Ripper, Suzy and Swift (Vore, smut)

Story by Strega on SoFurry

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Three predators have a little get-together in the Yum-Chat swamp that naturally ends with two of them getting digested. Fun for the whole family!

Ripper, Suzy and Swift

By Strega

In a meadow near the Swamp there was a checkered picnic blanket, and on the blanket sat a skunkette. She had chosen a spot to set up where she could see down into the active parts of the Swamp, watching the interactions between the various inhabitants. In the hour since she'd been there four people had been eaten, including one of the eaters who was in turn eaten by a larger predator. At the moment a tiger-man was fucking an equally large male wolf and she was speculating who would try to eat who. Odds are they'd each try to eat the other and it'd just be a question of who got his jaws over the other's head first. This was why she chose a secluded spot, for from here she could spy out what was happening and choose an isolated person to creep up on. Humans, furries, scalies, monsters, fish and other strangenesses came to this place (often not out of any choice) and like the majority of the populace this seemingly innocent skunkette was a predator. Her name was SuzyAnne, most often just called Suzy, and the last person to sit on her picnic blanket with her had ended up as a great bulge in her black-furred middle.

Getting people to approach her apparently harmless self was how Suzy secured most of her meals, after all. Like many of the local predators she had a secret weapon or two to help her subdue prey and she was Catholic in her tastes, having digested raccoons, wolves, foxes, the occasional human, and pretty much everything else that came within reach and was small enough to swallow. The mystical nature of the Swamp meant that most prey reformed, but that was not her concern. Amoral and predatory, she cared merely that a person she met might be a meal, not whether they would ultimately survive the experience.

While secretive in her hunting she was still well known at the Swamp and occasionally fell prey to other predators, and when the tigress emerged from the brush and asked to sit on her blanket with her they each knew exactly what the other wanted. The tigress wanted to eat Suzy and Suzy wanted to eat the tigress. Someone was going to end up in a stomach, it was just a question of who.

"Suzy, right?" purred the tigress, who was about her height but trim and muscular compared to Suzy's well-fed soft curves. The tigress was naked and today Suzy was as well, having left her typical sun dress (with the bare midriff that allowed for large meals without tearing) at home. She gestured at the blanket and Suzy indicated that she might sit.

"And you're Swift," churred Suzy, sparing a moment to glance around. "Where's your wolverine?"

"Where's yours," countered Swift, for each had a four-legged feral beast of a lover, Swift's about three times her size and Suzy's even larger. One difference was that Suzy's lover was not a habitual rapist as Swift's was, but both of the beasts were as predatory as anyone else around here. Labrus was nicer than Ripper, but both had eaten plenty of locals. Ripper just preferred to take his meals post- (or during) rape.

"Sleeping somewhere," Suzy replied. "He's a lazy beast. Especially on hot days like today he curls up in caves where it's cool."

"We should trade men sometime," the tigress purred. "Yours is twice the size of mine. I bet he's fun in bed."

"I've seen yours in action," Suzy churred. "A little violent for my taste but as long as he wasn't going to eat me afterward..."

"Well," said the tigress with a smile, and studied Suzy just as Suzy studied her. You wouldn't know it from looking at them but each was perfectly capable of swallowing the other whole and they'd known from the moment they met that only one well-fed person would get up from the picnic mat. Each was considering what a nice bulge the other would make in their middle and planning how they'd get them there.

It was Suzy who acted first. "Want something to drink? I have beer," she said, turning away to reach into the picnic basket. The second she looked away Swift tensed, loosening her jaws for the long swallow, but before she could leap Suzy's tail flicked up and a spray of musk emerged from beneath it. Swift leaned right into it as she prepared to pounce and she grimaced as she jerked back, expecting a noseful of stinking skunk spray. Instead the fluid smelled of perfume and stuck wherever it touched her. Weakness spread through her muscles as the fast-acting poison attacked and Swift collapsed onto her belly, not even strong enough to lift herself on her arms.

She was not surprised to find Suzy's narrow muzzle in front of her own when she looked up. "Don't worry," she said as her jaws unhinged with an audible pop. "All the spray does is weaken. You'll recover just fine in a little while unless something bad happens to you." Her smile widened as her narrow jaws glided up over Swift's outstretched arms and and around the tigress's rounded feline skull, and Swift could only curse as her nose slipped into a slimy chute of skunkette gullet, knowing that her body would soon follow. At least they'd established who would digest who today.

Suzy's canine fangs scraped their way down Swift's neck as the skunkette got her jaws in position for the long gulp that would follow, but those fangs were just for show. Yes, she could bite people and draw blood, but a seemingly normal set of teeth for a skunk hid a second set that only now appeared out of her gums. Dozens of small inward-looking fangs sank through Swift's fur to get a grip, frustrating any effort by the weakened tigress to pull back out, and with a push of her tongue and a great contraction of her throat muscles the skunkette swallowed Swift's head. Her neck followed it into a skunky throat and already Suzy was working her jaws wider, bit by bit easing them over Swift's shoulders.

This was only going to end one way and the frustrated tigress could only squirm in irritation as the skunkette made a meal of her. She'd looked forward to a belly full of skunkette but it wasn't working out that way at all. Instead of her heaving up a mass of black and white fur it would be a ball of orange and black that emerged from the skunkette's jaws. She was to the breasts in wet skunkette throat already and ahead of her a hungry gurgle announced that Suzy's belly was anxiously awaiting its tigress meal. Swift's hands squeezed through a muscular sphincter into the stomach and at once there was a tingle as digestive juices began to work on what would soon be a massive bulge in the skunkette's midsection.

With her arms already swallowed Swift was doomed and knew it. Even if all her strength returned this instant there was no way to effectively resist and once Suzy's jaws were to her hips the skunkette would bolt down her legs and settle in for a snooze as she digested her meal. It was therefore a surprise when Suzy's body jerked into sudden tension. The skunkette too had known it was all over but the long swallow and had settled down to a relaxed feeding but now her pulse raced and every muscle in her body tensed as something untoward happened.

Swift had lied. Lied, or hadn't know that her wolverine lover was close by. Distracted by her meal the first warning Suzy had was a long-clawed paw pinning her tail to the ground and a set of fangs scraping her furry feet as Ripper got them into his muzzle. A simple gulp and her toes were gone down the thuggish wolverine's throat and Ripper stepped forward, carefully keeping her tail pinned to prevent spraying even as he did to Suzy what she was doing to his lover. Very quickly his jaws were to her knees and another gulp kept her moving deeper.

Suzy thrashed as much as she could with half a muscular tigress down her throat but she couldn't get her tail out from under Ripper's forepaw and that was her only chance to survive. If she could spray the wolverine with her weakening spray and if it worked (she'd heard he was magically augmented by some wizardress he fucked, there was no telling how resistant he was to poison) then even the big feral wolverine would be weakened to the point that she might be able to eat him. Suzy would dearly love to have both the lovers in her stomach even if such a huge meal would leave her unable to do more than roll herself into the brush and hope no one found her before she digested them.

It would be the largest meal she'd ever had in one sitting but Ripper either knew beforehand how dangerous her spray was or had seen her hose his tigress lover and took great care to keep her tail pinned against her rump as his jaws slid up her thighs. A push of his paw stuffed her fluffy tail into his maw next to her thighs and that was that. Her spray was the only weapon that could protect her from a wolverine nearly four times her mass and with it in his throat along with her legs she was in the same situation Swift was in, partly swallowed and outside a stomach only because these meals took time.

Suzy was faced with several choices, all bad. She could swallow Swift down but Ripper would almost certainly eat her anyway since if anyone was going to digest his lover it was going to be him. She could regurgitate the half-swallowed tigress as a means of bargaining with the wolverine but Ripper and Swift were habitual hunting partners and wouldn't pass up a chance at a meal. There was a near certainty that as soon as she disgorged Swift the tigress would turn around and swallow her head and either Ripper would hump her down his lover's throat or he'd keep feeding and swallow Swift even as Swift swallowed Suzy. A fourth possibility was that Ripper would keep her subdued until Swift had her nearly swallowed and then let her slide from his throat so he could fuck his now well-fed tigress lover.

With no option that didn't end with someone belching and settling down to digest a skunkette Suzy did the only thing she could do to eke out even a tiny victory. She gripped down on Swift's ass and tugged with all her might, getting her jaws around the broadest part of the tigress. Eating quickly was far more difficult than doing it slowly but Ripper's jaws were already almost to her own ass and with a series of gulps she swallowed Swift's rump and the root of her tail, lifted her doubly heavy upper body from the ground and lunged forward. Not to escape Ripper's jaws, that was all but impossible, but to bolt down Swift as quickly as she could before the wolverine figured out a way to stop her. Remorseless predator that he was he did dote on his tigress and if his jaws began to press on Suzy's belly before she had her meal fully swallowed the skunkette might have no choice but to regurgitate her prey.

There was also the point that Suzy - or at least her distant operator, for this Suzy, like all of them, was a mindless clone controlled from a distance by a perverted operator - very much liked feral males and in other circumstances wouldn't object to a romp with violent Ripper, even if the romp ended with her head in his jaws and a trip through the wolverine's digestive tract in her immediate future. That was just the sort of relationship she had with Labrus, who while a larger, gentler wolverine than Ripper had digested Suzies a fair number of times. If she was going to end up in anyone's stomach she wanted it to be Ripper's and with a great effort she managed to bolt down Swift's calves and got the tigress's kicking feet in her mouth just as Ripper swallowed her hips. His jaws slipped up around the bottom of the great lumpy tigress bulge but it was too late. Suzy got her narrow muzzle shut and gulped a set of padded tigress feet down and that was it for Swift.

"Hah!" she cried, slurred at first as she worked her jaws back onto their hinges. "I win! No tiger pussy for you tonight!" Her triumphant cry was followed by a groan as the stubborn wolverine began to work his own unhinged jaws over the bulge of Swift. Suzy had never been in this situation before but she'd been right, the squeeze of his jaws made her very badly want to regurgitate the tigress. Swift was still kicking and Suzy had already reasoned out what would happen if the tigress were freed so Suzy clung to her meal with all her might, tasting bile as the wolverine's jaws squeezed her belly but refusing to give up her prey. She might not get to finish digesting Swift but at least she could start.

The enormous bulge in her middle was wide even for the four-hundred-pound wolverine's jaws and his muzzle stretched impossibly wide, upper and lower jaws sinking deeply into Suzy's fat belly and pressing tight around Swift. The curled-up tigress must know what was going on and Suzy grunted queasily as the bulge of a hand pressed out through her pelt to stroke Ripper's cheek. Her effort to at least get the tigress mad at her feral lover didn't seem to be going anywhere but at least she had her meal, however briefly she'd get to digest it before Ripper in turn digested her.

It was clearly going to take the wolverine some time to work his jaws over the tigress bulge, but he was as stubbornly determined to gulp her down as she'd been to swallow his lover. The only person who would truly win today was Ripper and Suzy resigned herself to that but maybe there was one last thing she could get out of the deal. Suzy's operator really did have a thing for feral males and as Ripper slowly swallowed her fat belly the skunkette twisted herself around in his jaws until she could reach down along his belly and find the wolverine's sheath.

She found without surprise that he was already hard. He was a habitual rapist and half the people he swallowed were spitted on his own cock and humped down his throat as he curled up around himself to fuck and feed. Eating people made him horny and though he didn't pause in the slow progress of his jaws around her tigress-bulge he also didn't pull his sheath out of her hands. Suzy gripped down, not quite able to reach his cock with her muzzle, and Ripper in turn stepped his hindpaws out wide and began to thrust against her grip. His own sheath jacked him off as he thrust and Ripper growled through a full throat as he both swallowed her and accepted the hand job.

Bit by bit he got his muzzle around the bulge of swallowed Swift and Suzy knew that as soon as he reached the upper slope of it the natural tendency of his jaws to want to close would push the rest of her in. The slow feeding would suddenly accelerate and the digestive juices stinging her feet would begin to work on her entire body. There were two things to console her, though. First, the occasional twitch of swallowed Swift in her belly. The tigress by now knew exactly what was happening and might be irritated at her wolverine lover when she reformed. The second was Suzy's own perverted interest in feral males and though she'd rather have Ripper's cock down her throat or in one of her lower holes she grinned as the big muscles in the male's haunches began to twitch. The thick shaft pulsed in her hands and hot wolverine goo spurted onto her chops and chin as she lay upside-down and half swallowed. Suzy opened her mouth wide and managed to get a little of the salty mess on her tongue, but not nearly as much as she'd like.

Ripper let out a strangled snarl and arched powerfully, spraying her with more seed, and then his sheath slipped out of her hands as he lifted his muzzle. He had finally made his way past the widest part of the bulge and sure enough she sank into his maw as though into quicksand. Her shoulders were no challenge to jaws that had worked over something much wider and a strong contraction in his gullet pulled her in even as his closing jaws pushed. For just a moment the bulge of Swift was a great swelling in his neck and then the wolverine swallowed and it slipped down into his chest, taking her with it.

There was no stopping it now but Suzy grinned and petted the wolverine's nape before her slide forced her arms out in front of her. "Next time, I want more than your seed in my mouth," and then there was no more time for talk. Her face was in his jaws and her last sight of the outside was past fangs and her own arms as the wolverine swallowed her down.

Getting a bulge this awkward down was something of a struggle even for Ripper, but he managed it. It wasn't the first time he'd swallowed one creature inside another and he arched, then stretched, his expanded ribcage popping and creaking as skunkette full of curled-up Swift stuck for a moment then slid smoothly into his stomach. A final gulp squeezed Suzy's arms and face into his belly as well and then there was no difficulty at all. The two furry women together weighed not even as much as he did and he'd swallowed prey larger than himself before. It was still a filling meal and he humped himself briefly against the bulge as he spent the last of his lust against his own fur.

Eventually even that was done and with his belly fur dripping where his tip had rubbed he turned his attention to his surroundings. He considered the tablecloth and basket and had they belonged to his tigress mate he'd have gathered them up in his jaws but as it was he merely sniffed disinterestedly before leaving them behind. A last look down at the Swamp, where a massive raccoon was swallowing an equally large snake that had tried and failed to constrict and eat it, and the wolverine turned and waddled fat-bellied off into the woods.

There were small and persistent movements inside him as Suzy almost certainly pleasured herself but those stopped shortly after he belched up the air that had gone down with his meal. Soon he was at one of his dug-out dens, a rude earthen place only improved from a mere hole in an embankment by the furnishings Swift brought by on her visits. He curled up as best he could in the nest of blankets he shared with his tigress lover, smelling her scent on the coarse cloth and regretting, briefly, that he'd been unable to get the skunkette to cough her up before he swallowed. But only briefly. Though he had his tender moments Ripper was not a creature of regrets and he settled down to sleep off his meal, his powerful stomach juices already well into disassembling Suzy into calories and useful nutrients. Soon they would work on the partially digested Swift as well, but by the time that happened he was sound asleep.

Worlds away Suzy's controller touched the control that irreversibly killed that iteration of her toy, and a lifeless Suzy was left to gradually dissolve in Ripper's stomach. She could easily have put bombs or poison in her remote-controlled skunkettes but while she was a poor loser she wasn't that poor a loser and the wolverine had been sexy enough that she didn't begrudge him his meal. She would have had Suzy eat him if she'd had the chance, of course, but if she was ever willing to let her puppet be eaten it was by someone like the wolverine.

And if she was ever inclined to let someone eat her, it would be someone like Ripper too. Occasionally even she had preyish impulses. But there was no need for that. That's why she had Suzies. She touched another control to begin the final maturation process for the next skunkette, because who knew when the mood would strike her to hunt as Suzy again. It might be tomorrow, it might even be later tonight. Best to be prepared.

In his blanket-lined burrow Ripper slept, his belly hard at work. From time to time he woke and padded out of the cave to relieve himself, for nigh on three hundred pounds of skunkette and tigress had to go somewhere no matter how much was turned into calories and fat. Over the course of two days he digested and passed nearly all of his meal, including bones broken down to powder that turned the later droppings white. Eventually his belly was largely empty and he went outside a last time. He sat back on his haunches and gagged, heaving, and up came a mass of mixed black, white, orange and cream fur twice the size of a man's head. This was the one thing his powerful stomach couldn't break down if you didn't count various pieces of armor and equipment he sometimes retched up after a meal. Everything his body could process it had processed and his belly was smart enough to gather up things like this to be coughed up. It didn't always work, more than once he'd gotten something stuck inside him that tried to make its way through but couldn't, but usually it either dissolved, made its way all the way through or stayed in his stomach to be regurgitated.

It would be days yet before he was truly hungry but the itch of lust was beginning to develop. Magic kept him young and healthy for far longer than the simple beast he resembled and after thirty years as a wolverine he was a spry as the day he'd been transformed from an evil human to an equally evil beast. He retained all his intelligence and you could talk to him with magic or technology, but he was content to interact with most people he met by biting their scruff, dragging them around until they were too tired to resist, then mounting them before he fed. Sex and food and sleep were all he really craved.

Well, that and the companionship of a select few. Ripper lifted his muzzle from his paws, sniffing, and his ink-dark eyes brightened at the familiar smell. He didn't need to recognize the footsteps approaching the cave to know who it was and Swift grinned as she was bowled over the second she entered by an enthusiastic wolverine nearly four times her mass.

Ripper sniffed her all over to make sure she was all right (though he knew perfectly well she'd been in stomachs before, and not just his) before clamping down on her scruff and dragging her into the nest of blankets she'd brought to the cave some time back. It didn't take much urging at all to get his muzzle to drop between her legs.

By now he'd normally he anxious to mount her but he kept licking and Swift accepted the closest thing to an apology anyone ever got from Ripper as he put his powerful tongue to work. Everyone had gotten something out of the encounter. Ripper had gotten a meal, Swift the affectionate attention of her lover, and Suzy, technically, had gotten a meal as well as the chance to play with the wolverine a bit. In a realm where people reformed it was the closest thing to an equitable exchange you were likely to get and though Swift would happily swallow the skunkette the next time they met there were no hard feelings. If anything she liked Suzy and would invite her to share the bed she and Ripper used, perhaps with the skunkette's still larger wolverine joining in. She'd been serious about swapping mates for a night and though it was nearly inevitable that someone would get eaten, maybe even her, that was hardly a deal breaker given how much fun they'd all have first.

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