Secret Utopia; Tutorial

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#1 of Secret Utopia

This string of story follows a brother and sister arctic fox who love each other very much. they are the Club siblings! You might have seen this coming as the Motherly love story are the Hearts, the Diamond in my eye series follow the Diamonds, and the Double Lion series follows the Spades. So it was natural for this hand of the deck to show up.

Except they are not in a world that we really know of.

Rated adult because of an erection and some foreplay.

Big brother Kevin held onto little sister Susey for dear life. They traveled through the preverbal rabbit hole, into a world where limits cease to exist. A rat and two lion cubs told them a better world awaited them both if they slid down into a portal hidden in a tube slide.

They have been sliding for a whole minute.

It twisted, it turned, it was an orange tube, then turned green, blue, red, purple, then back to orange. Kevin held Susey in his lap, both screaming in terror. The pathway to the new world was a wild slide that shook them both to their senses, eyes looking at the stretch of what appeared to be an infinite long slide that never ended. It just kept turning, going down and down. Little Susey had her big brother lock his arms around her, crying that this would be the end of them both.

"I love you big buver!" cried the little girl in the lap of the arctic fox.

"I love you too little Su-su. I'll never let you go!" Finally the side winding in the slide stopped, and began a straight slope. There, at the end, there was light! They might survive this journey. As their senses tingled in the fall of the slide the light got bigger, and bigger. The light soon began to get too big! Faster and faster it seemed they slid, the colors of the tube blurring. The screaming intensified, and soon they reached the end of the tunneling slide!

Kevin was magically tossed into a ball pit, light was everywhere. Blinding him, he could not see a thing, only felt his sister in his lap that he kept clutched, and a number of plastic balls surrounding them. "Susey, I can't see, where are we?"

"Are...are we dead big buver?" Soon the light began to get less intensive. Susey looked with her big blue eyes. She started to see the silhouette of the ball pit around them. Her paw raised and plucked a red plastic ball from the pit. She were waist deep in it, she tossed it still half blind and picked up another.

Kevin blinked several times, making out where they were. Yes, he could see colors now, blurs but they were there. "It looks like a bunch of balls." He blinked some more, and saw Susey was in his lap, picking out the colored balls.

She held onto a blue one as she pointed outwards in front of them. "I fink is see somefing over dare." In a short skip away, they could both see clearly now. A playground stood erect where what looked like cubs were playing on. Susey looked from the distance, weary of what was going on. They had just slid out from a near never ending tube slide into a ball pit. There was nothing around except for a never ending field of grass, and a playground in front of them. The slide behind them mysteriously disappeared.

Kevin nibbled onto Susey's ear to help calm her. Held her close, locked in his arms. Susey tried to lean back into her older brother as far as she could go and enjoyed the nibbling on her ear. She let go of the ball to turn around and embrace her big brother. "I'm scarwed" She squeezed him tightly.

Kevin squeezed back, leaving her ear wet. "Hold tight Su-su, I'm scared too. I see someone coming."

One of the cubs came running up to them, a raccoon in field clothes. The cub had two gold bands around it's wrists. "Hello there! You two must be new here. I'm called a buddy! Or a friend, whichever you prefer." It offered them a paw up, but Kevin refused, deciding to get up on his own and holding his little sister in his arms.

"Where are we? Some guy named Mr. Fuddyduddy or whatever said we wouldn't have to be separated into foster care if we went into some magical world." Kevin explained, holding his sister tight in his arms, but she was distracted elsewhere.

"Madical world." Susey repeated. She watched a small swarm of pretty butterflies sweep around.

The friendly cub smiled. "Yup! This is the place! You can call it a utopia. Paradise. You can call it home, too." The raccoon continued to smile and pointed over at the play ground. "See the other kids there? The ones with exclamations over their heads will have something important to say to you. To help you learn a little about our home, and how to lead a better life. My introduction is almost over, but if you have any questions, I'll be by the bill board of information." It ran off before Kevin could have another say.

Susey became aware again, and spoke. "Is dat Mr. Fuddyduddy guy wight? We won't hafta go into fawster care, and be sepwated, wight?" She placed her head under his chin.

Kevin stroked her neck gently. "No. if Mr. Fuddyduddy is right, we won't have to be separated." Kevin took a few steps out of the ball pit and had a closer look at the playground that the cub pointed at. There was a strange exclamation mark over the head of a kid at the swing sets. One over by the slide blowing bubbles. There were several kids that had exclamation marks over their heads, shining bright and glowing yellow. "Is that some kind of illusion...?"

"I dunno. Looksa funny." She sucked her thumb.

Kevin walked over to the playground. It had a jungle gym, a slide, hanging bars, ropes, a fountain, spinning squares with X's and O's on them, all with a wood chip bedding on the base of it. There was one lynx at the edge of the playground, looking at a flower bud. It had an exclamation mark over its head. Strangely, it too had gold bands around it's wrists. Looking around, all the cubs had gold bands around their wrists.

"Uh, hello?" Kevin somehow made the exclamation mark disappear over the lynx's head. It got up and gave a wave, smiling. "Hello, and welcome to flower blossoming 101. Here I'm going to teach you how to "Create, and duplicate." The buddy sat back down Indian style and looked at the flower. "See this bud here?"

Keven looked contemptuously. "Flower blossoming? Create and duplicate? What are you talking about?"

Susey couldn't help but yelp in happiness in the arms of her older brother. "Bwassome! Is the fower gonna bwassome?!"

The lynx giggled. "Yes! We are going to make the flower blossom. Please, sit, it will make this tutorial easier."

Kevin sat down, curiosity getting him. If it made his little sister happy, then it couldn't have been bad.

"Okay, First we're going to make this little bud bloom. All you have to do is think of a flower! It can be any kind of flower, and it will bloom into that type of flower. Ready?"

Susey knew what kind of flower she wanted. A dandelion. It was the most abundant flower in their yard at home, and she would pick them for her brother. "Otay, All I hafta do is fink of a fower." She closed her eyes and concentrated real hard on that dandelion.

Kevin shook his head. "You really think that a flower is just going to bloom like that? No offence *friend*, but you can't just make a flower appear with thought." Yet as he said this, he became less confident to stand by what he said. The little green bud began to grow a little, then slowly, bloomed. It Swooned left and right with pretty yellow petals, growing into a full dandelion. The sun shined upon it, in all its glory.

"Lookit what I done big bover! I make fower!" Susey threw her hands outwards and applauded. It was pretty!

Kevin stood corrected! "But...But how-?"

"And now we'll learn how to duplicate." This child like entity clasped it's paws.

"Dupatate- Dupa-Dupacate-Dupa-dooopatate!" Susey squirmed in the arms of her brother, just being happy and blissful.

"Duplicate?" Kevin's eyes flashed at the flower then back. "You're going to make more of this flower?"

"Make more! Make more!" Happy as a bee, she repeated bouncing in her brothers lap.

The Lynx cub mealy gave a smile, and nodded. "At least try. Think of..."More," or "Double". Think of many, or a couple, but more than one. Ready?"

Kevin wasn't sure he had the faith to think this would work. Then again after what he'd been though so far, anything seemed possible. "So wait-wait-wait. I can make more dandelions just by thinking of more- GAH!" Fifty buds popped out from the ground, the earth moving to form clusters of green sprouts, blooming into dandelions in just seconds. All of them swayed in the light warm breeze facing the suns eternal reign.

Susey Admired the patch of dandelions, trying to reach for one to pluck out for her big brother. But Kevin pulled her back in, he would not have any of that. "I wanna geta dandewion for yew!" She tried again to reach out for one, but he insisted "no," grabbing her paw and bringing it to cross with her chest. "A'ww."

"Congratulations on completing this course. If you wish to play again, just ask." A clear, smaller exclamation mark appeared over its head, signaling that the, "create and duplicate" course had been completed.

Kevin nibbled on little Susey's ear, earning a moan from her as he dragged lightly his teeth at the base of her fuzzy ear, to the tip. The little arctic fox squirmed and nuzzled her big brother, giving a contented sigh.

They moved on away from the patch of dandelions. Kevin was just weired by the power of growing flowers and tried to reason with himself while nibbling on his little sisters ear. As long as she was happy, then he was good.

There was a chinchilla blowing bubbles with a wand, wearing the same gold bands around its wrist like the others. It too had a yellow exclamation mark over its head.

"Let's see what this kid wants." Kevin gave another pass over Susey's ear, elicting a moan from her and a nuzzle. She smiled gleefully as her bigger brother held onto her by the butt and front.

", what do we do here?" He asked the chinchilla.

The yellow exclamation mark disappeared. "Welcome! This is the bubbled tutorial! Here we will learn the use of bubbles!"

"Bubbles?" Kevin repeated.

"Buvles!" Susey exclaimed and threw her hands up.

"Yes bubbles! There are plenty of uses for them. The bubbles I'm talking about are the kind that go around you. They can be used for transportation or even protection!"

"Wait, just what do I have to protect from, exactly? Is there something I should be worried about?" Kevin held tightly onto her sister who was just looking at passer by butterflies floating in the air.

But the Chinchilla reassured him. "It's useful if you don't want to get wet in a water balloon fight. Or if let's say a ball is about to hit you that was thrown from another cub. Or if you want to explore the depths of a volcano, the bubble will protect you there. It's a very useful tool to have, so let's form a bubble around our selves. Also if in the instance of falling from a dangerous height or otherwise anything that would cause harm, a bubble will automatically be deployed without your need to think about it."

"Buvles! Buvles! Buvles big bover!" Susey moved around in Kevin's white coat, nuzzling as she did and twisting her body. She was not a hassle to hold, being a light and smaller cub. Kevin calmed her by finding an ear and nibbling on it, elicting murmurs and sighs.

"So I just think of a bubble around me, right?"


Kevin began to understand how most of this was going to work. He thought of a bubble forming around the two of them. Instantly, a clear, thin, yet strong bubble formed around Kevin and Susey.

"Loooookit big buver! Buvle!" Susey applauded the formation of the magical bubble.

"Good!" The chinchilla began, "While bubbled, you can do numerous things. You can hover, levitate, fly, teleport, and even protect against hazards. Hazards may include but not limited to water balloons, rough play, and mud fights."

Kevin cradled his little sister in one arm while he poked the bubble. "What if it pops?"

"Need not to worry! They will only pop if you desire so. Even if you got attacked by angry bees, the bubble will still stand strong. Any questions or comments?"

Kevin shook his head and replaced his hands under Susey's bottom.

The chinchilla clapped. "Congratulations on completing the bubble tutorial! You may disperse the bubble at any time you're ready." A clear smaller version of the exclamation mark appeared over its head, signaling the course was completed.

Kevin turned around and looked at the other cubs on the play ground. There was a deer on the swing sets with a golden exclamation over its head, as well as a bear on some monkey bars playing, also with an exclamation over its head.

Honestly, he just wanted a place to call home. "Hey Su-su, want-"

"-Hey lookit!" Susey became ecstatic and shot a pointing finger over a sign besides the playground that had a giant ice cream cone posted on it. "Ice cweam!" The raccoon they met at the beginning was there. Wasn't that the billboard of information?

"Ice cream huh? Okay!" Kevin began to walk holding her over to the ice cream sign.

Susey was much pleased. "Yaaaay! Ice cweam! I wanna stawbewie!" A strawberry flavored ice cream in a cone appeared in the bubble in front of Susey. "Now chocowate!" She grabbed the strawberry ice cream. A chocolate flavored ice cream in a cone appeared in the bubble in front of the tiny vixen. She grabbed that, too.

Kevin laughed as she ate the strawberry and chocolate ice creams in both paws, stopping at the sign. He spoke to the raccoon "Buddy." "So, let me guess, just think of what ice cream I want, right?"

The raccoon nodded. "Yup! In this world, you can make reality warp to serve you. You can do just about anything. Over there on the swing sets is where you exit to your new place in this world you can call home. On the monkey bars is where we show you that pain doesn't exist unless you want it too!"

"Uh, I think I'll skip that last one. Right Su-su?" Kevin nibbled on her ear and elicited laughs from mouth full of ice cream.

"That's fine," motioned the raccoon buddy. "Just start yourself on the swing sets if you're ready to find your own plot of land to build upon, and begin your new life of adventure!"

Little Susey halfway ate her strawberry ice cream, and stuck the cone on her forehead. "Lookit big buver, I'm a unicorn!" She giggled at her own mastery of envisioned mythical beasts, dropping her other ice cream cone.

"Su-su! You got ice cream all over in your fur now!" He nibbled more on her ear, the cone plopping on the ground after falling and headed to the swing sets.

There was two swings; A deer cub stood behind one. Waving at the approaching brother and sister, it spoke. "Salutations! Welcome to the exodus from the tutorial play ground! If you are ready to leave tutorial land, just sit in the swing, I'll give you a push, and you'll be sent flying in the sky to where your new home awaits you! And don't worry about the landing, it will be slow and steady."

"Swing! Swing! Swing big bover swing!"

"Haha! Okay Su-su, I'll hold you tight. Hey um, buddy? This is safe, right?" Kevin just wanted to make sure.

"As safe as safe can be! I see you are still in your bubble, but who am I to judge one's need for protection? Right. So step right up and plop your little behind on the seat when you are ready to head homeward!"

"A home of our own..." Kevin trailed off.

"Big bover? Is momma and dada gonna be thewr?" Little Susey looked up at her big brother in his arms. It was them that sent them into a foster care center. Snatched up in the middle of the night. They couldn't handle their children's deep love for each other. Instead of handling it themselves, they sent them away.

Kevin hated them for that. Their parents were disgusted by how he shown physical touches all over her little sisters body to make her laugh, just to hear those sweet little laughs. Sometimes they'd be caught naked spooning each other with Kevin sporting a full erection nestled between the two. They were even caught kissing on the lips. Kevin told them, he loved her. It baffled dad, and mom didn't take it very well. Then one night just before bed time, moans could be heard in Susey's room. The whole house turned upside down in just minutes when dad found his son passing his finger over his daughters private parts. That was the last straw in the house of Clubs.

"No Su-su, no. it'll be just me and you. We can do whatever we want." the older arctic fox passed his teeth gently over his little sisters ears who smiled and giggled. She nestled her head under his chin.

Kevin sat on the swing set and held his sister tightly. The deer began to pull back on the seat so far that the swing was now under the buddy. It held the swing high above its head, then with a mighty push, flung them so far that Kevin and Susey disappeared into the clouds!

The wind passing their bubble, the magic of flight! Susey screamed and twisted around to hold onto her big brother. But Kevin would not let go. She was scared, and nibbled on her ear some more. This calmed her down while they flew amongst the puffy white clouds, onward journey though the sky.

"Don't worry Su-su, I got you! I'll always have you!" He held onto her tightly as they began a slow decent downward. The clouds got higher than them, and Kevin could see a luscious green field coming closer as they fell like a feather. Susey buried her face in Kevin's chest from being way up high, afraid, but feeling safe in her big brother's arms. She had her paws wrapped around his body as tight as she could, holding him closely and listening to his heart beat.

The green plains got closer over time, little Susey nuzzling into her big brother in the clear magical bubble. Lower, and lower they got, lightly falling, very gently descending. Eventually Kevin's foot paws touched the ground and they were safely out of the sky. Susey and Kevin looked around; All they could see was the green grass that spread out for miles. No mountains to see all around. No wind. Just grass below their feet and clouds up way above.

"I guess we hafta make a house." Kevin thought of their old house they lived in with their parents. It was a singe story with an attic they never got into, had a garage for parking cars, a front door painted white, and a brick wall enclosed that made their back yard. Inside, if you came from the front, the door opened into a corridor, on the left was the living room and the right led to the bedrooms and bathrooms. Straight was where the dining room and kitchen were.

Susey was turned around facing forward and looked in awe as their house rose from the ground. First she saw the roof tiles pop up from the grass, making their way up for the rest of the house to follow. The cream painted building kept rising up, followed by layers of brick work going horizontal on the bottom of the house. Their brick wall shot right through the earth, followed by a black gate leading into the back yard. The house stopped moving, and Kevin stood there hugging onto his little sister.

"Home...Little Su-su, we're...home..." They had this whole place to themselves.

Susey licked her older brother's chin. "Down?"

He smiled and kissed her forehead. Now was a good time to let the bubble pop. Lightly he let her foot paws touch the ground for the first time in what seemed like a long time. She giggled and began to run as a little toddler off to the back gate. Kevin followed her, watching her run in the grass up to the gate. He reached up and unlatched it, opening it up for her. Susey pushed on it and it swung open, then they went up to the sliding back door made of glass. Kevin helped her open this, too. As soon as Susey could get through the sliding glass door, she bolted down the dining room, and into the left to her brother's room. Kevin followed, hearing giggles electing from his room. He peeked in to see Susey stripping away her clothes. He entered and smiled, watching her baby sister take her shirt off, showing her pink nipples and bending over to pull down her shorts and undies. Kevin began to strip, too. Taking his shirt, shorts, and underwear off, he Joined Susey who was now on the bed, excited to be here. She lay on the soft blue and black covers, and giggled as her older brother hovered over her with his body. He came in and kissed her on the lips, with Susey kissing back.

There they lay, Susey back in the older arctic foxes arms as he spooned her. He rubbed her exposed tummy and she giggled, nuzzling back under his chin. He rubbed her arms, her thighs, her bottom, and nibbled on her ear. Big brother Kevin started to get an erection, and as it rose it hit the crevice between little Susey's butt cheeks nestling in there. Little sister Susey sighed happily and felt it along her bottom, giving her older brother a pleasurable shiver. He then in turn passed his fingers over her pussy lips, hearing a moan and feeling her nuzzle under his chin.


The house door bell chimed.

"Who could that be...?" Before getting up, he kissed Susey on the lips. "Stay here, okay?"

Susey nodded and dove under his blankets, now secure.

Kevin put only his shorts on and made his way to the front door. He peeked through the spy hole to find a bat in shorts and a shirt. It had two gold bands around it's wrists. Another buddy?

Kevin opened the door and greeted it. "Hey. Can I help you?"

The buddy stood there and smiled. "Hello, I realize you are new here, but there are a few rules you should know."


"This is kinda a biggie here, but you're not doing anything...sexual with your sister, are you?"

"What?! Uh, um, no." Kevin was a bit surprised by this. He wasn't expecting to be confronted about their sexual relationship.

"Good! Good. It's just here, we try to maintain a healthy life for all who rest in our plain of existence. It's mostly the wizards and the gi creatures that have put this silly no sexual encounters rule in place. We want you and your sister to lead a healthy life. But within the set rules."

Kevin furrowed his brow. "And what if I wanna? I love her!"

"Ah, then you'll meet the gi creatures. A little history lesson here. The gi invaded our plain of existence long ago. But now they protect us. They protect you. And they protect your little sister. Even if it means protecting from a sexual assault, or anything of a sexual nature. If you break the rules, the gi creatures will come for you."

"Gi creatures huh?" Kevin crossed his arms. "No creature is going to stop me from loving my sister. Is that all?"

"Yup! Bye!" The bat took out a needle, stuck it in its side, and popped like a bubble. It just disappeared.

Kevin closed the door and ignored the buddy's warnings. He went back into his room to make sweet love to his little baby sister.

Motherly Love 10

Jonny was waiting on his best friend Blurb to arrive. He had brought out all the best board games to the living room so they could start their play date right away whenever the little bunny arrives. On the couch with his mom, the little fox cub...

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Motherly Love 9.5 bonus

Jonny woke up in the arms of his loved one. His junk nestled deeply missionary style told him he had finished himself off several times in his mother. The knot shrinking down to size, the little boy afforded to move himself out of the vixens vaginal...

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Motherly Love 9

Since the car blew up, Jonny had to take the bus to and from school. He sat with other kids in the yelling and screaming, hollers about onto the wayward destination that was home. Home. His mother would be waiting for him, and to put a bun in her...

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