Captured And Tamed - Part 07

Story by Vykk on SoFurry

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#7 of Captured And Tamed

Hey everyone,

Sorry for keeping you waiting for the next Part.

This Part of the story is long, about 3,000 words longer than the usual size Parts so sorry for that. vykk did try and find a place to cut it into two Parts but there was just no-where that worked, so he hopes you wont mind the length and will enjoy the section anyway.

Won't give away too much, but will say that for those of you who wanted to see vykk get a bit of good fortune then here you go, but as everything, it comes with a price.

Again the warning that this is a M/M, NC story, so please dont read if you find those things offensive.

Thanks to all those who have commented on the story, he really hopes that he will continue to live up to your expectations although he realises he wont make everyone happy. Still he hopes that you'll enjoy the story as it continues to grow.

Finally just want to say another big thank you for taking the time to read his story, vykk really appreciates it and hopes you're still enjoying the story. And there is still LOTS more to come (or cum).

Take care and all the best,

vykk XXX

WARNING!!! This is an M/M, Non consensual story (18 years or older please)


kitten woke up. he didn't know when he had passed out but he found himself laying on a rather thin fur in a cornered off section of a large tent. The scent of flame and roasting meat hit him immediately and the lupine knew that it was Master's home instantly because His scent was ingrained into the surroundings, overcoming even the scent of the fire and a cooking meal. Each breath burnt like fire in his throat and every time he swallowed it was like trying to swallow a boulder. The memories of what Themar had done to him came back in a flash, at least giving him a reason as to why his throat hurt so much but it didn't make him feel that much better.

With a groan he pushed himself up onto all fours, there was a leather cuff on his ankle and attached to it was a long length of thick chain that disappeared off under one of the partitions. kitten guessed that the other end was secured to some kind of ring set in the floor in the middle of Master's tent, what he did not expect was the sudden, rather violent tug on the chain, making him give a yowl of surprise, which hurt like all the hells due to the damage to his throat.

Gheran was slouching in His 'throne', a muscled leg draped over one of the arms, staring into the fire that was burning in the middle of His tent. He couldn't help but grin when He felt the end of chain wrapped around His wrist move...So, My little kitten has finally come around...The tiger tugged on the chain and was rewarded with a rough-throated yowl from the wolf behind the screen. He tugged again and this time said in a voice that was full of dominance and authority..."Get out here now kitten."...He could almost sense the slave on the other side of the screen tensing at the sound of His voice and He couldn't help but smirk at the thought of the control He already held over the slave. When nothing happened the tiger's eyes narrowed and He bared His fangs, saying angrily..."NOW SLUT!"

kitten's eyes widen as he hears the sound of Master's voice after feeling another tug on his ankle, giving a silent whimper and feeling his ears sagging at the thought of having to face Him again after what He had done to him, having no illusions of just how the Tiger was going to treat him when He saw him. Every part of him wanted to stay behind the screen, as if it gave him some kind of protection from the stripped monster on the other side. But he knew that things would go very, very bad for him if he didn't obey Master and just as he thought that he heard Him shout..."NOW SLUT!"...and that was incentive enough for him to move from around the partition. he was with it enough to remember that he had been ordered to walk on all fours unless he was told otherwise and so he did just that and trotted out on all fours into Master's sleeping quarters.

he instantly saw the fire burning in the middle of the room and saw there was a small boar on a spit over the flames and the scent of food actually made him feel a little better, it was something he knew, something familiar and something that he could concentrate on as he padded toward Master as He slouched in His throne.

Gheran smirked again as He saw His new pet emerge from behind the screen. He saw how the lupine submissively carried himself whether he realised it or not...his ears down, his tail partially tucked between his legs and his head dipped.

The Chief had really enjoyed fucking His new kitten in front of His Men and had very much enjoyed punishing him. It could have gone very badly, the slave had questioned His authority and had He not have punished him His Men might then start thinking about questioning it. But He had punished the little slut properly, showing him his place and the Lads had really enjoyed the show.

Gheran had planned on doing what He was going to do now in front of His Men, but unfortunately the slut had suffered a massive orgasm when He came in his ass and Themar came down his throat and he had actually passed out, something which He had never seen before. Still it would be quite nice to do it on His own, it would make kitten more His..."Come here, My cute little kitten."...Gheran said whilst pointing at the spot right in front of His throne, His voice tried to sound reassuring but that was still full of dominance, letting kitten know that he had better not dare to disobey Him again..."I think by now you have realised that I am not someOne you want to fuck around with..."...the huge tiger laughs at what He just said..."After all, that's what We shall use you for."

Gheran looked down to the wolf that was now on all fours in front of Him as He sat in His chair and smirks, reaching down and idly rubbing behind his ears whilst saying..."Now that I have claimed you, I am going to give you your brand."...The tiger waited to enjoy the look of distress on kitten's face before continuing..."It will permanently mark you as a slut. But more than that, Argent and I came up with a novel feature to incorporate into the brands of Our slaves. It took some time for Argent to finalise and hone the details but He has nearly perfected it now and it works with almost a hundred percent efficiency."

Gheran continues to grin smugly as He watches His new toy squirm in fear, purposefully not telling kitten what the feature was until the last possible moment to increase his fear, knowing just how powerful a tool fear was in taming a new pet..."The branding iron has been made by Argent, I won't bore you with the details with how it works, but know that once We brand you, the brand will act as a homing instinct for Us. Think of it in the same way as the birds migrate thousands of miles every year then always find their way home again...Argent and I will be able to track you down, if by some miracle you actually escape Us that is."...Gheran snarls, baring His fangs and reaching down, gripping kitten by his scruff and hauling him up so that he was on his knees and forced to look up into the tiger's eyes..."And when We find you and catch you We will make you sorry for putting Us through the bother of hunting you down. you have had just a taste of the kinds of punishments that can be performed and believe Me when I say there are far, far worse. Understand?"

kitten was getting to the point when he just wanted to laugh, although it would be an hysterical laugh. This was getting ridiculous; all the potions, the spells and now this. he guessed he should be flattered that Master would go to such extraordinary lengths to ensure his obedience and captivity, but it was a very dubious honour, and one he certainly didn't want. It was clear by now that Master valued him, at least in the way One values a treasured possession, or maybe even a thoroughbred pet and he wasn't going to be let go in a hurry, if ever.

"I said..."says Gheran quietly, so quietly that kitten doesn't hear Him, and at just the volume to let any eavesdropper know He was totally, utterly and completely pissed..."UNDERSTAND?!"...The tiger grabs His prize by the scruff and yanks his head up so that the slave's nose was practically touching His Own. Gheran's head was a lot bigger than kitten's was and the wolf's eyes went wide with shock at the two sudden, very angry looking eyes staring right back into his own terrified ones.

Gheran then moves His grip so that His massive paw was clamped around the slave's neck, knowing the wolf could feel the sharp points of His retractable claws as He holds the slut in front of Him, forcing him to balance precariously on his knees. The Gods know how but kitten managed to nod hurriedly and even gave him enough strength, or perhaps sense, to say in a frightened, breathless voice..."Y, y, y, yes Master, kitten, understands."...The slave's voice was barely more than a rough whisper, the injuries to his vocal cords had been severe.

Gheran's eyes narrow a little and He gives a feral grin upon seeing the power that He held over the whore; this couldn't have worked out any better for Him. He just had to brand this slut and fix his collar, although He thinks He will do the branding in private, the collaring though will be in front of the whole Band.

The Chief was wondering whether He would need His trump card. Gheran had in His possession something that He was sure would guarantee kitten's obedience. He wasn't sure if He really wants to use it though, the thought of His new whore submitting on his own had a certain appeal. Then again, there was something about forcing a slut into complete subservience whether they wanted it or not. Now that; was beautiful. Besides, from seeing how kitten responded to being fucked Gheran was confident that soon enough kitten would be a very wanting and willing pet.

A slow, rather cruel smile spreads over Gheran's face as He looks down to His kitten to be, continuing to hold his head up so he was forced to go up high on his knees, having to balance on them carefully if he didn't want to choke. Gheran decided He couldn't wait any longer for this slut's complete submission, the trump card would have played...

kitten got a very bad feeling in his guts, like someone had just forced him to drink a flagon of ice water laced with chilli when he saw the look on the dominant Tiger's stripy face. Dreading what threat He was going to say next, what element would be further stacked against him in his bid to eventually escape these Slavers. As he struggles in Master's grip, but not so roughly that he could loose his balance and hurt himself, he had no idea just what the Tiger would say next, or just what it would mean.


Letting kitten fall back onto his knees, leaving him to yowl and rub at his neck to try and soothe the pressure marks left by His fingers Gheran abruptly stands and shouts..."Vortis!"...A pawful of seconds later the equine Slaver that had been on guard outside trots in and looks to His Leader..."Yes Chief?"

With a totally straight face, betraying no inward emotion the Tiger says..."Bring out the 'captives'."...Gheran said no more than that and He didn't need to because Vortis smiles and nods before turning and walking out of the Chief's hut, leaving the stunned wolf slave and the triumphant Tiger alone once more. Gheran purposefully doesn't smile as He thinks on what is about to happen. He could smell the bewilderment and fear coming from His pet and those emotions were not far off what he would be feeling had He gone into detail, or shown any kind of outward emotion even though inside He was incredibly excited.

kitten was worried when Master called for Vortis, he was sure that was the equine Slaver that had cum down his throat the first time he was raped. Sure enough it was and he trembled a little at the sight of Him, although he didn't know if he trembled in fear, or something else. Squirming a little he listens to the Slavers talking, wondering what the 'captives' are, Master didn't seem to be enjoying this too much so it could be something either very good, or, more likely, very bad. kitten bites his lip as he remains on his knees in front of Gheran's 'throne', wondering what could possibly happen now.

Only a few of minutes later Vortis came back in but even before He had walked through the door kitten knew he was in serious trouble. his sense of smell had not dulled in the past few days and before they were dragged in he recognised the scent of his Packmates. he knew them, Taein and Newir. Taein was a rank below him in the combat standing of the pack and Taein was also his Huntmate, his partner during the Hunt and during any pack fight. They watched each others backs, were brothers in every meaning of the word that you could hold dear. Last winter Taein had attracted a mate, Newir, and they were now Mates which had put them at a higher social rank. In fact socially kitten had had a fairly low social rank because of his birth and lack of mate. That is why when he had found his mate he had considered himself the most blessed of the Mother's children. But Gheran and His Band had ended all that, and now the Tiger had the dead bodies of his brother and his brother's mate.

When the two other captured wolves were brought in and their leashes handed to Gheran the Tiger already anticipated the leap from kitten and caught him easily with one large paw as the wolf launches himself at Him. Taein and Newir struggled at the end of their leashes as they watch kitten receive a vicious backhand from the huge Tiger's free paw, Taein's bound paws clenching as he watches his Huntmate get beaten around.

Gheran hauls kitten up by his scruff, needing only one paw to actually hold the slut half an inch off the floor, the other paw still gripping the leashes connected to the two bound wolves now at His feet..."Well then, now that you have calmed yourself slut, allow Me to reunite you with a couple of members of your sorry little Klan. We had thought of just selling them to a breeder or something, but I had a better idea."...Gheran looks over to Vortis and nods, saying firmly..."Thank You Vortis, dismissed."

The Tiger could see Vortis' disappointment but the equine did as He was told, putting an arm across His chest before He gives a slight bow then turns and leaves..."Now then, why have I brought this reunion about? Well, it's because I am going to give you a choice kitten. First choice, We let you go and sell your Packmates instead. Second choice, you submit to Me and the Band fully and believe Me whore, by the end, you will have submitted fully, and I will free your Packmates. Those are your choices. To take the first simply spit at your Packmates and I will let you go, I shall even give you supplies. To take the second choice you must prove that you will submit to Me by showing Me you are My slut. Now, you have one minute to choose."

A part of kitten was actually happier than he could have thought possible. his friends had survived, he had thought his whole Klan dead, and here was a pair, a mated pair at that. But the rest of him was in dread; Gheran now had the ultimate tool to ensure his submission. If the Tiger knew as much about his species' traditions as he feared He did then kitten had now doubt Gheran would know just how to force him to obey.

Sure enough as he heard what the Tiger offered he couldn't have predicted it any better. There was no possible way he could allow his friends to be sold over him, especially as they were a mated pair, a pair that could continue the Pack, keeping the Honour all those that had died. If he was freed there was a chance he could find a mate and continue the Pack, but here was as close to a guarantee as he could possibly get.

he fell to his knees when Gheran lets go of his neck, waiting there until he heard..."CHOOSE"...not jumping when the Tiger roars just closing his eyes as he chooses, silently begging Taein and Newir to forgive him for what he was about to do.

With the choice made, and his fate sealed kitten rises up onto all fours and pads toward Gheran's bed, hopping lithely up onto it before turning in a tight, slow circle on top of it. As he completed the circle he made sure he was facing away from Gheran and then slowly dropped his chest until it was touching the bedclothes, his knees spreading a little as he pushes his ass high into the air. At the same time he moves one paw to his rear and whilst he slowly, teasingly, raises his tail for his Master, he pulls one of his flanks to the side, showing Master his slightly slick tailhole, gently swaying his hips invitingly to Master whilst saying in his broken, damaged voice that was full of shame, but also heat..."P, please fuck, th, then brand, Your slutty kitten, Master."

Gheran burst out laughing in shock and utter delight at kitten's response to His ultimatum. He had expected maybe for the slut to rub up against His leg, or at best lick His muzzle. He was just blown away by what the whore actually did. With a roar of triumph Gheran leans down and locks the ends of the leashes He was holding to the stake set in the middle of His living area, looking over His shoulder to Taein and Newir as He walks toward His bed, casting off His armour whilst saying..."Now you can watch your slut of a Packmate act like the little bitch in heat he is. Be glad that he made the right choice."...Gheran didn't know if they understood Him or not and He didn't really care either, the Slavers hadn't bothered using the language spell on them, it was too expensive to waste.

"A good show kitten,"...Was the only reply Gheran gave as He strode over to the broken slave on His bed continuing to shed His armour and clothing until He was dressed only in a pair of breeches...'but I want more than that.'

Gheran presses a huge paw down between kitten's shoulder blades and effectively pins him to the bed in his current position. He then flexes His free paw, causing His sharp claws to extend, examining them for a moment, almost idly, as He speaks causally, as if He were ordering a servant to fetch Him an ale..."I'm going to void your Honour glyphs and put the 'slut' mark on you."

The Tiger says no more, giving kitten no time to digest what he had just heard. If kitten was the kind of feral wolf He thought he was then the knowledge of what He was about to do to him would be horrifying. Moving His paw down Gheran sees the intricate claw slashes on the tops of kitten's arms, his Honour glyphs, marks that show this individual is Honourable and puts everything else aside for it. But a few swift, equally intricate slashes from Gheran's claws alters the pattern considerably, 'voiding' them in the eyes of His species and removing kitten's Honour as a Hunter, fighter and as a member of his Klan.

Gheran was not done with kitten yet though, He then reaches down to the slut's outer thighs and adds a few quick claw slashes. They didn't look that bad, but anyOne from a society that condoned slavery would easily recognise them, they stated that the individual they were carved on was a true slut, a pleasure slave with no chance of earning their freedom.

The cuts were so expertly done that they bled little and a few quick bandage applications later kitten was physically alright...mentally, he had just been destroyed. he had lost, he couldn't deny it. To be captured was one thing, to be made the whore of your captors was another. But to have your Honour marks voided meant you couldn't rejoin your Klan, or any Klan, you were then an outcast having to join Packs of similar individuals, but most were untrustworthy and deceitful so the Pack never did well.

kitten remembered vaguely about a Klan member that was banished from the Pack territory when he was young, he knew that the Banished had not returned or tried to rejoin the Pack. The young slave wondered for a second what became of him, for he had now suffered the same fate although through different circumstances.

kitten couldn't bare the though of being rejected from his Klan and that is what had happened. he had nothing left, only the hope that by Gheran keeping him as His whore the Klan will live on through his Packmates. Maybe somewhere down the line the Band will get bored of him and let him go, or more likely sell him. he shudders at the thought of being bought and sold like an object yet he knew that is how most of the Slavers saw him. Would it be worth trying to make everyOne here pleased with him so They wont sell him and maybe even treat him better? he had no illusions on just how he would have to make Them pleased with him, then again it seemed he had no choice in the matter in performing those duties either, that seemed to be all he was kept here for.

The broken wolf remains pinned to the bed in the lurid position as Gheran looks down at him, smiling happily at the thought of what the little bitch must be thinking. He lifts His paw from kitten's back and stands, turning without speaking and going to sit in His throne again. The Tiger looks levelly at His new pet and snaps His fingers, pointing to His feet, leaving little possible confusion about what He wants kitten to do.

Doing what he has been ordered kitten rises to all fours and hops down from Master's bed, slowly padding over to Him. he quickly remembered his 'training' lessons earlier with both Master Argent and Master and so lifts his tail as high as it will go, looking and suddenly moving very much like a bitch in heat...there was certainly a strong scent of estrus around.

When the wolf reaches His feet Gheran pats His lap, saying simply..."Lap"...And leaving the rest for kitten to figure out. It seemed fairly obvious what He wanted and so kitten climbs up into Master's lap, resting his bare flanks down against the Tiger's muscled thighs, only a thin layer of rough cotton separating kitten's furry butt and the growing, hardening bulge beneath it. The slave gasps softly as he feels his Master's shaft growing harder under his ass, his face flushing deeply as he slowly looks up into Gheran's face, knowing the Tiger was looking down at him.

"That's a good slut."...Gheran praises His new whore, stroking down his back and then up his tail before suddenly gripping kitten's curved hips and pulling them forward, forcing his ass to be pressed firmly into His groin, the wolf's legs now straddling Gheran's thighs, his paws having to rest on the Tiger's shoulders for support as He holds him in a position the new slut will get to know very well. Gheran slowly rocks His hips up toward the furry rump above His cock, glorying in the tautness of it against His now very hard erection..."Now whore, I know you know what is beneath you, and I know you know what I expect you to do now. So let's see if you get it right, remember what is at stake if you fail to prove you are now My slut."...The Tiger growls threateningly and grips His kitten's tail firmly, keeping it held high.

kitten's ears sag as he hears what he has to do, knowing full well what He means and what his Master wants him to do. With nothing left to lose he performs the last act of Honour he is ever likely to get the chance to do and so he does all he can to ensure the continued survival, and Honour, of his Klan.

Whilst lifting his hips the broken wolf reaches down behind him with an unsteady paw and undoes the button fly on Master's breeches, actually feeling the heat of the Tiger's hard-on through the material of His trousers. Shutting his eyes kitten then slips his paw into Master's breeches, feeling the smooth heat of His maleness beneath the roughened pads of his fingers. As quickly as he can he frees Master's shaft, feeling it pressing up against his backside when it had been released from His breeches.

kitten wonders if that will be enough, but he knows what he will have to do next; an act and display of his submission and so he lifts his hips higher, feeling the sleek tip of the Tiger's impressive and very hard dick rubbing between his buttocks as he raises his ass up until the head of his Master's shaft was pressing against his already slick tailhole. he gives a soft, quite whimper at the feel of the smooth hardness against his asshole, the scent of heat was now very strong in the air and kitten could feel his tailhole twitching a little as the head of Master's cock presses against it.

Gheran keeps one paw on His pet's tail and the other on his curved hip, keeping him from struggling but allowing him to move to comply with His order, the whore was now poised, ready to sheath his Master's cock in his tight, hot little rear..."Impale slut."...Was all that needed to be said, whether kitten wanted to or not it did not matter, his Master had given him an order and he had to obey, if he did not, then he would break his word with Him and if he broke his word, His Pack was good as extinct.

Biting his lip to try and stifle any moan or whimper of pain that might come from his lips kitten pushes his hips down, feeling the sleek tip of Master's cock press harder against his asshole. he shuts his eyes, already feeling pain under his tail, his muscles tightening up instinctively to keep Master's thick length out of his body, making it all the more painful for him. Desperately the slave tries to relax his tailhole, knowing tensing will only make this more painful and the next time he takes a breath he manages to relax slightly, causing the tip of Master's dick to spread the tight ring of muscle a fraction. his entrance didn't give way a very large amount, but it was more than enough for half of the Tiger's cock-head to slide into kitten's ass, and once Master's dick started to ease into him there was nothing he could do to stop it, unless of course he stopped moving his hips, but that was out of the question.

Gheran grits His fangs together with the incredible pleasure He felt when kitten's ass slowly gives way around His cock, knowing that in another few heartbeats the whore will have taken the whole head of His dick inside his ass and once he had done that he could slide down the rest of His length, all the way to the root. The Chief grips His pet's curved hip tighter, moving the paw holding kitten's tail up to his other hip, holding him firmly now as the slave eases himself down over His barbed cock...Gods, He loved it.

kitten throws his head back and cries out in pain as he feels his asshole spread wider and wider around Master's cock until suddenly he slipped down a whole inch at once. he cried out again, realising that he had taken he head of Master's dick into his ass and that now there was nothing to stop the rest of His thickness from sliding into his butt. The wolf slave shakes as he forces himself to continue, pushing his hips down further, his slick tailhole squeezing down on the thick muscle invading his ass, much to his Master's delight.

Soon he had taken half of the Tiger's large cock into his tailhole and he had to stop. he was panting heavily and shaking on Master's lap whilst impaled on His thick rod. his hands grip His shoulders firmly for support, not daring to let go because if he did he would fall into His lap, and get the rest of His sizeable cock pushing into his ass all at once. kitten was under no illusion that Master would want to get as much of His shaft into His new slave as possible, but he needed time to adjust, He was just too big to take all at once.

As if reading the slave's mind Gheran gives a growling chuckle and strokes His kitten's hips..."Don't worry slut, soon you will be able to take all My cock into your ass at once, you're going to get a lot of practice. But you are being such a good little pet that I will be generous and give you time to get used to it today."...The Tiger moves a paw from His slut's hip and lifts it to stroke under kitten's chin, slowly tilting the slave's head back so he was forced to look up at Him..."you see slut, obey Me and I can be very reasonable."

The slave couldn't argue with that, he was very grateful that Master was giving him this time to get used to the large girth of the Tiger's cock as it stretched his ass. What little pride he had left hurt at being grateful for such a thing but he knew he would have to learn to appreciate small mercies like this, to not take them for granted. Like a lot of other things gratefulness was relative too. On an impulse kitten licks his partially dried lips, it hurt like hells to talk, but nether-the-less he says in his quiet, damaged voice..."T, Thank You Master."...he didn't know why he said it, it just seemed instinctive.

Gheran practically beams with delight as He hears His new prize thank Him, thank Him!, for using his ass. This slut was beginning to learn his place alright. There was a lot more for him to learn and the coming weeks (and months and years) would be filled with training the wolf how to be the perfect whore for Him but this was certainly a very positive beginning.

The huge Feline continues to stroke His pet under the chin by way of a reward whilst saying in a deeply growling voice that was full of pleasure, pride but mainly smugness..."Such a good kitten. Now, that's enough resting, back to your duty."...To give kitten some help, wanting as much of His cock inside His new prize as quickly as possible Gheran reaches down, placing His large paws on the wolf's ass, spreading the whore's buttocks, feeling His kitten slide down another few inches over His impressive erection, leaving only a pawful of inches to go.

The Chief wanted to fuck His pet's muzzle again soon, He had thought that Themar had damaged the kitten's vocal cords, but clearly they were not damaged enough because the little slut could still speak, albeit only very quietly. He wanted His new prize mute for a while, to teach him that even speaking was a privilege, one he had to earn. Although right now He was satisfied with the slave's efforts, and besides, He had to leave camp for a few days on Guild business and He couldn't take kitten with Him so He wanted to enjoy the slut as much as possible, rendering him mute would take some time. The task would have to wait for when He returned.

kitten bites his lip hard to suppress a moan, pressing himself up against Master when He places His paws on his ass and spreads his cheeks, reducing some of resistance that was stopping His cock from going deeper into his tailhole. The slave couldn't help but moan after a few seconds more as he slid further down Master's ample length, feeling His thick member filling his ass totally and yet it wasn't hurting half as much as he thought it would, it was actually starting to feel good again. kitten's paws move from Gheran's shoulders and he wraps his arms around the Tiger's thick neck, moving by instinct, clinging on to Him as if holding on to someOne will make it easier on him. And yet for some reason it does help and so kitten presses himself up against Master, yowling helplessly as his tailhole swallows more of Gheran's cock, amazed at how big He was. It felt like he was being impaled by a flagpole, yet it was incredible, he doubted there was any space at all in his rump and he could have sworn that he felt the head of Master's dick in his stomach.

Eventually the new slave felt something hard and unyielding under his spread flanks and it took him a moment to realise that what he was feeling under his cheeks was Master's thighs...he had taken His entire cock into his ass. kitten was actually impressed that he had managed to do that, he didn't think it was physically possible for him to take Master's shaft into his rear but he had, and by the way Master's tool throbbed and pulsed inside him he guessed that Master was enjoying the feel of having His dick sheathed in his butt.

Gheran growls with satisfaction as He feels His kitten's flanks resting once more on His thighs, the source of the incredible pleasure was the fact that He now had all of His member buried in the cute little wolf's tight rear-end. He was amazed that the slut had managed to take all of Him this quickly, He had thought it would take him a week or so to stretch out enough to handle all of His giant cock, but judging from the way kitten's asshole was squeezing and massaging His dick he was enjoying the feeling of being so full.

The Tiger's gazes turns over His slave's shoulder to the two bound wolves that were watching with wide, horrified eyes, making Him grin smugly. The thought of His new pet acting like such a whore in front of his Family was almost enough to make Him cum but He fought back, it was far too early for this to end. Leaning down Gheran bites the tip of kitten's ear sharply before giving a deep, husky growl into it, saying..."Ohh Gods, that's My good little bitch. you are so tight! you must like having all of My cock in your ass eh? I'm sure there is room enough in that cute little butt of yours for My cum. Do it kitten, ride My cock, make Me cum."

kitten pants heavily as he sits on the Tiger's lap, his body twitching and shaking as he adjusts to being so full. During the times he had been raped before the Slaver's had been in control of how quickly he was taken, but this time he could dictate how fast and hard to fuck the cock inside him and the chance to rest and get used to being full was gratefully received.

The lupine slave could no longer lie to himself about how great it felt to have a cock in his ass; he could never have imagined it would feel anything like this. A sharp nip to his ear brought kitten out of his private thoughts and he yowls as Master whispers gruffly to him, the feeling of His breath caressing his furred ear making him shiver and pant harder, his asshole clamping down on the Tiger's hard length as he trembles.

What his Master said made kitten whimper and moan at the same time, his arms tightening around His neck as his body obeys the order instantly, his conscious mind trying to argue with him, trying to tell him to stop, trying to tell him that acting so wantonly was a very, very bad idea but when he lifts his hips and feels Master's cock move inside him even his mind gave up trying to stop this. Another moan escapes his mouth as kitten lifts his hips up a couple of inches, then lowers them again, sheathing all of Master's feline maleness in his ass once more, his tailhole cinching tightly around the root of the thick rod spreading him out so effectively.

Soon the slave was rhythmically rocking his hips up and down, giving a deep, moaning purr of pleasure as he starts to ride his Master's cock, being able to feel every bump and ridge on the Tiger's shaft, as well as the tiny barbs that even now were digging slightly into his sensitive flesh. kitten didn't know if Master had any conscious control over the barbs on His length, but they weren't digging in as much as the previous time He had fucked him, or maybe he was just more used to them, either way, they didn't hurt as much and what pain they did cause was actually starting to increase his arousal.

Gheran was in heaven, this felt so great. He had fucked many slaves in His life, but this one was by far the most special, and he hadn't even been trained yet, what He was experiencing was just the slut's natural ability. The Chief squirmed in His seat, His cock pulsing inside the willing posterior of the bitch on His lap as He imagines just how great fucking His kitten will be when He has trained him.

It was a struggle to keep Himself from reaching climax but Gheran managed it, wanting kitten to enjoy himself first, knowing that the more the slave grows to love cock and love being fucked the more wanton and eager he will be.

After a few minutes of His pet gently riding His dick Gheran could feel kitten's pace increasing and a couple of minutes later he was lifting his hips up a third of the way over His impressive shaft before pushing himself down again, his slim, almost feminine hips crashing down against the huge Tiger's. Grinning from ear to pointed ear the Tiger spreads His fuck-toy's buttocks again, knowing the two bound wolves could see His ample rod being eagerly swallowed by His kitten's cock-hungry tailhole and so He leans down a bit again, whispering in the slave's ear once more..."That's right kitten, loose yourself in the pleasure of it, you can't hide how much you are enjoying this, the scent of your heat is thick enough to bottle. Even your packmates can smell it, and see it, they are both watching you, appalled and ashamed of you that you are riding My cock so wantonly. you can stop if you want to whore, I give you permission. Go ahead, if that is what you really want. But W/we both know you can't, whether you admit it or not you love this, you are becoming a cock-hungry slut and nothing can stop it now."

kitten moans as he rides his Master's hard column, his arms remaining tight around His neck, his legs moving to wrap around the Tiger's waist as well, fully clinging onto his Master as he pleasures Him and himself, rubbing himself shamefully up against the Chief's powerful body. he squirms when he feels Master spreading his flanks again, allowing His cock to slide that much deeper into him with each stroke, keeping his tail lifted high in the air behind him.

he barely even heard what Master said, the tone of His voice was soothing, encouraging and that was all he needed to hear. Had he heard what Gheran said though it wouldn't have made much difference, the Tiger was right, there was no way kitten was able to stop now, his body fuelled by the aphrodisiac, the pleasure, the shame and the need to absorb Master's cum drove him on.

Yet a small part of kitten knew what was happening to him and he gave a mournful whimper, his glazed eyes turning up to his Master, seeing Him smirking at him as he helplessly rides His cock, the shame and humiliation clear in his eyes. But what was also clear in those soulful yellow eyes was the need and pleasure the wolf slave was feeling, as if the heavy scent of estrus and the way he was eagerly riding the Tiger's hard, throbbing erection was not enough proof.

Gheran moves one of His paws from His pet's rounded buttocks when He sees him looking up at Him like that, grabbing him by his short hair and tugging his head back as He leans down, growling in his face possessively..."Fuck! Ohh, fuck, you slut! you're Mine now kitten! you're Mine, forever!"...With that momentous declaration the Tiger reluctantly decides to bring this show to an end and He thrusts His hips up, burying all of His powerful cock inside His bitch's ass before He climaxes violently. Gheran could feel His shaft hardening and swelling inside kitten's tailhole a moment before He releases, spraying His fuck-toy's bowels with thick jets of burning feline cum, marking him internally as His property for the second time in a day...Gods, given the choice He would fuck this whore for the rest of His life and not do anything else.

kitten arches his back as Master grabs his hair and yanks his head back, forcing his rump down hard into His groin, giving a submissive whimper when He growls in his face, hearing Him call him a slut, hearing Him declare that he now belonged to Him, forever. Before he could react he felt Master thrust His hips up, forcing His cock as deep as it would go inside his heated body before He finally let go.

Squirming and moaning helplessly kitten felt Master's dick pulsing inside his wanton tailhole as He came inside him, feeling His thick, syrupy cockslime coating his insides, filling him totally. Master's thick cock plugged him so efficiently that not a drop of His hot seed was forced back out of his rear, forcing him to accept all He pumped into him, meaning the maximum amount of his Master's semen would be absorbed by his body, making his craving for His cum even more severe.

The wolf slave froze for a moment, his arms and legs tight around the huge Tiger, clinging onto his Master for dear life as He continued to dump His hot load inside his needy ass, his head spinning, his eyes shut and his tailhole squeezing and milking the Tiger's thickness for all of His seed as the Chief's viscous cum poured into his butt. Master's ejaculation lasted for over five minutes, something kitten thought was beyond physical capabilities. But what was even more frightening than the amount of semen that was forced into his body was how much he enjoyed it and he gave a hungry purr as he rubs himself up against Master heatedly, still very much in heat despite the intense fucking he had just had, clearly looking for more.

After the five minutes of ejaculation Gheran slouched back in His chair, His breath short and His eyes closed for a second. That had been one of the most intense and pleasurable orgasms of His life, His dick was still rock hard inside His kitten's cum filled butt and from the way His slave was purring and rubbing against Him he was still lost in heat.

The Tiger had a mind to throw His slut over His throne and fuck him all over again in front of his Packmates. But He resisted the temptation. It would be so much better to deny kitten what he now wanted, and it was obvious that what he wanted was another fucking.

When He was sure that He had pumped as much cum into His pet as possible Gheran moves His paws back to kitten's ass and pulls him up and off His cock quickly, feeling some of His cum escape the tight confines of his tailhole but the ring of muscle closed up incredibly quickly, trapping most of His release inside him. Without a word Gheran half drops, half places His kitten on the floor beside His throne, leaving him whimpering in heat and need as He stands up, His cock bouncing obscenely in front of His groin as He walks over to the fire in the centre of His tent. Winking to the two bound wolves Gheran takes up the branding iron from the flames and walks back to the quivering whore, seeing kitten had no idea what He was holding or what He was intending to do.

With a practiced hand Gheran grabs the slut's scruff in one paw and hauls him over His throne, leaving his ass sticking up in the air, actually getting a cry from kitten which was one of shock, and anticipation, clearly the wolf slave thought he was about to be fucked. he was wrong. Gheran silently forces the glowing metal of the branding iron against the classic branding spot for a pleasure slave, high up and just to the right of centre on kitten's right buttock. The Tiger grinned smugly as the slave's purrs turn into a howling scream of pain, keeping the slut held fast against His throne with one paw and pressing the brand firmly against his ass with the other, making sure the mark took fully.

kitten was in a daze as he held onto his Master, feeling the thick feline cock inside him pulsing gently but remaining as hard as steel. he expected Master to throw him down and fuck him again, he hoped Master would throw him down and fuck him again, he needed Him to.

The next sequence of events happened so quickly he didn't know what was going on, one moment he was sat on Master's lap, impaled by His sizable dick, the next he was on the floor, then being roughly bent over his Master's throne. he squirms and purrs suggestively, waiting for the feel of His cock sliding into his heated body, aching for the feel of His thick rod spreading his needy tailhole out all over again. What he got was the last thing he wanted.

The lupine gives a scream as he feels his rear being set on fire, being able to feel his fur singe and burn along with his skin, the scent of burnt hair and flesh filling the air, realising only a second later that Master was branding him. he tries to struggle and pull away but Master held him fast, ensuring the brand took and did not distort due to his writhing, forcing him to bare the pain the marking caused, hearing Master's smug voice in his ear as He speaks..."But you begged for this, My little fuck-toy. What was it you said? Oh yes...'Please fuck, then brand Your slutty kitten.' Isn't that what you said wench? Well I fucked you, and now I'm branding you, just like you begged. This brand will never come off bitch, you know that, the marks I have put on your body this day ensure your slavery, for as long as We let you live, and if you keep pleasuring Us like you just did Me We will keep you alive for a very, very long time."

Gheran grins as He pulls the branding iron away, seeing the charred flesh on His pet's ass, thinking it was a shame to damage such a cute bum for a time, but it would heal, Argent's skill would see to that and after it had Gheran's mark of a gauntlet clad fist clutching a whip would forever be etched into His pet's rear. It was a freeze brand, meaning that after the burn had healed fresh fur would grow back in its place, but it would grow back a dazzling, almost luminescent white, complimenting the wolf's dark silver fur and making it painfully obvious that he was indeed branded as a slut. After making sure that the mark had taken Gheran takes a bottle from beside His throne, dousing a rag with the contents before covering His whimpering kitten's mouth and nose with it, sending him to the land of nod. It pleased Him to think that the last thing His slut would hear before being sent into a world of blackness was how from this day on he would forever be a whore.


To Be Continued...