn't find any must-have titles. Everything was too expensive, or didn't look that fun, so they left for the plaza again, finding a bench. They sat and chatted for a while, and found nothing much more to do. They walked out to the parking lot, splitting up as Tré walked further back to his car.

"See you, guys!"

"Bye, Tré, see you Monday!"

Tré unlocked his car, and sat in the driver's seat, letting himself go. Softly, he cried, it was all so unfair. "Why? I...wanted to tell Jamie...I was hoping he'd like me...I'm glad he's not depressed, but...dammit, Paul!"

Jamie and Paul had gotten into his car, and sat for a minute.

"That was fun. Still, something seemed off about Tré. I wonder why..." Paul turned to put his paw on Jamie's shoulder. "You know, I don't really feel like going back to your house yet. Should we go to the park? It's getting late in the day, and the sun's gonna set soon."

"Yeah! Maple Hill Park, right?" They left the mall lot, and drove across town in the waning sunlight. Everything had a brilliant orange tint, and Paul's fur was illuminated, almost seeming as though he was glowing. Jamie parked a couple blocks from the park, and they walked the rest of the way. It was an interesting park, and very beautiful. It was situated just so, allowing for a fantasic view for a sunset. It was quite large, actually, and hilly, pockets of trees sprinkled here and there. Despite the forest nearby, not all the trees were evergreens, it was a nice mix. Several picnic tables and benches were placed in different spots, and Paul knew the perfect one. The wolf led the way, and they stopped at a wooden bench, situated at the top of a hill crest. It was fairly secluded in a stand of trees. The smaller path was thickly wooded for a short duration, and couldn't be seen from the main trail. From the bench was a breathtaking view across a grassy field, ended by a far hill on the horizon. The field was narrow, surrounded by trees on three sides, like a clearing, except for the view westward.

"" Jamie was awed, he hadn't seen this spot before. The sun was just touching the Earth, it was no longer blinding. The clouds were tinged orange and pink, the sky itself dyed similar hues. "This is...beautiful..." The fox had walked forward, from Paul, taking in the view. Paul closed the gap between them, standing next to Jamie. He looked up at the wolf, an aura tinging the edge of Paul's being, and he blushed. "Um..." He awkwardly stuck out a paw, and the wolf took it with his larger paw. Jamie regretted the gesture, his palm pad was slick with sweat. 'What's wrong? Why can't we talk? Maybe we shouldn't be together...' His face took on a solemn look.

"What's wrong? Jamie?" They sat down, the sunset momentarily forgotten.

"Paul, what's going on? I mean, ever since last night, we just can't seem to talk or anything. It seems all...I dunno..."

"Awkward? Yeah, I've kinda noticed it too. We're still friends, Jamie, and hopefully more." Paul saw small smile grow on Jamie's face.

"I'm sorry, Paul. I was actually doubting my feelings, and I..." A powerful determination shone in his eyes, conveying more than he could say. "Never again." He caught Paul in a loving hug, Paul returning it with his arms. "This is right..." Jamie whispered, muffled by Paul's shoulder. Still, the larger fur managed to hear, and he whispered back, "Yeah..."

After a few minutes, they pulled apart, eyes locked. "Jamie? Um, what about everybody else? I mean, what'll every one at school think? What about our families?" Paul was worried.

"Well, I think my mom'll be okay, she's very openminded. As for school, though. There's a lot of people that...won't take too kindly to how we are. So, should we keep it hushed for now?"

"Yeah, family, Jamie. I'm really scared about how they're gonna react. Mom, I don't really know. Kevin might be wierded out, he's probably too young to understand. But, Dad..." Paul was shaking. "He...he expects so much from me. Dad wants me to be the sports star, the straight-A student. He wants me to find the sexy girl, wants the grandkids, and expects me to get the high-paying fucking corporate job..." He balled his fists, shaking violently. Tears streamed, stinging, from his eyes. "He'll throw me out, I know it. Or he'll make me choose between family" Paul was bent double on the bench, sobbing quietly into his paws. His shoulders shook as Jamie rubbed his back slowly. Jamie had his turn to comfort someone, his arms around Paul.

"It'll be okay. Everything will work out." Jamie whispered soothingly. "Come on, we'll figure it out, alright? Now, where are you?"

"In the park?" Paul's voice came out sullen, resentful.

"Half true. You, my beautiful wolf," Jamie thinking on the words, then deciding, "are in the arms of your best friend, who will love you forever and never want anyone else. Now, if you care for me at least half as much as I do for you, then I'd have to say that's something special."

Smiling a little, Paul responded quietly, "Of course I love you, Jamie. I'm sure of it. But wow, we've been together for what, a day? Doesn't it seem really fast? Are we ready for this kind of relationship?"

"I know what my heart's telling me. What's yours saying?"

Pausing for a second, Paul drew Jamie near, whispering his answer. "It's saying, 'Stop talking, you stupid wolf, and kiss him'." And that was it. As the sun set, Jamie and Paul were locked in an inseperable embrace, never wishing to be unglued. It was then that everything cemented into place, and both knew that they would never want anyone else. It is said that love's first kiss is the greatest and most powerful, but not so here. This wasn't the first, but fireworks flew in Jamie's mind as their maws were locked together, tongues performing acrobatics around each other. Their spirits soared, and the sun set, long forgotten by the fox and the wolf on the park bench. Everything was in twilight, the sky a deep purple as the first stars winked into sight. At long last, the kiss was over, and they pulled apart slowly, mouths hanging half-open. They stared at each other, smiling, in absolute bliss.

"Your heart's right, Paul. It may seem sudden, but I know that I want to share my life with you and only you. I hope you feel the same."

"I do." They giggled quietly, an intense, loving passion coursing through the two. They hugged each other tight, and Jamie leaned up to kiss Paul gently on the lips. "It's getting a little chilly. Should we head back?"

"Okay. I'm actually kind of tired." Paw in paw, they walked back on the path to Jamie's car. They made their way home in silence, but this time it wasn't awkward. Words simply weren't needed. Jamie pulled into the driveway, and the two furs walked inside. They made their way upstairs, to Jamie's room. Both inexplicably exhausted, they collapsed onto the bed, neglecting to remove their clothes. Jamie reached out, and turned on his iPod, which was hooked up to a pair of computer speakers, and selected a song. He settled into Paul's arms as the music began, a voice singing softly.

_"I close my eyes, and I smile, knowing that everything is alright,

To the core, so close that door. Is this happening..."_

Paul smiled. "You planned this, didn't you? I love this song..."

"Maybe..." Jamie smiled softly. And they listened, holding each other close.

_"My breath is on your hair, I'm unaware that you opened the blinds and let the city in.

Forgot, how you held my hand, and we stand, Just taking in everything..."_

They had begun singing along quietly, their eyes misting over. They both knew the song by heart, and tears welled up, but not ones of sadness. The song fit perfectly.

_"And I knew it from the start, my arms are open wide,

Your head is on my stomach and we're, we're trying so hard not to fall asleep,

Here we are, on this 18th floor balcony we're both flying away..."_

Jamie and Paul drifted off after the first chorus, the song continuing to play as they fell asleep. Jamie's last thoughts were muddled, but they were ones of great joy, a happiness too great and vast to be described.


As Jamie and Paul slept, holding each other, there was a fox who was not so happy. Tré was crying in his room, alone and cold. Bitter depression wrapped its freezing tendrils around him; he was so lonely.

"I wanted to tell Jamie, I wanted to love him, I...But now he's gone, I saw him with Paul. Why? Why?! Why..." Tré was miserable. In desperation, to feel something aside from the sadness, he grabbed his pocket knife, the blade flipped out. With deft fingers, he positioned the blade above his wrist, and stabbed. They were shallow gashes, but he hissed as the steel bit his skin. He watched the blood ooze out, sticking to his fur. A twisted and grim satisfaction stuck in his head as he violated his wrists. It was a respite, of sorts, from his depression, a grotesque pleasure that spread through his mind as red stains grew slowly on his bedsheets. Tré felt a little dizzy, and layed down, falling asleep himself. It was different, though, he didn't drift off. Tré was scared, feeling sick before everything blacked out.


Kris parked in the driveway, glancing at the car clock. The green numbers read past midnight, and she felt exhausted from the drive. Her mother was healing alright, and she urged Kris to go home. She was worried about her son. Kris felt stupid leaving Jamie home alone, especially when he had been so depressed. Still, she wondered dimly why she had left so late. As she walked inside, Kris noticed that all the lights were off.

"Jamie must be asleep." She thought, and felt her way over to the stairs. There was a little light from outside, the moon was bright. Reaching the top of the stairs, she flicked the hall lightswitch on. Kris walked over to Jamie's room, the door was hanging open. As she peeked her head in, a smell washed over her. It was a little old, but it was the scent of sex, and the scent of two males. Jamie's she could recognize. But the answer to the other lay in her son's arms. Kris' eyes widened. Jamie and Paul were lying in bed, asleep, holding each other. Retreating as quickly and quietly as she could, she closed the door softly, her mind reeling. "Jamie's gay? And...Paul?" Kris was shocked, it was so sudden. She wasn't opposed to it, though. Just surprised. Kris had grown up with twin brothers, a few years younger than her, that had both come out eventually. They ended up living together, and were very close. "Poor Jamie, I wish he had talked to me instead of bottling up. Still, he doesn't look so sad now!" Remembering how tired she was, Kris stumbled into her room, neglecting to change into pajamas.

"He seemed so happy, sleeping there with Paul." Sleep overtook quickly. Her last conscious thoughts were of her late husband, Frank. Kris missed him so much. She felt so alone, sleeping in the large bed and no one to share it with.