The Presentation

Story by Shilvascat on SoFurry

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Man, this piece is old. Was actually the second one I ever posted on FurAffinity, back in 2010. I fixed some errors in spelling and grammar and decided I'd throw it up on here, my third account. Hope you like it!

The professor took a fatal sip of his beer. "For the last time, I 'will' present my findings!" The executive across the table grinned widely. "You know... of course you will. I don't see why it matters." With this, the fox blinked. "It... doesn't? But.. my work puts your company in the worst light possible, when I publish, your sales will-" He was cut off by the wolf across the table. "Believe me, we have that all taken care of." The professor gave him a blank look. "Yes, yes, the results are damning. We have that taken care of, you can present all you want- we'll still... professor?" The wolf grinned, but tried again. "...professor?"

The fox across the table, dressed in all his formal attire, continued to give the lupine executive a blank look. His mouth hung slightly open now, a small silver of dark between his pearly whites. His stomach grumbled strangely, and he looked down. It seemed to be bulging out, a bit. But he didn't care. He felt nice. It felt nice. Everything was... nice. His head began to throb, just a bit.

"So... professor." The fox finally looked up, his face still blank. "Uh... uhm, yes..?" he mumbled, eyes glazing. "What were you going to present tomorrow?" There was a pause, and the fox's face screwed up. Present. What 'was' he going to present tomorrow? Was it important? ...why was it important? "Don't you know?" inquired the wolf with a smirk. The fox shook his head. "You weren't going to present anything, y'know. But you were going to go on stage." By this time, the fox just nodded. Stage... he was going... on... stage. Why? Who cared, he was going on stage... stage... what's... what's a... what's a stage? He looked up, tried to ask the nice doggie. But his mouth wouldn't form words. "Stubuubuhhhh... whbubbsss... stbababbuhh..." Drool ran down his chin- he didn't go to wipe it off.

"That's right, you're going on stage." A foul smell filled the room- both the fox and the wolf looked down- one with a wide grin, one with a small little giggle. It was unnoticeable at first, but more and more obvious as time went on- the seat of the professor's expensive, antique slacks were slowly but surely bulging out, turning a sickly brown. His crotch began to turn a dark shade, and yellow urine pooled on the seat. The fox giggled, splashing in the urine a small bit. "You're going on stage. And you're going to be like this."

The fox giggled again, louder and with a small little urp. He slid a hand down the back of his pants, bringing back up his prize- a large, chunky handful of sickly green shit. The wolf just gave a small nod, and the fox squeaked with joy, separating the waste between his two paws, smashing his left all over the clean white of his antique undershirt, staining it forever. The other paw decorated his face with the vile stuff, shoving it in his mouth, up his nose- and down below, the puddle grew onto the floor, the bulge of disgusting, soupy scat threatening to burst his breeches.

The wolf chuckled and stood the fox up, dragging him to another room. When he left, nine hours later, he was disgusting- his belly bulged almost to bursting, and he was continually drooling a brownish-yellow mixture of scat, piss, and saliva. His suit was absolutely ruined- the rear was permanently saggy and brown, torn in places and hanging below, ready to receive its next load. His shirt was caked in brown, green, and yellow splotches. His fur was stained a disgusting color, different colors in different places. He was quietly transported to the event, and during that car ride he temporarily was returned his intelligence. Mostly.

That morning, he stepped out on stage in front of millions, eager to hear what evil companies are doing now. A shocked gasp rang out as he stepped out in his condition- he noticed nothing. He took a fatal sip of the water by the podium, and started to read from his notes. He noticed a small grumble in his stomach- no matter. He took a breath, and opened his mouth to continue his speech- it hung open, and a strand of green, brown, and yellow saliva stated to pour out. His rear started to bulge.

He never spoke again.

A Present

Ky Walker strolled down the hallway to his dorm, with not a care in the world. He was set! He had his life in order, he was breezing through college, had amazing friends, amazing grades, an amazing family- everything a fox could ever want. He even had...

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