A Masters Betrayal - Part 5

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#5 of A Masters Betrayal

This is the final chapter in A Masters Betrayal. I had problems for a while deciding how it was going to end but i'm satisfied with how it came out, I may rewrite it one day but that won't be for a long time. I hope you enjoy the story.

Jinx Hu-ha belongs to Jinx Hu-ha

Dean belongs to Dean the Yiffy Fox

All other characters belong to me carnifex264

Any similarities to any other characters or people fictional or otherwise is purely coincidental.

A Masters Betrayal

Part 5

The room was dark, the only light was the faint light coming from the candles as we sat there on the couch kissing basked in their romantic glow. Our eyes were closed and slowly our kisses grew from simple touching of lips to full on passion, our tongues darted in and out of each others muzzles each one of us fighting for dominance over the other and neither one of us willing to back down.

Our paws frantically touched one another, searching each other with such need and desperation. Our paws fondled, squeezed, rubbed and caressed anything they could lay their hands on, I was in complete ecstasy; my body craving this like a junkie craved another dose of whatever drug he was addicted to.

And that's when it happened, Dean flashed across my mind as it tried to make sense of what was happening. I broke the kiss and gently pushed Gabriel away by the chest a look of confusion and disappointment coming across his face, his eyes...oh god those eyes of his, I felt like a dagger had been shoved into my chest as he looked at me with those pained eyes as tried to figure out why I'd stopped it and to be truthful I wondered why I did too, but the answer was clear and despite the situation and how badly my body wanted this needed this my brain wouldn't let me, not if there was a tiniest chance of Dean and I getting back together.

"Gabriel I..." I stammered trying to explain it to him but the words wouldn't form right and I was left sitting there like a stammering idiot, but then he sighed closed his eyes for a second and looked at me with those pain filled eyes, even more pained than before but the confusion now was absent, he knew what it was I was thinking.

"Its Dean isn't it?" He asked, I meekly nodded my head and looked away trying to avoid his gaze.

"I can't do this with you Gabriel...not yet...maybe not ever." I began to cry, tear forming and sliding down my muzzle. I dared to look him in the eyes again only to have that stabbing pain in my chest return as his pain from my rejection was all too clear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I cried and pulled free form his arms and ran outside into the cold night air, the moon shining brilliantly in the nights sky, the stars twinkling beautifully as I ran down the steps and out into the open air stopping a mere 20 feet from the cabin and collapsing onto an old hollowed out log at the side of the track, my breath clearly visible as I sobbed my heart out. I began to shiver and wrapping my arms round myself trying to keep warm not wanting to go back into the cabin a face Gabriel.

Unfortunately Gabriel followed me outside a few minutes later, I only noticed him approaching when he was within a few feet of me, the loose dirt and gravel crunching beneath his shoes as he approached and without saying a word sat on the far end of the log away from me and looked up into the nights sky and sighed deeply.

We sat in silence for a few moments before I felt I had to say something but it was an awkward kind of silence that was really uncomfortable to break.

"Gabriel...I'm sorry"

"No...sighs...I'm sorry Douglas. I shouldn't have pushed all that onto you like that but the moment just got away from me."

"I think it got away from both of us, I...care for you Gabriel...but I love Dean and so long as there is the tiniest sliver of hope that we can be together again I'm afraid I can't risk it on something like that. Maybe we could be really happy together...who knows but I'm with Dean...or at least I still hope I am."

"You don't need to explain, I do understand. Hurt, feeling like crap at the rejection but I do understand."

"I'm sorry for getting your hopes up like..."

"Don't be silly! It wasn't you it was me. I mean you were...are feeling worried and upset about Dean and never mind about the whole issue with Tony, your wife and your kids on top of that. I never should have made moves on you in the first place."

"Thanks Gabe, I do have one question though."

"Hmm?" He turned to look at me and our eyes met.

"How long have you fancied me? I mean I always thought you were as straight as they come."

"Hahahaha, me too. To be honest I don't really know but I remember getting thoughts about you and Dean together after the first time you guys invited me over to dinner one time and I pawed to those thoughts then it was thoughts about you and me and then, well I fantasized stuff about you every time I saw you and then well I don't know when I first started it but I noticed I was flirting with you time and again and well I was sure you noticed but thought you thought I was just fooling around."

I chuckled nervously, "To be honest I never actually noticed your flirting till today. I'm so dense, I never was good at picking up these subtle hints unless I was looking for them specifically."

"Lets make a promise shall we?" Gabriel asked.

"And what promise might that be?"

"Well..." He paused a little nervous at saying it, "I'll back off completely till you and Dean have things sorted and if you guys get back together again we just forget about the whole thing, but if you and Dean don't get back together and trust me I don't want that to happen okay? But if you don't and once you feel like you can whether it be 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years down the line, we go out on a date and see where things go...how does that sound?" He looked at me with a hopeful expression.

I sat there processing what he said and after a few long moments of silence finally replied, "Okay...I suppose that's reasonable, completely inappropriate, but reasonable." He grinned and his eyes had a flash of happiness about then again which made me chuckle.

"Thanks Douglas, you have no idea how much that means to me and I know that it might never happen but it's appreciated and at the same time."

"Thanks Gabe."

"Now why don't we get you back home, I'm sure Sarah's worried sick about you and your cubs would love to spend time with their Daddy Dearest." He mocked, earning himself a playful shove from me making him fall off the log and making us both fall into fits of laughter. I helped him up when we had composed ourselves and headed for the cabin to gather our stuff and head home.


We pulled up into the drive and as we got out of the car Sarah and Tony came out the front door, Sarah running up to me and hugging me tight when she saw me, Tony remained in the doorway leaning on the door frame with a smile of his muzzle. God how that Tiger infuriated me. I pushed down all my feelings, having promised myself to civil with him for Sarah and the Cubs.

"Oh Douglas I was so worried about you!" Sarah exclaimed and I refrained from saying some sort of snide comment bringing her feelings for me and Tony into the same equation.

"Lets just get inside, I'm fine but I'm freezing cold." I told her and we all made our way into the house.

As I stepped into the living room I was tackled to the floor by Conner and Vincent who once the had me on the floor hugged me tight practically pinning me to the ground making me chuckle loudly as they giggled childishly and Sarah, Tony and Gabriel who added their own snickers, chuckles and laughs to the ensemble.

"I thought you two were in bed." Sarah asked the boys once she had composed herself.

"Awww!!!" The boys cried out in unison followed by Conner giving their excuse.

"But we wanted to see Dad."

"Well be that as it may it's getting late and you..."

"It's all right Sarah," I interrupted her, "They can stay up a little bit after all I want to see them to." I gave the boys a big hug now being free; they had loosened their grip when Sarah had questioned them.

"Gaah!!! Daddy!!!" Vincent squeaked out as I hugged him a bit too tight.

"Hehe, sorry." I said releasing the hug and turning to Sarah and Tony. "So where are you guys staying tonight?"

"We have a hotel booked and we'll be heading there shortly and we were hoping that you'd be all right to have the boys staying here tonight." Tony said pulling Sarah into a hug from behind as I glared at him reading between the lines of his last comment, he wasn't making sure that I'd be okay if the boys staying but rather whether or not I'd be in a fit state to have the boys stay here. I clenched my teeth and stifled a growl so as not to let the boys catch on to my annoyance and hatred of Tony before finally and calmly responding.

"Of course it's all right if the boys stay here, I'd love it if the did." I said with a big smile across my muzzle.

"Well okay then we'll be heading off and we'll be round tomorrow morning sometime and I'll take you round to see where Dean is." My face dropped slightly as I was reminded of Dean.

"We'll see you tomorrow boys, behave yourselves for your father." Sarah said coming up to the boys and kissing both of them on the head and then giving me a peck on the cheek, "And you take care of yourself okay?" As she said that a smile crept across my muzzle and I nodded and she and Tony left getting a chorus of goodbyes from the boys and Gabriel.

"Well I guess I'll be heading home too." Gabriel said as he made his way to the door.

"Gabriel don't be silly, stay here and sleep on the couch, it's late and you've got a long drive." All this was an excuse for him to stay because the whole time I was saying these things my eyes were silently pleading him to stay because...because I needed him to stay? Because I felt guilty at rejecting him earlier? Because I didn't know if I could cope with being without someone to support me at the moment? I didn't know but he got the message and silently nodded his agreement to stay and gave a great big smile and in a loud cheerful voice shouted,

"WHO WANT ICECREAM?!?" Both the Conner and Vincent cheered and jumped up in joy as Gabriel herded them towards the kitchen and I slowly rose to my feet to join them.


It was late at night or early morning however you want to look at it either way it was a good bit before Dawn but well after midnight, the boys were in bed Gabriel and I had carried them their shortly after 1am and returned to the living room and we were sitting at either end of the three seater couch and Gabriel was completely passed out having taken his top off earlier due to how warm it was sleeping there bare chested. I still felt guilty about what had happened at the cabin as as much as I felt it was the right thing to do on my part, a part of me...a big part of me wanted it to happen and to still happen. It wanted to be close to him, to feel him next to me, was it love, lust or dependency?

In any case I moved over to his sleeping form and watched carefully as his chest rose and fell steadily and how his whiskers twitched ever so slightly as he breathed. I sat myself next to him and then leaned against him resting my head on his shoulder and inhaled deeply and took in his glorious comforting scent and felt myself instantly relax and I snuggled into him a bit and felt his arms encircle me and gazing upwards saw a smile creep onto his maw and keeping his eyes closed he asked,

"I thought you didn't want this to happen?"

"I don't but I do at the same time...but right now I only want to be close to someone and even though I want to be with you Gabe, I can't do it and look into Deans eyes again without any more guilt than I already have...I hope you can understand."

"Hehe, I do Douglas, I do. It's all right, even if I can't be with you this will do for now." I let out a deep breath, closed my eyes and let sleep take me, Gabriel s scent and embrace relaxing me.


I was stirred from my slumber as someone made a coughing noise; a fake cough one to get peoples attention. I screwed my eyes shut in irritation and slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust to the faint light in the room, once they had focused I saw Sarah looking down on me with a look of anger and disgust across her maw.

"And what the bloody hell do you call this!" She said with an angry tone of voice but keeping her voice low.

That's when I realised where I was, my head on Gabriel s lap and that I was drooling a little bit. I sat bolt upright with a look of embarrassment, I turned to Gabriel who wore a look of confusion and stared at Sarah.

"Sarah honey, calm down they were only..." Tony began before getting cut of by Sarah who turned back to face him with an angry glare and using the same angry tone shouted at him.

"Shut up Tony! I'm not going to let my sons be exposed to their fathers despicable behaviour! It's bad enough he sleeps with males but then as soon as his partner is out of the picture he goes and sleeps with another male!"

"Hey now that's..." Gabriel tried to interject before stopping as Sarah turned her angry glare on him making him freeze and fold his ears flat submissively.

"As for you!" she began pointing and accusing finger at Gabriel, "I want you out of this house in the next minute before kick your ass out!" At that point I felt something snap inside of me.

"OH WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I bellowed at the top of my voice.

I got to my feet and gave a glare to Sarah which made hers look as scary as a fluffy feral bunny, all three of them shocked silent and stared at me with looks of disbelief. Sarah took a few steps back as I stood up.


Sarah's kept walking backwards as I shouted at her and was stopped as she walked backwards into Tony's large frame. I had never raised my voice to her once while we were married and not even when I walked in on her and Tony fucking in our bed did I raise my voice to her.

"Mummy? Daddy? What's all the shouting about?" Came a voice from the doorway, we all turned to see Vincent and Conner standing in the doorway; Vincent clinging to his older brothers arm and half hidden behind him. As I looked upon them all the anger in me disappeared and I rushed over to them and gave them a hug both of them hugging me back tight.

"Sorry boys, I didn't want you to see that." I apologised to them hugging them a bit tighter. Everyone in the room remained silent in the room after that, an awkward silence falling over the room. Tony coughed purposely trying to break the silence before saying,

"Right then Douglas lets get going, we can deal with this situation later once we've calmed down...all of us." He said emphasising the last part and giving Sarah a look which made her look down shamefully.

I sighed and stood up breaking the hug between my boys and myself and turned to face Tony, Sarah and Gabriel. Tony obviously was a little disturbed whether it was my own or Sarah's outbursts or both that had disturbed him. Sarah was just avoiding eye contact with everyone and Gabriel was looking at me with a look I couldn't quite process but it seemed to me that he was...proud?

"Lets get going." I said heading for the door, Gabriel and Tony following.


We pulled up in front of a complex of buildings about 2 hours later. The buildings looked very modern and sleek, not what I'd expected but then again I didn't really know what to expect. I got very uncomfortable in that building, it gave off the kind of feeling a hospital does but at the same time was very different, maybe it was the intimidating guards that patrolled the corridors making sure all the patients were behaving.

Once we had signed ourselves in and had been given our passes Tony lead us through the confusing corridors to an office. He knocked on the door and didn't bother waiting for a response he just walked straight in.

"Tony you devil, how are you?" A wolf said getting up from behind his desk to give Tony a handshake and a hug. " It's been too long."

"It certainly has but I'm not here on a social call unfortunately." Tony said casting his gaze over to me and Gabriel.

"Of course, of course. I assume you're Douglas." He said walking up to me and shaking my hand giving me a smile."

I took this time to get a good look at him. He was about 5 foot 10 and had a slender build, his suit did highlight his body shape very nicely and it was a damn nice suit. I'm not sure what it was made of but it was black and his pink shirt and purple tie really did make it an eye catching yet conservative outfit. His fur was yellow almost golden colour which was unusual but certainly not unheard of, he had an silver earring in the shape of a male symbol, a circle with an arrow coming out of it in his right ear. The most unusual thing about him was that his eyes were different colours, an intense blue and purple, I couldn't help but continue to stare into his eyes like I was entranced, I felt captivated by them but not in a sexual way, I felt my mind going blank as if I was being hypnotised.

"Oh sorry!" He said break our handshake and our eye contact turning round and walking over to his desk. I stood there on uneasy legs swaying a bit and felt myself swaying just a little too much before I felt Gabriel catch me.

"Wha...What was that?" I questioned in a daze blinking my eyes repeatedly and trying to shake off the woozy feeling.

"Sorry that was my fault I forgot I still had my contacts in." The yellow wolf said turning back round now having taken his contact out and into a container placing them into his suit pocket. His eyes now a soft green colour.

"I use those to try and hypnotise some of the more violent and aggressive patients into a relaxed state, I just came out of a session before you arrived. How ever most furs aren't quite as supseptable as you are to hypnotism, it seems your part of the top 5% of beings who are very susceptable to hypnotism. If you feel a bit fuzzy that'll pass in the next minute or so."

Gabriel at this point had sat me on a chair and was standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder.

"This is Gabriel, Douglass friend." Tony interrupted, "Douglas, Gabriel this is Dr Jinx Hu-ha an old friend and school mate of mine, he specialises in cases like Dean.

"Call me Jinx please, I hate formalities."

The mention of Deans name was enough to snap me out of my daze.

"Is there anything you can do to help Dean?" I asked almost in a begging tone of voice, Jinx look at me with sympathy.

"Well I can help Dean but however I can't guarantee the end result, he could become his old self and have no memory of the event or he could be a shell of his former self but would be able to live a life in regular society with regular psychiatric visits of course and there are many possibilities in between."

We all remained silent for a few moments before I went to say something but was silenced by Jinx raising his hand signalling me to remain quiet for a moment.

"I spent some time with him first thing this morning, his case is not advanced and it was brought on by fear and stress, meaning the feral state was only temporary but the lasting damage has been to his confidence and to his mind in general."

"You said was? Meaning he is no longer feral?" Tony questioned, my heart skipping a beat as my hopes raised dramatically and I looked helplessly between Tony and Jinx for answers; Gabriel gripping my shoulder a bit tighter in comfort.

"Yes, Dean is no longer in a feral state howev..."

"Can I see him!?!" I interrupted not caring about the details only wanting to see my precious fox again. Jinx gave me a questioning look, weighing the options and possibilities in his head for a few moments before answering.

"I suppose so but don't expect too much from your visit and it will only be for a few minutes at most, I wouldn't normally allow this so soon but I'm interested in seeing how Dean reacts, afterwards however I would like to ask some questions about Dean in private and I warn you now that they may be a little personal." Jinx asked in a professional manner but still managed a tone of sympathy in it as well.

"Yes of course, as long as it helps Dean I'll do anything." Jinx smiled.

"Very well then, follow me."

Jinx lead them all to a observation room with a one way mirror, on the other side of that window was Dean.

"Dean!" I shouted running up to the window.

"The rooms sound proof, he can't hear you." Jinx explained but I paid no attention I just stood there watching Dean.

Dean was curled up on the bed sleeping on top of the covers his tail wrapped round his curled form, he was wearing some sort of loose white pyjama bottoms and a white T-Shirt. The room was very bare, padded walls and floor, a simple bed and a table and a toilet in the corner of the room with a curtain in front of it to give privacy.

"Can I go in and see him?"

"You can but I want to go in first." I nodded eagerly. "Just wait here, I'll signal you to come in."

Jinx left and a few moments later entered the room Dean was in, a big burly guard walking in with him and standing by the door watching. Jinx nelt next to the bed and started talking to Dean who woke up. Jinx was saying something to Dean but I couldn't hear in here. After a few moments Dean nodded and Jinx looked at towards the mirror and beckoned me in with a hand gesture.

Up till this point I had been all too eager to see Dean but now I was just moments from doing so I was getting very nervous. I made my way out of the observation room and knocked on the door for the guard to open it. The door opened and I walked in, my eyes immediately drifted towards Dean.

As soon as Dean saw me it was like time slowed down, he looked at me indifferently and in slow motion I saw his face change to one of absolute terror until he screamed out in fear. He screamed and leapt off the bed and into the far away corner of the room on his knees shielding himself with his arms. I tried to approach him but the guard grabbed me and tried to pull me from the room, I resisted of course all I wanted to do was get to Dean. I shook of the guard and got halfway across the room before being tackled to the floor I was restrained and pulled from the room. The last thing I saw before being removed was Dean still cowering in the corner but know kneeling in a puddle of his own urine, I felt my heart break all over again at that sight.

I was taken back to Jinxs office by the guards, Tony and Gabriel following close behind. I was being restrained by two guards but I was so disheartened I wouldn't have put up any resistance anyway.

I sat in Jinxs office Tony and Gabriel offering words of comfort to me but they fell on deaf ears, I was so consumed by my depression I didn't hear them and didn't come out of my depression induced trance until the office door opened about 30 minutes later and Jinx walked in.

"Well that could have gone better. Apparently Douglas your the cause of Deans...condition. No offence meant." Jinx explained.

"His fear of you may pass but as I understand it you two are...partners?" I just nodded to him, unable to speak in fear that I may just start crying if I try.

"When you're feeling up to it I would like to ask some questions but if you want to leave it for another day I'll understand."

"I'll do it..." I croaked my voice cracking as I try to hold back the tears. "...lets just get this over with."

Gabriel and Tony left leaving Jinx and I in privacy, at first the questions were about Dean and I, how we met what had happened during our relationship and then went on to me, about how I felt during the whole experience and when I was going to kill myself when I was with Dean etc...

By the time we had finished 3 hours had passed and I had more or less explained the last year of my life in great detail to him.

"Thank you Douglas, this will help me in treating Dean now I think it's best if you go home and rest." I nodded, exhaustion having long taken over my body and my muscles hurt as I stood up.

"Is there any chance Dean and I will be together again?" I asked, my voice giving away my doubt of the possibility. Jinx sighed and shook his head before answering.

"I'll be honest Douglas, I have never seen a relationship survive through this kind of trauma so the chances are nearly non-existent however I've seen some relationships survive when I never thought they would. My best advice for you Douglas, don't live your life hoping for the best to happen, go and live your life."

"So you just want me to forget about Dean?"

"No, no, no, heavens no. This relationship from what you've told me has been good for both of you despite how its turned out. And from what I can see you've got someone who still loves you waiting out there when the time comes that you're ready to move on." I looked at him confused making him chuckle.

"He-he-he, you're panther friend, Gabriel, I can tell he cares for you more than just a friend. I can see it in his eyes." I looked shocked, I had left out the parts where Gabriel had shown affection for me when talking to Jinx.

"Now go home Douglas, your cubs are waiting and children I find are very therapeutic." I simply nodded as tears streamed down my cheeks and shook his hand in thanks before making my way out, as I opened to the door Jinx called to me.

"If you want you can come and visit Dean from time to time, not meeting him in person but just from an observation room, I'll be more than happy yo make the arrangements."

"I'll think about it thanks." I left closing the office door behind me.


Gabriel shook me gently waking from my slumber.

"Huh...what?" I asked still sleepy, the entire afternoon had been very draining and I had fallen asleep on the drive back to the house.

"Come on we're back at yours, lets get you inside."

We entered the house and were welcomed by the smell of cooking steak, it overwhelmed my senses and I couldn't help but drool a little bit as my stomach growled noisily, once we were in the living room Conner and Vincent ran over to welcome us.

"Good timing guys dinners nearly ready, Sarah shouted to us from the kitchen. We all sat down to eat our dinner.

"Well Douglas Tony and I will be heading back tomorrow, are you sure your al-right to have the boys stay with you? We can bring them back in a few weeks if it's easier for you."Sarah explained.

"It's al-right, I want to spend as much time with them as possible and besides it'll be good for keeping me busy."

"Well then I guess I'll arrange a few weeks holiday for you then when I head back to work tomorrow Douglas." Gabriel chimed in. "It'll let you get your life in order and school starts in three weeks so you'll be sorted and won't have to worry about baby sitters while your at work till the squirts are back at school."

"HEY! I am not a squirt!" Conner whined making us all laugh.


As the weeks and months rolled by I got my life together and did visit Dean a couple of times and seeing how much happier he was since the last time he saw me made it easier to move on with my life, I still loved Dean but his happiness always came first.

The boys got up to the usual childhood mischief but nothing too bad, and Gabriel became a frequent visitor at mine and often stayed the night. We never did anything but I always felt better knowing he was there and Conner and Vincent loved him, he had a way with kids.

Conner and Vincent went to stay with their mother and Tony on the Holidays and it was now the Easter holidays and I invited Gabriel to stay with me because I hated being alone in the house.


"Man it's quiet without the boys here isn't it?" Gabriel commented as he he took another mouthful of lasagne.

"Yeah, It gets lonely by your self." I replied poking my lasagne with my fork.

"What's up Douglas? It's not like you not to play with your food."

"Well I kinda have something on my mind..." I said trying to steady my nerves, my breathing becoming quick and panicked.

"Oh?" Gabriel replied putting his fork down to give me his full attention.

"Yeah well...I've kinda decided...I mean...I was wondering...I mean..." I started stuttering

"Come on Douglas, you can tell me anything."

I took a deep breath.

"I was hoping you'd consider...moving in with me..." I cringed as I said it my eyes clenched shut.




The silence went on for a few moments but to me it felt like hours.

"Of course I would! I'd love to!" My eyes went wide as dinner plates as he said this. My heart was racing. Gabriel stood up and walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Does this mean you want to be my boyfriend?" he asked in a lusty voice making me blush.

"Yeah...yes it does."

"So...what about Dean? Don't get me wrong I'm ecstatic that you want to do this but I want you to be sure."

"I'm sure...he's better off without me and he was released a couple of months back and he hasn't made contact in any way so I'm pretty sure he doesn't want anything to do with me. Please don't think that I'm taking you as a replacement or second prize or anything like that, I...I..."

"Shh...I know, we talked about it months ago remember? I was willing to bow out if Dean wanted you back and I agreed to wait till you were ready to be with me and here we are now." He gave me a loving smile and kissed me on the lips which I gladly returned.

We remained there kissing for a good while before deciding to take this to the bedroom and consummate out relationship.

I practically dragged him into the room and threw him on the bed before pouncing on him and kissing him passionately, our tongues dancing with each other in a battle of dominance as our hands undressed each other, soon enough we were completely naked and our cocks were fully erect and begging for release. We continued to kiss and we ground our cocks together, shivers of pleasure ran up my spine as his barbed cock rubbed against mine. He rolled over and pinned me beneath him, not that I minded, I loved how he dominated me.

He gripped both our cocks together and stroked them, I moaned out in pleasure as my cock spurted pre all over my belly. I could feel my climax rising already, my breaths became short and shallow as the pleasure built up. Gabriel was moaning loudly as well and our moans only grew louder as he stroked us off even faster, my paws gripping the bedsheets tightly as I peaked.

I grunted as I came, the initial stream of cum hitting me square on the muzzle and the rest coating my chest and stomach, My orgasm had all but stopped when Gabriel himself came all over me, his cum mixing with mine in my fur. He collapsed on top of me, our cum mashing into his fur as he nuzzled and licked me as I did the same to him.

"I love you Douglas..."

"I love you too Gabe." We kissed passionately and continued to have sex long into the night.


It was a few days later, Gabriel and I had just finished our morning shower together and I was in the kitchen making brunch for both of us when the door bell went.

"I'll get it!" I shouted as I ran to answer it. I opened the door and was shocked to see who was there it was Jinx and...Dean.

"Hi Douglas..." Dean said timidly, he stood a step behind Jinx as if hiding behind him. I stood there speechless and open mawed for a few moments before gathering my wits.

"Please...please come in." I said opening the door wider for them to enter. They entered the living room and sat on a couch, Dean sat very closely to Jinx and acted nervously, I sat on the couch opposite them, Jinx was about to speak when Gabriel walked in.

"Hey Douglas who was at the d..." He went silent when he saw Dean.

"Well I guess I should explain why we are here." Jinx began.

"Please do." Gabriel said moving to take a seat next to me.

"Well we are here for two reasons, one is help Dean get over his well...fear of you Douglas." His words cut deep and I'm sure he noticed me flinch when he said them. "And secondly well, I think it's best if Dean tells you rather than me." He turned to Dean who was staring at me while nervously playing with his jacket sleeve.

"Uh...I...we..." Dean stuttered only to be reassured by Jinx.

"It's all right Dean, tell him. I'm right here." Dean looked away and continued to speak.

"Jinx said that it'd be good for me to see you...closure or something." We all remained silent and waited for Dean to continue who was obviously very uncomfortable, I assumed it was because of me.

"He..well I...I mean both of us wanted you to know that...Jinx and I are...together."

Both Gabriel and I gave a shocked look to Jinx who was quick to speak.

"Now now it's not what you think, we actually only got together a couple of weeks ago...I wanted you to know because I know you still have feeling for Dean." Jinx was obviously very nervous himself about the whole ordeal.

"I do..." I said, Jinx tensed a bit and Dean looked at me with worry, "...but if Dean is happy I'm happy." All three of them let out a sigh of relief.

"Well that's very...kind of you Douglas."

"I had hoped that Dean would have forgiven me and come back to me but after visiting a couple of times I knew it wasn't going to happen so I...I moved on...I still love you Dean but it will never be the same between us and I'm sorry for what I did to you..I hope you can forgive me one day and I hope you have happy life with Jinx...sniff..." I ran out of the room and into the bedroom and shut the bedroom door behind me before collapsing onto the bed in a heap of tears.

A while later I heard the bedroom door open and Gabriel sat on the bed next to me and hugged me.

"You okay?"

"Sniff...yeah...I think so..."I replied.

"Good. You know when I first saw him I though he had come to take you back...I was...worried."

I turned to look at him.

"Don't be...I still care for Dean I won't lie to you but what we had...can never be what it was and could never be like what we have now. When I agreed to myself to let Dean go I meant it and even if he wanted me back I wouldn't go...because I have you. Dean saved me once and I betrayed him but you also saved me and now I'm all yours. I love you Gabriel."

Gabriel didn't say anything he simply leant down and kissed me.

"I love you too."