The Furry Rebellion: The Meeting

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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10/1/2351 1200 Hours Krekhana U.S. building(United Species)

Todd's Journal:

I feel sick this is the most stress I had for awhile. I think this whole thing is just a little fishy. But they need me here they wouldn't strike at me here. I hope. Well at least I know it is one fur. Her name if Gretta. Well she should listen very well to what I say.

I hear she was elected by the Seer. Not too bad she was going to win anyway. But I guess even if you receive all of the votes you still have to see the Seer, she makes the final call. Those who were elected but without belling were horrible leaders. Tough luck, well I guess she got the blessing.

What will this fur expect of me? Will she let me go into active duty? I hope we can talk about those things.

She will see you know.

Ok, thanks.

** I stood up walked towards the door. Entered and sat down in the only empty chair in the room.**



So you have seen the Seer.

Yes I went to the Seer's temple.

Good that will get you more trust with the populace.

That's why I went to see her. So tell me what do you have for me.

This bear, inquired of me. Troop movements, science, planet investments, unprotected colonies, and other such things. This lasted several hours. There was a lot of questions on her side and a lot of answers on mine. I'll admit it she was quite intrigued.

Ok, well I think that basically sums all of that up. Know I want to know what you want to do.

I suggest that we attack in small forces, al over they can't be everywhere at once. And while they are distracted we destroy all droid control centers and droid factories.

Good plan.

(not so bright) Really? Loosing ever single small strike force you have would spread you're forces too thin. From now on I want you to leave the thinking to tacticians.

Very well.

On a lighter note I think that I can trust you. For you trust me.

A person who hardly trusts? Not very normal.

Under my line of work I can only trust so many few individuals.

That is understandable. It is also a problem of sorts.

Yes well I like to think of what is going on now rather than later.

My claws out today sir...

** Yeah I guess they are.**

Well I have one last favor to ask of you.

Yeah what...

I want you to make a speech to the public.

Oh great...

Mary's Diary

I saw Todd's speech today. Poor thing he hadn't even been prepared for a speech he was shaking like a leaf. I loved him even though he made a complete fool of himself. That was the most ridiculous thing I had ever seen. But he was like Mussolini. When it came to his speech.

He doesn't want to take over the world. Or the universe just unite our galaxy. He is completely noble, and so innocent to the fact that he is just so innocent. Well I feel that he did his best job he thought possible. He did try to raise our spirits he also wanted to see if we could turn the outer colonies inhabited by humans.( I doubt it will do any good., however he is a more human interaction expert.

We will ship out in the morning on a space research facility. He has us all withering in anticipation. Silver is also going to go with us to make sure that it will over ok. And learn as a vassal for her mistress. She is going to be the next Seer. She was also excited to see her children. In fact she was really wasted that night. Her sons had never seen her like this before.

They said it was relieving to see what was happening. She was so afraid that she would never see Todd. This was a great break through. They said she never left the house for a month. For fear of seeing him among the dead. Well I need some sleep.

_ "I wondering when daddy would come home it had been three years. He was supposed to be back sometime this month. Loved daddy so.. with his natural curly fur, how soft it was no matter how short it was. Miss him terribly. I can't sleep sometimes. I begin to wonder if he will ever come home._

_ I know the truth now he is dead m mother was waiting to tell us unless absolutely necessary. My mom is a red wolf, her attractive read fur and my dad's plain colored hair make up my fur color. A beautiful mix between the two. Mommy's sending us to go see my aunt for a while. I sure do hate it there._

_ My mom was not going to come pick us up any time soon at the train station. My aunt says that there is a difference between our races. Those that are strong and those who are already given in to this regime. There are furs who already gave in._

_ I also lost my brother to a disease that was incurable, I didn't want him to die. it's unfair all I have now is my aunt. She is a lost soul. Never to fall In love again. I miss mommy, daddy, and Ricky. I never felt so sad in my life._