Rainy Day Blues Chapter 12

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Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains GRAPHIC SCENES of an EXPLICIT SEXUAL NATURE between an ADULT and CUBS, including ORAL and VAGINAL SEX. If you are a flaming homosexual who is allergic to pussy, or one of those weirdos who don't enjoy fictional furry smut, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended, because THERE'S A TAG SYSTEM AND A CONTENT WARNING AND OH GOD WHY DO I KEEP PUTTING THESE THINGS IN OTHER THAN PURE FORCE OF HABIT AND I WARNED YOU, MOTHERFUCKER. For anyone who I haven't scared off... happy fapping!

It was a beautiful autumn day in the town of Oakfield. The leaves were hitting peak color, the air crisp but not yet cold. Chilly enough to keep a pair of cubs indoors, at least. Jimmy and Ellie certainly didn't mind it one bit. The homework they could do without, but such were the lives of third graders. The two foxes were sprawled out on the living room floor, Jimmy having changed immediately into a skirt from the pants his father insisted he wear to school, as they puzzled over the most boring of all homework: math.

Upstairs, hidden away in the guest bedroom, Teddy was staring intently at the screen of his borrowed laptop. His paw shook on the mouse as he opened his browser, and closed it again. His cock strained in his pants. Those cubs had to know what they were doing when they wandered around in skirts without undies on. They just had to.

An instant message popped up on his screen, and the fennec sighed. At least he had a distraction now.

He typed off a quick reply, and waited for a response. The sender was one of his few online acquaintances. They'd chatted on and off for several years, usually at least a couple times a week, and while plans had been bandied about concerning a possible in person meet-up, things had never quite panned out. He felt a little flutter in his stomach as the message popped up to open an encrypted chat. Maybe he wouldn't be getting that distraction, after all.

With a furtive glance toward the door, the fennec typed in their shared password, and nibbled his thumb as he waited for the program to check their answers. The status message turned green. Time to find out what he wanted.

firefox469: so, how's life?

desertdweller31: eh, ok i guess. job hunt could be goin better.

firefox469: life with your old boss and his cub not up your alley? :P

Teddy groaned. Oh gods, how he wanted to tell him what he'd been up to with those cubs.

desertdweller31: i swear, theyre trying to drive me mad. they're downstairs workin on homework sprawled out on the floot in their skirts

firefox469: oooo, how exciting! get any good views? ;)

desertdweller31: too many x.x

firefox469: hey, enjoy it while you got it. what kind of undies were they wearing?

desertdweller31: they, uh... weren't...

firefox469: O.O

firefox469: and you're not down there because...?

The fennec sighed. He had to admit, he did want to be down there. Watching the cubs' bottoms under their skirts was adorable. But he was afraid, too. He'd been playing around with Jimmy, and was pretty sure Keith knew. Keith HAD to know. He hadn't said anything about it, though... maybe he was ok with what he was doing? And that vixen... girls definitely weren't his thing, but for a cub, maybe he could make an exception.

Oh gods, what was he thinking? These were cubs! He knew he shouldn't be doing the things he'd been doing with Jimmy, even if it was only maybe once every week or two. But the boy seemed to be enjoying it, and he definitely did, too.

A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. Damn, he was hard now, too.

desertdweller31: i gotta go, the cubs need help with their homework.

Before his chat partner could reply, Teddy closed the laptop and cleared his throat. "C-come in," he said.

The door opened, and in came the two cubs.

"Hiya, Teddy!" Ellie said, batting her eyelashes at the fennec as she walked up to him.

Teddy eased his chair back from the desk, an eyebrow raised. "Uh... hi, Ellie," he said.

"I gots a queeeestion for ya," the vixen said, smiling sweetly at the fennec.

For some reason, Teddy got the distinct impression that he wasn't going to like whatever question this little temptress was going to ask. "G-go ahead," he said.

"I was woooonderin'," Ellie said, gripping the bottom of her skirt and wiggling her hips. "Why you don't like girls."

The fennec blinked. That wasn't really a question, but it was definitely leading. There were two ways he could answer it. One, he figured, would decisively dismiss the vixen's advances. The other... "Well... I never really said that I DON'T like them..."

The vixen giggled and flicked her ears. "Is that so?" she asked.

Teddy could feel his face burning. His blush had to be visible, never mind the tent pole in his pants at the mere thought of where this may lead. "I... prefer boys... but girls are ok, I guess... as long as they're... umm... flat... chested?"

Ellie grinned and released the bottom of her skirt, and brought her paws up to the bottom of her shirt. "Like this?" she asked as she pulled her shirt up and off.

"Y-yeah... just like that," Teddy said, blushing even more fiercely as he looked at the girl. Of course this was leading here. He'd talked to Jimmy, even walked in on the two cubs yiffing. Last time he chickened out, and he definitely wanted to again. But no. Fuck it. This girl wanted it, and he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity again.

"Can I see yours?" Ellie asked.

Teddy gulped, and looked past the vixen to the little fox boy at the door. Clearly the two cubs were in on this, judging by the smirk on the boy's face. "T-tell you what," Teddy said, making his best attempt to be bold. "Y-you two get naked... and I'll... let you do whatever you want with me..."

Any doubt that Teddy had about where the afternoon was going to lead him evaporated as the two kits stripped before him. His jaw dropped as he watched the two foxes drop their skirts, Jimmy taking an extra moment to pull off his t-shirt as Ellie leaned forward, putting her paws on Teddy's knees as she batted her eyebrows at him.

"Alright, then, Teddy," Ellie said, as she brought a paw to the fennec's fly. "Anything we want?" she asked for confirmation, even as she slid the zipper down, Teddy's tented underwear already spilling out.

"A-anything," Teddy gasped, his body starting to tremble as the vixen's paw eased the fabric of his briefs aside, revealing his throbbing shaft to the pair of cubs.

Ellie giggled softly, and let out a delighted gasp as she freed the grown-up's penis. "Wow! It's bigger'n I thought it'd be!"

"Toldja so," Jimmy replied, hiding his muzzle behind his paws as he giggled.

Had he been capable of speaking, Teddy would have pursued the line of thought about what exactly Jimmy had told Ellie about their exploits. At the moment, however, he was quite unable to make words. His mouth was dry as he stared unbelieving at the vixen, her attention fixed on his member, her paws moving his shaft this way and that as she sized him up.

"So, Jimmy," Ellie said, tearing her eyes from the fennec's member to look at her friend. "What do YOU wanna do?"

This question seemed to catch Jimmy off guard. He let loose another helpless giggle, suddenly shy. "I dunnoooooo," he said, shifting his weight from one footpaw to the other, his own little member poking out from between his legs.

The vixen showed no such reservation, and turned her eyes back up to look at the fennec. "Well, I know what I want," she said, and walked toward the bed, one paw still grasping Teddy's penis.

Oh boy. Teddy trembled as he was led by the dick to his bed, his breathing restarting as Ellie released his member. He watched, still barely believing what was happening, as Ellie climbed up into the bed, wiggling her bottom at him before rolling onto her side and patting the bed next to her.

"Lie down here, Teddy. I wanna be comfy while we play," she said, batting her eyelashes at him seductively.

Could a cub even be seductive? Clearly this one could. Teddy hesitated but a moment, taking the opportunity to pull his underwear off before lying down in bed next to the vixen, his gaze fixed on her. "S-so... you know what you want to do... umm... mind sharing?"

Ellie smirked and eased her way down the bed, until her head was down near the fennec's groin. "I cooooould tell you... but I think I'd rather show you," she said. With that, she grabbed onto the base of the fennec's penis and brought her muzzle to his tip, swirling her tongue around it before engulfing the first two inches of his member.

Teddy moaned out as his tip was surrounded by the cub's muzzle. This had to be a dream! There was no way that this girl was sucking his dick right now. He bit down hard on his lip, hard enough to draw blood, and that flash of pain confirmed that this was no dream. The fennec glanced to his left, at the fox boy still standing nude beside them and watching the action, and reached a paw out to grab Jimmy's dick.

A gasp escaped the cub's lips as Teddy grabbed his boyhood. Little paws latched onto the side of the bed for support as Jimmy started to hump the adult's paw, the boy soaking in the attentions of the older male. His fingers knew exactly where and how to stroke and squeeze him, from a couple months' worth of practice and experimentation, and the cub found himself quickly succumbing to the pleasure from the adult.

The vixen, for her part, was rather enjoying herself between the fennec's legs. His member had a distinctly different taste from the other males she had pleasured, and one she was quickly growing to adore. Of course, her body wouldn't be satisfied with just sucking him. Already her pussy was growing moist simply from the thought of having the fennec's sizable member filling her up. A grin spread across Ellie's muzzle as she let Teddy's cock slip from her muzzle, and she climbed up into his lap, rubbing her little pussy against his shaft.

Teddy shuddered as he felt the girl's sex press against him, his grip slipping from Jimmy's boyhood as his focus was dragged back to his own groin. "Ngh... E-Ellie... w-w-what are you..."

His words were cut off as Ellie eased herself forward, her pussy giving his tip a gentle kiss. "You said we could do whatever we wanna," she said, giving the fennec a little grin before she closed her eyes, her face screwing up in concentration as she reached down and grabbed onto the fennec's shaft, holding it steady as she pushed her hips back. "S-so... I'm doin' what I want..."

What an afternoon! The fennec's eyes were locked on his groin as the vixen pushed herself back, her lips so soft and warm against his tip. A shiver ran down his spine as he felt himself starting to sink into that snug, velvety slit between the vixen's legs. Had it not been for his experience with Jimmy's bottom, it would have easily been the tightest hole he had felt himself in. It was a very different experience from what he was familiar with - self-lubricating, not as tight, but her walls and sphincter gripped his shaft in ways that he'd never felt within the confines of an anus - and this was only on his tip!

Slowly, the vixen eased herself back, grunting with the exertion, until Teddy's dick bumped into the hard little nub at the back protecting her womb. Three inches of his member were buried within the girl, engulfed in a hot, intimate kiss the likes of which the fennec had never felt before. In that moment, buried for the first time within a pussy, he could almost understand the appeal of females.

Then Ellie started bouncing. She moved slowly at first, getting used to the feel of the fennec's shaft inside her, and testing just how deep she could comfortably take him. Once she had that down, though, she worked into a nice fast pace, working her body along those three inches she could take, her pussy relaxing as her body adjusted to the feel of that large grown-up member working inside her.

Teddy groaned, his paws roaming all over the girl's sides and chest. Gods, this was really happening! Never, NEVER, would he have guessed that his first time with a girl would be with one so young. And holy fuck, was it glorious. So warm, so snug, so--

All at once, conscious thought flashed out of the fennec's mind. Like a shotgun blast, his cock exploded inside the vixen's pussy, his first spurt easily filling the space around his member, the next few squirts leaking out around his shaft and dribbling into his lap. It was over almost as soon as it began, thought flooding back to Teddy as the burning pleasure ebbed. He'd never been one to have trouble with premature ejaculation, but given the circumstances, could he really be held liable?

Ellie was far from done, though. She giggled as she felt the adult's warm seed flooding her pussy, speeding her bouncing all through it. "Heee... do I feel good, Teddy?" she asked.

"Oh gods yes," Teddy gasped, cringing a little as he felt his member already beginning to soften. He groaned as Ellie pushed herself down harder into his groin, fighting against his body to keep his retreating member in her body.

Try as they might, though, Teddy's member slipped out of Ellie's puss and retreated into his sheath. A small flood of fennec seed poured out of the vixen's tunnel, pooling in Teddy's lap.

Ellie crossed her arms and huffed. "Aww! I wanted to feel it in me more!"

"S-sorry," Teddy said, blushing furiously as he looked down at his groin. "Umm... m-maybe I could lick you to make up for it?"

At that, the vixen immediately perked up. "Okay!" she said, and flopped down on the bed next to Teddy, opening her legs wide. "Lick me!"

Teddy hesitated a moment, then eased himself up on all fours over the vixen. "F-forward little thing, aren't you?" he said as he crawled down, his body starting to tremble as he brought his muzzle between the vixen's thighs.

"Maaaaaybeeeeee," Ellie said. She wiggled her hips, giggling as the fennec raised a paw, moving it close to her but not yet making contact. "You can touch me, ya know."

"Oh! Uh, right," Teddy said. He gulped, then slowly brought his paws in between the vixen's legs, his thumbs coming to rest on either side of her vulva, his palms pressing against her thighs. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined what it would have felt like to be touching a girl like this. He eased his fingers back and forth, feeling how her flesh responded and watching as he opened and closed her slit. He could still seem some of his seed inside her. Gods, was that hot...

Mesmerized. Captivated. That could just about describe how Teddy was feeling in that moment. With reverential grace, he lowered his muzzle, and pressed his lips to Ellie's vulva. He pressed his tongue forward between her lips, tasting himself inside her, the familiar flavor of his own seed mixed with the utterly foreign taste of a girl.

As he eased his tongue into Ellie's sex, he was surprised to find just how springy her flesh was against him. Still very tight, as he had felt around his member not too long ago, but pliant, yielding. She may have been young, but she was very much a female, her body already responding as a much more experienced vixen might. A little gasp accompanied a part of small paws gripping onto his ears, and Ellie's hips pressed upwards, the cub grinding herself against his muzzle.

"He's bigger'n your brother, right?"

Teddy nearly choked when he heard Jimmy say that. But if he thought was bad, Ellie's response took the cake.

"Well, Robbie's obviously fatter, and maybe taller, but Teddy has a bigger willie!"

The fennec lifted his head from the vixen's groin and looked up at her. "And, uh... how old is your brother?"

Ellie grinned down at Teddy and pressed her hips up against his chin. "He's eleven."

Oh, great. Here he was, a nearly twenty-five-year-old adult, and he was being compared size wise to an eleven year old! He might just have to compare heights with that boy next time they met. At least he won in the department where it counts. Despite his blush, he brought his paws to the vixen's thighs and pressed her down against the bed, her legs spread wide, and returned to his work on her pussy, his tongue exploring all around and inside the delicate folds of her sex.

As he resumed his work, Teddy felt the bed rock again. He looked up to see his vision filled with Jimmy's rump. The fox boy's butt quickly retreated towards the vixen's head. Even though Jimmy was upright straddling Ellie's shoulders, it was pretty clear to the fennec that Jimmy was getting his dick wet in Ellie's muzzle. Damn, was this vixen horny!

Just as Teddy got used to exploring the vixen's sex with his tongue, his sensitive ears picked up a familiar sound, one that sent a chill down his spine. Was that...

"Fuck," Teddy muttered, and he leapt from the bed, dashing to the window and peeking out past the curtains. "Keith's home! You two need to get out of here, now!"

Disappointed whines greeted that declaration.

"But why?" Ellie asked.

"Because if Keith finds us here like this, he'll kill me!" the fennec cried, grabbing the kits' paws and pulling them off his bed. "Sorry, but we really need to make it look like you two weren't in here!"

Ellie pulled her arm free of the fennec's grasp and ran from the room, giggling. "C'mon, Jimmy, let's go say hi to your daddy nakie!"

Teddy's jaw dropped as he watched the fleeing vixen's ass. He was so dumbfounded that he let Jimmy's arm go, and found himself forced to watch as the boy chased after the vixen, equally giggly and equally nude. There wasn't time to stop them. The fennec snatched up their clothes and ran down the hall, tossing them into Jimmy's room. He cursed the distance between the bedrooms as he heard the door from the garage opening, and ran into his room, doing his best not to slam the door shut.

"Hi, Daddy!"

Due to proximity and the fennec's naturally sharp hearing, he could hear every word as he rushed to get his pants back on.

"Hello, kits! Ho, why aren't you two wearing clothes?"

"We wanted to be nakie today!"

"Is that true, Jimmy?"

"It was mostly Ellie."

Laughter. "Now, THAT I believe. She's her mother's daughter, after all. Eh, maybe we can be more relaxed about that. I certainly didn't wear clothes much around the house growing up."

"Wow, really?!"

"Guess that's what you get growing up with ex-hippies. Where's Teddy?"

That broke the spell. Teddy threw himself back into his chair and opened up the laptop, logging in and desperately trying to look busy.

The fennec nearly had a heart attack at the expected knock on the door.

"Teddy? You in there?"

"Uh, yeah," Teddy said, reaching over and turning the knob. "How was the interview?"

Keith leaned against the door, a paw holding the knob as it swung inward. "Eh, went alright. Not entirely sure if it's the kind of company I'd like to work for, but the salary they're offering is admittedly tempting. I suppose we'll see." He pointed toward the fennec's laptop. "Any luck with your own search?"

Teddy's ears drooped as he looked back at the laptop's screen. "I keep applying everywhere I can find. No luck yet. Asked a few friends to poke around, but so far I'm coming up dry."

The red fox nodded and laid a paw on the fennec's shoulder. "Don't give up. You'll find something." He chuckled, and glanced over his shoulder. "I hope those two didn't give you too much trouble this afternoon. I saw that they'd shed their clothes."

"N-no trouble at all," Teddy said, hoping his stutter didn't tip the fox off to anything untoward.

"Reminds me of when I was their age," Keith said, chuckling and shaking his head. He leaned back against the door. "My parents and I never wore clothes at home growing up."

"R-really?" Teddy said, looking towards the fox, but unable to bring himself to look up at the older male.

Keith chuckled. "They were really big on the 'free love' thing in the '60's, and never really let it go. Hell, Ellie's parents were frequent guests of ours growing up in Rochester, and pretty much as soon as they got through the door, they'd strip down with us." He smiled, staring off into space as he took a little trip down memory lane. "I know Terry's gotten more loose about it at home. Guess it's rubbing off on Jimmy, too." The fox shrugged. "Eh, it couldn't hurt. Nudity doesn't have to be sexual, after all."

The fennec nodded. "Y-yeah... o-of course."

Keith raised an eyebrow and looked down at the fennec. "But if you're not comfortable with it, I can ask the kits to keep their clothes on around you."

"No! It's not that! It's just... umm..." Teddy stammered. He hadn't meant to sound TOO excited about having the kits naked, but now it was out there, and... oh gods.

The tension shattered as Keith burst out laughing. "Just not sure how to deal with naked kits?"

"I... guess?" the fennec said, forcing himself to look up at the red fox.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "Just treat them the way you usually do. Don't make a big deal of it." The red fox loosened his tie and took a step out. "Oh, and... you can look, but don't touch," he added as he left, his tail flicking behind him as he disappeared.

Teddy's jaw dropped. That had to be a pointed statement. But could he really just leave it there? Without even realizing it, the fennec found himself walking down the hall to Keith's bedroom. He knocked on the open door and glanced in, blushing as he saw the other adult unabashedly undressing.

Keith glanced over at the knock, nonchalantly dropping his trousers and boxers, then picking them up off the floor. "Need something, Teddy?" the fox asked.

The fennec blushed deeply, trying to look anywhere but at the nude fox before him. "Umm... well... I just..."

"What's wrong? Never seen another adult male naked before?" Keith asked, smirking at the fennec.

Teddy jumped. "N-no. I mean, well, yes, but..."

Before Teddy could put together a coherent thought, Keith crossed the room and took the fennec's paws. "Teddy. Relax. We're both adults. Come in, sit down, and talk to me. You've clearly got SOMETHING on your mind."

A fog descended over the fennec's consciousness as he was led over to the bed. He took a few deep breaths, letting it dissipate, then looked down at Keith's lap, blushing a little as his gaze fell on the older male's sheath. "N-not afraid that letting me look at your junk will turn you gay?" he quipped.

Keith laughed, throwing an arm around the fennec's shoulder and pulling him close. "I'm very secure in my sexuality, thank you very much."

Teddy chuckled a little himself, then sighed. "Where was that attitude when I was growing up?"

The fennec gasped as he felt the older male pull him closer. "Would make a lot of things easier, wouldn't it?" Keith said.

"You said it," Teddy muttered. He found himself leaning into Keith. He felt so warm...

"So, what's on your mind?" Keith said.

It took Teddy a moment to register the question. He shook his head a little, then shrugged. "Well... I guess the whole... 'look don't touch' thing?" he muttered.

Keith chuckled. "Let me be clear, then. Hugs and cuddles are fine. I think you know the places I don't want you touching," he said.

"B-but what if I'm naked and they get... curious?" Teddy asked.

"That's natural," Keith replied. "Follow the same rules: look, don't touch. Oh, and use the proper words for parts. Penises and vaginas. I'm sure you know about those, right?"

"Penises more than vaginas," Teddy said. He yipped as he realized what he said, then looked up at Keith. "I mean, uh... I didn't mean it like that or anything," he said, pulling a little away from the fox.

Keith raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. "Hey, if you're gay, that's fine. I'm not against it or anything." A few moments of silence followed. "Are you?"

Teddy could only nod. It still felt weird and a little dangerous to come out. But if Keith was at least ok with it, then...

His thoughts floated away as the other male pulled him back in. "Relax, Teddy. It's fine if you're gay. I'm not going to get offended if you want to stare at my genitals. Like I said... I'm secure in my sexuality." The red fox let out another chuckle. "You're still welcome to stay."

Teddy nodded. "Th-thanks... I guess... I guess I'm just lonely... maybe a little jealous... you at least had a partner, you've got a great kid, and I'm... I dunno... still adjusting to sleeping in a bed alone..."

"It's rough if you're used to having a partner," Keith said. "Though I must say, my bed does feel warmer without Lisa in it." Both foxes had a little chuckle at that. Then Keith stood and stretched. "Think I'll go start dinner, then. Wear as much or as little as you're comfortable with," he said as he walked to the door.

Teddy watched the older male leaving, his eyes locked on Keith's butt. Damn, that fox had a nice ass. A little chubby, but with good volume. A blush crept across his face as he thought about holding onto that ass while its owner was pounding his own rump.

The fennec's stare wasn't lost on the red fox. Keith raised his tail and gave it a little wag as he walked out the door, giving the fennec a nice clear view of his rump before he left.

What, oh what had Teddy gotten himself into?