Streams of Thought

So yes. This is actually the first full story I've ever written (I've written fragments here and there for my own personal amusement, but nothing near this). Not particularly long or, in my eyes, all that good, but everyone's gotta start somewhere and...

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Airtight - A story from 'The Institute'.

Story 2 (in a series of cheap smut that is not likely to be in any way sequential!) Okay. Another one of those 'Institute' stories because I had an urge for plants and tentacles. Well, that and subby girly red pandas getting what they deserve. Oh...

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Funding Support - A story from 'The Institute'.

Story 1 (just in case there's some kind of plot development going on in future. I know. Perish the thought!) Hey folks. Here's another ramble from the top of my brain. I always wanted to set some stories in an alternate universe of sorts. Hence, 'The...

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_Ha ha ha!! Four years since I posted a story. That's gotta be some sort of record!_ _Ahem._ _Yeah. This is basically something that I've had washing around in my brain for the last week or so. I figured the best way to exorcise it was to get it down...

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