Fistful of Gold bible

Story by Tormey on SoFurry

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I identify as a prey. So do many in the vore community. Yet, in those rare circumstances we nab that relationship that allows us to really express ourselves with our mates, we find ourselves able to switch under the right circumstances.

This piece is going to be an attempt to capture the trust between predator and prey in a different way than what my other main work did. This is going to be about the fear that a predator who's deeply smitten with his prey feels. Can he trust himself? Can he even allow himself to get into such a strong emotional bond with his partner?


The story focuses on a classic strong female heroine. Though she's more of the type of heroine that has grit in her personality. She's a mercenary and soldier for hire, skilled and talented.

She is partnered, not to mention romantically involved with her dragon. Who is a rather reserved, quiet, and often stoic personality. She often tries to get him to crack a joke, relax, or smile. Little knowing that a lot of the reason for his behavior is his secret desires to really push their relationship one step further.

What he also doesn't know is exactly how forcefully his 'wife' wears the pants in the relationship.

The overall focus is going to be that complex dance when one party wants something, opens up about it, but then starts second guessing themselves. Leaving their significant other with both the challenge, and mild annoyance, of having to chase down their desires and give them up.


*Laura * - Known by the moniker of Chastity to those that seek her services. She's a firecracker, hard to embarrass, and essentially a dominant woman.

Tamriel - A rather young male dragon, naive but still wise. Laura often calls him Tammy just to mess with him. He's a brat about it, but secretly loves that a small mammal treats him this way.

Story Outline

Mated and happy and monogamous, that is who these two are. Both have long since abandoned their respective homes and governments, all for each other. Not to mention the excitement of temporary wealth.

To these two, home is each other. He often gives her a hard time when she enters a bar to rabble rouse.

The story picks up pretty much at the point that Tamriel is fighting within himself with his interest in sharing the steam and heat of fooling around with the whole vore concept. Despite his power, size, and strength. He's rather timid. Sure he's a vicious fighter, a strong magic user, and could likely dominate Laura with ease. That's just not who he is. Its part of why he left the lands where the dragons mostly reside.

Laura of course can tell he's hiding something. Usually during the dark hours, around a campfire, as she rests against his side she jabs him with her elbow or the hilt of her sword trying to get him to come clean about whatever is on his mind.

Eventually he tells her, and gets flustered. She grins devilishly and promptly turns his days into a living "hell" so to speak. Every opportunity she gets she teases him by actually, masterfully, naturally, flirting with him to build up that predatory lust.

Eventually, he gets angry and yells at her, actually managing to scare her a little. Which of course hurts him pretty bad. There's a span of time where they're lost in thought. Eventually Laura approaches him, opening up in a different way. Apologizing to him fro not respecting how terrifying this has been for him.

This leads into their actual moment together. As they proceed to escalate, Tamriel is happy. Because even though he's the predator, she's still the predator of his heart. Showing that in this kind of relationship, there's dynamics far beyond just who eats who.

Predator and Prey

She owns you the moment you see her. She knows it too. That spark, that lightening strike to your nerves from heaven. Your heart races. You feel like you're at top of that hill on a roller coaster. You know the one. The scent of your fear draws...

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Predator and Prey

She owns you the moment you see her. She knows it too. That spark, that lightening strike to your nerves from heaven. Your heart races. You feel like you're at top of that hill on a roller coaster. You know the one. The scent of your fear draws...

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