Secret Love Part 6 - The Dream

Story by Buffy the lion on SoFurry

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#7 of Secret Love

I wake up, even though the curtains are still closed, the sun is shining brightly through the window, giving the room a blue ambience. I turn around in bed and try to sleep a bit more, even though it's christmas.

Slowly the door opens, I open my eyes a little but htey open even more wide as James pokes his head into the room. "Hi sleepypants!" he says with a smile on his face. He enters the room with a tray in his paws, on the tray is breakfast and fresh, hot coffee. Wait, is he naked?

"Dude! My parents! What if they see you!" I say nervously.

"Don't worry creampuff, they're still asleep." he says as he sits next to me on the bed. "So is that girl"

"That girl has a name, it's Tracey. And what the hell is it with the nickname?" I ask. James hates any cute nicknames.

"Nothing, I just missed you. That's all." he says as he leans over to me, trying to kiss me.

"James, my par..." I try to say, but he nevertheless kisses me passionately.

"Good morning sleepy... head..." a voice beckons from the door. We immediately break the kiss.

"T-T-Tracey..." I muster. "You're up early..." I continue. Wait, is she wearing a swim-suit?

"What's this?" Tracey asks in shock.

"It's not what you think! It's nothing!" I say, desperately trying to save the situation.

"Yeah, I can see it's nothing alright!" she says as she points to James' rock hard cock, throbbing between his legs.

James jumps up from the bed, covering his lust.

"How could you do this to me?" she asks suddenly, bursting into tears. The reality of the matter must've hit her only now. "I thought... We kissed!" she says.

Now I was in huge trouble, the cat's out of the bag, so to speak.

"You kissed her?" James looks at me. "Please tell me it isn't true!"

I look down at the floor where James is standing. "Yes, I did."

"What? How could you!" he says dissapointed.

"Hah! Sorry kitty, but it looks like he loves boobies more!" Tracey sarcasticly strikes with words from the other side.

"Listen girl!" James roars, "Boobies can never give him the pleasure this love muscle can" he snarls back at her, pointing it his dangling penis.

"Really? Well, then suck on this Mark!" Tracey shouts, untying the lower part of her costume and dropping it to the floor. Holy crap! Tracey has a penis!?

"What the fu..." I shout, but James interrupts me.

"Mark, mind giving me a magnifying glass? I can't see anything." he continues his sarcastic attack.

Before I can answer, Tracey snaps back. "Shutup cat! Or I'll rip your's off!"

"I'd like to see you try little girl!" James snarls back. This went from a small bickering to what looks to be a full onslaught of nails, fists, feet and apparently penises between these two.

With lightning speed Tracey grabs James' cock and yanks at it, it makes a strange popping sound as it comes off his body. "Hey! That hurt! Give it back!" he shouts

"Sure, I'll give it back!" Tracey shouts, she lifts her arm up and slams the base of the dangling lion cock right between James' eyes. "There dickhead, I gave it back" she snarls.

"No! my beautiful cock! Ah crap, the cum's going to flow into my eyes! Do you know how much that burns!" he shouts. "How the hell am I going to go to university with my cock stuck between my eyes!" he continues to panic, Tracey is laughing her ass off.

James swings around, "This is all your... Ah crap it swung around and hit my eye! Shit man it burns!" he shouts histerically.

I'm almost overflowing with laughter, I have to bite down on my lip to not laugh. 'Wait, let me see." I say as I get out of bed, I only have my boxer shorts on.

"Don't touch it! It'll harden!" he screams. Tracey is rolling around on the floor. James opens his eyes and looks straight at me, half-naked in front of him. "No!" he shouts, but it's too late, his dangling cock starts hardening up, rising up high between his eyes.

"Haha! Look kitty! Now you're a lion unicorn!" Tracey says on the floor, laughing even more now.

How the hell did it come to this? One minute I was trying to sleep and the next minute Tracey ripped James' dick off and stuck it to the front of his head!

"Hurry up! My balls are tickling my nose!" James shouts frantically. I can't hold my laughter anymore, I start laughing as hard as I can. I can't stop no matter how hard I try. "Mark! Come on! This isn't a joke!" he shouts, panicking.

Frantically I rip off James cock from the top of his head and stick it back between his legs, where it belongs. Tracey gets up from the floor, "A-a-w, you wet blanket!" she says. She moves over to James, and stands next to him.

"Well, who's it going to be?" James asks

"Yeah Mark, who's it going to be? Tracey asks too

"Pick me Mark" James says as he steps towards me.

"No, pick me Mark" Tracey says, as she follows.

Closer and closer they come towards me, mumbling the same words over and over again. "pick me Mark, Pick me Mark."

James shoves me onto the bed, Tracey gets on top of me, pinning me to the bed. She starts kissing me then breaks the kiss. "Pick me Marky" she says in a sexy voice.

James takes off my Boxers, and as Tracey starts kissing me again, James starts sucking my cock. Swirling his tongue around it. "Oh, yeah. This cock tastes so good. You should pick me Mark. James says lustfully.

I moan through the kiss as James continues to suck on my cock, Tracey places her hands on my chest and starts pinching my nipples while James starts massaging my balls while still sucking on my cock. My moans of resistance starts turning into screams of pleasure as Tracey strokes her hand through my hair, James stops massaging my balls and pushes a finger he lubricated from the wet sticky drool and precum dripping from his mouth into my ass. Slowly starting to screw me with his think finger.

Continually they compete for me to choose, everytime one of them ups their game, the other ups their's even more. The pleasure is too much, I can't hold on anymore. I let out one final scream as my cock pulses for a last time, I'm going to cum in James' mouth while Tracey kisses me as she pinches my nipples. I feel the orgasm starting at the base of my shaft, I feel the cum rush from my balls, I feel all the muscles in my body contract, I break the kiss and scream even louder as I sit straight up in my bed.

I look around, the sun is shining outside, faintly glowing through my blue curtains. My door is closed, there's no swimsuit on the floor where Tracey stood five minutes ago. I'm sitting in my bed, soaking wet from sweat, my boxer shorts wet from the cum. "Dammit." I curse myself as I realise I just had a wet dream, the weirdest wet dream ever.

The door opens slowly. Oh, no! Was it a vision instead of a dream? I look in suspense as the door swings open. "Surprise sleepyhead!" a voice calls from the other side. "Do you have all your clothes on?" the voice continues. I recognize it, it's Tracey.

"Don't worry, you can come in." I reply. Oh no, what if she's wearing her swimsuit! Did she even bring one along?

She enters the room with a tray, there's some breakfast and fresh coffee on it. "Phew." I let it out silently. She's wearing some short jeans, a green shirt and sneakers. Nice and casual.

"Wow, thanks" I say thankfully. "I'm going to enjoy this."

"I'm glad." she replies. So, had any interesting dreams?

I look down to the plate, blushing. "N-no, not really."

"Ooh, did you dream about me?" she says in a sexy voice, leaning over to kiss me.

"I-I..." I say, but I surrender to the moment, kissing her back passionately.

She breaks the kiss, "Come on handsome, eat up." she says as she stands up. "You'd better bring your plate to the kitchen" she jokingly scolds me as she exits the room.

Wow, she just called me handsome. Okay sure, James called me that before, but this was Tracey, a girl I know for a week!

I look down to my breakfast, with a sigh I start to eat. As I munch on the tasty food, I manage to say one sentence: "Great, just great"...

I decided to have some weird fun with this story. Don't worry, the next chapter will be normal again. Be sure to tell me what you think, good or bad, I like to know what my readers think about my writings so I can better myself. I hope you enjoyed it. :)