The Ritual of Desire - Story Inspired From the Diablo game series (Updated)

Story by JA Red Wolf on SoFurry

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Ran into an error I didn't know how to fix on the first upload and decided to delete and start over. Same story but will added parts and smoothed out more. It's got more bugs to work out but I can only do so much using an iPhone. I was going to upload a picture of what a Khazra is supposed to look like, did so on the first upload, but reconsidered due to people in this day and age being copyright infringement crazy. Best use google if you're curious I'm sorry to say.

The wilds of Tristram are well known to be full of countless dangers and it's not a place to seek out fool hearted inspired adventures. Some of the dangers are supernatural in nature like the vengeful ghosts from King Leorics mad crusade against alleged traitors, restless Undead who rise from their graves to feed on the blood of the living and even hedge wizards who conduct all sorts of unholy rituals to please their demon masters.

However, most of the dangers are flesh and blood, namely the local wildlife and especially the infamous Khazra, better know to locals as the Goatmen of the wild. This story takes place with one of many Khazra tribes of the wild and especially around one young adult shaman in training whose been very distracted and to his masters annoyance, allowing his loins to take the place of his brains.

The young shaman in training, commonly known to the tribe as Runt due to his small size, has grown old enough to escape the title of pup and is ready to begin his training as the future tribal shaman. Not all Khazra can become shaman, they must show a degree of intelligence and display an aptitude for magic.

Runt has shown he possesses these two essential requirements, the only thing wrong with him is he's been very distracted lately.

"ATTENTION NOW RUNT!" His master, also his father, snarled angrily with an intense demonic tone and thumped his apprentice over the head, making contact between his horns where his skull was exposed. Just then, his mind switched from undressing the luscious and well built Khazra warrior buck he had been eying through the open doorway of his masters hut and whom he had lusting after to a bright flash of white, then seeing stars and hearing birds. Next thing to follow was intense pain and a terrible headache to which Runt yelped like a pup and instinctively wincing for an expected follow up blow. "MASTER STOP!" The Runt whine and then asked, "Why?"

The old Khazra Shaman glared angrily as his apprentice and snarled, "Why gods let a runt live and take my stronger sons I know not! You my last living offspring, you will learn what I know or your head on a pike it will go!" Runt said nothing else and just hung his head low and all the while rubbed his aching head. He is in in the wrong after all and his father/masters anger was just.

Runt was the last of the three sons born from his fathers favorite wife, he was the runt of the litter and normally he would have been either sacrifice or sold as a slave to neighboring tribe, but his siblings died days after being born where he lived so see his first winter. This annoyed his father to no end for he was getting up in years and his seed was all but dried up. The last series of several matings, and with all five of his wives, bore no fruit. Even his very young concubines failed conceive so no new offspring will be sired from him and he had no choice to raise the Runt to be his succeeding progeny.

Another thing that annoyed the old shaman was his sons sudden sexual interests. Normally this isn't a problem, in truth he could have used it to motive his son/apprentice to focus on his lessons and be rewarded with a coupling with one his concubines. All the better if she were to conceive and could then claim his grandchild as his rightful successor and do away with the runt of the litter as originally planned. If only it were that easy, his son unfortunately has a different sort of want in regards to mating.

His son has been lusting after another buck, namely a young warrior whose already been blooded with his first kill against a human warrior at a young age. The warriors name is Gronk Steel Skin, a name he earned in battle after he was able to shake off sword blows to his bare skin and walk away with well earned scars.

With Khazra, it wasn't unusual for two bucks to lust after each other, in fact, it has even been encouraged for bucks with such desires to mount each other before a battle in establishing a bond and release tension. It also lowers the odds in one warrior killing the other over petty feuds like who has the biggest axe and whose horns are longer.

Normally this sort of desire arises when females are short supply or when Khazra bucks have been away for long periods of time, but these last few winters has rewarded the tribe with a bounty of fresh young females and battles have been limited to attacking human caravans or two Khazra hunting parties fighting over a kill.

Gronk Steel Skin however, has shown little if any interest in wanting a wife, less so in wanting to copulate with another buck. Only thing that excites Gronk is the thrill of battle and shedding of blood, a true Khazra warrior any father would be very proud of.

As for the poor old Shaman, his son is more interested in ogling the warrior buck then focusing on his spell craft. He's yet to master channeling demonic energy and cannot so much as make sparks with his recent lesson on pyro magic.

"Again recite what I said." The Shaman asked his apprentice/son in regards to repeating the spell he had just taught him. "Um..." the apprentice muttered to himself as he rubbed his left horn and desperately tried to remember the words, truth be told, he was daydreaming about rubbing hot hawk oil on Gronk naked body and hearing him tell graphic war stories rather then paying attention. "" Runt thumped his head with his fists as he strained for a moment to remember the last word, "Neckline?"

Just then his father/master hit him over the head again and continued hitting him with his staff, all the while letting out a volley of unending swearing as he beat his son to near unconsciousness. "BREAK I NEED OR I BREAK YOUR NECK RUNT!" His father bellowed in a loud thunderous ton of anger then turned and stomped towards the exited the shaman hut, all the while still cursing as he headed off to walk off his temper. Only stoping for a moment to kick a small scavenger creature who've been helping himself to the discarded bones from the tribes previous meal.

"Father REALLY mad this time." Runt said aloud as he tried to push himself up from the floor, his whole body ached and hurt from where his father beat him relentlessly with his staff. "Father meaner then usual, he normally beat runt with his fists, not with hard staff." Runt took this as a clear sign his father was all but taxed of his patients.

"Damn my loins!" He muttered with frustration as he slowly stood up and limped his way to the entranceway of the hut. "Father will kill me if I no master magic, but wanting to mate too strong for Runt to resist!" He looked around for the object of his desires and soon found him sitting down at his usual spot where he would be sharpening his axe and bragging about his latest kill with the unblooded warriors. The young warriors would gather around and listen like young pups listening to the story teller speaking words on the tribes history.

What was it about Gronk that Runt found so desirable about him? Was it his pitch black fur that was darker then charcoal and felt course and very masculine? Was it his magnificat horns that looked like two spears threatening the high heavens and would make any enemy give awe? Was it his full body that was rippled with tight battle tempered muscles that could easily strike down a hulking beast with any weapon at it's disposal?

It could easily be his well molded rear end backside that looked like two war drums pounding each other as he walked or the mystery what lay hidden behind that loincloth that taunted and teased Runts imagination. Runt had to cross his legs every time he thought about what laid behind that vale of hide, the very idea made his loins stiffen like a spear ready to impale prey and how he wanted to explore every unknown region behind it. Especially with his mouth and rear hindquarters.

Just the thought of Gronk mounting him from behind was too intense to dare conjure, especially thoughts of him mounting Gronk instead. The very idea made his loins ache something fierce and drool like a starving scavenger to rotting corpse. "Runt want Gronk!" He said aloud quietly to himself with a sad sigh as he teased his minds eye with brief glimpses of sexual encounters with his desire one, "Runt want Gronk to want Runt!" He thought for a moment on how it could ever become possible, so far it wasn't promising.

Gronk only cared about fighting, Runt has never been in a fight all his life, mostly because he was the last living son of the village shaman and the penalty for hurting him made being skinned alive look like being tickled.

Last fool who dared to lay a hand on him ended up decorating his fathers hut with his entrails and his head being stuck on a pike just a few feet away. Nothing much left of it now but bare born and dried flesh.

He decided to push it all aside for now and return to his study before his father returned ready to beat him again some more. He limped his way to the back of the hut and rummaged through a collection of dried human hides with arcane markings and writing that were his fathers collection of spells.

These spells have been passed down from many generations of Shamans, most have been passed down from father to son while others were stolen from enemy tribes. These spells would one day be his but only if he mastered each and every one, right now he couldn't understand what all the markings meant let alone the script that was written in ancient Vizjerei. Only spells he knew, a little anyway, was what his father showed him and how to pronounce the evocations.

So far, the only spells he recognized was the spell to turn enemies inside out, to conjure a lessor demon, a demonic rites of human sacrifice to appease demon lords. Most of them were very common and basic, like turning water into fire, to summon a fireball, to make it rain fire and even a spell to turn your urine into corrosive acid. That spell in particular made Runt hiss and wince in pain, suffice to say the last time he did that spell, he suffered sever pain for many days. No doubt it was his fathers idea of a joke for he didn't stop laughing for days. At least it made his father happy and not beat him.

"What that?" Runt said as he came across a very curious looking spell. He couldn't understand all of the writing but what he did understand mentioned something about manipulating the senses and mind. "Mind control spell?" Runt asked himself as he looked over each and every symbol carefully, "Yes, control enemy minds!" He said aloud after using all his understanding to decipher the meanings behind the arcane markings.

Just then, a wicked thought was whispered into his minds ear. A thought so wicked and ingenious that it made his very hooves tingle and made his loins swell and throb with pure sexual and euphoric excitement. An evil smile crept over his face like a prowling serpent and quickly became a bare toothed grin that made him look like delighted horned imp.

"Runt will master this spell and then Runt will have Gronk!" Runt took the spell from the collection, folded it carefully and hid it with his belongings where he intended to study the spell further when his father dismissed him for the day and he could return to his hut to study the spell in secret.

He could hear his father grumbling angrily from a distance as he was returning to the hut. Runt quickly returned the spells to their correct place but was caught in the act just as his father entered into the hut. "RUNT," his father snarled with intense anger "I warn you touch my spells without my knowing and punishment I will give."

Runt had to think fast and quickly pulled out a random spell from the bundle and asked, "You teach Runt this spell?" His father narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Runt, it was unusual for him to be so eager to learn. "Fine!" His father snarled, this time with less anger which was a relief to Runt until his father continued, "Punishment first, teach spell then I will!" Runt gulped and muttered, "Yes master."

Many hours later his father/master was pleased with Runts sudden desire to learn and especially his sudden dedication and effort during the next few lessons. Runt was dismissed and he was fortuned enough to walk away with only sore ribs from his father punishing him by punching him repeatedly for touching his spell and a fat lip for daring to request a lesson. The old goat maybe getting old, but he punches like mule's kick.

Runt limped his way over to his hut, he could tell other members in the tribe were making fun of him for they muttered and laughed to each other as he limped his way over. "Laugh all you want worms," Runt muttered to himself "Runt will laugh last when your great warrior is bent over for my loins!"

Runt stopped midway into the entrance of his hut, looked around to make sure no one would try and bother him, then drew closed the doorway flap which was a piece of hide and hustled to his straw bed. He sat down and pulled out the spell he stolen from his fathers collection and quickly started studying it by light of the demon fat candles that burnt overhead. His recent lessons had deepened his understanding of the arcane markings and he understood more what was written.

There was a list of ingredient he needed first before conducting the ritual. The ingredients were for building an enchanted conduit that would serve as focus of the spell and allow it to last for however long he wanted it too. The evocation was easy enough to do, the ritual is also very simple, very straight forward and no annoying pre-requirements were needed like fasting for a whole week or meditating for countless hours. The ingredients however, that was the real problem for some were very difficult to get, namely a fresh human heart that bore forbidden love, the tongue of a someone who manipulated a pure heart and a few drops of blood from the intended target.

Getting Gronk blood isn't so much difficult as it was very dangerous, Gronk bleeds for no one but enemies in a battle. Runt decided to get that ingredient last and focus on the more difficult parts, the human heart and tongue. The last parts, viper venom and demon blood he could easily trade with his fellow tribesmen, those were the easies ingredients on the list to get.

"Patients Runt," Runt quietly said to himself as he pressed the spell up close to his chest and rocked himself back and forth,

"Runt will soon own Gronk and he will be mine!" Runt laid down on his bed and focused his thoughts on where to get the two difficult ingredients. He would have to pay the local human graveyard a visit, only safe place to find human parts and avoid getting hurt or killed. He will also need to take someone with him, someone gullible enough to do all the work while he stands by and gives orders.

The Khazra have a different definition of what it means to have a friend. The Khazra definition of a friend is someone who you can easily manipulate into doing whatever you want and expect little or no reward. There were not many Khazra in Runts tribe who are so easy to take advantage over, most expect a great reward for the efforts and some want payment up front, to which they will then take and not to the task at all. There was only one Khazra in the entire tribe who filled this description and that was Gharbad the Weak.

"Why should I work when you do none?" Gharbad bleated in reply after Runt made his request. "You work I give magic token." Runt answered to which Gharbad raised a brow, showing he was interested and asked, "What magic token do for Gharbad?" Runt smiled and asked, "What Gharbad want most?"

Gharbad bleated, "Gharbad want to be strong, very brave and be named Gharbad the Feared!" The request was laughable, Gharbad is a pathetic coward, it is why he earned the name Gharbad The Weak and made him the most hated Khazra in the tribe. Only reason the tribe kept him around was because he was desperate and would do anything to get any sort of respect, which often was him getting shoved around and even beaten and spit upon. The tribe often used Gharbad to take care of the unwanted duties, like picking up the bones, running off scavenger beasts and gathering firewood.

"Fine," Runt lied and continued, "Gharbad serve Runt and Runt will give Gharbad..." Runt felt around himself and pulled out a bone with an arcane marking which he used in his spell study for memorizing evoking. "This powerful magic, it mean fearless and strength!" The mark was actually the demonic symbol for "demand" but Gharbad didn't know that probably believed it was something enchanted.

Gharbad thought it over for a moment and said, "Gharbad serve!" Runt was trying not laugh, it was so fun taking advantage of such a stupid Khazra. "Good, Runt need human parts, special human parts! Runt need the tongue of one who corrupted one who is pure and heart of one who did forbidden love."

Gharbad gave Runt a very unsettling look and said, "No reward is worth Gharbads life! Stealing human parts too dangerous! Gharbad no serve you!" Runt narrowed his eyes at Gharbad and snarled, "You made deal!" Gharbad shook his head no, "Gharbad no serve!" Runt decided to sweeten the deal, it will require something more unthinkable then making this pathetic Khazra brave and strong, "You want to mount Runts fathers concubines?"

That got Gharbad's attention, "Gharbad want one with big chest utters!" Gharbad gestured with his hands to mean big breasts as he pointed out which one of the concubines he wanted.

"Father's wet nurse?" Runt asked for it matched the disruption of the only concubine his father had that was well endowed. "Gharbad want that one, big utters for Gharbad!"

Surprisingly, this request might be possible to grant. The concubine in question is a captured daughter of an enemy tribal chief, his father, whose currently the tribes unofficial chief due to he killed the previous chief in petty argument, uses her as the tribes wet nurse to shame and insult his enemy.

All the more to the insult is she is continually bred to insure she's always giving milk and often with lowly Khazra. Her offspring are always killed upon birth, mostly because her duty is to provide milk to young warriors and not her own. The act also adds to the insult and more so the heads of her offspring are used to make her a necklace which she is forced to wear.

Gharbad mating with her would be beneficial for she will be producing milk and the act of being bred to the village weakling is the best insult of all. Just mentioning that alone would seal the deal with the old shaman.

"Deal! Gharbad serves Runt, Gharbad gets to mate with wet nurse!" Gharbad couldn't resist giving a little dance of joy at the idea. "Come Gharbad, human graveyard we must go!" Gharbad nodded and said, "Gharbad know just the place! The human village of Tristram near old cathedral! Full of bodies to steal, some very fresh still!"

Fortunately, Gharbad knew a shortcut to the human village of Tristram and it was far more safer route down the Kings road which is often patrolled by human guardsmen armed and ready to kill.

The shortcut wasn't as easy to travel as the Kings road, Gharbad and Runt had to make their way past sticker bushes and sharp jagged rocks that were very difficult to walk on with cloven hoof. Not forgetting to mention getting their horns caught in low branches and having to pull free without breaking their necks. It took several hours to reach the cathedral and fortunately it was vacant and unguarded.

Humans, unlike Khazra, bury their dead in the cold worm infested ground. Its almost as if they are trying to deny death by removing physical evidence of it. Khazra bury their dead above ground and protect them with ceremonially enhancements to invoke vengeful spirits should anyone dare to disturb the bodies. Only enemies and cowardly weaklings are buried, often alive or ritually sacrificed and mutilated.

The human built cathedral on the other hand was something to behold. Runt has some time he would take the opportunity to explore it but right now, they were on a mission to find vital ingredients to cast a spell.

Gharbad looked around at the countless grave markers that decorated the ground, almost too many to choose from to be honest. "How Runt find what Runt needs?" Runt had that all ready thought out before leaving the tribe. "This will show Runt!" Runt said and pulled from the satchel pack he carried around his hips, a pair a bloodshot human eyes.

"Eyes of one who saw too much, eyes of one who knows too much! Eyes that will show Runt what Runt wants!" Runt muttered the evocation to activate the eyes and immediately the eyes came to life and looked off in the direction of where they must go. Both Runt and Gharbad followed the eyes gaze as it pinpointed the grave that held what they wanted.

It didn't take long to find the grave they needed, the eyes gazed down from Runt's hands at an unmarked grave that was dug maybe a week or so ago. "You dig here!" Runt ordered Gharbad who quickly protested, "Why Gharbad do all work?!" Runt glared at Gharbad and said, "Gharbad want to mate right?" Gharbad grunted his protest and taking an old worn shovel he found lying around, started digging and all the while cursed himself for making such a deal, "This big utter better give good sport!" Gharbad grumbled to which Runt teased, "Oh she good sport, she let Gharbad suckle big utters and pound Gharbad loins like drum!" Gharbad whined loudly with want at the thought and used it to give himself strength in digging up the grave.

The grave was deeper then expected, normally graves are just a foot or so deep but this one was deep up to Gharbads waist. The casket was cheaply made, terrible wood that almost broke the second Gharbad scraped it with the shovel. Gharbad used all his strength and lifted the coffin up from the grave and laid it out for Runt to open.

The lid was easy enough to open, the nails gave way to a single tug and there before Runt was the host to the heart he wanted. "Good!" Runt said as he ran his hand over the dead mans neck and chest, "Still fresh, still intact!" The body must have been preserved by the cold temperature of the ground, there was almost no putrefaction aside from a slight smell of death. The body was of someone who was hanged for something, the rope marks around his neck made it clear he was executed and he was buried naked. He probably had some valuable clothing and was robbed by the gravedigger before being placed in the coffin.

Runt ran his hand around the dead mans chest, feeling around for just the right place to make a clean cut and extract the heart without damaging it. The ribs felt too strong and hard to cut through, Runt will have to go underneath them to extract the heart.

Runt took up a sharp blade from the scabbard upon his belt, felt around with his free hand where the mans rips were and made a clean single slice. Dropping the knife, Runt used both hands to reach up into the chest area, took hold of the heart and with a very hard tug, ripped it free from where it rested and from the veins connected to it.

Runt pulled the heart free from the body, wrapped it carefully in a piece of cloth and placed it gently within his satchel. "Now," Runt said as he took up his knife again "The tongue of a heart corruptor!" It was an educated guess in that this man had wooed the wife some other man into his bed and was put to death after being caught.

Humans were very odd about this sort of thing, Khazra on the other hand would have had the offender gelded and made to watch as his loins were burnt before him. Prime reason Khazra have no issues with crimes of infidelity.

Fortunately, the corpse still had his tongue. Runt was worried the corpse had tired to bite it off and bleed himself to death to escape his punishment. It's surprisingly common with captured and bound human prisoners, especially those captured and held by his tribe.

These days all human prisoners are gagged with raw hide to prevent them from biting off their own tongues.

After cutting the tongue free from the corpse, Runt wrapped it in cloth and placed it in his sachet. "We leave now!" Runt said to Gharbad who then quickly jumped up from the grave and ask, "What about this? Humans get suspicious." Runt didn't say a thing and simply kicked the casket into the gave. "That works!" Gharbad said with a laugh and followed behind Runt as they made their way back through the woods.

It was nightfall when they returned to the tribe, fortunately this was the one night Runts father spent meditating to restore his spent powers and was too busy to ask where Runt and Gharbad went. Runt was also expected to participate in the meditation but what the old goat doesn't know won't hurt Runt.

Gharbad grabbed Runt by the arm just as he was about to head straight for his Hut, "Remember, I served I get reward!" Runt pulled Gharbads hand from his his arm and snarled, "You will get rewarded when the time comes! I will remember deal!"

Gharbad snarled back, "You better or else Gharbad tell all!" Runt had restrain himself back from hitting the insolent little Khazra, how dare he demand anything and especially from him. However, he would spare the worm a beating this time for he had a ritual to do and a mind to enslave.

Runt spent the next hour drawing out the ritual circle on the floor near his bed using the demons blood he bartered for early this morning, he took special care to make sure every line and arcane symbol were absolutely perfect.

The only thing missing was Gronk's blood, it was by far the most important ingredient of the entire ritual for it was essential in the construction of the conduit. How in creations name was Runt going to get ahold of some of Gronk's blood?

The next morning was spent with Runt stalking Gronk like a predator on the hunt. A simple cut, an accidental poke, even something as simple as Gronk bitting down on a sharp bone and spitting blood was more then enough for Runt to move in and take what he needed. No such luck right now, Gronk skipped the morning meal feeling sick from drinking too much grog stolen from a merchant in a raid during the day in which Runt and Gharbad were out grave robbing and spent most his time poring water cold over his aching horns and sore head.

Just then an argument broke out between Gronk and one other warrior, Runt watched quietly and hoped they would come to blows. Nothing, the warrior backed down too soon and no blood was shed.

Runt worried the heart would be far too rotten for the ritual by time he got ahold of some of Gronk's blood. This made his hopes sink and he suddenly felt his efforts were all but wasted. That was until his good friend Gharbad came over carrying firewood, stumbled forth on a discarded bone and nicked Gronk's ankle with his horns as he fell.

Naturally, Gronk grabbed Gharbad the scruff of his neck, lifted him up and ranted on how he would beat him to an inch of his life if he didn't have such a hangover. He then toss Gharbad forward who went face first into a mound of mud and dung.

Runt couldn't help but join in with his tribe as they laughed at Gharbad humiliation but quickly went silent when a glimmer of sunlight flashed from the fresh red blood on his horns. "GRONKS BLOOD!" Runt yelled but wasn't heard due to the roaring of laughter from the tribe.

Runt rushed forward, quickly wiped up every drop of blood from Gharbad horns before he got up the courage to pull his face from the mud. Runt rushed back to his hut, he now had all the ingredients he needed to conduct the ritual and decided to wait until nightfall, when everyone in the tribe is asleep so as to not draw any attention.

He took a glass vial and squeezed every last bit of Gronk's blood from the cloth he used to wipe Gharbad's horns. He had gotten more then enough blood for the ritual, around three drops worth which was an entire river as far as Runt was concerned. "You are mine now Gronk!" Runt said as he pushed in a stopper on the vial, "Tonight you are mine!"

Nightfall had finally come, Runt made an extra effort on his ritual studies with his father/master so as to not provoke the old goats wraith and earn another beating. When he was dismissed he went straight to his hut and quickly began preparing the ritual.

The ritual called for the human heart to be cut open and the human tongue was to be placed inside it. Onto the tongue Runt needed to spill a little of his own blood which he did from a single cut on his finger, then the blood of the intended victim which was Gronk's. Runt poured every drop from the vial onto the tongue where it mixed with his own. Next viper venom was to be spilt in sealing the bloods magically together and the heart was to be sown closed. It didn't take long and at long last, the conduit was ready to be activated.

Runt placed the heart into middle of the magical circle and taking a deep cleansing breath, he read from the spell the invocation to activate the conduit. A serge of energy filled the hut and the blood circle started glowing bright red and when the invocation was complete, the heart started beating and the ritual was finished.

Runt waited patiently the next few minutes, staring directly at the beating heart and willed his desire into it. Suddenly the flap to the entryway of his hut was pushed aside an in stepped a big beautiful male Khazra that was the entire focus of Runts attention. It was Gronk and clearly from the hazed look in his eyes, he was under Runts thrall and as he stepped into Runts hut. He approached him like a mindless thrall, which he was at the moment, stood quietly before Runt awaited any order given.

"Gronk?" Runt asked and Gronk replied, "Yes, I Gronk." Runt stood before Gronk, his mind rush with so many wants and needs that he didn't know where to start. He reasoned a simple test was the best thing to start with and he ordered Gronk, "Kiss Runt on the neck." Gronk obeyed the command without question and kissed Runt on his neck. The feeling of Gronk's lips touching his neck made a delightful shiver run down his spine. "Dose Gronk want Runt?" Runt asked to which Gronk replied, "Gronk wants whatever Runt wants." Runt chuckled a bit, clearly the question was stupid for Gronk is an obedient slave right now with no will of his own.

Runt then smiled and said, "Runt wants Gronk to want Runt." Gronk looked Runt directly in the eyes and said, "Gronk wants Runt!" He then wrapped his arms affectionately around Runt, pulled him gently into his muscled out body and pressed Runts face into his warm chest.

Runt moaned happily for he had dreamed of this for many countless and lonely nights. Gronk gently stroked Runts horns, then laid kisses upon them before nuzzling the top of Runts head like a love starved buck to his wife after being many moon apart.

It was now time to make his dreams come true. "Runt wants to taste Gronk!" Runt said in an affectionate whisper as he traced circles around Gronk's chest with his nose, "Runt wants to taste Gronk's seed!"

Gronk released Runt from his embrace and allowed Runt to ease down to his loins. The time had come to see what was behind his loincloth and Gronk just stood there looking down with his bewitched eyes and allowed Runt to do whatever he wanted. Runt pushed aside Gronk's loincloth flap and there behind was a very well endowed set of orbs covered in black fur with a pink tip of Gronk's member peeking out from inside its sheath.

Runt moved forward and brushed his lips over Gronk's orbs, letting the fur tickle his lips and lolling out his tongue, he ran it slowly over Gronk's orbs. Gronk let out a quiet moaned as Runt's tongue greased over his orbs and moaned even louder when Runt took each and both orbs into his mouth and gently suckled. The taste was very intense, very male and very salty from sweat.

Runt let the orbs pop free from his mouth and moved up to kiss the tip of Gronk's shaft. "Get it hard Gronk," Runt said and continued, "Get it hard for Runt!" Gronk reached over with his hand all gently fondled himself, he tugged back and forth to allow his member to grow and spill forth from his sheath.

Surprisingly, Gronk wasn't as big as Runt had expect. His orbs were bigger then any normal male Khazra but his member was a little smaller then normal. In comparison, Runt was much bigger but this wasn't a problem. Runt was actually relieved for it meant the mating that was about to follow would be...less painful then anticipated. Gronk on the other hand, he was going to really feel it when it was Runts turn to mount.

Runt took Gronk's entire shaft into his mouth and wasted no time sucking him like a starving pup. Gronk grave out heavy grunts and moans at the sensation of Runt suckling him and started breathing heavily. Runt was in pure ecstasy, he wish for nothing more then to be allowed to suckle Gronk now and forever more.

He wished he could live on nothing but Gronk's seed and be allowed to spend his entire life on his knees pleasing this great example of a Khazra male. The moment was brief and with a loud grunt on Gronk part with a sharp instinctive hip thrust forward, he rewarded Runt with a blast of his very rich and very salty seed. The taste was everything Runt had hoped for and already wanted to taste it again.

However, he didn't want to be too greedy and rob himself of the joy of his very first mating. Every night he would fantasize about Gronk breaking into his hut, forcing him to bend over, mount and relentlessly begin raping him. However, such a scenario isn't required for Gronk will do whatever he is told and Runt wanted.

Runt reluctantly pull himself back to release Gronk's still very hard member from his lips and kissed its tip. A Khazras penis looks very similar to a humans but it is longer and with a more narrow head. When it is erect it looks like a pink spear and is very hard and/or solid, almost no softness suffice to say.

Normal length for a Khazra was eight to nine inches, rarely dose it get any longer then that but Gronk's on the other hand, his was more like six to seven inches. To be honest, Khazra really don't care much about penis length as they do about orb size, the bigger the orbs the more male the Khazra was and Gronk was indeed very male due to monstrous size of his. It is a pity he doesn't use them as much as he dose his axe.

Runt released Gronk, leaving his member to stick out like a spear bobbing in the wind. He stood up, licked away traces of Gronk's seed that escaped his mouth from around his lips with his tongue and smiled wickedly as he thought of what he wanted Gronk to do next.

"On your knees Gronk" Runt ordered, "Kneel down before Runt!" Gronk obayed and got down on his knees, his eyes remained locked on Runt like an obedient Slave. Runt pulled aside his own loincloth, showing his own halfway effect member and ordered, "Take Runt into mouth Gronk, suckle like a pup and drink Runts water!"

Gronk obeyed and took Runt's member into his mouth and began suckling him. Runt rolled his eyes back in his head and arched his head backwards, looking up at the ceiling as the most intense and euphoric feeling of Gronk hot mouth locked over his member and suckled him steadily.

Runt smiled wickedly as he started relieving himself into Gronks mouth. Gronk moaned a sound of approval as the taste of Runt's rank water filled his mouth and saturated his tongue, loud gulps followed and echoed from the submissive Khazra as he swallowed every mouthful of warm rank urine that flowed into his mouth from Runts member.

This was Runts idea of showing dominance, what better way then making a mighty male Khazra warrior drink your water? However, granted enslaving their mind to do your every bidding is dominance enough.

When he was finished, Gronk started suckling harder to try and siphon more water from Runts empty bladder. The feeling was almost overwhelming and he almost lost control as he felt his desire quickly escalate to a climax. "STOP!" Runt ordered and pushed Gronk off his member, he panted heavily and tried to regain control over himself. "Too soon Gronk, too soon!"

"Gronk want to drink from Runt," Gronk said and continued, "Let Gronk drink more of Runt's water!" Runt shook his head no, "No Gronk, you done drinking!" He then turned around bent over a bit and ordered, "Preform kiss of submission Gronk, submit to Runt!"

Normally, the kiss of submission is a public ritual of shame where enemy Khazra warriors would be forced to kiss the hindquarters of their victors and even clean the inside of their rear ends with their tongues. However, Khazra have been known to find the practice very stimulating outside of shaming others and practice it for the shake of fun. Often a male Khazra would have his wife preform it but it's not unknown for two bucks to engage in it.

Gronk obeyed and started kissing Runt's rear end, laying nonstop kisses on each cheek and down the slit area. "Use tongue Gronk, clean Runt's hole!" Gronk obeyed and Runt let out a gasp followed by a moan of delight after Gronk spread his buttocks and inserted a very hot and slick tongue inside his entryway.

Khazra's have very long tongues, almost seven inches in length when full exposed. Runt was intoxicated by the feeling of Gronk's entire tongue length as it wiped and moved around inside him. Gronk was giving Runt a thorough tongue cleaning and the entire moment was pure intoxicating bliss.

Runt couldn't help but begin stroking himself in sync with Gronk's tongue movements and couldn't wait any longer for the next phase. "Stop Gronk!" Gronk stopped and eased his tongue from inside Runt, letting it fall free as Runt's delighted pucker squeezed shut.

"Mount Runt!" Runt ordered in a wanting tone, "Mount Runt now Gronk! Mate with Runt!" Gronk obeyed and just as he stood up, Runt got down on his hands and knees, positioned himself with his rear end held up before Gronk's ready member and braced himself for what he wanted more then anything.

Gronk took hold of Runt with his arms wrapping around Runt's waist and belly, pulled Runt back as he leaned down, letting his muscled out torso rest upon Runts back and begin penetration with a steady but hard hip thrust and grunt.

Runt let out pain and pleasure felt moan when he felt Gronk's firm hip thighs smack into his buttocks and especially Gronk's hard member impaling him through his rear passageway and being driven deep into his gut. Pain and pleasure became as one, Gronk's member drove in deeper, stretching Runt out as it assaulting him from inside. Runt was in paradise, it felt better then he could have ever imagined, the blend of pain, hellfire and pleasure were all one. Runt couldn't understand why other Khazra's didn't do this all the time, just mount each other and be mounted all day and into the night. Live on nothing but each other's seed and preform the kiss of submission as a greeting.

Gronk steadily pumped Runt with five second delay hip thrusts, each thrust made Runt cry out and moan loudly. "Faster Gronk!" Runt ordered, Gronk was breathing hard, he could feel Gronk's powerful hot breath blow upon the back of his neck. "Grab Runts horns! Mate Runt faster and harder!"

Gronk obeyed and after releasing his hold from around Runts waist, he took hold of his horns and pulled back hard. Runts neck arched back, it was painful but it also intensified the euphoria of Gronk mating him from behind. Gronk quickened his pace, letting out almost angry grunts with streams of hot breath bathing Runts back. His hips rapidly beat Runts buttocks like war drums and his hard member stabbed repeatedly in-between his slit, Runt's hole quivering around the mighty Khazra's shaft as it thrust in and out.

Gronk's grunts turned into moans and with a hard thrust forward and cruel tug backwards on Runts neck and horns, the feeling of hot liquid poured into Runts gut and filled him with a delightful sense of warmth. Runt bit is lips as he rolled back his eyes at the feeling, he was now bred by the buck of his dreams and if it were possible, he would gladly give birth to Gronk's offspring.

"Release Runt Gronk!" Runt ordered in a very happy tone, "Runt is very pleased!" Gronk obeyed and as he released his hold, Runt collapsed to his knees and panted. He rubbed his belly, still basking in the warm feeling he felt coming from inside, his rear was very sore from the mating but it didn't phase him.

Runt smiled wickedly as he looked over at Gronk and said, "Runt wants his turn." Gronk then asked, "What dose Runt want?" Runt replied, "Runt wants to mount Gronk!" Gronk only nodded his head and replied, "Gronk wants Runt to mount Gronk!"

Upon saying that, Gronk quickly got down on his hands and knees, assuming a submissive position typical in receiving another male through the rear entryway and awaited Runt to mount him.

This was all too good to be true, Runt would never again wish he was never forced to learn magic and would now harness the power he could have over others. This night is the turning point in his respect for the powers he can weld.

Runt tore free his loincloth as he got up and moved behind Gronk. The sight of this male Khazra submitting himself to him was something he could never imagine and planned to enjoy ever moment of it. Runt positioned himself to where he would have full access and taking hold of his already very hard and excited member, he eased it slowly up and down the slit between Gronk's round hard buttocks and felt around for the breach to enter inside the massive male Khazra.

His tip brushed over Gronk's opening, it twitched and tightening instinctively at the feeling of being touched and tightened up more when Runt pressed the tip into it. "Now Gronk," Runt said and continued, "Let Runt inside you now!" Gronk obeyed and relaxed himself to which Runt pushed forward and continued pushing his shaft all the way inside the Khazra's rear entrance.

Gronk let out a painful moan, as he felt Runts entire length stretch him out from inside. Unlike Gronk, Runt's member was longer and more thicker. Gronk couldn't help but arched his back instinctively at the feeling of another male penetrating his rear way and started to whine a little. "Gronk hurting too much?" Runt asked to which Gronk replied, "It hurts lots, but Gronk wants Runt inside! Hurt Gronk more Runt!"

Runt liked the sound of that and slowly pulling himself back, he then quickly shot his hips forward and savagely drove himself back inside of Gronk. Gronk let out painful yelp at the feeling and said, "More! Hurt Gronk more!" It took several hard hip thrusts to ease the receiving Khazra from intense pain to bearable and then finally pleasure started to show. Gronk started letting out moans of pleasure as Runt continued pumping himself forward and backwards. He even started pushing himself into Runts hips with every forward push.

Runts back was starting to get sore. When Gronk mated him, he must have caused some injuries. Runt decided to stop and take a brief break else risk hurting himself more but just as he pulled himself free from inside Gronk, he reached around took hold of Runts member just as it popped free. He took it in hand and guided it back over his opening and pushed himself onto Runts member, taking him the entire length and gripped tightly with his hole. "Gronk wants Runt inside! Runt feels so good inside Gronk!" Gronk then started pushing himself forward and backward into Runts hips and as he quickened the motions, he started moaning with pleasure again, but this time more intense then ever.

Runt couldn't resist what was happening and he quickly took hold of Gronk's horns, pulled back hard so his neck arched backwards and really started slamming himself in and out of Gronk with a ruthless and savage lustful desire. To the burning hells with his sore body, it will be well worth the agony that was soon to follow in the coming days!

Runt started moaning and grunt, almost in synch with Gronk own moans. Runt gave a brief pause as a purely electric sensation the overwhelmed his entire body, he felt himself spill his seed inside the receiving Khazra male that was bent over in front of him and implied on his member. Gronk let out a cooing moan as he felt the warmth fill inside him and ground his buttocks into Runts hips to show his approval. Runt fell forward, releasing his hold on Gronk's horns, completely drained of all strength and rested himself on Gronks back for a moment.

"Gronk like warm inside feeling! Gronk want more warm feeling inside!" Gronk said to which Runt only replied with a muffled mutter, he was too drained to even speak clearly. Runt then allowed himself to fall over the right edge of the bent over Khazra and right now, all he wanted was to try and get some sleep.

Gronk looked at Runt and said, "Gronk want more warm feeling." Runt shook his head no and taking every last bit of strength he had he ordered, "Gronk return to Gronk's tent, Gronk go to sleep!"

Gronk stood straight up and obeyed without question, "Gronk return to tent and sleep now." He said as he left. Runt knew he couldn't leave Gronk this way, no matter how much he wanted and decided it was time to undo the spell and did so by reaching over, taking up the throbbing human heart from the magical circle and crushed it till it stopped beating in his hand.

A cold chill filled the room and this was a sign the magic had come to an end. Runt let the lifeless heart fall from his open hand and rolled onto his side to try and get some sleep. It didn't take much effort suffice to say.

The next morning, as to be expect, Runt awoke to the most intense and terrible backache of his entire life. His loins were also very sore, especially where Gronk's iron like buttocks slammed into his thighs and as for his backside, it felt as though he had been sitting on burning coals had had just given birth to a very large quill beast.

Runt struggled to try and get himself to stand up, each and every move he made was pure torturous agony and it was no different when he finally stood on his own two cloven hooves. "Not a dream then." Runt chuckled himself and noticed the ritual circle had burnt itself away to nothing along with the heart which was now a pile of ash. This is normal with demonic magic, the energies leave nothing behind when it escapes from its focus point and conduit.

Runt struggled with each step to try and face the new morning and this time with a less intense desire for something he had thought he would never get. As Runt stepped outside his hut, he couldn't help but notice Gronk limping a bit and looking as though he as very sore. From his reluctance to try and sit down, it was clear where he hurt and Runt couldn't help but take pride in knowing why.

To Runts surprise, Gronk looked over his way and did something unexpected, he gestured in acknowledgment towards Runt. Something Gronk never dose to anyone but his fellow warriors, Runt wondered if it was an after effect of the spell but who knows? Runt had his fun and knew what to do should he ever wanted to do it again.

The End

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