After a Swim

Story by koncreteatl on SoFurry

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After a Swim

A story I did for a friend, based on a dream I had.

They'd been swimming for most of the afternoon and finally called it a day around six. Joe was already drying his bulky bovine body off in the shower room behind the pool area when Par entered and tossed his blue swim trunks at the back of Joe's head. "Damn it, Par -- I told you I hate being snuck up on. My hearing isn't what it used to be. Don't you feel sorry for something as graceless as me?" The bull peeled the trunks from the back of his head and tossed them to the bench against the wall. He returned to vigorously rubbing the pitifully undersized towel over his ample paunch trying to rid his short, light brown fur of moisture.

"Not even a little. You should feel lucky that you're as big and strong as you are. I'd happily give up some agility for muscle like yours -- though you can keep all the extra padding." The diminutive white rabbit laughed as he jabbed at the bull's left ass cheek, sending a wave up the thick backside. "Even if it is favorably distributed below the equator," Par smirked, noting the bull's bulging nut sack was clearly visible from behind.

"I can't say I'm not happy with that part of the 'package' -- though I'm sure a cock hound like you rates it as my best feature." Joe laughed and turned to face the rabbit that stood eye level to the bull's furry chest. Joe's soft cock sat lazily atop a set of enormous balls, pressing down between them and leaving a shallow dent in the stretchy skin like a baseball bat resting on a down pillow. The sack was dusted in the same light brown hair as the rest of his body only less densely, making the jet-black skin visible below. The cock itself was hairless and reminded Par of a plump sausage shoved into a black tube sock -- foreskin completely sheathing the meat and hanging over the tip a full inch and a half.

Par took the bull's cock into his hand and held it up away from the scrotum and measured it mentally. Even soft the bull showed eight inches. The rabbit grinned and tried to imagine it fully engorged.

"Yes sir, you are on the upper end of the scale downstairs, but don't think that makes you unique. You may be three times my size overall, but I'll bet I can match you in a cock fight." The rabbit laughed and took his own tool in his free hand, holding it along side the bulls for scrutiny.

"Ha, that's rich, bunny boy. Even soft I'm still three inches longer than you are." Joe wrapped his meaty hand around the parallel dicks and began fisting them lazily as a smug, matter-of-fact smirk formed on his face.

Par moaned and leaned into his friend, dropping his hands to his sides and grinding his smaller -- though still substantial -- meat forward through the bull's warm grip until he felt the plum sized head on his friend's member matting his fluffy white pubic fur with streaks of pre. Joe began breathing deeply and threw his other arm around the snow-white bunny, pulling them together with a grunt.

Par rose to his tiptoes and pushed a deep, wet, open-mouthed kiss into the thick lips on the bull's snout. He sucked the fat bovine tongue as Joe's grip tightened, his strokes getting louder as the rabbit began leaking his own arousal.

Par did his best to hide a grin as he slowly leaned his body away from the bull without breaking their lip-lock. Before Joe noticed his friend had shrunk away by half his arm's reach the rabbit released the Bull's athletic tongue and allowed the grin that had been building to show on his boyish face.

"I'm a grower, not a shower. Take a gander, Angus." Par kept a nonchalant tone of voice despite beaming with some unexplained pride.

"What do you..." the bull caught the rabbit's eyes moving south and followed them. Before he could finish his question he was gazing slack-jawed at the answer.

"I walk softly but carry a big carrot." Par couldn't contain his glee any longer and burst into laughter, overly taken with his corny pun.

Joe figured the cock to be an inch or two over a foot. Short white fur gleaming like velour on the foreskin made the tool shimmer like an angel's wing and ran up the arrow-straight shaft two-thirds of the length. The front third looked like it had been sculpted from white marble, thick bluish veins streaking the otherwise pristine white skin. Crowning the beast was a head like a white peach.

It dwarfed his own 11", the white cock making the sliming effect of his black color more pronounced. It was like holding a Pringles can up to a rolled up Sunday paper.

"That's, uh." Joe stammered as a dollop of drool spun a thin line down to the snowball head. "That's the biggest one of those I've ever seen on a two-legged thing."

"You don't have to tell me -- but you can show me if you feel you must." Par's voice had shed its comedic tenor, the last half of his reply coming out almost like an order.

"I wouldn't know how." The bull was gawking plainly, still struggling to regain his wits.

"I'll help you figure out something." Par reached up and took a hold of Joe's right horn. "Let me drive for now, 'big-un."

Par pulled gently on the horn until Joe got the hint and responded to the instruction. At first he thought he was being pulled into another make-out session and leaned for the rabbit's muzzle again.

"Guess again," Par said as he pulled more forcefully on the horn, tugging the bull further down and grinning as a look of realization spread across his bovine companion's face.

Joe was finally forced to take a kneeling position in order to follow the pulling of his horn. He was snout-to-head with the rabbit's weapon. From this angle the thing looked even more threatening. Par flexed his rod, making it bounce up and down off the bull's snout, leaving a new wet spot on the black skin with each hop.

"I don't think I," Joe began.

"I do. Stop talking." Par cut the bull off and forced his peach between the fat lips as they parted for their next word. A short jab of his furry hips sent five inches in right behind the head, garbling his friend's irrelevant banter as a startled yelp squeezed itself out around the swollen cudgel.

"There you go -- just let me do the thinking." Par said as he rubbed Joe's left ear before taking the other horn in his grip.

"I think you can do whatever I think you can. Deep breath, now." Par's grin returned as the bull's nostrils flared as he sucked in air like he was kicking off into a lap in the pool again.

"Now swallow hard!" The rabbit pushed forward in a smooth motion while pulling the horns toward his waist.

Only halfway down the impatient shaft and Joe was already feeling the head pressing into his throat. It was like trying to swallow an orange whole. He coughed and Par backed up a couple inches.

"One more chance, bud. Now, swallow!" Par ground into the bull's mouth again, getting a panicked gag and hands clamping down on his thighs, pushing back in refusal.

"Ah-ah, no backseys." The rabbit didn't relent and leaned forward on his toes and forced his waist out like he was moving his desk up to a wall.

Joe gagged violently trying to follow the rabbit's advice. His throat swelled painfully as he swallowed that white peach, the white monster shaft right behind it snaking into his throat. He would have vomited if he could have, but his esophagus was plugged completely.

Par pulled the bull's head upwards to better align his cock with the tight passage. He looked down at his friend -- eyes streaming, snout dripping, lips pulled into a pained "O" -- and felt a rush of confidence surge through him.

"Damn, Joe. I wish you could see how beautiful you look right now. I should have you permanently attached! That'd be nice, wouldn't it?" Par mockingly shook the bull's head into a nod of approval.

"Yeah, 'big-un, you'd like that?" Par bucked his hips into Joe's nodding, bouncing his white nutsack off the bull's chin.

Joe would have enjoyed the rough oral sex, flushed with amazement at having gotten the rabbit balls-deep down his throat. He'd never denied being a cocksucker -- but the lack of air was getting to him and he wasn't going to let the rabbit treat him like some punk-ass-bitch.

The bull reasserted himself with a real shove to the rabbit's hips and sent him stumbling back into the shower wall, all 14" of cock dislodging with a slimy "slurp".

"Too much, then?" Par tried to defuse the hostility clear in his friend's eyes by suggesting that he'd only been acting like an abusive, insensitive prick.

"More than I care to take on with my mouth, yeah. If you want to get your rough-house on, let's aim it at something a little tougher." The bull turned away and bent over the bench at the end of the stall, pressing his chest to it and letting his legs hang over the end. The bull's meaty cheeks once again filled the rabbit's gaze, only this time the crevice that parted them was a dark canyon, splayed wide by Joe's current position.

"Not that I'm turning you down, but I don't get off on the thought of actually hurting you. Maybe we should take our time here." Par knew his rough act might not play well in his friend's ass.

"Lost your nerve, bunny boy? I know the deal here. Just slime me up with your leaky faucet and be liberal with the spit." Joe was shaking his ass tauntingly as he spoke.

"If you say so." Par stepped in between the ample cheeks and began stroking his cock, spreading his pre over the head.

"I say so." Joe grabbed his cheeks and spread them wide, revealing his puckered brown-eye.

Par gripped the bull's love handles and pushed his peach into the ass canyon and ground himself against his friend's hole.

"I'm not gonna go easy on you then. You'll have to say stop if you're getting it too hard."

"Blah blah--" Joe began to retort as Par punched in almost half his length.

"BLAH! Oh, shit! More spit!" The bull realized he'd bitten off more than he could chew -- again.

Only this time, the rabbit wasn't deaf to his protests and spat down on the eight inches remaining outside the bull's gates. Par put a dollop of spit on every exposed inch before sliding it in to join the others. In short order his snowball-white nuts were snugly pressing up against the bull's fat ass.

"Yeaaaah, buddy! That's a nice fuck there." Joe groaned out after a couple minutes, having finally gotten used to the rabbit's tube-steak.

"Stop talking." Par began fucking in earnest without any further comment.

With long, fluid strokes the rabbit worked up a lather of pre in the bull's tunnel, pulling all but the head out then cramming himself back in. Wet slapping noises echoed inside the stall as white balls slapped against black ones. Joe was snorting excitedly with each thrust like his bestial relatives.

Par was having trouble maintaining his pace in the vice-grip canal of the bull. He'd expected someone as big as Joe to be a little roomier than this. He could feel every ridge, nook and bulge in the bull's ass along his cock. He'd never experienced being fully sheathed in someone before and every inch of his cock screamed back at him with pleasure as they mapped the hot, clenching chute beneath him.

Joe started bucking back into the rabbit's thrusts, making them grunt in unison.

"Hey driver, how 'bout a reach around?" Joe managed to say between gasps.

Without a reply Par had to lean completely down over the bull to reach the beef link bouncing up against the bovine paunch as he kept his fuck-rhythm.

He couldn't close his hand around it. Joe was bigger than he'd realized, but didn't feel like telling him just then.

"Yeah, bunny boy! Punch that brown-eye! Fuck me! Fuck me off!" Joe didn't seem to care about anyone hearing them.

"You want it in you, 'big-un?" Par felt himself getting close.

"And nowhere else. You'd better get it all in! C'mon fluffy, flood me like a heifer! I want your batter squirting out my nose! Fuck me!"

Par lost his grip on his libido and started fucking with all his might, his thrusts becoming jagged and losing their rhythm.

"Shit, 'big-un, here it comes!" Par pulled out entirely as he shouted, then punched back in, knocking the wind from his friend and feeling the cock in his hand go soft.

"Unnngh! Oh man!" Par's balls churned and pulled up against his cock. He felt like he was pissing a continuous stream into the bull's ass. He kept thrusting; fucking loud, wet slapping noises out around his cock as his load was whipped into a foamy lather around the pucker he stabbed into.

"Owwww! Crap!" Joe shouted having finally caught his breath.

Par kept stabbing the bull's shitter, deaf again to his pleas. He could feel his own cum backing up in the bull's ass and squirting out again as his cock displaced it.

After a solid minute of seeding the bull's now-ruined ass Par finally fell limp against his friend's back having exhausted his reservoir. He lay like that until he finally softened and slipped from Joe's ass, hearing a gush of cum splash on the floor and the bull exhale a long breath.

"Consider yourself on my ass's VIP list, bud." Joe stood up and turned to embrace Par, noting the bunny's cock had deflated to its original saggy six inches.

"Thanks. Can't say I've had a better piece of ass in my life." Par was still catching his breath.

"That little sucker-punch at the end really caught me off guard. I'll know to expect it next time, I guess." Joe said, rubbing his tender ass.

"Yeah, I felt you go soft at the end. I knew I was too much for you." Par chuckled, standing up on his own.

"I forgive you. My dick forgives you too. It's gonna let you make it up to him, too." Joe grabbed the bunny by the ears with his left hand and placed his right on Par's shoulder.

"What are you--" Par followed Joe's eyes down to eleven angry inches of Black Angus beef.

"Stop talking," Joe cut him off sarcastically before pushing him down to his knees.

"Oh, crap." Par managed to mumble before being garbled into silence.

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