Captured And Tamed - Part 07

Hey everyone, Sorry for keeping you waiting for the next Part. This Part of the story is long, about 3,000 words longer than the usual size Parts so sorry for that. vykk did try and find a place to cut it into two Parts but there was just no-where...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 06

Greetings A/all \*Smiles and swishes tail\* Okies, Part 06 up for You with Part 07 almost finished... A warning that this one is maybe a bit more violent than the others, so please be aware of that. Hopefully thought You will enjoy this Part,...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 05

Hey everyone vykk really wants to thank you for taking the time to read and vote on his story, he really appreciates it and he hopes you're feeling that its time well spent ;) Oh, a couple of points that have been in the comments that he should...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 04

Right, here's Part 04 for you all Sorry Snowfox, that was a bit of a mean place to end Part 03, but it was getting a bit on the uber size. Hope you will all enjoy this part too, things get a bit more, intense from here on out so please be ready...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 03

Okay, Part 03 ready to go Hope that everyone reading these are enjoying them. vykk really appreciates you spending the time to read them so thanks very much for that \*Smiles and wags tail\* New charrie up in this Part, vykk hopes Y/you'll...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 02

\*Blushes and smiles with a wave\* Hi there, Right, well here is Part 02 to vykk's story, he hopes you have enjoyed it so far. Again vykk is sorry for any and all spelling and grammar mistakes he didnt catch in the proof read. And as always vykk...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 01

WARNING!!! This is an M/M, Non consensual story \*Blushes and smiles sheepishly\* Hi everyone This is vykk's first ever yiffy story so please keep that in mind when reading. vykk won't give away what is going on except to say that this is...

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Captured And Tamed – Part 09

**NOTE!: This version is still UNEDITED or error checked. I am going to go back and clean it up but you may well find mistakes in it so if you do please try to ignore these or send me a note about it, I wou**** ld greatly appreciate the...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 08

Hey everyone, Right well here it is, Part 08. Again please accept this puppy's apologies for keeping you all waiting for so long. I know that nothing will live up to a 2 year wait, but hells, I would rather try and pick up the story and keep it going...

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