Silver Light

Story by Sen32 on SoFurry

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A little something something I wrote for Jragonfang because he pushed me over to finally try my hand a lycanthrop story. Anyways, Fang is based off of Jragonfang's fursona, please don't kill me if I butchered your image. Ladies and gent's I present to you, another story. Warning adult content, not sutable for minors, if you don't consider yourself a minor, then by all means.

Silver Light

The moon is beautiful, yet sad. She stays alone in the star filled skies, and the closest friend being the Earth just turns his back to her. She weeps and spins, her light flickers, till eventually she disappears from the night, but loose not hope, for she returns triumphantly, and becomes full once more, her smile widens every night till she is full once more, only to fade with her tears later.

Station Helios, one of the largest colonies that orbit the earth, waiting for the ice to melt, so that we may one day return to our home planet, carries billions of people. Things weren't bad aboard the Helios. All basic needs were taken care of, plenty of space for living quarters; population control was instated so that there would be no threat of over population. All food was farmed in agricultural domes, as well as plenty of synthetic materials that were just as good if not better. Every possible normal human need was satisfied with the technology aboard. Schools were stationed for the population and took up about a quarter of the ship. New engineers and programmers were always needed, but everyone is always allowed to pursue whatever course of life they choose.

In the upper decks, near the open domes that turn to face the sun for light, the park was a regular place for those who miss the outdoors. Climate control made any weather possible. Today it was set to a warm and windy day. Fang wandered around leisurely in the park, enjoying the manmade nature the best he could. He enjoyed the nights alone, his grandfather being the station's head security officer granted him certain benefits. One of which was unrestricted access to the park at night. He loved the night air, artificial as it might be, it was the closest thing he could have while the earth still stood frozen.

"Man, what a sight," he said to himself as he stared at the moon. Her light graced everything around him as he scratched at his omnifiber suit. "Damn things can survive a nuclear holocaust, but they couldn't engineer it to be any more comfortable?" he cursed as he continued to move through the small patches of trees. He felt at home in the woods, for good reason too. He looked around, and stopped, listening for any sounds, but only the chirping of crickets could be heard. "Perfect," he said with a smile as he arched his back. Thick brown fur began to grow all over his body, as his bones rearranged. His face soon elongated to a muzzle as his teeth grew to become sharp. The night came to life more than ever as he finished his transformation. "I'll never get tired of that," he said as he felt the suit stretch to accommodate his new form. He still scratched as his crotch was a bit tight, turning always made him a bit excited. He laid back on his favorite rock as he unzipped his suit. He basked in the night's air as he let his exposed maleness throb in the open air. He gave it a good stroke before his ears picked up on something.

Instantly he was on all fours and prowled towards the sounds from afar. On the edge of the dome, a couple of freshmen wandered in as the seniors began initiation to high school. Todd, the tallest and oldest watched as the freshmen, or fresh meat, as he called them wandered in under the security gate. There were just two, but everyone knew that Todd loved to play a mean joke. "Alright kiddies, ready for the challenge?" the two freshmen nodded, and looked at each other before back to their senior.

"Okay, Lee and Kyle, I'm sorry to say, but there can only be one winner. Somewhere in the forest sector, I have hidden a bag with twenty credits and a very naughty magazine, find it and the first one to bring it to me will be worthy of skipping initiation of the rest of the senior class," so when you two chumps are ready, you can go.

"Wait...isn't there a monster that stays in the forest sector at night?" Lee asked, the quicker of the two.

"Yeah, I heard reports of it killing local fauna," Kyle said.

"Oh come on, that's just a story we make up to scare little shits like you, now you gonna get that bag, or are you going to just sit here holding each other's dicks?" he said with his arms crossed.

"Fine," Kyle said and headed off with Lee shortly behind him.

"Remember, only one of you can win," the both broke out into a sprint, while Todd went back under the fence. He couldn't believe that they both believed him that there was a bag in the woods, and even more on the fact that no freshman misses initiation.

The two wandered into the woods, blind to the low light, they stumbled and tripped over roots and slipped on moss. They split up, and wandered around aimlessly. There in the background, their stalker waited. 'What do we have here?' Fang thought to himself, as he looked over Kyle and Lee. Kyle was the larger of the two, his blond hair blinded him more as he kept sweeping it out of his eyes. Lee was a thin lad, but athletic, one of the promising track stars, he out paced Kyle as he headed deeper into the woods. "Wait up!" Kyle called out.

"Why? So you can win, I think not," Lee said and ran further ahead. Kyle stopped to catch his breath, till he heard a branch snap.

"Lee?" he said, looking around, but it was too hard to make out any shapes other than trees. "Come on man, this isn't funny," he said, his fear soon becoming visible. "Todd, I swear, you fucking jump out at me, I'm telling everyone how you kissed your sister," he said. No one answered back but the darkness. Lee had made it through the woods, and found nothing.

"This is fucking bullshit," he said before he ran back around the sector to the entrance. After discovering that Todd had left, he realized it was a wild goose chase and left as well, thinking that Kyle was gone too for being so slow. He would have called him, but Todd was strict about a no com policy. Meanwhile Kyle wandered around, lost, with no direction on how to get back out. Half scared out of his wits already; he found a rock and sat down. The werewolf watched as someone sat down on his rock. Kyle was bored and lost, so he decided this was a good time to whip it out and give himself a good stroke, rarely having anytime back at his house unit because he shared a bedroom with his sister. Fang watched as Kyle began to take off his pants next to his favorite rock. His instincts flared up and he began to growl. 'My rock!' he thought to himself, the inner voice echoing. Kyle stood up as he heard the growl, his erect cock still in his hand.

" someone there?" he said unsure of what he heard. After a brief moment, he tossed the thought away and went back to the task at hand. He was so in dept to his motions, he didn't hear the claw tips of the werewolf behind him climbing atop the rock. At that point, poor Kyle realized the moon had disappeared, and saw the beast above him. Had he not been hard, he would have pissed himself as he fell back. He tried to run, but his pants caught him along his ankles causing him to fall. The werewolf was on top of him in a blink of the eye. He tried to scream, but was quickly silenced as the wolf covered his mouth with his massive paw.

Kyle stared helplessly as the large brown wolf held him down, bearing his fangs closer and closer to his face. He shut his eyes tight as he felt the hot breath wash over his nose. His heart raced as he lay there, with a massive beast atop him, trying to get away, but the wolf's weight and grip were too much for his human strength. Fang's nose picked up on the scent of the other male, and remembered his own hardness. He grinned, flashing his fangs as he leaned down, and gently bit Kyle's shoulder, and tossed him onto his back. He stepped onto his back, making sure he wouldn't get away. Fang himself was a senior, and till now, he had never hazed a freshman, but this moment was just to perfect to give up. He leaned down and watch Kyle shiver, waiting for what was to become of him.

Fang sniffed all over, enjoying his pleasant scent. He felt Kyle squirm as his cold nose reached Kyle's bare ass, and he gave it a hot, long lick. "What...what the fuck?" Kyle said, his voice still shaking. Fang just poked his nose right up to Kyle's virgin hole before giving it a nice, wet lick. Almost instantly, Kyle stopped shivering. Fang smiled as he continued to lap, wetting his cheeks and ring thoroughly. Soon a low moan could be heard as Kyle gave into Fang's tongue, even lifting his ass slightly. His hormones racing, slowly overriding his fight or flight instincts. He folded his arms and let the wolf continue his job as he continued to lift his ass. He felt the wolf slip his tongue inside his hole, bringing new pleasure he never thought possible.

Fang smiled, and spread his prey's thighs for better access. He swirled his tongue and continued to probe inside Kyle till he pulled out suddenly. Kyle slowly turned his head, wondering what was happening, till Fang reached over and took Kyle's throbbing cock into his maw. He lapped at the head as he suckled the rest into his maw. Kyle shivered as a new pleasure began to rise. His other paw went down and began to stroke himself as he continued to suckle Kyle. He felt Kyle begin to stretch as his body locked up for climax, he continued to lick as the boy's creamy seed filled his maw. Fang licked down his treat as Kyle shudder and fell on to his stomach, spent. Now it was time for Fang's fun as he positioned himself over Kyle and let the hot tip of his lupine spear graze his entrance. Kyle breathed hard, still in the afterglow of his orgasm to notice the gentle stretching of his hole as Fang began to enter him.

Slowly and gently, Kyle's hole widen as Fang entered him. The boy bit his lip as he felt the beast above him enter him. He was big, but the salvia helped a lot as he began to work at a slow pace. When Fang hilted, he leaned forward and licked the back of Kyle's neck. He shut his eyes, and waited for what was to come, he had seen how dogs mated before, but this was nothing like the holoscreens. His pace was slow and gentle. He moved his hips as he placed his paws along Kyle's hips and raised them slightly as he pumped into him, causing Kyle to moan. Fang let out a low growl as he began to pull his hips back, working faster with each stroke. The experience was nothing he'd ever felt before. The pain of being filled soon turned into a strange sensation of pleasure as his body adjusted. The human began to relax, allowing the werewolf to go deeper with each thrust.

Fang grunted, as he felt his primal needs slipping over his mental focus, but he forced his body to continue at the pace it was now. He couldn't let his instincts take over and tie with Kyle; it would hurt him too much. He let out a half growl, half moan, as he felt his forming knot press against the human's hole with each push, but he fought off the urge to push it in all the way. He dug his claws into the soft earth as he tossed his head in praise to the moon with a triumphant howl as he pressed in with one final thrust and filled Kyle with his wolven seed. The howl led on as long as his lungs had air, till he finally laid on top of the human, spent. He nudged the boy softly, but at some point he had passed out. Fang smiled, and cleaned him up before carrying him back to his quarters.

Fang shifted back to his human form and redressed as he watched Kyle sleep in his arms. He felt a bit different in the light of the moon, as if the pale, silver light was more than just the light. As if it caressed him, and hung over his body like a soft cloak. He smiled, and looked up at the guardian of the night in all her splendor. Never once did he ever have to see her cry as she faded, for she was with him every night. Now it was his turn to be a guardian, for the moon has told him the human he carried in his hands needed him. Together, they went back to the housing stations, and Kyle would wake to the wildest dream he thought he had.

Just to let anyone reading this know, I don't have any major plans to contiue the series.