The Bandit, The Khajiit Wizard, The Mysterious Stranger and the Secret of Life. Aka The Journal of The Infamous Mad Cheese Cat of Skyrim

Story by JA Red Wolf on SoFurry

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Dose anyone even read these types of books in the Elder Scrolls games? I sure do and is the prime reason I made my own! Lol!

Hope you enjoy!

Date Unknown

_ Five days since bandits attacked _

It has been almost a week since these bandits attacked the caravan I was accompanying on my journey to Collage in Winterhold. They slaughtered everyone and took everything, only I J'sker am still alive and for reasons that are taxing his abilities to exhaustion. How much longer until they decide to kill this one? I do not know...J'sker is very afraid!

The bandit leader, one J'sker like to call "Smiles," for he never smiles (even when he is happy) has taken an interest in poor J'sker and locked him away in this skeever infested dung hole.

Smiles is keeping J'sker alive only because he believes J'sker can turn iron ore into gold. J'sker will confess only in his journal, this one that is protected by a powerful illusion spell that makes its words looks like gibberish to anyone but J'sker, that J'sker knows nothing about turning anything into gold!

J'sker is a expert in the school of illusion and has graduated with a glowing recommendation from the Arcane University in Cyrodiil. J'sker seeks to become a master and is why he is here in cold miserable Skyrim. J'sker has for the past few days, only made it look like he turned the iron into gold.

Thankfully, the spell is holding up well and J'sker prays it will last until J'sker can escape this prison. These bandits are cleaver however, they sealed J'skers mouth shut with a muzzle and he cannot open his mouth wide enough to cast spells but enough to where he can eat and drink.

Smiles will is also too strong for J'skers illusion magic and is the only one allowed to speak to him, without a doubt, Smiles knows this one could turn his men against him and is why he keeps J'sker muzzled when he's not at work. Smiles also knows his will is tempered ebony and cannot be broken.

Damn this Nord for being so smart!

* * *

Day 6

J'sker has learned he is not the only wizard here. This other wizard is a long standing member of the gang and has Smiles respect. Why is Smile keeping J'sker if he already has a wizard?

Damn bandits feed J'sker only spoiled bread and maggoty meat, they keep all good food to themselves and don't even offer him some of that sweet mead they drink like water at all hours. J'sker going to get very sick if this keeps up.

J'sker only has a pile of damp straw to sleep on and a musky elk hide to keep him warm. Smiles very fowl also, even worse then J'skers Orc roommate in University, the one who screams like a girl when he is shown soap. J'sker may have to shave off all his fur when he escapes, for without a doubt, he is infested with fleas and lice.

Note to self - Try to remember how to weaken a strong will. J'sker very much regrets not paying attentions in alchemy and potions.

* * *

Day 7

J'sker now knows why he is still alive when Smiles already has a wizard.

Smiles introduced J'sker to this so called wizard, who isn't a wizard J'sker must point out. This Nord is pretending to be a Wizard, he has no power except for that magic staff he never lets leave his hands. J'sker has seen this staff before, it is an uncommon reanimation staffed used for advanced Necromancy. Fools believe he is a wizard but never question his power.

J'sker wasn't impressed with fake wizards demonstrations in reanimating dead chickens and making old bones dance. However, J'sker isn't a fool and knows when to keep his tongue silent. He will not expose the pretender for the fraud that he is. For now, J'sker will play the fool and clap his hands to keep Smiles and his pet fake wizard happy.

Note to self - Design better Skeever trap, J'sker is sick of eating rotten meat! Good thing J'sker remembers his mothers recipe in roasted Skeever on a stick.

* * *

Day 13

J'sker has not been writing in his journal for a while. He has been healing from the beating he received four days or so ago.

J'sker tried to steal some food while he was upstairs making iron look like gold. Damn Orc brute caught J'sker and gave him the worst beating of his life. Smiles once again saved J'skers life, Smiles was so angry at the Orc, he cut off his head and put it on a spike right outside J'skers door. Smiles obviously values J'sker highly, J'sker better not make a mistake and revile he is only making iron look like gold. J'sker better work fast, spell won't last forever after all.

Other Note - The false wizard has been sneaking off to talk with J'sker these past few days, how he has Smiles key to J'skers muzzle, this one knows not, nor do he want to know!

The false wizard calls himself Yongur Frost-Wolf, he has been trying to get J'sker to teach him magic. J'sker is not so foolish as to jeopardize his value in giving away his secrets. J'sker has instead, been teaching the false wizard to say in old elvish, "I smell like a trolls butt!" And "I enjoy copulating with goats!"

The fool believes he has been told how to cast firebolts and raise the dead. J'sker can hear up upstairs practicing his new spells. J'sker would be laughing himself sick if his ribs didn't hurt so much! J'sker hates all filthy green skinned orcs now!

J'sker must stop writing now, he hurts too much for he is now laughing. The fool is now going to do a magic demonstration before his friends.

Oh gods the pain!

* * *

Day 14

Today is J'skers lucky day! J'sker has been allowed to rummaged through the old forts library, most the books are damaged beyond understanding due to time and bad weather, but he got lucky and found a hand written alchemists journal hidden away in a dry corner.

Most of the journal was about experimenting with different mixtures in discovering new recipes and to J'sker's amusement, the alchemist was obsessed with trying to discover how to fix his loins. J'sker thinks it is very funny, for J'sker knows that a touch of distilled Moon Sugar under the tongue would give any man the loins of a frisky Minotaur. Old Khajiit trick for restoring virility and vigor to even the most broken loins!

J'sker found a notation on mixing Torchbug Thorax and Salt. The alchemist found himself highly variable to harmful magic upon drinking this mixture and especially illusion based magic. J'sker now knows how to break Smiles will and make him easy prey for J'sker's mind magic!

Note to self - Learn what Mead Smile drinks and figure out how to slip him the potion. J'sker will need to do some experiments, best he save some captured Skeevers as test subjects.

* * *

Day 15

J'sker is not happy. The potion was easy to brew, J'sker managed to retrieve his old alchemy equipment from the bandits storage and created a potent weakness to magic potion, too potent J'sker is sad to say.

Test subject 1 - Female Skeever, young and old enough to breed. Good health and about half a stone in weight. Immune to basic mind magic.

J'sker given this subject a full dose of the potion. Subject suffered fits of madness and hemorrhaged heavily from eyes and nose, subject then returned to normal health after one hour.

Experiment is a failure for the signs of poisoning are too obvious.

Test Subject 2 - Male Skeever, middle aged but in outstanding health. One to one and a half stone in weight. Savage temperament and immune to basic mind magic, just like test subject 1.

J'sker given this subject a diluted mixture of the potion, watered down Nord mead they give to J'sker to drink namely. Test subject suffered no ill effect but remained immune to mind magic.

Experiment is a failure also, potion was too far diluted to have any effect.

This is going to be harder then J'sker thought.

Note to self - Look into recipes for lethal poisons. J'sker may need to kill everyone if no solution is found, more then one way to kill a Nord after all.

* * *

Day 15

J'sker has never been more scared then he is now. The spell J'sker has cast on the iron to make it look like gold is starting to fade. Smiles thinks his gang is stealing from the storage room, for the older ore at the bottom has become iron once again. He thinks someone is stealing the gold and replacing it with iron.

How much longer until Smiles realizes it was all a trick and puts J'skers head on a spike next to the Orc?

False wizard is getting smart, he is beginning to suspect J'skers trickery and has been watching him for many days now. J'sker only has a moment to write in his journal before he comes back.

Solution to Potion mixture problem still not within J'skers grasp. Test subject two got test subject one impregnated. Test subject two died after mating and with test subject one, test subject one ate test subject two. Relationship to potion unknown. Need new test subjects.

Fake wizard comes now, J'sker must stop.

* * *

Day 16

Fake wizard wised up when Dunmer bandit told him he was making an ass of himself saying what J'sker taught him over and over. Fake wizard very angry at J'sker and makes bold threats to have him torn apart by enraged scamps. J'sker not afraid but pretended he was to keep up appearances.

Smiles is beginning to wise up also, he's questioning fake wizards intelligence. No doubt it makes no sense a 'Skooma Cat' can understand old elvish when schooled 'Son of Skyrim' cannot. Smiles asked J'sker plainly an hour ago, "Yongur knows nothing of magic dose he?"

J'sker only nodded his head and said, "Take his staff and he has no power." Smiles gave J'sker a look that could make a corpse thrall tremble and said, "I see." Smiles then left without another word.

It is very quiet upstairs right now, too quiet.

* * *

Day 17

Fake wizard is dead. Smiles ordered his two most ruthless men to skin fake wizard alive and have his bowls ripped out.

Smiles forced everyone to watch, even J'sker was forced to watch as they butchered the poor Nord alive. The screams will haunt J'sker for the rest of his life.

Smiles announced that this is the penalty for anyone who deceives him. J'sker was so scared, he wet himself and almost fainted. J'sker is beyond terrified now, for J'sker is guilty of deception!

If any God is out there and can hear, please save poor J'sker from this horrible fate! He dose not want to be skinned alive also!

Note to self - To Oblivion with experiments, J'sker must give Smiles potion now! J'sker will poison Smiles little by little each day and hopefully weaken his will enough so J'sker's mind magic could work!

* * *

Day 20

Potion is having an unusual effect on Smiles. Yesterday Smiles, SMILED at J'sker and called him friend. Told J'sker that he trusts him now and no one else. He also told J'sker that he suspects his gang is going to betray him. Someone has been replacing his gold with iron and been whispering dead rumors about Smiles leadership. Smiles has removed J'sker's muzzle and trusts him enough to be without it.

Thankfully, Smiles knows not that it is only the illusion failing and that J'sker has been lying all along. Smiles is becoming paranoid, possible side effect to potion?

Smiles will is still too strong, J'sker attempted a charm spell but had no effect. Maybe tomorrow he be weak enough?

Other Note - Good riddance to that filthy muzzle! J'sker felt like a dog whever he was forced to wear it

* * *

Day 21

Smiles is losing his mind! J'sker found him walking around the fort in a woman's dress and talking to a troll skull he has been keeping very close to him.

The dunmer bandit laughed at Smiles and Smiles tore his head off with his bare hands! The gang is very afraid now and so is J'sker.

Smiles invited J'sker to his room last night, he wanted to drink tea and talk about politics. Smiles introduced J'sker to the Troll's skull, named it "Timmy" and said it was his, and J'sker is not joking, said it was his husband!

What in Oblivion is going on here?!

* * *

Day 22

A most peculiar stranger visited yesterday. Some bearded older gentlemen dressed in very funny clothing and with a gnarly walking stick. This stranger spoke a very funny accent, one J'sker has never heard before!

The stranger introduced himself as "An Old Friend" to Smiles and said he was overdue for a visit. This old friend claims that J'sker knows him also and that we've met long ago.

Perhaps this stranger is an ambassador from the Collage of Whispers? They dress just as funny as the stranger dose, perhaps even more so then the stranger.

Smiles is throwing a party upstairs in honor of the stranger, everyone is invited and expected to dress well.

Other note - Who in oblivion brought this beautiful and expensive Altmer party set of green silk clothing? It even has a Jeweled amulet to match the suit!

J'sker must stop now, one of the gang just shouted for him to get dressed and ready. Ready for what J'sker wonders?

* * *

Day Whatever

(J'sker lost track)

Gods, how long has it been since J'sker wrote his thoughts down in this old thing? J'sker found it covered in dust and Skeever droppings when he went down to clean out the old dungeon. J'sker needed to make room for the new batches of cheese, this dungeon is perfect and the right temperature for his batch of mammoth blue cheese!

J'sker sees his last entry was when we had the party that one night. Oh what a party that was!

J'sker and the gang had a fun time! The stranger, who turned out to be a Daedric Prince, brought all kinds of cheese for us to eat! Never has J'sker ever seen so much cheese!

The nice Nord J'sker called Smiles wanted to make an announcement, he announced that he knows who has been stealing from gold storage and that his gang was planing to betray him. Smiles also announced that he had poisoned the mead and that everyone was going to die, even him who he said was the one who was stealing the gold. Said he never trusted himself and now was time to settle the score.

Everyone, except for J'sker and the Mysterious Stranger that is, died a horrible death as the hemlock laced mead took effect. J'sker has never been so grateful as to not being allowed to drink the mead!

When everyone, Smiles and his gang that is, we're all dead, the Mysterious Stranger approached J'sker and told him he wanted to thank him.

The Mysterious Stranger said it was because of J'sker's potion, that Smiles broke focus and allowed his mad nature to take hold. Turns out Smiles was actually a dishonorably discharged Vigilant of Stendarr turned bandit. Smiles trained himself to keep his mind steeled, so as to be more effective in hunting Daedra who use mind manipulation.

The Mysterious Strange said J'sker deserved a reward and said he would give whatever J'sker wanted. J'sker said he only wanted to be free.

The Mysterious Strange laughed and said, and I quote:

"Are you sure lad? Being free isn't what you would expect it to be and surely you wouldn't rather be left imprisoned in your current state?"

J'sker said he wants to be free and right now!

The Mysterious Strange smiled and said,

"Very well lad, you shall have your freedom! Enjoy it while you can and I'll see you again in the Shivering Isles!" He then thumped his stick on the ground three times and vanished into thin air.

Well after that, J'sker had his freedom and was free to go...but sadly, J'sker couldn't!

Smiles husband Timmy was heartbroken that his wife was dead and needed J'sker to look after him while he mourned.

Timmy and J'sker became great friends and so did the Skeever's J'sker had cruelly experiment upon and eaten. They forgave J'sker and now live with him as roomates here at the old fort!

Timmy and J'sker have taken up making cheese instead of casting stupid spells and all that magic nonsense J'sker foolishly wasted his life studying!

J'sker has found the secret to life and it was all thanks to the mysterious stranger who has shown him what it is!

The secret to life is cheese! LOTS OF CHEESE! So much cheese J'sker has made, his Skeever friends love his cheese and cannot get enough of it!

J'sker must stop now, he just remembered it is time for Timmys bath! Timmy hates taking a bath and complains soap bubbles get trapped inside him. Silly old troll skull!

I'll end this with adding in the secret to life, just in case J'sker forgets.

The secret of life is Cheese!

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