New Memories Ch.3 Marshall

Story by Vallken on SoFurry

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Read Chapter one first! :) Otherwise you won't get much of the stuff in this chapter.

New Memories

Chapter Three - Marshall

The muscular dingo was trying desperately to find some, any clean clothes as he tore his room apart. He should of done laundry last night but he was at Eric and Cody's house until two in the morning, and by the time they dropped him off it wasn't a matter of if he was to tired to put a load in, it was if he was coordinated enough to find the laundry detergent. Ugh he needed to stop drinking on school nights but it was sort a tradition to hang out at Eric and Cody's house on Wednesday. Their parents were always gone and there was always an amount of alcohol to be consumed.

With one eye closed and a paw pushing harshly over it trying to shove the pain out of his skull he found maybe the last pair of clean underwear in the house and pulled them on. He didn't have as much luck finding clean shorts so he just grabbed a swim suit. It was purple, with a black and white skull on the left hip. Knowing there wasn't a chance in hell there was a clean shirt in the room he abandoned the idea and went towards the door, letting the warming morning air rush through his bear chest.

His two brothers' were both in college but they had left half of their stuff at the house. He always heard them complain about how small the dorms are over at the community college.

Finding his way into Kevin's room he shot strait for the closet and threw it open with a little too much force. He heard an unpleasant crack and looked up to see the old door had finally kicked it. Ignoring it he found a relatively cool shirt and threw it on. He could deny any involvement with the door so he wasn't too worried about the consequences.

It was always those last five minutes that screwed him. He would be in bed and the alarm would scare him awake like it was designed to do then he would have the choice. Hit the snooze button and have five more minutes of heavenly sleep or get up and have the proper time to get ready and shower and still be on time.

He always made the wrong choice. He couldn't afford being late to school. It was a B day which meant his first period class was Math, the class he needed to get his grade up in. The first half of the year he had just blown away and now he was paying the price. If he didn't get his GPA up, Coach Robbins was going to kick him off the team. It's not like football was his entire life but all his friends were on the team and so if he wasn't he wouldn't have anyone to hang out with during practice.

After finding all his books and the homework he was supposed to finish last night, he found his way to the kitchen. His stomach growled it's anticipation but he didn't have the time. His body retaliated by making his hangover twice as bad and he winced at the pain. It was like the inside of his skull was a chalk board and his brain was scrapping it's fingernails down it.

He walked towards the door and squinted as the sun shot lasers into his retinas "damn it". He placed one paw on his forehead shielding his eyes from any further attack. The Dingo walked to his car and sought shelter from the sun inside. He had ten minutes to get to class and it took thirteen to get to school, he had to speed.

Driving was hard enough as it was, with his eyes trying to crawl there way away from his head, but he had to keep them completely open and alert so he could spot any cops as he sped. The cops always hung out around the high school when school was about to start, god it was almost entrapment.

He hit a red light and took the time to close his battle weary eyes for the moment. The air conditioning was on full blast and it was helping his inflamed brain cool down. He wanted to put in music, but then again, he didn't want his head to explode so he opted to just listen to the sound of the AC.

He opened his eyes just in time to see a red mustang pull up next to him. Marshall drove a VW golf, it used to be fast before both his brother's had their way with it. Kevin crashed it twice and both times his parents sprang for the repair costs. Drew and his friends had busted out the windshield, decorated it with upwards of thirty dents, and completely tore apart the interior, and Marshall's parents took the bill. Then Marshall cracked the oil pan once, then only thing he had ever contributed to the pain of that car, and did his parents pay for it, no, they didn't. Sometimes it suck's to be the youngest. Your parents think you can take on as much responsibility as your older brothers.

Marshall looked over at the nicer car to his right and immediately recognized the car and the driver within. This was Blake's third car, well forth if you include the truck. They meet eye contact and the canine heard Blake rev is engine. Marshall had to smile, he was going to speed anyways and how could he back down from a friendly challenge like that.

The light turned green and Marshall's reaction was faster. He got the lead early and floored it. The gorilla was a little slower off the line but the dog could see him catching up fast. It was still four blocks to school and his hopes were dying. His car just wasn't up for it anymore, soon enough the mustang roared past him leaving behind a couple of flying pebbles that bounced off of Marshall's windshield. He could almost see the smug grin on the apes face.

Marshall watched as his friend kept gaining speed down the strait away. He knew that in one block the gorilla would have no choice but to slow down. Way too many teenagers trying to enter the parking lot at the same time always made the traffic bumper to bumper near the high school. Marshall's tired eyes caught a flash of light and he immediately took his hind paw off the gas of his car. He didn't push on the breaks immediately so his car wouldn't dip forward, something he knew always attracted too much attention from the police. Slowly he pushed on the breaks hoping that by gradually reducing his speed it would look like he was going to speed limit the entire time.

"Fuck!" It didn't work. The cop was right behind him and his lights were screaming at him through the rear window. He couldn't afford another ticket, and the up on the insurance would only insure that his parents were going to cut off his balls. He slowly pulled his car over and waited for the cop to pull up behind him. The flash of lights flew right past his car and for a second Marshall was confused. Then he saw the cop go strait for the red mustang up the road.

"Phew" holy hell that scared him. The fact that he was glad he got away even though his friend got nailed didn't really bother him, Blake was a rich bastard. Marshall looked down the road, he was parked about half a block away from the school and decided to walk the rest of the way rather than get back on the road. He had two minutes to get out of his car, run to school, and get to his class.

He made sure no car was about to drive past and take out his door before he stepped out. He reached a paw over to the passenger seat and rapped it around one of the black straps of his back pack. Pulling it out he shut the door but didn't bother to spend the time to lock it up; there was nothing in there worth over twenty bucks anyways.

He half walked half jogged towards the school but after realizing that looking cool wasn't as important as not getting kicked off the football team he ran full speed towards the front doors. He glanced at the cop car, and at Blake casually handing the police officer his licenses out of his window. Blake probably wasn't even fazed by the ticket, that kid was way to rich.

Pushing aside some little freshman as he hurried into the building, he saw that it was eight o clock exactly. He knew the bell didn't ring already, he would have heard it from outside so that only meant he had seconds to get to class. Thank god his class was close to the front door. He walked down the hallway to the left, passing two doors until he came to Mrs. Crandall's room.

Walking in he tried to control his breathing so that no one would think he just ran a hundred yards from his car to get to class on time. Looking around he noticed that no one was paying attention anyway so he looked for an open seat. There were two contestants; one was right up front in between a skunk and a sloth. The other one was in back next to a kangaroo. He went for the seat in back until he recognized the roo sitting there.

It was that dick from foods. He never even noticed that the roo was in this class; well he guessed he never noticed the roo was in foods either until he screwed him over. He looked back up towards the front of the class and made his way to that seat.

He sat down and saw that the skunk was going over the math homework that he failed to accomplish the night before. He was just about to pull out his blank sheet and start copying when he looked at the sloth. He knew his name, it was Nick, and frankly, Nick looked like a pile of shit at the moment. His eyes were red, his nose was glossy, and he was slouching over even more that he usually was.

Without any warning what so ever Nick sneezed and a good amount of saliva or snot or whatever the fuck it was splattered across the table in front of them on the disheveled sloth's own homework. Marshall jumped back a little and his face wrinkled back in disgust. He saw the sloth's embarrassed face and he made another decision, sitting next to the roo wasn't as bad catching whatever Nick had. As he walked to the back of the class he saw that some other the other furs saw Nick's little spectacle and were obviously disgusted. He made his way back towards the seat next to Chris and sat down. He looked over at Chris who was busy listening to his ipod. The roo had his eyes closed and he was mouthing the words to some song.

Marshall saw that it was two past eight now, but he couldn't remember the bell ringing. Oh well, it probably happened when he was too distracted by Nick's snot all over the table to hear it. He pulled out his blank worksheet and was trying to figure out who he could copy off of before Mrs. Crandall started class. He looked around but there was no one near him with the assignment out.

He looked at Chris; he knew the kid did his homework. It's not like Chris was a nerd in his opinion but he thought he had pretty good grades, not perfect but good. He saw Chris' back pack open by his hind paws and silently he pushed it further open so he could see inside. It took him no time to find what he was looking for and he pulled out the worksheet that Mrs. Crandall assigned them on Tuesday. There they were, all the answers he needed right in front of him. He was about to start with the first question when Mrs. Crandall came out from her office in the back of the room.

"Hello everyone! I hope you have your homework done and ready to be turned it." Following her opening question there was a ruffling of papers as her student began pulling out the three page assignment.

Marshall panicked, there was no way he could copy all three pages by the time she got to him. Looking back at the top of Chris' worksheet he saw that the roo had forgot to put down his name. He looked over at Chris who still had his headphones in and eyes shut tight. Acting on a flim he scribbled his name at the top of the roo's worksheet and crumbled his up tossing it into the trashcan by the door. Hey, the kid screwed him yesterday; Marshall was just acting in the place of karma.

The teacher had been walking around picking up assignments from the tables, hesitating a bit when she stopped in front of Nick. She came to Marshall first and grabbed the paper in front of him then stood waiting for Chris to open his eyes. The Dingo jabbed him in the side with an elbow and the smaller roo flinched a little then opened his eyes.

He pulled out his earphones and looked up at the teacher no doubt thinking he was in trouble for listening to his ipod in class. "Do you have your assignment Chris?"

"Oh uh ya" he turned and grabbed his back pack and started shuffling though it. There was a pause and then he started looking again, double checking that it wasn't where it was supposed to be. "I have it, just one sec"

He was beginning to go though it a third time when Mrs. Crandall interrupted his search "Chris just find it before class is over and I'll give you full credit" After saying that she moved on.

Marshall watched as the roo got a perplexed expression on his face, wondering where he left his homework. The dog didn't care, Chris had an A in this class and one missed assignment wasn't going to change it, plus the teacher would probably let him make it up.

The rest of the class period went by smoothly, Chris finally noticed that he was sitting next to his sworn enemy as of Monday but they didn't exchange words. They had two in class worksheets that Marshall completed without looking off other students papers and he got a couple of participation points. He hoped his points for the day would tip the scale in favor of a C- instead of a D+.

After class ended he made a quick stop by his locker, dodging in between wandering freshmen to drop off his back pack which he didn't have time to do before first period. He had second period Art with Mr. Wheeler, a young cougar. Quinn was in the class with him so he always looked forward to it. Once again fighting the ever present sea of freshmen he made his way towards the G wing, which housed his next class. He didn't see any of his friends on the way so he got there with enough time to spear.

Quinn had wanted to take art because he thought it was just another easy class they could fuck around in, and Marshall was quick to agree because he loved to draw. It was something he had done since he was a pup, and he thought he was at least above average.

He was pulling out some supplies when a hard slap came down on both his shoulders. "What's up bitch!" Quinn sat down next to him and placed a half empty mountain dew bottle at the top of the table. "How was getting shit faced last night, sorry I couldn't make it"

Marshall laughed away the stinging pain in his shoulders "it was a blast, Cody threw up all over Eric's car, Eric would of kicked his ass if the kid would of stopped vomiting long enough for him to do it"

"haha, sounds like I missed out!" Quinn unscrewed the cap on his drink and downed the rest before the teacher could see that he brought a drink to class.

Mr. Wheeler was a cougar in his late twenties; according to the rumors he had invented some small trivial thing that had landed him on easy street for the rest of his life. Marshall knew he lived up next to Alec but what he didn't know was why the hell someone that loaded would want to teach high school art.

Marshall looked around for Mr. Wheeler but didn't see the cat. Instead he saw a short pudgy jackal walk in the door. "Hello class, my name is Mr. Flack and I'll be your substitute for the remaining of the week, unfortunately Mr. Wheeler has become ill but hopefully he'll heal up in time for your sculpture project next week."

Right away Marshall knew the little jackal wouldn't stand a chance and by how most the class went he was correct. The jackal set out a bowl of fruit and ask the class to do there best impression of it but all he got was a class full of students talking about there plans for after school.

Marshall was possibly the only one in the entire class that actually did what the teacher asked them to do. He drew the bowl as a giant mouth and the fruit as little characters trying to fight their way free. When he finished he turned it into the in-box and went back to his seat to talk to the great dane. "So what do we have planned for tonight?"

Quinn shut his phone that he was busy texting on "Well I cleared it with my parents so I think we should grab some beers and head out to the lake on my boat, it's going to be like 300 degrees out today so we need to be in water."

Marshall liked the sound of that "Alright sounds like fun, oh have you tolled your parents about our senior trip yet?"

Quinn laughed "no but what are they going to do about it, there's no way they can say no"

"Ya I guess not." Marshall thought about boating. It had been an inferno, ever since the storm on Sunday. Just thinking about the cool water of the lake made him realize all over again how hot it was. The rest of the class period Marshall just talked to Quinn about their trip to California at the end of the year, and random tricks they were going to try at the lake later that day. Quinn couldn't stop laughing when the dingo tolled him about Blake and his little run in with the cops this morning. After Mr. Flack had entirely given up on controlling the class Quinn and Marshall decided to ditch out early and head to the car. Marshall then remembered his grades "Ugh dude I can't go to lunch today"

Quinn gave him a queer look over his shoulder "why?"

The dingo stops for a second and reaches for the vibrating phone in his pocket, seeing it was someone he didn't want to talk to he pushes the hang up button "because my grades suck, I've got to head over to Crandall's class, on Tuesday she said she would let me make up a couple quizzes today"

The great dane nodded his consent, he knew why Marshall had to get his grades up and thought it was a noble cause. He then brought his vision up over the dog's head "hey Kim"

Marshall turned to face the black panther, Kim was one of the hottest females around and she dressed to make it very clear that she knew that fact. Her family wasn't one of the richest families but she had a job and she made enough to make it appear that she was living in a mansion. Marshall swore that she spent every penny she earned on clothing, or something she could hang on herself somewhere. He could see why Eric could never stop talking about her, even though they broke up almost four months ago. "Hey Kim, what's up"

Kim walked up swinging her hips like she always did; something she knew drove Quinn mad. "Well for one I just found out Jade has been talking behind my back for two weeks, and five minutes ago she was talking to me like we were tight"

Marshall felt his eyes trying to roll up into his head but he forced them down, Quinn on the other hand was faking interest like he always did when it came to Kim. Everyone knew that he wanted to get into Kim's pants more than he wanted to breathe. "Really!?! What did that bitch have to say about you!?" Marshall cocked an eye at his friend wondering if the bigger dog really thought it wasn't completely obvious what his real motives were.

Kim rolled her eyes back "never mind, no one cares what she has to say anyways, she's only a junior"

"Really!" came a stern voice from behind, Kim wasn't looking in the direction but there was no doubt in her mind who it was, Eric, her ex "because I think that blind cat you're fucking is a junior too"

Kim rolled her eyes and without looking behind her raised her hand and flipped the tiger off "He's a senior, Eric and yes I am fucking him, and for once it's nice to actually enjoy having sex rather than dread it."

Marshall laughed inside watching Eric's attack backfire on him. It was true that Eric couldn't stop talking about her but the thing was, it was never anything good. "Well he had me fooled; all his friends are freshmen and sophomores. Oh and is having sex with him really that great, how the hell does he find your clit, does he use his cane?"

This time Kim turned to face him, "he finds it with his tongue"

Quinn almost coughed up all the mountain dew that had magically appeared in his paw and Marshall just leaned against the wall behind him almost giddy with excitement to see what would happen next. For a moment the white stripes on Eric's face turned red with fury, in his mind Kim was still his and if Dan wasn't blind there was no doubt that there would be a fight to the death. "You know Kim, you're such a good person, having sex with a handicapped person every night will defiantly get you into slut heaven"

Kim revealed a devilish smile "Oh but Eric, we do it so much more than just every night, you see I never knew how horny I could get until I meet Dan, I mean his body is just so perfect. He's lean, cut, and hard as a rock, oh and he doesn't have any love handles" she said the last part while grabbing at Eric's sides rapping her paw around the barley noticeable fat that she knew he was extremely self-conscious about. She was speaking calmly and had a constant grin spread across her face "I mean it's like nothing else in the world when he makes love to me, like I'm the only think that matters, the way he touches every part of my body, how gentle he is, then how rough he gets when he really gets into it."

Marshall could see Eric's fist curl up and his jaw clench almost to the point where the dingo thought he might break his own teeth. There was no way he was going to win this fight and they all knew it, Even Quinn could see how every insult fell off Kim's shoulders like nothing and how Eric took everyone strait to the chest, and occasionally it looked like he just got kicked in the balls. They went on for about two more minutes and Marshall and Quinn just sat back and enjoyed the show. The entire time Kim looked cool and collected while Eric looked like he wanted to murder Dan. Eventually Eric hit a momentary soft spot with Kim "You know, I think Jade was right, you do have a thing for retards, god I know this kid with down syndrome I bet just the thought of it makes you wet"

The dingo looked at the expression on Kim's face, she was pissed. Then he looked at the tiger's face, Eric finally hit Kim where it hurt and the look on his muzzle resembled an eighty year old cat that had been beating off for a year and was finally able to get off. But Marshall knew that really, Eric just fucked himself. Kim sucked in a breath and looked back at Quinn and himself. Marshall didn't want to get involved in this in the least but he was way too scared to move or say anything that might piss off Kim so he stood still "Hey guys?" She said, that sickening smile returning.

Marshall looked to his right and realized that somewhere along this heated conversation Chaz had shown up, and he had that look on his face, the classic 'deer caught in the headlights'. Then he looked to his left and saw Quinn speak up "uh ya?"

"Guess what Cody has that Eric is in serious need of" This time no one answered. What the hell could Eric's little brother have that the older tiger needed........ "A bigger Cock"

There was complete silence after that, even a couple furs walking by stopped and there jaws dropped a bit. Everyone seemed to be frozen in ice except for Kim "Yup, how big, wait how small is your cock Eric, why don't you tell everyone. Cody is a seven incher, and what are you....six, oh wait nope, three maybe four on a good day. And you really wonder why I left you, Dan's got at least three and a half inches on you, he makes me scream. And even if I wasn't going out with Dan I would hit up your brother way before I ever hit you up again."

............ there was a good ten seconds of complete and utter silence

"Holy shit" Marshall heard Chaz whisper. God, even he was embarrassed for Eric, Marshall wanted to throw a blanket over Eric and move him to a new state, it was even worse that other furs had heard, something like this was going to spread like wildfire.

"" Eric's voice was shaky and in a low whisper "I'll fucking.... God I'm going to fucking kill...."

For a second Marshall thought that Eric was going to drill the black panther right in the face. But after a prolonged moment the tiger, with tears welled up in his eyes turned harshly and stomped off. The only sound that came was from the student down distant hallways and the eco's from the cafeteria around the corner. Even people who didn't hear what was said saw the look on everyone's faces and knew something serious just went down.

Kim turned around with the last thing Marshall expected, a smile on her face "well that was fun, you can't say he didn't deserve it. I'll meet you by the car guys"

She walked off and eventually everyone quietly went their own ways as well. "Holy FUCK!!!!" this time Chaz yelled it, "God what the hell was that, I mean I came in half way but what the hell started it"

Marshall tried to remember but his mind was in so much shock it refused to work. "Um I've got to get to Crandall's room, see you guys later"

Walking off Marshall thought about what just happened, he knew Eric was a prick and now he knew that Eric was literally a prick. But even though he said some fucked up shit did he deserve that? Probably, but still the fact that Kim could be that cold hearted kind of scared him. Kim could of just tolled Eric if he didn't back off she was going to make him regret it, or at least given him some kind of warning. God he felt bad for him, one thing was for sure he was never going to get on that cat's bad side.

Making his way to his math class the dingo was trying to review some questions in his head before taking the quizzes. The good news was that right now he had a zero for all of them which meant any questions answered correctly would push his grade up. When he got to class he found Mrs. Crandall waiting patiently for him at her desk "Why don't you take a seat Mr. Hooper"

Marshall hesitated for a second, he didn't like the tone she was using and suddenly he became very paranoid. "I'm here to make up those quizzes I missed two weeks ago"

The teacher looked up with an annoyed slant to her face "I know what you're here for but unfortunately you are no longer able to make those up"

Marshall was panicking, he needed those scores, "what!? Why, you said if I came during lunch today you would let me make them up, and here I am"

Marshall wasn't too good at reading the expressions of birds but he got the message that he just made whatever kind of trouble he was in worse by raising his voice "Well that was before the events that took place in our classroom today, you do remember turning in your homework assignment this morning correct?"

God fucking damn it, there was no way that little bitch roo turned him in again "yes"

"You're lying to me again" she said this as she pulled out a few pieces of paper from her desk "I asked you if you remember turning in 'your' homework this morning"

Marshall knew he was caught, his mind raced with different excuses he could use "ok fine, I found a worksheet on the floor and I picked it up, I only did half of my worksheet but this one was filled out all the way so I turned that one in."

"Is that the truth?"

Marshall contemplated what he wanted to say "ya"

"And when the student next to you was looking for his worksheet it never occurred to you that you might have turned his in, and took credit for his work?"

God could this get any worse "well, ya but it was to late to say anything"

Mrs. Crandall stood up and walked over to the side of the classroom where the in-box was stationed "it's never too late, if you had said that you found one on the ground and turned in that one, I would have let you turn in your own worksheet and at least you would have got partial credit, but now you're getting a zero, and you took a zero for class participation today, and you are no longer able to make up any assignments in my classroom, I have a strict policy when it comes to cheating Mr. Hooper. This puts your grade down to a D- and let me tell you, it would have been an F if I didn't give you a few extra points. And you should thank me because frankly you have done nothing to show you deserve anything more than an F in my classroom."

Marshall just sat there thinking of how things could get worse, if he got a D in this class, even if he got C's in all his other classes he would still be kicked off the team. He had two weeks to get his grade from a D- to a C- without being able to make up any of his missed assignments or tests. All in all, he was screwed.

He was going to say sorry but he knew that she wouldn't believe him for a second, and she shouldn't, he was only sorry he got caught. The old crow spoke up again "I've called Chris down so you'll have a chance to apologize to him, he should be here any second"

Marshall chocked down saying 'fuck that' but he swore that the bird knew exactly what he wanted to say anyways. "you can take a seat right here until he arrives, and even though we both know you won't mean it, I think you owe me an apology as well"

Marshall looked up and tried to push the thoughts of spitting all over her beak out of his mind "Sorry, I didn't think it was that big of a deal" That's probably not what she wanted to hear, him justifying why he did it but that's what she got.

Waiting for that roo to show up was pushing his buttons; if the roo would just hurry up he could still go get something to eat. He was starving due to his missed breakfast this morning and thoughts of fresh crow meat was making his mouth water. It was almost twenty minutes later when the roo finally did enter through the door. At first there was a puzzled look on his muzzle much like the one that had showed on Marshall's when he came in through that door a half an hour ago. "Um twelve thirty right?"

Mrs. Crandall stood up from her desk taking a break from grading papers. "On the dot, Chris I think Mr. Hooper has something to tell you."

First off it was starting to get on Marshall's nerves that she kept calling him 'Mr. Hooper' it was something the teachers here did to mock them; they were pretending to have respect for the students. And secondly 'twelve thirty?' she knew he was going to come in right before lunch ended but she made him stay. He looked up at Chris and he could feel all his frustrations find their target. "I found your paper on the floor and instead of giving it back to you I turned it in.....sorry"

Chris started at him for a second longer then looked back up to the crow, "do I still get credit?"

"Of course you do"

The roo looked back at Marshall then said "Ok cool, I've got to get to class"

Mr. Crandall started grading papers again "ok, see you on Monday"

Marshall watched as the roo walked out and he slowly got up to follow after him before the bird bitch could lecture him again. He walked out side and turned left towards his lockers again when he heard a voice from behind him "So what's your problem with me we both know you didn't get my worksheet off the floor?"

The dingo turned around to look down at the smaller roo. He was amazed, the smaller fur had the guts to talk to him after that, no doubt the roo knew he would be pissed that he got caught. If Marshall were any of his other friends this kid would of got his ass kicked right there and then "I don't have a problem with you, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time" Even though he wasn't as much as a prick as Chris probably thought he was, he was no mood to talk to anyone right now least of all this fur.

Chris kept up with him though "look I tolled you before if you want to cheat off me I don't care but just fucking ask first and don't steal my assignments. It wouldn't even matter if you got caught, I would just tell Crandall that I was helping you. We both know she would suck my dick if I gave her the chance, I would let her too but I've heard that birds don't give good BJs"

Marshall's perspective of Chris changed that very moment and he was about to laugh when the both stopped dead in there tracks "PARDON ME!!!" The dingo spun around and saw Mrs. Crandall standing a few feet behind them. He could read her expression this time and it was carnal rage. She was so furious it looked like she couldn't find the right spot for feathered arms so they just hung to the side shaking as she was trying to hold back from screaming at students.

Some of the other furs had stopped in the hallway once again to see what was going on. The dog looked down at the face of Chris and he thought he saw him mouth a 'no way'.

"Both of you follow me this instant"

Chris waited for Mrs. Crandall to pass him then he followed behind her and Marshall took up the rear. The walk to the principles office was long, taking them through the crowded hallways. A couple students noticed that they were in trouble but for the most part they were ignored. By the time they got to their destination both of them felt like asses for getting caught for every little thing they did.

Mrs. Crandall sat them down then stormed into Mr. Brunswoth's office without knocking. She was in there for a good five minutes in which neither Marshall nor Chris spoke. Finally She reemerged but she just stormed past them without as much as a glance. Marshall looked over at Chris and was surprised to see the roo smiling "what are you so happy about?"

The smaller roo looked up at him "what?" he said innocently "you don't think this is at least slightly funny, what are the chances that she was right behind us, plus did you see how pissed she was!" the roo chuckled as he recalled the disgusted shocked look on the crow's beak.

Chris' optimistic view was contagious and Marshall couldn't help but laugh a little with him. That was until the principle came out and towered over them. The Clydesdale was at least seven and a half feet and could snap both of them and use them as toothpicks. Marshall watched as Bill first took Chris into his office and nervously waited for his turn in the gallows. Chris came back out a few minutes later still with that smile on his face. "don't worry, it wasn't too bad, I think I got the worst of it"

Marshall had to ask "what you get?"

"Just another week of suspension, kind of proud of myself actually, got suspended on Monday with a little thanks to you then today. It'll be a good week break, see you next Thursday" Chris almost was out the door when he turned around and added "oh and he tolled me to send you in" then he was gone.

Marshall got up and walked into the principal's office, his sentence wasn't as bad, he was just suspended the rest of the week which was really only the rest of today then tomorrow, then he was back on Monday but still, it wasn't going to help his grades any. He walked to his locker and got all books he could fit into his back pack and made his way out the front doors towards his car. Lunch had ended ten minutes ago but there were still a few stragglers pulling in. The sidewalk was cracked and weeds had begun their attack through the openings.

His car was where he left it regardless of it being unlocked. And it seemed that no one had bothered to check for valuables. He threw his pack into the back seat and climbed in, after waiting for the glow plugs to warm up he turned the key and the engine roared to life. He was still planning on going to the lake after school today but he had two class periods to wait so he decided to head home.

Pulling out into the street he took off back the way he came this morning but in a few seconds he let up gas and pulled back over to the side of the road. He rolled down his window and leaned his head out "hey you want a ride" he called out to a wandering roo.

Chris looked over his shoulder and turned around "uh ya sure, they kicked you out too"

Marshall made sure the passenger side door was unlocked "of course, but I have to go back on Monday, my vacation isn't nearly as long as yours"

Chris laughed as he opened the door "haha, sucks for you!" he said as he threw his back pack in the seat behind him to join Marshall's. The dingo's ears twitched as he heard something like hard candy rattle around in the roo's back pack, but he decided it was to forward to ask for any, that is unless Chris pulled them out on his own accord.

Marshall grinned "ya for sure, where you heading"

The smaller roo pointed out the window "south side of Mapleton"

Oh, well this kid was rich then, anyone who lived over there was loaded. "Cool, alright we're on our way"

It was silent for a while until the roo got too uncomfortable "so where do you live?"

"Over in Alpine, not quite as nice as your neighborhood but it tries"

Chris let one of his paws fall limp out the window, the wind catching it and throwing it every which direction. "Oh you live over by Chase?"

Marshall lifted one eyebrow "Is that the bat that follows Luke around everywhere?"

Chris chuckled "Ya that's the one and only"

The dingo checked his blind spot before switching lanes "well I don't know where he lives but if he's in Alpine ya I bet were pretty close"

Chris was trying to think of things to say but he just pulled up blanks, they just had nothing in common so for the rest of the trip they sat in silence between brief instructions on which way to go. Marshall knew his way around Mapleton pretty well considering most of his friends lived up here so didn't get too lost.

Eventually Chris got out at his house which doubled the size of Marshall's but he ignored it. They said their goodbyes both of them knowing that this was most likely the last interaction they would have with each other for a long time. Marshall then backed out of his driveway and made his way towards his home.

It was less than a half an hour when he was pulling up to his house. The ride there was pleasant enough with the windows rolled down and the warm wind blowing through his short head fur. Rolling up the windows and shutting off the car he reached in the back to grab his back pack when he noticed that Chris had forgotten to take his with him. "well there is no way I'm driving all the way back there now"

He grabbed Chris' with his other hand and dragged both of them out of the car shutting the door with one of his knees. He still had a while before school got out so it was time to fill his aching stomach. Walking up to the door he could hear things bouncing around in Chris back pack, it sounded like the hard candy he had heard before and his stomach begged for them. Opening the door he tossed his pack down to the floor and shook Chris' back pack once more. He was sure Chris wouldn't mind, he did save the roo an hour walk home. "What do we have here.....?"

The dingo called out to see if there was anyone home and after hearing no answer he walked into the kitchen and opened the front pockets of Chris' back pack. At first he didn't know what to make of what he uncovered. He definitely felt a wave of disappointment rise up from his belly when he saw that there was no candy awaiting him. "God, didn't pin you as a druggy" he said as he grabbed for what appeared to be four pill bottles.

But after further inspection he realized that all four bottles were prescribed to the kangaroo. He picked up one "Ambien CR" The next bottle read "Rozerem" this was some hardcore insomnia, hypnotic drug. The next bottle was a little bit harder to understand, he couldn't even pronounce the name. Reading the side notes on the back he new it was an anti-anxiety medication. After that one he put the pills back into the bag and zipped it back up.

After placing the bag back by the door, he felt bad for snooping. God that kid had some issues. Taking his mind off of it he set off to finding something edible to fill his stomach. After his stomach was full he texted Quinn that he was at his house, and to come pick him up when he got out of school. Lying down on the couch he decided to get some shut eye in the coolness of his house before they went out into the sun and the lake.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed but waking up to Quinn pile driving him in the belly wasn't the best feeling in the world "UGH!!!" after pushing him off he tried to get up but then another body fell on top of him. This time he bit out softly but still enough to make Dean yelp in surprise at the counter attack. The wolf rolled off him in the same way Quinn had before and Marshall was fast enough to get his hind paws up before Chaz could carry out a third wave. "Fuck you guys! And to think I call you friends"

Chaz was hitting the padded hind paws of the dog, trying to create an opening so he could body slam him "whatever dude we've been waiting for you forever, now come on, everyone's sitting in the car."

"Who's all coming" he asked as he was being pushed out the door.

Dean took that question "us four, Kevin, Tiff, Kali, Kent, Zeke, And Kim" Dean was a grey wolf junior but he was so athletically gifted that no one ever had a problem with him hanging out with the senior group. "oh and Cody's coming too we still have to go pick him up"

Marshall didn't need to ask why Eric wasn't coming, and actually, he was glad, at least now they wouldn't have to hear him and Kim bitch at each other. He was sure they were past the point of bitching at each other, now they would have to break up knife fights between the ex-lovers. "alright, where's everyone else, and who's Zeke?"

Quinn opened the door and pushed Chaz in the back seat "well we only had one more spot on the boat without it getting too crowded to have fun and we tried Alec but he was busy doing something, or someone. Blake and Brian didn't answer and most of the girls were off having an orgy tonight so we stopped tying to find someone. Kim even invited that Dan cat but he couldn't come."

"Oh alright well let's head then" Marshall said, ignoring the fact that no one had tolled him who Zeke was. It wasn't hard to see who it was; there was a new golden retriever in the car that Marshall had never met. After the usually what's ups they were off towards Eric's house to pick up Cody then they were off towards the lake. Quinn's boat stayed at the lake year round so when they got there they piled out and headed towards the docks to get the boat ready. It was a relief to get out of the SUV and stretch all of their cramped limbs. Fitting eleven furs 'and not small furs' into the car had been a challenge and along the way he was sure someone got pregnant.

Quinn's parents had a Mastercraft X45 which put them back more than Marshall could imagine, but what the fuck right. The boat could hold eighteen, but Quinn only liked taking twelve, because that gave room to move around, plus one of the spots was taken by the extra cooler. After they had loaded up all of the equipment, including a massive amount of bud light, they started up the engine and almost left without Cody aboard. Once the small tiger climbed on, pissed as usual for being picked on, they took off, letting the hot lake air penetrate them to their skin.

Quinn was the captain like always and he blasted his version of rap, which in Marshall's opinion was nothing more than pop shit. He was more into the Gorillaz, Blackalicious, and stuff along those lines. But he guess listening to lafy tafy was alright, plus it was fun with everyone singing along. After everyone had their turn to wakeboard, and wake skate, then wakeboard drunk, and wake skate drunk, Cody suggested tubing. Kevin hung back being way to heavy to be supported by the tube they brought. At first Quinn held the record with staying on for two minutes and forty seconds, then the new dog Zeke beat it by three seconds, then the dingo wasted all of them by getting five minutes and thirty one seconds. That is until Dean went and got six twenty and by then everyone was to drunk to try anymore. Marshall only had a few drinks, even though he didn't have to go to school tomorrow, it was the memory of this mornings headache that encouraged him to stay somewhat sober.

Marshall was at the front of the boat watching a wakeboarder rip it up about thirty yards away. He could tell it was an otter, and that otter could rip. That fur was throwing tricks that the dog had never seen before and by the looks of it, he was some kind of pro boarder. It was a while before Marshall noticed who was driving the boat, mostly because his eyes were glued to the otter. He tried to focus in on the driver then it clicked where he looked familiar from "Is that Wheeler?"

"What" asked Kevin

Marshall glanced at the water buffalo then back to the red boat that was getting closer "check that out!"

Kevin looked towards the boat then back at him "ya, that guy can ride"

"Well no fucking shit but check out who's driving"

Kevin looked closer then laughed "isn't that Mr. Wheeler"

Marshall laughed "Ya it is, today in class we had a sub tell us he was sick"

Kevin laughed along with the dog next to him "there's something you don't see everyday, a teacher ditching out on school, that cat just went up in my book, doesn't he teach art?"

"Ya he does, HEY QUINN!"

Quinn was driving so you had to yell for him to hear anything "WHAT'S UP"

Marshall half wanted to go over and catch Mr. Wheeler just for the fun of it but he knew better than to drive up to a high school teacher with a boat full of drunken underage furs "STEAR CLEAR OF THAT BOAT OK"


Quinn took that to the extreme and took off in the opposite direction driving like he was trying to throw everyone off the boat. Marshall watched the wakeboarding otter until he was too small to make out what he was doing. He went to Sea King last year and there were some talented furs there. He couldn't remember who took first but he knew that this fur Mark from his school took second. He was planning on going this weekend, with Quinn.

Just then Quinn hit a hard wake and Tiff caught a good two feet of air before her tight ass landed right back on Dean's lap. Dean and that ally cat had been making out off an on all day and now the alcohol was making them forget that there were other furs on the boat.

Kim was busy teasing Quinn as he was driving to pass the time, Kali, another skunk, was busy fondling the new guy and the rest of the furs who didn't have a girl to play with were getting so drunk they didn't notice.

Finally Quinn stopped the boat and came up to sit with Marshall, Dean, and Tiff in front. "Having fun" he said in more of a statement than a question.

Marshall laughed and pointed to Dean "not as much as some of us"

Quinn took a second to focus his eyes then laughed at the sight of Dean's fingers knuckle deep inside Tiff. Even through the smell of the algae of the lake Marshall could smell her heat and Dean's arousal. Not that he needed to since he could hear how wet tiff was by her moans and he could clearly see how hard Dean was through his board shorts even with the cat's paw moving up and down it slowly.

Quinn's drunken mind soon came to as much attention as it could muster as he watched the two furs in front of him go at it. Marshall was in the same state as he watched the two act as if they were in a hotel room, completely alone.

Dean rolled onto his side and pushed Tiff towards the front of the boat and crouched over her, sinking his tongue into her short muzzle all the way to the back of her throat. His paw was at work pulling her bikini down enough so that his friends could see what he was doing. He was slowly pushing two fingers in all the way to the knuckles the just as slowly pulling them out, bringing with them a slimy goo that would trickle down in between Tiffany's crack.

With the other hand the wolf untied her bikini top and let if fall to her side and then he started pushing her boobs together muffling her moan in his mouth. His own pink member had swollen out of its sheath and beyond the top of his shorts. Marshall was surprised to see that Tiff still had enough presence of mind to untie Dean's shorts. Soon Dean was crouching over Tiff completely naked and fully aroused. His tail waved happily over his exposed ass cheeks. The pup had amazing legs.

Marshall was also hard as a rock, and by the smell of it so was Quinn, and some of the furs in the back of the boat. 'This is why Dean is always invited' thought the Dingo. Dean had in the mean time bent down and started licking at Tiff between her open legs and Marshall had the perfect view of his tongue as it entered the cat's cunt and all the juices it came out covered in. Dean would take all the fluid he could get into his mouth and at some points it sounded like he was licking out of a water bowl like a feral dog.

Out of the corner of his eye Marshall saw his friend next to him pull down his pants and rap his paw around his fully hard member. For a reason Marshall knew, but refused to acknowledge that turned him on more than anything. He saw his friend's dick start to leak pre and watched as the slimy fluid slid down Quinn's member until a paw met it halfway.

Dean had turned Tiff around so that she was facing Marshall and positioned himself behind her. Marshall saw Dean start to lean forward, and from the look that crossed Tiff's face, the dingo knew that he was entering her. Once Dean was all the way in he paused to let the sensation of a warm pussy surrounding his cock reach its full force.

Tiff's face was inches from Marshall's dick and he saw her start to lower her head. Marshall hadn't pulled down his board shorts but that did nothing to discourage Tiff. The cat turned her head and softly bit down on the bulge in his shorts. Marshall leaned back and closed his eyes savoring the feeling of the cat's mouth working on his member. He didn't notice when Tiff snaked his member out the front of his shorts but he did notice when her warm maw sucked it in. He had always been proud of his size, even though Quinn was much bigger than him, their dicks were the same size.

He couldn't tell anyone how long that lasted but eventually the tongue sliding up and down his member pulled off and it took him a couple seconds for him to open his eyes. When he did he saw that same maw sucking like a baby on Quinn's dick.

He moved aside so that Tiff would have easier access, and he dropped to the floor. Dean had one hind paw on the seat and the other on the floor next to Tiff's, and the dingo could see the wolf's balls slap against the upper part of Tiff's pussy. He looked to his left and he could see Tiff trying her best to take all of Quinn into her throat but she could only get halfway down. The same distance that she accomplished with him, he could take more than that. Again he looked at Dean's package slapping hard against Tiff's underside and he saw the thick slime that was falling down the wolf's balls. He wanted to lick up every drop but couldn't bring himself to do it. With every time Dean pulled back his hips the Dingo imagined being behind him and filling the wolf's tailhole with every inch of his dick. The wolf has an amazing butt, so rounded and muscular.

Dean started humping faster and more and more of his rock hard shaft was disappearing into the bitch in front of it. The dog wanted nothing more than to reach his muzzle up there and feel with his tongue as that huge cock entered her and then swallow down all the liquid it brought out.

He was just about to lean forward and fulfill his fantasy as he saw Dean push hard, all the way to the knot and a rush of thick white slime splatter out over his balls and down his inner thighs. His first instinct was to hurry and lick all of the white goop up before anymore could escape, but then he thought better.

Turning around he saw the same picture, Tiff's muzzle was covered in white and she was busy licking all the slime off Quinn's soft balls. He saw how her tongue pushed at his sack and move the balls around inside, sometimes she would take a whole ball into her mouth filling out her cheeks, then let it slide out while still holding onto the sack with her lips. Turning around again he saw Dean still slowly humping Tiff's cunt while his dick was softening. Once it slipped out, one more wave of semen drooled out of the cat and onto the boat floor. Marshall was hypnotized as he watched Dean's pink shinning cock slip back into his sheath and one last drop of white oozed from the tip of his furry pouch and slip down towards his balls.

"Oh my god...." Dean said in a half sigh, "that was fucking amazing"

Hearing words again woke Marshall up from his trance and he realized what he let himself think around his friends. He desperately searched for a cover for being down here so he started cupping Tiff's boobs and started rolling them around in his paws. It was a pathetic attempt but everyone was too drunk to think twice of it or even notice it, and Tiff seemed to enjoy it enough. After that there was some random fingerings and fondling but it was more out of fun than anyone being horny anymore. Apparently while Quinn, Dean, Tiff, and Marshall had been 'messing' around in front, Kevin had completely ripped Kim open, and Zeke, Kali, and Kent had gone at it while everyone else watched.

Everyone got their swimsuits back on, well except for the water buffalo. Kevin didn't have anything to hide so he just let his manhood hang the whole way back. Cody, Chaz, and a couple others helped clean the boat with towels but nevertheless it still smelled strongly of sex and alcohol. Apparently everyone on the boat had gotten off except Marshall but he wasn't about to jack off now while everyone was looking at him, not that he was ashamed or anything, he was noticeably gifted in the size area, it's just he couldn't stand thinking about what he thought of while he jacked off around all of his friends. His problem had been getting worse and worse.

Docking the boat was a little bit of a challenge seeing as Quinn was drunk as hell and kept forgetting how to reverse the thrust. When Marshall took over things went smoother and they got the boat tied up securely. While getting off Kali fell/was pushed off the side into the water and the laughing guilty party that pushed her in jumped in after her.

Most of the extremely drunk furs headed towards the car while Quinn, Kent, Tiff, Zeke, and Marshall stayed to cover the boat with the rain guard and make sure everything was how it was supposed to be before they went home. Zeke picked up a bag full of trash and Marshall grabbed the cooler and they took a couple steps towards the car before Tiff spoke up. "hey isn't that Tanner?"

They all turned to see a small caracal walking down the row of boats towards them. Tanner was a junior; he hung out with Colby, Jaren, Luke, and those kids. "Uh ya I think it is" said Quinn, not really caring

They started turning around when Kent stopped them "Wait who was that?"

Marshall turned and tried to see where Kent was looking. Kent was intently staring at the place where Tanner had come from, down the docks "who was who?" asked Zeke.

Kent sniffed the air and Marshall wondered if he could really smell anything through the alcohol. Canines had a better sense of smell and even for him it was hard to get a scent besides beer and pussy. The lion then started towards the direction the small cat had just come from mumbling "no fucking way"

Marshall dropped the cooler and followed after him, he didn't know what Kent was getting on about but he did see Jaren's boat ahead. The rest of the group followed after the lion, curious to see what had pissed him off so much.

Marshall looked back to see if Tiff was coming and she was, but behind her he noticed that Tanner must have seen them because he was heading back towards Jaren's boat.

The dingo took one more look at Jaren's boat and saw what Kent was after. Mark was sitting in the back of the boat eating what looked like a hamburger. "shit" he muttered to himself. There was going to be trouble and honestly he just wanted to go home, jack off, and go to sleep. He had heard what had gone on between Mark, Kent, and Alec and he knew the cops were looking for the folf though the reason for that had escaped his ears.

"HEY YOU FUCKING FAG" yelled Kent. That got Mark's attention and the folf stood up. Even from this far away Marshall saw what kind of shape Mark was in, he looked like hell. They got up to the side of the boat and the dingo could hear a low hiss emanating in Kent's chest. For a full ten seconds the folf had an unbelieving look splattered across his face, like he really thought his life couldn't get anymore complicated at the moment.

Finally Mark let out an exhausted sigh and put the burger in his left paw down. "The hell do you want?" he said, showing no signs of fear or nervousness. Marshall kind of got pissed at Mark, he didn't want anything to escalate here and it was evident that Mark wasn't going to be any help.

"Your fucking teeth in a jar!" Kent hackles were rising and it was obvious he wanted to fight.

Mark jumped down onto the dock and everyone could see that his right shoulder was limp and it looked like he had no strength in it. "God dude, you're drunk, I can smell it on all of you, you can't fight like this you'll trip all over yourself" right then Tanner pushed his way though and ran over to Mark's side.

Tanner was a small cat and came only to Marshall's chin but for some reason the cat was never intimidated. Maybe it was because of the kind of environment he grew up in but Tanner seemed to never be scared of anything "Ya why don't the lot of you fuck off somewhere" spitted Tanner.

Even Marshall noticed that Kent was speaking slowly, probably trying not to slur his words "God... don't you ever fight your own fights?" He said, obviously referring to the beat down he got from Alec, they all had heard about it.

With that the large lion took a step forward and Mark lowered his center of gravity. Marshall saw Tanner slide his right paw into a pocket and rap it around something that no doubt would be some sort of weapon. Marshall looked around, desperately trying to find some way to prolong this confrontation. Then he spotted an otter, followed closely by a familiar looking cougar. He couldn't call out for them without his friends hearing, but he was sending them the harshest glare he could muster.

Not knowing if it was actually him that caused it, the otter started to look uncomfortable and glanced around, most likely trying to disprove the feeling that someone was watching him. Two seconds of wandering eyes brought the otter's directly in contact with Marshall's. They stared at each other for a moment then the otter looked at the situation surrounding him.

The otter realized something was up and pushed a soft elbow into the side of Mr. Wheeler, or Josh. The cougar first looked to his side at his friend then followed his line of sight to the arising problem only a couple yards from him. Marshall saw the lights go off in Josh's head, signaling that he recognized his students and that there was a problem.

Marshall then turned back to Mark and Kent and saw them snout to snout. The dingo caught a glimpse of Tanner's arm tensing as he brought his hidden blade from his pocket and lifted it to a threatening position at the lion's chest. Kent backed up a few steps as Tanner gave him a silent deadly glare that showed he really would use the knife if it came to it. Fuck that small cat was retarded.

His threat was cut short by a call from behind Kent's group, "HEY!" Marshall turned around to see that Josh had made his way up to them. When he turned back to Mark and Tanner, the knife was gone from the cat's paw. "What's going on here?"

Zeke, the golden retriever had a 'paw caught in the cookie jar' look, while the rest of them excluding Marshall were "too drunk" to realize that a teacher had just caught them being "too drunk". The dingo easily recognized his art teacher and the otter looked so familiar, like he had seen him somewhere before today. Quinn spoke up first "we came ov... over here to... detain Mark, we heard that Mendez was looking for him! And this little shit" he said while pointing at Tanner, or maybe a boat a little to the right of Tanner "pulled a knife on us..!.."

Mr. Wheeler glanced at where Quinn was pointing then looked at Tanner, who had no knife. Marshall could tell that the cougar was getting agitated "Quinn, I seriously doubt you called the cops considering you're to damn drunk to think of the number. And why in the first place would you need to 'detain' Mark until the cops arrived, the only furs I see breaking the law here is you and your friends"

This time Marshall jumped in trying to solve this without getting the cops involved "look we just came over here to talk to Mark, and things got out of paw. We were leaving right now"

Josh Wheeler glanced from Kent to Mark lingering his gaze on Mark. He must of seen the kind of shape Mark was in because he pulled out his phone "Well there is no way I'm going to let you four leave" he indicated Marshall's group "as drunk as you are, god you would probably crash on the way home, and Mark we need to get you looked at"

For the first time Marshall heard the otter speak "For sure Mark, you're not going to be any challenge for me this weekend looking like that". The otter said it in good humor but everyone could tell the comment really pissed him off.

Mark spoke from behind them "Fine but I'm finishing my hamburger" with that he turned back towards the boat and climbed on, Tanner following him.

Marshall saw Zeke, Tiff, and Quinn start to freak out, knowing how much they didn't want to get caught so he decided to try and get his friends out of it "look Mr. Wheeler we were just trying to have some fun on the lake, I haven't had anything to drink and I'm the driver, we're not stupid, it's not like I was going to get plastered too and then drive. Could you please just let us off this time?"

Mr. Wheeler had his phone up to his round ears "Sorry, Marshall but you... hello? No, this is not an emergency. I'm down at lakeshore at the docks and I have some intoxicated students... yes I'll wait here... ok... ok thank you" with that he hung up the phone and looked back at the dog in front of him "Sorry Marshall but if you don't learn your lesson now when are you going to, and honestly I knew they were capable of this" he said while indicating Tiff, and Quinn "but I expected you to know better, you're a bright kid and you don't need to lower yourself to this level." Marshall knew that his love for art had scored him browny points with Mr. Wheeler, and he was a bit bummed that he let down the cat.

Instead of responding, the dingo just thought that maybe he made the wrong decision to get Josh and his friend involved.

Waiting for the cops to arrive was a horrible experience, Marshall was lying when he said he didn't have anything to drink, he only had two beers and that wasn't nearly enough to make him appear drunk, but if they made him take a breathalyzer test he would be screwed.

Somewhere along the wait Josh realized that Mark and Tanner had ditched out the other side of the boat and taken off. Marshall explained that the cops really were looking for him but when Josh asked why he tolled him he didn't know, even Kent didn't know why.

When the cops got there Josh and his friend, whose name Marshall still didn't know, took off and the police took over. While being detained Chaz and Cody came over to see why they were taking so long and got caught too. Fortunately Mendez just assumed Marshall wasn't drunk, but that probably had something to do with what Mr. Wheeler had tolled him, he was the only one out of the six not to get an alcohol ticket or have his parents called. All five of his friends that got caught were taken to the police station until their parents came to pick them up and Marshall made his way alone to Quinn's SUV. Now that there were only six of them the ride to everyone's home was less crowded. On the way to Kevin's house Marshall realized that they left the cooler at the docks, but at this point he really didn't care if he ever saw it again.

Once everyone was in their front yard safe, Marshall made his way back to his house. Today was defiantly an interesting day, first he got suspended with that roo, Chris, then kind of became friends with him, he almost outted himself on the boat by licking Dean's and Quinn's nut sacks, the near stabbing, and then six of his friends were arrested. And he couldn't forget what happened between Kim and Eric, there was sure to be repercussions of that in the near future. God, and on top of that he was still horny as hell.

Once he got home he pulled Quinn's car into his garage and snuck into his house. His parents were bound to be home by now and he knew he smelt like alcohol. And now his friends weren't around to take the blame for the smell. He still didn't have a shirt on so when he got up to his room undressing was as easy as taking off his board shorts.

Looking down over his box chest and ab muscles he cupped his swollen balls with one paw and let his other roam over his sheath, letting one claw play with the opening at the tip.

He knew that if he didn't relieve himself tonight he would have the worst blue balls in his life. Tonight was one of the most extreme things he had ever done, sexually that is. Looking back what happened on Quinn's boat he knew it was definitely porn quality, god it was really crazy. How Dean had just started fingering Tiff right in plain view. How he pushed his fingers deep into her surrounding them with the moist warmth within, and how shortly after he let his soft tongue explore the same area. Sinking it in possibly deeper that his fingers had traveled.

But the thing that got the dingo going more than anything was watching Dean's hips buck forward and backward, sinking his stiff cock into Tiff's cunt. All the while Marshall was dreaming of him impaling dean under his tail, feeling his hardness move his insides around and hearing the wolf grunt in pleasure in front of him. Pushing in and hearing Dean grunt in discomfort, just knowing that dean was under him acting like his bitch would be enough to get him off. Hearing his balls slap against the wolf's sack and imagining that he could see just how far his cock was burrowing into Dean's----

Marshall jumped horribly as the unexpected noise of his cell phone broke him out of his fantasy. His cock had been leaking huge amounts of pre as his paw was rubbing up and down his fully erect cock. His other paw had abandoned pinching and pulling on his nut sack and had a firm grip around his baseball sized knot.

He panicked, as if who ever was calling could see right into his room and was staring at him in this embarrassing position. Finding some PJs he pulled them on, only having a little trouble stretching them over his shaft. He ran to the phone and picked it up without checking the caller id. "Hello?"

"Hey, are you home?" It was Quinn, and he sounded annoyed.

"Uh ya, are you home already, I thought your parents had to come pick you up?"

He could hear Quinn breathing on the other line as he looked out the window. It was getting dark outside and the birds were chirping on the tree that blocked most of his view. The rest of his view was taken up by his neighbors house, fur's that he had never met. He made a mental note to close the blinds from now on when he played with himself just in case the window on the second story, the one with a direct view of his window, had someone living in it. "Ya dog, my parents met us there, they were so pissed. Can I ask you a small favor?"

Marshall looked down at his tented PJs and sighed, fuck, he didn't want to do any favors "Ya... what is it?"

He knew the answer before he even asked it "Well like I said my parents are pretty pissed and they want their car back tonight, so I was wondering if you could drive it over?"

The dingo took one last lingering look at his dick and then "ya sure, I'll be over in a little bit"

"Thanks dog" Marshall waited for a goodbye but Quinn just hung up. Sighing again he hung up the phone as well and pulled down his PJs and looked for some clean underwear. Finding none he picked up some that he wore the day before but were still relatively clean, who would know? Then he pulled his PJs back on and found a shirt, also dirty, and made a commitment to himself that he would do laundry first thing tomorrow morning. It's not like he had school tomorrow, and for a split second he thought he might call Chris to see what the roo was doing, then he remembered he didn't have his phone number, and that they weren't friends.

He had to wait for a minute for his dick to slip back into his sheath, then he walked down the stairs and into the garage, while hitting the button to open the door. Getting to Quinn's was easy considering that he drove there practically everyday. Once he did pull up, he instead of knocking on the front door walked around back past the pool and strait to the pool house, making sure to avoid the great dane's parents like the plague. There was no question that they would be mad and Marshall didn't want to get yelled at.

Quinn lived on the south side of Mapleton, same as Chris so his house was in the same category as 'mansion'. The pool actually went under the wall of the pool house so you could swim in and out of it. The lights were on in the pool and it filled the small part of the back yard which Marshall had to walk across with an eerie light. The dingo walked into Quinn's pool house without knocking as usual, but what he saw was anything but the norm and the last thing he needed at the moment.

Quinn was naked and bending over the counter top to grab something on the other side, to lazy or drunk to walk around and grab it. Marshall could clearly see Quinn's exposed tailhole surrounded by the short fur of his defined rounded butt cheeks. If he could take his eyes off his friend's opening he would see the heavy balls that hung in between his legs swinging lightly as Quinn stretched his fingers to rap them around a cup.

Marshall felt his sheath spring to life, he closed his eyes trying to get the image of Quinn naked out of his mind. "Hey I didn't hear you come in..."

The dingo opened his eyes and had to quickly bring them up to meet his friends eyes "Uh ya sorry, your car's out front, god dude you've got to put some clothes on, do you have any idea what I saw when I came in?" He said that as a joke trying to get his mind off the full sheath right in front of him.

Quinn laughed "don't pretend like you don't like it" he said teasingly "oh and hey, I forgot, how are you getting home?"

The thought didn't occur to Marshall when he left his house, if he was dropping off the car then how would he get back to his house? "Uh ya I kind of didn't think of that either"

Quinn laughed and walked over to the couch, of course naked "don't worry about it, you can crash here tonight and I'll give you a ride home tomorrow morning when I go to school, dude you know getting suspended isn't going to help you get your grades up"

Ugh, he didn't even want to think about that right now "ya I know". The problem right now was he was starting to get a boner and there was no stopping it. Quinn needed to put some clothes on. "He dude you want to put some clothes on, I think I've seen enough of you cock today" he said, letting a little bit of his nerves come out through his voice.

Quinn looked towards the water that came in from the pool, "actually I think I'm going to take a dip, come on" he started walking towards the lit water.

Marshall couldn't handle it anymore, he sat down so that Quinn would have a harder time seeing the tent in the front of his PJs. He forgot to answer while looking at Quinn walk away, and the sway of his hips, and how his tail would swoop out of the way of his crack exposing the lighter grey fur underneath.

"What are you staring at?" That question brought the dingo out of his trance and he quickly lifted his eyes up to meet Quinn's. At first Quinn was just asking an innocent question but the look on Marshall's face must have given something away because Quinn's face turned to confusion, then a mild disbelief "were you just checking me out?" he said it as a half joke but half with deadly serious.

Marshall just looked back at his best friends and saw Quinn glance at his lap, no doubt seeing the bulge there. The dingo lost his voice, usually he could find some funny joke to get himself out of situations like this but his tongue refused to move. Maybe Quinn wouldn't care, they had been friends since they were pups, maybe he would be cool with it. But considering how bad Marshall took it when he found out for himself the chances were slim. Looking back at Quinn's face he saw that he didn't need to answer him, he already knew the answer. By the disgusted, repulsed look on the great dane's face Marshall knew.

There was no way things were going to turn out ok.


The next chapter is about Mark! So hopefully you guys can wait a little bit longer. In this Chapter you were introduced to one of my favorite characters, Tanner! You guys don't know it yet but he's a badass, and has a sweet story. :) Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter. Ha and just out a curiosity, to see if I am too predictable, can any of you guys guess where Mark's, Chris', and Marshall's stories are leading? And which characters they are going to be connected with? lol alright everyone have a good day :)