Zachary's Report - Chapter 4 - The First Breeding

Story by OPawsome on SoFurry

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#4 of Zachary's Report

Zachary's Report - A Story Series by O. Pawsome

Chapter 4: The First Breeding

This story contains scenes of explicit, consensual sex between adult anthropomorphic characters, and references consensual sex with minor characters as well. If you are prohibited from viewing this type of content in your home country, or are offended by it, please navigate away from this page now.

Zack woke up slowly, stretching and yawning. His eyes suddenly shot open as he realized where he was. Part of him had forgotten that he was now in a new home. And even more startling for Zack, he was still in the arms of his lover from the night before. Sam had fallen asleep with Zack in a loose embrace, the chubby hedgehog still smelling of male love as he softly snored with a faint, content smile on his face.

Zack stirred a bit, and felt the still-slick hedgehog sperm that had coated the inside of his asscheeks, as well as formed a now sticky wet spot under where he had slept. Slowly, he moved a paw down his chest, and felt the isolated spots of matted fur that were telltale drops of the fox's orgasm from the night before. As Zack felt the memories of last night's tryst come back to him, he felt his sheath stir.

Not wanting to wake his partner, he gingerly extricated himself from the sleeping hedgehog's embrace and got out of bed. He was pleasantly surprised to find the room comfortably warm. He stretched again, his tail frizzing out behind him. And as much as the disheveled state and pungent male aroma of his fur brought back happy memories, he decided it best to take a shower.

Stepping into the bathroom, he found it large and inviting. There was a single sink and toilet, with the majority of the room taken up by a large shower stall that looked like it could easily fit two. Indeed, there were padded benches lining the wall inside. After brushing his teeth with a thoughtfully-provided toiletries kit, he stepped into the shower and turned the water on. For several minutes, he let the hot water soak into his fur, warming his skin below.

Without thinking, he lowered his paw to his sheath and began to rub it slowly. He sighed as he felt his penis slide quickly from its hiding spot. But he suddenly remembered the rules. No masturbation. Reluctantly, he removed his paw from himself and began to wash, helping himself to the fur shampoo on the wall from a big pump bottle. He quickly sudsed up and washed last night's passions from his fur, taking special care to wash under his tail, where he still felt slightly sore.

After he was finished, he took a fresh towel and dried himself off, wrapping it around his waist and padding back into his room. Sam was still snoring, a bit louder at this point. And Zack took the opportunity to try out the computer. To his dismay, it didn't display a standard interface, but seemed to have its own proprietary menu. The options were:










Now curious, Zack selected the first option, which listed an at-a-glance daily planner on the screen:

9:00AM - Conditioning

9:45AM - Breakfast

11:00AM - Insemination/Breeding

1:00PM - RECREATION (w/mate)

3:00PM - Lunch (w/mate)

4:00PM - RECREATION (w/mate)

7:00PM - Dinner (w/mate)

8:00PM - Sex Tenchniques Workshop (w/mate)

10:00PM - Retire (w/mate)

Zack was bewildered for a moment, not quite understanding the "w/mate" tag added to each line of his activities past the morning. But he soon saw a blinking red button that said "URGENT NOTICE." He clicked it, and a small window came up that said:

Zachary, you will be breeding today. Please note that any sexual activity (with the exception of conditioning or medical procedures) that could result in your ejaculation is strictly off limits until you have successfully inseminated the female the computer has selected you to pair with.

_ _

Please also note, that after breeding you will be spending the remainder of the day, as well as this night with your breeding partner to ensure a healthy conception. We encourage you and her to copulate repeatedly, and preferably vaginally to ensure a successful pregnancy.

_ _

Zack swallowed a bit, and took a deep breath. He hadn't even been there for a full day and already they were eager to breed him. But he knew this going in. He knew his sperm would be in high demand, but he had no idea things were so scarce.

He looked at the clock, which read 8:51. He suddenly blinked and realized he had better head down to Conditioning, whatever that was. He took one more look at the sleeping Sam and smiled to himself before exiting the room. Zack still felt self-conscious at being nude as he stepped into the hallway, looking around. He felt a moment of panic as he realized he had no idea where he was supposed to be.

After a moment, he tapped one of the buttons on his collar. There was a soft beep and a pause of a few seconds before he heard a computerized voice say, "Who would you like to call?"

"I need directions!" Zack said anxiously.

"One moment please."

The line went to hold music, which was standard classical fare. He stood in the hall, wishing he had pockets to stuff his paws into. A couple of females passed by him, a collie and a lizard, giggling to each other about something. They were both quite pregnant, with the collie showing quite far along. They looked at Zack, giggled flirtatiously, and continued down the hall.

Zack forced a smile, but tapped his foot impatiently as they passed. After a few more moments, he heard a voice that was female and distinctly real answer.

"Hello Zachary, this is Rhonda and I'm the operator. Can I help you with something?"

Zack cleared his throat and said, "Yes. I'm new here and I'm due for Conditioning in like, five minutes. I have no idea where to find it."

"Okay, not to worry. Where are you right now?" she asked.

"I'm in front of my room, B334," Zack replied.

"Ah, okay. Just turn right when you leave your room and head down the hall until you come to the elevator. Take it to the second floor and then head left. You should see a door that says 'Conditioning and Extraction.'"

"Alright, thanks. I'll go there right now," Zack said before hitting the button to disconnect the call. He padded down the long hallway, half-jogging at times. After following the operator's instructions carefully, he found himself at the door he was looking for. It was a wide, double-door that led into a large room that Zack first mistook for a gym.

"Rrrrrf FUCK!"

The large crocodile shuddered in pleasure as he came. He sat astride what at first looked like a piece of exercise equipment, but was really much more elaborate. Set up like an ergonomic kneeling chair, a thick rubber dildo pistoned smoothly in and out of the scaled male's ass. The crocodile's ankles were firmly strapped to the frame of the chair as his hips jerked forward. A firm rubber ring moved back and forth over his penis in a smooth, reciprocating motion as a specially-shaped funnel collected the quite voluminous reptile ejaculate into a container near the floor.

The machine was set up in a tandem arrangement, with each male facing each other in their own machine. As his arms were free, the crocodile hugged the smaller raccoon opposite him in a tight embrace as he orgasmed, the mammal shivering and appearing close to climax as well. Zack could see a small puddle of clear precum in the bottom of the raccoon's jar. The room was full of males in various states of sexual arousal, all being milked by the same machine. There must have been twenty or thirty morphs, Zack thought. And the room was loud, with moans, groans and pleasured grunts filling the fox's blushing ears.

"Heyas, you a new guy?" a voice said off to his side. He was a slender meerkat, dressed in a white polo shirt and tan slacks. He carried a computer pad with him.

"Oh, erm, yeah. I'm Zack."

"Well hi there, Zack. My name's Trey and I'm a trainer here. Ever done conditioning before?" he asked.

"No, not really. This is all kind of new to me, actually," Zack admitted, looking out over the room again. A wolf was quietly howling in the corner as he went over the edge.

"Not to worry. You'll be an old pro in no time. Let's find you a partner and get you ready to go. Oh hey, Mike!" the meerkat said, peering over Zack's shoulder. The fox turned around to see the handsome ram who had been making out with the otter from the previous day quietly walk into the room.

"Hey Trey, sorry I'm late," he said.

"Oh no problem. Actually, I was hoping I could pair you up with a new guy today. This is Zack," Trey said, gesturing toward the nervous-looking fox.

"Nice to meet you," Zack said, sticking out his paw. Mike shook his paw firmly and grinned.

"Pleasure's all mine and all yours, or at least, it's gonna be in a few minutes, right, Trey?"

Mike nodded and gestured them to a clean, empty machine. "Go ahead and have a seat, gentlemen. I'll get you strapped in."

Zack and Mike straddled their seats and faced each other. Zack immediately felt nervous, and Mike, sensing this, began to rub his shoulders reassuringly.

"As you can tell, this is obviously a lot of fun. Loosen up, guy," he said, kneading the fox's shoulders with broad, hoof-like fingers as Trey began to strap their ankles and waist into the base of the machine.

"Some of our guys like to get a bit rowdy when they get pleasured," Trey explained. "This will keep you secure if things get a little too nice for you."

Trey then produced a bottle of water-based lubricant, the same that Dr. Ambrose had used. "Tail up for me, guys." he said. And Zack tentatively raised his tail.

"Now, what we're going to be doing today," Trey said as he began to liberally apply the cool gel to the fox's tender tailhole. "is measuring your response to sexual stimulation, your time to orgasm, and the volume of your ejaculaion."

Zack sucked in a breath as the meerkat's finger slipped suddenly, easily inside of him. Zack clenched for a moment on the finger, before relaxing again. Trey slid his finger in and out of the fox a few times, making sure to touch his prostate in the process. Zack let out a soft moan as he felt his sheath begin to stir. Chuckling, Trey slid his finger out of the fox and applied more lube to it, starting on the ram. Mike simply closed his eyes and let out a very masculine sigh.

"Conditioning is designed to increase your sexual stamina, lower your refractory period, and raise your ejaculatory volume and production over time," Trey explained as he suddenly gripped both Mike and Zack's cocks. They let out simultaneous gasps of pleasure as the meerkat began to masturbate them. "Alright, guys, big hardon for me," he encouraged.

It didn't take long before Zack's penis was standing at full attention, due to Trey's slick paw. The meerkat gripped the fox's cock and slipped it into an opening in the machine, and also clamped a rubber ring to the base of Zack's shaft, toward the opening to his sheath. The fox huffed in pleasure at this, his penis already dripping into the machine's funnel-shaped opening, which pressed against his tip. Immediately, the fox felt a wet suction on his tip, which made him grip his seat.

Mike simply chuckled as the same was done to him. Trey finished preparing them and pulled out a remote control pad. "Alright you guys ready?"

"Hells yeah," Mike laughed. "Like you even need to ask."

" I ever will be," Zack yerfed.

Trey hit the button.

Simultaneously, both males reacted in pleasure as the machine began its work. Zack felt those rubber rings work back and forth along his length in a way that he'd never experienced before. It was truly unique, and extremely pleasurable. Just then, someone else came, a handsome wolf who had a machine to himself nearby. The lupine howled to the heavens as Zack watched the container under his seat fill with lewd, milky-white drips.

Just as Zack was getting used to the sensation of being masturbated so precisely by the machine, he felt an insistent pressure under his tail. He knew what was coming, and gritting his teeth, he accepted all seven inches of rubber cock that slowly, but surely slid in under his tail. Nodules along its length plucked his prostate in a way that made him worry he'd simply cum right away. But sensing he might be close, the machine immediately slowed down, letting him catch his breath, before continuing again.

Mike rode the machine like an old pro, grunting and braying happily as the bighorn sheep was fucked and sucked simultaneously. After a few moments, Mike reached for him, and pulled the smaller fox into a passionate embrace.

"C'mere, I need some love here," he said breathily as he tilted the fox's muzzle up to his and kissed him just as hotly as he had the otter before. Eyes widening in sudden surprise, Zack opened his muzzle and let the ram lick into it, soon returning the kiss with a soft whimper, ears folded back submissively as the pleasure coursed through his slender body.

He now knew why these machines were designed to be used in tandem. Being milked by the machine was heaven enough, but to share the experienced with someone, to experience a warm touch and smell the musk of another who must be feeling just as aroused as you were was truly something extraordinary. Giving in to the kiss, Zack passionately caressed Mike's face, his tongue dancing with his morning lover's.

After a few minutes of this, the machine seemed to step up its efforts, squeezing the rings even firmer over Zack's penis and plucking over the beginnings of his knot. It seemed to know exactly how to stroke him, and kept letting him get close, before slowing down again.

Breaking the kiss, Zack moaned out, "It's teasing me!"

"Y-yeah," Mike panted. "It's designed you can give it a nice big load. And speaking of which, I'm gonna cum..!"

His ass aching in pain and pleasure as he clenched the dildo, these words from the ram excited Zack even more as he could smell the handsome male get even closer to orgasm. Mike concentrated on the pleasure, determined to get his release during this cycle and soon enough he let out a soft grunt as he arrived at his climax.

"Ohyesss..." he hissed softly in Zack's ear as he came. The ram clung to the fox with a trembling embrace as his hips bucked in the straps. His penis pulsing, Mike's impressive ejaculation sent torrents of hot sheepcum spilling into the funnel. Trey came up behind the orgasming ram and rubbed his shoulders.

"Great job there, Mike. Keep it comin'," The meerkat churred encouragingly before moving on to the next pair.

"Fuck, you know it!" Mike grrrfed as his climax continued.

Zack couldn't take it anymore. Between this spectacle of casual release and the scents and sounds of his partner's climax, it was all too easy for the fox to quickly catch up to him. All the while, his knot had been slowly swelling, the twin bulges at the base of his vulpine cock spreading in time with his arousal. The machine kept bumping up against the front of it hard, unable to stroke down as far as it was before. And at this point, something unexpected happened. The lower ring disengaged momentarily from Zack's shaft and clamped down again behind his knot. It was tighter this time, and began jerking upward in quick, firm strokes, milking him intensely. The dildo within his ass pressed even firmer, tickling the inside of his belly and suddenly switched on its vibrator, sending shockwaves of anal pleasure through its victim.

Zack's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. It was as if someone had hit him with a pleasure-bat. Wincing in ecstasy as his orgasm began, the fox bucked and squirmed in the machine. But there was no getting away from the incredible sensations as the device was tied firmly.

"Oh Gods...ohfuck..!" he moaned, shakily gripping Mikes shoulders as he collapsed onto him, twitching with pleasure. "It's got my knot...It's got me by the...mmmh..."

By now, Mike had begun to descend into afterglow. Still catching his breath, he held Zack against him and rubbed his back "Shhh...shhh, it's cool, man. Just let it go, enjoy it..." he said with a breathy chuckle as he reassured the startled fox.

Zack began to cum into the funnel, his fertility flowing into the plastic device in thick, hot ropes as the front ring simply held him still and kept his penis from jiggling too much as the lower ring milked his knot. Quaking and gasping with each spurt, Zack's mind went hazy as he became lost in the pleasure.

"I'm cumming...I'm cuh...." he managed to whisper. His seed pooled in the beaker below, the lewd sounds of his sperm flowing through the suction tube audible to anyone who was standing nearby.

"You sure are," Mike chuckled. "Mmm, and I can smell it, too."

Due to the machine's precise ministrations, Zack felt like he could cum forever. His ass spasming around the unavoidable dildo, he knew his assignment was worth it. For just this alone. After quite some time, his thick spurts began to subside and fade down to a gentle trickle. His orgasm ebbed slowly, gently, into a warm afterglow. And as his mind returned to him, he silently wondered if it were possible to purchase one of these machines for personal use after he got out of the breeding center.

The next thing Zack became aware of was Trey's voice enthusiastically churring, "Hey, nice! 13mL. Not bad for a first timer. I bet you've got more where that came from." The meerkat reached down to fondle Zack's tender balls, making him huff once more into Mike's chestfur.

"But you're done for today, as it says here on the computer you've got breeding," Trey said as he began to unstrap the still-dazed vulpine from the machine.

Mike smiled fondly down to the smaller fox. "C'mon," he said. "Let's go get some breakfast."

Breakfast with Mike turned out to be a lot more interesting than he expected. The ram regaled the fox with various anecdotes from his two years as a breeder. As most of them were sexual, Zack found himself more titillated and aroused by them than amused, though that's not to say Mike wasn't as talented a raconteur as he was a kisser.

Just as Zack was beginning to relax, his collar beeped and a computerized voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Zachary. This is to inform you that you are due for breeding in ten minutes. If you are able to become sufficiently aroused and have not ejaculated more than once this morning, please proceed to the breeding block."

Zack frantically tried to hush the notice, self-conscious and just a little embarrassed as more than one ear craned to listen in to the news.

Mike flashed a wide grin and said, "Nice, Zack. You're going to the heat wave on your first day."

"The heat wave?" Zack said, perplexed.

"The breeding block. It's a separate housing wing specifically for females that aren't pregnant yet. Most of them are in heat. They keep us guys out until the time comes to actually do the deed," Mike explained enthusiastically.

Zack looked around, then back at Mike again. "So where is this heat block?" he asked, not wanting to be barely on time the way he was for conditioning earlier that morning.

Mike pointed a hoof-tipped finger toward the outer hallway. "You go out the door, 7take a right, and keep going down the hall until you get to the secure doors. You can't miss it."

Zack got up and took his tray, dumping the contents in the trashcan. He looked back to Mike with a smile and murred, "Thanks Mike. And, thanks for breakfast."

Mike simply grinned and pointed under the table toward his crotch. "Come back tomorrow for lunch and I'll give you a little something extra to go with your coffee, foxie."

Zack blushed furiously and headed out of the room, following Mike's simply directions. He soon came to the doors that were indeed locked. When he tried to open it, a panel on the wall beeped, before turning green. Zack reasoned it must have sensed his identity due to the close proximity of his collar.

The door swung open and Zack stepped into the breeding block. This place was much larger than he expected. It was laid out like the atrium of a hotel, albeit smaller. It must have been ten stories tall and had a nice courtyard in the center, with what appeared to be rooms or apartments lining the balconies above. He had no sooner walked six feet inside when a pleasantly-plump squirrel approached him, dressed in a nurse's outfit. She appeared to be in her late forties.

"Hi, are you Zachary?" she asked politely.

Zack turned to her and nodded. "That's me."

"I'm Carrie," she said with a smile. "Is this your first breeding?"

Zack nodded. "Yeah, it is."

"But you've had sex with women before, right?" she asked hopefully, her fingers posed over a portable computer pad she held.

"Yes, definitely."

"Any issues? We realize a large portion of our male population have more experience with the same sex than with females."

Zack chuckled nervously. "No. No problems; not that I know of."

"Great, well I've got your partner all ready for you, so go ahead and follow me. It's really important that while you're outside of her room, you are accompanied at all times by one of our breeding facilitators. If you guys need anything, lube, toys, even costumes. We got 'em," Carrie said as she began to lead him down the first floor balcony on the left.

Zack followed behind her. In the courtyard, he saw what must have been nearly a half dozen females of various species and ages cavorting and splashing in the pool. He wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but he swore he could smell the heat of them all. Now at least he know how the place got its name.

It wasn't long before they reached a door, marked simply "13." Zack mused to himself that he was about to get lucky, so he found the number appropriate. Carrie didn't even knock, she simply opened the door.

Inside, he found it to be more spacious than the room he currently shared with Sam. There was a larger bed, with a more elaborate bedspread, as well as a row of bassinets that lined the wall. They were empty at the moment. The room's only occupant was a skunkette in her early forties who was posing in front of a mirror, running her paws down her body with a look of concern on her face. She was full-figured, though not what Zack would call plump or chubby. She looked up as the two suddenly entered the room.

"Hey!" she said with a bright smile. Marching up to Zack, she extended her paw, which he took a bit dazedly. Inside the room, the scent of her mustelid heat was strong, as was the telltale scent of her species, though not potent or offensive. Zack found it complimented the tang of her need perfectly.

"How goes it?" the skunk said warmly, shaking his paw like a new business contact. "My name's Trisha. I guess we'll be making some kits today, huh?"

Zack smiled a bit a this, though he was taken aback by how casually she introduced herself in this context. It was strangely arousing, to be sure.

"Well, I'll leave the two of you alone for the day," Carrie said with a smile. "And Zack?"

"Yes?" he said, turning around for a moment.

"It's really important that if you cum, it's going in her vagina. No blowjobs or pawjobs or titfucking for now. Think you can live with that?" the nurse said.

"I think so," Zack replied. And Carrie shut the door, locking it behind her.

There was no awkward pause, as Trisha tugged on Zack's arm gently, gesturing him toward the bed. "C'mon, let's get started, hon."

In a daze, Zack followed Trisha to the edge of her bed. The sheets reeked of skunk and heat as well. She sat next to him and began to run her claws through his bellyfur, resting her muzzle on the taller fox's shoulder. She must have sensed he was nervous, as she said, "What's wrong, sweetie? Never been with a girl before?"

Zack blushed furiously. "No, it's not that," the fox stammered. "I've just never actually, you know, been a father before. I'm just still trying to believe it myself."

Trisha giggled. "Try being the female. I think it'd be safe to say being the mother is harder. But it really has it's rewards."

Her claws had reached his inner thighs now, idly stroking small furrows in his white fur there. Zack put a paw on her arm gently, not to restrain her, but just to acknowledge the touch.

"Have you been a mother here before?" Zack asked curiously.

"Several times so far," Trisha said with a nod, thumbing over the base of his ballsac gently. The fox sucked in a breath briefly, curling his claws into her arm, but let her continue to explore and fondle him. "My son's here with me, lives in the male dorms."

"Your son?"

"Yes; Hunter. He came with me into the program and he's fertile too," Trisha said with more than just a little pride.

"How old is he?" Zack asked, suspicious due to Trisha's relatively young age.

"He's twelve," she said.

Zack looked astonished. "And they already know he's fertile?"

Trisha gently cupped the tod's balls in her paw, rolling them around gently and feeling the weight of his fertility, the warm promise of fatherhood from within. Zack was having a very hard time not getting distracted, but this time, he was determined to press the subject.

"Well of course they know," she giggled. "He gave me my twins this spring. He was so proud!"

Zack swallowed and slowly said, "They bred you back to your own son?"

Trisha must have noticed the concern in his voice because she took her paw off his balls and instead placed it on his own, black paw. "Zack, look. Things work a bit different here. You kinda have to stretch your views on sex and 'what's right.' I don't know if you're aware, but Mephit stock isn't very easy to come by. He was the only skunk male available when I was in heat, and they wanted to concentrate on purebreds before they hybridized me with someone, like yourself."

"How does Hunter feel about all of this?" Zack asked.

"He's fine with it. He enjoys sex and he's happy to help make more of his species. He and I have a very sexual relationship, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm his mother and I still love him, Zack."

Zack nodded a bit, looking down at his feet as he tried to take in the enormity of the concept. A mother and her own young son sharing that kind of relationship. Wait until the world found out about this.

"Anyway, I think you just need to relax. You'll get used to it, I promise. In the meantime though," she murred, licking his cheek and rubbing up the front of his shaft. "Did you want to get to work making Hunter some more siblings? They're showing that new action flick that everyone's talking about in a couple of hours, and I thought that by then we'd have gotten a couple rounds in and I'd be nice and knocked up."

Zack chuckled despite himself, and his shaft instantly came to life under Trisha's broad, weasel-like paw, as well as the casual tone of her voice. It's as if she was asking him to help her carry groceries in from the car.

"How do you want to do this?" Zack asked her, readying himself for his pleasant duty.

"On all fours," she said simply, sliding next to him before getting up on her hands and knees. "All first breedings are done doggie-style. After that, hell, whatever you want to do. Personally, I'm in love with the cowgirl."

And there she was, grinning back at him playfully, perfectly at ease as she lifted her magnificent, striped tail to reveal her dripping wet snatch to someone she had met only minutes previously. The scent of her heat and her musk were quite strong, threatening to overwhelm the excited fox as he approached her from behind.

"Why this position first?" Zack asked as he slid his paws through the fine furs of her ass.

"Well, because it's the most natural, and has the highest conception rate. They've got all sorts of studies to back it up, but I don't really question it. I'm still fucking for a living," she said with a snicker.

Her nonchalant attitude was quickly beginning to put Zack at ease, as well as endear him to his new mate. With his other paw, he slowly masturbated himself until he could feel he was firm enough. He sighed and hugged Trisha's tail to his chest, taking in her scent, finding it to be most intoxicating. Slowly, he rubbed his pre-slick tip to her moistened folds. He felt the skunkette shiver beneath him.

"That's it, hon," she encouraged. "Just have at me, don't be shy."

Following her advice, his dripping tip resting lewdly, gently at the entrance to her damp pussy, the stud gripped her hips and began to firmly press himself in. Immediately, Trisha let out a loud moan of pleasure. "Oh Zack, c'mon, gimme more..." she demanded.

Gritting his teeth at the sudden feel of molten pleasure surrounding his canid cock, Zack slid himself in farther, until he was hilted inside of the female, balls-deep. He could feel her taking sharp breaths beneath her as he paused to savor the initial union. Slowly, he began to pull back until only his tip was resting within her folds again, then drove back in again sharply, instinct taking over.

"Oh fuck...!" Trisha gasped. "I love it when guys do that."

Zack obliged her again, giving her full, slow thrusts. He gripped her thighs and pressed deeper into her, his tip tickling the entrance to her needy womb. Trisha's sucking moans intensified, and Zack began to briskly hump her.

"Could you do me a favor?" Trisha moaned shakily as Zack continued to fuck her.

"Rrrf, what's that?" Zack asked breathlessly.

"Could you...lean over and lick at my ears. And if it's not too much *moan* trouble, lemme know when you're going to stick that knot of yours in me, okay?"

"Oh, right, sure thing," Zack said, eager to please her. And he hunched over her, obliging her request as he nuzzled, licked, and kissed at her short ears. The reaction was almost immediate. Trisha arched up against Zack's slender belly, her slickened sex clenching onto his cock possessively.

"Just like that," she gasped.

Zack couldn't help but think, in this moment, that his cock was in the same place that her eleven year old son's had been less than a year previously. Too excited to feel shame, the thought aroused him even further, and he returned her rippling and bucking with harder, quicker thrusts.

Trisha continued to let out the sharp, delighted little shrieks of pleasure that Zack knew were the hallmark of a female approaching orgasm. It didn't take long for his mephit lover to reach that point. Slamming her hips back against his with a wet squelching sound, Zack felt her pussy spasm and ripple hard against his penis as she reached her peak.

"I'm cumming..!" she groaned, hips trembling under Zack's paws as he continued to pound into the MILF enthusiastically. Gritting his teeth, and not wanting to go over the edge yet, he continued at a steady, but firm pace. Already, he could feel the bulb of his knot beginning to swell under the onslaught of wet pleasure from Trisha's climax.

With a wry, vulpine grin, Zack reached his right paw down, searching, questing, until he found his target. With a gentle flick, he began to tease the climaxing skunk's clit. Immediately, Trisha bucked back against him and let out a very mustelid cry of pleasure.

"Foxie! Oh foxie, yes!" she squeaked, choking for breath as she came again. "Please don't stop. Fuck me..."

"I'm gonna cum soon," Zack panted, his knot swelling even wider, popping in and out of Trisha's cunt with lewd splishing sounds. He knew it was coming, the point of no return. If he kept this up, he'd definitely be a daddy soon. But in this moment, his mind fogged with pleasure, his senses fried by the headiness of his lover's heat, he didn't give a fuck.

"Do it...!" Trisha demanded. "Knock me up good, foxie!"

There was no turning back now. His knot swelled even more, and suddenly, after one particularly delicious thrust, he found he couldn't pull back out again. He was tied. Tugging backward as instinct washed away the last of his misgivings, the fox howled in pleasure as he came.

Waves of pleasure surged through them both as the feeling of white hot fertility surging into Trisha's womb set off her second climax. Zack gripped her hips firmly, his claws curling in to touch her skin as his lover orgasmed with him. Later, Zack would swear that he came harder than he ever had before.

Trisha's eyes became unfocused as she felt Zack's slippery ejaculate flood into her needy womb, extinguishing the fire within her and sating her in a way that toys and infertile staffers just couldn't come close to.

"It's in me," Trisha panted. "Oh gods it's in me...Oh Zack, yes...don't stop."

Zack continued to make sort, flagging little thrusts as his orgasm continued, prolonged by the exquisite spasming of the skunk's tunnel. After a few more moments, he felt the incredible pleasure subside, and his sharp volleys of cum died down to a gentle trickle within Trisha's pussy. He relaxed against her back, panting warmly against her neck as afterglow set in.

The skunk was still cumming, but gradually, her crashing little orgasms faded and she joined her mate in the heavenly post-coital bliss they now had the luxury of sharing. Zack still twitched occasionally with the sympathetic pulses of orgasm he felt, his dick pulsing inside Trisha as his sperm did its work inside of her. The room positively reeked of sex, the scent of love hanging in the air like some kind of humid, erotic cloud.

"That was really good," was all Zack could think of to say, immediately feeling silly that his comment hardly did the last few minutes justice.

"I'll say," Trisha murred with a smile. "You're the best I've had in a while. You're totally staying with me tonight."

"I thought that was the plan," Zack chucked, nuzzling her cheek. "Besides, I think we're going to be stuck here for a little while."

The two of them flopped onto their sides gently on the bed, the tod spooning with his skunk as they both waited out the tie. Trisha idly reached her paw down to her lower belly, simply feeling the warmth inside her as the sparks of life began to fire within.

And it wasn't long before Zack felt his mate relax in his arms, then go limp. Soon, the quiet little sounds of her breathing signaled she had fallen fast asleep. With an affection that surprised him, he watched her nap, still tied to him as the afternoon sun streamed in through the windows. He felt so close to her, that this female, the mother of his coming young, was the most important thing in the world to him. He didn't want to wake her, and would let her sleep until the movie was about to start.

Slowly, he felt his knot deflate and the tie began to subside. With gentle motions, he worked himself free of the skunk, a flood of mixed feminine juices and residual fox semen sluicing out of her stretched sex and onto her shapely ass, creating the customary wet spot on the bed.

Zack crept out of the bed, and seated himself quietly at the computer terminal at the desk. Switching it on, and selecting the appropriate application, he began to compose his first post.

"Dear Uncle Charles...It's been a strange, wonderful first two days..."

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