Emerald Forest and Sandy Beach

Story by flipper on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: First, don't read unless you're legally allowed too, I mean it. The last thing I need is a lawsuit because some dumb-ass thirteen year old gets caught reading this. Second, all the characters used here are the property of their users. Only flipper is mine... so don't take them as your own.

Emerald Forest and Sandy Beach

Flipper checked his watch. The sun was setting at the lake. There had been no set time when everyone was supposed to show up. He sat on his cooler, a few bottles of varied liquor, soda and juice was on ice. He looked down through a break in the trees, down to the lake. It was where he'd been the other night... and what a night. On the surface of the lake, sunlight shimmered, a thousand points of light refracted, reflected and bounced. The fox ran his paw through his fairly short blonde hair. He wanted to see her again, that's all.

"Hey Flipper, am I invited to this thing, too?" RedXII called, walking down onto the beach, still in his odd SLDF uniform.

"I thought you were. Are we playing card games again?" Flipper asked, rising and stretching idle limbs and muscles.

"Maybe... I thought we were playing truth or dare." Red replied. He looked like his name sake, only not a quad.

The others showed up, coming down the trail. Telorance, a gray wolf of about the same height as Flipper, a little more built perhaps. She was walking along beside him, Strawberry... a cute little hybrid he'd met before. The little vixen had tiger stripes, but her body form was a mix of wolf and fox... a rather beautiful combination... with pink hair. Next to her was a raccoon that Flipper hadn't met before. She had blue eyes, purple hair, and more usual markings for a raccoon. He learned later that her name was Cono. After her came a cougar male, a writer named Rhaell. Flipper had read some of his work... not bad, not bad at all.

"You're here!" He said, a little more enthusiastically than he'd meant. "Anyone want a drink?"

"Sure! Something that tastes sweet please." Strawberry asked.

"Got any absolut?" Someone asked, Flipper didn't notice who exactly.

"Nope, no vodka, but I've got tequila and rum." He replied, searching through the cooler.

A burst of giggling brought his head up from his completed search, a bottle of sour apple Pucker in his paw. Cono and Strawberry were snuggling up to each other happily in greeting. They sat down next to each other, everyone else fanning out in a circle based on those two. Flipper didn't really notice the raccoon, just the vixen next to her.

"Okay, so who's going to start?" Strawberry asked. "It's truth or dare this time, not strip poker."

"I think Red should start!" Cono chimed.

"Yeah, Red should start this, shouldn't he?" Rhaell said, all eyes turning to the vermillion feline.

"Okay, I guess I'll go." He said, looking around the circle. "Alright, I pick Strawberry... truth or dare?"

"Um... dare." She said. The raccoon next to her gave her a little kiss on her muzzle, which she returned without hesitating.

"Let me think..." Red muttered, seeming to take a little time. Flipper went back to his cooler and poured three shots for Strawberry and started mixing a tequila sunrise for himself, inadvertently making too much.

"Pounce someone, heh heh heh." She turns to the raccoon and leaps, the pair falling to the ground, laughing happily.

"Two hot striped girls... hot damn." Flipper muttered, watching them roll around a little bit.

"Yeah, you got that right Flipper." Telorance responded, nodding in assent.

"Okay, it's my turn now, right?" Strawberry asked as she and Cono got up, going back to where they were. "Cono, truth or dare?" Red seemed to perk up, smiling.

"Since this is my first time... truth." Cono replied, waiting for her question.

"Um, who do you think is cute here, right now?" Strawberry asked.

"Well, that depends on the type of cute... there's the warm fuzzy type and the drop-your drawers-let's-fuck type of cute." Cono said, eyeing the boys around her. The boys began to look between them, wondering who would get the lady's 'stamp-o-approval'. Flipper shook his head, pretty sure he wouldn't be chose, picked up his array of beverages and walked around to sit next to Strawberry, handing her the shot and taking a swig of his drink.

"Well... you're all cute, but I've got to choose Rhaell... I have had a few encounters with the cougar kind." She said, smiling.

"All right!" Rhaell said, jumping up and dropping his pants in one fluid motion.

"Relax man." Red said, chuckling at the cougar.

"Huh?" Rhaell said, perplexed.

"You don't want to know how many furs have said that to me... relax, man." Red said as he shook his head while Rhaell pulled up his pants, the cougar grinning sheepishly.

"Oh, thank you!" Strawberry said, taking her drink and downing it. "Yummy!" She leaned over and gave a kiss. "Okay, it's your turn Cono!"

"I'll pick Ark!" The raccoon femme said, looking up at the feline carrying the video camera. "Truth or dare?"

"Um, is he playing?" Strawberry asked.

"The camera fur?" Flipper asked, surprised at the choice.

"I'll go once." The previously unmentioned feline said as he hopped down from the tree limb where he was filming, passing off the camera to Telorance. He looked a little awkward, not quite sure of what was going to happen. "I'll go with 'truth'."

"Okay, when you climb on us femmes, cling to us, hug us, and cuddle us... are you expecting anything in return?" Cono asked.

"Oh, I just do that to be cute." Ark replied.

Flipper watched absently as the camera passed back and forth a few times between Ark and Telorance, reaching around Strawberry and scratching her back, waiting for something a little more...entertaining to happen. The vixen shivered a little at the initial contact, but leaned back into his blunt claws, nuzzling him as he got at a few itchy spots. He nuzzled her back, smiling, content to just look into those stormy deep blue eyes.

"Okay, who's next?" Strawberry asked, enjoying the silliness of everything. "Doesn't Ark have to pick someone?"

"Okay," the feline said as the camera moved once more in Telo's hands, "Red, truth or dare?"

"Dare, truth isn't my thing." He said, seeming to be ready for anything.

"I dare you to run around naked in a busy street waving around a sign reading 'FREE MONEY FOR TOASTERS!'" The camera cat said. Red looked at the fellow with his mouth agape, along with everyone else.

"Get going Red." Flipper said, using his awesome abilities as an on-line author to tap into inter-dimensional space of specific stuff, finding one with signs and the exact slogan in question. "Here you go."

"Ark, you need to get laid." Strawberry said, enjoying Flipper's attention to her.

"I've been laid before." Ark said, as if he'd been insulted.

"You're right; he does need to get laid." Flipper said, giving Strawberry a little lick on her muzzle, who returned the act in kind with a giggle.

"What if I don't want to?" Red said, obviously not terribly enamored with the idea. It wasn't the kind of dare that anyone had been expecting.

"Then by the powers invested in me as camera fur, I'll shove a scud up your ass." Ark said, trying to get his camera back from Telo.

"There's going to be no missile enemas here, please." Flipper pleaded.

"Get excluded from the game?" Rhaell proposed. "Or have your ass raped by someone who rapes asses?"

Cono shoved her hand into one of those tiny little backpacks, pulling out an equine-scale strap on, grinning with less than honorable intent.

"I think Cono will get to punish anyone who balks." Flipper said, getting an enthusiastic nod from the raccoon femme.

"Okay fine... there was a rest station with some furs on the way here..." Red said, stripping down to his birthday suit, carefully folding his uniform, and picking up the sign. Cono followed along, strap-on in hand, ready to punish.

"This is getting silly." Flipper muttered.

"I know, but its fun." Strawberry replied. "So who's next?"

"Red's next. I guess we have to wait until he comes back." Rhaell said. "You know, I may have to balk every chance I get, [thinks about the strap-on] or maybe not."

"What's taking him so long?" Strawberry asked, wanting to continue the game.

"Cono is probably chasing the poor guy around with that dildo." Rhaell said, grinning. As he spoke, both the red feline and the raccoon returned, Red donning his uniform.

"That was embarrassing." He said, sitting back down. "Let's not have Ark play anymore."

"Did he do it?" Telorance asked Cono, who sat down next to Strawberry and Flipper.

"Yeah, he did it. But he just yelled random stuff instead of what was on the sign." She said, holding her over-sized sex toy.

"I forgot what it said." Red replied, not wanting the dildo or sign anywhere near him.

"Okay, that's good enough. It's your turn Red." Flipper said.

The red cougar in his still clean and unwrinkled uniform looked about, deciding who to choose. Strawberry shifted around, laying down and putting her head in Flipper's lap. He looked down and they smiled to each other, the gray furred fox stroking the striped vixen's pink hair.

"Rhaell, truth or dare?" Red asked, looking at the cougar.

"I'm going to regret this... dare!" The cougar said, ready for his task. Red looked over to Ark. "You see Ark over there?"

"Hey, I'm the camera fur, see? I'm recording, not playing." The feline said, holding up his camera.

"Kick him in the groin." Red commanded, the cougar rising. With predictable feline grace, he leapt over to where the camera fur stood, swinging his foot into Ark's groin, flipping back half a heartbeat later, sticking the landing but with a flash of pain across his face.

"Why... why would you do that?" Flipper asked, all other furs just as surprised as with the sign thing.

"It didn't hurt me." Ark smiled as Rhaell began to hop around on one foot, holding the other. "Brass balls my friends."

"Okay, next?" Strawberry asked, the wounded cougar sitting down and raising his paw.

"It's my go." He said, looking around, finally stopping on Flipper.

"Uh-oh." The gray fox said, ears perking alert. The cougar laughed an evil cackle, the venerable Mr. Burns would have been proud.

"Truth... or dare?" He asked, very much the demented fur.

"Um, how about I go with truth?" Flipper said, hoping it would be less painful and goofy as what had already come to pass.

"Okay you're going to... huh? You picked truth?" Rhaell said, surprised. "You're sure you don't want 'Dare'?"

"What?" Flipper asked as the cougar rubbed his chin in thought.

"I really didn't have anything ready for a 'truth' pick." He said, thinking.

"Oh, come on now. I've read your stories, they're pretty good. You've got to be able to improvise." Flipper chided the cougar. Time passes, the gray fox sure he saw wisps of smoke coming out of Rhaell's ears. "Okay, fine. I'll take the dare."

"Good, all you have to do," Rhaell reaches into his pocket and throws a pair of chrome plated handcuffs to Flipper, "is to violate 'berry."

"What?" Strawberry asked, looking up at the grinning fox, holding the cuffs.

Flipper immediately grabbed the striped vixen at the wrists, locking her hands together before she could offer any resistance. Rhaell watched, laughing maniacally as Flipper got up, pulling Strawberry with him. Flipper pulled up the bound hands up, stepping into her arms and lowering them over his head, smiling as he kissed the sultry vixen, holding the svelte creature close.

"Uh, define 'violate', or should we go with a loose interpretation?" Telorance asked.

"I think we'll go with 'loose interpretation'." Rhaell replied. "It's more fun that way."

Flipper reached down, unbuttoning the vixen's low rider jeans, pushing them down, revealing a hot pink thong. Strawberry giggling as she wiggled her hips, eager to be rid of the unnecessary clothing. The male vulpine pushed her jeans down as far as he could before lifting a foot to catch the inhibiting item and take it the rest of the way. Strawberry happily kicked the clothing aside.

"Hey Flipper... Who is next?" Telorance asked.

"You are." Flipper said, breaking his kiss with the hybrid fox in his embrace.

"Okay, I'll take a dare." The wolf replied.

"Grab my drink before Cono gets it." The fox male said, as he was far more intent on Strawberry than on the game.

Cono jumped up, Telorance right behind, the raccoon snatching the cup and darting away, the wolf in hot pursuit. They ran about, the striped Cono dodging the canine until she stopped, looking at the cup.

"But I don't drink..." She muttered as Telorance caught up to her, sending them both to the ground rolling.

Flipper paid the others no heed, unbuttoning his own jeans, pushing them down. His already swelling erection sprang out. The fox hadn't bothered to wear any boxers. He pushed his jeans down, kicking them off, renewing his hug with Strawberry with that hot hard length pressing into her soft belly fur, the vixen churred, pleased with its presence.

"Mmm, very nice Flipper." She said, kissing him again as he guided them both over to a nearby tree trunk, slowly lowering himself and the vixen to the ground, his back to the tree. He sat cross-legged, back against the tree, Strawberry straddling him, trapping his erection between them once more.

"Okay Red, truth or dare?" Telorance asked, rising with Cono, both dusting themselves off.

"Dare..." The uniformed feline said.

"Use your tongue on Cono." Telorance replied, eager to involve everyone in a nice little outdoor orgy.

"Very well, where shall I use it?" Red asked, more to Telorance, but wondering how the raccoon femme wanted to proceed.

"Methinks you should use your own discretion." Rhaell piped in.

"You can like me wherever you'd like to." Cono said, not exactly feeling entirely into the intent behind the dare.

Flipper watched Strawberry settle in his lap, arms still around his neck, nuzzling him lovingly. His rock hard penis throbbed, her scent already clouding his senses, stimulating his mind and stoking the fires of urgency and lust. He stroked her body, firm and toned, smelling her hair, enjoying the warmth of her body next to his. His ears perked, half-heartedly listening to the goings on around him.

"Red, before you start on Cono, let's get the next fur going!" Telorance said, eager to have everyone doing something.

"Rhaell, would you prefer truth or dare?" Red asked, advancing on the raccoon.


"Pounce Telorance and give him noogies, a lot of them." He said with his eyes still squarely on the raccoon.

"Ack!" The wolf said, darting off with the cougar right behind him, more than willing to fulfill the dare.

Flipper reached down between his body and Strawberry's pulling aside the crotch of the vixen's pink thong, sliding a finger into her folds, checking to see just how heated this sexy creature might be. The vixen threw her head back and howled, hips rocking forward on his invading digit, gripping it with her sex. Flipper withdrew, bringing the dripping finger to his muzzle, licking Strawberry's tangy juices slowly, making sure she saw each and every lick.

"Come back here or I'll noogie you with Cono's dildo!" Rhaell yelled at Telorance, always a step behind the surprisingly agile wolf. Red watched the wolf and cougar tear around for a moment before turning back to Cono.

"You sure you don't have anywhere specific you want me to lick?" He asked.

"Honey, it's just a dare... lick me anywhere." The raccoon replied, wondering if she really wanted to be as involved as... certain other furs. Speaking of which, Flipper didn't seem to care about the game at all anymore. He was focused on the vixen in his lap, the very wet and horny vixen in his lap.

"Lift up love... that's it." He bid the striped femme. Strawberry smiled as she lifted her body up, freeing his cock and giving plenty of room as Flipper grabbed his shaft, lining the thick member with her glistening sex. She giggled, looking down at his sky blue eyes. A little dribble of pre came out, falling back on Flipper's broad tip. "Now, come back down... slowly."

A ways away, Telorance gave up running, the cougar plowing into him, putting the wolf in a headlock, giving him a long terribly irritating noogie, wisps of smoke coming off of the canine's scalp. Rhaell would definitely make a great uncle.

"YEOW!" The wolf cried out. He pulled out of the hold and tossing the cougar away, the feline laughing as he landed in a convenient pile of leaves.

"Damn that was fun!" The cougar said as both he and Telorance padded back to the rest of the group.

Strawberry, giggled at the silliness and strangeness going on, watching Rhaell and Telorance. At the gray fox's word, she began to lower her body. Her breath caught as his pole pushed its way into her, spreading her slick walls, stretching her in the most delightful way. Her body shivered as she took him, a jet of pre spurting into her, Flipper moaning as he was sheathed within the vixen. Strawberry settled down onto Flip's lap once more, wriggling and rolling her hips, getting comfortable and teasing the slightly panting male, giving him a playful lick on his nose. He wrapped his arms around her, holding the lovely vixen tight, erection throbbing in her soft velvet glove.

"I've got a dare for the whole group!" Strawberry called out, staring into Flipper's eyes. "FIND A PARTNER AND FUCK!!"

"Hmmm..." Rhaell pondered, looking at the raccoon femme who chuckled at the order. With a grin, he pounced onto Cono with every intention of complying with the tiger striped vixen's order.

The vixen began to rise and fall on the vulpine male's member, loving the friction of his girth so tight within her walls. Flipper caught one of the Strawberry's nipples, the one that had yet to be pierced, and suckled, flicking his tongue over the firming flesh. She growled, wanting more... much more. She looked over at the disrobing Telo and the confused Red, who watched as Cono and Rhaell rolled around on the ground. Flipper noticed her gaze on the two unassociated males.

"Ever been dp'ed Strawberry?" Flipper asked, letting the nipple from his mouth.

"No..." She growled out, still bouncing with determination.

"Don't you think it's unfair that that Telo and Red are left out?" Flipper managed to get out, the vixen's body almost too much to handle.

"Well... my mouth and ass are available." She said, smiling at the thought.

Flipper reached down the gyrating female on top of him, squeezing her ass, his strong fingers indenting flesh and fur, pulling her cheeks apart to show off their coupling. That bright pink slab of flesh, swallowed with each drop of Strawberry, glistening with her excitement, running in little rivulets down his length and over his soft furry sack.

"I dare you to suck two males off at the same time!" Rhaell yelled out, any semblance of order to the game forgotten.

"Decisions, decisions, decisions..." Telo mused, scratching his chin as he eyed Strawberry's mouth and ass, his own erection growing. He began to disrobe, already knowing what he wanted.

"C'mon boys, I'll suck one of you off, the other can fuck my ass." She said, whipping her pink hair about, motioning them over. Flipper groaned at the sight and feeling, assaulting his senses, happy to let Strawberry do what she wished.

"Where should I go?" Red asked, still clothed.

"Just pick!" The vixen snapped, still wanting despite the fox cock in her snatch, filling her sex nicely with each rise and fall of her hips.

"Muzzle for me... And I'm next in line when Flipper pops." Telorance said, stepping next to the coupling foxes, proudly presenting his stiffening cock and sheath to the heated vixen. Strawberry smiled, happily blowing across the wolf's stiffening cock, her hands still tied and around Flipper's neck. "Red, Rhaell, why don't you two take care of Cono?"

"I don't know... I'm not really feeling 'into it' right now." She said, as both Rhaell and Red visibly deflated. "I'll just go to the rest station."

"That's alright." Rhaell replied, giving her a little lick. "Actually, I'll join you." Rhaell and Cono begin to pad off towards the little rest station.

Red stands alone for a moment before looking over towards the current threesome. Strawberry was still bouncing on Flipper's cock, glistening with her juices every time it came into view. The vixen opened her mouth wide, catching the wolf cock, slurping on it noisily. Telorance was leaning against the tree, letting Strawberry work over his member with her muzzle and tongue, the vixen starting to growl, sending vibrations up his hard length. A heady jet of pre rewards the enthusiastic vixen, bobbing her head and rolling her hips faster.

The crimson feline walked over towards the coupling furs, removing his uniform and tossing it aside, revealing his own bobbing erection, walking over to other side of Strawberry, opposite Telorance. He reached down and undid the handcuffs around the femme's wrists, tossing the restraints aside. With his paw, he took one of hers and placed it on his tool, the femme stroking him as best she could, already occupied with the wolf in her mouth, and the fox in her pussy.

"Oh... I'm gonna cum..." The vixen moans, letting Telo's cock go, climax slowly reaching forward to take her. "Hold it there, in front of my face ."

"Okay love, no problem." He says, the canine doing as he was bidden, pawing himself to keep up with the other two.

With a groan, Strawberry redoubles her efforts on Flipper, the male squeezing her body tight, moaning as she did the same to him within her slick walls. His own orgasm began to grow near, balls boiling from the smoldering femme astride him. The vixen's eyes close, dropping down and grinding her body on Flipper, release washing over her like a warm tide of pleasure. The gray fox gasps as her body squeezes him, triggering his own orgasm, firing into her convulsing pussy. His body jerks, hips bucking as he breaks through, fire spreading into his limbs, unable to think about anything but the hot, sensual femme riding him. Flipper's cum mixed with Strawberry's, squeezed out of her around his still jerking cock, coating his crotch.

Strawberry leans forward and takes over for the wolf's paw on that bright pink erection, stroking him with a paw while tonguing his piss slit, relishing her orgasm and the feel of Flipper's thick ropy jism splashing on her walls, and dribbling down his still solid member. The vixen softly envelops Telorance once more, softly dragging her teeth along his sensitive underside. The wolf stiffened, firing off his load into her muzzle, her eyes bolting wide open at the sudden presence at the flood of salty nut-cream. She swallows, sucking on the pink length, wanting every last drop, unwilling to waste any of the precious, life-forging fluid. Her other hand stroking Red's maleness fumbles, the femme focused on the task at hand.

A new sensation on her still tender nipple piercing grabs Strawberry's attention. Flipper gently lapped at the recently torn flesh, taking extra care with the still aching nipple, so recently shorn and decorated. Licking her chops, searching for any lost cum from the wolf, she brings the gray fox into a tight embrace, his erection slowly deflating, still within her body. He reaches around and holds onto her, both panting for breath.

"Wow... That was great..." Telo breathes, sitting down next to the pair.

"I'm not done yet boys." Strawberry said, smiling while rising up off of Flipper, giving all three boys a wink.

"I'm not done; I just... need a moment." Flipper said breathlessly, moving to follow as his penis retracted into his sheath until he can... regroup.

"Oh, I knew that." Telo said, following as well, already pawing his shrinking shaft, having an immediately effect on himself.

The vixen smiles and waves the boys to follow her as she begins down the path towards the lake and the small beach on its shores. Red, Telorance and Flipper get up to follow, all of the males watching that insatiable femme, tail swishing, ass swaying. Strawberry doesn't hesitate, walking into the surprisingly clear water without a care. She dives in and swims about for a moment, coming up into the shallows, water only a few inches high, lying on her side.

"What do you boys think we can do?" The hybrid vixen asked, eyeing the males, wanting all three, seeing the revived Red and Telorance, Flipper just starting to come back to life.

"I dunno." Red said, looking to his fellows.

"A sandwich, maybe?" Flipper offered, grinning at the femme. She nods, grinning back.

"I'll take the front." Telo, the gray wolf all too eager said.

"I want two dicks in my pussy, please." She chimed. Red shrugged.

"Strawberry wants two..." He said, following Telo out to the water.

"...She gets two." Flipper finished, following as well, not wanting to be left out.

"I do mildly protest the idea." Telo said, obviously not too keen on sharing the vixen's delightful pussy with another male... let alone at the same time although that doesn't appear to deter him.

Red and Telo moved down towards her slowly scissoring legs, working out the mechanics of what was about to take place. Flipper, still not quite revived after Strawberry's intense ride on his lap, moved around to her upper half.

"Need a pillow? ...At least for the time being?" He offered, kneeling down beside her.

She smiled and nodded, lifting up as he slides underneath her, the pink mane falling on his thighs as she leans back onto him, well out of the water and far more comfortable. Strawberry motions to the other two boys, eager to have them both inside her. Still on her side, she lifts up one leg, revealing her already sodden and glistening sex to them.

"Let me get that." The gray fox/pillow offered, reaching over and holding her leg at her knee, bent over her body.

"Mmm... Thanks..." She murmured. The vixen turned her attention to Telorance and Red. "You two push in at the same time." Both the feline and canine position themselves, side by side, straining erections poised to penetrate her bright pink folds.

"One..." Both Flipper and Strawberry say, the fox blushing furiously... Strawberry looked up at him, kissing him deeply.

"Go ahead dear." She said, letting him be in charge... for now.

"Two..." The fox said, watching the two eager males, anticipation rattling their minds. He looked down at Strawberry. "You have to say it..."

"THREE!!" She yelled, ready for them.

Both males pushed into her simultaneously, the vixen gasping with eyes wide. The opening of her sex stretched around the sudden penetration, well beyond anything she'd had before. The femme whimpered at the sheer mass making its way inside of her. She grabbed onto Flipper, blunt claws scoring the skin beneath his slate colored fur. The vixen began to pant erratically, whimpering from the sensations as the two sizable cocks began to move within her, almost like one and yet with enough independence to send her mind reeling. She kisses Flipper, moaning deeply.

"You boys like?" She asks, breaking her kiss with Flipper, eyes glassy.

"I guess... I suppose..." The pair said, obviously neither particularly thrilled by the circumstance. Both begin to slowly withdraw and push back inside, in tandem.

"Oh, GODS!! YES!! YES!!" The striped hybrid femme screams, kissing Flipper again, clenching down on the two moving cocks inside her.

It hurt, Strawberry's body stretched to its very limits to accommodate such girth... but the pleasure was overwhelming, dragging the femme towards new heights of ecstasy faster than she could have possibly anticipated. Flipper watched as Telo and Red moved in and out together, a little lump showing on her belly at the apex of each thrust, where the two males were going beyond the very dimensions of the hybrid's canal. If the male fox wasn't thoroughly recovered before, he was now.

Flipper was right to act as pillow and brace for the vixen. His knees and feet were being forced into the sand beneath the shallow water by the steady pounding from Telo and Red. Her whimpers and moans, even through their kiss, it was like music. She lay back, letting the two males do all the work, plumbing her so completely. As they continued sharing her pussy, Flipper's ears perked up with inspiration.

"Hold on, baby." Flipper whispered in her ear. "Red... Telo... get ready."

Gently, the gray fox lifted the still stuffed hybrid vixen up, moving her in between Red and Telorance, the scarlet feline behind her and the gray wolf in front of her. Strawberry kept her upper body sideways, one arm around the neck of each fellow who was within her, kissing Flipper, sucking on his tongue as the other two held her aloft, feet just touching the surface of the shallow waters. Her body shivers as Red and Telorance start anew, alternating their thrusts instead of just plowing her together. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes, the sensations overwhelming her.

"Damn..." Telo mutters, never having experienced something like this before.

"Oh shit..." Red whispers, feeling his heavy cum-laden balls tightening.

"OH GODS, THIS IS SO GREAT!" The vixen screams, breaking her kiss and shaking the nearby trees, sending up a swarm of birds.

"I'm... I'm gonna cum..." Red muttered, keeping up the pace with Telo. Strawberry began to whimper, passing the point of no return. Her moans go higher and higher in pitch, a mirror to the sheer bliss building within her.

With a keening wail she comes again, drenching the two cocks in her overstretched pussy. Her body tries to clench on the moving members, to hold them and stroke them, vaginal walls thrumming. Red grips onto her hips hard, driving forth one last time, unable to hold off any longer. He withdraws, a small flood of Strawberry's juice and his own ropy cum falling into the water, slowly dissipating into the warm water. Telo growls at the feelings, heat washing over his own member from Red's and Strawberry's gush of fluid, taking him higher but not quite there. The pleasure blind vixen reaches behind her, grabbing Red and pulling him into a hot kiss, a little thank you for his impressive work.

Telo waits a moment for his own heat to cool a few degrees before pulling the vixen tight against him, still quite able to continue. Strawberry holds onto his shoulders as Telo grabs her hips. They grind against each other, the canine cock stirring inside her, getting moans from both. With need driving him, Telo begins to fuck the already cum-drunk femme hard and fast, holding her still as he drives his cock up into her body. Her nipples trace little circles in the air. The pace is frantic, Telo slowing, the exertion showing clearly. Flipper, now quite aroused and ready for more, crawls around behind Strawberry, putting his hands onto her tight ass, spreading her cheeks.

"Hey Telo, you mind?" He asked the wolf, Telo continuing to plumb the hybrid vixen's depths. Flipper pressed his broad tip at her tail hole, holding her striped tail out of the way. "You take her pussy, I'll take her ass."

Flipper slapped the vixen's ass to send the point home to the femme, toned flesh rippling for a split second. She squealed with delight, wiggling her ass at the fox as best she could, lust growing, obviously enjoying the slap and the whole idea of having her tail hole fucked. The fox raised a brow, a new facet of the vixen cropping up. Strawberry gasps, feeling that broad thick penis at her rear entrance, heating up again even faster than before, still on the trail edge of her last climax.

"Sure thing, knock yourself out." Telo muttered, still pumping the femme. He closed his eyes, concentrating on prolonging his time as the only fur pumping Strawberry's delicious sex.

The gray fox smiled wide as he pushes inside her, feeling Telo's cock just on the other side of a thin membrane. He buries his cock within Strawberry's ass, holding there as Telo continues to ravage the vixen's already abused pussy. The male vulpine brings down an open palm on Strawberry's tight rear, getting squeals of delight.

Both Flipper and Telo hold onto the now wiggling, squirming femme. She begins panting, clenching down on both rods inside her, rolling her hips to get even more delicious friction out of them. The wolf groans, his concentration being worn down in mere seconds by the smoldering vixen.

With a growl, the fox male begins to rock his hips, watching his cock disappear inside the vixen, her hole stretched around him. He remembers, as this was how he took her last time, not too far from where he knelt. The memory alone was taking him closer and closer with each searing thrust, his balls tingling already. With a whine, he grits his teeth and speeds up, not caring about anything but emptying his balls onto this sultry nymph.

"Oh YES!!" The vixen cries out, loving the still-stuffed feeling of being taken both in front and behind, that sharp smack on her ass taking her over the edge. Strawberry's body shakes like a leaf in a hurricane, soaking Telo with another rush of juice, her stretched pussy clamping down on him like a vice despite the thorough fucking just moments before. She goes limp with a groan, kissing the big strong wolf weakly.

"Whoa... oh wow..." Telo whispers as he thrusts in hard, grinding his knot against her opening, rubbing up against her burning clit, sending a full body shiver through the climaxing femme.

"I want you to cum on me, both of you cum on me!" She shouts, the boy's thrusts jerking, both males nearing their peaks.

"Oh yeah..." Flipper moaned, feeling his seed rushing up through his plumbing. At the last second, he withdrew, sliding his cock along Strawberry's tight ass. His tip passed the base of her tail and fired onto her back. He groaned, watching the white streamers paint off-white stripes fall onto her dark tiger marks. The fox male panted, the last few throbs of his aching cock dribbling a small pool of cum onto the vixen's right ass cheek.

"God this girl's hot..." The fox muttered before falling flat on his back in the shallow water, satiated.

Telorance grabbed the femme and thrust in, hard and fast. Her upper body fell back, back arched and tits bouncing beautifully as the wolf fucked her like a maniac. This last bit of power fucking took Telo that last step before his blood hit the boiling point. Strawberry groaned as Telo took her like a jackhammer, still very much in the throes of orgasm, incapable of registering anything around her beside that glorious cock in her body.

With a howl that split the air, his cock popped out, spurting like a geyser. Thick ropy jets of come flew, painting the vixen from chin to clit, splattering her with his seed. Strawberry giggled, feeling the hot jizz soak into her fur, giving her a full set of new stripes in perfect contrast to the old. The pair fell back into the water, Telorance thoroughly drained and Strawberry satisfied... for now.

"Oh man... when are we doing this again?" Flipper asked aloud.

"Is tomorrow good for you boys?" Strawberry ventured. Both the gray fox and wolf bolted upright in the water. The vixen smiled at each male in turn. The pair looked to each other and groaned, falling back into the warm gentle surf of the lake.

"We got our work cut out for us..." Telorance whispered to the slate colored fox.

"No shit."


Disclaimer: this is smut. Don't read unless you're legally allowed to do so. Any and all input is appreciated. Oh, and this is the tenth installment of this little story. Gift The bunny and mouse girls sat on the curb out in front of the...

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Disclaimer: No reading if you're underage or if this is illegal where you live. Note: This is not part of my ongoing little series, it's just something I cooked up with some six hours of downtime... enjoy. Stars "Hey Grayson,...

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Past Tense

Disclaimer... You know already, porn... underage... bad... etc... Past Tense The vixen was refreshed after a wonderfully relaxing night in the Carlton Hotel. The masseuse was heavenly, as was the room service. It was disgustingly...

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