Streams of Thought

Story by Spottycat Jones on SoFurry

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So yes. This is actually the first full story I've ever written (I've written fragments here and there for my own personal amusement, but nothing near this). Not particularly long or, in my eyes, all that good, but everyone's gotta start somewhere and it only took about an hour at any rate. Any constuctive criticism, praise or hefty sums of money are happily accepted.

Disclaimer: This story contains words, and some of those words may hurt sensitive eyes. Then again, you clicked on the link. What did you honestly expect?

Characters featured below can hardly be copyrighted as they're kept vague on purpose. They -are- loosely based on people, but it's not so obvious. And with that, onto the smut. Er, show.

And so I find myself on elbows and knees, the soft bed beneath me proving rather comfortable which is a Godsend bearing in mind what's no doubt about to happen. I look back and see his face, his black furred muzzle twisted into a grin as he looks down at his 'prey'. This tasty morsel that he's caught and is about to violate with that heavy, throbbing member dangling between his legs. The mere sight of the thing is enough to send shivers down my spine and get the very tip of my tail tingling. It must be at least 9 inches in length, as black as the fur on his well-proportioned body and glistening in the dim light. How much is lubricant and how much precum I really can't say. In my current position, I'm really not fussing about the details. My needs are more... primal.

There's shuffling now, a weight moving over my back as his large body moves into position, that thick ebony shaft tapping firmly against the back of my fuzzy balls and leaving a smear of his juices in the pristine white fur. It's a matter of seconds now before... oh, there it is. The touch of a hot cocktip against my pucker, my tail instantly hiking up my back as if it were a compass point. I barely have time to chuckle to myself at the instinctive reaction and then he begins to push forward, that tapered tip sliding forward and breaching the tight muscle ring with an audible slurp.

Oh God! Each inch he pushes forward brings out another shudder along my body, his burning hot shaft violating my rear and filling up my guts in a most delightful way. It's been such a long time since anything that thick has graced my inner walls; my slightly pained mewling a testament to the girth of the member stretching me out. I'd lean forward and bite the pillow but I want him to hear me; to hear every little grunt and moan as his member slurps past my ring and griiinds against my prostate so heavily.

It may have been seconds or maybe minutes, I honestly can't say, but soon enough I feel the slight ripple of an unformed knot and then a pair of furry balls pressing against my body. He's hilted inside me, 9 inches of hot thick cock lodged firmly in the bowels of the willing fucktoy beneath him. I can't help but press my luck and I contract my lower muscles, giving his tool a firm squeeze with the inner hand of my bowels. It obviously has the desired effect as he hunches over my back, wraps his paws around my wrists to hold me down and then rather roughly takes the scruff of my neck into his teeth, locking them into a mating bite to secure his prey. God. As if I'd want to run at this point. Not when the fun's really about to begin.

I have time to mewl pitifully and struggle a little, showing him how utterly dominant he is at this moment and hoping that I'll awaken his more feral side, before the pounding begins. He draws his glistening cock smoothly back out of my clenching rear, eliciting another little shiver of delight from my restrained form, and then he roughly slams it back into my depths. His balls slap firmly against my body, the force of the thrust driving me forward and making me cry out in sheer pleasure as my craving body receives his entire length. There's barely a pause in the action before he does it again, and again. Oh fuck! That throbbing member is really working my loosened hole now, my guts alternating between empty and stuffed.

Mmf. He's really tapping into his feral side now, a series of snarls and barks coming from his muzzle, muffled only by my thick neckfur. It's obvious that my bowels are making for a nice tight fuck for that deliciously large cock, though with such endowment I'm sure he'd find any tailhole a tight one. I'm certainly in no state to complain, my own cock now fully emerged from my sheath and grinding roughly against the sheets with every harsh forward motion. Were it not for the small puddle of precum that I seem to have drooled onto the bed, it might be something less than absolute pleasure. But how could I not be so amazingly turned on at my current situation and with such exquisite stimulations?

Oh fuck! The thrusts are getting harder now, his fuzzy orbs pounding against my body as he drives that shaft in and out of me. But now the sensations are different. His knot is growing and, judging by the size of his cock, it's going to be a very rough tie for me. Doubt briefly flits across my mind but it's no good, I'm too far gone now. Lost to pleasure, lost to the harsh grinding at my cock as it fucks the sheets and, most of all, lost to the black deity hunched over my back fucking me seven ways to Sunday. No. I need his knot inside me. I need to be his bitch, absolutely and without question. Hanging my head and gripping the pillow in my teeth, I brace myself for the inevitable.

The grip on my wrists tightens as do the teeth at the back of my neck. I manage to let out a muffled mewl of lust as he pushes his cock deep - oh so deep - and crams his knot inside my clenching rear. As that ball of hot flesh begins to swell, I feel him tense and suddenly there's another sensation inside my guts, jets of hot liquid spurting into my bowels and his throbbing cock pushing me down into the bed. It's too much for me, my nerves on fire as the pressure pushes me to orgasm, spurts of my seed flowing from the tip of my firmly pressed cock and making a sticky mess of both the sheets and my beautifully soft tummyfur. I scream, I shudder, I lose every last shred of control I was holding onto at the deluge of sensation. It's too much and the world seems to darken a little, spots appearing and dancing before my tightly closed eyes and...

"Hey. Rise and shine sweetie."

Licking at my neck and the soft voice rouses me from the darkness, my eyes slowly opening and the view of the headboard swims slowly into focus. I blink once or twice before turning to regard the source of the voice.

He's there, smiling at me. The ebony adonis of my dreams. But of course he's there. I mean, I go to sleep next to him every night. He regards my bleary face and lets out that little laugh that just utterly melts my heart everytime I hear it.

"Looks like you were having some pretty intense dreams there. Care to share?"

He flashes me a grin and nods down the bed towards a somewhat large bump in the sheets, right about where his legs meet. I can't help but smile to myself and prepare to, well, 'elaborate' on what I was dreaming about. Oh God it's going to be a great day.