An Eternal Change: The Storm

Story by KajitoraTaotsu on SoFurry

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An Eternal Change: The Storm

Written by KajitoraTaotsu

The sun beat down on Tiern as he walked along the sidewalk. Sweat beaded his forehead under the curls of dark blonde hair, the skin on his arms glistened as a ring of moisture rounded his hoodie's sleeve cuffs. 'I shouldn't have worn this damn jacket, it's too hot.' Re-adjusting his messenger bag, Tiern walked a bit faster, heading for the corner of the next street that split left. Tiern was the average 17 year old, about 5'11", 160 lbs, dirty blonde hair that went down to his nose when pulled on, green-hazel eyes, and a simple build, enough for what he did in Theatre as a techie. He wore what he usually did: beat-up blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a brown over-shirt, and his brown light-weight hoodie. Finally rounding the corner, he sighed in relief and smiled.

"Just a bit farther." He grunted, yet again slinging his bag back onto his shoulder.

Pulling out his keys, Tiern stepped towards the front door, slipped the key into the lock, and opened the door. As he walked inside and went to close the door behind him, he noticed some dark clouds out to the east.

"Hmm, that's strange; I don't remember storms in the news. Then again..." Tiern remembered that they had been getting some weird weather lately. "Stupid global warming what-not." And he closed the door.

He headed straight for his room, plopping down onto his bed and tossing the bag in the corner. The one good thing for Tiern was that his parents didn't get home for another hour or so, meaning alone time and the security of the house. Rolling back off the edge, he turned on the laptop sitting on his shelf and the TV it was hooked up to. Even though he had a girlfriend about six months back, there was always something about the same gender that interested him. He had often thought about it, but never truly came to a conclusion. After the computer was done loading up, Tiern clicked on the internet, going straight for DeviantArt and searched the anthro section. He clicked on a picture of a white tiger, sitting on the edge of the picture, just looking out into the sunset over a beautiful beach and rolling waves. Sighing, he imagined himself being there as the tiger, tail swishing quietly as the waves softly crashed upon the beach. A single seagull, crying out into the dusk sky while riding the salty winds of the sea.

Shaking his head, Tiern sighed again, knowing that his dream could never be true. It was a few years back when he had first found the fandom, or lifestyle as some called it. Being a furry/anthro, a humanoid animal being. The thought of it always sent excited shivers down his spine, thinking about how diverse everyone would be, but also connected in their own ways. Becoming one opened his life for the good, and he even found out that some of his friends were furs also. But it also brought in various bad things. Many people despised the thought of being a fur and often picked on him for it. Once good friends would stray from him, leaving Tiern to himself, alone.

Tiern pushed the thoughts away, logging into his windows messenger. Looking at who was online, he noticed that his friend up in Chicago was on. Opening a chat window, they exchanged greetings, how their days went, what's new and other random stuff.

D: so, hav u told ur parents yet about u being bi?

_ T:... _

_ ** T:...not yet, but soon, I don't wanna rush stuff** _

D: ah, how bout u being a fur? do they no?

_ T: I didnt need to tell them, they sorta already know it, lol, though idk if they _

_ ** really care or understand...** _

D: lol, well hey i gtg, my own p ar geting pissy now...cya ^^'

_ ** T: kk, bye ^^** _

D has signed out and now offline.

Exiting out of the chat box, Tiern looked to see if anyone else was on. Unfortunately for him, nobody was. He groaned, lying back on his bed as he looked over at the clock. '3:42, I still have a bit till she gets home. Hopefully she won't get here early.' Tiern thought, grinning slightly. Sitting up straight, he grabbed the keyboard and typed in his favorite fur site. Searching through the adult pictures, he clicked on one with a wolf and fox giving each other a blowjob. Tiern blushed, feeling his member begin to harden. Reaching down with his free hand, he unbuttoned his pants, letting his cock stand fully erect out in the open. Pulling out his hidden tube of lube that he had stolen from his parent's closet, Tiern squeezed some out onto his fingers and wrapped them around the girth, lightly moaning as the pleasure ran through his body. Steadily stroking his cock, he closed his eyes. The picture still in his mind, he imagined how it would feel and taste like.

The warmth of a muzzle wrapped around his feline cock, hot breath swirling around his fur covered sac. Him sucking gently on his other's member, the salty-sweet taste of pre drooling onto his tongue. Fur rubbing on fur, as him and his lover continued on.

Pre beaded the tip of his cock as he felt a tingly feeling in his groin. Tiern moaned, the lube heightening the sensation, bringing him closer to letting go. He was about to hit his climax when a clicking noise came from another part of the house. The front door's lock unlocked, and it opened.

'Damn it mother, you always come in at the most horrible times', thinking quickly, Tiern hid the lube in his clothes drawer, exited out of the website and fumbled around with zipping up his pants, barely able to hide his cock as it left a bulge through his pants. Re-clicking the internet button, he pulled up and logged into MySpace. His mother walked in as his profile page loaded, Abney Park starting up while he tried to look as calm and relaxed as possible.

"Hey, how was school?" she asked, walking around to the bedside and sitting down behind me.

"Normal, same random dumbasses trying to act all cool by messing with me." Tiern's heart pounded as he desperately tried to relax after the sudden event, "But it's ok, I'm fine, really."

She looked into his eyes, her face that of concern. "You shouldn't let it happen to you, just ignore them, they'll get bored and soon leave you alone." a strand of auburn hair drifting across her face before she pushed it behind her ear.

"That's the thing about you guys, you don't understand that they don't just leave us alone if we ignore them. They keep at it, continuing to bug us, they don't care about reactions, just the attention of 'Hey look at me, I'm fucking around with this kid, he's a dumbass.' They Will Never Quit." He said, not realizing how angry he had just gotten by the simple comment of his parent. Getting up, he exited out of the webpage then left the room, walking for the back door of the house.

She got up and followed him, shocked at his sudden outburst, "Hey! Don't you Dare use those words around me. Get back here, what happened today at school?!"

Tiern opened the back door, turning around to face his mom. "Nothing happened, it's you always saying the same damn things over and over. They Never Work. Do You Understand Me??" Turning back, Tiern slammed the door behind him as he walked out into the grass towards the trees at the backside of the yard.

The teen reached up, grabbing a hold of a thick branch, he hauled himself into the largest of the trees. Climbing a bit more, he reached a branch that split off into a fork about a body's length from the trunk. He crawled onto it, then lying on his back, he rest his head at the V of the split as his legs hung from the branch. Looking up into the foliage above, he sighed in frustration, thinking about why his parents couldn't understand that life now wasn't like it had been for them. This had been his favorite spot since they had moved here from the old house just a few roads south. Here, he could get away from all the yelling and commotion that always seemed to revolve around him. Why he didn't do this or why he couldn't do that. This spot in the tree gave him complete control over all thoughts. Closing his eyes, Tiern listened to his breathing, letting himself calm down. Soon, all he could hear was the rustling of the wind through the leaves. 'I wonder how Max is doing..'

Tiern had first met Maximilian, now known as Max, in his Art class. He had wandered in late the first day, after being lightly scolded by the teacher, Max went and sat down in the desk across from Tiern. He stared at the new kid in curiosity. Glancing up for a moment, Max looked over at him, who quickly averted his gaze and started back at doodling on the paper in-front of him. Something about this new kid awakened feelings Tiern didn't realize he had for other guys. He didn't see the grin that appeared on Max's face before returning to the sketchbook.

After a few moments of nothing, he noticed something. Though it seemed peaceful out here, something felt out of place. Listening carefully, he soon found what was wrong. There were no birds chirping. Tiern opened his eyes and peered at the sky through an open patch in the leaves. The once blue abyss had now turned a murky swirling gray of rain clouds. He sighed again, knowing that he'd soon have to go back in. "Might as well go in now. All that both places greet me with is just gloomy shit." Tiern dropped down to the ground and trudged back inside. For him, the rest of the evening was as uneventful as ever. Dinner was quieter than usual as he sat eating spaghetti, mom watching him with a concerned look on her face.


A flash and tremendous rumbling pounded through the house. Tiern jerked his head up, now wide awake. Rolling over, he stood up and opened the blinds to find water pouring from the dark sky. Another bolt of lightning silhouetted him against the book shelves before closing the blinds again. He groaned, slumping back over to his bed and curled up, under his covers. After a while Tiern sat back up, not able to fall asleep again. "Damn it all.." he mumbled.

The teenager sat there, wishing of a way to get out of this world, if anything possible, make it any better. Thoughts flowed through his mind, some of running away, some of fighting back, some of just ending it all. He shook his head, banishing the ideas to the back of his head. 'No, I couldn't do that..I'd leave everyone in a bunch of pain, even worse than mine...' As he lingered on this, the image of the tiger he had seen at the beach came back. Tiern looked at it, wishing with all his might that it could be real. Another flash of lightning shown through the window, thunder roaring loudly right after.

Unexpectedly, Tiern felt a slight prickling sensation in his stomach. Wondering what it was, he lifted up his shirt. Nothing was different, to say the least, but his belly seemed a bit more flat. 'Huh, maybe I'm losing some weight' But then he saw something that really made him wake up. The feeling got stronger as he watched the thin layer of pudge just disappear, leaving behind a fully flat abdomen. Tiern's eyes widened as he laid a hand on it, not believing what he had just seen. The tingling moved along his body, widening as his chest and arms began to also change. "What the hell?? What's happening?!" He yelled softly, trying not to wake up his parents, least they freak out even more at his appearance than he already was. As the muscles all over his body became more defined, he realized his hand was still on his stomach. Raising it, he was stunned to see and feel a light covering of creamy white fur. He looked at his arms to see the beginning of orange and black stripes crawl across the skin. Abandoning all hope of not awakening them, Tiern let a loud "What The Fuck?!?" escape his lips before passing out from shock, head falling into his pillow. More lightning flashed outside the window, rain continuing to pour across the glass as the teen lay unconscious on the bed.


Sunlight broke through the blinds as Tiern's alarm clock went off, buzzing relentlessly. He groaned, staggering over to smack the machine over the head. Making his way over to the bathroom with eyes still closed, he almost tripped over something close to the ground. Not worrying about it, he rounded the corner into the little room and opened his eyes. Tiern stared into the mirror, confused of what he saw. Then it sunk in. His eyes grew huge, almost yelling at the top of his lungs, standing in the mirror was a teenage pale-orange anthro tiger. His hair was still the dirty blonde it had always been, and the same with his green eyes, but what used to be a human mouth and nose, was now replaced with a muzzle and pink nose tip. Poking out of this hair were two black-lined ears with cream colored tuft insides, he flicked them around while listening to the new world around him. He looked down at his what were now paws; they were like regular human formed hands, but had a leather-like pad on the fingertips and palms. Noticing a patch of cream white fur that ran from his muzzle down his throat, he lifted up his shirt to find the fur continue down his body, and narrowing down close to his crotch. Reaching down and pulling at the legs of the sleeping pants, more of the new orange and black fur ran along the legs. A small area on the inside of the thighs were the white fur, making him wonder about his 'other' areas.

Fitting a few fingers around the band, Tiern pulled down his pants to reveal a cream-white sheath and sac. He gaped, feeling himself become excited as a slight tip of pink rose from the opening. Blushing, he tried to take the pajamas all the way off, but felt something brush the ankle of his right leg. Looking behind him, he saw a long striped tail swishing back and forth inside his left pant leg. Tiern almost went insane, gasping at the new feature on him. He couldn't believe it, this could never be possible at all, at least, not in his near lifetime.

He was too preoccupied to realize a figure walking towards the bathroom. "Hey, what are you doing?" a feminine voice called, yawning afterwards. Tiern froze, whipping around to see his mother staring at him in the partial nude.

"BwaahahAahh! Don't look at me!" He yelled, quickly pulling up his pants and dashing over to slam the door closed. Laying against it, he prayed to whatever god there was up above that she didn't force him out.

"What the hell, are you still mad at me or something? What's your problem, open the door and get out here Now" she said, knocking loudly on the other side of the door.

'Goddamnit..' he thought, pushing off the door, and reluctantly cracking open it, peering out so only a small bit of fur was shown.

"No, OPEN the door, what's up with you?" she questioned, pushing the door fully open, revealing his new form.

"Ermm...well you see, I...something happened to me" he scratched at the back of his head and realized that it felt really good.

"Yeah...and? What happened?" she asked, standing there tapping her foot on the carpet. Tiern looked at her confused, she seemed to not see what had happened to him. That or she thought this might still be a dream.

"Umm, first off. Before I go into any detail. What do I look like?" he said, trying to get the facts straight.

"Like a normal 17 year old boy, skin and all. But you do have a slight temper that we need to fix" she smiled at him, amused at what she was being asked about. It was such a straight-forward question.

"Really? No fur or anything..just me?"

"Fur? Hah, I know your into that furry stuff, but all you have is normal skin. Are you sure you're not crazy? Wait, don't answer that" she chuckled, sticking her tongue at him.

Tiern laughed at it, knowing it was partially true, who wasn't somewhat crazy now-a-days? "Ok, well..never mind then. I gotta get a shower ok?" he said, slowly closing the door.

"Fine, fine. Go do your stuff my crazy child of mine" she whispered back, sticking her tongue out at him again before walking off into the living room.

Tiern quickly closed the door and locked it so no one could get in. It seemed to be that only he could see this change, maybe he was going crazy. But it felt so real, the tail playfully wandering around behind him, rubbing against his leg. He could feel everything that brushed up along it, and the fur on his body shifted slightly as he made his way over to the shower. Taking off the pajamas, he inspected his full body in the mirror. A green spiked-spiral looking fur tattoo was directly on his left shoulder. Tiern was surprised, never really thinking about getting one before, but it looked pretty cool so he didn't complain. Even if he did, there was no way for him to know how to get rid of it.

The now anthro teenager stepped into the tub, and turned the knob for the hot water. Liquid washed across the bottom of the tub, his fur covered feet now damp as the water warmed up to his liking. When it got to a good temp, he pulled the knob out, and was sprayed in the face with hot water. The feeling of the water running down in streams across his new body was amazing. Tiern felt himself become slightly heavier from the weight of the water. Moving out of the spray for a moment, he reached and grabbed a bottle of shampoo, about to get out the usual amount. 'I'm going to need a LOT more than this now', he laughed. Using what was already in his palm for his head, Tiern went and lathered up the rest of his body, moving from the arms to torso and so on downwards. Soon, he got to his groin, as he worked the soap into fur there he realized that he had grown a bit that night. Rubbing his sac, he felt what seemed to be now two times larger testicles, rolling them around in his palm. He moaned, giving then a small squeeze as the hands went onto the actual sheath.

Washing off the soap from his hands, Tiern fingered this new piece of his body, purring at the feeling. Surprised by the noise, he stroked the outside of the furry covering. Soon, he could feel himself become excited again, the sheath swelling bit by bit. He looked down to see the tip slowly emerging from the hole and rising till it finally hung in front of him, eight inches long. "Damn, body's not the only improvement!" Tiern said, surprised. Reaching down, the tiger grasped his meat, shuddering at how sensitive it was now and began stroking. His head hit the tile as he laid against the wall, picking up the pace, pumping harder. Precum drooled out of the tip and down the length of his member, mixing with the water pouring down in his face. Steam rose from the floor of the tub, swirling around Tiern as he felt the familiar tingling inside his sac, stroking his cock faster than ever. He shuddered more, feeling himself come closer to climax, the sensation becoming almost too intense to handle. Giving out a loud groan, long ropes of cum shot out and onto the curtains, making streams down the clear plastic. After about six bursts, the ropes became a dribble down the length, and onto his hand. Tiern let go of his member and lifted his hand up to his face. He licked the small strings of fluids from his fingers, murring at the salty-sweet taste. Finishing off the little clean up, he slumped against the bottom ridge of the tub, reaching out and turning off the shower, letting the water drip from the fur. Tiern sat there, dazed and feeling better than ever from the afterglow of his actions. His eyes wandered the curtains, widening a bit to realize just how much he had actually came, there was streaks all over the plastic, almost as if it had rained the white, sticky juices from the shower head. Head drooping, body exhausted, he carefully lifted himself back up, tail soaked with a light mix of water and cum. 'Ugh, well this isn't going to work, especially if what happened in those stories to sticky fur is for real..crap.' Turning on the water again, Tiern made sure not miss anywhere that might had been forgotten.

The tiger reached out of the shower, grabbed the closest towel and started rubbing down his fur. Stepping out of the tub, he looked directly into the mirror, nearly bursting into laughter as Tiern saw the most frizzy animal in the glass. "Well then," he chuckled, "yet One more thing to figure out what to do." He sighed, a wide grin on his new face.

"Better get to work on this, it's a whole new world!"

To Be Continued..?