Rainy Day Blues Chapter 7

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Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains EXPLICIT SCENES of SEXUAL RELATIONS between MALE AND FEMALE CUBS, including ANAL SEX, ORAL SEX, and FOOTPLAY. There are also scenes involving an ADULT FEMALE with aforementioned CUBS, leading to MOTHER/DAUGHTER WINCEST. There's also some CROSSDRESSING in a non-sexual context, and some in a semi-sexual context. Holy crap, I put quite a bit into this, didn't I? If any of this offends you, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended by my work, because YOU WERE WARNED. For those of you who I haven't scared off... enjoy!

Ellie and Jimmy giggled as they snuggled together on her bed. The rain's relentless pounding on the window was of no consequence to the cubs. There was far too much fun to be had inside to let something silly like the weather spoil their day!

Jimmy rolled onto his back, panting softly, and looked up, his eyes resting on the pile of clothes that he and Ellie had in their haste discarded in the middle of the room. "This is too fun," Jimmy said.

Ellie grinned and pushed her head up, resting her elbow on the bed as she remained on her side, her free paw still idly fingering her slit. "Yeah... though I still like it better when you put your peepee in me!" she said, watching as Jimmy's cock deflated and retreated back into his sheath.

The two kits had decided to open their play that day with a technique Ellie's mom had recently told her about. Jimmy had already been aware of it from the first night Teddy had babysat for him, but it hadn't occurred to the cub that it was something he could do with girls, too. It had certainly opened up some possibilities between the two!

Barely a minute had passed after their first orgasms when Terry popped her head in. The older vixen laughed as she looked at the two kits. "My, my, you two didn't waste any time, did you?"

Ellie grinned and shifted up onto her paws and knees, her tail lifted high, displaying herself for her mother. "Whaddaya expect? I AM your daughter, after all!"

Terry put a paw to her muzzle as she giggled again. "Can't argue with that! Think you two would be up for trying something else new?"

In a flash, Ellie was up and at her mother's side. "Yes, Mommy!" Her tail wagged furiously behind her as she waved to Jimmy. "C'mon, Jimmy, let's go!"

Jimmy giggled and slipped off the bed, his paws catching himself, maintaining a handstand for half a second before he tumbled to the floor. Almost as soon as he crashed, he was back on his feet, and the two kits rocketed out past the older vixen to her bedroom.

Terry grinned as she followed the two cubs, unbuttoning her blouse as she went. She casually discarded the garment as she entered the bedroom, her skirt quickly following, leaving the vixen nude. The two kits had already climbed up onto the bed, and were kneeling next to each other, tails wagging excitedly as Terry walked over and climbed up onto the bed after them, quickly wrapping herself around the two kits, paws going right for their crotches.

Ellie squeaked and murred as she felt her mother's fingers tracing her cunny. "Mommy, you're silly!" she declared.

Terry merely kissed her daughter's cheek, and pulled the two in close, murring softly as for a moment their heads rested against her breasts. "What can I say? I can't keep my paws off these adorable pups!"

Her paws only teased them for a moment, though, as she scooted back a little further onto the bed. The kits quickly spun around to face her, tails wagging excitedly, Jimmy's cock fully hard again.

"So, whatcha gonna show us this time, Mrs. Langley?" Jimmy asked.

Terry grinned and reached over to the bedside table, pulling out a drawer. From inside, she withdrew a small dildo and a bottle of lube. "Well, Ellie, you said you wanted to try taking Mr. Caulfield's penis..." The kits giggled at the vixen's use of the term, eliciting a playful eyeroll from her. "... so we need to stretch you! And while we're doing it, might as well let Jimmy give it a go, as well."

Ellie tilted her head. "But, Mommy, Jimmy can already fit in my pussy!"

Terry's grin widened as she ruffled Jimmy's headfur. "Of course he can... but there's no way that'll be able to take an adult penis until you're older... your butt, however..."

Jimmy's eyes widened. "What?! You mean... putting my peepee in Ellie's butt?"

The two kits scrunched up their faces, a little off-put by the thought.

"Oh, it's not so bad, as long as you prepare properly! Plus, you might find that you like it," Terry said, reaching back into the drawing and pulling out a rubber glove. She pulled it onto her right paw, and patted the bed next to her. "Now, Ellie, crawl up here on your paws and knees..."

Ellie crawled up to the head of the bed, her tail lifted, still looking unconvinced. "If you say so, Mommy..."

Terry giggled as she popped open the bottle of lube. "Ellie, if you're anything like Mommy, you're going to love this..." With that, Terry squirted a large glob of lube onto her daughter's exposed tailhole.

Ellie gasped and shivered as the liquid hit her. "Ack! Mommy, it's cold!"

Terry murred and gently pushed a finger against her daughter's pucker, guiding the liquid into her rear. "It warms up quick, don't worry." She added another large glob to her daughter's tailhole, then poured some onto the finger of the glove, letting it ooze down to the younger vixen's rear as she started to press her finger against it. "Now, Ellie, you're going to want to relax... it'll make it easier for my finger to go in."

Ellie bit her lip and rested her head on the pillow, doing her best to relax as her mother instructed. The pressure of her mother's digit against her tailhole was certainly an interesting experience. She was about to give up on the experiment when, suddenly, Terry's finger slipped in, pushing easily in to the first knuckle.

"Aah!" Ellie shivered as she felt her mother's finger push in deeper. "Mommy... that feels weird..."

Terry giggled and leaned in to kiss Ellie's cheek. "Good weird? Bad weird?"

Ellie shrugged, still shivering as her mother's second knuckle pushed past her ring. "Well... it's not bad... but it's not really good, either... just... weird..."

Terry nodded and licked her daughter's nose. "Give yourself a minute to adjust to it. It can be a little weird your first time."

From his vantage point a couple feet away on the bed, Jimmy watched his friend's tailhole stretching around her mother's finger. A paw wandered to his own bit, subconsciously pawing himself as he thought not only about replacing Terry's finger with his pecker, but maybe asking her to finger him, too...

The kit's idle pawing certainly wasn't lost on the older vixen. She grinned at Jimmy, and said, "Come around to my other side, sweetie. Let me help you with that."

Jimmy giggled and crawled across the bed, pushing himself up as he got to Terry's left side, and murred happily as the adult's paw grasped his erection, rubbing it between her thumb and forefinger.

For a minute, they remained like that, Terry slowly jerking Jimmy as she kept her finger in Ellie's tailhole. As Ellie began to relax around her, Terry began to thrust her finger in and out, working it in a little deeper as she did.

"How's this feel, dear?" Terry asked.

Ellie shivered again as her mother started to finger fuck her tailhole. "Still a lil weird... but it's not bad."

Terry grinned and leaned down to lick Jimmy's ear, then looked between the two. "Well, maybe a nice penis would help you decide if you like it or not... now, where could we find one?"

The two cubs laughed.

"I've got one!" Jimmy said, still laughing.

The adult looked down at Jimmy, a surprised look on her face. "Really, now? Where is it?"

"It's in your paw!" Jimmy said.

Terry grinned and looked over at her right paw, her finger still buried in Ellie's bottom. "You sure about that? I don't see a penis in this paw."

Jimmy grinned and grabbed her left paw, and wiggled his hips. "This one, silly!"

Terry laughed and released the cub's penis, then withdrew her finger from her daughter's rear. "I suppose so... want to give it a try, Ellie?"

Ellie grinned and nodded, wiggling her rump. "Sure! Let's try it!"

Jimmy giggled and crawled around the bed, getting in behind Ellie and looking at her. "So, uh... do I just put it in?"

Terry smiled and shook her head. "Not yet..." She pulled the glove off her paw, then picked up the bottle of lube, and poured a generous amount over Jimmy's cock, eliciting a gasp from the cub.

"That IS cold!" Jimmy said, wiggling a bit as Terry rubbed some of the lube along his cock.

"It warms up quick," Terry replied. "There... I think you're ready now."

Jimmy nodded and scooted up closer to Ellie, looking down at her rear. He put one paw on her lower back, and grasped the base of his penis with the other, holding it steady as he lined himself up with his friend's tailhole. As he pressed his tip against Ellie's slightly loosened tailhole, he felt only a moment's hesitation before he pressed inwards, letting out a loud gasp and moan as he sank into his friend's rear.

Ellie let out a little whimpermoan herself as Jimmy pushed into her tailhole. "Ngh... y-yeah, this is better..."

Terry grinned, a paw slipping down between her legs as she watched Jimmy slipping into her daughter. "That's it, Jimmy... I think you can figure it out from here..."

The kit barely heard her as he grasped Ellie's hips, holding on tight as he started to thrust into her, panting and moaning as he worked himself into a quick, steady rhythm.

Satisfied that her role was complete (for now), Terry laid down next to the two cubs, one paw continuing to tease her own pussy, her other fondling her breasts, as she watched the two cubs yiffing by her side. Whoever said parenthood had to be boring?

Beside her, the kits were going at it with gusto. Ellie squirmed and panted beneath Jimmy, shivering as her friend took her tailhole. It was definitely better with a penis, that was for sure! Or maybe it was just Jimmy that really got her into it. Either way, the vixen was enjoying it immensely.

Jimmy leaned down over Ellie, holding her close as he kept thrusting into her tailhole. The feeling was far more intense than when he was in her pussy, and he wanted to hold Ellie as close as possible. Despite the fact that he'd cum not too long ago, the tightness of Ellie's tailhole was quickly driving him to a second peak.

It didn't take long for him to get there. Barely two minutes after starting, Jimmy shuddered and cried out, squeaking through his orgasm as his cock twitched wildly in Ellie's tailhole, his hips trying and failing to drive his knot into her bottom.

Ellie squeaked and grunted as Jimmy's knot pressed against her tailhole. When he collapsed next to her, she giggled. "Done already?"

Terry murred, reaching over to ruffle Jimmy's headfur. "It can be quite the experience the first time..." She then pet her daughter's back, and scooted over a bit. "Here, climb up on top of mommy, and I'll take care of you."

Ellie grinned and climbed up on top of her mother, nuzzling between the older vixen's breasts. Terry murred softly and put a paw under Ellie's chin, then leaned in and kissed her daughter's muzzle, her tongue gently tracing around her lips.

The younger vixen quickly got the message. She parted her lips, and brought her tongue to greet her mother's, her paws wrapping around the adult's sides as they melted into the kiss. Terry moaned as she kissed her daughter, bringing a paw to the younger vixen's bottom and slipping a finger into her lubed-up tailhole.

A gasp escaped Ellie's muzzle as her mother's finger penetrated her tailhole. She shivered and pressed herself into her mother, her tongue eagerly working around Terry's as the older vixen explored her daughter's muzzle. Another gasp and moan accompanied Terry's insertion of a finger from her other paw into her daughter's already-moist pussy.

Ellie shivered atop her mother, moaning softly into the kiss as her mother's fingers gently thrusted inside her, teasing her insides in all the right places. She squirmed a bit on top of her mother, slipping down to her side as she worked a footpaw up between her mother's legs, and began to wiggle her toes against her mother's clit.

Terry pulled back from the kiss and gasped as she felt her daughter's footpaw teasing her. "My, my... somebody's got a good mind for experimentation..."

"Well, I AM your daughter!" Ellie said, giggling and moaning as her mother's fingers continued to tease her nethers.

Terry grinned and leaned in for another kiss, her tongue again invading her daughter's muzzle as she closed her legs around Ellie's footpaw, keeping the kit's paw in place to keep teasing her pussy. The two vixens held the kiss for a few moments, until Terry threw her head back, moaning out as her daughter's toes teased her to orgasm, a gush of her fluids soaking the kit's paw.

Ellie gasped and moaned as she felt her mother's juices squirting against her footpaw, and nuzzled her mother's breast, feeling her mother's body quivering as she was shrouded in pleasure. On a whim, she licked her mother's nipple, then latched on, suckling it gently, inadvertently heightening the pleasure of her mother's peak.

As Terry's orgasm subsided, another sound reached Ellie's ears. Turning her head, the young vixen spied Jimmy with his legs spread, a paw down between his legs, his face screwed up in concentration as he panted.

"Jimmy? Whatcha doin'?" Ellie whispered.

Terry looked down and grinned as she spied Jimmy. "Giving that toy a try, huh?"

Jimmy squeaked and squirmed, then nodded slowly, wiggling around on the bed to give the two vixens a view of the dildo half-buried in his tailhole. "I wanted ta give it a try..."

Terry murred as she watched, her fingers working her daughter faster. "You like it?"

Jimmy giggled a bit, pushing the toy a little deeper into him, and nodded shyly. "Uh huh... it feels nice."

Ellie squeaked and squeezed her eyes shut, her body shuddering as the sight of her best friend with a dildo in his butt, and his admission to enjoying it, pushed her over the edge. She ground her hips down into her mother's probing fingers, riding them through her orgasm.

The older vixen murred as she felt Ellie's shivers, leaning in to nibble an ear as she quivered. Terry slowly withdrew her fingers, her paws lingering on her daughter's butt for a moment before she brought her paw to her own muzzle and licked up her daughter's juices. "Mmmm... nummy little girl, aren't you?"

Ellie grinned and slid off her mother, then pounced Jimmy, eliciting a surprised squeak from him as she started to kiss him. Their paws roamed over each other's bodies as their muzzles locked. Neither even paused when Terry joined in, licking Ellie's pussy and Jimmy's penis in turn as she grasped the base of the dildo and began to gently thrust it into Jimmy.

"Wanna give mah butt another go?" Ellie whispered.

Jimmy could only nod between moans, his body shuddering as Terry thrusted the toy faster in his rear. The younger vixen grinned as she straddled Jimmy's hips, giggling as she felt her mother's tongue lap under her tail briefly.

Terry giggled a bit herself, and pulled her muzzle back. "Ellie, turn around and face mommy."

"Ok!" Ellie replied, turning around as her mother requested and straddling Jimmy again.

Terry grinned and leaned down, giving her daughter's pussy a little kiss as she lined up Jimmy's cock with Ellie's tailhole with her free paw. Ellie quickly got the idea, pushing herself down and taking Jimmy into her somewhat stretched and still lubed tailhole, and began bouncing in his lap as Terry dove into licking her pussy in earnest.

"Mooooooom!" Robbie called as he poked his head into the bedroom. "Dad wants to kn--" He paused as he caught sight of his mother and sister on the bed with Jimmy.

Terry giggled and pulled her head back for a moment, licking her lips. "What's he want to know?" she asked, her paw never pausing in thrusting the toy into Jimmy.

"Uh..." Robbie said, trying to comprehend what he was seeing. He shook his head quickly, then looked back at his mother, trying to put aside what was happening right in front of him. "Dad wants to know if you want him to pick up anything for dinner on the way home."

"Can we get pizza?" Ellie asked, not even breaking her stride as she rode Jimmy's cock.

Terry laughed. "Sounds good to me. Dan knows what we all like."

Robbie nodded and stepped back, bringing the phone back to his ear. "Yeah, mom said to pick up pizza. Uh, she's a little... busy right now... right, I'll tell her. Love you too, Dad." The kit poked his head back in. "Mom, Dad wants you not to wear yourself out with Jimmy and Ellie."

Terry laughed and winked at Robbie. "Oh, I won't, trust me."

"Right," Robbie said, rolling his eyes. "I'm gonna go back to my video game." With that, Robbie departed, going a little faster than he might have otherwise.

Terry grinned and looked back at Ellie and Jimmy, and gave Ellie's nose a quick lick before returning to her daughter's crotch. As she did, Ellie let out a gasp and a moan, and Jimmy's body went rigid. A quick swipe underneath told her why: Jimmy had just tied with Ellie.

"Hope Jimmy's knot isn't too much for your first time," Terry said, moving up to nuzzle Ellie.

Ellie shook her head as she laid back, pressing herself against Jimmy as his hips bucked up wildly into her. "Nuh uh... it's... wow..."

Terry grinned and leaned a little past her, and whispered to Jimmy, "Want to try this toy's knot?"

"Y-yes," Jimmy whimpered, his arms wrapping around Ellie and squeezing her tight as he arched his back, pressing his cock as deeply into Ellie as he could.

A small giggled escaped Terry's muzzle as she pushed the toy a little harder into Jimmy, working it slowly until, with a pop, the knot slipped in, tying the toy inside the boy. Almost immediately, Jimmy let out a load moan, shuddering under Ellie as a second orgasm ripped through his body from the fullness of the knot and the toy teasing his prostate.

After a moment, the two cubs rolled onto their sides, enjoying the afterglow of their orgasms in each other's arms. Terry smiled and kissed each of the cubs, then stood and tiptoed from the bedroom.

Once she was out, she slipped downstairs, still completely nude, and poked her head into the den. She watched Robbie playing his game for a moment, then cleared her throat. "Robbie, dear?"

"Yeah, Mom?" Robbie said, not looking up from his game.

"I don't suppose you'd be interested in joining us sometime?" Terry said, a hopeful lilt in her voice.

Robbie shrugged. "Eh... I dunno. I mean, girls aren't really my thing."

Terry giggled. "Well, maybe I can talk Dan into showing you and Jimmy a thing or two..."

Robbie's ears perked at the suggestion. "Maybe..."

"We'll see," Terry said, slipping from the room, barely concealing her grin.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Keith took a deep breath as he made his way up the front walk to the Langley's house. He always loved the way the air smelled after a rain storm, so fresh and clear. He took another deep breath before ringing the bell.

Terry answered the door, wearing nothing but a bathrobe. "Ah! Keith! You're early!"

Keith chuckled. "Couldn't stand being cooped up any longer. Besides, I figured we could have a little chat before I bring Jimmy home, anyway."

"Oh, naturally!" Terry said, stepping aside to admit Keith in. "If I'd known it was you, I wouldn't have bothered with this silly thing." The vixen slipped her robe off and tossed it over the arm of the sofa, leaving herself nude.

Keith gasped, then shook his head and chuckled. "It's going to take a while to get used to that."

Terry laughed and walked to the kitchen. "I suppose it would. Would you care for a drink?"

"Coffee would be lovely," Keith said, following the vixen, noting how she seemed to sway her hips just a little more than might be coincidental. He took a seat at the kitchen table as Terry put on a pot of coffee.

"It'll be a minute," she said as she sat down. "How's your day been? Not too boring without that silly job to tie you down?"

Keith shrugged. "Eh, been doing a little work around the house. Bit of maintenance I'd been putting off. Thinking about starting a flower garden out back."

"A garden would be nice," Terry said. "I've been meaning to work on one, myself. Maybe we could head out together to pick out flowers!"

Keith chuckled. "I don't see why not. Make it a little more interesting."


Keith grinned and spun in his chair, opening his arms as Jimmy ran up to him. "Hey there, kit," Keith said, pulling his son into a hug.

Almost immediately, Keith noticed the boy's interesting choice of clothing.

"Trying on Ellie's clothes again, eh?" Keith said, licking Jimmy's nose.

Jimmy giggled, then shook his head. "Nope! Mrs. Langley bought this especially for me!"

Keith arched an eyebrow and looked over at Terry. "Really, now?"

Terry grinned. "He's always trying on Ellie's things, anyway, so I figured a little something of his own couldn't hurt."

Keith chuckled, then lifted up the front of Jimmy's skirt. Underneath, he was wearing a pair of simple blue cotton panties. "These part of the package?"

Jimmy giggled and nodded. "Uh huh! D'ya like 'em?"

Keith nuzzled his son's cheek. "If you do, then so do I. As long as you're happy, Jimmy."

Jimmy giggled and kissed his father's cheek, then slipped out of his lap. "I'm gonna go play a lil more with Ellie!" he said, and ran off.

Keith sighed and shook his head, barely concealing a grin. "Terry, Terry, Terry... what am I going to do with you?"

Terry grinned and reached a paw over to grasp Keith's paw. "Well, you could start with a kiss," she said with a wink.

Keith laughed and pulled his paw back. "You're terrible!" But despite his protest, he leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"That's it?" Terry asked.

"For now," Keith said. "Besides, I'm not sure if I'm... ready yet."

Terry nodded and stood up, walking to the cabinet to pull out a couple of coffee cups. "The offer's there whenever you're up for it," she said. "How do you take your coffee?"

"Black," Keith replied. He watched as Terry brought the two cups over, and took a sip of his as soon as she set it down.

"Oh, so Jimmy did a little experimentation today," Terry said.

Keith sighed. "I'm afraid to ask."

Terry giggled. "What? Is it my fault your kit discovered he likes anal?"

Keith froze, staring at Terry in disbelief. "What... why..." He shook his head and leaned back in his chair. "Oh, Terry..."

Terry grinned. "I could send you home with a good training toy for him, if you want."

Keith sighed. "Tell you what... you ask him if he wants one. If he does, I'll do it. I'll even help him use it."

"Wonderful!" Terry said. "He already said yes, but you can ask him yourself if you don't believe me. And, you know, if we work on him slowly with progressively larger toys..."

Keith buried his face in his paws. "Terry, why do you do this to me?"

"I haven't heard you object," Terry said. "Besides, I think you know why you can trust me."

"Doesn't make it any less weird," Keith said.

Terry smiled and patted his arm. "You'll get used to it. The cubs are certainly having fun, at least."

"I suppose... but I foresee a long talk with Jimmy when I get home..."

Terry grinned. "Communication is key, love. Communication is key."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

By the time Jimmy and Keith had returned home, the rain had begun again. Even now, the gentle tapping of rain against the window provided a smooth undertone as the elder fox lay in bed, the kit curled up next to him asleep, still wearing the skirt and panties that Terry had given him -- items which he had worn home, much to the surprise of their house guest.

The fennec poked his head into the bedroom. "Keith?" he said, keeping his voice low so as not to disturb the sleeping cub.

Keith waved Teddy in with his right paw, his left continuing to rub in small circles around Jimmy's lower back.

Teddy stepped inside and tiptoed to the edge of the bed, looking down at Jimmy. "Umm... if it's not too, uh... forward... why the skirt all of a sudden? Jimmy showing signs of being transgender?"

Keith shrugged. "As far as he tells me, he just likes wearing skirts and panties. And Terry says its nothing to worry about. Perfectly normal and natural."

Teddy nodded. "I suppose... guess we'll see, huh?"

"Just be supportive, see what develops," Keith whispered.

The fennec nodded, looking over the boy. "Yeah... think I'll head to bed," he said, tiptoeing back to the door.

"G'night, Teddy," Keith said.

"Night," the fennec replied, pulling the door shut behind him.

Keith sighed and stared up at the ceiling. Without his even realizing it, his paw roamed lower, until it was resting on Jimmy's rear. His fingers idly traced around the base of the toy knotted in the kit's rear.

"Whatever makes you happy, Jimmy..."