Diaper Daze/Club Aroma (warning scat!)

Story by TwistedTales on SoFurry

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This is a commission for luftpup over on FA http://www.furaffinity.net/user/luftpup

I am still accepting these if anyone is curious!

This is more or less a sequel to "A shitty date" http://www.furaffinity.net/view/21890782/

Here we have Zeph going meeting yours truly for some...rather fun and intense training to make his wildest dreams come true. I am rather proud of this one if i do say so myself! As always, this story is FULL of raunchy, filthy, horrid, nasty stuff. So whip it out and be prepared. For all of you who still don't get it. THIS STORY CONTAINS POOPY STUFF!

Okay, you were warned! Here is Diaper Daze/Club Aroma! Let me know what you all think! Also this story does contain breathplay. If anyone is put off by that, this is a warning for all of you. No death, just control!

Also I think this is my first story with my OC Ravage in it, I can't wait to see what you think of her.

Well, with no further delay, here it is folks! <3

Diaper Daze

Zephyrlot sat at his computer, still staring at the scene on his computer. His cock twitched in his paw as the last of his cum shot into his diaper. "Fuck, what I wouldn't give to be able to do what some of these guys do." He moaned as he sunk back into his chair. Ty strolled into the room brushing his teeth with a chuckle, catching his roommate in the act. The large silver furred tiger padded up behind the fox and pressed a paw against the back of his sagging diaper.

"Fantasizing again about being able to choke down a rhino sized load of shit without puking eh?" Ty teased as he felt the foxes load squish against his paw. "Damn...that's a big one today, been saving up for a while eh?" Zeph gasped and hiked up his tail upon feeling that hot sludge push against his tush.

"FUCK!...I don't know how a big guy like you moved around so quietly...but to answer your question, yea, yea I am." Zeph sighed as he watched the video fade to black. Ty stuck the toothbrush in his mouth and wrapped both arms around the fox to start typing on the keyboard. "W-what are you doing...and isn't brushing your teeth sort of counter-productive considering where your off to?" Zeph snickered.

"What? Master Roland and Mistress Vira demand perfection, so I give it to them." He said pridefully. After a few more clicks on the keyboard, a new website popped up on the screen,

"Huh? Whats this? Twisted-Desires.com? this better not be some deep web shit! I know every scat site out there, and I have never heard of this one." The fox said with a bit of an uneasy tone to his voice. Ty rolled his eyes and slapped him across the ass with a chuckle.

"That's because it's not a scat site dingus...Vira and Roland showed it to me when I was cleaning up one day. It's how they reach out to find new pets and slaves for the farm." He remarked casually while heading back to the bathroom.

"You never told me how you got that job by the way!" Zeph shouted over his shoulder to the Tigerian as he closed the bathroom door. "I swear to god, one day he will tell me how the fuck he got that job..." he turned his gaze back to the computer with a bit of a grimace. Something didn't sit right with him about this site. It was nicely designed, not a single porn ad in sight, no pop-ups, no holy fuck messages from his anti-virus. With a reluctant sigh, the fox clicked the enter button. Instinctively he closed his eyes, assuming the worst was to happen. With one eye cracked, he glanced at the screen. There was but one text bar on the screen with the words 'Tell us your desire' written above it in a deep red color. "Ty...am I about to take a hit out on someone?" he called out hesitantly.

"Oh my god! Need I remind you that you let that donkey plaster your face to the wall when the shitter in his stall was broken! Didn't even know the guy. All he said was hurry up I have to shit, and you said in the nastiest tone you could...well come on in, my fur is too clean anyways...HAH!" Ty snickered from the bathroom. "Just follow the instructions dingus!" Zeph turned back to the computer. After a few moments, he typed 'I desire to be able to eat a Rhino sized load of shit without puking. I want to be a good shit eater.' After a few moments, another text bar came up with the words 'How much does this desire mean to you?' Zeph took a few moments to think to himself before typing into the box. 'It means everything to me. I want to be able to eat scat effortlessly.' Zeph felt himself getting aroused again already as he just sat there in his sludge filled diaper. As he waited for the screen to change, the fox began to rock in his chair. He loved how it felt when shit got mashed up against his rump, it made him feel so...dirty. This time the window changed more akin to a social media website. After a few moments, a small chat window popped up.

_ _

_ _ Mistress-Ravage: So...you want to become a good little scat eater do you? Have you ever eaten before or am I going to have to start from scratch? Both is fine, I just like to know what I am working with,

_ _ Zeph blinked a few times and moved his mouse down towards the chat and gave it a click. The fox was given a new prompt as he clicked upon the window. 'We can worry about your profile later, for now let's choose your username _______' Zeph thought for a little bit before typing into the window. 'ShitPantsFox.' Once that was done, the window was open to him to respond to. He took a few seconds to gather his courage before replying.

ShitPantsFox: Yes, I have eaten before. I'm pretty good at eating my own with no problem. I can sometimes eat my roommates okay, though it depends on what, or WHOSE he has been eating. My problem is quantity. I want to eat more of it...I want my belly to swell with it and not instantly puke it up.

Zeph bit his lip as he clicked send, watching his message pop up.

Mistress-Ravage: Ahhh, so you aren't a vanilla after all, you've got some hot fudge on you after all. Very nice...I don't expect you have any pictures or videos of yourself eating either your own or someone else's? I want to see how you go about doing it. I am already going to help you, oh yes. By the time I am done with you little foxy, you will by gulping down elephant sized chunks of shit and still want more.

ShitPantsFox: Do I have to? I get a little shy about stuff like that.

_ _

_ _ Mistress-Ravage_:_ I'm sorry...I thought this meant everything to you? You were given access to this site because you had a desire. So, do not waste my time on this! There are hundreds of scat hungry sluts on here who would dive head first into a waste treatment plant if it meant they could serve me. It is the fact that you seem to not know who I am that also intrigues me.

Zeph's eyes widened as he read those words, a sudden question ripped through his mind.

ShitPantsFox_:_ Are you famous? Like the Buckhides?

_ _

_ _ Mistress-Ravage: _Yeulch...those pretentious incestuous equines cannot hold a candle to me, but I will not brag about myself. If you would rather go to a farm where there is shit, and muck, and filth a plenty then I will send you the address. I am sure Roland will have you broken in no time at all. Though if you actually want to satisfy your desires, then come to club 'Aroma' tonight. When you see the bouncer out front, just say 'The doe sent me' and you should have no problems. By the way, NO! pooping until you are here, a quick question though, are you messy right now?


** ** Zeph read the screen, and made sure to write the instructions down so he wouldn't forget them. His cheeks flushed a dark red as he received his very first order from this mystery woman. Then there was that question. He took a deep breath and writhed in that slimy gunk settling in the bottom of his diaper.

ShitPantsFox: Alright...I will be there, do I need to tell you what I look like or anything? Oh...right, you still want that video, hold on. User:ShitPantsFox: Has uploaded a video_ _ Foxxiesfeast/Tuesday__. Well...there you go.

** Mistress-Ravage:** I will watch that later, the important thing is I will know what to look for tonight. Again, I want you at Club 'Aroma' tonight at 5:45, and be hungry.

** -** User has disconnected-

Zeph leaned back, and let the whole conversation sink in, he was nervous as all hell, but ina good way. With a loud squelch, the fox finally lifted himself out of the seat. Zeph waddled his way towards his room. Ty called out as he passed the bathroom. "Soo? How did it go?" he said in a rather teasing voice. Zeph glanced down at the throbbing erection in his diaper, unsure of what to make of the situation.

"Well...I have an 'appointment' with someone named Mistress Ravage tonight at..." before he was able to finish his sentence, Ty popped his head out from the bathroom.

"CLUB AROMA?! Are you serious? My god you got lucky right off the bat. I had to pull some serious time and favors to get an invite there. Zeph took a few moments to stare at his roommate, who was done up like a model.

"J-jesus Ty...y-you look gorgeous! What the fuck is going on over there today?" The dolled up tigerian ran a paw through his hair with a light blush.

"It was Vera's idea, she wants to make a video for Roland today. She is also spending some time in the 'make-up' chair today and is gonna look like a young stud, er dick girl. I don't know, she might tape them down." He bit down on his lip in excitement. "Oh, I don't care! It's going to be amazing!" He grinned and shut the door. "No peeking! You can see it all in the video! Now I want to hear all about it when I see you tomorrow!" Zeph rolled his eyes before heading into his room to get ready for the night.

A couple of hours later Zeph left the apartment, and made his way to the address he found for the club. As he drove there, all he could think about was what sort of place this could be. He finally arrived at what seemed to be a thriving nightclub, with a massive line formed outside. "There's no way this is the place..." he mumbled to himself. The fox sighed to himself feeling that he was set up. With that in mind, he was in a public place in a four-hour old soiled diaper, which was hot as hell. He found himself a place to park and made his way to the entrance, much to the curiosity of everyone in line. The bouncer was a massive bull-moose, and was having no trouble keeping people in line. He glanced down to Zeph with a raised brow.

"Look kid, I know you think this is some new fancy club eh? But this is a very niche, and specialty club. Not to mention I got people lined up for hours just to get in eh. If you really wanna know about this place, just go home and look up Club Aroma. It's gonna ask you for a passcode, just type in 'chocolate'". He chuckled as he turned away from Zeph. Zeph snorted a bit and took a step closer to the moose.

"Actually..." Zeph said while clearing his throat. "I was told to tell you that the doe sent me," The fox muttered under his breath. The moose froze and glanced down to the fox with a bit of a smirk.

"Well then, guess she got herself a new one already. Alright then go on inside. If the doe sent for ya, then you already have an idea on what's inside." He chuckled as he opened the door for the fox. "Also, nice load kid, I could smell you from down the block. As he ushered in the fox, the entire line began to protest. Zeph could hear the moose shout back at them as the doors close behind him. Once inside, Zeph saw just what sort of club this was. Club Aroma was a high class, bonafide, filth club. There were bartenders pouring foul looking martini's, dancers on stage smearing shit on themselves, there were escorts in the corner booths shitting right into open maws. Even with all the open filth and sludge seen by the naked eye, the place was remarkably clean and void of that fetid aroma. Zeph made his way through the club, marveled that a place like this exists right in the middle of the city.

"Wait?!...Ty KNEW about this place?" he grunted angrily to himself the realization hit him. His eyes were drawn to a bull on stage jerking himself off with a flesh-light full of brownish green sludge. He had the words "Shit-cow" drawn on his chest in his own manure. Zeph just stood there and watched the bull hump into the shit filled toy. Each thrust he slammed into it caused more of that vile sludge to ooze out and plop onto the ground. The bull glanced down and winked at him while leaning down to nuzzle into the food trough that was on stage. As he came back up, his face was completely covered in a thick green muck. Zeph felt a sudden paw press against his rump, pushing that cold shit against his ass.

"It took him about two days to fill that trough up. I've been feeding him nothing but vegetarian chili for a week to get him ready for this performance." A strong feminine voice called out from next to him. "Keep watching...it's the finale" she reached up and grabbed him by the jaw, forcing his gaze to keep on the stage. Zeph moaned upon feeling that cold shit squish against his body by the mystery guest. He didn't need the help however, he was already completely enthralled with the performance on stage. The bull wiped his face and smeared it all over his body, the applause around the stage growing. The bull pulled off the fleshlight, revealing his scat stained tool for everyone to see. The bull dunked it into the trough and slammed it back onto his length with quite a loud squelch. The bovine took a deep breath before dunking his head into the trough again, but stayed under. His hips began to thrust violently as his throat began to make large gulps. Zeph's eyes widened as he saw the performers belly begin to swell.

"Oh...oh my god, h-he's actually..."

"Chugging? Oh yes. 'Vitelli' up there is one of my best performers. When he first came to me I had him hooked up to our plumbing system for about a month. I never thought I would see a grown bull cry from being pulled away from a sewer pipe." The voice said with a snicker. The bull began to wretch a bit and fight to stay down. It could be seen that his stomach emptied a bit, though quickly starts to fill back up. "There we go, power through it big guy" she said with a soft moan. There was a loud vile slurp, followed up by a loud moan as the bull tossed his head back. With a few more thrusts his cock exploded into the fleshlight. A septic mixture of cum and manure began to pour out of the toy. The bull collapsed onto the stage gasping for air as the audience erupted in applause, and moans. During the uproar, the woman tugs on Zeph's paw. "Come on, this way. I believe it is time for a formal introduction." Zeph now saw who this woman was, or at least part of her. She was a crimson red doe, with a body that even a gay man would fall to his knees for. She paraded around with a powerful confidence. Everyone she passed acknowledged her or seemed to know who she was. Finally, the two of them reached an ivory door guarded by two stallions. "Howdy boys, just bringing a recruit down to the training room, I want NO interruptions" The stallions smirked in unison and moved out of the way. The doe glanced back with those stunning green eyes of hers. "By the way...I'm Ravage" she smirked.

She led him down the hallway to an ebony door with a small control panel next to it. The doe leaned down and whispered into the mic. "I didn't actually think you'd come with a load in your pants. I am very impressed with the size as well." She called back as she pushed the door open. Ravage flicked on a light and made her way down the stairs and into a rather large playroom. There were toys of every shape and size on display on the way, as well as several types of restraints. Organized in the corner were all matter of apparatuses and kink devices for varying types of fetish play. "I am sure your first question is if I am simply going to hook you up to the waste pipes like Vitelli." She inquired with a slight chuckle to her voice. "To answer you simply, no. Whenever Vitelli came to me, he wished for that. He was quite the skilled eater already, and wanted his limits destroyed. For now, I want you stripped down diaper off please." She commanded in a firm tone while walking behind a screen divider. "Now before we begin, this is your chance to explain or make me aware of anything you wish me to know. I say this because once we start, you...are...mine." Zeph felt his cheeks flush hot as this dominatrix ordered him around so easily.

"Well...if I can be honest, I am kind of new I guess to being with women. I'm not against it, just have my preferences. I am, or want to be a filthy fox. I love or want to be a truly nasty fox. Most of the porn I have is just...digusting." He spoke out. Ravage appeared from behind the screen in nothing but a black leather skirt and purple corset.

"Explain" she inquired as she peeled off her panties and draped them over her shoulder. Zeph noticed the gnarly looking skid-mark along the inside of her panties. Zeph took a deep breath.

"Scat swallowing, vomit, scat through nose, I've seen furs glue their muzzles to animal puckers, snot, massively filled diapers, etc." Ravage tapped her chin with the crop she now held in her paw.

"Hmmm you are quite the scat hungry fox, aren't you?" She chuckled a bit. "My dear vulpine, I have no interest in fucking you. Scat holds no bias or judgement, you will eat my shit and that is all there is to it." Ravage said with a smirk. The doe took a few steps towards Zeph before draping the panties over his nose. "SNIFF!" she commanded as she knelt to pick up the diaper. "My god...is this all yours?" she marveled while leaning down to take a whiff of her own. A grimace came over her face before the cervine stuck her tongue out to give it a single lick. "Absolutely vile...this pleases me foxy." Commented the doe. "Now, as I said you WILL be eating my shit tonight. Every mouthful and it will be staying in your belly. This isn't a question or an order it's a fact. I don't need you to comply seeing as how you have no true control in the matter. With that in mind if at any point you are overwhelmed, simply say Christmas, and our session is over." She began to walk around him with a soft moan escaping her throat. "My my, not bad at all. Tail up please." She gently tapped his tail with her crop as she approached his backside. There was a pleased hiss coming from behind him as she spread his cheeks. "My god you are filthy absolutely disgusting. Mkay, so my first order is as follows. All of this..." she says while circling her crop around his ass. "Goes unwashed for a week. Interpret that how you wish, but no washing your ass for one whole week." She walked around to his front and tapped behind his knees with his crop. "Kneel for me please, and open up that muzzle wide." Grinned Ravage. Zeph found himself obeying her without question, his body reacting to her every word. The vulpine knelt and opened his muzzle wide for her. She glanced down his maw with a curious look. "Mmmmkay...I think I can find a good fit for you." Chuckled Ravage before walking off to the wall of toys. She pulled off a tyrannosaurus toy from the wall and made her way back to him.

"Is there anything else you want to know? I-I am sorry if I am speaking out of turn. This is all kind of new to me." He muttered softly as he knelt down. Ravage quirked a brow as she set the toy down on the table next to where they were set up.

"Well, actually now that you mention it yes. I want to know what else you like, surely filth and scat aren't your ONLY kinks?" asked the doe with an inquisitive tone. While she waited for him to answer, the reindeer began to set up her strap-on harness.

"I actually find breath-play, breath-control really, really hot. That and of course anal, if it wasn't obvious." He said with a heavy moan as his eyes fixated on the toy. Ravage glanced up to him with a flash of those seductive eyes.

"Ahhh, so you'll enjoy choking on my cock as I stuff it down your throat? Excellent. I wonder if I can make you cum from it. Also, as of this point you are not my pet, property or what have you. You are free to speak to me however you wish BUT! Keep in mind that respect is everything. I am going to give you one last chance to back out and speak freely before we start. I am offering this as a courtesy because you're not accustomed to the tidal wave that is about to hit you." Spoke the deer in a rather stern voice. Zeph glanced around and felt his gaze land upon the buxom doe before him. He was unsure of how to feel at this point, this doe seemed to have a way of manipulating all his buttons. He shook his head softly, feeling his sheath begin to swell in anticipation at what she had planned for him.

All at once the doe's expression changed as she turned around, and presented her ass to him. Her cheeks were completely covered in caked on shit that must have been hours old. The pattern was clear that she had shat herself and simply not changed. The smell that hit Zeph's nose was unbelievable. There was a beyond foul rancid stench to it that churned his stomach, yet aroused him greatly at the same time. "Clean me!" she commanded out before pressing her ass right against his muzzle. Without even thinking about it, Zeph stuck his tongue out obediently. Zeph began to slobber over her ass greedily. The taste wasn't too noticeable at first, until it began to melt on his tongue. "Ohhh...good boy! That's it, get it all now." She moaned out for him. The doe reached back and pulled one of her cheeks back before blasting a beefy, heavy fart right into his mouth. "Mmnff! There's something for you to chew on foxy!" she laughed as she sat back on his muzzle. "Mkay...mkay enough of that, I don't want the damn thing to sparkle." Snorted Ravage as she blasted another fart right down his throat. The hot vile air filtered right into Zeph's lungs. "Nggff...god FUCK that feels good.!" She quickly reached back and covered his nose with her paw. The doe made sure to press her ass hard against his muzzle. Any air he would be getting now, would only come from her ass. Zeph gasped out as he felt his oxygen get cut off after her second fart filled his lungs. His eyes began to water from the sour burning within them. "Foxes like you don't NEED air...just keep choking on my gas! You love it, don't you?" she laughed out seductively. Ravage's eyes were drawn to the throbbing erection between his legs. "Ohhh, you DO love this. Nasty little fart breather. I may have to rig up something a little special for you!" she saw his eyes began to water, and his paws clutch at the air. "Ohhh...alright." She lifted her ass off his muzzle and allowed him to get some fresh oxygen. The fox got an instant head-rush from the sensation. His eyes glazed over as his cock simply began to ooze cum onto the floor.

"T-thf...thnfk..." Zeph took a second to shake his head a bit to regain his composure. "Thank you, Mistress Ravage." The fox finally moaned out in between gasps. The doe's eyes lit up in delight as she pressed her ass right back against his muzzle.

"Ohhh! Such a good boy! You have got manners!" Exclaimed the dominatrix as she reached down to give his shaft a teasing stroke. "Good boy, good boy indeed! What a big load you shot for me, and it's only fair little foxy. A load, deserves a load, so open up!" she smirked. Ravage spread both her cheeks now and showed off that shit stained pucker of hers. Zeph moaned out in ecstasy, his mind filling those filthy desires. "A word of advice naughty boy. When it starts, just start to swallow. Don't worry about the taste or chewing it. Use your tongue to make it smaller and lube it up, and just gulp it down." Moaned out the cervine as she blasted one last shart directly into the vulpines nose.

He was hers now, absolutely and completely. Zeph felt those wet clumps of her shit splatter into his nasal cavity. All he could smell now was that rancid filth of hers, and he loved it. When he came back to reality, his mouth was filling with her gut wrenching shit. There was a moment of panic before he remembered her words. With fists clenched, Zeph began to swallow, and swallow, and swallow. Tears streamed down his face as the massive clog of her bitter-sweet manure began to slither down his throat. His stomach instantly protested at the new meal he was forcing into it. Ravage moaned out and tapped his ass with the riding crop. "No! you are the boss of your stomach! You want to eat my delicious shit! You are going to eat it whether your stomach wants it or not." Zeph felt his stomach churn again causing him to dry heave. "Swallow it!" she commanded as she dropped another log right into his muzzle. Zeph began to breathe through his nose, trying anything he could to keep it down. He was doing it, he was eating her shit. There was a sudden evil cackle coming from Ravage as a massive slimy turd dropped down his throat. The taste was the single most vomit inducing thing Zeph had ever known. Ravage quickly stood up and slid something soft into the fox's muzzle. Zeph soon found that T-rex strap-on of hers also stuffed into his muzzle. "N-nff! T-there we go! I told you I would find a good fit for your throat!" Called down the reindeer with an evil grin. Zeph felt his stomach in full protest now. He heaved with all his might, but the puke simply splashed against the toy lodged in his throat. Zeph whimpered submissively and tried to pull off. Ravage snorted and grabbed a roll of duct tape from off the table. "Is this you saying 'Christmas'?" The reindeer inquired angrily. Zeph froze as he heaved again, feeling himself almost puke the toy out of his throat. Zeph quickly bit down to keep the toy in its place.

All ravage could do was grin as she primed the duct tape. She locked eyes with him as she began to duct tape his muzzle around the toy. Once it was properly secure, she detached it from her harness. "I...am very, very pleased with you! Very pleased indeed" Ravage praised as she rubbed between his ears. "Can you breathe okay with that T-rex down your throat scat-slut?" Zeph nodded slowly as he took a breath through his nose. "Ohh...guess I will have to fix that!" Commented Ravage as she walked over to the diaper that he had left on the floor. She padded back to him and wrapped that cold shit filled diaper around his neck. "Mmmmm, well it's not a proper collar, but it will do until I make up my mind. Now please hold still while I secure it." Ravage mumbled as she grabbed the duct tape once again. She began to tape the diaper around his neck quite tightly. He was still able to breath, but could only take slow, labored breaths. Ravage made her way around to his front and began to tap the fox's balls. "Who just ate my ENTIRE load?" she grinned and began to tap his balls harder. "That's right you disgusting little filth slut, you did. You just ate my entire load, and kept it down. My god what a *whack* nasty little *whack* shit eating fox *whack* you are! I bet you wanna *whack* cum from this don't you? Well come on little *whack* manure slurping scat slut! How did that last little *whack*slimy turd of mine feel just gliding down your throat?" Zeph went cross-eyed as his mind went into overdrive. He fell onto his side and began to moan around the dildo. His entire body began to quiver as his shaft erupted all over the floor. As soon as he began to cum, Ravage was kneeling by his side. She began to stroke his ears gently, and pulled his head into her lap. "Shhhh, there we go little shit-fox." Her voice rang out like an angel to the fox who was out in space. His entire body was on fire, crackling with sexual energy. Ravage stayed with him the entire time and helped coax him back to the real world until the afterglow died down. His eyes opened once again to see her smiling at him. "Well hi there you nasty fuck, did you enjoy your trip? I hate to do this to you, but I am not done with you yet. It's time for you to get dressed and go home, but you are staying like this I am afraid." She nodded down to him. Zeph's eyes shot open as she spoke. He began to mumble in protest at this order. "Nuh uh! None of that shit-fox. You will be leaving this room clothed, and as you are! Is that clear? Everyone up there knows these rooms, belong to me, and me alone. No one will give you any trouble or dirty looks...well not the kind your expecting. When you get home, message me on the website. ONLY then can you take everything off and get ready for bed." She smiled and kissed him on the nose. Zeph saw there was no way he was going to win this and decided to do as he was told.

She was right. On his way back through the club, all he got were looks of wonder, jealousy and extreme arousal. His main fear was when he stepped back outside. The bull moose gawked at him with a dropped jaw, while everyone in line fought harder to get inside. There was a newfound confidence in Zephyrlot after seeing how jealous people were of him. He made his way home, and as ordered messaged Ravage as soon as he got to his computer.

Mistress-Ravage: _Good boy...now I am still unsure if I want to take you on as a full pet yet, but you were fun. Go take a shower and paw off if you want. By the way, I ran into an old friend and he shared this with me, thought you might wanna see it. User:Mistress-Ravage:has uploaded____ The Stud the Tigress and the Clydesdale___


Zeph's eyes widened as the video began to play. "Ohhh.....my....god"

Those Damn Blue eyes

Those damn blue eyes The flame dances in my fingers like a burlesque dancer as I lifted it up to my lips to light my cigarette. "I've got to quit these damn things" I mutter to myself, though the ring of the bell snaps me back to reality. Vitelli...

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