Into the Horizon: Lust Revealed Part 1

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#8 of Into the Horizon

Into the Horizon: Lust Revealed

Hello all, this is the next chapter in the Into the Horizon series. This chapter is short because I'm wanting to try something differant. Please let me know what you think. This one must have a disclaimer on it. If you are below 18 years old, then don't read it. If you do, then its not my fault.


Bane walked though the Siberia, lost deep within his thoughts. The Siberia had joined with a Wolf Ship, now called the Titan, and a Fox ship, now called the Justice. The crews had insisted upon renaming the ships. It was designed to signify a fresh start for the two former enemies as the former names had been used to terrify and destroy for the sake of their previous factions. The Earth ship had decided to keep its name because it hadn't been involved in any major battles before it had met up with the trio from the future. It had been nearly a month since the three ships had joined forces. Since that time they had had a number of successes in the forms of raids against both Fox and Wolf supply ships. All three factions had a sizable bounty on their heads because of their united actions. However, they had gained enough supplies to restore the Siberia to its full potential, and there were rumors of more ships considering joining their cause.

Bane wasn't really headed anywhere in particular, but he often took a walk around whatever ship he needed to clear his mind and think. Right now the only thing on Bane's mind was Scott. Scott hadn't really talked to him after the rescue; in fact he hadn't really talked to any Wolf. Bane couldn't really blame Scott though. He had filed a report with Max about what happened, and although it was off limits to crew Bane had learned to hack the central computer on the Titan shortly after his assignment. Bane had found and read the report. Scott had been beaten and raped. He had been abused mentally and physically in almost every way possible, but it wasn't his fault. Bane hoped that he would be in the Cafeteria, he wanted to talk to him. He had had enough of the silent treatment, he hadn't been the one to rape him and he was though taking the blame for it. Sure enough, he was sitting at a table with a tablet working on something apparently related to engineering.

"Scott, just the man I wanted to see. No you sit your ass down, we're gonna have a little chat."

"Bane, I'm busy right now...can't this wait? I've really got to finish the calculations for the upgrades to the Siberia's power core."

"No, It cannot wait. What have I done to you?"

"What are you talking about Bane, you haven't done anything to me."

"Then why have you been avoiding me for the past month? Even when we are in our quarters, you won't even look at me straight."

This pinned Scott into an answer. He couldn't avoid the topic any longer, and he wasn't sure he wanted too.

"Bane, I'm sorry. I realize that I've been avoiding you, but I can't help it. I've just been confused over the past few weeks. I've been trying to sort everything out."

"What is there to be confused about?"

"Its just, well...I don't really know how to say it. It's not important, I'll deal with it myself...I just need time."

"Scott, look, I know what happened and you can tell me anything. I'm your friend, please let me help you. Whatever's going on you don't have to face it alone."

"I liked it!"

As Bane looked at Scott, he could see tears beginning to well up in his eyes.


"I liked it ok, I liked what they did to me. It felt so good and so wrong at the same time."

"Scott I don't understand what this has to do with you avioiding me."

"I've been avoiding you, because I want more. Furthermore, I want it from you."

Scott barley managed to choke this realization out. He actually hadn't intended to divulge this to Bane, but it felt good to finally get it off of his chest. He then realized that he had been looking at Bane's chest and returned his gaze back to his face.

As Bane looked at Scott, what had happened became evident. He had enjoyed the sexual treatment done to him by the Wolves. As such, he found himself wanting more, but his culture said that it was wrong, and that he shouldn't feel the way he felt. Bane's culture didn't really have a stance on the issue, at least not in the time he came from. The human's had clung onto their outdated beliefs about sexuality, but Wolves were considerably more open about with whom they shared sexual experiences with. It was normal for males to "interact" as he had heard Scott refer to it. In fact, Bane had enjoyed very intimate relationships with several of his friends on his home planet before joining the fleet.

"Scott, there's nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly natural to enjoy sex, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying it with other men. Especially with friends who love and care for you."

With that Bane got up and left. He knew that Scott needed time to think, and he understood why he needed his space. He wanted to be there for his friend, in any way that his friend needed him. He had caught Scott looking at him a few times after he had gotten out of the shower, but hadn't really thought much of it. It all made sense to him now though.

Scott was dumbstruck. He had told Bane his most embarrassing secret and Bane had just shrugged it off as nothing. Not only that, but he even offered in an indirect way to help him with his problem. Part of him wanted to pretend everything was as it had been. But he couldn't ignore how he was feeling. He wanted to follow Bane back to their room and have Bane fuck him all night long. He knew that Bane was large, even for a Wolf. Scott knew he had a decision to make, he wanted what he wanted, but he didn't want to risk their friendship on a pleasure call. Scott also noticed that Bane almost seemed to strut out of the room, as if enticing him. His emotions had run the gambit over the past month. It started with anger, but had quickly moved to lust. Nightmares shifted to dreams of desire. He had distanced himself from Bane because he found that his desires hadn't been directed at all Wolves, instead just Bane. As he sat and thought, he realized that Bane's shift was ending in an hour and he had the evening and next two days off. If he was going to follow though and act on his desires, now was the time to do it. It was either act now and see what happened, or suffer with unquenched desires for the rest of his life. It was pure lust versus reason, and he didn't know which one would win.