Meet Me Under the Moonlight (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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Atop the lone hill there was silence, though not too far away in the valley there was the commotion of the fall festival. Of the various tribes, there came a gathering of leaders that sought to mingle and pay homage to one another. Games were often had and plenty of rare delicacies were flaunted and enjoyed. Rare spectacles were paraded, and for an entire week the area near the Hathwood Forest teamed with the constant call of good spirits.

The festival was in remembrance of the moon goddess that was said to bring fertility, as such the festival was a common place to sire cubs. Most of the sexual activity was meant to happen on this night in particular, when the harvest moon was at it's apex and glowed like a massive basin in the sky, so bright that one would be able to read by its light.

A single silhouette stood perfectly still on the hill that overlooked the festival activities, a being that had an hourglass figure and robes secured around her to accentuate her thick features. Out from her hood stuck her snout, a green scaled thing with rows of interlocking teeth. She glanced around with bright yellow eyes. Her name was Mezza, an alligator woman that was known among the various tribes, though she tended to have no affiliate, she still enjoyed the festivities. She pulled her long robe around her strong form a bit tighter as a small breeze picked up, but with it came the scent of a close by friend.

She tuned her head in time to see a familiar mare come sauntering up the side of the hill, her form shambling and her steps appearing to be uneven. Mezza smirked to herself and turned to face the equine female. The newcomer was dressed in a simple skirt and top that was secured over her large breasts. Her shoulders were covered in steel plating, her right hand had a gauntlet and by her hip was a pair of swords that were secured by a heavy, leather belt. Her exposed stomach was rippled with ab muscles, and the exposed portions of her arms and legs showed off a great deal of strength.

It was easy to see that she was a warrior of some type, kin to the Grand Berserkers to the West. Though ferocious in battle, they were also known to party the hardest, the the mare looked to have been quite a few tankards down already.

"Ruth'ere! Enjoying the festival I see," the alligator woman said pleasantly and took a few steps closer to her friend, her long, purple robe concealing her entire body save for her feet. The mare seemed to be a bit dazed but she shook her head and suddenly wore a big grin as she recognized the sorceress.

"Mezza! You're here!" she laughed and picked up her pace, climbing to the top of the hill and stopping a few feet shy of the other. She wore a bright blush across her face, a mark that was barely visible beneath her light brown fur coat, her thick tussle of golden hair falling over her face and shoulders. Normally she would have had it up in a bun but for now the night had taken her inhibitions.

The berserker tried to give a formal bow like the magically inclined were known to do for one another, but she did it more of as a joke and almost ended up toppling over on herself. Mezza grinned and couldn't help but laugh, returning the bow in a properly elegant fashion. When the two straightened themselves, the equine girl spoke.

"So!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, causing the alligator woman to flinch. "What's got us all the way up 'ere for anyways?" she grumbled and rested both fists on her hips, her huge breasts and strong chest getting puffed out in the truest style of a warrior. Mezza couldn't keep herself from giggling at the sight, being oh so typical of the over confidant woman.

When she had composed herself she drew open her long robe, revealing that she wore no clothing beneath it. Her light green colored breasts and belly seemed to shimmer under the silver light of the moon, the insides of her legs and arms holding the same hue.

Though her sight was fuzzy from alcohol the equine still had the clarity to admire the very sexy sorceress. The way her pink nipples puckered under the cool, autumn air caused a shiver to run of the equine's spine and some naughty thoughts to form in her mind. There came a peculiar feature to the mare as her eyes drew between the other woman's legs however, as in place of what normally should have been a delicious looking pussy, there was instead a thick, flaccid cock. As Ruth'ere tried to make sense of what her eyes were telling her, the alligator was digging around at an inline pocket of her robe.

Suddenly the sorceress produce a small jar about seven inches tall and four inches wide, capped by a tin lid. When the berserker turned her gaze up to the new object she couldn't keep herself from bursting out in laughter. Within the small glass confines was a little puma, immediately recognized to be the equine's squire and battle servant. He had been shrank to just six inches tall and he wore a worried, pleading look as he fruitlessly tapped on the transparent wall.

"Roscoe!" Ruth'ere shouted and stepped up closer to the jar to have a closer look. "You rascal! What did you do to get yourself in there?" She said as another round of giggles caused her to hold her belly.

"I caught your servant here snooping around in my tent looking for gold and the such. Figured I'd shrink him to better present the question of a proper punishment," Mezza explained and settled her other, webbed hand on her hip.

Read the full story here: