Escaping The Heat

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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The story of the little piggy that should have stayed home, but didn't.

As Penny walked down the street, she began to question her decision to take a late night walk. The idea seemed good at the time, especially since her apartment was a hot-box ever since her AC broke down, and would remain a hot-box until Monday. With the recent heat wave overworked ACs were breaking down everywhere, so the repairmen had put her on a waiting list. So the idea was to take a walk in the cool night air before going to bed, and it would have worked if the night had been cool. Instead the air was still sweltering and the pavement was still radiating the heat from the sun that had baked it before setting.

Summer was always problematic for Penny, since being a pig she was on the chubby side and found it difficult to stay cool. The solution to this would of course be to wear less, but that presented another difficulty, namely the way her weight was distributed. Penny didn't have a bad body image. On the contrary, she was all too well aware of how her 6'5" curvy figure looked to males, and the occasional female, and even when she wore one of her sweaters she would notice people starring at her, sometimes forgetting to close their mouths. No, Penny knew she had a good body that could ruin her image. All those stares made her uncomfortable and she didn't know how to handle the (largely) male attention. Sometimes she wished that she was a vixen, or some sort of feline. The more men paid attention to them the more confident it seemed to make them, and they managed to get away with wearing outrageous outfits in public since everyone viewed them as sensuous women and expected them to dress provocatively.

So Penny was stuck with a lush body that could stop traffic, but a sow's brain that was hard-wired with Good Girl programing. Even now, wearing a camisole and a plaid skirt (that didn't even cover her knees!) her shoulder-length blonde hair worn in a single braid, she felt a bit slutty and was glad there didn't seem to be much people out tonight. There was a reason she was more worried about looking slutty than usual, since she had started her cycle a couple of days ago and was in heat in more ways than one. That always increased her libido dramatically, which in turn pushed her insecurity into overdrive. Even with her last, and so far only boyfriend (an unimpressive number by the age of 23) she never had sex during her cycle, always making up excuses when he asked to spend the night over, or vice versa. Pregnancy wasn't the issue, there was always birth control. It was brain control that was the problem. When she was in heat, she seemed to have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, and both were urging her to check out guys crotches. So, being a Good Girl, she ignored them both and made painstakingly sure she kept her legs closed at all times.

The heat, at least the one outside her body was really getting to her now, and she felt slightly dizzy. She noticed a sign next to a nearby doorway advertising cold drinks which was an offer she couldn't refuse. She went through the door and nearly bolted right out. She'd walked into a bar, and from the looks of the leather-clad clientele, the clouds of cigarette smoke and the rock music blaring from the speakers, it wasn't one of those trendy little wine bars. And judging by the looks she got from the mostly male patrons, definitely_not a gay bar. But what stopped her was the fact that even though the air was stale and smoky, it was delightfully cold compared to the air outside, which had the temperature and moisture of soup. She didn't normally go to bars, or even drink apart from an occasional glass of wine with friends, but she decided to have one cold glass of fruit juice, or something, just to cool down before she went home. She made her way to the bar where a small, heavily pierced lynx girl was working diligently, pointed ears swiveling this way and that to catch the orders over the din. She couldn't help but notice the top the feline was wearing, a small leather vest that left her flat tummy bare and pushed what were probably B-cups into an impressive looking bust, and wondered what men would say if _she wore something like that. Probably just 'How much?' she thought bitterly.

Pushing her insecurities aside she studied the drink menu and decided on an ice tea. She's never had a Long Island ice tea before, but it sounded like just the thing to cool her down. The lynx went off to make her drink while Penny pretended to read texts on her phone, hoping that if she ignored everyone they would return the favor. Soon enough the barmaid plopped a tall glass in front of her and went off to serve the other customers as Penny sipped her tea through a straw. It had a strange, although not unpleasant taste, slightly sweet, but most importantly very cold. It seemed to really hit the spot and in a few minutes Penny had drained the glass of everything but the ice. Not wanting to overstay her welcome she paid for her drink and got ready to leave. She started to suspect that there may have been a dash of rum in that tea as she stumbled getting off the bar stool and nearly toppled onto a large wolf who caught her as she fell.

"Easy there, girl! C'mon, let get you some air." He said as he helped her towards the door.

Penny could hardly turn him down as she seemed to be unsteady on her feet, but still blushed as she held on to the strangers arm. Strong arm, by the feel of it. It was only after they went through the door that she realized it wasn't the one she came in through. They were in a small room with a few chairs and an old pool table that must have seen a lot of use, judging by the cigarette burns, ring marks left by bottles and glasses, and other stains she couldn't identify. They were followed inside by a large Rottweiler and an even larger horse, who closed and locked the door behind them.

"Wh-what are we doing here?" Penny managed to say past the lump in her throat.

"Don't worry girl, we're not gonna hurt ya." the wolf said calmly while he eyed her up and down "We're just gonna give you what you need..."

"What I... no, you don't understand, I'm not that kind of girl!"

"Sure you're not. You just walked in a place like this, reeking of heat, and practically threw yourself at the first guy who walked along. We're not judging you! We just wanna have a good time."

"I didn't..." Penny started, and stopped herself. You didn't what? Didn't know you're in heat? Didn't know it was a seedy place the moment you walked in? What were you thinking!? She barely went anywhere when she was in heat, and she never went to places like this at all. "I didn't mean to bump into you." That at least was the truth.

"Well whether you meant to or not you still got me worked up. Buxom little thing like you falling into my lap, smellin' the way you do, you know what that does to a male? But, I'm willing to be reasonable. You take care of me and my two friends and you can leave if you want to. Sound fair?"

Truth be told it didn't, but it did sound better than being taken by force the whole night, by who knows who else. And I suppose I did get them worked up a bit, smelling of heat she thought eyes drifting downward as she noticed the way their pants were bugling and felt herself blush.

"P-promise you'll let me go after you're done?"

"No one's gonna stop ya, promise!"

"Allrigh" Penny said with faked confidence. She would get them off quickly, get out and never look back.

"Atta girl!" the wolf said, unzipping his pants and revealing his cock, the bright red shaft almost completely out of it's sheath. "Now on your knees and get to work!"

Penny knelt in front of the wolf, one hand grasping the veiny red shaft, the other stroking his slowly growing knot. She knew a little about canine anatomy since her ex-boyfriend was a fox and remembered that the quickest way to make them cum was to play with their knot. She certainly didn't want to stay here any longer than she had to! As the wolf kept growing, she realized just how bigger he was than Todd. The fox had been 6" from base to tip, while the shaft in her hands must have been 8" not counting the growing knot.

She stroked the wolf's cock, making it leak more pre which dribbled down and made her hands slick. To her shame she realized that more of her was getting slick, the crotch of her panties soaked with the juices she was leaking. She told herself it was just her heat-addled body reacting to the smell of the males around her, and focused on the task ahead, which just happened to be a big, throbbing, oozing wolfcock.

"Not bad girl, but that's gonna take all night. You wanna be out of here fast, right?"

As she opened her mouth to agree, the wolf grabbed the back of her head and shoved half his cock past Penny's lips. She sputtered and tried to pull herself off but the wolf's grip was firm and she decided to just get it over with. Her full pink lips wrapped around the red shaft as her tongue rubbed along it's underside in her mouth. She didn't want to look up at the wolf, to ashamed to meet his gaze, so she gazed down her snout along the glistening length, one hand still working the swollen knot, the other resting on the wolf's thigh. She felt hands reach down and grab her hips, and then suddenly yank her up so that her trotters barely touched the floor. A foot then nudged her legs open and set her down so she was now bent over, her head on the wolf's cock and her big round ass sticking out in the air. She wondered who was behind it, and managed to see the stallion standing to one side out of the corner of her eye, which meant that the Rottweiler was even now admiring her rump.

The big dog wanted a better look so he hiked up Penny's skirt, exposing her smooth pink cheeks, her short curly tail and her white cotton panties. He then pulled her panties down, lifting her feet one by one so he could get them all the way off her. Still fellating the wolf's member Penny wondered why he bothered with her panties and not her skirt, but soon realized when she heard the wolf give an approving whistle and the stallion look up. The dog behind her was showing them her panties, and no doubt the wet crotch.

"The little sow's soaked!" the stallion exclaimed, looking down to meet Penny's gaze. The flustered pig shut her eyes tight, cheeks burning with embarrassment. As the wolf started to drive his cock in and out of her mouth, she felt someone grab her wrist and drag her hand from the wolf's thigh and onto so something hard and smooth. She opened her eyes to see her hand touching the stallion's giant shaft. The mottled pink and black monstrosity must have been a foot long, and as she grasped it Penny wasn't surprised to notice she couldn't close her hand around it. She'd never seen an equine penis and felt mesmerized as she lightly stroked the shaft. The horse nickered in approval, and as pre oozed from the flared tip Penny started making longer strokes along the now slick rod. Focused on the scene in front of her, the stallion throbbing in her hand and the wolf now humping her face she forgot all about the dog behind her until she felt a long, broad tongue slide across her wet slit. She felt herself shiver as the canine licked the juices from her puffy lips, moaning around the wolf's cock in her mouth.

"Whoa, she's liking that!" the stallion observed, craning his head to look at the rottie slathering her pussy.

Penny couldn't help but agree. She knew that being in heat made her fingers and her vibrator feel much better, but she's never had sex with anyone during her cycle, too worried about what they would think about her if she was a bit too... enthusiastic. _But that doesn't matter this time. They already think I'm a slut._That actually made her feel a little easier. What did it matter what they thought of her? After tonight she's never going to see any of them again. That made her relax, and as she did she found herself arching her back, her ass thrust out giving the dog behind her better access to her pussy.

The Rottweiler took advantage of that, his long tongue now sinking past the sows swollen lips and probing deeper into her honey-pot. Penny started to moan faster around the meat-stick ramming into her mouth, eyes squeezed shut as the dog behind her curled the tip of his tongue upwards on each stroke, scooping up the juices that were now leaking freely from her needy cunt.

Her eyes snapped open in surprise when the wolf shoved his cock deep down her throat, his knot pressing against her lips and his hand holding her head firmly and preventing her from pulling away. She saw his heavy sack pull up and felt something hot spurt down her throat as the big bad wolf huffed and puffed and blew his load down her gullet. The terrified sow started to swallow to keep herself from choking, and just when she thought she would black out he pulled out of her, his last spurts landing on her face.

The wolf pulled her hair back showing his friend the sows face, her cheeks flushed, mouth open wide gasping for air, the lips covered in the wolf's cum and her eyes unfocused from lack of breath and the attention being paid to her pussy. She heard the horse say something to the wolf, who then slipped her top of and unhooked her plain white bra letting her DD breasts swing free. Meanwhile, the stallion had taken a chair which he placed in front of Penny and proceeded to sit down. She soon realized why - his foot-long rod was now fully hard and standing straight up, and she couldn't suc... he couldn't make her suck it standing up.

Penny stood there staring at the tip of the shaft, the room silent except for the sounds of slurping behind her, until she felt the horses hand on the back of her head, and got the message. There was no way she could get the flared head past her lips so she settled for licking the broad head and sucking the pre coming out of it's slit.

"Use those tits slut, or I'm ramming this whole thing down your throat!"

With her throat still sore from the wolf's rough treatment, Penny was eager to avoid having her mouth impaled on the stallion's spire. She straightened up as much as she could, thrust her chest out and squeezed her breasts around the monster in front of her. The horse nickered in approval and she took it as a signal to start sliding her cleavage up and down the pre-slicked shaft, her mouth messily licking, kissing and slurping the stallion's flare.

"Good lil' slut!" the horse said leaning back in his chair to better enjoy the show.

Penny felt heat rise to her cheeks again, and honestly couldn't say what embarrassed her more- the derogatory comment, or the compliment. Before she could decide, she felt the tongue withdraw from her pussy, leaving her feeling achingly empty. It didn't look like the dog behind her was going to leave her empty for long, as he grabbed her ass cheeks and aimed his tapered tip at her now drenched entrance.

Penny actually squealed, her head flying up and eyes opening wide as the Rottie shoved his entire length in with one brutal thrust, his hips hitting the sow's ass with a loud smack, to the amusement of the brutes around her. He soon began humping into her, making long lunges while his hands groped her soft pink bottom.

"Looks like the sow likes getting porked!" the wolf said watching the action from the side.

"Ungh, and she's tight as a vice! Probably hasn't been fucked in weeks!"

Actually, it was months. End never in heat! Penny's skin tingled, her eyes were rolling back in their sockets and her pussy felt like it was on fire as the dog savagely pistoned in and out of her, stretching her cunny around his shaft. His knot made lewd slurping sounds as it popped in and out of her cunt, his hips smacking her pillowy butt while his balls slapped against her clit as the massive dog bred her.

Some rational part of Penny was alarmed at the thought that those orbs would soon empty themselves inside her fertile womb but it was quickly being pushed away. Reason was soon lost in the haze of alcohol, hormones and the incredible sensations assaulting her. She lost track of time, had no idea how long she'd been here and didn't really care as she nuzzled and licked the stallion's flared cock, her cute little snout inhaling the scent of his pre before her tongue licked it up, her breasts soaked in what had already dribbled down while the dog behind her pounded her slit, his knot getting bigger and bigger.

Her breathing now labored, pants and squeals escaping her cum-stained lips with every thrust, she found herself pushing back into the Rottweiler, desperate to have his cock as deep inside as possible. The sight of the sow's lush ass pushing back into him and the sounds she was making as she slurped the horses cock drove him into a frenzy. He grabbed the sow's short tail and yanked her back as he gave one final thrust, pushing her into the horse's lap as he felt her pussy grip and spasm around his knot. His sack pulled up and his tip started spraying seed deep into the sow's greedy pussy, as her cunt walls milked him of every drop.

Penny mewled and squealed as she felt a hot flood blast into her, her lips gripping the dog's swollen knot, keeping every drop in as he unloaded. Her head had dropped into the horses lap, her snout nuzzling against the biggest balls she had ever seen, ever imagined. The men had started talking at some point while she was lost in the aftermath of her mind-shattering orgasm.

"Yeah, there's no way she's gonna finish me on her own. You wanna take the back?" that was the horse talking. The wolf mumbled a reply and told the rottie to cut it short. The horse got up and walked away somewhere, leaving her head lying on the chair.

Penny was still trying to puzzle out what they were talking about as she felt a tugging sensation, followed by a blinding pain coming from her pussy. She screamed and the dog growled as he went against instinct, trying to pull himself out of the sow before his knot went down. Penny felt the massive thing shift inside her, feeling like it's going to pull her insides out. It started sliding out and Penny screamed again as the widest point of the beast stretched her lips wide, the two red orbs crowning before slipping out, followed by the shaft and a torrent of cum, as the dog's still spurting shaft shot a few more strands into the crease of her ass. She heard them laugh at the sight of her.

"Ooh, she didn't like that huh?" That was the wolf. Or maybe the horse...

"Yeah" the dog replied "Greedy little pig didn't want to let a cock go."

That sparked another round of laughter, but Penny didn't care. Her poor abused pussy felt loose and empty, the lips red and raw from the vicious mating. She felt the dog spunk cool as it drooled from her gaping cunt, some of it running down her belly. When she thought her legs were going to buckle, she felt the horse lift her up, and walk her backwards until she stumbled into something furry. She felt something hard and wet poke into her lower back, and looked back to see the wolf leaning against the edge of the pool table.

Wait, did I him? She thought as she tried to remember. She felt like she'd been here for hours, and her memory was shakier than her legs. She was sure she didn't get the horse off, though not for lack of trying. She was sure she'd have remembered that beast unloading into her mouth, and the dog's slowly shrinking cock and the seed leaking out of her were proof she took care of him, but what about the wolf? Was he just standing to the side, waiting this whole time? She thought about asking them, but decided not to. They'd just laugh at me, the slut that can't remember how many guys she fucked in a single evening.

She was sure the wolf was going to sheathe himself inside her pussy any second now, but what about the stallion walking up to her from the front? While she was trying to work that out, she felt the wolf raise her hips and felt the pointy tip push up against her pucker, shooting a bit of pre inside her. Before she could say 'No', or even beg them both to take her cunt again, the hands pushed her hips down as the tip pushed a few inches in, her up till now virgin asshole spreading taught around the red rod invading it, the cum the Rottweiler had messily sprayed on her ass making the entry slightly less painful. Still painful enough to make the sow shriek as she was lowered further, her screams swallowing the wolf's groans of pleasure as her poor ass swallowed his cock. After what felt like an eternity, the pain of her violated button being replaced by the sensation of her insides being overstuffed, she felt her smooth pink rump touch the wolf's fuzzy thighs.

"Good girl!" the wolf whispered, his teeth nipping her floppy ears. Somehow, it made Penny feel a little better.

She put a hand to her belly, always slightly rounded and now seeming bloated, by the sperm in her womb and the shaft up her ass. As her pained sobs died down she looked up to see the stallion had walked up to her, his bestial cock still slick and hard as he spread her legs and grabbed them under the knees, forcing herself to lean back into the wolf, her ass pressing even further into his crotch.

Her eyes were glued to the stallions spire as he crouched slightly so he could bring the swollen flare to her puffy lips. The taste of his member was still on her tongue, her nostrils filled with the scent of his pre that still soaked her boobs, and her hands seemed to move on her own, one spreading her dripping labia even further apart while the other brought the stallion's tip to her opening. Years later, Penny would still turn as red as a beet at the memory of her guiding the horse's cock to her over-eager pussy. Here, now, it seemed natural. She had worshiped every inch of the fleshy spire, her mouth slurping around the tip while her breasts rubbed up and down the impressive length, and now she was helping the stallion inside her, eager for him to breed her while the wolf's cock throbbed inside her ass.

She watched as the horse nudged his flare past her lips, stretching them obscenely, the sow whimpering as she felt the tip pop inside her. Even though the Rottweiler had stretched her pussy with his humping, and even more by yanking his knot out of her, the wolf's cock nestled in her rectum was pushing the wall of her tunnel from the other side, making it grip tightly around the stallion's shaft making it's way inside, it's passage eased by the cum dripping out of her pussy.

At least six inches of stallion meat was now stuffed in her, the tip squirting pre into her already sopping cunt, as the horse's medial ring nudged against her puffy lips. The wolf put his hands on Penny's teats and started to squeeze and rub the pair-shaped mounds almost gently, kneading them and tweaking the stiffening nipples between his fingers. Penny closed her eyes and moaned, her lower body relaxing slightly as her sensitive boobs received some much needed attention. The stallion took advantage of that to shove the ring into the startled sow's pussy. Penny squealed in shock, feeling her cunt stretched even wider and deeper, the hands on her ample chest now holding her firmly to stop her from wriggling as the stallion forced the rest of his mammoth cock inside her, his sheath rubbing against her entrance, now stretched in a lewd 'O' around the monster inside her.

After giving her a few seconds to adjust, the stallion slowly pulled almost all the way out of her, only to slide his shaft all the way in in a slow but steady rhythm. The wolf she was sitting on was bucking into her ass, little more that his uninflated knot going in and out of her as he bounced the chubby little sow on his lap, making her whole body jiggle, except her tits which he was now groping a lot less gently.

Penny was a mess, her tongue hanging out of her gaping mouth, her eyes barely able to focus on the muscular chest of the stallion, the muscles on his abdomen flexing as he pumped his shaft in and out of her, their juices dribbling down to coat his massive orbs that would soon be emptied inside the poor little pig girl. She babbled between moans, pants and squeals, but later she couldn't remember what she was saying, worried that shame had made her repress it. Was I squealing from joy? Did I beg them for more, pleading for their cocks, for their cum?

Whatever it was, it seemed to encourage the pair, the wolf grabbing her braid in his teeth and pulling her head back as his growing knot plunged over and over through her abused pucker. The horse had crouched down again to lean her legs against his shoulders as his huge hands grabbed her cheeks for leverage, spreading them further and helping the wolf sodomize her mercilessly while his own shaft stuffed her pussy, the flare battering at her cervix while the medial ring rubbed her walls.

Penny was sure she was losing her mind, unable to even form a coherent thought as her body was groped and squeezed, fingers and claws digging into her soft pink flesh, while her insides were on fire, two fleshy spears ramming in and out of her to the sounds of her ass and cunny squelching, the males' hips slamming into her from the front and the rear, bruising her already tender bottom. Her eyes were dim and lidded and she was drooling out her mouth as she was used as a fuck-toy by the two brutes.

She was brought back to reality by a growing pain in her backside. The wolf's knot had gotten too big to slip out of her and was now stretching her painfully as the canine continued too hump against her ass, relishing the sensation of the sows sphincter clenching his swollen knot. His jaws released the sows braid and latched on the back of her neck in a dominant mating bite as his cock blasted a load of hot cum inside her waiting ass.

The poor sow thought her butt was as stuffed as it could be until she felt the wolf spray inside, her pucker clenched so firmly behind the wolf's knot that not a drop escaped, and she felt bloated as another male left his seed inside her. The wolf growled slightly as he continued to hump and grind against her pillowy rump as he manhandled her fleshy teats.

The stallions' cock was pistoning steadily inside her pussy, pushing her lips and her clit inside her when he thrust, and distending them when he pulled out. She moaned as the horse impaled her over and over, her cunt slobbering over his massive cock, their combined juices pooling beneath them. The horse's thrusts then got faster, as he bucked into her roughly, threatening to tear her of the wolf's knot. That was about as much as Penny could take and she let out a porcine squeal as she felt her pussy squeeze and clench around the equine invader, her juices gushing around the cock sawing in and out of her.

The sight of the squealing sow writhing in ecstasy, her greedy cunt milking his shaft made the stallion buck one last time, bottoming out inside her and whinnying loudly as his tip flared even more and his tail flagged, his urethra sticking out to spray his seed straight into the sow's waiting belly.

Through her orgasmic haze, Penny felt the stallion's flare grow to the size of an apple and groaned as she felt him blast his load into her already flooded womb, wondering if she would have a pup, a piglet or a foal as the horse's seed warmed her insides.

She wasn't sure how long he'd stayed inside her, if it was seconds or minutes, but as his shaft softened and withdrew, releasing yet another torrent of cum (but only a fraction, Penny knew, of what was already inside her) she saw the horse leave and the Rottweiler move to take his place between her splayed legs. One coherent thought swam to the surface of Penny's lust fogged mind:

They promised they wouldn't stop me from leaving. They didn't promise to make me leave!

It was almost a year latter and Penny had left her little filly in the hands of her younger sister, who was visiting her during summer break and was eager to spend time with her baby niece. As the sun was setting, her feet took her down a familiar street, through a familiar door. Once inside, she made her way to the bar and ordered an ice tea. Just to ease the heat.