Who's the King? A Lion learns that he's not on the very top of the food chain... when he meets a certain Naughty Tiger...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#19 of Charns tales...


Who's the King?

A towering golden figure of rippling muscle, covered with a soft tawny fur. A Lion as pureblooded as they come, he moves with a muscular masculine power. But still there is a certain feline grace about him. Over seven feet tall he is able to look over most others, amber eyes narrow as he scans his surroundings. His lips pull back a bit, revealing long fangs, his nostrils quivering lightly as he tastes the scents in the air. His round ears twitch and move, feline senses always alert. Like his ancestors he's a hunter, but where they hunted dry African plains. He hunts the gay bars of the south side, his prey handsome young males... He moves about unclothe, he is much more comfortable without any fabrics concealing his powerful body. His chest is board and covered with firm lean muscles, the result of a time as a young lion filled with hard physical work. Just like his ears his nipples are pierced with thick, silver rings that contrast with his tawny fur. His arms, which are as thick as other furs legs are crossed over his rippled abdomen. And despite the relaxed pose they seem posed to shoot forward and reach for whatever prey he desires any moment.

One area the big Lion is definitely blessed in is his mane! His pride and joy, and with good reason! It surrounds his head like a dark-red halo, shaking gently as he moves. Extending quite a ways down his back and around his throat, down his chest. Forming the beginning of the treasure trail of thick hair, all the way down his front to his bulging groin. And in proportion with his large body, his sheath is long and thick between his tawny thighs. His balls almost the size of oranges held firmly by his tight feline sac just underneath it. When aroused his cock extends to a length of eleven or twelve inches and even more when he really gets going. As more than a few handsome young studs had found out! A thick ruff of pubic fur frames those might male genitals. The same dark-red of his mane, it extends along the insides of his thighs and the underside of his tail. Those legs are thick with powerful muscles, each of the three rather stubby toes ending in half-extended, sharp claws. Behind him his tail twitches and sways lightly, the tufted tip brushing over the backside of his legs restlessly. As he stalks the dark confines of one of the many bars he hunts.

Tonight he's not looking for a plaything, no tonight he's looking for a challenge. Another male that was as big and masculine as himself, someone that he can over power. And have his way with, or that he wouldn't feel to bad if over powered and fucked him! That's when he spotted the big handsome striped feline across the bar. A big Bengal Tiger who was as sleek and powerfully masculine as himself. The Tiger was talking up an equine, but the big stallion was acting leery of the big predator. The big Lion sidled up beside the leering Tiger and spoke softly.

"I think your intimidating our equine friend here." He smiled, as the leering Tiger jumped slightly startled at the voice purring right into his ear. He flashed the Tiger a big toothy smile as the Striped predators head snapped around to look him over. "Why not pick on someone your own size..." The Lion smirked, as he displayed his thick sheath and tight but hefty pouch. Charn looked the huge tawny golden feline over with an appraising eye. The big horse taking this opportunity to slip away into the crowd.

"I guess you were right." Charn purrs as he notices that the stallion has vanished. The two big felines stand muzzle to muzzle comparing themselves silently for a long moment. "I think you may have a few inches on me!" Charn admits ruefully at last, making the big tawny Lion's smile widen.

"Well I am the king... after all." He jokes, not noticing that this makes the Tigers eyes narrow and glitter dangerously. "King of the concrete jungles... wish the pay was better." The Lion joked again. "But it does have certain... fringe benefits..." He smirks already knowing that he had picked the big Tiger up. "I'm Arimathea... but everyone just calls me... Arim."

The Tiger chuckled politely, crossing his arms and looking the towering Lion over, with fresh eyes. With his first dupe gone, he wastes no time in warming up to the muscular feline. His thick tube tail swaying slowly behind him as his leered at the other feline.

"Oh yeah?" "What kind of fringe benefits might those be?" A paw moves to stroke along the Lion stud's powerful chest, up between the beefy pectorals, stroking through the soft tawny fur. Mischievously, he hooks a curved scythe through one of the solid silver rings, which contrast so prominently with the neutral tones of his chest fur. He tugged at it, playfully, looking the big thick mane over. The big Lion winces slightly, and then smiles his bright white smile. His breath hot and sweet, it's doubtful he's ever had real meat in his life.

"Well the king has his pick you know... of all the very best!" A big tawny paw lifts to lay atop and squeeze Charns gently.

"Do you think they involve cock-blocking a Tiger from his dinner plans?" The big Lions eyebrows arch, this one's a real aggressive fellow...

Similarly nude, the Tiger's body is almost deceptively soft. The thick white fur of his chest and belly leads down to that warm, heavy, promising looking package! And the orange and black stripes that frame it all seem to point to some of the Tiger's finer attributes. He grins up to the huge Lion, stepping closer to inhale the raw, masculine aroma.

"I... Errr... I'm sorry." The Lion grunts a little taken aback by the accusation. "But I really don't think he'd have went with you... he looked almost afraid." "It's funny how some of them are still afraid of us predator even now." The big Lion laughed softly at what he considered to be the horse's unreasonable fear. "The laws against predatation are clear... and I can't recall the last time some predator broke them." "You know the news media would rattle on about it for weeks if someone did." He rambled on in a manner he knew most furs found soave and urbane. The Tiger knew all about those laws of course, and knew many victims would never go to the police with their humiliating tale. The Lion on the other hands seemed totally clueless about the truth.

The Lion went on, though the Tiger simply smiled his soft, polite smile, and continued to look the king over. A big paw wrapped around one thick bicep, proved it to be more soft than steel. The Lion went to the gym sure, but the mass he sported seemed to be mostly a result of too many of those expensive yet misleading 'Bulk-me-up' drinks. Charn smirked inwardly as the Lion stiffened at his squeeze, before pushing his chest out even more. He glanced down, and saw that thick-skinned sheath was starting to plump up deliciously!

So the big striped feline stepped closer, then cut the Lion off mid sentence by stepping between his comfortably spread legs! And pressing in up to the big cat until his thighbone was thrust into the Lion's crown jewels! They felt hot, and deliciously bulky against his thigh, but he made no open notice of those. Long striped arms wrapped around the Lion's waist loosely hugging the big fellow. The Tiger seemed to be hooked! He grins up into the royal visage, picking up where the Lion drops off.

"While the laws are clear, there are still several loopholes..." He murrs, tightening his hug and purring like a kitten in lust. "I was just informing that horse, that if I took him home." "I was gonna batter his prostate so hard, that he'd be begging me to gobble his goodies." "Just for a few minutes of relief... heheh."

"Hahaha..." Arima laughed amused but also sounding slightly intimidated. This Tiger was a real butch top it seemed, the Lion licked his lips. Well it had been sometime since he'd been, as it were impertinently sodomized. And the Tiger did have a very promising looking sheath bulge. "Oh that's a good one... the freely given clause." No wonder he was looking so uncomfortable... those stallions normally prefers to be the fuckers and not the fuckee." Arima laughed his easy good-natured laugh.

Charn leans into nuzzle the big Lion's chest fur, purring as he snares an even bigger catch... and a tame one at that. Sensing the trepidation rising in the hunky fella, he quickly soothes him with more affectionate nuzzling. "But don't worry handsome, he was only a horse... you're the King after all..." "A predator just like me... big'n strong'n brave, and probably kinky as hell in bed huh..." Arima's smile widened, as the aggressive stud nuzzled and purred affectionately, clearly this was just a sexy act. And it had worked perfectly the Lion was thoroughly aroused by it.

"Why don't we go someplace more private... and discuss positions and plunder." He offered, knowing the Tiger would most likely want to rut him. And of course planning to make a show, of struggling for it... Heck maybe he'd even end up on top, if the Tiger wasn't really as butch and aggressive as he pretended to be. But at this point the big Lion was just looking to have some fun. Rutting or being rutted as long as he got stroked off or blew he didn't care! The Tiger nodded, fingers twining and tickling deeper into the big Lion's sleek tawny pelt.

"Sure, your highness sounds like fun." "I think there's even a room upstairs we can use..." Charn chuckles, knowing all about the Boom Boom room as it was called. Lazily stroking down the trim belly and rubbing those tight, furry oranges in there little pouch! "I've got some big plans, for these!" He purred. The trip to the room was short, and uneventful save for a jealous catcall or two. The door is shut and locked, then the Lion feels two big paws clap over his eyes from behind, and a big warm feline body pressing against the rear of his own! "Rrrrr... alright, playtimes over, slut!" Charn growled in his sexiest dominant snarl. "Get on the bed, on all fours, and lift that sexy tail of yours!" Now was the time to resist Arima thought, as he was guided across the room. Until his shins bumped against the huge circle bed, the big Lion balked then. Arima planted his feet firmly leg's wide apart, and massive body rippling impressively.

"Maybe you should get up on the bed on all fours..." He growled wondering how far the Tiger would take it. "I'm the King after all... Uhu!" He doubled over slightly as a hard knee drove up into his big jewels sharply. It was not hard enough to hurt much, but it was obviously a warning.

"Your not going to be the King tonight... you're the Queen!" That low sexy dominant voice purred in his ear again. "Now do as your told bitch!" Charn snarled roughly pushing the big tawny stud face down onto the bed. Arima bounced on his belly on the soft mattress, his aroused organ already hard against his belly. 'Damn this fella sure knows how to top!' The big Lion thought as he lifted himself up onto all four, his tail seeming to rise automatically.

"Goina make a Queen out of me huh..." He breathed excited by the Tiger's rough Dom manner. A huge warm paw slid between the Lions thighs, grinding his balls up against his crotch and grabbing the root of his cock. The Tiger climbed up behind him, snickering as he pushed those legs wide apart, and used his grip on the stud's dick to tug him onto all fours.

"Now that's what I like..." Charn purred, as he nudged himself further between those thick thighs. Nipping at the Lion's tail as it flagged in front of his muzzle. His other paw crudely fingered into the Lion's soft anus, stuffing two thick fingers inside the snug butthole! Making the big golden feline inhale sharply, as his tight orifice was so rudely violated.

"A nice, tight king... or I should say Queen!" Charn smirked fingering the Lion's ass, while at the same time he gripped and squeezed and pulled on his thick cock. "Much better than a horse!" Arima grunted and inhaled sharply, as those big strong paws so roughly manhandled his proud male junk. The big Lion had never been treated so... crudely but found himself as hard as he'd ever been. It was exciting, that was for sure, and he already found himself sliding into a passive mind set.

"Owwww..." He grunted as those two big finger were stuffed up him! "Ohooo Ohooo please! The big Lion panted. "That... that's no way to treat a K... Errr Queen!"

"Oh, isn't it?" Snarled that deep voice behind him, and a stroking paw let go of the Lions dripping cock. Sweeping up to grab him by his big fluffy mane, and grind his snout down into the pillows! "Maybe you are right!" Charn drawls, as he holds the Lion's head down. The big Lion growled and snarled into the pillows as his head was so forcefully controlled... As Charn's fingers are tugged from the Lion's snug little butt hole, and something much wider, harder, and longer is pressed against it instead. Moaning more weakly as those fingers were pulled out of him. "Maybe the Queen needs something bigger!" The Tiger snickered. "Is that what you mean?" He lets the broad cap nestle in, kissing into the Lion's stretched rump, just teasing him. "Hmmmm?"

"Ohoooo gods..." A shiver runs up Arima's spine as he feels that hot throbbing cock head against his plucker! "YES... yes I... need something bigger." He admits, the sound of his needy voice startling himself, was he really that big of a slut! The Tiger chuckled again, and leaned over the slutty Lion.

"Beg for it... Queenie!" He purrs into Arima's ear, as the paw not holding his mane reaches back to grip and milk the Lion's thick hot cock. Normally the big Lion had others begging for his big dick... but normally he wasn't admitting to being a Queen either! "Beg for me to shove my cock deep into you slut Queen!" After three or four strokes, he lets go of the Lion's throbbing dick. Knowing that stroking has done its work as he hears the Lion moan. Then Charn balls his paw up into a fist, and gives the Lion's balls a good smack! 'Thump!' Arima goes from purring in pleasure to grunting in pain.

"Uhuhuuuu!" The big Lion chokes his powerful body jerking and withering! "Fuck your Queen... fuck me please!" He beg's quick and slavishly. "Oh please... shove your big cock deep... as deep as it will go!" Arima moaned around the pillow corner in his mouth... his big cock tensing and spurts pre onto the bed sheets! Even as he squealed and screamed from his big jewels being thumped! But that only added to the power the Tiger's Dominance and of his own submission! "Please fuck your Queens ass!"

"As you wish, Queenie!" The big Tiger thrusts hard then, and Arima feels his poor tender asshole torn wide open! As that thick cock spears into his quivering guts! Hot, hard, huge and savage, the Tiger grabs hold of the Lion's fat balls as a handhold. As he begins to savagely plow that hot backside! "Mmmmmmm, I'm fucking the Queen." he slurs, eyes closing as he focuses on slamming those muscular buttocks with each thrust of his hips! "Guess that makes Me the King!" The big Lion bites the pillow savagely, as his tail hole screams in agony! And his big body bucks and withers as Charn's thick cock brutally thrusts into him! His body tries to pull again and grinds his hard cock against the already pre-cum coated sheets! As his big ravisher yanks him back by the ball's only to plow him again instantly. "Doesn't it?" The Lion's eyes roll back and forth and he groans weakly.

"Yes... Oho fuck Yes... You're the King!" Arima screamed as that huge bloated cock head grinds over his prostate, savagely pounding into it! As the stink of rutting males fills the room, the Lion can feel the Tiger's hips buckling faster, and faster! Even as his big trapped balls are yanked down harder. Almost as if yanking on them turns the Tiger on more. As it is only a few seconds after that, that the swollen cock head begins spitting out its white fire into the Queen's guts!

"Uhuhuuu... yes..." Arima moans around the saliva-covered pillow in his mouth. As he feels the Tigers pounding thrusts driving him closer and closer to losing his own load. His big golden butt begins to push back and up on it's own, eager for each bone jarring fuck thrust! But his balls can't pull up with those big paws yanking down on them, but of course that motion while painful is also enormously arousing! Although the Lion can almost imagine he can hear things ripping and tearing inside his big floppy sack! He's too horny to care, he just wants to cum! "Wha... No gods please... you can't not so soon..." He pleads but it's too late! The Tiger has already seeded himself in the Lion's hot snug, gripping ass! And his cum is already leaking out over the Lion's balls, still snarled tightly in the Tiger's big clutching paw. He chuckles, gnawing on the back of the Lion's neck, chewing on his mane playfully. As the last of his seed weakly pulses into that hot hungry tunnel.

"Ammmmm... but I did Queenie and there's not much you can say about it..." "Is there?" The grip on his balls loosens, and the Tiger purrs. As he notices how low they have been stretched, dangling in there distorted scrotum to a point of being loose and floppy. "Don't worry, though sexy..." "You'll get off soon!" Charn promised purring darkly. "It doesn't take me long to recharge..."

"No... No... No..." Arima moans whether it's an answer or just denial is impossible to say, but the Lion's firm sleek ass is still trying to hump its self on that thick organ! And rubbing that big cock in the greasy trails of pre-cum on the sheets, keeping himself in a highly aroused state! Only now becoming aware of the aching in the pit of his stomach, from the rough treatment his balls had been getting. "Please..." The big formerly proud Lion begged. "I need to... need to cum sooo bad! The slut was begging freely now Charn though laughing. Tugging his thick, floppy organ from the Lion's rump with a 'Squelch'. The Tiger grips the Lion's shoulders, and turns him over, onto his back. So that his cock thumps hot and wetly against his tawny belly, still drooling pre-cum everywhere. Arima lies on his back panting for breath, as the odd room seems to spin dizzily.

"Oh, I just bet you do!" Charn purrs, stroking the hard, hot, dribbling flesh a few more times. Gives a loud purring moan and a buck of his hips as his rock hard organ is stroked. "But first... I wanna have some fun!" He slaps the Lion's paws away as he reaches to tug himself, then lifts Arima's tawny arms over his head. Charn is giggling constantly now... chuckling as he leans over the 'conquered' stud and begins to bind his wrists.

"Amm Hmmm... goina make you look more Queenish!" He growled lustfully. "I must admit, I am a bit disappointed." "I am used to Lions being much more territorial... I was expecting more of a fight from you!" The big Lion watches passively as his paws are bound, suddenly feeling less comfortable. As Charn's words make him grunt defensively.

"Fight!?!" Arima grunted. "Errr... why should I fight... pleasure is pleasure top or bottom!" He grunted with a soft smile. "I normally top... but why should I fight bottoming once in awhile?"

Charn spreads the Lion's thighs nice and wide, and then lifts him by his knees. Bending those strong legs in towards Arima's chest, and tying them with more cords, to his wrists. "But I'm not complaining..." The Tiger smirks. "Your one hot fuck... my little pussy Queen!" Charn laughed, reaching down fingering the abused rump hole! Tracing the slimy trails of his own cum leaking from the big slutty Lion's well-fucked orifice.

"Besides... the Queen likes the way you're fucking her!" He moans still playing the sex and dominance game. The big tawny feline wiggles and trembled as his dripping hole was fingered... his big curved hard on lifting off his belly to hang quivering in mid air... as a paw strokes it playfully

"I'm glad to hear it..." That swollen Tiger prick begins to stiffen, as he casually jerks the Lion a few more times with his free paw. "Does the Queen want to be fucked again... fucked until her balls splatter her thick cum all over her belly?"

"Yes Ohooo Yes... fuck me... fuck your Queen make those balls splatter!" Arima agreed lustfully, to sexually excited to deny his ravisher anything!

"It's time to give you a little Makeover Queenie." Charn gives the Lion's big balls a few more rough squeezes in their stretched sack, the Tiger's belly growling quietly.

"Ammmm makeover?" Arima grunts breathless as the pleasure/pain of those ball squeezes sends pre-cum flying over his chest. Charn leans in then, dropping both balls and cock. The Tiger fiercely tongued the big Lion's mouth, and throat, digging deep to lick his cheeks and taste his gullet. Snarling hotly, lustfully, his paws move to the Lion's scalp... grabbing paws full of that thick golden mane. He yanks... hard, tugging on the mane with one powerful paw! While with the other, he picks up a pair of electric clippers. The vibrating blades tickle the Lion's scalp as he begins to push them through that thick fur. His cock hot and hard against the Lion's own. Balls sagging to rest on top of one another in that sexy way of two males rutting! As Charn begins to shave the Lion's proud mane, even as he's humping at that swollen crotch.

This stuns Arima and for a long moment just lays there frozen, then at last it dawns on him what is happening and he begins to struggle.

"RRRRRRRRROUWWW!" "What are you doing?" The big proud Lion squeals, as he sees long strips of his proud golden mane falling away! "No..." "Stop that... Stop it!" The big feline yowled struggling and kicking now. "Your ruining my look!"

"Awwwww." Charn purrs, as he shears through that thick luxurious fur. Razor sharp claws tearing through the strands of mane, leaving the Lion with a more and more sleek, feminine look. Even as he grinds himself against his captive, cock-stroking cock his fat nuts pushing down against the Lion's own. The feel of those precious organs, so fat and full and vulnerable, drives him to tear and slash even more ferociously. "Does the Queen not like her makeover?" He growls tauntingly grinding harder his cock growing stiff and jutting, as he shears more of the Lion's pride away! If only Arima could put two and two together, he might realize what the Tiger had planned for him later...

The big Lion sputters, twisting his head this way and that. His huge, muscular body twitching and grinding up against the Tiger's powerful more Dominant one. "No!" "Stop... stop it... a Lion needs his mane... advertisements..." He spits, ears blushing furiously as the Tiger shears off more of his fluffiness. "You're going to make me a Lioness!" He complains, but his cock is stiff, jutting and eager. Even though he'd already agreed, that the Tiger had!

"I may very well at that!" Charn grins wickedly, as his big paws finish their work and move down to the Lion's shoulders. He hunches down, then spears up into the demaned Lion's well-fucked backside. Watching his slanted eyes curl up in intensity. "Theeeere we go... not so bad is it?" He purred as Arima's anal muscles clutch at his big hard prick lustfully. "Makes you look so sleek and girly... like a Queen Lioness should!" Charn teased playfully thrusting in and out just to get the Lion moaning!

Arima for his part is unable to respond, as the Tiger's hard length spears up his sore backside. He looks down at his own erection pressing so lewdly into that striped beast's belly fur, and feels the air kissing his scalp and ears. He blushes at his own reaction, the bindings keeping him wide open and on display. But he's forced to admit even if they weren't there; he'd be helplessly in the dominant Tigers power! The thickness filling him so hotly rubs against his tender soft spot, and he moans almost girlishly.

"What was that?" Charn asked, as he held the Lion down and rutted him, hips bucking up and down into the submissive muscle slut beneath him. "Little Queens... in love with my big hard cock?" Charn teased watching that big shaved head nod wildly.

"Take me... harder... rut me harder... make me your NNNG slut Queen!" The demaned Lion moaned trying to reach down, to jerk himself off. But he couldn't, not with his arms bound to that strange headboard. His shaft tip rubbed into the soft fur of the Tiger's belly, which only tickled and aggravated it. But he could get it to go down and he couldn't get it to stop! The fur brushed and tickled back and forth over his slit, again and again and again, and he could feel the juices tightening in his loins. "Oh gods... more... MORE FUCK ME!"

Charn ground in... hunching harder, and the Lion's big nuts are jostled as they are banged by his hips. Sliding down almost enough to be caught between hard pounding bodies, before being squeezed and spurting upwards like bars of soap in a prison shower. Only to slide down to risk destruction between clapping hard muscular hips again and again. Finally, the Tiger's hips push forward, and do not pull back! As he leans over the submissive Lion, prying his mouth open with cum sticky fingers and mouthing deeply into him! "Ammmmmmmm!"

The Lion's powerful masculine body shudders, as his cock was bent over. Upwards, as he is being kissed... mouth raped by the Tiger's tongue as much as his ass by the Tigers cock! Balls pinched between them, heavy bone and hard muscle squeezing, crushing them! It was just too much for Arima, he had to cum... was going to cum, needed to but couldn't! The bending of his fat dick like that choked it off, and the rough intrusion of a few furry bristly hairs down his piss slit was too intense... too intense even to process! His big needy cock actually began to go soft on him. The big Lion moaned and cried around the kiss, tears of desperation drooling down his noble cheeks. As he wantonly tongued back into the evil Tiger's mouth, trying to hold or hump or kiss or do Anything to relieve the need in his groin, the aching tightness. A few minutes passed like this, with the Tiger's buttocks tightly flexed. Seeding deep in the big Lion's rump, and the Lion squirming, moaning and wriggling underneath. Tied to the various bedposts, helpless to do anything to relieve his own need! Finally... Charn begins to lift himself slowly, languidly, and he looks down at the Lion's semi hard cock. Leaking pre-cum all over his own furry belly, organ half soft; but already beginning to firm back up. He chuckles, pulling himself slooowly out of his little Queen, each inch trailing through the Lion's guts like a snake until that fat head plops out! Warm runnels of thick feline seed follow it, trailing over the rim of that scorched asshole and drooling down along his golden tail. The Tiger climbs up beside Arima, slipping one arm behind him, the other moving to grip that fat cock.

"Well now, my little rump Queen that was certainly enjoyable..." He grunts in the after glow of his second orgasm within the Lion. "Was it not?" He taunted knowing the Lion was still badly in need.

Arima nodded weakly, panting for breath body trembling and sweat soaked. "Please... just... jerk me off!" He begged his big organ bouncing up and down in rhythm with his heartbeat. His big balls looking swollen, even now as stretched out as they had been. They filled his stretched out sac nearly completely. The tiger's big deadly paw moved to them, and cupped beneath. Off setting some of the aching from the overworked tendons as they are cupped, hefted.

"Poor sweet thing." Charn purred wickedly. "You really need these emptied, huh." The big Lion nodded eagerly, cock shuddering to aching firmness once more. "Bet you really wish I'd just suck the cream right out of them, huh?" Charn purred teasingly nuzzling that pointed cock tip, as the Lion nodded again, humping into the air for emphasis!

"Yes... Yes you've humped me twice!" Arima mewed in complaint. "Haven't I been a good little Queen?" He pointed out. "So it's time for you to treat me!" He moaned hopefully as his thrusting cock tip brushed against Charns furry chin and cheeks.

"In a moment." The big Tiger purred lifting his muzzle away from that thrusting Lion cock. "I think first though, I'm going to have room service delivered." He neglectfully drops those big needy balls to ache once more.

"No wait... please..." Arima whimpers as feels his molester move away. Charn moves to the door... pulling on the Service chain. He scrawls a food order onto a piece of paper, and slides it into the service cubby. A few moments later, an attentive bellhop plucks it out from the other side and takes it down to the kitchen.

"All this rump pounding has just made me sooooo hungry!" He calls back to his helpless prey, eyeing the Lion up as he returns to the bed. "Think I'll have a banana split..." He smirks taking the Lion's cock in one paw, and his balls in the other. Just the touch of his hot paws drawing a long loud moan from the lusting Lion. Charns grin widens as he begins to subtly massage Arima's aching loins. "Let's see... maybe some caramel, two scoops of ice cream," He gives those big floppy nuggets a firm squeeze. "Oh and a big banana... of course can do without that!" He smirks and gives that throbbing cock a quick lipping, making the Lion groan and buck his hip's. "All I need are some crushed nuts, and some caramel syrup!" He grins deviously down at the Lion, as a knock comes at the door. "Come!" The big Tiger call's, and the door swings open quickly. A handsome young serving goat boy brightly dressed in his bellhop's uniform wheels a cart in.

"Here you go sirs... Errr..." The goat isn't nearly as young or inexperienced as he looks. And has seen many strange and lewd things having worked at the club. But the sight of the sheared Lion all trussed up makes and instant erection in his brightly colored trousers. Arima blushed as he saw the goat leering down at him. He'd not expected to be in this position, little lone in front of an audience no matter how small! It was terribly embarrassing for the Lion stud, to be tied up... obviously well rump fucked and demaned! And Charn was gesturing for the goat to wheel the cart right up to the bedside. "Ahem... and where would you like it?" The goat asked already knowing but smiling as the Tiger gestured. Handing Charn a shallow plastic dish the goat began to spoon out the soft serve. "He does look awfully hot... this will cool him down some!" The goat snickered as he plopped big globs of soft ice cream on the Lion's fluffy balls! And around his rock hard shaft... until it looked like a big pink banana sticking up! Arima shivered as the cold soaked into his throbbing loins, though his pulsing erection never lagged. "Now for the toppings!" The handsome young goat snickered... "Hot fudge first..." He grunted actually panting now, a big wet strain showing on his brightly colored trousers. Taking the hot fudge container out of the warmer, and drizzling the hot syrupy black fluid over the ice cream and up that big pink banana! Snickering as Charn reached down and pinched open the Lion's piss slit, to let him pour it in there as well.

"Unohooo." Arima moaned as that hot gooey fluid poured down his urethra mixing with his pre-cum.

"My thoughts exactly!" Charn chuckled as the Goat moved on to Caramel, the Tiger shook his head at the pineapple. But watched in delight as the whipped cream was sprayed on.

"And a cherry on top to finish." The goat snickered, and then looked slightly embarrassed. "Oops forgot this!" He grunted holding up a long smooth peeled banana. Charn smirked as he took it, licking it playfully.

"I think we all know where he wants this!" The big Tiger smirked slowly but forcefully feeding it into the Lions cum dripping hole!

"Ahhhhhhh!" Arima moaned sluttishly as that long fruit slid into him, pressing against his pleasure knot erotically!

"Never thought I'd be jealous of a banana!" The bellhop grunted rubbing at the big lump in his trousers. As he handed Charn the check, the Tiger took it and hastily scribbled Arima's name on it. Then ushered the goat to the door, whispering softly to the bellhop.

"When I'm finished, the Boom Boom room is open for business and he's the party hole for the night!" The goats muzzle split into a wide grin, he'd be back as soon as the light came on. And planned to tell at least a dozen of his friends about the party in the handsome Lion!

Charn stalked back to the big bed crawling up between the Lion's thighs. Watching in amusement as that big golden body shivered from the cold. But Arima's big pink fuck stick never wavered; it stood pulsing proudly in the frozen mass of ice cream. "Ahhhhhh time for dessert!" The big Tiger purred leering up at his captive as he slowly licked that sticky shaft!

"Ohohooooo!" The big Lion moaned in delight as that hot tongue played over his frozen half numb flesh! "Oho yeah, eat you dessert... eat it all up!" He moaned his eye's gazing and half closing as the pleasure filled his lust-flooded mind! As the Tiger's big hot Maw slowly engulfed that big pink candy covered cock.

The Tiger swallows over the Lion's cock head, tongue digging against the cherry that had been slid stem first, down inside the chocolate-filled piss slit. His tongue pushing it around, wedging the cherry into the Lion's urethra and damming up all the sweet goo from oozing back out. The warm fudge had slithered deeper and deeper into the Lion's big cock, making it itch and tingle, already aching so hard with need! "I want ice cream first..." Charn purred pulling back, the scoops of ice cream look suspiciously like testicles. Each one sinking into the other, and everything covered in white melting cream. There really is no way of knowing which one is ice cream... and which one is something more important! The big Tiger smirks opening his mouth, hovering with fangs out over one of the soft white bulges... then 'Chomps!' Shearing clean through the scoop of ice cream, and watching as the Lion's cock twitched hard surging up with the sensation! He swallows his bulge of ice cream, and licked at the remainder of the scoop, purrring lustfully.

"Mmmm... soooo tasty!" "Think I should have another one?" Arima lay back panting and gasping for air, the coldness on his big hot loins making it hard for him to really enjoy what the Tigers mouth was doing. But he knew he didn't want it to stop, not until he had that orgasm Charn had promised. So he grunted begging lustfully... "Yes... yes have another!" "Please..." His long thick cock dancing and wobbling as it pulsing in need, charn moves to a smaller scoop, opening his mouth just enough to kiss at the white ball. And then opens his fanged mouth wide, inhaling the sweet goody; swallowing that lump in and chomping! Again however there is no kiss of fangs against the Lion's scrotum, just the sensation of watching the Tiger eat something from his groin! Which admittedly is very arousing, and humiliating in its arousing ness! Charn moves to a third scoop, and begins licking lustfully over it... Again and again, and the Lion faintly thinks he might feel something... but his balls are burning hot and so full and swollen! And yet the nerves of skin is numb... when the Tiger chews into it. He gasps feeling sure that it is the end for that nut! But it was just another scoop of ice cream... soon however there are only two scoops left. The suspense is to much for Arima and his head drops back onto the pillow, eye's closing as he doesn't believe the Tiger will really damage him! Though the game has been very exciting... and his sexual frustrations are at a peak.

"Gods... I need it so bad, just get me off!" He wails hip's thrusting up weakly, smearing the Tigers muzzle with ice cream and toppings. Charn chuckles and licks at the Arima's thighs, listening to the big handsome Lion shudder and mrowl.

"Fine, fine..." He smirks, licking into the last scoops, licking and cleaning them up! Bits of naked ball skin bared to the hungry Tiger. He nibbles at the patches of flesh, growling hungrily, as his sharp teeth tug at the proud Lion's hefty scrotum playfully. "I suppose I should suck you dry..." He leaves them there, sitting in their pool of melting ice cream. And licks his way up that sticky cock to the tip, where the cherry bulges ominously with the backlash of toppings behind it! Opening his maw, he chews over the Lion's fat cock head. Softly, at first, and then a bit later pressing his fangs against that hard, hot, straining flesh!

"Hhahahaa yeah!" Arima groans lustfully. "Suck me... suck me off good!" The big Lion orders, as he feels that hot raspy tongue licking up his shaft. "Through its a vague feeling, more from the cock root being pushed around; than actual sensation in his big fucker... "Ammmm... yeah that's it!" He grunts feeling the head of his big fucker tingle a bit, from the Tiger's kissing. "Ahhhh Hah hah... you sure know how to get a guy off!!!"

Charn purrs deliriously, the Lion obviously tasting very good... and hungrily bites into that big feline cock! The numbed flesh feeling a pleasant pressure, at first as the thick sharp teeth drive deeply into it. His jaws snick closed, and he Mmmmmms, as the hot fudge and caramel inside pops free from the urethra! Filling his mouth with Lion pre-cum and tasty sweet toppings! Charn rolls the mouthful around, sucking on the stump as he slowly savors his big treat and then swallows it whole! Moving to suck another mouthful of the Lion between his deadly jaws!

"Ohooo you like that don't ya?" The Lion moans gloatingly, as his big powerful body hunches and strains to shove more of himself into that hot mouth! "I knew you'd like sucking off the Kings big hard cock!" Arima panted as he is driven closer and closer to orgasm... and can hardly wait to feed the big Tiger his spunk! "Come on just a little more, and you'll get what you've been wanting all the time..." "A King spoo in your mouth!" The Tiger bobs his sleek head, to look like he is fellatoing the Lion! His tongue digging into the still proud length, tonguing out more of the warm fudge. He chuckles softly, wrapping his paw around the sticky, sweet root the whipped cream puffing out between his furry fingers. The other paw moves to slide under the Lion's studly sack, to feel Arima's pride in their stuffing bag. He chews through the Lion's cock slowly, shearing a second big mouthful, while the big stud eggs him on!

"Uhu Uhu huh!" Arima grunts, the pleasure torturous. He's so close to going off, but seems to be hung on the edge... The cold of the ice cream no doubt delaying his orgasm. "Yeah that's it up and down..." He moans watching the Tigers big head bob on his tingling cock. "You may just become the Kings favorite... sweetie!" He gloats humping and grinding his hips up against that soft feline muzzle. Charn pushes his head down, swallowing the remainder of the Lion's length, and burying his snout into that feline sheath. A well-rehearsed move, better to get at the root of the king's proud royal staff! He torments those big jewels down below, pinching and pulling as he sucks hard on the cock up above. Slurping the juices right out of the stump, as his tongue lashes the underside roughly. Swallowing down the second mouthful he bit off, to join the first in his belly. He groans in lust as he felt those hefty eggs he couldn't wait to feel them in his throat!

"Gods... Ohooo Gods..." The big Lion roared his hip's bucking and trembling wildly, as that hot mouth as last presses into his sheath. And against unbenumbed nerve endings for the first time... making his pent up orb's shudder and contract! "Ohooo... Ohoooo Yeah here it cums!" He shouts a second time as his tiny root stub tenses rock hard between the Tigers lips and teeth! Then releases a hot powerful jet of thick greasy Lion spooge... tensing and releasing, tensing and releasing. Arima's eyes roll back and his big body shudders violently. "Taste the Royal seed... your sooooo lucky!" He snickers lost in orgasmic delight! The thin stub is gripped, held between powerful jaws as indeed the tiger savors the king's last load! He reaches up with his free paw, and strokes the Lion's fluffy belly fur, scraping and soothing as the bucking hips fill his mouth with hot cum. And soon as they pull back against his clenching teeth, he bites through the thin root. And finds himself with a mouthful of hot Lion cock! And instinctively swallows it down, gulping and licking his lip's. Charn's own cock spent twice already, is so hard he can feel himself about to shoot... As he licks that little nubbin deep inside, all the Lion is left with! Then pulls out to begin licking the ice cream from those heavy balls. "Mmmmm... still hungry!" The big Lion lays back lost in the bliss of release, barely conscious of what was going on down below. But he hears the Tigers mumbled words and grins.

"Your insatiable but don't worry sweety, my nuts got plenty more!" "Just give me a few minutes, and I'll feed ya even more!" Arima smiles thinking what a cock slut the formerly dominant Tiger had turned into!

"Oh yeah?" Charn teases, moving to briefly suck one nut into his mouth. He slurps, hard, and those balls are beginning to warm up a bit now. Enough for the big Lion to feel him nibbling on them, though it doesn't hurt, Charn spits it out and grins, moving over to the other one. "These nuts are real studs... huh?" "They fill up real quick?" "How much is in them, I wonder?" The big Tiger purrs keeping his voice casual, as he reaches down and strokes himself off... too aroused to avoid it! As he licks at that big nugget, taunting the big Lion.

"Ammmmm Hmmmm real studs... that's right kiss'em you know love'em!" Arima purrs gloatingly. "A Kings gotta fill of a lot of sluts... so they're packin' a ton of juice!" He brags, grunting a little uncomfortable at the Tigers nibbling; but still feeling to good to care much.

"A ton huh?" "Wonder where they keep it all... they only look to be about the sizes of oranges to me!" Charn teases, and then softly inhales both meaty nuggets between his jaws. He swallows, his throat gripping one nut and pulling it down deep and tight. The other soon follows, and the Lion can feel the tautness as his cords and sac are stretched out taut. Charn continues to rub the Lion's fluffy belly fur, as he swallows and strokes himself. Needle sharp teeth poised to 'unjewel' the king! As he hears noises in the hall, the goat and his friends are back to play!

"Hahaha... that's just a figu... Ummmmm." Moans as he feels that hot maw engulfing him, and that big paw rubbing over his tummy gently. Thinking the slut is trying to get him hard again as quickly as possible and smiles. "Ohoooo someone wants if bad huh!?" Arima snickers thinking he would be hard again soon... looking down wondering why his sheath looked so limp and flat! His cock should be spring back up hard by now! "Errr... wha..." Hears the laugher and excited voices outside the door and looks curious. The mess of whipped cream and ice cream probably helps hide the actual lack of cock! Or perhaps the banana mashed up in the Lion's backside and his delicious orgasm wound up wearing him out more than he realized! Still, a grunt confirms to the Lion that the Tiger does want it bad. But not as much as the teeth do shortly thereafter!

As the Lion looks at the door, he picks up a new smell. Well not new, but fresh, and hears warm spatters as Charn spurts his load on the sheets under him. A tight little pinching sensation is felt, holding for a few seconds as the Tiger orgasms. Slowly but surely Charn pinches his teeth through that handsome golden scrotum! And then sits back up right, gulping two obvious bulges slithering down his throat! "Oh, I wonder who that could be..." Charn smirks standing up his thick erection dripping, and turns to the door. "Who iiissss it?" He calls out playfully... knowing full well. Arima's eyes round open wide, as he looks down from the door. To the big Tiger who's just cum a third time, and is sitting back smiling at him as he swallows something... 'What could he have...?!?' The Lion just has time to wonder before Charn playfully answers the door, which flies open at once and a crowd of a dozen or more furs come in!

"Just us Lion fuckers!" The little goat bellhop and a crowd of others laugh merrily as they crowd around the bed... "Come to bang the Lion Queen!" Charn returns purring, looking just SO smug! As he reaches under the Lion and pulls the banana from the Arima's rump! The banana itself has been all mushed up, and is no doubt well smeared from the Lion's grunting clenches! Which makes a perfect lubricate for the big red pony, who stuffs his fat cock up there first! Spearing thick and deep into the gelded cockless Lion Queen's asshole! AS the Tiger saunters his way to the door he hears.

"Hey this Lion's a Gelding!" The big Roan studhorse observes loudly, making the others crowd in close to look him over; pointing and snickering.

"Queens got No balls!" They roar with laughter, as Arima's shocked muzzle contorts in horror and pain, as he at last realizes what the big Tiger had swallowed! "And no cock either!" The little Goat grunts straddling the Lion's furry belly and slipping his cock into that empty sheath! "But she's sure got a nice pussy now!" "

"Hahahahaha!" The room roars with laughter as the stunned Lion lays back and is ravished. A small rabbit climbing up to hump his muzzle...